PAGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1923. Che plattsmoutblournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at i'ostofTlce. F'lattFtnouth. Neb.. a-S second-clas mill matter R . A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE J2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE HUMBLING THE HAUGHTY IMioId, the Lord, the L rd of . hosts., shall lop the houghs with ter r r; and tin high of stature . yhall be liewa down, and ihe haughty thai! he hu:iibicd. Ishih x, A THOUGHT FOR TODAY -lie more than would the slightly i . ': higher tax that would have heen nec essary to provide them. " In this matter of public finances, cutting and still further cutting of government costs must not become a fetish. The question is not so much what a government, state, or a city spends as what It receives for ita out lay. The federal government last year saved money in some places where money should have been spent. There is danger that the process will be repeated, with emphasis every where now upon cuts, irrespective of the outcome. :o: -::- Killing one bin! with four stones .? is not our idea of sportsmanship. ' Some people who sTied oceans of tears at injustice pictured in the movies do not even bat an eye when they see injustice in real life. Going through a husband's pock ets isn't so bad. but don't go thru with his bank account. :o: Of course the League of Nations may not end wars, but there is a league and there is no war. :o: Germany is fortunate in at last ob taining a chancellor who doesn't in sist that the impossible is possible. :o: After eating onions, look at the coal hill. It will take your breath 1 Just when short skirts had passed away. ,out, enabling a man to watch where So long as the world lasts there :o: he was going in traffic, the girls fell will always be that scared married man who swears on his honor that he :o: mailed the letter he still has in his Europe i.s said to be worried over for those rainbow shoes. morals more than politics have no morals. :o: Yes, we Did you know that living costs pocket, dropped two-tenths of 1 per cent be- Stronger is tne mar. wtio can cou- tween July 13 and August 15? Well, trol his own inclinations than he who we ,'idn't hear it. either. -:o: tan whip Dempsey. :o:- I -:o: Probably it makes Italy feel more The put-and-take craze is back iike a first power to have an ue put tne ncaweb ou ami indemnity claim against another power, even If the other power can't pay it. then take them off again. :o: A woman marries a man to mend his ways and finds all he wants her for is to mend his tlothes. :o : Ii would he a good idea for young. persons to g t acquainted before after all they marry, and then diminish the number of divorces. : o : Americans since the war have tak en $4'i,9fM..iMiO v.crth of art treas ure away from (I rent EritJia and be sides that have sent George Harvey there. :o: -:o:- Witli communists, monarchists and fascisti all breathing war, perhaps the Berlin government would prefer to have the French stay in the Ruhr. If Governor Walton isn't careful he will be the cause of Oklahoma go ing into the republican column next year. It might be for the best if it does occur. i :o: Bishop Gailor says that if educa tion is to be standardized, our col leges should be turned into machine shops. Aren't our colleges already making the wheels go 'round. :o:- -:n: More than 2.500.000 automobiles have been manufactured so far this Baltimore artists say that all red- year. If placed end to end they headed girls are bowlegged, and all would be almost as long as the line brunettes knockneed. Will peroxide of cars seem to be when you are try take all the kinks out of a lady's un- ing to walk across a street derstanding? -:o: Returning travelers tell us that Europe hates and despises the Unit- no vim understand that coal is en Mates. ou give anyoouy enougn ORDER OF HEARING On Petition For Appointment of Administratrix The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- .' i i it i going to be more expensive? 1 -ie ! money aim jouu mane, mm your ty, ss. ..,,rw!,-(.r sni.l -T have siusne.-fed it! mortal enemy. I In the county court. for a long time, but I don't pretend to understand." :o: Scientists are disagreed whether fossil remains found are or 12.fi0.000 years old. Before any Hows are struck, brothers, what say you to splitting the difference? o:o One writer thinks the American Bar association Is unduly alarmed over the fact, if it i.s a fact, that there are 1,500,000 radicals in this country, lie points out that all 1, 4.10,'mm' of them care to do is talk. :o: :o:- In the matter of the estate of Fred Comnlaint is made that there is T- Hesse, deceased . .i I On reading and filing the petition mu... "."h r of A Hess bovine that ad ture theatres. But perhaps those in ministration of said estate may be the audience who are guilty of it are granted to Anna M. Hesse as admin- inspired bv what they see on the istratrlx; I Ordered, that October 22nd, A. D . 1923. at 10 o'clock a. m.. is assigned :o: 'for hearing said petition, when all A Chicago clergyman supports his persons interested in said matter may wife and nine children, sending three appear at. a county court to be held ..... tt caa o in and for said county, and show . t . icause why the prayer of petitioner fun v X. n In ir nt - V 1 1 Vl Infill- 1 '-J"""' ..iw- should not be granted: and that no once with heaven to put across a mir- tice of the pendency of said petition acle like that. and the hearing tnereof be given to all persons interested in said matter , " . , . . I by publishing a copy of this order in Henry Ford is reported to have tnc rlattsmouth journal, a weekly i- i - ii I . . - Men have the hardest time tell- "-'i vtasningion nurrieuiy anu ior- i newspaper printed in said county, for it.,- tiio truth :. limit the salaries tin v gotten to pay hi3 hotel bill. It is. three successive weeks, prior to said receive or the profits they make, the ' also reported that there is a move- fish they catch and the speed with "ent on to provide against Henry which they drive their cars. We don't know anything about golf, but perhaps that should be added to the list. :o: Probably a person could become wealthv Lv inventing a set of drug ," . , t. . ... i 'cause of its widespread unpopular- store scales that not only woiiid i 1 v having to leave Washington at all. :o: THE $2 BILL TO FASS Washington dispatches announce the probable disappearance of the $2 bill from the national currency "be- weigh the patron, but also would, take his temperature, and his blood ity. The phrase indicates a curi ous state of a part of the public mind. For a long time a bill of the day of hearing. Dated September 27th. 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) ol-3wks County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 15th day of (October. A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock pressure ami an X-ray of his back,'""1"- . '. " " l""ja. m. of said day. at the aouth. door o,ti, Tn,. ,.-.nt uvp i.v- u1,,"fcn"m,nauon lnmcatea nas ueen re-or the court house In Plattsmouth in about his weight alone. ' '' hY many people as a hoodoo. .but we doubt if anybody can give a llc good reason for this fact -:o:- a I lows On the An eastern gentleman newspapers to print his picture in 0,1''r band, it can hardly be argued deadly parallel with that of Presi-.that such a piece of money comes dent Coolidgo because they are 'under the head of a republic neces "doubl.s." We do not see why one '' . It is. of course, better than should wish, to make th'; claim that;tw" $ 1 notes. he is the physical double of Calvin upon a time $2 bills were is- Coolidg". There are a great many KUC(I tne national banks. The se said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing property, to-wlt: 'The northwest quarter (NWJ) of Section fourteen, (14) In Township eleven. (11) North of Range nine. (9) east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebras ka The same bojng levied upon and taken as the property of August more handsome men out.sid' the White Hou-e just now than arc in it. : o : Have you a boy of Boy Scout a'-je? If so. he is a .scout? If not. wlwr-not? The 'i'lestion is pertinent. The whole nation is grav-ly concerned becau.-e of the extent and violence of crime. It is especially concerned because such a largo proportion of th" dere licts are n-rre youths with prospec ts v lives of crime before them. Newspapers print news, ministers deplore, judges discourse, teacher;; admonish and parents grieve, but ri;.ie goes on. :o: The bland and puissant James Hamilton Lewis is credited with an ohse;;pion for the removal of the United States supreme court from its K'lpmmn Minnie Klpmmi and Henrv its began in 18f, and was discon- Klemme, defendants, to satlsly a I judgment or said court recovered ny Fred Klemme, plaintiff against said defendants. tinued in 1S70, when specie pay ments were resumed, along with the bank.-;' 51 notes. At the date of dis continuance, $6. Odo, 000 in brand ! A- D- 1923 new notes of these denominations were destroyed. When the 2 bill shall follow the 2-eent piece, the 3-cent piece, and the 20-cent piece into final misuse, it will be nobody's and the gain will be Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September C. D. QUINTON. Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. C. A. RAWLS. Att'y. SHERIFF'S SALE to the collectors of rare and obsolete ss State of Nebraska, County of Cass, -:o: COSTLY CUTS present moorings. He insists that there is nothing to prevent the loea- they have submitted, but the bureau money. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me dirpeted. I will on the 15th dav of ium.;. i uirecior ioni, according to October, A. D. 1923. at 10 o'clock a. Washington reports, is determined to m. of said day, at the south door of reduce federal government expendi- the court ouse in Plattsmouth in f, ,i . r. , , isaid countv, sell at public auction ture for the next fiscal year to 3.-'to tho highest bldder for cash the Divisional chiefs will following property, to-wit: have a chance to defend the estimates Lots nine, (9) ten (10) and eleven. (11) in Block three. (3) in Duke's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne- braska- tion of the judicial capital in the is still convinced that economies well heart of the country andhe thinks beyond those effected since its estab- the hizh court would function with : lishment, can be made without the The same being levied upon and fervor and impartiality if it- were serious curtailment of any important taken as the property of Roy Taylor nour CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a chattel mortgage, dated the 13th day of December. 1922, and duly filed In the office of the County Clerk of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 2nd day of January, 1923, at 9:20 o'clock a. m., and executed by L. C. Sharp Manufacturing Company, by L. C. Sharp, to secure the pay ment of the sum of $6,500.00, and upon which there is now due the sum Of 16.250.00 with rnterest at the rate of 8 per annum from the 13th day of December, 1922, to The First Na tional Bank, of Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, -the mortgagors and Howard Ken nedy, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of L. C. Sharp all being in default, and default having been made in the payment of said sum. and no suit or other proceedings at lav having been instituted to recover said debt, or any part thereof. There fore said mortgagee will sell the prop erty described In said mortgage, to- wit: One 32"xl3-foot Fifield Eng. lathe; one 15"x5-foot American lathe; one 34-inch column drill; one 10-inch friction drill; one Barnes ball bear Ing drill; one 20-inch plain drill prers; one high speed bench drill; one No. 2 Kempsmith milling ma chine; one Chopie key sea ter; one Bcker key seater, "oo"; one New Haven planer, 27x7-foot; one New Haven planer, 18"x6-foot; seven ma chinists' vises; one Whltton gear cut ter; two emery wheels and stands; three 5 h. p. electric motors; one 1 h. p. electric motor; one 2 h. p. elec tric motor; one 12-inch electric fan; one Marcel racksaw (power); miscel laneous assortment of reamers, cut ters, taps, dies, electric drills, grind ers and small tools; one 500-Ib. scale; benches, shelving, etc.; blacksmith equipment; 1-ton chain, fall n-J tackle; shafting, pullics; belting, etc.: office equipment; foundry equipment, cupop. crane, flasks, blow ers, ovens; patterns for gas engine; 20 tons Albany sand; one portable wood saw outfit; one H. C. Barr, 4 spindle drill; one engine lathe, 10"x 4-root; one small speed lathe; one watchmaker's bench lathe; one small tapping machine; one iron leveling bench; one Adams Farwell gear bobber; one 16-inch Smith mill shap- er; one Weaver straightening press; one Champion Too! Works lathe; one 16"x5-foot Hamilton lathe; one 16 xe-foot Am. Tool Works lathe; one Yankee combination drill grind er; one Ncy 18-inch disc grinder; one Rockford milling machirfe No. 0; steam heating equipment; one Schus ter gate cutter; one Sharp can head er; one Chicago Stewart combination gas furnace; three ceiling fans; one Stewart cyaniding furnace and blow er; two 24-Inch Sibley floor drills, sq. base; one revolving screw rack; one platform scale; one No. 4 Am. Can Co. punch press; one 27-inch Wolcott belt shafting shaper; one 24-inch Sta. head Sibley drill press one Albany high speed tool drill and Fix.; one 3x36 Jones and Lamson turret lathe and Eq.; one 2x36 Jones and Lamson turret lathe and Ec.; one shaper, Ohio; one double spindle McCngue lathe; one planer; one worm milling machine; safety cranks equipment. Jigs, etc.; safety cranks. 500 in number; patterns at Paxton & Vierling; two drill press tapping checks; one large tapping machine; one gas engine; drafting equipment and personal tools exempt. One No. 2 forage extension mill grinder complete with motor, 25 h one Peterson rotary mixer; cue No. 1 Jorgensen grinder; one Draver feeder: one motor on packer, 15 h. office fixtures, except drafting instruments; one hay fork complete. including motor. 5 h. p.; one floor truck; one motor, 5 h. p.; one sack holder; one Howe packer; one scales. 500 lb.; one wood sawing outfit with power, IVz h. p.; hay and milled ma terial on hand; three stoves; one 30- inch exhauster; one 40-inch exhaust er; one uowshere grinder ro. 4; small personal tools exempt; one Underwood typewriter At public auction at the Machine Shop and Alfalfa Mill of the said L C. Sharp Manufacturing Company, and L. C. Sharp in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the 10th day of October, 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of said day. Dated at Plattsmouth. in Cass county, Nebraska, this 20th day of September, 1923. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Plattsmouth, Nebraska Mortgagee. G. COLE, Att'y. ORDER OF HEARING AND NO- I NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the District Court of Cass coun- NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the v. trict Court of Cass countv, Nebraska entered the 12th day of September! 1923, the undersigned will receive bids until 10:00 o'clock a. m. October 20th, 1923, on the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: The north half (N'i) of the northeast quarter (XK'i) of Section fifteen, (15) Township twenty-eight, (28) Raiue twen ty, (20) in the County of Xtu sho, State of Kansas. A certified check for ten uu i r In the County Court of Cass coun- ty, Nebraska, ty, Nebraska. . j John M. Kaffenberger, Plaintiff, vs. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, White et al, Defendants. ss. To the defendants White, To all persons interested in the real name unknown, husband of Sar estate of Anton Nitka. deceased: ah T. White; Shephard Fales; Mrs. On reading the petition of Bertha 1 Shephard Fales, real name unknown; M. Schulof. praying that the instru- j Israel G. Hamman; Mrs. Israel G. ment filed in this court on the 19th Hamman, real name unknown; An- day of September, 1923, and pur- thony oll; Mrs. Anthony Voll, real porting to be the last will and tes-iname unknown; the heirs, devisees, tament of the said deceased, may be legatees, personal representatives and nrntrnrl o t all nirail o vwl YTrrv oc fill ntfnc! Tnytrr a i ni'm- -.! it. . ' the last will and testament of Anton estates of White, real name price to accompany bid s'V''i''-1 t Nitka, deceased; that said instrument unknown. husband of Sarah T. to the aDDrov.l of t in. -, ,,'t "i i" . be admitted to probate, and the ad- White; Shephard Fales; Mrs. Shep- being sold subject to le-.s 4''!' ministration of said estate be grant- hard Fales, real name unknown; Is- tr-ct bpino- mon nni,.1,.',! i ' '" ed to E. II. Schulof as Administrator, rael G. Hamman; Mrs. Israel G. land farm with the will annexed; j Hamman, real name unknown; An-j ' JOHN F GORDKIt It is hereby ordered that you, and,thony Voll; Mrs. Anthony Voll, each ' Receiver of the firm of F (' n all persons interested in said matter, deceased, real names unknown; and! & Son Plattsmouth V-l r ' ' may, and do, appear at the County, all persons having or claiming any j ' ' l'J asKa- Court to be held in and for said coun-! inters! in the east half (Ky2) of ty, on the 17th day Of October. A. j the northwest quarter (XW'i) and! SHERIFF'S SALE D. 1923. at 9 o'clock a. m., to show , the northwest quarter (NW4) of j ; cause, if any there be, why the pray- the northeast quarter (NEU ) of Sec- j State of Nebraska, County of Cass, er of the petitioner should not be tion fifteen, (15) Township twelve, ss. granted, and that notice of the pen-; (12) North Range twelve, (12) east By virtue of an execution iiw.i dency of said petition and that the of the 6th P. M., in the County of by James Robertson, clerk of the dis hearing thereof be given to all per- Cass, Nebraska, real names un- triot court, within and for f'a-s emm- sons interested in said matter by known: ty. Nebraska, and to mo riir.r?..,i t publishing a copy of this Order in! You and each of you are hereby will on the 8th dav of October A I ) the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-' notified that John M. Kaffenberger. 1923. at 10 o'clock" A. M of . J weekly newspaper printed in said as plaintiff, filed a petition and com- at the south door of the court Imns.' county, for three successive weeks menced ftn action in the District in Plattsmouth in said countv prior to said day of hearing. j Court of Ckss county, Nebraska, on at public auction to the hi "best bi,i. Witness my hand and seal of said the 21st day of April. 1923. against der for cash the following "r,.i.. Court, this 19th day of Saptember, you and each of you, the object, pur- to-wit: A. it. lyjj. jpof,e and prayer of which is to obtain ALLEN J. BEESON, !a decree of court quieting the title (Sea!) County Judge. ' to all of s20-3w. CIIAS. E. MARTIN, Attorney. ,1 The east half (EH) of the northwest quarter (XW'y ) and the northwest quarter (NW'.i) of the northeast quarter (NE'i ) cf Section fifteen, (15) Town ship twelve (12) North, Range twelve, (12) east of the 6th P. M.. in the County of Cass, Ne braska- East twenty (20) acres of the west half (W1) of the South east quarter (SE1-1) of Sec tion 24, Township eleven til) North, Range thirteen (13), East of the Cth P. M., Cass coun ty, Nebraska The same being levied and taken as the property of Joseph H. Hall and Jessie W. Hall, defendants, to satisfy a judgment or said court recovered ORDER TO SHO W CAUSE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of George Hanson, deceased. This caur-e came on for hearing aa atrainst von and onrli nf vmi n.i ,;' Plattsmouth State bank, plaintiff upon the petition cf Thomas Hanson for sneh other rf r."0 t-t against said defendants. and Henry Hanson. Executor3 of the an,i enuitablp Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September will and estate of George Hanson, j Von nd ot, r.r ara f.,vi,r 1. A. D. H'23. deceased, praying for a license to sell,1 notified that vou are required to an- c- T)- QUINTON. swer said petition on or before Mon- Sheriff of (-;;s County, (lav. the 2flt!i il.iv of flrtnhpr io:m Nebraska. 'or'the allegations therein contained w- A- "bcrtson. Attorney. will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favor of plamtiff SHERIFF'S SALE and against you and each of you ac- cording to the prayer of said peti- state of Nebraska. Countv of Cass. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an Order of Sale issued to me by the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 26th day of Sep tember. 1923, in an action pending in raid court in which Charles M. McQuin and Lydia A. McQuin, hus band and wife, are plaintiffs and Del- la E. Anderson, a single woman, and Thomas J. McQuin and Adelia Mc Quin, husband and wife, are defend ants, I will on Saturday, the 3rd day of November. A. D. 1923, at ten (10) 'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the south front door of the court house of Cass county, .Nebraska, of fer for sale, at public vendue to the highest bidder, the following describ ed real estato situated in the County of Cass, and State of Nebraska, to- wit: All that part of the northwest quarter (NW'iJ of Section thirty-one. (31) in Township ten (10) North of Range fourteen, (14) East of the 6th Principal Meridian, Cass county, Nebras ka that lies south of the Weep ing Water Creek The terms of said sale being one tenth cash on the day of sale and the balance of the purchase price on the day said sale is confirmed by the Dis trict Court of Ca3S county, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open for one the East half (E) of the north east quarter (NE'4) and the west half (W' of the north west quarter I.WV'j ) in Section thirty-two; (32) and the east half (EVs.) of the southwest quarter (SW'i ) in Section twenty-nine, (29) all in Township eleven (11) North. Range nine, (9) in Cass county, Nebraska or a sufficient amount thereof to bring the sum of 18,350.00 for the payment of debts allowed against said estate and the costs of administra tion, there not being sufficient per sonal property to pay said debts and expenses and cash devises under the will. It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in said estate appear before me at the District Court room at the court house in the City of Plattsmouth on the 10th day of the month of November, 1923, at ten o'clock a. m., to show cause whv li- tion. Dated this 15th dav of September, A. I). 1923. JOHN M. KAFFENBERGER. Plaintiff. V.'. G. KIECK. Attorney for Plaintiff. By virtue of an Order of S.ib- is sued by James Robertson, Clerk f the District Court, within and for Cass Count-. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 15th dav of October, A. D. 1323. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court hou-e in Plattsmouth in said county, sell at public auction to The State of Nebraska. Cass coun- The north seventy (70) feet NOTICE TO CREDITORS ty, ss In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Edna Cunningham, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will of Lots one. (1) two (2) and three, (3) In Block four, (4) in White's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne sit at the County Court room in cense should not be granted to said j Plattsmouth, in said county, on the The same being levied upon and executors to sell said real estate ofil"th day of October, 1923. and on taken as the property of Jacob P. said deceaped or as much thereof as'the of January, 1924, at Falter and Mary Falter, his wife; 10:00 o'clock a. m. of each cf said Merchants National Bank, of Omaha days, to receive and examine all Nebraska; Isabel Wiles; Teresa Hem claims against said estate, with a Pie and Rosina Timnias. defendants, view to their adjustment and allow- to satisfy a Judgment of said Court a nee. The time limited for the pre- recovered by The Livingston Loan sentation of claims against said es- and Building Association, plaintiff tate is three months from the 17th against said defendants, day of October. A. D. 1923. and the Plattsmouth, Nebraska. September NOTICE OF SUIT time limited for pavment of debts is 1. A. I). 1923. In the District Court of Cass coun- one year from said 17th day of Oc-I C. D. QUINTON, ty, Nebraska. tober. 1923. I Sheriff Cass County, Florence M. Allen, Plaintiff, vs. j Witness mv hand and the seal of Nebraska. Oran S. Thompson et al. Defendants, said County Court, this 17th day of A. L. TIDD, Att'y. may be desired to pay the debts and expenses and said devises. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 17th day of September, 1923. JAMES T. BEG LEV, Judge of District Court. s20-4w. App. Dock. 1, Page 314. No. 7479 To the defendants Oran S. Thomp son: Rebecca B. Thompson; Joseph McCreary; Henry A. Newcomer; Mary Newcomer; Washington Deck- si 7-4 w ins; Washington M. Dickens; Sarah M. Dickens: William Stadelmann; Martha J. Stadelmann; A. H. Hager, real name unknown; and the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons interest ed in the several estates of A. H. Hager, real name unknown, deceas ed; Oran S. Thompson, deceased; Jo seph McCreary, deceased; Henry A. Newcomer, deceased: Washington Deckins, deceased; Washington M September, 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) County Judge. C. E. MARTIN. Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Christian Gurr, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will cit at the County Court room in NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. Tii tlie matter of the estate of Sarah Ann Hoham, deceased. (Plattsmouth in said county, on the To the creditors of said estate: 5th la-v of October. A. D. 1923, and You are hereby notified that I will on the 5th dav of January. A. D. sit at the County Court room in 1924, at the hour of ten o'clock a. T'lnttsmnntli in r,i cm: nt v. on the - of each day, to receive and ex- - William Gto ,lcl I 1 7 1, .loi. nf Octnlior 1 Q 1 3 an,l nn tllo amine ail Claims againSl SdlU I'MUie. mann. deceased; Martha J. Stadel- ISth dav of January, 1924, at 10:00 Mlth a v,cw th.eir adjustment ami mann, deceased, real names un- o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive allowance. The time limited for tin known, and all persons having orland examine all claims against said presentation of claims against said claiming any interest in or to Lots' estate, with a view to their adjust- e-siate is inree monuis irorn me - a 9 .inil IllncL- 9 in Rtjirtplmnnn's TiiF-nt unit allowance The time limit- "l uul -v- 1 ' ""' "- cd for the presentation of claims tinl limited for payment of debts is against said estate is three months one year from said 5th day of Octo- from the 17th day of October, A. I). , bc'r- 1 JJo- , , , . uvq on,i th. timo H.nito,! f,- Witness my hand and the seal of notified that on the 10th day of ment of debts is one yerr from said ai, ounty ourt. this c.j oi Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Nebraska, real names unknown : You and each of you ' are hereby si 7-4 w. far outside of the environment of the national capital and New York. Pre sumably the former senator would have the court in Chicago, where hi- could exchange greetings with the jurticcs every morning, but there are sorre-ho told that the Chicago in- and Gertrude Taylor, his wife, and Martha E. Seiver, defendants, to sat isfy a judgment of said Court re covered by The Livingston Loan and every judiciou.i cut in public expen- j , 3aa"on. phmumu -s-m- ii. r ...... st ""-'d defendants. diture that can be effected but the plattsmouth. Nebraska. September public recall?, last year's breakdown 1. A. D. 1923. branch of the public service. The public everywhere wants gen uine economy. It will stand behind in the postal service and in the cus- fluenre would be worse than that of toms service, and curtailments else- the national capital. where which actually exist the pub- a,. L. TIDD, Att'y. C. D. QUINTON, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. AUBREY H. DUXBURY, Referee. A. G. COLE, Att'y. s27-sw til n3 HOGS FOE SALE Big type Poland-China boars for sals. All immuned. C. L. Mayabb. ilihoue 3713, Plattsmouth. sl3-3wks, d&w b17-4w September, 1923. the plaintiff in the foregoing entitled cause, filed her petition in the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, wherein you and each of you are made parties defend-1 ant, for the purpose of obtaining a, (Sea!) decree from said Court, quieting the record title in plaintiff to the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Lots numbered two (2) and three, (3) in Block two, (2) in Stadelmann's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Nebraska, as against j-ou and each of you and by such decree to wholly exclude you and each of you from all estate, right, title, claim, lien or interest therein, and to have a certain mortgage made by the defendants, Oran S. Thomp son and Rebecca B. Thompson to the defendant, Joseph McCreary, in the! sum of $280.00, recorded Book A, page 257, and another mortgage, made by one Rebecca D. Short to the defendant A. H. Hager, real name unknown, in the sum of $135.00, re corded Book 28. page 89, all of the 17th rlav r.f 1 0 . ? Bepiernoer, Witness mv hand 'and the seal of , , ALLEN J I Kl0O.., said County Court this 17th day of (Sl'al s6-4w. ( ounty Judge. September, 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON. Countv Judge. C. E. MARTIN, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator ! The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- Attorney. ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the of Au gusta Gurr, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- F,t at the County Court room in ty, ss. j Plattsmouth, in said county, on the In the County Court. f,th day of October, A. D. 192.:. and In the matter of the estate of ,,n tfm 5th day of January, A. D. Emilie Engelkemeier, deceased. 1924. at ten o'clock in the forenoon On reading and filing the petition uf each day, to receive and examine of Pauline E. Kroeger, praying that ai claims against said e:;tate, with a administration of said estate may be vitw to their adjustment and allow jyranted to Henry A. Schneider, as mice. The time limited for the pro Administrator; sentation of claims against said t-s- Ordered, that October 8th, A. D. tate is three months from the 5th day 1923, at ten o'clock a. m., is assigncdvof October, A. D. 1923, and the time for hearing said petition, when all limited for payment of debts is one persons interested in said matter may year from said 5th day of October, annrar at a fount v Court to be held 1S23. mortsratro records of salrl countv. de-!in and for said county, ana snow, witness my Hand ant tnc seai oi creed to have been paid, satisfied and' cause why the prayer of petitioner said County Court, this 4 tii day of cancelled of record and the"title to!should not be granted, and that no- September, 1923. Rairi nrmkps forever freed from the'tice of the pendency of said petition, ALLEN J. BEESON, apparent claims oi me ueienaanis anu me - -' i ,jh. all persons lniereaieu in saiu County Judge. nd quieted in plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 5th day of November. 1923, or your default will be entered in said cause and u decree granted as prayed for in said peti tion. Date: September 15th. 1923. FLORENCE M. ALLEN. Plaintiff. By JOHN M. LEYDA. Her Attorney. by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a 35 years Experience Office Coates Block legal W-v -I-wv nsii'cn'iniir nrintoil in Raid COlintV. for . i I1W f -.--- - - ' ! 9 three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. f Dated this 14th day or bepteniDer, A D 1 9 2 3 . " ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. JOHN M LEYDA, Attorney for Estate. r 4- DR. C. A.. MARSHALL Dentist f