The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 13, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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faqs nra
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially tor the Journal Readers
tf my at b nmAtrm of tbo
Joerntl knoir of W aocUJ
Brent or Item of Interest In
thim Tlclnity. a.nd wlH vwl1
vie to this office. It will -appear
under this bealu. We
went U newi lfceajo Rwtok
Weeping Water, September 26th, 27th, 28th
"The fellow rho waits for the right
time to start, never gets started."
An Idle Mind is a Devil9 s
An idle dollar will soon learn bad
habits, too- He begins to dissipate
and the . first thing you know he's
Old dollar had just as well be working
as any other member of the family
who is able to earn something and
everything your dollar earns is clear
profit, because there are no expenses
for him to pay.
Bring him in we'll give him a job.
He will earn something for you every
Murray State Bank
-:- -:- NEBRASKA
Murdock, were visiting last Tuesday
at the home of the former's mother,
Mrs. Myra McDonald and Also at the
home of Mrs. McDonald's parents, J.
R. Kelly and wife, of Plattemouth.
H. G. Todd shipped a car of hogs
and also pent a truck load as the car
would not hold all the shipment he
was offering. The hogs are ell of
the famous Hampshire etrain and ex
cellent animals, -which should top the
The new-Urm owning and operat
ing the Jirmber yard and elevator at
Alvo, will have the business man
aged by Mr. John Banning, who has
had much experience in both lines
and will make an excellent man for
the position.
George E. Nickles was a visitor at
Alvo last Wednesdaywhere he went
will cater to home and foreign con
sumption. ;
Mr. Frank Allen, who years ago
made his home in Murray and for
some three years worked for Dr. B.
P. Brendel and who has been making
his home for the past twenty years
at and near Oshkosh, arrived last
Saturday and visited, over Sunday;
with friends here and on Monday
went to Union where he engaged i
with Mr. E. E. Leach, where he will ;
work on the farm. Mr. Allen has;
but a short time since suffered the
loss of his wife, they -having lived,
happily together for over twenty-,
five years. . I
A. D. Bakke and wife, with their
little daughter, who have been tour-'
ing the west for the past two weeks, ?
arrived home last Sunday evening
to assist in taking etock in the lum-jand report having an excellent time
ber yard and elevator which has while away. They first went from
S. Y. Smith of near Union was a
caller in Murray last Tuesday after
; noon to do some shopping.
Mrs. Phillip Lambert has been vis
iting for some time past at the home
of her sister at Council Bluffs. .
Earl Lancaster and wife were look
ing after some shopping in. the coun
ty seat .ktatWXuesday afternoon.
Oscar Nailor was a visitor at Union
last Tuesday, where he was attend
ing the', sale held by Mrs. Rachel
Dr. J. H. Hall of Plattsmouth was
looking after some business matters
ia Murray last Tuesday and returned
home via the bus.
James Rishel and family were vis
iting in Murray last Tuesday even
ing as well as looking after some
business matters as well.
S. A. Wiles, of Plattsmouth, was a
been the property of th Nels So
gard estate, and which was purchased
a few da3s ago by W. B. Banning.
Mrs. E. L. Stein er. who with her
daughter, Miss Mildred, have been
visiting in Mnrray and vicinity for
some time past, departed a short time
since for their home in Oklahoma
City, after having had an excellent
visit with relatives and friends here.
Alfred Gansmer and wife, accom
panied by their son, Lester, were do
ing Omaha last Saturday, where they
had an examination by an eye spec
ialist made of Master Lester's eyes,
and also Mr. Gansmer was looking
after some matters relative to the
Farmer's elevator here.
Guy Wiles and Roy Howard were
looking after some business matters
in Iowa last Tuesday, driving to
Plattsmouth, where they crossed the
river, and after spending the day
there, they returned In the evening
with the matters which they were
looking after attended to.
Thomas Woods who has been with
the Murray garage, has accepted a
position with the H. M. Soennichsen
company store at Murray beginning
hi3 work with this institution on last
Tuesday. Mr. Woods should make a
good roan for the position, as he is
a hustler and a maker of friends.
Mrs. Jennie Jenkins and son Al
bert were visiting for the past week
at the home of Mr. Earl Jenkins and
family at Lyons, where they had a
very pleasant visit and returned home
last Sunday evening and were ac
comDanied by Mrs. John Sporrer, a
here to Estes park and after a stay
there went to Denver and later to
Colorado Springs, where they spent
svme time and returned home via
Kansas and stopped for a short time
at Norton. They were very much
impressed with Norton and liked the
town very much. While on their way
out they met Mr. W.'E. Rosencrans
at Culbertson, where he was staying
at that time. j
Last Wednesday Mrs. Grace Mel
linger and son and daughter, who
have been spending the summer at
the home of her mother, Mrs. Myra
McDonald, while Mr. Mellinger was
with the Chautauqua circuit, depart
ed for Chico, California, where Rev.'
Mellinger has accepted a call to the
ministry. This is a considerable town,
and the church which the Rev. Mel-,
, i I - A . r-. Is 1n.nrA nna
linger ib lu in i ii ittr i tu 10 v 1015c vu-. - m
There are excellent schools at this 1
place, where the children will attend,
making it most convenient. Mrs. Mc
Donald went with the folks at the;H. Englekemeier, where they sere
time of their departure as far as naded the newly married couple,
Omaha and then attended the state j formerly Miss Elvina Englekemeier,
fair at Lincoln, returning via Mur-. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. En
dock, where she visited for a short j glekemeier, and Mr. Eddie Meising
time at the home of her son, Oscar -er, of near Mynard. A most pleasant
E. McDonald, before returning home, time was enjoyed by the serenaders,
Jas well as by the wedding party.
: Congratulations and well wishes were
'extended by the party upon their
All Exhibits Open.
Good Health
Farm Sewing Clubs.
Baseball Game.
All Exhibits Open.
Judging All
Pig Club Judging.
Base Ball Game.
All Exhibits Open.
The Annual
Business Meeting.
Live Stock, School
Floats Parade.
Foot Ball Weeping
Water vs. Plattt mouth
Friday is Plattsmouth Day. Plattsmouth will move
to Weeping Water for the Day,
Plan to Attend the County
Hazel McO wen Shows! Band Concerts!
Progressive Educational Social
were visiting with friends in Omaha
last Saturday and also Mr. Boedeker
-qo IrtrtL-lncr n ft or 1m e i n PRC ft c VL'P 11
J. J. Toman and .Lee Nickles were '. sister of Mrs. Jenkins who will visit
shelling and delivering corn at the here for a time.
Farmers elevator last Monday and' Herman Gansmer and wife and
Tuesdav. having over 2,000 bushels. Adam Scaafer and mother, Mrs. Mary
Mr. W. G. Boedeker of the Murray. Scfer vcre in attendance on last
State Bank, was clerking at- the Sunday at a family reunion of -the
sale which was held by Mrs. Rachel j Rogers family and relatives, which
Boardman last Tuesday near Union, was held at Sprague. The Rogers
to t it not,!,.!) o.!,,, h hMn family were formerly residents of
visiting for the past ten days at the th s locality and moved to J' ton wl a gupper t the cnurch
home of her daughter. Mrs. E. J. ent locauyu a uumuer tu jears agu
Wasson. at Kavelock, returned home Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Leonard en
last Pundav eveninsr. Itertained a few of their relatives
Foreign Missions Institute
Mr a oTnAAttn r a OTPS t frpa t fT
the afternoon and evening of Friday, i leaving
September 28th. Three missionaries!
will be present at the United Pres-
bvterian church on that occasion
Rpt. Ravmond L. Edie. Of the Sudan: 4
Miss Jeanette L. McCrory of Egypt, niiles south of Murray, one long
and Miss Hazel Bennett of India ' yearling steer. Owner can have same
will be the principal speakers at by paying expenses incurred in his
both sessions. All are cordially in-: keep and for the advertising and
vit?d to come and get acquainted i proving ownership. After thirty days
with theFe missionaries and hear;troni date nereoi, 11. not ciaimea e-
Steer Taken Up
Taken tin on mv farm as a stray.
V v j iu 111.0 w auu 1 tv vr uuu
what they have to aayi
j' -.
Supper at Lewiston: Church
The Ladies Aid socitty of Lewis-
fcre, this animak wilL. hue, advertised
and sold according to law..
Dated this 13th day. of September,
A. D. 1823.
on Friday evening. September 21st.
serving to start at 5:45 and continue
until all are served. 'Better make
slE-5t in M.
Murray, Nebr.
Chester Shrader came down from.! and friends at dinner Sunday. Those nlans to he- there as there will
Omaha to spend the week end with j present to enjoy the occasion were De many &OQ(j things to eat. The
his erandnarents. Mr. and Mrs. Hen- Mr. George Leonard and Mr. Frank ' f .Tn be served: Fried
ry Long and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Taggert, of Holbrook, Nebraska. Mr. j ChiCken. beef loaf, mashed potatoes.'
Advertite your want.
050 -
Old Ben coal, $9 per ton.
We have at this time a number of cars of western
coal in transit, to arrive in a short time. This will sell at
$9.25 per ton.
To be sure of your coal, leave your orders with
Tus- Call phone No. 1. - J . -
Banning & Nickles,
Mrs. George Nickles.-
Charles Hitt has
Chester Shrader, of Omaha, Mrs. Hen-
been hauling ry Long, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Leon-
visitor in Murray last Tuesday, driv- sand from Plattsmouth to the farm ard and Mr. and Mrs. George Nickles.
matters for a short time. for the stock which ne ana Mr. foi
Mrs. P. M. Amich was a visitor lock are feeding for the market.
and was also looking after some bus
iness in Omaha last Monday, making
the trip via the bus line.
County Commissioner C. F. Har
ris was looking after some business
matters in Murray one day last
week and also west of town. t
E. L. Peterson was looking after
some business matters in Plattsmouth
last Tuesday afternoon, driving over
to the county seat in his auto.
V. G. Boedeker and the family
Charles' Mutz and wife were en
joying a visit last Sunday with rel
atives in Omaha and while there, Mr.
Mutz enjoyed the ball game as well.
They made the trip in their car,
visitor in Murray last Tuesday, hav
ing with him a Sunolite oil heater,
which he was demonstrating at the
drug store, and many of the people
of Murray were interested in the
demonstration. Mr. Lyle formerly
lived in Murray when his mother was
ci vm firmer, daughter of ! manager of the telephone office at
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gansmer departed!" place.
on last Monday for Lincoln, where! Z. W. Shrader, of Nehawka, and
she enters the state university, her Joseph Shrader, of between here and
second year, she having attended theUhat town, were in Mufray on last
same school last year. Tuesday, while on their return from
Oscar E. McDonald and wire, ol Omaha, wnere tney Had been to pur-
baked beans, cold slaw, pickles, bread
and butter, jellies, pie and coffee
all for 35 cents.
Will Raise Chickens
J. A. Scotten. the contractor, and
Fred A. Hild are building a large
chicken house for Mrs. Irene Bengen,
which she will use for the hatching
and raising of chickens in the. future.
She also purchased a large incubator
with a capacity of 2,600 eggs which
should in the course of a season hatch
a large number of chickens.
Red raspberries in syrup, per can $ .25
Palm Olive or.Creme Oil soap, 3 bars for .25
Blue Bell corn flakes, 2 pkgs. for 25
Monarch or Van Camps pork and beans, 2 for. . .25
Cocoa, per lb -10
Pink tip matches, per box 05
Tomatoes, 30-oz. size, 2 cans for 35
4 lbs. . Peaberry coffee for 1.00
Alamo brand macaroni or spaghetti, six for .25
1 1 pounds granulated sugar for 1.00
Horse Shoe tobacco, Saturday only, per lb 75
Certo, 3 bottles for 1.00
Assorted cookies, per lb.. . . 30
Corn starch, I -lb. pkg., 3 for 25
Good Luck jar rubbers, 3 dozen for 25
Peas, 2 cans for 35
Corn, 2 cans for 25
10-lb. pail Butter Nut coffee 3.98
Yellow free peaches, per can .25
Loganberries, 3 cans for 1.00
H. M. Soennichsen & Co.
Telephone No.12
Murray, Nebraska
Depart for Texas j
Messrs Glen and Russell Perry,
with a Ford truck, on last Monday
the receipts were very liberal they parted for Harlinger, Texas, where
did noTSe a purlaL the priced r. Russell will make his home for
were not just what they desired, the 7? f er
They will make another trip in the Irrr n L
near future. I?:nich, Glen,PirrIfceV,? ?-Ur;
On account of the weather getting
cooler the swimming pool at the
1 Murray beach has been closed for the
season. The proprietors of the en-;
jterprise enjoyed a very satisfactory .W,UIU14'1U'
i CAourn of toi tho Anoninir nflii . thai
first of July. They expect to buiidj Serenade Their Friends
another house for the storage of ice, A bunch of Murray people, friends
as they will not be able to supply of the contracting parties, made up
the demand with their present stor- a merry party of serenaders which
age facilities, as in the future they j went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
chased there. Glen Perry will in a
short time return here, after having
visited there and looked after the
business which called him to the
Formers' Elevator Goal Prices!
We have a car of Orient lump coal, the highly ad
vertisea Franklin county, Illinois, coal, now on the way.
This will arrive soon and will sell from the car at
Watch This Space for Our Ad Next Week
Phone Your Orders to
Office phone 19 Residence phone ..51
Farmers' Elevator Company
A. Gansemer, Manager
iotulo-Pay tta Csd
U l A Bui vittB of trmtm
at tfcat
OUaraform. Sthar or othmr caral nwrwtt
A mm pwutMt ta nn acevptM for treatment. nd ao oir
mtH omr4. Writ for book on Botl rHH . witb satcoa as4 tMdMHMl
tha remtnest prai who aro - no iwrmtMnlir Td.
Wall Paper at 39c per room of S Double Rolls and
19 Yards of Border
Bed Room, Kitohcn and Living Hcoa,
up to the highest grade of artistic art. Bundled up to room lots of
different sizes. Ceilings and walls and always enough border, also
some rooms without ceilings. Artistic line of borders ancT binders,
almost for a "give away."
Moire ceilings . . . 13c per double roll
Ingrain wall 15c per double roll
Oatmeals . . 18c per double roll
Varnished tiles 40c per double roll
Everything, including ladders and tools, will go at a sacrifice
Only high grade standard goods and the
kind we are using on our jobs.
tTJfiito Enamel Superior Quality
Automobile, Truck, Tractor and Wagon Enamels also
excellent for porch and lawn furniture.
AO Sizes up to 40x58.
Prices way down. For example, 24x36, delivered free. .$1.32
Come Early to Have a Good Choice Wednesday
September 12tb, 1923, at the