MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1923. PAGE ffTTO pjTTSSIQUTH SESa-WEEKLY JOTJBNiUt. Poultry Wanted! THOMPSON IS TALKED ABOUT Hay B a Candida For Governor- Gossipert Say Morehead. At pires to U. S. Senate. Another stirring of the waters of, democratic state politics brings to the top the information that an ambi tion to be governor of Nebraska ha3 lately lodged in the bosom of W. H. Thompson of Grand Island. Mr. Thompson is now national commit teeman and also a member of the state capitol commission. He Is in better health than In years and has much more leisure now than when he WEDNESDAY, AUG. 29TH Z"u SioT.'g 1 proIe3S"M" ri .1 Mk,.L-. I Mr. Thompson naa oeen one 01 m rlattamoutn, PieDraSl. nrvan lieutenants for years, his am bitions to be senator having early clashed with those of Hitchcock. If he starts after the governorship It will be notice to the world that Gov ernor Bryan is after what everybody thinks he wants, the senatorship. The settled political opinion Is that If Norris does not re-enter the sena torial race Bryan is sure to be a can- Heavy Hens, per lb , 18c didate, as the opportunity is conced- Heavy Spring, per lb &'fiZtf&, h4v8 U .h.t Con- vui, yci iu r- t cress man Morehead Is thinking aoout mlm ..." TV twih HFWS ITEMS S4NI) SHIPPFRS l-KIIM II lip IHr MHMf Vi IIIUIII uui Ul I III. L.IIIL.II Radio News. Broadcasted each A car load of live poultry wanted to be delivered at poultry car near the Burlington freight house. Platts mouth on WEDNESDAY, August 29. one day only for which we will pay the following CASH PRICES Tracks, ner lb. . . -160 Leghorn Poultry 3c lb. less Fanners, Notice WEDNESDAY is our regular buy ing day In Plattsmouth and we will be there on August 29, prepared to take care of all poultry offered us at the above prices. W. E. KEENEV. FAMOUS TEIO ON VACATION Ishpeming, Mich., Aug. 23. Thomas A. Edison, vacationing with Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone, has completely recovered from a sjight cold he contracted a day or so ago, members of the party said. Edison's sore finger is also better. Ishpeming, Mich.. Aug. 23. The vacation tour of Thomas A. Edison, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone went ahead in upper Michigan today, the trio invading L'Anse, site of the Ford model timber mills. Edison's slight cold and sore finger were declared only "incidentals" to such a vacation trip, and the "elec trical wizard" was declared In the best physical condition. Members of the party denied rumors he was "ill" and assert that he is absolutely o. k- After camping at L'Anse for a day or two, the party will probably board,' roras new duu ioot yacni, wnicn ar rived at L'Anse Monday. -A trip on thd'boat thru (he copper country Is contemplated. .. Cause of Appendicitis When the bowels are constipated, the lower bowels or large intestines become packed with refuse matter that is made up largely of germs. These germs enter the vermiform ap pendix and set up inflamation which is commonly known as appendicitis. Take Chamberlain's Tablets when needed and keep your bowels regular and you have little to fear from ap pendicitis. Weyrich & Hadraba. VISITING OLD FKEENDS This morning the Wescott family here was very much pleased to have with them one of their old friends, Fred Gallagher, who was formerly a resident of Plattsmouth and left here in the year 1890 and has since made his home in the east and is engaged in railroading. Mr. Gallagher is now in charge of the rolling stock of the New York Central, one of the most active positions in the' line of the officials and who has charge of a great deal of the Important work of the railroad. entering the senatorial race, where Congressman Shallenberger Is pretty certain to be a contestant, jNorns beat Morehead five years ago, and the ex-governor is reported to feel certain be could win with Norria out of the race.. There are democrats who say that Morehead would be satisfied if the cards could be cut so that he could again be governor, a job he always liked and which, It is a fair guess, he would have got a third time if Wray bad not got into the contest In 1920. Uncertainty seems to exist as to I whether Former Representative Nor ton will be a candidate for governor or for senator. Several democrats who have been in a position to know what Norton feels about It predict that he will be a candidate for sen ator. If Norris does not run, and they say that as a dirt, farmer he ought to clean the field. Democrats who are friendly to Governor Bryan say they expect Norton to file for governor. The feeling exists among the dem ocrats that next year will be a good year to be on the democratic ticket. They feel that the same forces that have overthrown republicans else where are at work In Nebraska and that they have men who can make a better appeal than any republican. They are, however, a bit nervous over the kind of a candidate for pres ident who will be nominated. Oddly enough, there is not much enthusi asm among the leaders for McAdoo. They say he would be strong with the railroad men because of his liberality with wages when he was director general ot the railroads, but the big German vote In the state is solidly against him as a member of the last administration and as son-in-law of President Wilson. f t ..... . t . .t.'4 Radio News. Broadcasted each fr j-ffiH-K'TV'I' "I-J-I-I'T , 4 Saturday by Station ETAO, 4 S$.T niTuoZ'll Mr! .HHWW4 and Mrs. W. J. Rau. i Notice to ETAO Listeners Misses Dorothy and Neme uub, For Bix monthS we bave broadcast . were visiting last Friday at the nome weekiy un(jer this heading items of of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colbert or more or jess general interest to radio SEEK A REFUND QF -FREIGHT CHARGES ENJOY AUTO TEIP Prom Saturday's Dally. J. W. Tritsch and brother. Mike Tritsch and mother, Mrs. Jacob Tritsch and Missea Estelle and Flor Jne Tritsch, returned last evening from a trip of several days' duration in the northern part of the state at Creighton, Plainview, McLean Nor folk and Osmond with relatives and friends and report a very fine time on the trip. While at McLean they visited with Bals and John Volk, brothers of Mrs. Tritsch and at Plain view with Mrs. Nlda Frederich, a sis ter of Mrs. Tritsch. MPQ T n M'PIDTV h Phone ns the news. We want to lit publish everything of importance A MRS, T. G. M'GARTY Hemstitching and PJcot Edging N. 4th St, Plattsmouth PHONE 100-J Chat happens in Cass amnty. jM"I"M"I' M-ll H-H-H-T -Somo Domooticity Enpocod! - "My clear," a wife said to her spouse, - . "I think that we should build a house ; Of funds, I'm sure there is no lack We've lived too long in this old shack. So let us plan what we shall do To doff the old and done the new." No time, to figure, then they lost; They estimated close the cost . The kind of windows and the doors, The shingles, scantling and the floors. And then they counted up their "tin" And found that they could make her "skin." y ' When everything was settled pat, They both arose from where they sat ' r . Her smiling "hub" she then embraced, And kiss on kiss were rightly placed. .She whispered soft, he answered hard VYbu bet your life, at TIDBALL's yard." 110 When in a hurry, Call 40. Plattsmouth m'm NebrJca ' Formerly Richey dumber Yard. irs Wat or for the day, Claude Breckenfeld and wife, with their children were spending last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William J.- Rau and wife of Manley. Mrs. A." H. Humble was a visitor in Omaha last Thursday, where she was visiting with friends and made the trip via the Missouri Pacific train. , . . . Richard' Pickard and Augutet Krecklow were looking after some business in Omaha last Thursday, making the trip Jn the auto of Mr. Pickard. ! Henry O'Leary went to Omaha on last Thursday, where he was looking after some business matters, and made the trip on the Missouri Pa cific train. John TIghe, of Omaha, and daugh ter Lillian, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hughes, of Herman, were visiting at the home of Walter Mockenhaupt on last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pierson, of Havelock. are visiting for a few days at the home of Mrs. Jenkins. Mrs. Pierson is a daughter of Mrs. Jenkins and Mr. Pierson Is a barber at Have- Mesdames R. K. Bergmann and Fred Krecklow &nd Miss Carrie Schafer were visiting and looking af ter some business matters in Omaha last Thursday, they making the trip on the bus. Andrew Krecklow and wife of Falls City were called to this county by the very serious illness of Mr. Carl Bauers, living near Greenwood, and a brother of Mr. Fred Bauers, living near Manley. Mr. and Mrs. George Coon and Miss Helen Lawrence departed on last Tuesday in the auto of Mr. Coon for Comstock out in the state, where they have been visiting since at the home of Fred Coon, a brother of Mr. George Coon and family. Father Higgins was a visitor in Plattsmouth and Omaha last Thurs day, having a friend from South Om aha visiting at the parish house, with whom he went to both the above towns and while there visited with friends and looked after business as well. "Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown of Exe ter, the former who is a brother of fans. During this time radio interest has been at its lowest eb due to the poor receptive conditions of summer time. Now, however, conditions are rapidly changing stations are coming in clear and dis tinct. Better days are ahead. In line with our plan to continue to make this column of interest to radio owners, we will on next Satur day, double the size of our antenna (heading) although the period of broadcasting will not be lengthened. The purpose, as originally intended, will be to secure and pass on to our listeners advance tips on the high lights of forthcoming programs, bits of non-technical information, etc. So we will begin our fall broad casting next week under the new antenna. Watch for us. Announcer WAE. ; Charge Old 2y2 Cent Rate, Louisville to Omaha Not Canceled when Higher One Imposed. . From Saturdays TDartT. The McCafferty brothers, W. A. Clarinda, Iowa, next. Monday night, Aug. 2jth. Brush the dust off your set and tune In these nights. The Atlanta Journal has started its second annual "roll call." Schnectady, Louisville, Detroit and Fort Worth and Dallas are coming through nicely. "KSD, Miss Jones announcing" is also numbered among those present during the past week. Watch for our old friend, Al, the Radio Nut, at the circus tonight. His sister and brother are Ann Tena and Con Denser. If your battery has been setting idle all summer have it charged up well before attempting to use it, or you may ruin it. UUU ailtdUy LJA. f T jlllkuHlii tn rimr.V.D ore noolrincr in supreme court, to recover from the Burlington what they claim are ex cessive charges for hauling. The total runs up into the thous ands, and is bottomed on the fact that the railroads charged them 3 cents a hundred when they think the legal rate was a cent a hundred less. The lower court decided in favor of the railroads. On behalf of the claimants a leng thy brief was filed Friday in supreme J court. They lay down a number of legal principles they ask the court to adopt. Among these are the follow ing: 1 That a rate when publish ed cannot be legally canceled by tariffs naming new rates unless the new tariff cancels the old ones, and without a cancelation the new ones are not made ef fective: 2 That when two rates are given it is the duty of the rail road to see that its printed tar iff sheets are correct, and the shipper need not look behind the printed sheet to find out the rate; 3 That the fact that the shipper knows' the published rates are an error cannot alter the law, and that tariff must be construed according to its lan- -guage and not its intent. The rate up till September 27, 1920, was 2 cents, as the shippers contend, while the railroad says the rate was boosted along with others by the interstate commerce commis sion in July of that year. The claim ants say that the supplemental tariff WJAZ, the new Chicago station, opened last spring has nearly enuf volume to operate a loud speaker on one stage of amplification. If you want any broadcasting done in this style of tvpe, you "11 Mrs. August Stander, arrived here on, , . , hrif last Monday evening and visited at have to pay for it at lazv brief the Stander home for over night and then went on to Omaha and Iowa points, where they are visiting for a few days. Mrs. J. C. Rauth, who was departing for Tilden on Tuesday morning, accompanied them as far as Omaha. . Earl Dodd and family who have been spending some time in Colorado, having made a trip in their car, where they visited with relatives of Mrs. Dodd and where they enjoyed a most pleasant time, returned home last week and are feeling fine over the trip and vacation. The children are ready for the coming terra of school andv Mr. Dodd for the work which is before him. Mrs. J. C. Rauth is visiting, for last week and probably some of this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Katherine Edwards of Tilden, where she is also meeting another sister. Mrs. Harry Clarke, of Iowa Falls, rates. Thursday nights program from WOAW by Seymour camp, M. W. A, was as good as any in the air that night and we heard half a dozen or more from the biggest stations in the country. - It is announced that WNAL, the former Omaha Daily News station is to resume broadcasting at an early date. Although they are to be on a low meter length, their nearness to us may make it more or less difficult to completely tune them out. Little Surprise at This WGH, the 800 watt broadcasting station that was to eclipse everything In the middle west, including ETAO, has faded out. occasioning little sur prise among. those having knowledge who drove' from her home to Tilden j af m, f..0" to visit her siaters. When they re-! "-" c""Jrr' , . iv:, " Wl ..,,7"j hand" of ETAO ever was able to write successfullyvwere a very limit ed number of ."IOU's." Lot dJo Goruo Vou! There's not a man in this coramim ity who doesn't need the service a good, strong Lnk has to offer. The farmers State Bank is a strong, conservative institution, and we have an earnest desire to serve you. Call on US at any time with your financial problems and t will be a pleas ure to try and help you solve them. A Friendly, Serviceable Bank All DepoNltory pr Protected hy the Pepoftltvra Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebranka Farmers State Bank T. H. ?0IXOCK, President PUttsmouth, Nebrf ENTERTAINS AT LAWN PARTY, they received did not specifically j cancel the 2 cent rate, and that they had a right to rely on the bold faced type declaration on it that if not canceled a rate is still In effect, FiMm Saturday's la!ly. Miss Ruth Roman entertained a number of friends very pleasantly on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roman and the event was enjoyed to the utmost by the members of the party present. The lawn was prettily arranged with decorations of Japanese lanterns that cast a pleasing glow over the scene and that the old rate was not listed ' and here the members of the party among the canceled ones, claimed Dy enjoyed the time In games and music the road a3 an error. VISITS OLD FRIENDS turn, they will come by the auto and Mrs. Clarke will visit here for a while before going to her home in Iowa. Mrs. C. V. Phelps, of South Oma ha, was a visitor in Manley last Sun day, being a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fleischman, and also accom panying them on their trip to Grand Island, where they were last week. and where they visited for a Your Boy and Radio , There will be a lot of boys build ing sets again thi3 fall, and many misguided attempts will result in disaDDointment and a feeling among few parents who furnish the money that days at the home of Charles Sim mons and family. Mr. Fleischman, who with the family has endeavored to make a trip to Grand Island every year, was on thi3 trip surprised to see the wonderful growth which the it has been wasted. This could be avoided easily enough if parents un derstood the fundamentals and would give their boys advice and assistance as well as a meagre amount of money. If your boy wants to build a radio, town has shown in the last twelve"' by all means let him build a tube months. set, as it would be like throwing money away to monkey with a crys tal set in Plattsmouth. The expense of a tube set can be reduced consid erably, by using the dry cell type of tube and other savings can be er fected by using lower priced parts, although in the long run, that doesn't pay, either. Let your boy build a the whole family will enjoy u Has a Most Pleasant Time Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. August Stander entertained at' their beau tiful home a number of their friends and relatives, where all enjoyed the hospitality of their home and had a most nlpasa n i Aav Thoro woro nrm. Z " set: cut iui me uixusiuu, De&iues Air. ana!.'.- ,. , Jm y,. ..onj,, Mrs. Stander and. their son John and j Z "'fJl "d JSf 'P1SK! flaiie-htpr Siator (o I iuubh uvuus - " " George W. Young, who was for a number of years one of the members of the board of county commissioners of Cass oounty, is here in company With Mrs. Young in yisiting amid the scenes of his earlier days and with the old .friends who he knew so well in the past. Mr. Young is now local ed at Alva, Oklahoma, and is greatly interested in the development of his new home as he was formerly in Ne braska. Mr. Young was the first president of the state auto association of Okja homa and put up the first markers on the-Y. T. (Young's Trail) road be tween Alva and Oklahoma City and has been one of the real boosters for good roads in the Sooner state and is as full of pep and interest in this im portant part of the modern life as he was in the. years past. Mr. and Mrs. Young have been vis iting over Cass county and also at Omaha and Lincoln and have found much pleasure in their trip north, the first for some years. HERE FROM ST. LOUIS From Saturday's Dally. This morning, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Clabaugh arrived in this city from St. Louis, Missouri, for a visit at the home of Col. and Mrs. M. A. Bates, parents of Mrs. Clabaugh, as well as with R. A. Bates and T. B. Bates, brothers. Mr." Clabaugh has been interested in the public ser vice corporations for the past several years and was formerly superintend ent of the Fflattsmouh office of the Nebraska Gas &. Electric Co.. and has since been engaged similar capaci ties at Englewood, New Jersey, Jack son, Mississippi; Ardmore, Oklahoma, and St. Louis. We appreciate your assistance in helping us to publish all the news. Call phone No. 6, 3 rings. and in meeting a number of the friends from out of the city who were in attendance. Dainty refreshments served at a suitable hour added to the pleasures of the occasion. Those attending the event were Misses Hilda Wallengreen, Muriel Barthold, Edith and Judith John son, Edith Kelly, Nellie May Cowles, Martha Vallery, Rose Schiessl, Jo sephine Weatherogg, Alice Johnson, Mrs. Ed Creamer, Mrs. James Mauzy, Mrs. Charles Young and Mrs. C. A. Marshall, Jr., of Dayton, Ohiot Mrs. Harry Nielson, of Dannerbrough, Nebraska and Mrs. Mabel Adams Brown, of St. Paul, Nebraska. DRIVE HERE FROM THE SOUTH From Wednesday's Dally. - Charles A. Murray and wife of Avard, Oklahoma, are here enjoying a visit with relatives and friends in Cass county for a short time and meeting the acquaintances of the past years. Mr. Murray who is a minister of the gospel has been lo cated at Mission, Texas, for some time there on special evangelistic work that occupied his time last win ter and this spring and through his efforts a church was erected at Mis sion that has proven very successful. On the trip from Avard, a distance of 506 miles, Mr. and Mrs. Murray spent the sum of $2.81 for gas and oil and this is certainly very cheap traveling expense. HAD ROUGH EXPERIENCE From Saturday's Dally. This morning at an early hour when the small wind and rain storm visited this locality, William Grebe and his brother, John, had quite an experience with the old MssurI river where they were engaged In nshipg in ono of the horseshoes that have been washed out there by the river, when suddenly they eaw tho storm sweeping down from the vi cinity of the mouth of the Platte and causing treei to bend before the on ruhing wind and when the force of the strong wind struck the skiff in which the Grebe brothers were fish ing it drove the boat before It Into a pocket and whirlpool and caused even these experienced river men to anticipate a ducking from the craft, overturning. The wind, however, drove the boat on the crest of the large waves and lodged it on the bank high and dry and here the two fishermen sought shelter by turning the boat on its side and remaining under cover until after the storm passed. . KAMACHOS CONTRACTS WITH CIRCUS TROUPE LOOKS OVER THE SEWER The city has been engaged in look ing over the sewer in the vicinity of the store of E. A. Wurl and having it put Into the proper shape so that the leakage from the sewer will not find its way into he cellar of Mr. Wurl. It is stated that the sewer was thoroughly cleaned out yester day and that the report that the sew er was not properly constructed as to- allow the now of water to the main sewer was without foundation as the water flowed off very freely. Prom Saturday's Dally Harry Kamachos, Greek wrestler from Boone, Iowa, who has been In Lincoln lately seeking matches, has signed a contract to travel with the World Brothers circus. He is to Join the troupe at Plattsmouth. Kam achos will wrestle all comers of his weight while with the circus. He plans to return to Lincoln late in the fall and seek a match with Adam Krieger. State Journal. RETURNS FROM DAKOTA From Saturday's Dally. Philip Keil, who has been visiting in an dnear Huron, South Dakota, with his brother, Henry and family and looking over his land interests in that locality, has returned home. Mr. Keil reports that all of the crops look fine and especially is the small grain showing a very pleasing growth and appearance. Philip and Henry both have quite extensive land interests in the vicinity of Huron and consider it a very fine country. Books All the latest copyrights and the old favorites at the most reasonable prices can be found at the Bates Book and Stationery store at Fifth and Main street. Take a book with you on your summer trip. is i visiting 8t home for the present Messrs and Mesdames Andrew Stand er, of Louisville; A. W. Seiker, Ed ward Seiker and A. F. Rauth and their families, of Elmwood: Shellhorn and family and Mr. Shell horn's aunt, Mrs. R. S. Shellhorn, of Louisville; J: C. Rauth and wife and daughter Anna, Walter Mockenhaupt and wife and their son Arthur and Sister Elexia, who is visiting here ably employed. Looking for Electric Light The prospects are that the village ,or aianiey wui In the near future . have electric, lights and be along j with the other cities of Cass county Jn this respect. This will be a great convenience to the business men and Jail the citizens as it can be in a manner a doing away with the coal oil lamps. LITTLE ONE IS ILL Senator Howell to Speak WOC. Davenport, is-slipping in a Albert 'couple of extra periods this week, al though they will continue on summer schedule until the middle of Sep tember. Monjiay and Thursday nights at 8 o'clock they will pick up part of the P. S. C. lyceum course program from the platform at the lyceum tent and broadcast it for their listeners. It happens that Monday night Sena-t tor Howell of Nebraska is scheduled, to speak, and if he can break away from his task of restoring the Om-! aha water supply he win De neanj from the eastern Iowa town. WOC's present broadcasting sched ule is as follows: Sunday Church service, 8 p. m. Two hour orchestra program by P. S. C." orchestra, beginning at 9. Aionaay L.yceum progjaiu, iuuuu-, ing address of Senator Howell, 8 p. m. Wednesday Pipe organ recital at 8. Late musical program. 100 to .11,1 followed by Tourists' road report. Thursday Lyceum program, in cluding address of B. J. Palmer, be ginning-at 8 p. m Saturday Dance program by P. S. From Saturday's Dally. Word has been reecived by the J. B. Chappelle'amlly at Ashland an nouncing th? serious illness of their little grandson. Harold rhnnnollo. r nrrhostra Qm tn 10:30 Jr., at Denver, where the little boy! .Incidentally, we might add that is sick with scarlet fever and "the WOC, like other more distant sta whole family under quarantine. The 'tions is now being picked up here iittje lad was reported to be doing very satisfactorily, proving that the as well as coujd possibly be expected f trouble has not been with local re un4er tfc,e circumstances. The little ceivipg sets, as WOC's anaeuueer oncij boy Is also a grandson of Mrs. Frank -iKtimated. but with weather condir Brinkman of this city. .tions. AugiEsifc Clearainice Sale! VtTT V w St 0TOPJGW on all Wall Paper in Stock During the Month of August. oA Phone 193 Wagner Building