HOBDAY, 'AUGUST 1822. PAGE FOUR OVs plattsmouth lournal PUBLISHED SE2H-WEEXLY AT FLATTS20TJTH, UEBKASKA Batered at Postofflce Flatta mouth. Neb., m eooad-otoM mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUESCEIPTIOII PBICE $2.00 THE GOOD FIGHT I hare fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there Is laid up for me a crown of righteousness. II Timothy ir, 7 and 8. :o:- In every man there is something of all men. -tot- Let the most difficult duty be the most sacred duty. -:o: Keep looking up and you will learn the sky is the limit. We all have more occupation from our leisure than from our occupa tion. - :o: It is easy to get too sick to work and still feel well enough fo go fish ing. i:o: The smartest dog we know of barks at every man he sees carrying a stick. -:o:- We would hate to live in a big house and have to hunt for our pipe in every room. :o: When the average man does stay at home he stretches out and sleeps until bed time. You are not getting old until you leave the swimming hole before it is time to leave. I :o: "Flapperitis," says a Chicago doc tor, "is a disease." But it doesn't seem to keep them at home. :o: "What," asks a Los Angeles pro fessor, "can the modern girl do?" Prof., you'd be surprised at the many things a modern girl can do. :o: Reports from various sections in dicate the usual number of drivers whose schedules for arrival at grade crossings conflict with those of loco motives. "Gowns to Blend With Furs," says a headline. So hubby will have some new dress bills to blend with his golf and motor car bills. :o: A scientist reports that female grasshoppers are dumb. Who will be the first one to subscrlge $1,000, 000 to start a school for the educa tion and relief of lady grasshoppers? The treasury department" reports that the customs receipts are so large that this branch of the government service must be expanded. It goes to show the business of government Just can't be kept from growing. :o: The Woman's party is said to have already amassed a campaign fund of $300,000. Who said the ladies would be slow about grasping the fine points of the political game? A purse or jauu.uuu snouid make a swell looking party. :o: A man is applying for a divorce because his wife has bobbed her hair. He claims there Is nothing In the books that would condemn him to companionship with a bobcat. If bobbed hair is to be considered as grounds for divorce there are going to be a lot of fractured homes. :o: . An eminent observer says that it is moral and financial bankruptcy from which Europe is suffering at this moment. The man In the street is convinced, however, that Europe is giving a very life like imitation of a financial bankrupt. He is worrying more about his money than his mor als. There are now fourteen different styles of wedding rings, while in grandmother's day there was but one. There's only about one pat tern of ball' and chain, but it seems to hold 'em better than a dozen fash Ions in wedding rings. There is no safety in numbers. It would seem that by introducing variety in bridal rings some folks developed a passios for a full set. :o:- Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt says we can get the French out of the Ruhr by canceling the British debt. This will enable Britain to cancel the French debt and presto! the thing is done. It was never anything more than a Bimple shopping proposition, and only became the mess it is be cause the world Is being run by a lot of men. not one of whom could get out of a ten-cent store alive. Thanks. madam. PES TEAS IB ADVANCE Vain glory may flower but will never bear seed. -:o:- The abuse of a thing is not an ar gument for its use. -:o: Dignity grows more easily than It obtains a beginning. :o:- Man wants but little here below his chin in hot weather. :o: It is estimated a great many peo ple get fat loafing around trying to keep cool. :o: Many people are afraid to dive in to shallow. What we need is more like them. :o:- Living a long time is hard to do because it is hard to find the money on which to do it. -;or- We'd hate to be a collector be cause he must think everybody stays mad all the time. -:o: Young man, don't go west. Thou sands of movie mad girls are out of work in Los Angeles. Lots of birds think they are wise as owls because they are always hooting at somebody. o: Some people have to brag about their ancestors because they have no descendants to speak of. -:o: It is not against the law to think your neighbors are awful, but it is a terrible waste of time. , :o: One of the strangest things in this world is how little ice cream they use to make an ice cream soda. :o:- The reason we think women dress sensibly- Is because they wear the belt where it doesn't interfere with breathing. :o:- It is now a sure thing that Presi dent Harding will recover. And the American people rejoice. Many con gratulations are extended to the sick man. :o: Statistics show that 295 persons died from wood alcohol, synthetic gin and other forms of alcohol pois oning in the city of New York dur ing the year ending June 30th. It does seem that when people want to commit suicide they would do it de cently and In order. :o: It is said that if all the stars were to go out it would be four years be fore we would notice any difference In their light. The democrats have been out of power only a little more than two years, and the difference is so easily marked that It is almost embarrassing to remark it.. -:o: We never have thought well of the big drives the presidents of the Unit ed States have been making. In the first place it Is always dangerous, and in crises the country has been having for the past eight or nine years the place for rulers of this na tion should be at Washington, D. C. :o:- Yesterday a nation was rejoicing that President Harding was on the road to recovery. And today it is mourning his untimely and sudden death, which has cast a gloom over the entire country. Warren -G. Harding is the fourth president that has passed away while serving his country as chief executive. Another great calamity. :o:- It isn't Uncle Sam who is parting immigrants from their kin and breaking family ties by his laws and regulations. It Is the aliens them selves who start the break. Many of them know when they come to this country that their relatives can nev er follow or be admitted. Under those circumstances it isn't fair to blame the American government for wrecking a home. :o:- Grover Bergdoll is now in Switzer land, where the cheese comes from, but his mother Is anxious to have him return to America. If he comes back to America the American Le gion will be glad to welcome him at the wharf. "The members will turn out with their branding irons and other paraphernalia of remembrance. It is said that if Bergdoll returns and serves his sentence more than $1,000,000 worth of property will be saved to the family. Otherwise it may be used in the payment of claims against Germany? How much will a Bergdoll stand for $1,000,000. THE ARMY OF AMBITIOUS There are publishers these days who are putting out books that wouldn't have ben thought fit for decent society twenty years ago, and many persons have come to think of these publications as evidence of the decadence of the age. But there is another Ride to DODUlar taste. While there are publications built on bo called "sex stirff," the most success ful magazines of recent years have been scrupulous in what they have admitted to their columns. The Saturday Evening Post has made Its success by its editor's in stinct for getting hold of fiction of wide Interest and of serious articles that were informative but not dull But the salacious never has been cultivated. ' The American Magazine obtained a circulation aoove z muiioaa a month by Its editor's belief that cer tain wholesome fundamental human Instincts always could be appealed to. "Victory Is what we Ate Inter ested in.'Vhe once wrote. "Victory for the Individual over the odds that beset him." There are all kinds sickness, lack of education, oppor tunity or money, environment, bad habits, absurd weaknesses, every sort of mental, physical and spiritual barrier of "Pilgrim's Progress." So he made a specialty of printing articles that told how people had won their victories. There would be the story of a boy who had to get his education as he went along, and the man who had been a failure un til he was 50 and then by a supreme effort had won out; of a woman teacher, poor perhaps In this world's goods, but rich In the Imprint she had made on the lives of her pupils. The response to such articles as these is significant. It shows a great army of people are ambitious to make the most of themselves. These men and women, many of them young, are anxious to learn from the lives of others, to get In spiration from the triumph of cour age over obstacles. It is with young people of such spirit that the future of America lies. SHEIKS AND SHEBAS Df. A. W. LaForge, " expert diag nostician, delivered an address be fore the American Institute of Home opathy In Chicago In which he stated that one of the most virulent mod ern diseases was the growth in the numbers of "Sheiks and Shebas" in the, United States. A sheik, accord ing to the eminent doctor of medi cine, Is hot merely a handsome young man of the matinee idol type, but one who is aadicted to the wearing of flat derbies, bell trousers and characterized by a violent aversion to work. Th Shebas also suffer from this peculiar dislike of hard toil and can be recognized at sight by their rolled hose, fantastic garb of violent hue and the abundance of paint and powder used to calcimine their youthful countenance. The disease is not Incurable, ac cording to the doctor. It is, he states, the result of the "high ten sion of the age in which we are liv ing, combined with idleness, working on the nervous systems of the boys and girls." Bewildered and non plussed parents who find themselves with young "sheiks and shebas" are advised to start administering rem edies at once. The cure, it seems, is simple. It Is the one thing they ab hor most, but the sole thing that will effect a recovery. Hard work will wilt the dapper elegance of the most confirmed sheiks, Dr. LaForge states, and rapidly change him into a nor mal person. The same drastic meth ods applied to his sister, the sheba. have quite revolutionary results. Dishes and house cleaning for her. and farm work for her brother will speedily remove this most modern complex and turn the young idea to ward normal interests. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, 83. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Peter Trudeau, deeeased. On reading and filing the petition of Nellie Philips praying that ad ministration of said estate may be granted to M, M. Strajib, as Admin istrator; Ordered, that September 1st, A.D. 1923, at ten o'clock a. m. is as signed for hearing said 1 petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court toxbe held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendeney of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Jour nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print ed in said county, for three success ive weeks, prior to said day of hear ing. Dated July 30th, 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judged C. E. TEFFT, Attorney. a2-3w. A 200-ton marathon dancer has been turned down by the army for flat feet. If he'll dance a while un der full pack he'll get over his dis appointment. NOTICE OP SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. . John M. Kaffenberger, Plaintiff, vb. . White et al. Defendants. To the defendants White, real name unknown, husband of Sar ah T. White; Shephard Fales; Mrs. Shephard Fales, real name unknown; Israel G. Hamman; Mrs. Israel G. Hamman, real name unknown; An thony Voll; Mrs. Anthony Voll, real name unknown; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons having or claiming any Interest in the east half (E) of the northwest quarter (NW4) and the northwest quarter (NW4) of the northeast quarter (NE) of Section fifteen, (15) Township twelve (12) North, Range twelve (12) east of the 6 th P. M., In the County of Cass, Nebraska, real names un known: You and each of you are hereby notified that John M. Kaffenberger as plaintiff, filed a petition and com menced an action In the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 21st day of April, 1923, against you and each of you, the object, pur pose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of court quieting the title to all of the east half (E ) of the northwest quarter (NW) and the northwest quarter (NW) of the northeast quarter (NE) of Section fifteen, (15) Township twelve (12) North, Range twelve (12) east of the 6th P. M., in the County of Case, Ne braska, as against you and each of you and for such other relief as may be just and equitable. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the 27th day of August, 1923, or the allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favor of plaintiff and against you and each of you ac cording to the prayer of said peti tion. Dated this 16 th day of July, A. D. 1923. JOHN M. KAFFENBERGER. Plaintiff. W. O. KIECK, Attorney for Plaintiff. ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, To all persons interested in the es tate of A. G. Roman, deceased: On reading the petition of G. E. Roman praying that the instrument filed in this court on the 27th day of June. 1923, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the safd deceased, may be proved and al lowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of A. G. Roman, de ceased; that said instrument be ad mitted to probate, and the adminis tration of said estate be granted to G. E. Roman, as Executor; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons Interested in said matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on the 27th day of August, A. D., 1923, at 9 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the pray er of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all per sons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newrpaper printed in said county, for three weeks prior to said day of hear ing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 31st day of July, A. D. 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) a2-3w. County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Henrietta M. West, Plaintiff. vs. John F. West, Defendant. To John F. West, defendant in the above entitled cause: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff, Henrietta M. West, on the 1st day of March, A. -D. 1923. filed her petition In the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, against you, the object and prayer of which are for an absolute divorce from you, and for the restoration of her maiden came of Henrietta M. Creamer. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 10th day of September, A. D. 1923. Dated July 30th, A. D. 1923. HENRIETTA M. WEST, Plaintiff. C. A. RAWLS, Attorney. J30-4W. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, S3. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 13th day of August, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day,, at the south door of the Court House in Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing property, to-wit; Lots twelve, (12) thirteen, (13) and fourteen (14) In Long's Addition to the Village of Mynard, Cass county, Nebras ka, and Lot nine (9) in Ida A. Long's Addition to the Village of Mynard, Cass county, Ne braska The same being levied upon and tak en as the property of William B. Por ter and Alva A. Porter, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Fred E. Bodie, Receiver of The Batik of Cass County, plain tiff against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska,- July 9th, A. D. 1923. n - CD. QUINTON, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. c. A. 3AWLS, Att'y. ' , 1 ' .. - (If mmi -Sx Winning the Nation Gleaming Cavalier maroon and glistening nickel, khaki top and Spanish morocco upholstery; 5 disc wheels, 5 Fisk Cord tires, Brussels floor carpets, bumper, windshield wings, dependable clock and electric gasoline gauge on dash, trunk at rear; the engine that improves with use the new Willys-Knight Country Club has met a tremendous buying response. See it. JOHN BAUER LEGAL NOTICE To Charles C. Parmele, owner of Lot 8 In Block 55 in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska: You are hereby notified that upon the 7th day of November, 1921, J. H. Hall purchased at tax sale Certificate No. 5378 in the office of the County Treasurer of Cass county, Nebraska, covering the real estate In the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, described as follows: Lot 8 in Block 55 in City of Plattsmouth, said property being assessed In the name of Charles C. Parmele, for the year 1920, for the taxes delinquent for said year of 1920. You are further notified that after the expiration of three months from the 19th day of July, A. D. 1923, the purchaser J. H. Hall will apply to the Treasurer of said county, for a Treasurer's Deed of and to the said property hereinbefore described. You are further notified that the said pur chaser has paid the subsequent taxes levied against the said above describ ed property, for the year 1921. Dated this 18th day of July, A. D 1923. J. H. HALL, Tax Sale Purchaser A. H. DUXBURY, J19-a2, 5sw Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination of Heirship Estate No. of Talmage Slater, deceased, in the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs take notice, that John Jacob Slater, who is the heir of the said deceased and interested in such. has filed his petition alleging that Talmage Slater died intestate in Clive, Iowa, on or about April 2nd, 1921, being a resident and inhabitant of Clive, Icwa, and the owner of the following described estate, to-wit: The sum of $472.64, being the interest of the said Talmage Slater in the estate of Nancy J. Gibson, deceased, now in the hands of the County Court . of the County of Cass, Nebraska, and leaving as his sole and only heir at law, the petitioner, John Jacob Slat er: that said decedent died intestate; that no, application for administra tion has been made and the estate or said decedent has not been adminis tered In the State of Nebraska, and that the Court determine who are the heirs of said deceased, their degree of kinship, and the right of descent in the real property of which the de ceased died seized, , which has been set for hearing on the 11th day of August, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 10th day of July, A. D. 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) j23-3wks County Judge. NOTICE OF, SALE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. r Mary E. Egenberger, l'laintirr, vs. Edward M. Egenberger, a Minor, De fendant. Kotlce Is herebv eriven that by vir tue of an order entered in the above entitled cause, on the 17th day of July, A. D. 1923, by the District Court of Cass county, Nehrasna, 1 R. B. Windham, sole referee appoint ed bv Bald Court, will on the 23rd day of August, A. D. 1923, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at tne soum front door of the Court House, in Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, offer for sale the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot one (1) in Block thirty three; (33) Lots ten, eleven, twelve (1C. II, 12) in Block, fifty-three, (53) all in the orig inal plat of the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska; Lot four (4) in Block forty (40) in Young and Hay's Ad dition to the City of Platts- mouth, Cass county, Nebraska; Lots sfx and seven (6, 7 ) In Block three, (3) Egenberger's Addition to the City of Platts mouth, Cass county. Nebraska; Lots nineteen (19) and twen ty (20) In the Southeast quar ter (SE'4) of Section twenty nine, (29) In Township twelve (12) North, Range fourteen (14) East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Cass county, Ne braska. Terms, cash on confirmation. Said sale will be kept open for bids for one hour. R. B. WINDHAM, C. A. RAWLS, Sole Referee. Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. --' 1 Byron Golding, Plaintiff, vs. Frank Foreman, Swenson Brothers Com pany, Edwards Manufacturing Com pany, a corporation, Greene's Ice Cream Factory, Defendants. To the defendant Edwards Manu facturing Company, a corporation: You are hereby notified that on the 27th day of June, 1923, the plain tiff filed his suit in the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, against you and others, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage and to foreclose tax sale certificate owned and held by plaintiff on Lots 9 and 10, in Block 61, in the City of Plattsmouth, Ne braska, and for equitable relief. This notice is given pursuant to an order of said Court. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, Sep tember 10, 1923, or your default will be entered and Judgment" taken upon plaintiff's petition against you. BYRON GOLDING, Plaintiff. By A. L. TIDD, J30-4w. His Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Oliver C. Dovey, Plaintiff, vs. Thadeus R. Adams et a I, Defendants. The unknown claimants and other persons interested in Lot eighteen (18) in the southwest quarter (SWJ) of the southeast quarter (SEJ) of Section twenty, (20) and Lot twenty one (21) in the northwest quarter (NWJ) of the southeast quarter (SEJ) of Section twenty, (20) all in Township ten (10) North, Range nine (9) east of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Cass county, Nebraska, and all other persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real es tate or any part thereof, real names unknown, defendants, will take no tice that plaintiff herein filed his petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the day of July, A. D. 1923, against said de- lenaams, m uuject auu iiiayer vl wmcn are to ioreciose two certain A. ,--.1 Z -fist. J.- AHmiitAi 1 tax sale certificates for delinquent taxes for the year 1920 on the real estate hereinbefore described and for subsequent taxes paid thereon; said certificates being numbered 5413 and 5412, dated November 8th, 1921; that there is due on said certificates the sum of $233.30 and $143.10 re spectively, for which sums, with in terest from this date, together with ten per cent for attorney's fee, plain tiff prays for a decree that defend ants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 10th day of September, A. D. 1923. ' OLIVER C. DOVEY, Plaintiff. C. A. RAWLS, Attorney. J30-4w. GEORGE W. OLSON Live stock hauling. . For the next two weeks will haul at 35c a hun dred. Call phone 145, Plattsmouth, Nebr. . a2-4sw. LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. Byron Golding, Plaintiff, vs. Ida F. Reynolds, George W. Kinser and Mrs. George W. Kinser, real name un known, his wife, et al. Defendants. To the defendants George W. Kin- ser and Mrs. George W. Kinser, real rfarae unknown, his wife: You are hereby notified that on the 26th day of June, 1923. the plaintiff filed his suit In the District Court of Cass county Nebraska, against you and others, the object and prayer of which Is tor foreclose tax sale certificates owned and held by plaintiff on Lot 10 In Block 42, in the City of Plattsmouth, fill Cass county, Nebraska, and fot equitable relief. This notice Is given pursuant to an order of said Court. BYRON GOLDINd, Plaintiff. By A. L. TIDD. J30-4w. His Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale Issued by James Robertson, Clerk of the Dis trict Court within and for Cass coun ty, Nebraska, and to me direeted, I will on the 27th day of August, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following prop erty, to-wit: Lots eleven (11) and twelve, (12) In Block two hundred twenty-one (221) in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Raymond Theodorskl, Max Pries et al, defend ants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Harriett E. Wolfe, plaintiff against said defendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 23, A. D. 1923 CD. QUINTONV Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. W. A. ROBERTSON and D. W. MERROW, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass conn tyf ss. In the County Court. In the matter df the estate of Sam uel Goodman, deceased. To the creditors of faid estate You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in said county, on the 25th day of August, A. D. 1923, and on the 27th day of November, A. D. 1923, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each day to receive and examine all elaims against said estate, with a Tiew, to their adjU8tment and al- Mc - wance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said ..... estate is three months from the 25th day of August, A. D. 1923, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 25th day of August, A. D. 1923. Witness nry hand and the seal of said County Court, this 23rd day of July, A. D. 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) J26-4w. y County Judge. FOB SALE Forty acres good land In Cass county. ' No Incumbrance. Write Lou E. DeWitt, general delivery, Omaha. Nebraska. i 131-ld. 2sw !-M"M i I"H"H"I"H-M-H 35 years Experience Office Coates Block DR. G. A. (.HSIL'.LL Dentist ' ij ' hi ! is u if If u