The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 26, 1923, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY. JULY 26, 1923.
"Get those good Victor and Purl
tan flours at L. G. Todd & Co. Also
Xehawka flour."
Frank Ryan of the Ryan Grain
company of Omaha was a Tisitor in
Union last Mnoday looking after the
interests of that institution.
Geo. Schackley of Avoca and wife
were guests last Sunday at the home
of W. H. Porter and wife of Union.
J. O. Persue and the family were
at Nebraska City where they were
called to look after some business
matters and where they also visited
with friends while there.
L. R. Upton and family and G. S.
Upton and wife were enjoying a rid
last Sunday to Murray where they
tell of a thousand people gathering
to take a dip in the waters of that
popular bathing resort.
A. W. Propst the representative of
the Ford car in Union has been en
Joying a good business and while on
last' Monday he unloaded a carload
of cars that was only a drop in the
bucket as he has registered and
waiting 20 orders for this very pop
ular gas wagon.
Un-ole Eli 'Eaton was In town last
Monday and said to the reporter
that he was soon expecting to take a
tripto the west where he would visit
at the homes of W. H. Yonker and
Will Tillman for a while and also at
Denver and then for a time would al
so go to Oklahoma.
General Pracfioner
Cells Answered Day or Night!
Special attention given to acute
and chronic diseases.
At our Garage we are prepared to furnish the best ser
vice in repairs of all Automobiles, parts, supplies and acces
sories. TRUCKING!
W-e are always ready for your work in this line and the
best service guaranteed. Careful drivers always in charge.
The Auto Men
To the Farmers!
We are prepared to care for your wants in the line of
harvesting and threshing table supplies. You will not
have to chase that chicken down now as we have elegant
roasts and other lines of meat. We are here to serve you
and have the best of facilities for caring for our stock.
L. G. TODD & CO.
Meats and
At this time we call the attention of the public to our
excellent line of meats and groceries always fresh and
of best quality. Let us supply your needs in the line of
good things to eat. Best Quality and Service our motto.
Dr. Thomas P. Cogan
622 World-Herald Building
Omaha, Nebraska
NOTICE To my old and new patients!
Owing to my rush of business in my Omaha office, for
the month of July and August, I will be in Union in Dr.
Race's office every two weeks beginning July 28, from
9:30 till the rest of the day.
Don't forget July 28, 1923, Dr. Race's Office.
the Corner Store Specials
Shoes at cost and below.
Queensware at cost.
Liquid Veneer polish to close.
Soap, many varieties, 5c, six for 25c.
Tobaccos at cost to close out some brands.
Shipment entirely new overalls and work clothes.
We also carry a full line of staple and fancy gro
ceries, flour, cured meats, brooms, etc
We pay highest prices for Eggs, Butter and Coun
try Produce. -
UNION -:- -:- -.- , NEBRASKA
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Mesdames E. McGowan and J. O.
Persue were visiting in Nebraska
City last Wednesday making the trip
via the bus.
A. E. Jamison of Weeping Water
and Melvin Kear of Elmwood were
looking after some business matters
in Union last Monday.
Try a can of Paxton & Gallagher3
"Daylight" coffee and be convinced.
Also "J. M." and "Milady" coffee.
Todd & Co., where prices are right.
W. A. Harding, manager of the
Farmers Grain company of Union,
purchased a cow and took the same
to his home in Bethany last week.
Lucian LaRue will sing at the ra
dio concert which will be given by
the Murray people and under the
auspices of the Murray State bank
from the broadcasting station at the
Woodmen of the World building.
J. W. Lynch of Lincoln formerly
of Union and this vicinity having
been born at the Mt. Pleasant post
office in an early day, now is engag
ed in the lightning ro dbusiness in
Lincoln was a business caller in Un
ion last. Monday.
Thomas P. Cugan the dentist who
comes from Omaha on Saturday to
work at Union, will now only come
on one Saturday in two weeks. He
will be here on July 28 and not the
week following. Notice his ad in this
paper telling of his change.
J. B. Gray of Clarks acompanled
by, his daughter, Naomi, has been
visiting at the home of his uncle, W.
F. Moore near Murray and he and
Miles Altman were in Union last
Monday looking after the repairs of
an auto which belonged to Mr. Gray.
Victor Clarence was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday driving up
to look after some business matters
and while there had the Journal
sent to his address in order that he
might keep in touch with the hap
penings in his own town and over
the county as well.
Union, Neb.
Highest prices paid for produce.
Plenty of fresh fruits. Todd & Co.
Mrs. J. O. Persue viisted with her
parents and other relatives in Au-
burn last Sunday.
Last Tuesday Ralph Davis thresh-
ea ana eeiiverea nis wneai io me eie-
vators in Lnion.
A. O. Becker was tnresnmg ana
delivering his wheat to the nion
elevator last Monday and Tuesday.
E. W. Keedy was a visitor in Om
aha last Monday wheer he enjoyed
the splendid show which was put on
ai niub n utu.
Misses Bessie LaRue and fiiano
t, .,... wit), fHpnanrt
also were doing some shopping in
Omaha last Friday and Saturday.
Geo. M. Lathrop of Lincoln was a
caller in Union last week on busi
ness and while here made a visit
with hi smany friends here as well
Mr. Eugene Austin in some way
injured one of his feet which is giv- " iVT , I
ing him considerable trouble but he "rational feature could be devised it
is hoping it may soon be well again. Jo make people more cautious
Misses Betty and Enid Bauer of 'and also a watchma nmight in a
South Bend have been spending the measure avert the tendency to acci
past week at the home of Miss Anna dents as many times a train coming
Bauer and have enjoyed the visit
very much.
Mrs. Margaret Dudley of Omaha I
was an over Sunday visitor at the
inn- a truest of their daughter .Miss
Alice Todd.
Little Jane Patterson daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patterson, cele-!
hrateri her fifth hirthdav in uroDer
style last Thursday with a large
number of her friends.
Jacob Dye of South Omaha was a
visitor in Union last Wednesday com- J
ing to iook aner some Dusiness mai -
ters and also to visit with his broth-
er Isaac Dye and family.
The Epworth League gave a most
pleasant picnic on the grove at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Maugay
northwest of Union where all enjoy
ed the occasion very much.
Ellis LaRue and wife accompanied
by. Mrs. D. C. LaRue and daughter,
! Miss Bessie were visiting with
friends and also looking after some '
i shopping in Plattsmouth last Mon-
day, making the trip in their auto. who gave them a serenade and a gen
J. B. Roddy and J. D. Bramblett eral good time was had.
were visiting in Plattsmouth last
Monday morning and after which
they went to Omaha where they also
had some matters to look after as
well. V
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Todd enter
tained last Sunday for dinner at
their beautiful home, Mrs. Margaret
Dudley of Omaha and Miss Naomi
Maugay where all enjoyed the occa
sion very much.
TT T. Tn rhpp wd q n. hiiKfnpaa ist.
tnr in Omaha Inst Mondav takine the.
chassis of an auto to Omaha to have 1
truck bodv installed and also
brought home with him some sup
plies for the garage.
Joe Banning and the family were
visiting with, rfriends in Murray last
Sunday evening and also were
writrhinp- thf bathers at th Murray t
nnnl whirh Is one of the most nonular I
resorts in this vicinity.
A. W. propst received and unload
ed a carload of Universal cars last
Monday and with the assistance
which he had, had the load off the
car and into the garage before seven
o'clock which looks like doing pretty
The members - of the Epworth
League will give a bake sale at the
Farmers Co-Operative store where
they will sell all kinds of good things
to eat all of which they will make
themselves and you know -it will be
Mrs. A. W. Propst was a visitor
with the children at the home of
friends in Omaha last Friday remain
ing until Sunday when she returned
home. Mrs. Propst and the children
nome. airs rropsi ana me tn uureii
had a most pleasant time while in
the metropolis
W. H. DuBois and Orville Hatha
way were at Plattsmouth last Friday
when Mr. Hathaway got a new Ford j
car which he has been wanting for :
some time but on account of the or-
ders being away behind could not '
get his for some time.
Mr .and Mrs. Earl Keedy were en
joying, a visit at the Murray pool
last Sunday evening and watched the
bathers in their happy time in the
water. Mr. Keedy having a very bad
cold could not enjoy the bath and
had to await a more favorable time.
L. G. Todd and son Melvin accom
panied by Constable J. F. Wilson and
wlff wp'rp vi;iMne- nt thp Mnrr-iv '
pool last Sunday evening and report j
that at the time they were there over
about the beach this telling some
what of the popularity of the Insti
tution. Mesdames W. H. Sheeley and
daughter E. K. Sheeley were visiting
In Lincoln last week for three days
where Miss E. K. Sheeley was doing
some work at the state university
while the mother visited with some
friends. They were guests while in
the capital city at the home of Mrs.
Harry Fulton.
Grandma Mrs. C. D. Stine who has
been visiting at the home of one of
her daughters, Mrs. Geo. Johnson of
Burwell, returned home last Satur
day after having visited for a month
and was accompanied by her grand
daughter. Miss Sarah Johnson who is
visiting here wrh relatives and
friends for a short tim e.
Many of the people who have ra
dios enjoyed the excellent program spent two days in Washington and
which the Christian church of Weep-,saw many points of interest, includ
ing Water put on last Sunday even- inS a visit to Mt. Vernon and at Ar
ing from the Woodmen of the World lin&ton cemetery where sleeps the
broadcasting station. Many spoke
also of the sermon delivered by the
pastor as being exceptionally strong
and of a broad character.
While the plastering of the new
home of Mr. Ira Clark is in progress
the carpenters, Joe Bauer and W. L.
Crawford, are working on the dou
ble crib which they are constructing
at the home of Fred Woolsey south
of Union which will require about ;
ten days and by which time the
house of Mr. Clark will be ready for
the finishing.
Miss Mary Clark of Snydervilla
has been staying at the home of Al
bert Sator for the past few weeks,
the guest of the Eaton girls.
Enjoy a Visit Here
Attorney Fudge Snavely of Lin
coln and J. C. Snavely and wife and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Patton
also of Lincoln were visiting last
Sunday at tne horae of J. C. Snavely
d also were caners for a short time
at the homes of D. B. Porter and
family and w. H. Porter and wife.
Later in the day they all went to i
'the home of J. N. Larsh where they
: ln thp Ehado beside the
cool waters of the miniature
fed by the large spring there.
Many Accidents Occur Here
At the Missouri Pacific crossing;
' ! fnir, ,ara. coomc tn ha an nn
" ,, , " . , .
usually large number-of accidents,
many of which are of a very serious
nature while others are only averted
from this class by mere accident. It
looks like this place where so many
autos cross all the time that some
thing could be done to prevent the
j Pb? "J"?' f ,tA ?f Hlni J"1"
Business Is Very Good
L. G. Todd of the L. G. Tood & Co.
tells us that business is very good at
i their place of business and that they
are more than satisfied as they have
more than they expected they would
i nave ai mis lime,
House Coining Along Nicely
The new bungalow which is being
constructed by Ira Clark is coming
.aioDg niceiy. ine plasterers. Air. u.
i L. Crawford of Elmwood and by the
I way one of Che best is doing the
( work. Spencer Bogenreif and son of
Elmwood is assisting In the work.
Return From the South
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis LaRue and Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Wallick, who were
married at Welestka. Okla.. a week
since arrived home last Wednesday
and were received by their friends
M. E. Church Notes
Sunday School at Union 10 a. m.
Regular service (Wyoming) 11
a. m.
Epworth League (Union) 7:15 p.
Evening service 8 p. m.
Prayer service Thursday 8 p. m.
Choir practice Friday 8 p. m.
The league service will be led by
Lcona Faris. The subject for the
evening will be Christ's Power to
service win De especially
for high school scholars. So the high
school scholars are asked to attend
the service. The league will conduct
a bake sale Saturday 28, at the
Farmers store. They will also serve
lemonade and candy.
The ai(l w5H meet with Mrs. Mou
gey's the afternoon of August 2. All
are invited to attend.
The last quarterly service will be
August 5. Rev. Kirkpatrick Is to be
wtth us.
GEO. A. WASH, Pastor.
From Mopflay'n Darty.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Utter will
preside over a delightful informal
dinner party tonight to entertain
house guests. Lovely garden blos
soms will decorate the round table
about which the guests will gather
to enjoy the tasty menu and tQ
Covers will be arranged for the
followin&: Miss Rebecca Utter, of
Los Angeles, Mrs. A1!ce Cowles and
daughter, Dorothy, of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, Mrs. H. M. Bowker, Miss
Stella Baumunk and the host and
hostess. Modesto (Calif.) Evening
From Monday's Dally.
Late last evening Dr. R. P. West
over received the sad news of the
death of his mother, Mrs. W. H.
Westover, which occurred at the fam
ily home at Rushville yesterday af
ternoon. Dr. Westover was taken to
Omaha this morning by auto to catch
a4tEfinx. fr?m tl3 citjr for the home
I n fr T?ncViiri11o Tho tv rt i ai Vina ftaan
in very poor health for the past three
years and in the last few weeks her
condition has gradually been grow
ing more serious and Dr. Westover
has just recently returned from her
bedside. r
In their sorrow Dr. Westover and
family will have the deep sympathy
of tho many friends in this city.
From Monday's Daflr
This morning Attorney D. O. Dwy
er returned from a very pleasant ten
days visit in the east, the greater
part of the time being spent at Phil
adelphia with his daughter, Mrs.
Hamilton Thorne and family and as
well spent several days at Atlantic
City, the great resort of the east.
Mr. Dwyer at the close of hia visit
honored dead or the nation in the
cemetery there.
H. H. Cotton has closed the deal
with F. R. Gobelman whereby he se
cures the property on Gold street be
tween 6th and 7th streets known as
the Piestrup place, for the Cotton
residence In the north part of the!
city. Mr. Cotton and family will
move as soon as the children recover
from their illness. - 1
From Monday's Daily.
B. A. Horn of near Cedar Creek
was here Saturday to enjoy the day
visiting with friends in the city.
Mrs. Lillian Fricke of Beflevue
was here for a short time yesterday,
returning to her home this morning.
Ben Dill of Murray was here to
day for a few hours, coming to con
cult a physician in regard to hi3
W. J. Twiss and wife of Louisville
were here over Sunday and departed
this morning for Omaha to spend the
day before returning horn.
State Senator W. B. Banning and
County Commissioner C. F. Harris of
Union were here for a short time
Saturday afternoon attending to
some matters of business.
Glenn Kruger, who is spending
the summer at a farm near Xehawka
was here over Sunday visiting with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Kruger and his many young friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Trltsch and
daughter Esther and Miss Emma
Wohlforth were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Hendricks and their
son Verne at Murray Sunday even
ing. George Nickels and H. C. Long of
Murray were in the city today for a
few hours visit, looking after some
matters of business. They report a,;
record breaking crowd at the swim
ming pool last night.
Ellis LaRue and bride, formerly
Miss Ellie, of Weeping Water, have
returned to this city and will make
their home here in the future, Mr.
LaRue having purchased an interest
in the Hotel Wagner barber shop. -
Charles E. Heebner, genial ex
county commissioner, was up from
near Nehawka this morning in com
pany with his son-in-law, Ervin
Markland, and Charley states that
threshing is to start today on his
Charles Johnson of Louisville
wa3 here Saturday for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness and visiting with his friends.
Mr. Johnson was a resident here a
number of years ago where he was
engaged in the barber business.
Walter Connors returned this
morning from Wilcox, Missouri,
where he was engaged in playing
ball and pitched a winning game for
Wilcox by the score of 6 to 2. Walt
held his opponents to three hits and
no runs were-made by the opposing
team after the first inning.
From Tuesday's Dally.
George H. Wood of Louisville was
here yesterday afternoon for a few
hours attending to some matters of
George Thomas of Nebraska City
was here yesterday afternoon for a
few hours attending to some mat
ters of business.,
Misses Fayette Wright and Nellie
Van Eaton of Glenwood, , who were
here as guests of Miss - Caroline
Schulhof, returned this morning to
their home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Enberg and
daughter. Miss Olga of Sheridan,
Wyoming, will arrive here this eve
ning for a brief visit with Misses
Gerda and Alpha Peterson, while en
route to Burlington, Iowa, for a short
Victor Clarence, one of the enter
prising young farmers of near Union
was here today for a few hours at
tending to some matters of business
and while here called at the Journal
to enter his name as a reader of this
great family fireside companion.
Mrs. Jerry Miller and daughter,
Miss Freda, of Genoa, Wisconsin, is
here for a visit at the home of Mrs.
Eliza Kaufman, an aunt of Mrs. Mil
ler. Mrs. Kaufman has been quite
poorly, of late and the neice will re
main with her for a short time.
From Wednesday' Daily.
Miss Anna Seiver, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hans Seiver, is spending
her vacation this year in Colorado,
accompanying an auto party of
friends to Colorado Springs, Boul
der and Estes Park for a few weeks
Anton H. Koubek and Miss Ella C.
Gill of Kansas City arrived here this
morning for a visit at the home of
Mr. Koubek's mother for the week
and with the , friends and relatives
P. T. Becker and neice,- Miss Leone
Becker, departed this afternoon by
auto for University Place where they
will visit at the C. T. Peacock home
and Mr. Becker will bring home with
him his son, John, who has been
spending a few weeks at the Peacock
home. - .
Worn Monday's Dally.
This morning at Rawlins, Wyom
ing, occurred the marriage of Miss
Alma Holly and Mr. Mark Logsdon
of Omaha. The wedding was very
quiet, the young people having been
in the west on their vacations and
decided that they would make the
occasion one especially pleasant and
accordingly were joined in wedlock.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Holly, formerly of this
Itching, torturing skin eruptions
disfigure, annoy, drive one wild.
Doan's Ointment is praised for its
good work. 60c at all drug stores.
is often caused by an inflamed condition
of the mucous lining' of the Eustachian
Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you
have a rumbling sound or imperfect
hearing'. Unless the inflammation can
be i educed, your hearing may be de
stroyed forever.
do what we claim for it rid your system j
of Catarrh or Deafness caused by j
nas oeen successful in the treatment of
Catarrh for over Forty Tears.
Sold by all druggists.
F. J. Cheney 4b Co., Toledo Q.
New 3 -Million-Dollar Technical
High School typifies Omaha's pro
arosive educational spirit.
E. H. Wescott "Victim" of Gentle
Conspiracy Last Evening at
From Wednesdays Daily.
Since the organization of the
Young Men's Bible class of the
Methodist church sixteen years ago,
E. H. Wescott has officiated as the
teacher and to the members of his
class he has been both a leader in
the class work and a close and high
ly esteemed friend and comrade, and
to the members of the class and the
teachers the meetings have been fill
ed with pleasure as well as inspira
tional thought.
Last evening being the regular
meeting of the class. Mr. Wescott re
paired to the church building at 7:30
to assist in the "sing" and the regu
lar meeting and was rather surpris
ed to find but one or two of the
young men in attendance and these
seemed rather in favor of calling the
meeting off and going on back'liome.
After some discussion it was decided
that the class members must have
decided to seek a cooler spot and Mr.
and Mrs. Wescott, the latter being
the musical director of the class, de
cided to go on home.
On drawing near "Sunnyside,"
Mr. Wescott noticed several cars in
the vicinity of the house but was as
sured that tho neighbors were hav
ing guests and it was not until he
started to enter the home that he
was "wise" to the plans of the mem
bers of his family and friend3 as the
jolly crowd rushed forth and gave
him a hearty greeting and more than
carried out their plans of a surprise.
The evening was spent on the
lawn of the home which was most
attractive after the heat of the day
an dMr. Wescott, whose birthday
was being observed, was the center
of attraction from the crowd of
young men, some thirty in number.
A poll of the crowd developed the
fact that the aggregate weight of the
class was 4,500 pounds and the ag
gregate age of the "bunch" as 91fr
years, so the Y. M. B. C. is some large
and healthy organization.
To add to the enjoyment of the
crowd Miss Edith Mays of Wahoo, a
guest of Rev. and Mrs. Pfoutz, gave
two most charming vocal numbers
while Mrs. Wescott at the strenuous
urging of the class also gave two of
her always delightful selections, the
guest of honor presiding at the
Refreshments of rich, red. Juicy
watermelons was served during the
evening and the members did -their
full justice to the treat prepared by.
the family.
During the remainder of the even
ing the time was spent in social con
versation and the singing of a num
ber of the old familiar songs and last
but by no means least, at the home
going hour the guest of honor was
given a thorough roughing so that
he would appreciate the passing of
his birthday.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Members of the Scottish Rite who
live in this community are making
plans to attend the Rite picnic which
A large number of depositors are being attract
ed to this. bank on account of its unquestioned
solidity and the able conscientious men behind
it, and thus we feel justified in announcing
that from July 1st, this year, all Savings
Accounts left in this bank will draw
Open a Savings Account with us today.
We welcome accounts, whether SI or S5.000.00.
We Can Easily CONVINCE YOU of
Our Superior Banking Facilities
Farmers State Bank
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
An Educational Center
Investigate Omaha's schools and educa
tional advantages.
Two universities, colleges of law, medi
cine, dentistry, nursing and business.
Private and parochial schools. Academies
for women. Fifty-sir public schools, in
cluding four schools, with most
modern equipment and competent in
Omaha's srhooli rank among the finest.
Eend your children, or move here. Free
booklet on schools. Write to
Step Down This Way to
For the choicest patterns,
the widest range of
styles, and hundreds and
hundreds to choose from
we sit in the front seats.
FIT All high grade shirts, Man
hattan, Elder, New Era, good
honest made shirts.
WEAR A shirt with a reputa
tion always wears well."
PRICE Not higher than where
good shirts are kept and as
low as consistant with value.
Be it ever so-collar at
tached, collar to match,
neck and band style,
sport or dress, plain or
fancy, there is no place
like this shirt home. '
will be held at Hastings tn Wednes
day, August 29th, in beautiful Pros
pect Park.
This annual event has become so
popular with Masons and their fam
ines that Hastings Consistory ex
pects a record breaking crowd this
Those who attend will find a two-for-one
show because It is also circus
day at the Adams county capital and
picnickers may put their hands on
the elephants and get something ol
a foretaste of the Shrine pilgrimag
by looking at the camels In the street
The biggest and fest feature ol
the picnic, for the kiddies at least
will be the pop and ice cream which
Is furnished free to all who attend.
Krom Tuesday's Dally.
An action entitled Oliver C. Dovey
vs. T. R. Adams et al. has been filed
in the district court in which the
plaintiff through his attorney, C. A.
Rawls, asks for confirmation of tax