pagi nvi MONDAY, JUNE 18. 1923. PLATTSSIOTJTH Bdl WETXTiT . 70tmnAL 35 3 Bargain Wednesday SRECALS! :h fir ' . K2- s in.. Bis: Value in TaBle Cloths Circular or square 5Sx54. Mercerized damask, an excellent quality Price, each - l . . u m rn mr r - - a - - a -w 'Tillsbury Best" Flour 48-lb. sack Very special for Wednesday Women's Lingerie Suits . Comfortable athletic suits, chemLe and step-ins, uiade cf fine nainsooks, barred dimities ?nd voile?, in white and flesh. u:arnient3 Lave been radically re duced for Bargain Wednesday's selling. Sizes 36 to 4 4, each A Big Value in Women's $1 Cctisn Hose Here is an exceptional value in cotton bn:,-.-, l.":r.c and dark brown, m all sizes from 9 to 10. Very special at, per ; air 11c Japanese Crepe Fast color Japane?e crepe in all plain shades, for children's dresses, porch dresses at-i nraptri:?. Especially priced HO for Enrgaia day at, per yard oC Nev Filet Lace Edgings Xc r.rttc-rn.4 in SUt lace edgings about an. inth wide. Fine for all kinds r of underwear, luncheon sets, etc. Yd.OC Summer Fabrics Early Varieties! Very similar to a fresh garden are our early varieties of summer fabrics with animated colorings and beauty of finish, they have captured the enthusiasm of every devotee of charm who has seen them. New Crepes, pleasing ginghams, up-to-the-minute linens and ratines, original sport silks and lovely prints. All of these new fabrics were purchased with your discriminating taste foremost in mind. Especially priced for June Bargain Wednesday are these Seasonable Summer Fabrics and Wearables. Ssod. Things to EaH at Bargain Day Prices 5 cars Tnle River peaches $1 5 cans Cypress'.ccts for 1 4 ecus Farwest loganberries for ?1 4 jars Housewife preserves, all flavors-Sl Crllon apples, per gallon HOC Gallon Intranberries, per gallon 70c Gallon black rasp'jerrivs, per gal.J51.20 Cr.llon b'ackberrie.?. per pallon 90 Calion pitted red cherries, pallon $1.20 Gallon orange marmalade, gallon OOc 5 lbs. prunes, size SO-100 $1 C lbs. prunes, f-iza 40-50 $1 5 lbs. dried pears for ?1 6 lbs. seMles raisins for 91 Frazil nuts, per lb IOC English walnuts, per lb 25c 3 lbs. Farina for 25c 3 lbs. bulk macaroni for 25c Picnic ham'j, average 7 to 9 lbs.. Price, per lb lc Full: cocoa, per lb IOC i-!b. cf ddy "Krispy" crackers for 55c Dr. Price's baking powder, 1-ib. can15c CO cars Lennox soap for 91 C bnrs Palm Olive soap for 25C 10 bars P & G naptha eoap for 50c 10 cans Hooker lye for 81 S Glidden corn for 31 12-oz. can Forkner fig j3in for 15C 2 cans 'or.irch perk and beans, raelium size, for 25c 10 pkes. rpaghetti, macaroni or noodles for 50c4 3 lbs. home roast coffee, best quality $1 Tissue Ginghams There is nothing prettier than a be coming tissue gingham, frock, and certainly very becoming ones can be fashioned from these attractive tissue singhams. 32 inches wide, these tissue ginghams are especially priced for Bargain V.'ednesday . AQg at, per yard flfC Batiste and Voiles In light and dark colors in very pretty patterns. These are high grade fabrics, new designs and colorings at exceptionally attractive prices. Come in widths to 40 inches and values to 75c per yard. Especially priced for Bargain Wednesday at, per yard ImnortpH Prmnpnt Finish fclVrV . 5Mj Here is an excellent quality white White Organdy sateen. Just right in weight for dur- 51 able, opaque and service able skirts me Kina inac stays sun aner iaun-'ii:ani slips. Full yard dering. Sheer, lovely organdy such as?2sSwide. Special, per yd. this quality always commands atpjvft much higher price For BargSin wed-ifija Women's Knit Union Suite priced at, per yard 39c I A Charming Dress from These Ginghams Is yours almost without effort. Such pretty and dainty checks and plaids in tasteful color effects lend them selves readily to simple patterns. These ginghams usually sell for much more than our Bargain Wednesday price, which is, per QC yard OOC Natural Color All-Silk Pongee 32 Inches wide, in regular $1.50 quality. Very special for Bargain Wednesday at, per yard .$1.19 White Sateen for Petticoats 69c? 45c A New Sport Silk That will please you, is this brocaded! crepe. It is suitable alike for dresses! skirts or sports suits, and can bei had in the season's two best shades. white or cinder. Full Cfli yard wide. Per yard vmwUS Made of a very good quality yarn, tubular top, in various styles. Sizes 36 to 44. Very special at, per suit ..50c White Sateen Petticoats Double paneled, herns! ueguiar ana outslzes. Specially priced at hed -$1 .25 lis ll3n nrr jvJLiv mm Phones 53, 54 and 144 Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Basomcnt Bargains! Outstanding Values o 4 large rolls toilet paper 25c (Baeement) 3 pkgs. tooth piks for l10c (Baeement) Miller's lasting starch, per pkg 5 (Basement) Ivory Etorch, per pkg 5C (Easement) Large granite preserving kettles $1 (Baeement) Zinc wash board, each 50c (Basement) Large granite convex kettles with lids$l (Baeement) Large granite dish pans, each 50 (Basement) Colonial water tumblers, set of 30c (Basement) Aluminum Combination Cooker Can be used in a dozen different ways, yiere is an item that will in- Cl C slantly appeal to you. Only 3 !.) (Baeement) Water Pitchers Large Indian Head pottery -water pitch ers, capacity one gallon. Spec- frf ial price, each $ 1 (Basement) Bavarian Cups and Saucers Heavy weight, all white, Ranson pattern. Usual price, per set, $3. Special for Bar gain Wednesday while they rf last, per set 310U (Basement) Something New in Fish Globes Very attractive, oval shaped with metal stand. Capacity 3 gallon. n Bargain Wednesday price (Basement) Chin aware Bargain Woods "Blue Willow" China, the origin al. Here is an unusually low price on this attractive chinaware. Ctfl Per 100 piece set (Baeement) Big Value in 23-Piece Tet Sets Here are two attractive highly glazed tea sets, the "something new" that you have been looking for. One set is yellow with black handles, the other set is blue with black handles. Very special jo f" at per seJL of 23 pieces pOdU (Basement) Large Black Tea Pots Here are some pretty new tea pots. Not only are they attractive, but highly useful as they are a good size for 7Q family use. Very special at, each OC (Basement) mm mm v U'J 'V'xIV.v '.a 'W '9. ' Pin "7T Bargain Wednesday at the Bates Corner Stationery Store! We will offer many very attractive bargains, such as all the Baskets we have left at half price, as we are closing out this line. Base balls from 25c to $2.00 Soft rubber balls (plain and fancy colors) for the children. Baseball bats from 25c to .$2.00 Complete line of base ball and tennis goods. Rubber balls from lCc to $1.00 Box stationery from 25c to $2.00 200 Sailing Balloons for the Children at 10c Plattsmouth, Nebraska. The Bates Corner Stationery Store Fifth and Main Streets 24 Size California Peaches 3 Cans 4-Tie Brooms Dol lar Values at 'ics vis 48-lb. sack Little Hatchet flour, per sack $1.70 48-lb. sack Gold Medal flour, per sack 1.90 3- lb. can J. M. coffee 95 1-lb. can J. M. coffee 34 1-lb. can Hills Bros, coffee 50 4- lb. pkg. Advo pancake flour 25 Swansdown cake flour, per pkg 35 Spaghetti and macaroni, 3 pkgs. for 25 1 5-oz. pkg. Sunkist seedless raisins 18 5- lb. can Sunkist Dri-Pak prunes 1.10 No. 2J2 size can California pears 25 J2-Ib. can Baker's cocoa 25 J-lb. can Guittard's pure sweet ground chocolate .23 10-oz. can Baker's fresh grated cocoanut 10 1 4-oz. glass American Maid peanut butter 23 1-lb. jar Delco pure fruit jam 15 43-oz. jar Green Duck assorted jam 45 8-oz. jar Shaeffer's 1000 Island dressing. . . . 28 26-oz. jar J. M. mustard 23 American cheese, per lb 35 Brick cheese, per lb 35 2 cans Campbell's pork and beans 25 2J2-lb. can Golden Yam sweet potatoes 20 10-oz. bottle Advo liquid bluing 10 TELEPHONES Main Street Store, 236 South Park Store, 118 Plattsmouth, Nebraska - - SEE THE Bargain Wednesday j at the VARIETY STORE. 3 Aluminum Sauce Pans in Set for Furniture Polish A Large Bottle for 17 BUY YOUR FIREWORK NOW 6 boxes gold sparklers 25c 6 boxes automatic cap3 25c 6 packages fire crackers 25c 2 large 10c packages fire crackers 15c 3 pkgs. 2-inch flash crackers 25c 10 only safety torpedos 10c 4 only 10-ball roman candles 25c "Boot-er-os" 10c BARGAIN DAY SPECIALS One lot sunbonnets, each 19c Children's half-socks, in colors, pair 25c Coats sewing thread, spool 5c O. N. T. crochet cotton, ball 10c 12 picnic plates (8 inch) 5c 100 white paper napkins 13c Fly swatters, each 9c Flags for the 4th of July, priced up from lc Long Flight golf balls, each 10c OUR GIFT TO THE JUNE BRIDES JgpA Cut Glass Flower Basket free to any Cass county girl married in Plattsmouth on Bargain Wednesday, June 20th. Popular variety Store ii mm-,, ti .It I J, 4 ill mtt fate i 2C