FAGS FOITS PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY . JGUEUAL THITXSDAY, JtTKE 11, 1023. Che plattemourh 16urm PUBLISHED StMI-WEEXLY AT Catered at Po office, PiattMnnuth. R. A. BATES, Publis'irr SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 THE LORD REIGNETH Let the heavens be glad, and let the ctth rejoice; and let men say among the nations, the Lord reign eth. I Chronicle xvi 31. : :o: This new Greek offensive is very offensive to the Turks. Stay on the right side while driv ing autos or bargains. o ; i This school of experience you hear about i3 a high school. :o: Two wrongs never make a right, but usually get one left. :o: If every knock is a boost, where will the price of sugar go? The bathing beauties are flocking :o to the water on their see legs. :o: The real non-stop dance record is on your neighbor's phonograph. :o: We spend money to impress others who spend money to impress us. :o: These daj-s they promise to love, humor and obey their impulses. o:o- Mother Earth seems to get farther going in circles than do humans. :o: Being a millionaire would be a fine job except that it takes a lot of money. :o: Don't it make you feel awful to have wife smile at you when you are mad? Every man deserves a living wage except a great many of those getting two or three. :o:- Nice thing about school being out is boys won't have to wash their necks so often. :o: A3 an indication of which way the wind blows, there is nothing to beat a new straw hat. m :o: Watch your love letters in June. The female of the species Is more deadly with the mail. :o: One spring style 'that never chang es Is the one when the tree limbs slip on their green bloomers. :o: If the mother is pretty, the baby does not have to be so very good looking to attract a lot of attention. :o: Don't worry, skirts will not be any longer as long' as the girls have two good reasons for keeping them short. :o: Breaking the news, relatively speaking, means that the whole fam ily has been included in the proposi tion. to: ii men women aooui ineir iauns;cass, es. as they do about the weather that millenium would be just around the corner. :o: If the German were as smart as they are alleged to be they would quit fooling with marks and use matches for money. :o: The picnic season Is on and, when spreading your coat for a lady to sit on, be sure to take it off first. Some folks are so forgetful. :o: Zoologists state that monkeys de spise alcohol. Which is an argument for Bryan or against him, according to the way he looks at it. :o: A New Yorker Is in the Tombs for mishandling a million dollars of in vestors' money. No frost has ever succeeded in blighting the budding suckers. :o: We can't drive our flivver 500 miles at 91.44 miles per hour, of which we're glad because the fences over tni3 way are not board, but barbed wire. :o: About the only solution of this hat have and Chinese" bandit proposition comes readily to mind is to Henry Fo;-d buy the country cancel the concession. :o: Of course it i3 none of our busi ness, but that was a happy compro mise in which the Greeks agreed to cTwe the money as long as the Turks don't try. to collect it. :o:- It must have been someone like a New York banker in a moment of re morse who originated the old French saw that runs: "Never write a love letter and never destroy one." PLATTSMOTJTH. HX.RRASO Neo. Moond-ola mi tntter PES YEAR Lb A 0 VANCE Many people who went to school can't prove it. All bathing suit designers must be from Missouri. :o:- Distance lends summer resort. enchantment to a o: o A political machine must be talking machine. :o: The easier a man's job the more time he has to get disgusted with it. In spring a young man's doesn't work. ( :o: June is the month in which Cupid! has orders to shoot on sight. :o: Very few ice men know the differ- ence between tomatoes on ice and ice on tomatoes. :o:- If you ride in an enclosed car it is harder for the installment collector to get to you. :o: We'll bet the man who thought up hugging was surprised the first time he tried it out. to: After practicing eating gravy 40 years some men still spill it on the table cloth. :o: New Yorkers think the saloon is . drawing near. But distance on wa ter is deceiving. -o:o- More boys are playing ball this j year, according to the man who puts in window panes. -o:o- Tnis report about the rising gen- cration going to the dogs is a few million years old. School kids' vacation days are here. There isn't any vacation In the school of experience. o It is always proper to think what you say, but not always proper to say what you think. -or Transparent Palm Beach suits are back, and you can see just how many men are knock kneed. o:o A ninety-day rain don't come ev ery year. But that's what it is try ing to do this year, evidently. :o: It Is intended to make the com munity picnic among the most pleas ant affairs ever held in Cass county. : o: Marshal Foch says If he had his life to live over again, l:c would choose to live in America. One can't help wondering if most Europeans don't' feel that way, nowadays. SHERIFF'S SALE of Nebraska, County of State By virtue of an Execution issued by James Robertson, Clerl: of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I will on the 18th day of June, A. D. 1923. at 10 o'clock a. m., of snid day at the Todd store building in Union,, Cass county, Nebraska, 32II at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following per sonal property, to-wlt: One ice box and fixtures, two Dayton scales, one cash register, four show cases, one thread, case and three counters The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Thomas II. Cromwell and John A. Gakemeier, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Edward S. Tutt, plaintiff against said defend ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 28th, A. D. 1923. C. D. QUINTON, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska W. A. ROBERTSON. Attorney for Piaintiff. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraksa, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Eli Manspeaker, deceased. j To the creditors of said estate: Ycu ere hereby notified that I will Fit at the County ;ourt room in : Piattsmouth in said county, on the 7th day of July, A. D. 1923, and on the Cth day cf October. A. D. 1923. taken as th? property of William K. at ten oYlock in the forenoon of each Fox, Jr.. Marie Fox. Frankie Fox, dny, to receive and examine all Thomas B. Salmon, Thomas B. Sa! clalms against said estate, with a mon, Jr., a minor, George O. Dovey view to their adjustment and allow- and John McNurlin, administrator of ance. The time limited for the nre- the estate of William K. Fox. deceas- sentation of claims against said tate is three months from the 7th day of July, A. D. 1923. and the;Ingston Loan and Building Associa time limited for payment of debts' tion, plaintiff against said defend is one year from said 7th day of' ants. July. A. D. 1923. I Plattsmouth. Nebraska, June 11th, Witness my hand and the seal of. said County Court, this 5th day of June. A. D. 1923. ALLEN J. JEEESON. (Seal) J7-4w. County Judge is usually one , a wide experl- NOTICE. OF MEETING OF CO. EOAIID OF EQUALIZATION The County Board of Equalization will meet for the mimcse of equaliz ing the assessment of Casa county for the year 1923, in the Commis sioners' office at the court house in Platt&mouth, Nebraska, commencing on Tuesday, June 12th. 1S23, at 9 o'clock a. m.t and will continue in session from day to day until NOON on Friday,.June the 15th, 1923. All claims for equalization to be filed on or before Thursday, June the 14th. 1923. i GEO. It. SAYLES. ! Clerk. County Board of Equalization. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of: Cass, ss. By virtue of an Execution issued (by James Robertson, Clerk of the a ' District Court within and for Cass (county, Nebraska, and to me drrect ed, I will on the lGth day of July, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, in raid coun- ty, sell at public auction to the high fancy est bidder for cash the following ! property to-wit: Lots eight (8) and nine, (9) . VJ A- 'o I j lUUUil., . CUIUS itl The same being levied upon and 4 X- . I 1 taken as the property of Charles C Parmele et al, defendants, to satisfy judgment of said Court recovered by Louisa Stohlman, Annie Vogler and Wilhelmina Hei', plaintiffs against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 6th, A. D. 1923. C. D. QUINTON, Sheriff Cas3 County, Nebraska. C. A. RAWLS, Att'y for Plaintiffs. j SHERIFF'S SALE ! State of Nebraska, County of! Cass, es. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sucd )y james Robertson, Clerk of Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 2nd day of ' A narrow mind which has not had ence. tta dooTof tte!tw.,thfl -Pring, of r hnnso in Pi.ittsTTmith tn snid county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fellow- ing property, to-wit: Lots 4. 7, 11, 12, 13 and 14, in Egenberger and Troop's Sub Divisions of Lots 49 and 51, in Section 29, Township 12, Range 14, east of the 6th P. M.t except a strip of ground 12 feet wide off the east end of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, above described, for a road runing north and south, all situated in the City of Plafts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska. Tho same being levied upon and taken as the property of William T. Craig. Ida May Craig, Samuel Park er. John W. Parker, guardian of Samuel Parker, incompetent, real name unknown, defendants, to satis-1 must recover it and "play it out" fy a judgment of said Court recover- from that point. Sitting in the pud ed by The Livingston Loan and Build- fl3e or t , to approach the hat on ing Association, plaintiff against said . , , . defendants. - the bands and knees is considered Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 28,Poor form and the best straw hat A. D. 1923. I C. D. QUINTON, Sheriff Cass County, A. L. TIDD, - Nebraska. Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of! Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale is- sued by James Robertson, Clerk of immodest, but it is hard to imagine l.Dli mer!the cen-or arresting a gentleman for dirprtPd. T will on tho 2nd dav of.wearinff a shirt. July, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, in said itnnntv coll at riiVl? nnrtinn tn iVi v..i, vuj,. , n,.,ifor Lnited States senator. lllucoi. uiuul iui v aou itic luaun- ing property, to-wit Lots 4. 5 and 6, in Block 75, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Aretas Rey nolds and wife, Hattie Reynolds, et al, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by The Liv ingston Loan and Building Associa tion, plaintiff against said defend ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 28, A. D. 1923. C. D. QUINTON, Sheriff Cass County, A. L. TIDD. Nebraska. Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cnssv rs. By virtue of an Order of Sale is puad by James Robertson. Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 16th day of July, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing property, to-wlt: Lot 12, in Block 40, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cas3 coun tv, Nebraska; aio Lot 6 in B'ocV 2 6. in the City of Platts mouth. Cass county, Nebraska The. same being levied upon and es-!ed. defendants, to satisfy a Judgment 'of said Court recovered by The Liv- A. D. 1923. C. D. QUINTON. - Sheriff Cass County, A. L. .TIDD. .. . Nebraska. Attorney for Plaintiff. t STEAW HAT RULES A straw hat is something a man puts on in the early spring to make him look silly until the first frost. It is worn part of the time and chased the rost of the time. The 1' at makers change the models and designs cadi year, but have yet to invent one that will roll safely ihru heavy traffic. There are people who say there i3 more exercise in a straw hat than in golf. In both games the "approach" i3 the most difficult. The National Association of Straw Hat Makers has announced rules for the straw hat chasing. They follow 1. The hat must be "teed" up as high as possible on the skull, so the ; wind can at al! times get a fair shot 2. Pulling the bonnet over the ears is considered poor sportman ship. The old custom of keeping the straw hat in leash by means of a black tape running from the brim to the coat lapel was declared nul! and void by the rules committee of 1SSG. 3. The hat is considered to bo "in play" the moment a wearer puts it on his head. 4. When the player feels his strav. A. 1 V nai lene ins neaa na snail cry "Fore!" and proceed to pursue it at once, the idea being to recover it in the least number of attempts or "shots." 5. A straw hat shall have the right of way over all taxieabs, pri vato automobiles, trucks, street cars, etc. C. Both the straw hat and the traffic shall have the right of way over the straw hat owner. 7. A straw hat shall be considered playable1, whether rolling, skimming, zooming, skidding or in repose, 8. When a straw hat is in the fol lowing places it shall be considered as in the rough: (a) Between the 4A.... ...1 1 1 . r- ar; (b) under a horse's hoof; (c) in a puddle of water; (d) caught be- i . lomooue; lej on me racuator or a truck: (f) under the' wheels of any vehicle; (g) in or partly in a sewer. ash can, gas main or open coal hole; (h) between the legs of a traffic po liceman or under same; (i) caught In a tree or telegraph wires, etc. 9. A hat landing in any of the above places must be played from that spot, and the practice of kick ing a hat from under a taxicab into the open and resuming play from the new position1 is forbidden. 10. Straw hats must be played re gardless of water. Should the lid land in a water hazard the wearer chasers never think of it. 11. The original hat must be played from a water hole. Under no circumstances shall a player discard the hat in the water and put a new one into play without penalty. :c- Some of the South Sea island pio- pie who wear clothes are considered :r: Gov. Freu3 of Minnesota an- nounces that he will be a candidate and since they probably know how to pro- nounce him up there have much trouble. he shouldn't SCHOOL BOND ELECTION Consolidated School District No. C-7, in the County of Cass and the State of Nebraska. Public notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Consolidated School District No. C-7, in the Coun- Ity of Cass and State of Nebraska, that a special election has been call- r u it y Liiu uiaiuui xiuai u aim u in i-- held in said district on Saturday, the 2Cth day of June, A. D. 1923. The question to be submitted to the qualified voters at said election is the following: "Shall the District Board of Consolidated School District No. C-7. in the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, be authoriz ed to issue the negotiable cou pon bonds of said district in the sum of $35,000.00, bearing in terest at a rate not to exceed 5 per annum, payable semi annually, said bonds to mature not to exceed thirty year3 from date of same and to be issued for the purpose of erecting and furnishing a school building within and fcr said district; and rhall a special tax he levied for the purpose cf paying the Intsr r?.t on and the principal of said bonds as they become due?" The polling place for said election will be at the school house, in said district. The election will be held and the ballot box for the reception of bal- taken as the property of L.mcr Car lots will bo cpened at the hour of ter. diaries P. frusta three o'clock p. m. and will be closed E. Guentaer defendants to FMasfy a v, f r,? vioefe Ti. m.. on Judgment of raid Court recovered three o'clock p .., ici, e tq n ri,, oiifio ,.tpra nf said dis- A-Fil 1.1 J UU11UVU . ' , trict will be permitted to vote upon; the question suDauiea ai tuia eicv. - tion. By order of the District Board tins AUGUST RUGE, Director. ev - destroy jURNED ft n 13 STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA iii Biff! GIVE TEACHER PAEEWELI On Saturday evening at the pleas ant country home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tritsch gathered a large nuu ber of the patrons of the Falrview school to participate in a farewell to lie efficient young lady vho lias had charge of the school for the past year 15iW'E3teIle,Tr;i3&h. ami who with her sister, Miss Eihel, departed this morning for California. The evening was- spent in games ana music and while the occasion was one that was thoroughly enjoyed there was present a feeling of regret nt the thought of losing Miss Tritsch ; who has been unusually successful in ner won; in me scnooi tno past year and it was against tho desire of l-j r c-rVtrn-vl nnfrniic t li r t cVo t r ?i i7 F.-wl w rc.,r,,iAn fiMhnr' -'r in the school.Vriiis Tritsch is expect- ing to locate in California if the; climate nleases her. The evenincr was . closed with fresh ments. servirrg of dainty re- SHERIFF'S SALE Str.te of Nebraska, County e.f Cass. S3. v By virtue of an Order cf Sale i-3-vaed by James Robertson, Clerk cf the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska., and t) me directed, 1 will on tha Sth d?.y cf July. A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south a :cr of the court house in Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cosh the follow ing property, to-wit: Lots twelve, (12) thirteen. (13) and fourteen, (1-1) in Long's Addition to the Village of Mynard, Cass county, Ne braska The r.nme being levied upon and taV.r-n rs the property of Williim 1 I x j i'.i , lit ;c :ii c. a : ants, to satisfy a judcrmpnt of said; Jhe piattoalh ' Journal a serai Court recovered by P red L Bodi...vcel,ly nc.,V3per printed in said Receiver of the Bank of ( ass County, county for t';r-Q ucce-'ve weeks plaintiff against said defendant. r.rior Vo said day "of hearinV. Plattsmouth, AeDrasKa, jiay 4tu, A. D. 1923. C. D. QUINTON. Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska SHERIFF'S SALE of Nebraska, Ceunty Stite of I Cas, ss. By virtus cf p.n Order of Sale sued by James Robertson, Clerk i W' the District Court within and forj In the matter of the estate of Mich C3S3 county, Nebraska, and to mejacl Whglan. deceased. directod, l win on ine sfin azy oi July, A. D. 192o. at 10 o'ciock a. m. or sain cay, at me sauui u-.;ui ui court house in Plattsmouth, in said county, sell t public auction to the hi sheet biduc-r for c Hh the f, Oi.O". ini? property, to-wit: The cr.st hf-lf of the northwest onartcr. (XW"; ) nf Section 27. Tovnehip 1?., II-. nre 10, East cf tic Gth I'. fa Ch.'s county, NtV'r?'ka The sa-ir.e btin.? levied nr.cn rt.d by Emma ?.a!ton, plaintiff against said defendants. . . i lamummu, .,.,1, oUi.c ii.u, .". i , '-!? j fU'INTON. Biltnn, yY, a.ei:: K. PEERING, . v Att'y for Plaintiff.. i eats mats, bm tv r out bearings, broken crank shafts, connecting rods and wrist pins, scratched cylinders that have to be re-bored and motors that rattle and knock, tell of incorrect lubrication. These motor troubles can be largely avoided by using high quality motor oil of the right grade. It must withstand the cil-destroying heat of motor operation. For years Polarine has been keeping down costs for tens of thousands of motcrists by guarding motors agsinst destructive friction and wear. It flows freely at all temperatures and retains correct body at high heat. It assures protective lubrication. Consult the Polarine Chart. Standardize on the grade recommended for your motor and ycu will spare yourself the expense and annoyance of much preventable motor trouble. Polarine is made in one standard, unsurpassed quality. But to meet the requirements of different motors, it is sold in five grades light, medium, heavy, special heavy and extra heavy. Buy your motor oil end gasoline where you see this sign. & II in AFiI'IEL TO ri AY The fart well r CiT'iiell, Omaha rrai o cf S;immy . ..una pi.,,.y, iii ! 1 !- .1 41. ,..1. lore Mio (k-p.iiuiif mt: tiisi. wiitic;;t . f,., r.,r-,1 i he will take sip study under one oi i !tl noted teachers of the country,! - - r . T : . ' T.'OAV,', Omaha, about 0:50 tonight, i in connection witn tn regular pro- e:r:r.:. which i? under itn?pice-'? cf the Concord club, it is announce;!. Those- who hav hc:;rd S:in:my i.lny heft re will he delighted at the op- f rornir,ity of again "listcnins ; vjolin before he dopnrts for t ? to his ho east. OIiDER OF I7EAPJNG AND NO TICE OF PROBATE CF WILL ; Tn t',P Tm-.tv Tnurt nf Cns. ( - nnn - j ty, Nebraska. 0f State Ca.'TJ, ss. of Nebraska, County persons interested in the cs - lC it tatc- cf Eli Mar.'periker. deceased: i t Op. reading the petition of Mar-! ipraret Mansp'-nker, praying that tho' ! instrument filed in this court on the i 17th day of May. 1923, and purport ing to be the last will and tc-ctame'it j of the said deceased, mav be proved trr.il Pllcwed, and'rerorded m t!ie iast ! i will and testamcr t of Eii M nspeak j er, deceased; tliat said instrument ; he rdmitted to probate, and th3 r.d-( 'ministration of sr-M ctate ba grant-; jed to Margaret Elizabeth Mansp?alc-; ! er. as executrix; j It is hereby ordered thrt yovt, and. 'all persons interf.Fted in said matter, imay, and do. apnsar at the County; I Court to be held in n.nd for z-dld f ! county, on the oth day cf June, A. j j I). 152S, nt ten o'clock a. in., to, i f.liov; cms!, if any there be, why the! j prayer of the petitioner should noti !, i . -I . , i m rt it I e granieu. mi tiiat iiciice or ire; pendency cf said petition and thrt' itbe hearing thereof be givn to. all' rr rr.-.f. 3 intorrtctnrl cow? m otter - - v.'ltness mv hand, and ?el nf said court, this 17tll (Ir.v nf Mir A T 1923. " " ALLEN J. ESEFCN, (Seal) m21-3w. County Judge, - . OF HEARING FOR AP- .E-NT OF ADMINISTRATRIX " ORDER PC INT.' The State of Nebraska, Cp.fs ccun- tV " O . , I un reading and filing the Pe"' jtitlou of Mary O. Vhelan. nrayin?- tnptr. ar:mini3erat;on of sail estate 'may h? granted to Mary O. Whlan as administratrix. O fire red that thr? f3th d-v of Ju" ! A. 102.1. at ten o'elo 1;' r . n.. is i z'l-:r.r.a for he.-rlr:-: sr M petition. iw-fr all pcr.aonj Jrter.-slcd in said ; matter may fipjrr- at a Cuntv : Co-i-t ta ..- h-ia in and for tai'd ' Covnty, nnd r. ove r -u v.-hy the rsycr of the rc.i!e--iicr shotihT no he r-ranted; nnd that, notice of th" tendency of s-id petition and the hearing tliercof be given to all per ! r-r? intorcsted in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tr.O Plattsmouth Journal -ini-rtceKiy newspaper printed in .oni w.-m.ijr, ur i.irrc t-ucrosslve ; weeks, prior to said clay of hearing. Dated this 1st day of June. A. D. io: ALLEN J. BEEr.ON, ; (Seal) jl-3w County Judge. 3 res .-l ii A'i ,'4. V.'Tl.l. IEACTICS TWICE A WEEK. Commencing this week the Lalca A wl ; t:i-t3 tvHc-.i-wc.k ri liearsnh-. !.-,.,...., j.i m..r!llv in nlppin: I "'-" "ii """' I r it in the troi't ran!: amoi:g tn;?.iu.r town hands of t!ie middle west. In tt. at th. j-resent time, tew u any i!ir;ir put up by our Joeai musicians lav! wni".'t jnciiueB sucn nenvy biuil i;is r.lclicth, etc. The Loys arc work ing ii" on cane hrand now stuff for th-1 radio concert .they will play in Omaha Monday night, July 9th, from Nation WOAW, under auspices of the local post of the American Le j.ioii. 0!iiy a limited number of vocal ro'.vv. v:ll he c,jj tho program, must of Th time being given over to nu ra ! Director Schulhcf who is looking ai.it i ine m r;i iif; i nvr, ul iiie )iOniii ; 1j preparing to give the'musfc lovers ! ;i renl tre?t when they tune in on !r27 that night. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the District Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. In the n atter of the ett?.te of Nel lie I. Frai-K, deceased. On reading the duly verified peti tion cf Hr.vrv M. Frans, executor of the Lr-st Will and Testament of Nel lie I. Frans. deceased, and also guar dian cf Marie Frans and Alma Frans, miners, for n construction of said Lr..-t Will and Testament, and fcr li cense and order to execute o mort ce i n the sum of 510,000.00 on the following described real estate, to wit: The south half (SVs) cf the r.outhwcct quarter (SWVt) of F.catir.n 24, and the north half (NJ) of the northwest quar ter (NWVP of Section 25, all in Township 10, Range 13, in Cass f.O':r.ry, Nebraska for the purpose of raising fund ft:'r the payment of indebtedness and p.;l mlnistratin expenses on claims al lowtd rrai;ist said estate in the mat ter of the estate of Nellie I. Frans. now pending in the County Court cf Cass poiihIt. Nr-brnska. The .unniait r.f tho rlnir.io illnwr-d i":il:ift "iF.Tid c-r.tate beinar the sum of S11.7CC- Said note and mcrtgarc to bo jointly eveeutod bv Harrv M. Frans. ;in his own right; Harold Frans, in ' Ms own right, and Zola Toilar l ard llf'r ''"3F',-"!i1'J in her own riaht. to- 'rethor with Ilarrv M. Frans r.s execu tor d cst'itf. and as guarJian cf t,,s C3t?c of sai(1 rflln0rn. Tf . r,tro,l flint It is therefore ordered that the rxt of kin of said minors an 1 iul per? ens Jntarcstod in said estate ap ::ear before no at Chambers at the Court House in th.e City cf Plati?- mouth, in Cars countv. Nebraska, on the Cth day of July, 1S23, at ten (10) o'c'ork p. m.. to shew caue if nn" tliere ho wliy licence fni crd"i' T-Y cir.ld re.,- -c rrantcr' v. v. Co th-' s;." ' r. ce cf .rv 1-7 rrrtis. as c::cf!tor c-r r-a'i Ma. :vl as guardian cf the c -fates i-i Piicr-:, to rer,:tc c-'M notes Mil arrtn.!?!1 ss above sit fortii. I'. svrti.er c rd ere .1 that a copy cf thia o.-.'l-- !-e personally -rve-l i fll i.ortx.ns ir.toreste I in said t-sta.e at lef.rt fourteen (14) days b'-iore the dav sat for hearing, or pubiishc-a for four sunceoslve weeks in The !'ti.-nMrth .TniirTl.-'.l. a nebt" ririnttrl rni1 nuhlislied in the said a County of Cass, in - - - the State of Nc- 1 Dated at Plaitsmouth. in Ca-s bounty. Nebraska, this 24th day of 'May, 1923. " . rT rv I JAMES T. BEGLE l . . Judge of the District !m2S-4w. Court. H 9 y i V 1 ''iil.'r" " r-?'?-feaft4siKi! . vers r . : :.-.y-.