The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 14, 1923, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THTTRSEAY, JTirE 14. 1923.
nion Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Lower Main Street Open Day and Night
Heals served at all hours Lunches put up Short orders Every
care taken to insure the comfort of patrons of this popular hostelry.
J. O. Perdue, Prop
Union, Nebraska
Thsy Ars Going Hapidly!
We had soms goods left over and above what we
sold to Mr. Sheeley, and in order to get rid of them and
get to our other business we are making some very low
prices. We have the goods and will sell them as lew as
the wholesalers.
Copper bottom washboilers, reg. price $3.75, at. .$2.50
Galvanized tubs, reg. price, 85c, now 65
Oak brand overalls, jackets, reg. $2.25, new. . . . 1.75
Broad Long shirts, were $1, now 85
Butcher knives, 25 to 35 'V Discount.
Rubber boots and 4-buckle overshoes at cost price
from the wholesalers.
Excellent quality mi::ed paints at away below cost,
in the face of a rising paint market.
Shoes at actual cost from wholesaler. We are pay
ing carriage charges. We have an excellent line and
it will pay you to get in on this before it is broken.
Best quality nails at 5c per lb.
Pint, quart and half gallon jars. Also an assortment
of stoneware. All to be closed out at cost.
Other articles in our stock include bolts, screws,
folks, shovels, axes, hoes, handles, hay fork rope, single
and double-trees, screen wire, tire chains and a few auto
casings as well.
If We Have What You Want You Can Surely
A. L.
Next to PostofFice
Union, Nebraska
At our Garage we are prepared to furnish the best ser
vice in repairs df all Automobiles, parts, supplies and acces
sories. TRUCKING!
We are always ready for your work in this line and the
best service guaranteed. Careful drivers always in charge.
The Auto Men -:- -:- Union, Neb.
Dr. Thomas P. Cogan
622 World-Herald Building
Omaha, Nebraska
will be at Dr. V. F. Race's office in Union on Saturdays,
from 9:30 in the morning for the remainder of the day,
beginning Saturday, April 21st.
Special attention given to care of the teeth and all
dental work, extracting, filling and crowning, as well as
artificial teeth of the best quality.
With Dr. W. F. Race, Union. Nebr.
The Corner Store!
In announcing the purchase of the Becker store,
we desire to say that
1 We will conduct the business on the same high
plane it has been conducted in the past.
2 We extend an invitation to all the former pa
trons of the store and as many new ones as possible to
give us their patronage, assuring you the best of treat
ment at all times.
3 We will straighten out the stock immediately
and will give some especial bargains in the near future,
of which we will advise you in these columns soon.
Again thanking all for their patronage and many
kindly well wishes since locating here, we desire to as
sure you the best of treatment at all times at
The Corner Store!
W. H. Sheeley, Manager Union, Nebraska
Mrs. E. II. Riggs of Brewster has
, been visiting fcr some time past at
I the home of Mrs. Belle Frans.
j Johnnie Kasterns of Nebraska City
i has been visiting with his brother,
Clyd Kasterns, cook at the Union
J. P. Douglas of Nehawka was a
visitor in Union last Monlay com
ing over to see his physician, Dr. Y.
F. Race.
J. T. Reynolds and J. II. Rheuinan
shipped a car of hogs to the South
Omaha market last Monday accom
panying the stock.
Walter Johnson has just purchas
ed a new 15-27 J. I. Case tractor
which he will use on his farm and
for power as well.
Miss Josia Thompson who ha3 been
visiting at the Hotel Union for the j
past week returned home last Sun
day at Nebraska City.
Misses Margaret Spangler and
Blanche Scotten of Murray and
Gladys Lyle of Elmwood were visit
ing for the day last Monday in Un
ion. Miss Bessie LaRue was a visitor at
the home of her friends. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Collins of Plattsmouth, re
turning home on Monday morning's
W. L. Taylor and son Almond were
visiting in Union last Sunday and
also remained for Monday and were
looking after some business matters
for the day.
Your Ford will look twice
as handsome with Sil
vertowns on all four
wheels and they'll
double your past tiro
Ceo. K. Petring, Prep.
tlenien were Messrs. Dysart and Mey
ers, Ralph Meyers, H. K. Frantz. E.
W. Jacks and James Lytle, who will
go to Kansas City to see the cattle
sold and incidentally see the big
town down the river as well.
See the change in the ad of Dow
ler Bros, garage and observe the ex
cellent service which this garage put
out and the bargains which they
have in goods which you will know
by calling at their place of business.
Will Put Schools in Class A
The Union school which have been
known as class B schools in the past
are taking a forward step and will be
in class A in the future. They will
employ no one who has not had a de
gree besides their high school work.
They must have had 2 years in col
lege. They have secured Mr. E. X.
Southworth as superintendent, com
ing from Stockham to the Union
schools. Miss Edith Noss who is a
Smith-Hughes graduate comes from
Bethany to the Union schools as in
structor in home economics and is
said to be a most efficient teacher.
Store" and will remain until the be-j
ginning of the school year in the
fall. Miss Sheeley has been elected
for the coming year at Trinidad.
Give Showers to Elects
Last Friday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. LaRue the friends of
i MLss Bonnie Ellis of Weeping Water
I Sheriff C. D. Quinton was a visi
' tor at Union last Monday when he
. came down on the train to serve
soir.e paters and returned home lat
: er in the day.
' Joseph Fetzer was a visitor in Un
' icn last Sunday and guest at the
home cf his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Pat
, Urton and husband and enjoyed an
I excellent visit.
C. F. Harris the county commis- the parties
sioner. was a visitor in Plattsmouth ; month.
'last Tuesday where he went to sit,
with the other commissioners as an Sweet Potato Plants
(equalization board. j t have some excellent Yellow Jer-
The Rev. Howard II. Planck who SPy sweet potato plants for sale at
j has been attending school at the 50c per hundred. A good time to put
state university during tne spring them out. W. L. Stone.
and rummer is at home now the
school having closed. PYparMTio- at Sointa School
and Mr. Ellis LaRue enjoyed an
evening of pleasure when they met
in the form of a shower given these
young people who are to wed in the
first portion of July. The evening
' was spent in games, music and song
and a most enjoyable evening was
had. The gathering was in the shape
of a miscellaneous shower and many
i useful and beautiful gifts were given
to wed the
Methodist Church Notes
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.
Morning service at Wyoming
a. m.
Ep worth League at 7:15 p. m.
Children's day program at 8 p.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all who wish to attend the Metho
dist church school at 10 o'clock ev
ery Sunday morning.
Prayer meeting and Bible study
on Thursday at S p. m. Everybody
cordially welcome at this service.
Two delegates are expecting to at
tend the Epworth institute at Ar
lington next week. I
Paul Applegate has but recently !
i TVi ti- ill c-nT-T-?"'f of t li O Q r1 1
purchased a new 2G-4G Case separa-' g h , he coming Sunday even
tor which he will use for threshing - , .x, n ,-oii
. , . . 1UK iai n UII.U till die iui uiaii iiiii-
od who are not worshipping else
where. The meeting which are held
thero are attracting much interest.
and will be associated with the
neighbors in the work of threshing. 1
We think this a josh but Thomas
J. McQuinn said "I am going to buy i
a boa tto plow my corn with." Who!
knows but it may stop raining and ,
i u-AiilH Ti n i-o rprv lift If !!: fnr tho i
k0?t i left over from his sale has placed
Vwtit iTarriPtt Chenev rienarted a;!'' in the Morton building next to
Will Sell Stock Now
L. Becker who has some stock
few days since for Long Beach where
she will spend the summer with her
grandmother, Mrs. X. R. Wills and
will return in time to enter the
i schools here.
There is rejoicing at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. . L. Mine over tne
the postoftice where they are being
closed out at a great sacrifice in or
der to clean them up. He has dry
goods and groceries and hardware
and will offer the goods at such ri
diculously low prices that i is a sur
prise to all. uetter drop around and
Children's Day Program
To be given at the First Baptist
church at Union:
Candle Drill, by entire School.
Prayer, Sarah Upton.
Welcome, Frank Warden.
Dialogue, Little Mothers Effie
coming Ruth Moore, Martha Upton, Opal
lounKer, iva lounKer.
Song "Mud Pies", Primary Class.
Gates Ajar, Beginners.
Song, Helen and Ruth Warden.
Recitation, Edmond Moore.
Recitation, Marjorie Hoback.
Tableaux. Seeking For Happiness.
Recitation. Lark Shrader.
Quarrel Song, Marion Clark and
Beulah Clark.
Daisy Dull, Primary Class.
Song "My Garden", Madge Che
ney. Sarah Upton, Marie Leach.
Recitation "A Girl's Lecture",
Vcrna Rieke.
Offeratory, Dorothy Clark.
Dialogue, How the Lilies Grow,
junior boys, girls and primary girls.
Lullaby. Ina LaRue.
Recitation, Cecil Niday.
Song. Martha Upton.
Recitation, Lon Shrader.
Shadow Pantomime "Putting Off
Recitation, Lucian LaRue.
Good Nlte, Marion Clark.
! arrival of a Very fine grandson who ! 15:31:9 J'our ice before they are all
came to bless Mr. and Mrs. Otto 1 nia aa eisenere in mis
Keene. the young man's parents. All J department,
are doing nicely. i
W. L. Havenridge and Miss Mary Jtiave LrOtten -Tartly settled
Becker while walking along last Sun-I The new store known as "The;
day found a rattlesnake which they ; Corner Store." owned by Mr. W. II.
cMspaiihed having five rabies and a ! She-el ey and operated by himself
wife, have gotten things run
nicely at tbis time. Mr. J. D.
Thursday afternoon. June 7. the
I nag mission or tne missionary soci
Make Them in a Day !
It's a pleasure to sew on the
soft Summer materials
frrrA h
4575 Bordered materials, voile,'
crepe de Chine and pongee are recom
mended for this simple one-piece
frock. Buy your pattern first at our
Butterick Pattern counter and see
how much! material Jyou
need. Then visit our
piece-goods counter and
select your material. The
Dehor enclosed with
your pattern tells you
how to make the dress.
i 4575
4591 At our piece-
g:ods counter you will
find org-indy, voile, lawn,
Georgette and crepe de
Chine in the brilliant
new Summer colors. All
of these materials are rec
ommended for this dress.
The Deltor enclosed
UiJ V i with your pattern tells
Butterick xy j you how to lay it out,
Design -l A V1 put jt together, and
4591 finish it
Buy Butterick Patterns with the Deltor!
Phone No. 206
ailment Store
Plattsmouth, Neb.
milUn - C A II I-T Vian(1 the C Commerce
rUlJnfJ I hUL I I Tair'unanimo'isly favor construction
the federal hospitalization board urg
ing the government to build the
hospital at Blair.
Omaha Chamber of Commerce, the
American Legion posts of Douglas
and V.'ashington counties. Nebraska,
riapdt.iur:i nullum nt? i a. r itrrs ujiu x , oui-c
button but it will not ply its nefari-jand
ou.s vocation anj longer. ! nins
ty met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. S. Upton at Union.
The rooms were beautifully deco
rated in the flowers of the early
summer season, peonies and roses be
ing used effectively in carrying out
the color scheme of pink and white.
Mrs. Lelia F. Queen who is xnak- j CroTis will assist in the store. The In honor of the occasion a large
ing her homo in Omaha, having new proprietors are well satisfied number of members and friends were
taught at Ralston last year, was a 'with Union and will have with the in attendance. A very interesting!
visitor with Mrs. Belle Frans Sunday ; coining wek some erood bargains to program had been prepared by Mrs.
nnd Sunday night, departing on ' o.Ter the pcon'e of Union and vicln- James Niday, leader, which consist-;
Monday morning for Peru where she ity. Watch this paper for announce-, ed of readings and musical selec-j
will attend summer school. I mrnt of what they will have to of- tions. Mrs. Harold Frans and Mrs. j
C. . Clark was a visitor at the fer. ;.v. II. Martin gave several very i
county seat last Friday going on the i j pleasing solos. Miss Bessie LaRue t
Services at Baptist Church Pgave a piano solo, and readings were
Children's day program will be
bus and returning home with Dr. 'W
M. Barritt who was returning from
i a trip to Omaha where he has been
visiting with relatives and friends P-3
jwell as war, also Mrs. Barritt.
i The moving picture show which
! has been conducted by Mr. J. "U".
j Simmon for some time past and
which has been giving very general
'satisfaction and affording amuse
: ment for the people at home, ha3
;been discontinued for the present,
i Miss Bessie LaRue has accepted
the offer to teach the school east of
Murray known as the Lewiston
school and will teach there the com
: ing year. Miss LaRue is well quali
fied to care for that school which is
'a large one with about forty pupils.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parks of
celebrated at the Baptist church and
is to be well worth while. Much la
bor and care have ben bestowed on
this program and the public is in
vited to be present and hear the
children tell their story of missions
in their play. The other services of
th? day will be held also with the
exception of the service in the evening.
Will Make Some Improvements j
The Farmers' Elevator company '
Is putting in a ten ton truck scale i
to meet the demands of such means
of transportation from the farm to
tne market and which is growing i
given by a number of the ladies. The
program closed by a beautiful pray
er given by Mrs. Garrison.
The silver offering was good.
The ladies at a very appropriate
hour enjoyed very dainty refresh
ments consisting of pink sherbet and
angd food cake, served by Mrs. F.
R. Upton and Mrs. G. S. Upton as
sisted by Mrs. Ray Galloway and
j Mis3 Marguerite Swan. The ladies
! dc-parted for their homes thankful
that for one day we had had no rain.
Supreme Court Holds it Can't Fix
Wages of Wolf Packing Com
pany Workers in Decision.
Washington. June 11. The chal
lenge of the Kansas court of indus
trial relations made by the Charlc3
Wolf Packing Co.. of Topeka. a sub
sidiary of the allied packers, was
sustained by the supreme court to
day on the ground that the business
of the company was not clothed with
such a public interest as to give the
state authority to regulate wages
paid by the company.
The court did not pass upon the
board question of the constitutional
ity of the industrial relations court.
Chief Justice Taft in delivering
the opinion placed emphasis upon
the importance of the freedom of
contract between employer and em
ployes, and declared it could be im
paired only by a legislature when
the business is affected with a pub
lic interest.
at Biair, Captain Rauschkalb told the
During the hearing it was pointed
out there are no government beds or
federal hospitals in the Ninth district
for tubercular patients. Of the 7.452
tubercular patients in the district,
6,915 are not hospitalized. Every Ne
braska veteran must go out of the
state for treatment. Blair was said
to be the logical site for the new hos
pital as it is the center of the dis
trict. If the board decides the hospital
should be built at Blair it will ask
congress to appropriate funds in December.
Los Anereles Oscar "Battlinir"
Grant who formerly lived between larsrer .with everjr 3"ear- With tne ?" j Nelson, 41. who was the terror of
the prize ring before and after he
Union and Murray was a visitor with jSiaiiauon or me new scaie iney win
frionrt in t? anr? oto ho also build a new office which will be
i a. i i : i ia .
. w k-rLAakv t UV " v- - ttusvaa I M. I - , ( I I! M MVIM u.' U 1 r n w n U TTI Ti 1 OTl
ity for a greater portion of the week. I uth of the main elevator and will j snip of the world from Joe Gans,
They are making their home at ' "e "efaeneu ana mah.e tneir nearly two decades ago, shook hands
Grant where Mr. Parks has been property 01 mucn more -vame ana ai- with Ad Wolgast in the ring of the
icra Detter worKing iacmues.
working on a filling station which
has just been erected there at a cost
of $23,000.
The Rev. W. A. Taylor who minis-
Eagle Makes Bis? Shipment
On Monday of this week two par-
tcrs to the congregation at Wabash I ties from Eagle shipped nine cars of
reports some very good services cattle and one of hogs from that sta-
Lyceum Athletic club here Saturday
night for the first time since the lat
ter took his title in a forty-round
fight at Point Richmond, Cal., in
1910. He also extended a glad right
hand to Aurelio Herrera and Joe
there last Sunday. In the morning j tion to Kansas City stopping at Un-j Rivers, two famous Mexican light
the hour was given to the program 5o:i for a short time to make connec- weights of year ago. both of whom
for Children's day and a very worth (tion for the south. Mr. Floyd Dysart came as close to the coveted cham
while time was had. In the evening, had eight cars of cattle and one of pionship as it is possible to approach
preaching was had and at both the hogs while Floyd Meyers had one car without actually attaining the goal,
gatherings a good sized audience ' of cattle. Accompanying these gen-' Nelson appeared in an exhibition
was in attendance. j I bout tonight with Phil Salvadore,
The patrons of the Union school I Los Angeles 135 pounder,
can look the financial sitnatinn r 1 '
u mi ii it eunis me scuoui in Hie
i.i. M .i ,i , . . . -
ine Mini a. i;uuu ucm ui sairsiaciiou
as they on June 1 paid off their last
bonds and do not at this time have
i any debts to P3y or registered war
i rants outstanding. They are all feel
i ing pretty good, thank you.
Attorney C. II. Tayior who has
been in Union for the past few days
looking after the settlement of hi3
mother's estate, was a visitor at Lin-
! coin for over Sunday spending the
WM. F. RAGE, M. D.
General Practice!
Minneapolis, Minn.. June 12.
Mayor George E. Leach, a colonel In
command of the One Hundred Fifty
first field artillery in the world war,
was re-elected in Monday's city elec
tion, returns available early today
Special attention given to deep shnwpfl Hi mainritv ,a , 1T,
seated diseases of Lungs, Kidneys,' placed at 7,000.
weed end with Mrs. Taylor and her Stomach, Liver, Intestines, Rectum,'
fclks who are living at the capital Etc. Also non-developed children.! Miss Alma Ash of University Place
city. Mr. Taylor returned home on ! All Infect Spmnn and T.vmnn used has been a guest at the home of Rev.
I last Monday morning and is look- and JIrs- F- E- Pfoutz for the past
noon by her brother, Leslie Ash of
Omaha to spend a few hours here.
Miss E. K. Sheely. who has been
at Trinidad, Colo., for the past two
years where she has been Instructor
in penmanship under the Palmer
j method of teaching, arrived in Un
ion this week and will remain with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Union, Nebraska
Telephone 31
Don't get blue. It will clear up In
plenty of time for the people to have
the most pleasant time of their lives
National Officials and Nebraska Or
ganizations Back Plan Say
is Center of District.
Chicago, June 11. Governor Al
i Smith of New York, who arrived to
j day on his way to French Lick
s-prngs ior a vacation. loniKiu uoun
ed politics and party policies to be
the guest of Charles Fitzmorris, chief
of police under former Mayor
Thompson, republican.
He stated that no business would his vacation. While Governor
Smith was here, the judiciary com
E'.lttee of the city council recom
mended for passage a resolution com
mending him for signing the prohi
bition enforcement repeal bill in
New York.
The federal government today was
urged to build a 500-bed tubercular
hospital at Blair, Neb., to care for
world war veterans of the Ninth
Former Congressman Burton I.
Sweet of Iowa, Captain Geo. Rausch
kalb of St. Louis, secretary of the
Ninth district rehabilitation board;
W. R. Lippincott, secretary of the
Blair Chamber of Commerce and Jo
seph Sparks, chairman of the nation
al rehabilitation board, American
Legion, all apppeared today before
Milwaukee, Wis., June 11. Tho
city council today passed a resolution
urging the state legislature to repeal
the Severson law, the prohibition n
forcement act. praising Gov. Al
Smith of New York for signing the
repeal of the Mullen-Gage law. anil
urginer Governor Elaine to do like
wise if occasion arises.
II. II. Gerbeling of near Elmwood
was among the jurors arriving hr
early this morning to serve as a
member of the panel at the Ma
term of court.
S. C. r.oyles and J. II. Foreman of
Alvo were here today, coming over
to attend the session of the district
Sheeley proprietors of the "Corner .at Wiles Grove OI tfae glorious 4th. j
in slightly used 10-20 Titan Tractor and 3
Bottom Plows. Also good second hand
Joliet shelter cheap.