FAGS FOim FXATTSHOUTH SE2H - WI JOURNAL MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1923. plattsmouth Tjoumal 1 -1 ' s. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, HEBBA8KA Kmtered at Fostoffice. Plattsmouth. Neb., Becond-claaa man m&ttsr R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 MOSES GIVES COMMANDMENT And it came to pass, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the two tables of testimony In Moses' hand, that Moses wish not that the skin of his face shone. And afterward all the children of Israel came nigh; and he gave them In commandment all that the Lord had spoken. And till Moses had done speaking with them, he put a veil on his face. Exodus xxxiv, 29 to 38. Too much rain? What? -:o:- The glorious Fourth will soon -be here. -:o: Wear a smile if nothing else, with summer right on us. -i :: A woman's mind is seldom made up, but the rest of her sure is. :o: The big war failed In many par ticulars, but it did get rid of a lot of emperors. :o: Henry Ford will soon discover that a presidential boom won't run on gas alone. o:o Prosperity will return when busi ness men quit shaking their heads and go to shaking hands. :o: , What a bridegroom can't under stand Is why a one minute ceremony lasts three hours and a half. -:o: Governor Smith of New York ap parently wants the people of that state to continue to call him AI. :o: Speaking of wild flowers, you'd be wild, too. If every pretty woman in the country was raving over you. :o:- It has been said of many towns that there are a few inhabitants who do not even want their minds taxed. :o: ..... The great,. political puzale these days Is to find out who belongs to which political party and If so, why. :o: Are you an American? Do you re vere the Stars and Stripes? Then be ready to celebrate on the great natal day. -rot- Personally we are in favor of youthful marriages, but we are not In favor of old married folks acting young. :o: We judge the royalists have about as much chance of carrying France as the republicans have of carrying Louisiana. -o:o- It always takes a fellow longer to forget what he should not remember than to remember what he should not forget. :o: A damage suit plaintiff testified the collision destroyed her ability to cry. But her lawyer could, so the jury gave her the verdict. -:o:- The soldier boys over in Iowa are drawing the first pay from the bo nus. Do they deserve It any more than the Nebraska boys? Then why? :o: Frank Munsey has bought the New York Globe. If enough out of town subs can be maintained it may continue to be published In English. :o: And if there Is anybody In the world who needs a wrist bag It Is a man who tries to take care of his pocket property without wearing a vest. :o:- Baw news always sounds as if it were true. For instance. Senator Smoot predicts that federal taxes won't be reduced for at least twenty five years. ' :o: Come on boys and girls and lets have a genuine old fashioned cele bration on the 4th. The kind our fathers and mothers enjoyed when they were .boys and girls. :o: According to the census figures, the average American ' Indian i3 worth $4,000. while the average for the country at large is only $2,700. And yet the Indians are suing us for their keep. : :o: The report that crooks had hit Wall street for $1,000,000 by the bogus check route only goes to show that the philosopher who once said there were more suckers In the street facing Trinity church than in any equal territory in the United States, was not far from, right in his sur-i mise. PEB YEAS tS ADVANCE Democrats admit that Henry , Ford is now a factor In the race for presi dent. It couldn't be that they mean tractor, could It? :o: Another reason why the Turks and Greeks haven't started a new war ia because neither is sure it could whip the other. o:- And if we really mean to put teeth In some of our new laws it was a fine thing to elect that Minnesota dentist to the senate. -:o:- The ex-kaiser has written a new introduction to the Bible. The Bible needs no introduction, especially from Bill Hohenzollern. :o; The department of agriculture proposes to divide eggs Into eight grades, but as far as we are concern ed two will be a plenty. -:o:- The discoverer of Insulin, the new remedy for diabetes, says that the medicine may be had by the poor est. Poor people must be careful to have that disease and not something that needs radium. -:o:- We hold no brief for the sugar trust, but at the same time we must confess a lack of sympathy for the housewife who wears $8 silk stock ings, and also howls her head off about the high prices of sugar. :o: A subscriber writes us thusly: "When a man starts to covering his head with a bed sheet, it is a sure sign his brains have gone to sleep." Wonder If that fellow is trying to take a dig at the Ku Klux Klan? - :o: After the wedding the law expects the husband to keep his wife in clothes, talcum powder, cold cream and Egyptian blouses. If he fails, friend wife can go to court and the judge will tell him he must pay her so much a week. Such Is" married life. -:o: Dr. Nicholas Butler says the big issues before the electorate in 1924 will be taxes, foreign policy, prohi bition, railways and the farmer. It will take a good carpenter to build a platform that will hold together with planks of such different shapes and sizes. Much of the writing about affairs in Russia is the work of what are called week end visitors who visit the edge of things for a day and then leave the country. It Is also painfully apparent that anyone who actually remains in Russia must have a weak end of his own. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Execution issued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District CouTt within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I will on the 18th day of June, A. D. 192S, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day at the Todd store building in Union, Cass county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following per sonal property, to-wit: One ice box and fixtures, two Dayton "scales, one cash register, four show cases, one thread case and three counters The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Thomas H. Cromwell and John A. Gakemeier, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Edward S. Tutt. plaintiff against said defend ants. ' Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 28th, A. D. 1923. - C. D. QUINTON, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraksa, Cas3 coun ty. s. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Eli Manspeaker, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth in said county, on the 7th day of July, A. D. 1923. and on the 9th day of October, A. D. 1923. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said es tate is three months from the 7th day of July, A. D. 1923. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 7th day of July. A. D. 1923. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 5th day of June. A. D. 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) J7-4w. County Judge. The arerage taxpayer Is paying three times as much as he did before J prohibition went Into effect. Are they going to stand it much longer? We don't think so. NOTICE OF MEETING OP CO. BOARD OP EQUALIZATION ' The County Board of Equalization will meet for the purpose of equaliz ing the assessment of Cass county for the year 1923, in, the Commis sioners' office at the court house in Plattsmonth, Nebraska, commencing on Tuesday, June 12th, 1923, at 9 o'clock a. m., and will continue in session from day to day until NOON on Friday,. June the 15th, 1923. All claims for equalization to be filed on or before Thursday, June the 14th, 1923. GEO. R. SAYLES, Clerk, County Board of Equalization. SHERIFFS SALE State of Nebraska,' County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Execution issued by' James Robertson. Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I will on the 9th day of July, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south door of the court house In Plattsmouth, in said coun ty, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following property to-wit: Lots eight (8) and nine, (9) In Stadleman's Addition to the - City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Charles C. Parmele et al, defendants, to satisfy a Judgment of said Court recovered by Louisa Stohlman, Annie Vogler and Wilhelmina Heil. plaintiffs agMnst said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 6th, A. D. 1923 C. D. QUINTON, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. C. A. RAWLS. Att'y for Plaintiffs. v SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 2nd day" of July, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a, m. of said day at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing property, to-wit: Lots 4, 7, 11. 12, 13 and 14, In Egenberger and Troop's Sub Divisions of Lots 49 and 51, in Section 29, Township 12, Range 14, east of the 6th P. M., except a strip of ground 12 feet wide off the east end of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, above described, for a road runing north, and south, all situated in the City of Platts--mouth. Cass county, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of William T. Craig, Ida May Craig. Samuel Park er, John W. Parker, guardian of Samuel Parker, incompetent, real name unknown, defendants, to satis fy a judgment of said Court recover ed by The Livingston Loan and Build ing Association, plaintiff against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 28, A. D. 1923 C. D. QUINTON, Sheriff Cass County, A. L. TIDD, Nebraska. Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court, withrn and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 2nd day of July, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house In Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing property, to-wit: ' Lots 4. 5 and 6, in Block 75, In the Cltyof Plattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Aretas Rey nolds and wife, Hattie Reynolds, et al, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by The Liv ingston Loan and Building Associa tion, plaintiff against "said defend ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 28, A. D. 1923. C. D. QUINTON, Sheriff Cass County, A. L. TIDD, Nebraska. Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE - State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. - By virtue of an Order .of Sale Is sued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 2nd day of July, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, In said county, sell at public auction to the highest . bidder for cash the follow ing property, to-wit: ' Lot 12, In Block 40, In the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun ty, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of William K. Fox, Jr., Marie Fox, Frankie IFox, Thomas B. Salmon, Thomas B. Sal mon, Jr.. a minor. George O. Dovey and John McNurlin, administrator of the estate of William K. Fox, deceas ed, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by The Liv ingston Loan and Building Associa tion, plaintiff against said defend ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 28, A. D. 1923. C. D. QUINTON. Sheriff Cass County, A. L. TIDD, Nebraska. - Attorney for Plaintiff. ANSTIE'S LIMIT "He is not drunk who, from the floor, . . ! Can rise and drink, and call for more; But he Is drunk, who prostrate lies, Without the power to drink or rise." Did you ever get Into an argument that became heated and wound up close to a x fight, with the original bone of contention lost sight of at the finish? It got so, during the last stages of the World war, that the purpose of the conflict was chang ing, every few months. You probably have noticed the same thing about prohibition. The real cause that brought pro hibition was alcohol's effect on its drinkers and their Innocent by standers. Especially the effect In lowering their efficiency at work, which was why so many large cor porations backed the dry movement --and incidentally one of the lead ing reason why liquor never will come back. Americans are losing sight of the original cause of prohibition. You rarely hear anyone talk about the evil of alcohol. , Attention has gravi tated to the problem of how to get it and whether it's safe to drink and whether it will ever "come back" in modified form like beer or a sud den reaction restoring whisky to consumers. Dangerous to forget the original cause of prohibition alcohol's ef fect on drinkers. To refreshen our memories, let's give thought to An stie's Limit. Do you recognize the words? Used to be used commonly. Dr. Patton of the Prudential Life Insurance company, once defined "an immoderate drinker" as "one who drinks regularly in excess of Anstie's Limit or who may because of individual susceptibilities be un duly affected by that amount or less." Anstie's Limit means the "daily use of alcohol not to exceed one and a half ounce, corresponding with four ounces of the ordinary whiskey or brandy or a quart of beer." A drinker passes Anstie's Limit when he takes more than a quart of beer or eight tablepoonfuls of whis key or brandy a day.- Offer the average person a drink and his chief question, and usually his only, is: "But are you sure this is real stuff?" Having assured him self that It is1, the wise man will ask a second question: "Granted that it's so-called pure liquor, what is it go ing to do to my nerves, my stomach, my general health, my pocketbook, my family, my efficiency at work?" So-called pure whiskey is just as much ar poison as it was before pro hibition went into effect, though most people seem to be forgetting that angle of the prohibition ques tion. :o: The condition of affairs in state and nation , do not seem to be get ting any better very fast. And mor ally speaking they are worse. "What the h 11 dowe care," is the slogan of the average authorized office holder. :o: A French actress visiting America has a $200,000 hat, but we hope it doesn't go any farther. If the Amer ican girls get to shining up their lids with diamonds and emeralds we may yet have a hard winter. It would seem that $200,000 was a lot of money to put into a beehive. SCHOOL BOND ELECTION Consolidated School District No. C-7, in the County of Cass and the State of Nebraska. Public notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Consolidated School District No. C-7, in the Coun ty of Cass and State of Nebraska, that a special election has been call ed by the District Board and will be held in said district on Saturday, the 26th day of June, A. D. 1923. The question to be submitted to the qualified voters at said election is the following: "Shall the District Board of Consolidated School District 'No. C-7, in the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, be authoriz ed to issue the negotiable cou pon bonds of said district in the sum of $35,000.00, bearing in terest at a rate not to exceed 5 per annum, payable semi annually, said bonds to mature not to exceed thirty years from date of same and to be issued for the purpose of erecting and -furnishing a school building within and for said district; and shall a special tax be levied for the purpose of paying the inter est on and the principal of said bonds as they become due?" The polling place for said election will be at the school house, in said district. The election will be held and . the ballot box for the reception of bal lots will be opened at the hour of three o'clock p. m. and will be closed at the hour of nine o'clock p. m.. on said 26th day of June, A. D. 1923. Only qualified voters of said dis trict will be permitted to vote upon the question submitted at said elec tion. By order of the District Board this 1st day of June. A. D. 1923. AUGUST RUGE. : Director. a MejMar' gasoline ing Like the proportioned charge of a modern cannon The proper proportion of instant ignition elements and slightly slower-burning elements in balanced gasoline are like the deto nator and the fclow-burning powder of a cannon charge. They guarantee quick igni tion and pressure to the end of the stroke. TEARNEY SAYS S00 FRAN CHISE NOT GOING TO MOVE Oklahoma City, June 7. "Abso lutely nothing to it," A. R. Tearney, president of the Western league, said today when shown press dispatches from Kansas City saying a move was on to transfer the Sioux City fran chise to Kansas City, Kan. "It is ab solutely impossible for the Western league to enter Kansas City, Kas., without the consent of George Muehlebach of the Kansas City Blues and the American association. I know from an investigation I, made that Muehlebach cannot give his con sent because of a contract a negro baseball team for the off-day during the next two years." .Tearney said further that everything was going so good in the Western league that he did not anticipate the transfer of any franchise. Should such become necessary later on, he said he already had a place ready for it, though he refused to divulge the name of the city. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 9th day of July, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing property, to-wit: Lots twelve, (12) thirteen, (13) and fourteen, (14) in Long's Addition to the Village of Mynard, Cass county, Ne braska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of William B. Porter and Alva A. Porter, defend ants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Fred E. Bodie, Receiver of the Bank of Cass County, plaintiff against said defendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 24th, A. D. 1923. C. D. QUINTON, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska SHERIFF'S SALE State of Cass, ss. Nebraska, County, of By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the. 9th day of July, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, in said county, 6ell at public auction to the highest Bidder for cash the follow ing property, to-wit: The east half (E) of the northwest quarter, (NW4) of Section 27, Township 12, Range 10, East of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Elmer Car ter, Charles P. Guenther and Agusta E. Guenther, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Emma Milton, plaintiff against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 6th, A. D. 1923. C D. QUINTON, . Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska- C. H. HERRING. ' v Att'y for Plaintiff. ,j As, users of SAlAMCEB know the full mean- oi gasoline UICK, complete combustion and lots of power from a lean mixture assure gasoline economy to users of Red Crown Gasoline. An ample proportion of highly volatile elements provides quick ignition a quick-starting motor. Slightly slower-burning elements, in proper pro portion, insure pressure the full length of the stroke. . These properties of Red Grown Gasoline bal anced gasoline make it perfectly suited to the modern motor. It is as uniform as improved pro cesses and careful tests can make It. For maxi mum power and mileage standardize on Red Crown Gasoline. You will always get full measure and prompt, courteous service from a dealer displaying the Red Crown Sign. He stands behind Red Crown Gasoline and Polarine, and we stand behind him. They must be dependable. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA The Home of the Soul In olden times, it was believed that the seat of the soul was the stomach, most likely for the reason that a man is never so completely used up as when his stomach is out of order. For the cure of ordinary stomach troubles, there is nothing quite so prompt and satisfactory as Chamberlain's Tablets. , They streng then the stomach and enable it to , perform its functions naturally. Give tnem a trial. Tliey only cost a quar ter. Weyrich & Hadraba. Journal ads get Tesults. ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. To all persons interested in the es tate of Eli Manspeaker, deceased: On reading the petition of Mar garet Manspeaker, praying that the instrument filed In this court on the 17th day of May, 1923, and purport ing to be the last will1 and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of EH Manspeak er, deceased; that said instrument be admitted to probate, and the ad ministration of said estate be grant ed to Margaret Elizabeth Manspeak er, as executrix; It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested in said matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1923. at ten o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any theree, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal or said court, this 17 th day of May, A. D. 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) m21-3w. County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING FOR AP POINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Mich ael Whelan. deceased. : On reading and filing the pe tition of Mary i G. Whelan. praying that administration of said estate may be granted to Mary G. Whelan, as administratrix. , Odrered that the 25th day of June, A., D. 1923, at ten o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear .at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all per- crna i ntr.rpsrpfl ' in r said matter Dy publishing a' copy. of this order in tne i laiismouiu juuiuw Rpml-weeklv newspaper printed in said County, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated this 1st day of June, A. D. 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) j4-3w County Judge. ICS economy STATE MUST PAY MORE FOR AUTOMOBILE PLATES Lincoln, June 7. Auto licensa plates for next year are going to, cost the state just about 50 per cent more than the plates for this year cost, it developed today when the bids were opened by J. R. Farris, state-purchasing agent. . The state has to buy 300,000 pairs of plates. The cost last year was 10.89 cents per pair. The lowest bid this year is 14.95 cents a pair. Mr. Farris announced tonight that the contract had not been let because of the necessity of lookin uers. it win De let at J o ciock to morrow. Sell those articles you no longer have use for by advertising them in the Journal. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Nel lie I. Frans, deceased. On reading the duly verified peti tion of Harry M. Frans, executor of the Last Will and Testament of Nel lie I. Frans, deceased, and also guar dian of Marie Frans and Alma Frans minors, for a construction of said Last Will and Testament, and for 11 cense and order to execute a mort-j gage in the sum of 110,000.00 on thel following described real estate, to- wit: The south half (S) of the southwest quarter (SV) of Section 24, and the north half (N) of the northwest quar ter (NW ) of Section 25, all In Township 10, Range 13, in Cass county. Nebraska for the purpose of raising funds fo the payment of indebtedness and ad ministration expenses on claims al lowed aealnst said estate in the mat ter of the estate of Nellie I. Frans now pending in the County Cour nf Cass countv. Nebraska. Tn amount of the claims allowed agalns said estate being the sum of $11,766. 79. Said note and mortgage to be Jointly executed by Harry M. Frans, in hts own right; Harold Frans, in his own right, and Zola Pollard and her husband in her own right, to gether with Harry M. Frans as ex ecu r"or of said estate, end as guardian ol the estate of said minors. It is therefore ordered that th next of kin of said minors and al persons interested in said estate ap pear before me at Chambers at the Court House in the City of Platts-I mouth, in Cass county, Nebraska, onj the 9th day of July, 1923, at ten (10); o'clock a. m., to show cause if any there be why license and orde should not be granted unto the sal Harry M. Frans, as executor of sal estate, and as guardian of the estate: of said minors, to execute said noted and mortgage a3 above set forth. J It Is further ordered that a copjj of this order be personally served on all persons Interested In said estate, at least fourteen (14) days oefortf the day set for hearing, or published for four.' successive weeks, in Tbi Platsmouth ' Journal, a newspapei printed and published in the said wuuni.j - vooa, " - - braska. Dated at Plattsmouth, in Casi county,' Nebraska, this 24th day o May, 1923. JAMES T. BEGLEY, x Judge of the Distriq .'m28-4w. Court. W : Ui -J