PAGE TWO PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, MAY 7, 1923. We welcome an examination as well as a compari son of P. P. P. flour with other brands in order to prove to you the superior merits and unexcelled baking quali ties of P. P. P. flour. - PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE Concordia Milling Company Concordia, Kansas. Each and every sack guaranteed to give satisfaction or taken back at our expense. P. P. P. flour is sold by L. 6. EGENSERGERc HEW BOOKS AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY f 8 MEASURES ARE s L 0 C A L SIGNED BY BRYAN NEWS 4 4 FOR ALL GLASSES stm Holds 22-Btfls Passed by legis . lature Before Adjournment Large list Announced as Ready for Circulation Even the Little Tots Not Forgotten. from Tburnday's Dally. j Fred Noltlng was a passenger this I morning for . Omaha, where he was called to look after some matters of business. j Mrs. Li. L. Wiles and daughter, i Miss Margaurite, were among those " -s lyJ' FIRST CORN WHISKY MADE IN OKLAHOMA A large number of new books have -lately been received at the Public Library and are now ready for cir ! culation. y . New Books for Girls Margaret . Wade - "Nancy Lee," "Nancy Lee's Spring Term," "Nancy Lee's Lookout," "Nancy Lee's Name Larcum "New England hood." N Rhoades "Children on the Floor," "How Barbara Kept ' Promise." "Only Dollie." i Lincoln, May -2. Governor Bryan , today signed and returned 18 bills to j the, house and senate. There are still 22 bills in the hands of the governor. Among the bills signed today was one dealing with the banking situa tion and another to permit the uni-, going to Omaha this morning, to visit for the day. ' Adam Meisingcr was here today from the vicinity of Cedar Creek to look after a few matters of trading with the merchants. William DeleeDernier, the Elm- To know how good a cigarette really can be mat you must try a- versity boards of regents to inau- wood attorney was here today for a gurate the dormitory system at Ne braska. Following is the list of bills signed: j 8. F. 101 The egg candling bill. ' Girl-' s. F. 11C Makes chairman of horticulture department in agricul Top ture department secretary of the Her state perk board, in place of the state ' engineer. Was Famous Distillery and Turned Out "Likker" for Saloon Trade Ruined by Politics. 1 ; Saunder3 "Within the 'Magic s. f. 200-i-Repcals compulsory tel- Gateway." , cphone connections' law and line Madison "In Doublet and Hose." mileage system. Griffis "Firefly's Lovers." j S. F. 19S Lincoln school fire Anthony "Yellow Quill Girl." equipment may conform to city ordi- . n tr i x L . uray - jviargery aiorns in me nance few hours attending to some matters of business in the county court. William Starkjohn departed on the early Burlington train today for Om aha to look after some matters of business in that city and visiting with friends. Frank E. Vallery-came in this morning from Grant, Nebraska, where he has been for a few days looking after some real estate busi ness in that section. ' Mrs. Carl Ohlschlager and pHfflE irSTOASTEDVj Pine Woods," "Margery Morris Mas cot." Mary Wells Smith "Jolly Good Ponca City, Okla., April 30. This Time at School." "Jollv Good Time part of northern Oklahoma has the at Hackmatack." 9 distinction of having had at one time Emilia Elliott "Joan's Jolly Va- an honest-to-goodness distillery with-. cation," "Joan of Juniper Inn." FIVE WHITE Li Truck and Transfer! Moving, Storage, Furniture Packing, Heavy Hauling, Live Stock and Grain. "Move Anything Anywhere! " Office 120 South Sixth Street Phone 71-72-73 EgTOne White Truck for Sale! TEE LEGISLATIVE RECOED . . CIJ EVE OF ADJOURNMENT Lincoln, May 2. Here is the xe-Ct ord of the forty-second legislature'as nearly as it 'could be compiled to night: Bills introduced in the house, 724. Bills introduced In the senate, 334. Total introduced 1,058. IJills, vetoed to' date, 1. Dills signed by governor to date: Eighty-eight house rolls, 38 senate files. Dills pasd and still waiting sig nature or veto of governor, 32. Dills killed in house or senate or vetoed, S9S. Lost anything? Advertise it. times the attorneys and others did (Choice) - . 12.60'not even return to the courtroom at fFancvl 13 20 au so auuring were tne attractions 12 00iul lue vapuia oar Ter Du. Alfalfa (Prime) $ 8.40 Alfalfa (Choice) 10.20 Alfalfa (Standard . 13.20 JUfalfa (Dakota). 14.40 S.veet Clover (fair) 6.60 Sweet Clover (Choice) 8.40 Sweet Clover (Fancy) 9.00 Red Clover Red Clover Alsike Clover (Standard) Timothy (New Crop) 3.60 Timothy and Alsike Mixture 5.40 Rape (Fancy) : 5.50 Sudan (New Crop)" 7.50 Cane (New Crop) 3.25 White Clover 60c lb. Blue Cra 40c lb. Free Seed Samples-Ask for-... Free Nursery Book YagerNursery&Seed Go. Fremont, Nebr. Grace Remick "Sheldon Six. Lucy . Foster Madison "Peggy Yorktown," ty." Mrs. E. V. Jamison "Lady 'Jane." Alice B. Emerson "Ruth Fielding of Cross, which now adioins Poncaua the Great Northwest." . "Ruth City on the north, and was the early j Fielding at. Lighthouse," Ruth day political neauquarters or tne var- "fielding uown tiasi, itum r ieiu- in its midst. It was a federal regu intpf! nTnnt with eauffer and every thing and was in existence for many Owen," "Peggy Owen at TRUCKSlyears Immediately following- the "Peggy Owen. and L,iber opening of the Cherokee strip In 1893. It was located at the old town daughter, Mary Alice, were passen gers this morning for Creston, Iowa, S. F. 220 Gives court discretion- wnere tney win. visit witn relatives ary power to fix receiver's bonds. ,of Mr- Ohlschlager for a few days. S. F. 253 Deputy sheriffs can . jjrs. Jennie Enbc-rg, of Sheridan, hold no other ofiicial position and vyoming. has been here for the past must turn in fees. (week visiting with her sisters, the S. F. 307 Allows administrator Misses Gerda and Alpha Peterson, of estate to extend time on notes. rnd will visit some six weeks in the VS. F. 331 Makes paving assess- eastern portion of the state, ments in villages and smaller cities payable annually for 10 instead of' A"to? Ipubek. who was here 20 veara. Allows Falls Citv to make ! i" iuuCi4 ui ins sisier, temporary investment of proceeds of j former bond . issue. i to attend the funeral of Mrs. Frances McCart, returned this afternoon to his home in Kansas From Friday's Ia.ny. Jerome Tilton of Eradgate, la., is here enjoying a visit for some time (with his son, Charles Tilton, and with his neice, Mrs. Elizabeth Forbes little I and family. ' Frank and Joseph Koubek depart ed this morning for Lincoln where they will visit with their little neice, who is there at the hospital under going treatment for an affection of the hip. Mark Furlong accompanied by hi3 sons, Louis and Walter, were among those going to Omaha this morning where Louis will enter the ImmJrnuel hospital in order to receive treatment and a small operation. ious parties. - The owner of the distillery was Captain W. H. Baker, oV Arkansas, to which state he returned in. later year3. lie understood how to make the best grade of corn liquor, and it was this grade that' he made at Cross and sold in drinks, over his bar, for in addition to owning the distillery, Captain Baker . also conducted the town's important livery stable and ran a saloon. He had the distinction of making the first corn, whiskey in Kay county, in factin all northern ; Downfall in Livery Stable It was his livery, stable, so old-timers here say, that finally broke the captain and not his distillery and saloon. Hi3 place was political head quarters in campaigns and candl dates and fivers not only drank his liquor, freshly run, but- they ; also drove his teams over the county seeking votes. Sometimes the candi dates did not have muclt money, so they took the teams on promise to pay. In . one particular campaign. the last one in whieh the captain fignred.the candidates whom he had favored were not elected and the bills r were -never, pa id. ..The resultayas yiat the. captain went broke and returned to Arkansas. The principal Justice of the peace court for the district" was located just across the street from the distil lery saloon. All other Justices did a very small business in comparison with the man who presided there, for it was the popular thing to do to take a change of venue on anything and from everybody to the Cross Jus tice. It was the unchanging custom also fcr the attorneys, plaintiffs, de fendants, Jurors, witnesses and some times the court himself to cross the street for a "nip." Some Times Court Was Called Off And it happened on many occa sions that one drink called for an other. After one fellow had "set 'em up," another would always demand that they "have one on me boys" and the barkeeper would be instructed to "fill 'cm up again." This custom led to many court ac tions having to be postponed to an other day or until such time as the participants were in proper condi tiontion to do business. And some Evils of Constipation Perhaps the most serious of the diseases caused by constipation is ap pendicitis. If you would avoid this dangerous disease, keep your bowels regular. For this purpose, Chamber lain's Tablets are excellent, easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. Weyrich & Hadraba. Horses and ler, Cullom. PASTURE cattle. William Mil-a30-4sw. ing in Dixie." Douglas "Little Girl of Long Ago," "Little Girl in Old New York." Gilchrist "Cinderella's Grand daughter.", - t ., New Books for Boys Sabin "Boy's Book of Frontier Fighters.". . , Parkman "Conspiracy of Pon tiae." . ' Wangner "Bobby Lynx of Round. Top."" :v Barnes r"Couimpdore Bairibridge.", . Beach-r?Roger Paulding, 'Appren tice Seaman," "Roger Paulding, Gun-' ner. BOY ARTIST TO SING ON PLATTSM0UTH NIGHT One of the pleasing announce ments in connection with the Platts- lof 85, 000 each for Mrs. Nettie Mc- . AltsehelerV "Quest of the Four." ; Comber and Mrs.-Mary Rogers, wid- Smith "Young Puritans in Cap- ovrs Gf North PlAtte police officers, tivity," "Younff Puritans in King h. R. 409-sForbids signs within Philips' War," "Eoys of the Eorder," , 40o feet of railroad crossings or Boy Captive of Old Deerneid, and highway crossroads. nix.. tii. t t i t . H. R. 108 Resolution memorial-1 wnue ma oroiner joe, win re- izing congress to repeal the Esch- j main here for a more extended visit. Cummins law. j Henry Kehne, one of the very H. R. 204 Burden of proof for prominent residents of the central damage. to iivesiot-K on ranroaus. i portion or cass county, motored up' mouth night radio program from II. R. 237 Tightens up borrow- ; this afternoon from his home at , WO AW, is that Lucian LaRue, ten ing restrictions on state banks, pro- Weeping Water accompanied by his, year-old artist, of Union, will sing, vides machinery for coming under son. Will, and spent a few hours here I Lucian appeared here on the De rural credits act and contains fam- at the court house. Molay show program a month ago powers of guaranty fund commis bicn. . H. R. 33 Authorizes "election of police Judge at regular spring elec tion. - H. R. 2SS Eradication of scabies. Appropriates $10,000 for work. II. R. 313 Relief appropriation I ".Young Puritans of Old Hadley." 7 AltscheIer-s-"iApach& Geld.", ; j . , Montague "Uncle Sam of Free dom Ridge.", V : Stevenson -" Young Section Hand." Trowbridge "Drummer Boy." .- Rolt-Whceler-r-"Bby "with .the U. S. Explorers." -:' " ' -"- Mitton . Edition) Swiss - Family Robinson' , ..... '".. tt. fliars " w ay or xne vvna. i 'Stoddard "Chris the Model Mak er." :-' . ' - True "On Guard Against Tory and Tarleton." Tuttle "Reddy Brant." Cruse "Life of Robert Louis Stev-' Many enson. Vincent "Peter's Adventures in Meadow Land.", ' Harris "Adventures of Johnny JackrabbiL" Buckingham "Robin Hood." Holland (Holland edition) "King H. R. 411 Relief appropriation of $5,000 for children of Penitentiary Guard Robert L. Taylor, killed by CoAvict James King. ;.II. R. 724 Reduces oil inspection ffis from 6 eents to 3 cents. II. R. 638 Authorizes regents of the state university to pay up 5 per cent on private capital invested in university dormitories. and his splendid singing was ' one of the big hits of the show. He has also sang in Omaha at the Omaha Athletic club and musical critics, are united in declaring that he has a great future ahead of him in the vocal field. He has a clear, strong i-olce that is expected to "carry" tell over the radio and is a Cass county boy of whom everyone may well feel proud. His two numbers will be "The Lit t'e Red Schoolhouse" and "Down at the Old Swimmin' Hole," both of which scored decided hits at the De Molay show here. . The complete program o-f the Plattsmouth night concert will be published in tomorrow's Journal,. , Lumbago This is a rheumatism of the mus cles of the back. Mt comes on sud denly and is quite painful. Every movement aggravates the disease. Go to bed, keep quiet and have Cham berlain's Liniment applied &nd a quick recovery may be expected. Mrs. F. J. Dann, Brockport, N. Y., vrrites: "I can honestly say that Chamber lain's Liniment cured me of Inmbago a year ago last summer. When I be gan using it, I was flat on my back in bed and could not turn to the left or right. I had a bottle of Chamber lain's Liniment Hn the house and this was applied to my back. It promptly drove away the pains and aches." Weyrich & Hadraba. Books for every member of! "the family at tne Journal office. 4 t CR. H. C. LEOPOLD Osteopathic Physician Eyes Tested and Glasses ' Fitted Union Block ' Phone 208 PLATTSMOUTH m ""UP IN m if a Plattsmouth Reader will Feel Eighly Grateful for This . Information. Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table." McGowan "Trail and Other Stories.". a Boy Travels If your back gives out; .. Becomes lame, weak or aching; If urinary troubles set in, Perhaps your kidneys are "in bad way." - Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. - " ; a Verna "Journey to the Center of; Local evidence proves tneir merit, the Earth." j G. T. Archer, painter. Locust Scoville "Blue Pearl" and "Boy , street, Plattsmouth, says: "As a rule Scouts in the Wilderness." . ! all painters are bothered with dis- McFee "Boys and Girls of Many ordered kidneys because of the fumes Lands." . or tiie turpentine, rnis nas always Mary Wells Smith "Young, and anected my kidneys wnen i nave nau Old Puritans of Old Hatfield." I inside worn to oo. i nave naa to Hooper "Pull the Bobbin." P't P as orten as every nour oi tne Olcott "Patriotic Plays for Young night to pass the secretions. Some- People." - " l, wnen going up or aown me TW i Ti1 TM iiaaaer, l wouiu nave-quicK sincnes "ItfJf mill t f0 .. take me fti my kidneys that felt like Deming American Animal Life. x . ' .i SEE 3 Money Left With Us grows with ever tick of the watch! TJT AVE you ever made money while you slept? You , can experience this pleasant sensation by leaving savings with us, where your money will work 24 hours a day. Start an account here now and watch the vatch tick off your earnings. Series Now Open. Start Today! Call and See . Us at Farmers State Bank. -e . - Plaifsmoulli Loan & Building Association Hans Anderson "Fairy Tales." "Story of Peter Pan." "Rose and the Ring." (Stedman edition.) .. "Little Stories About Little Ani mals." "Xeddykins.' "John Martin's Big Book." "Our Friends at the Farm." "Goop Tales," alphabetically.told. "Barbara Peek-a-Boo's Holiday." "Fables of La Fontaine," (Tinley edition.) "Baby Bill." "Little Indian Folks." "Ugly Duckling and Other Tales." "Robinson Crusoe," illustrated in colors. "Tony Twiddler, His Tale." "Mermaid and Other Tales." "How the Animals Came to the Circus." "Adventures of Sonny Bear." . "Doings of Little Bear." . "Little Bear at Work and Play." "Little Bear's Plavmate." "Little Bear and His Friends." "Kinderkins."- "Loraine and the Little People." "Granddad Cocoahut's Party." ' "Watermelon Pete." "Merry Scout and Other Stories." "Foxy Squirrel in the Garden." ''Garden Adventures of Tommy Titlemouse." "Jackie Boy in Rainbow Land." "Sunny-Sulky Book." ."Paddy-Paws Four Adventures of the Prairie Dog with the Red Coat." "Dolly and Molly at the Circus." "Dolly and Molly and the Farmer Man." - - "Dolly and Molly on .Christmas Day." "Mother Cary.". "Tommy Snooks." 'Adventures of a Little Turtle." "Bully Frog and His Home in Rainbow Valley." "' Kidney Pills a reliable medicine. A few always give me relief and keep my kidneys in good and active con dition. I wouldn't be without Doan's for anything." ' Price 60c,-at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Archer had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, NT. Y. j WATERPROOF! HAMMER PROOF! HEELPROOF! Some people like their furniture "in gay colors while others prefer darker shades. You can get just the right -color combination here. "Save the surface and you save all! " )j CM-N&nael The Quality finish for: every thing l in the Home!" ' Did you eer - re" finish a room or a piece of furniture? If not, you have been denied a real pleasure. Come, , learn how easily it is done. t3 Free Samples! hi rree Samples! Chamberlain's Tablets are Jlild and , ' Gentle in Effect. 'The ' laxative, effect of Chamber lain's Tablet3-is so mind and gentle that you can hardly? realize that it has been produced by -a medicine. BUELINGT0N TO STORE 500,000 TONS OF COAL The Burlington route has volun tarily taken the most practical step possible to solve the coal question. It is purchasing from mines on Its lines a tremendaus supply 500r000 tons which is beirig stored at points where is will be used next winter. This means that the Burlington will haul its own coal when the cost of transportation is low, which will result in the release next winter, for commercial purposes of the engines and cars which otherwise would be required to protect ifcs own coal pile. It will also provide work for the miners during the summer or slack season. There is no more practical solu tion to this problem. If the public individually, collectively and gener ally, adopted this plan, it would more evenly distribute traffic throughout the. year and tend to prevent a coal shortage and equipment shortage or a freight congestion next winter. your Floors and Furniture with Chi-Namel Come to Our Home Decoration Exhibition and Demonstration may 10th, 11th and 12th Whooping Cough This Is a very dangerous disease, particularly to children under five year3 of age, but when no paregoric, codeine or other oaiate is given, is easily cured by giving Chamberlain a ; Cough Remedy. Most people believe that it must run its course, not know-; ing that the time is very much short- ened, and that there is little danger from the disease ' when this remedy ; is given. It has been used in many. epidemics of whooping cough, with pronounced success. It is safe and Enamel Furniture is now the Vogue We have arranged for a Chi-Namel Demonstrator to give lessons and explain the art of re-finishing and converting old furniture into the up-to-date enameled effects which are now so much in favor. We will be gTad to present you with a 30c can of Chi-Namel Free! See coupon offer below. : ' This is the famous Finish now being advertised in the Saturday Evening Post A CHI-NAMEL representative will be at our store to give valuable suggestions for finishing bid or new, hard or soft wood floors, furniture, woodwork, doors, radiators, stove pipes, porch furniture, screens, autos, ere, with Chi-Namel quality enamels, paints and varnishes. Anyone taughtfto grain in five minutes! Get a 30c Can free daring demonstration F. II. GOBELPAN ; - "Get the Habit" In Our New Location on Main Street Next Door East of Wurl's Store FREE COUPON This Coupon entitles bearer to one 30c can of Chi-Namel FREE at our store upon purchase of a 25c Var nish Brush to insure a fair trial, or will be accepted as 30C;.upon pur chases of larger cang of Chi-Namel Products.'. V -'. . Name Address WW ' ,'raba. , . HZ. Weyrich & Hadraba. '