The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 30, 1923, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, APRIL- 30, 1923.
An Adorable Collection
of Lovely
Graduation Hats
Some are fashioned of soft crepes,
delicate organdies and taffeta; al
luring transparent hair braids,
laces or malines and then there
are any number of fascinating
leghorns milans and rough braid
hats all with a graceful droop
ing capeline brim.
They adopt the flower and ribbon
trimmings; many with long be
witching streamers.
A column devoted especially
to Radio Fans and appear
ing each week on Saturdays.
To know
how good a cigarstie
can e
May 15th, Plattsmouth night.
June 5th, Nebraska City night.
WOS Watch our State; WOC
Watch our Corn. What next?
Some of the boys are still arguing
the direction of flow of battery cur
rent. '
Homes of receiving set owners will
be popular congregating places on
Plattsmouth night from WOAW.
Radio Digest each week contains
advance programs of all the leading
stations and may be secured at the
Journal office.
realty can d en a a ex
you must try a-v
The Plattsmouth night program
will be varied enough to be of in
terest to every radio fan in the U. S.
Write your distant friends.
ETAO will not change wavelength
on May 15th, but continue to broad
cast its weekly message on the stand
ard 13-M 8-pt. solid newspaper line.
From Saturday's" Dally
An action entitled the Bank of
Commerce of Louisville vs. Henry
Wegcer et al, was filed in the dis
trict court today covering action in
foreclosure. The plaintiff is repre
sented by Attorney Jorgenson of
Omaha and the defendants by C. A.
Rawls of this city. A suit to quiet
title was filed by Attorney William
A. Robertson for Ferdinand J. Hild
vs. George W. Norton et al, in the
court also.
Indigestion and Constipation
"Prior to using Chamberlain's
Tablets, I suffered dreadfully from
indigestion. Nothing I ate agreed
with me and I lost flesh and ran
down in health. Chamberlain's Tab
lets strengthened my digestion and
cured me of constipation," writes
When all the stations get to op
erating on their new wavelengths.
interference will be greatly reduced.
Now, if Mr. Hoover could issue an
order barring old King Static from
the air, all would be lovely.
From Thursday's T)atly.
II. C. Long of Murray was here
today for a few hours looking after
some matters of business.
Mrs. R. P. Vroman, of Ashland,
who has been here visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Vroman,
returned home today on the early
Burlington train.
A marriage license was issued yes
terday in the office of Judge Beeson
to Williard W. Kissinger, of Glen
ville, Nebraska, and Miss Mathilde
Bornemeier, of Elmwood.
Lester F. Wunderlich, of Villisca,
Iowa, was here for a few hours last
evening, enroute to Nehawka to
visit there with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John G. Wunderlich. .
Frank Anderson, the well known
stockman and business man of Pa
cific Junction, was in the city today
for a few hours visiting with friends
and looking after some matters of
Bals Meisinger and wife came in
this morning from their home in the
country and departed on the early
. 1 Burlington train for Omaha, where
Martin L. Hursh, Long a Resident of they will consult a specialist in re
Eagle, Passes Away at Ripe jgard to the health of Mr. Meisinger,
Buried at Alvo. I vnlcn nas been quite poorly of late.
I Mrs. A. M. Boynton, of Harting-
Brief mention was made last week ! ton, Nebraska, who has been here
look with favor upon First Mortgage Real Estate
Bonds cn high-grade business property.
We Mew Offer
an issue owned and recommended by Home Builders.
Denominations $100, $250, $500, $1,000
Tax-Free Early cr Late Maturities
Ask us for
these bonds.
A Limited Issue
description of properties
Call or Write
American Security Company, Brokers
Dodge at ISth Street Omaha, Nebraska
of the death of Martin L. Hursh.
which occurred just previous to our
going to press. Mr. Hursh was an
old resident of Eagle and known
and highly respected by a large num
ber of our people. While he had
been failing through most of the
From Saturday's Dally.
and was accompanied as far as Oma
ha by Mrs. Clarence Boynton.
Little Miss Lois Jean, who has
been sick for several days past with
an attack of tonsilitis at the home
Due to inability to secure the list'jie was confined to his bed for only t of her grandmother, Mrs. Emma
I winter his final illnes3 was brief-
From Saturday's Daily.
This morning at the office of Coun-
visitinz at the home of her son. Clar-! ty Judge Beeson occurred the mar
ente Boynton for the past few daysjriage of Roy A. Wade and Miss Golda
returned this morning to her home , Emmon, both of Syracuse. The happy
Last evening a very pleasant sur- Gf all selections to be offered on thejaDout a week. The funeral was held Weidman, has been required to miss
prise was given to Mr. and Mrs. plattsmouth night concert from sta-; Saturday, a short service being held her school work, which is very dis
Harry W. Smith at their home on tion WOAW, it is impossible to pub-' at the home and the remains taken j pleasing to the studious little lady.
North Fifth street on the occasion of ijsn the program in today "e Journa', to Alvo. where services were held in )
the twentieth wedding anniversary aa previously announced. This will
of the guests of honor. I appear in Tuesday's Journal
The friends had gained access to
the home and arranged beautiful dec-1 The Omaha Grain Exchange sta-!0f John
orations of cherry blossoms in a color l tion will be in the air within the ne.xt . born in
scheme of pink and white tnat maae thirty days with a 500 watt output. vania, June 2C. 1,830, and died at
the home one of the greatest beauty the same as WOAW. We trust that;i,j3 home in Eagle, Nebraska, April
and it was not until the party ar- With their new equipment they will 19, 1923. aged 84 years,2 months
rived on the scene tnat Mr. fcmiiniput on some worth-while programs, ;and 23 days.: IJe.grew to manhood
was aware of what was awaiting for they'll be mighty hard to tune; in Franklin county and was united
bridal couple accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Halverson, pioneer
residents of Syracuse, motored to this
city for the ceremony and witnessed
the happy event that joined the lives
and -hearts of these two estimable
young people. The bride is a resi
dent of the Otoe county city and the
groom a former well known young
man of Elmwood where he has been
reared to manhood. Mr. Wade is a
former service man, having served
him, although the wife had been out here.
taken into the "conspiracy" in order
that they might fully carry out their For the present we will not attempt
plans. . j to secure, any more advance programs sons and four daughters
ine evening was spent in games for publication, as tlie neld Is so wen; and
the Dunkard church and the remains 1 From Fridays Daily.
laid to rest. Mrs. Edward Runimell deDarted
fo-tn T.n'thor Tlnrch nlrtost enn'Mila mnrninor fnr flmoha n-horo cVioiwith the CaSS COUnty b05'S in Co,
md Catherine Hursh, was spent a few hours looking after some 01 tne ibtn maenme gun Dattaiion
Franklin county, Pennsyl-1 matters of business.
Mrs. Fred Hesse of Centralia, Illi
nois, who has been here visiting with
friends and looking after some busi
ness matters departed this afternoon
for her home in the east.
in marriage to Mary E. Angle, No
vember 8. 1860.
To this union were born three
His wife
two sons and two daughters
Mrs. George Stroup, Solvay, N.
Weyrich & Hadraba. -
Rose Comb Rhode Island Red eggs
for hatehinsr. Best of stock. $4.00 per
100. Call Mrs. M. S. Briggs. phone
543-J. a9-tfdd&w
Large Pekin duck eggs for sale at
?1 for 12. A. O. Ramge; daw
Pride of Kogles Creek
jet black Mammoth Jack with white
points, three years old. 15 hands
high and will weigh 800 pounds. He
is duly registered in the Standard
Jack and Jennet Book of America,
and his number is 25684.
JAKE is a jet black, stands 15
hands high, is five years old and will
weigh 900 lbs. He is registered in
the Standard Registry of America No.
19GS3. He is sired by English Boy,
No. 3731; his dam is Emma Hoard,
1S10D. He is an excellent foal get
ter. FREDERICK is a dark bay stal
l;on, 16 hand3 high and weighs 1840
ILs. His registry number is 21312.
and cards. and in the card contests covered In this' line3n Radio Digest, I nrecedod him in death many years
Mrs R. w. Knorr ana win KrecK-i occupying much more space than we He moved from Pennsylvania to
low were awarded the chief prizes, j could possibly devote thereto. This Piatt county, Illinois, in 1871, and
while the consolation prize was wonjpopular radio magazine may be se-came to Nebraska in 18S8, where he
has since resided.
There are left to mourn his going
two daughters, Mrs. Elvah Allen and
Miss Edyth Hursh, and one son,
David, all residing at Eagle; six
grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren;
four brothers and one sis-
Eagle Beacon.
by James Bulin. A real surprise was I cured at the Journal stationery de
sprung on the party when the bridal I partment each week
party, composed of will KrecKiow as
the bride, Lawrence Spreacker as the ttp rpf , Tirt Oni
groom and E C, Harris as the min- . ETAO is highly gratified at-the in-
isier einereu me iiariur w I terest taken In the Plattsmouth night
01 tne weuuing marcn aim uiuer net
tings of a regular weddings
One of the pleasing features of the
eveiiing was the contest for the best
description of the first month of wedded-
life and all the answers were so
good that no prize was -awarded
Those attending the pleasing event
were Messrs ana Aiesaames t. Al
Bestor. J. V. Hatt, W. K. Krecklow,
J. F. Warga, Lawrence Sprecker, R.
W. Knorr, James Bulin and J. F.
program to be broadcast from station
WOAW May 15th. First proposed in J ter.
this department, the, -idea grew rapid
ly in favor and the. Chamber of Com
merce was interested' in' tielpirg to
put it across. , No w many, Jowns are
applying for community assignments,
but' Plattsmouth will be first, and
her program will give them all some
thing to shoot at in the way of high
class music.
Preventative Medicine
Broadcasts Baseball Scores
Two new 'features have been ad
ded to WOC's program broadcasting
of baseball scores daily and "Tourists'
Road Report" each Wednesday night
at 11 p. m., following the close of
the 10 to 11 musical program.
Following is the current Week's
The tendency of medical science is
toward preventative measures. It is
easier and better to prevent than to
cure. Pneumonia, one of the most
dangerous diseases that medical men schedule from this popular station:
have to contend with, often follows I Baseball scores each nieht exceot
a com or attacK 01 tne grip, me Tuesday at 6:30. Tuesday night at 6
cold prepares tne system ror tne re-rl Sunday Pipe organ concert, 6
ception ana development or. the to 6:30 d. m. Church service at 7.
pneumonia germ. Tne longer tne bv First M. E. church. DavenDort.
coia nangs on, tne greater tne aan-jTwo hour musical program by PAS
ger. raice unamDeriain s cougn item- c. orchestra, besinnine at 8 d. m
Add . This
Fact; to Yonr
Store sf
edy as soon as the first indication of
a cold appears so as to get rid of it
with the least possible, delay. It is
folly to risk an attack of pneumonia
when thisT-emedy may be obtained
for a trifle. Weyrich & Hadraba.
These two jacks and horse will
make the reason of 1923 at my home
on the old Keel farm, just south of
the Union school house, every day in
the week excet Sunday. Terms will
be $10 for both jacks and horse to
insure colt to stand and suck. When
parties dispose of mares or remove
from locality, service fee becomes
due and must be paid immediately.
All care will be taken to prevent ac
cidents, but owner will not be held
responsible should any occur.
Call Union Telephone 5S14
Reverse charges to my Number.
A. D. CRUNK, Owner, v:
It's false economy to think of do
ing without your home town news
paper. 15c a week delivers the DauylsIcal program by Davenport Zither
journal at your door.
Chimes concert every week day ex
cept Wednesday, 5:45 to 6.
Sandman's visit every week day ex
cept Tuesday, 6:35 to 7.
Monday Art Young's Ohio orches
tra of Cleveland, 7 to 8. Educational
lecture at 8:30.
Tuesday Quiet night.
Wednesday Pipe organ- concert,
7. to 8. Educational lecture at 8. Mu
Kidney disease often advances so
rapidly that many a person is firmly
in its grasp before aware of its pro
gress. Prompt attention should be
given the slightest symptom of kid
ney disorder. If there is a dull pain
in the back, headaches, dizzy spells
or a tired, worn-ou.t feeling, or if the
kidney secretions are offensive, irreg
ular and attended by pain, procure a
good kidney remedy at once.
Your townspeople recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills. Read the state-
i ment of this Plattsmouth citizen.
i J. B. Partridge, Eighth and Locust
streets, says: "I was bothered a great
deal on account of the bad condition
of my kidneys caused by hard work
on the farm in my younger days. My
kidneys acted freely at times causing
me to get up a great deal during
the night. At these times I was so
bad I could hardly straighten. I had
to walk with the aid of two canes.
Not lone: after I commenced using
Doan's Kidney Pills I was well and
I have not needed to take them any
more. My kidneys were strengthen
ed and acted regularly. I give Doan s
" We are paying for eggs, 21c cash.
George W. Olson, South 6th St.
and Is a fine young man In every
way and highly esteemed by a large
circle of friends in both Cass and
Otoe counties. The young people will
make their future home in Syracuse
where the groom has recently located.
A Farmer Cured of Rheumatism
Special Attention Given
Parcel Post Orders
Room formerly occupied by
Mrs. , Weidman
Telephone ?00 or.; 28S-J
"A man living on a farm near
here came in a short time ago com
pletely doubled up with rheumatism.
I handed him a bottle of Chamber
lain's Liniment and told him to use
it freely," says C. P. Rayder, Patten
Mills, N. Y. "A few days later he
walked into the store as straight as
a string and handed me a dollar say
ing, give me another bottle of Cham
berlain's Liniment; I want it in the
house all the time for it cured me."
Weyrich & Hadraba.
Silver Campine eggs for hatching.
Best of layers. Scarce in this vicinity
now. Get them early. Phone 391 or
392-J -
Advertising will pay you.
The Road to Happiness
You must keep well if you wish to
be happy. When constipated take
one or two of Chamberlain's Tablets
immediately after supper. They cause
a gentle movement of the towels.
Weyrich & Hadraba.
A few settings of S. C. Ancona
eggs. Shepherd strain direct. $1.25
a setting. Phone 3513.
Ed Schulhof, Piano Tuner. Tele
phone 389-J. - -
Per Bu.
(Prime) $ 8.40
(Choice) 10.20
(Standard 13.20
Alfalfa (Dakota)
Sweet Clover (Fair)
Sweet Clover (Choice)
Sweet Clover (Fancy)
Red Clover (Choice) 12.60
Red Clover (Fancy) 13.20
Alsike Clover (Standard) 12.00
Timothy (New Crop) 3.60
Timothy and Alsike Mixture 5.40
Rape (Fancy) 5.50
Sudan (New Crop) 7.50
Cane (New Crop) . 3.25
White Clover 60c lb.
Blue Grass 40c lb.
Free Seed Samples Ask for . .
Free-5 Nursery Boofi
Yager Nursery & Seed Go.
Fremont, Nebr.
Hemstitching and
Picot Edging
N. 4th St., Plattsmouth
club "(return engagement) 10 to 11. j tUo ro.m for th hithv cnnrlition
followed by "Tourists' Road Report." j of my i-ijneyg today. I got Doan's
mursuay Arnsis musical pro- at jjauzv's Drug-Store."
gram. 7 to 8. Educational lecture at Price -60Ci at all dealers. Don't
8. "osemite National Park." J dmniv nk for a kirlnov remedv eet
Friday P. S. C. orchestra program
gram, 7 to 8. Educationalylecture at 8.
Citizen's Military Training Camps."
Saturday A trip through Melodie
Land, novelty musical program. 7 to
S. One hour dance program by P.
S. C. orchestra, 9:30 to 10:30.
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Partridge had. Foster-MTlburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Money Left With Us
grows with ever tick of the watch!
TJ AVE you ever made money while you slept? You
can experience this pleasant sensation by leaving
savings with us, where your money will work 24 hours
a day. Start an account here now and watch the watch
tick off your earnings.
Series Now Open. Start Today! Call and See
Us at Farmers State Bank.
Plaiismouih Loan & Building Association
' I With station In tprforpnro anri tni
5 I rvrpva ln t statin rf "nnri-ntrtimix thp
J-i.B- ' ' w. ."O v..- " "
VV I new idea of June weddings by radio
has led .to so much confusion that se-v-eral
states have been constrained to
declare It illegal. We commend such
action for it is difficult to imagine
a more unsatisfactory performance.
Listeners-in on a radio marriage at
this time would probably be regaled
by a ceremony something like this:
Minister Do you, William wee-
zow-bing-whistle-run to ta-ta whe-
e-e-e take this maid, Miss Eloise
butter closed firm at 42 with Texas
oil, to be your lawfully wedded fair
and warmer tomorrow - in northern
part and to keep and cherish her
umtn the children s story this even
ing will be a fable of the woodchiick
played by the Schoonville Symphony
Answer I shake a little shimmy
on the shores of Kankakee.
Minister And do you, Eloise H.
Stritt Castor -oil and orange juice
in equal parts is one of the best rem
edies for children's snap-snap buzz-
bang-whe-e-e-e take this bedtime
story this evening by Clarence silos
should always be open at the top to
be, your' lawfully wedded xylophone
solo by Sousa's band in a novel march
Answer Jazzbo Sam in Alabam.
Minister-:-! therefore pronounce .
you man and Clover College Glee club ,4" -
in a Drosram of cheese auoted at 28 4 Union Block
cents a pound In prevent forest fires
"Thirty years ago I lost the pota-j
to off the gallon can of kerosene and !
all the oil was wasted. It made me j
hot and I had two sixteen candle
power carbon electric lights put into;
my house, one in, the kitchen and
one in the dining room. They cost a I
doHar a month each. They hung byj
long cords so Ave could read by their
fire-fly light. Look at the illumina-j
tion in the modern home today. Do
our children appreciate it? No, nor
do we of the passing generation un
less we pause to make comparisons."
1.450, at
A good work mare, wt.
$00. Phone 2913.
A Cass County Insurance
for Cass County People!
One black team of mares, 7 years
old, weight 1400; one bay mare, 7
years old, weight 1350. Guy . Mur
ray, Plattsmouth, Nebr. v
u 0 I cnpni n
lit 111 U, LLUi ULU
Osteopathic Physician
Eyea Tested and Glasses
upposo You Have a Fire Tonight-
Are You Insured?
For thirty-three years the Farmers Mutual Fire & Live Stock Insurance
Company, now by amended articles of incorporation, doing business as Farmers
-Mutual Tornado, Fire and Live Stock Insurance Company of Cass County, Ne
braska, has been insuring buildings, hay, grain and live stock for the farmers of
Cass county against loss by fire and lightning. This company being strictly a mu
tual insurance company, the cost to its policy holders has been less than one-half
the regular old line rates. During this time, there has been but three assessments,
amountingto eight-tenths of one per cent. During all these years, this company
has paid every loss to the satisfaction of all concerned and has adjusted its losses
with a promptness that is commendable. ' "
We are now going to offer you this same service and the same proportion
ately low rates to insure your property against high wind, tornadoes and cyclones.
.Our policy will cover and protect your property whether it be a small loss by
high wind or a total loss as a result of a tornado. You will receive prompt serv
ice, honest adjustment of losses by men who know, and prompt payment.
Our Rates Are as Follows:
Fire and Lightning. 15c per $100 per year
Tornado, Cyclone and High Wind. . . . . 10c per $100 per year
A policy fee of $1.00 for all policies written. All policies being on the mutual
association plan. Policies may be written for any term from one to five years.
This is a home company owned entirely by its policy holders, and insures
property, outside of cities and villages, in Cass county only. We need you you
need us. Join us in this work. Write, phone or call at office of the Secretary.
-Farmers Llufual Tornado, Fire & Liio Stock-
Suppose a Tornado Destroys Your Property
Tonight Are You Insured?
oa your - Ashing- trip .by the Swiss
jfYodlers signing off at "9: