Nebraska State Histori cal Society plattsmbutb mal. VOL. NO. XXXV11L PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1923. NO. 84 Sou YOUNG PEOPLE WEDDED AT PRES- SHOWING IMPROVEMENT Reports from the Methodist hos pital in Omaha state that Mrs. Fred ; P. Busch, who was operated on there a few days ago for appendicitis, is RYTrKlAN MANF showing the most pleasing progress Ul IL-IIIHI1 IIIMItuL. toward recovery and has been able I to partake of solid food and shows -r, tt,c r T;e-n. every indication of a speedy recovery Miss Ruth Johnson of Louisville and Mr8. Searl Davi3 ad Mrs L John scneei oi lauraocK mar ried by Rev. McClusky. COMMUNITY PRO GRAMS BID FAIR TO BECOME POPULAR DOINGS IN THE DISTRICT COURT ! I From Thursday's Ially. Yesterday afternoon, the. Rev. II. G. McClusky. pastor of the First Presbyterian church, united in the ! bonds of holy wedlock two of the well known and popular young peo ple of the western portion of the county. Miss Ruth Johnson of Louis ville and Mr. John Scheel of near Murdock. The ceremony was performed at the church and was very simple, the bridal couple being attended by Miss Mahle Ledgeway and Mr. Elmer Hunger of this city, friends of the happy bride and groom. Following the wedding, the j-oung people returned to their home where they received the well wishes of their relatives and friends at the happy Minor, with the babies, are also at the hospital and all are doing nicely and it is hoped in a very short time will be able to return home. NEW BUURLINGTON BRIDGE WILL BE A STRONG STRUCTURE New Platte River Bridge Will Re quire Sixteen Months to Com plete; Start At Once. Nebraska City Gets in On Second Open Date, on June 5 Platts mouth First, May 15th From Friday' Dally. An action entitled Henry J. Brede hoft vs. John NeSlehman has been filed in the office of the clerk of the district court by Attorney D. O. Dwy er for the plaintiff. In this action jthe plaintiff asks performance of a 'contract of sale of real estate. Another case to be tiled was that of Mary E. Egenberger vs. Edward M. Egenberger, an action in which the plaintiff seeks to have the heir- CARNIVAL WILL BE EAGLES NOMINATE OFFICERS HERE IN FEW WEEKS From Friday's Dally. Last evening the members of smouth Aerie No. 365. F. O. E.. held a very important meetinir at . , , , . their lodge rooms to act on the nomi- Advance Man 01 Larchman .Lxposi- nations tor officers for the ensuing tion Shows Here Arraneins; term and while the nominations will ! De Kept open lor a short time, a lurge number of the offices were filled by From Friday Daiiv tne nominations at the meeting and The carnival season will be here wi,U stjnd or th,e election by the Things Fcr ' Carnival. The community radio programs, of ship of the defendant in the estate jthe Larchman Exposition Shows, l?wi"s er? .n,ominatfd : President, which Plattsmouth talent has been of J. V. Egenberger confirmed and;whicn will be the center of attrac- 9 C. Lurbridge; vice president, honored with giving the first from tne remainder or i. e interests in tne ; tion have their advance nian on the Jonn Aierriti; cnapiain, Miles Alt WOAW. the powerful broadcasting j estate now owned by the plaintiff Rround to assist in gett'ing the pre- man; secretary, B. G. Hurl; treas- SHIPS OF THE NAVY NOT TO BE CHANGED Modernization of Older Fighters of Fleet Not to be Undertaken at Present Time. The Burlington railroad is under taking their largest piece of bridge work in the west in the construction ! of th tipw hri1p- over tho Plalto c,rui " "" river north of this city and it-is est! u.i .vac. i mated tnat tne work will require iiuiu uu lucn sixteen months to complete. In the known residents of Cass county, j period that the bridge is under con- wnere mey nave grown 10 mannooa j structlon the Burlington will use and womanhood and their friends tne Bridge of the Missouri Pacific are legion among a large circle of ac- j raiiroad for the transportation of qua i maiices. i unue 13 a "s-ji .their trains on the Omaha line. Of Chaples Johnson, a former resi- Tpmnnrarv trarVs and safotv Ho. dent of Plattsmouth. and has made!vices are being placed to make the her home at Louisville for her life- connection with the Missouri Pacific time, ine groom is a memDer oi one , nes am, the BurliDgtott wiU In a of the prominent families of near short time be sendng their trains Murdock and has been Identified nvpr the. hriri nf that mnnv there with the farming interests ofiThIs win eliminate any possibility mat commumiy aim is a juuug iiiau.of inconvenience to the service and of the very highest standing in his j 1(ave the bri(ge workers free to go home locality. He is a son of Mr. and nhM(j wth th u-nrv nn ho Mrs. jonn scneei ana win conauei bridge. me iann in ine luiure as ine par- The new bridge wiI1 be raiseu four ents are moving to aiuruocK to re- feetf making standard clearance over side. The many friends will join in wishing the newly weds the happi ness and success that they so well de serve the Platte but the same line will be maintained. Permanent work and material in the old bridge will be used. At the north end of the bridge two new 120 foot spans will be put in. The other spans in the bridge will be sixty feet. The length of the bridge will be about 1,400 feet. In the work the. railroad company will let a contract for the construc tion of the piers and the remainder of the work will be done by company forces. To give greater opportunity for the ice to clear itself in the spring breakup, all of the old piling in the After Delightful Series of Meetings river, near and under the bridge, will Thirinfr Winter Months. Close' I puuea up ana wim uiese improve ELKS CARD CLUB HAS FINE SOCIAL - TIME LAST NIGHT Season with Big Time. From Thursday' DauT Last evening the Elks card club, composed of the members of the order, their wives and lady friends, j enjoyed the last meeting of the club j for the season, with a fine banquet! and dance at the lodge rooms on the! second floor of the club house build-' ments it is hoped to eliminate the danger from ice gorges in the early spring season. MAY DAY FESTIVITIES WILL BE INTERESTING A large number of the business houses of the city are thinking very i The tables at which the members 1 1fa;or.aTb,ty . f f ' ""VSLv the club, and here the delicious re- a o t t wir in tho past prepared by the ladies was serv- JgJj? Ind every child thit at- ed at clock and enjoyed by some f dy tools' will b par- forty of the memoers of the club. tlcinatlne- ro there is real interest When the evening was coming to ever'ciUzen in the fete iQtereSt a close the tables -fh1 bf been and to he very enjoyable strains of pelected? but her name has been the orchestra the members enjoyed gecret the pleasures .of the , dance until the election and will not be coming of the midnight hour bade divuged until tne hour of her coro- the party disband, and end their Qn next Tuesday afternoon. way homeward .. . A The teachers of the schools, and It is the earnest desire of all of tJcularly Mis3 Quinn music 8U. the members of the club that- when eTylsoTf ha3 worked hard on the the cool autmnn months arrive again J, ratlon of tbe May day festivi. the members reorganize for he ea- ties and the pupils of the schools son of WZ-21"" yery.have been busy for the past week pleasant social organization. getting ready for the festival and . their hard work and ernest efforts should receive the support of the community. From Thursday's Dally. j The closing up of all the business Yesterday afternoon the new Roy- houses and the attendance of the al cafe, which was opened about a business men and their employes at month ago in the Gering building the fete will give added encourage near Fifth street on Main, closed its ment to the young people of the doors and the managers of the cafe schools and the faithful and hard returned to their former home in ; working teachers. The cafe was fitted up as station of the Woodmen of the World recognized in Omaha, on the evening of May 15th. give promise of becoming popu lar over eastern Nebraska and west ern Iowa, and already a second date has been assigned Tuesday, June 5th, which goes to our neighboring town of Nebraska City, where our old friend "J. Hyde" Sweet in con junction with C. L. Kelly, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce are now busy arranging the program. The Plattsmouth program is prac tically complete and will be pub lished in Saturday's Journal in its entirety. The offerings will Include an instrumental trio, male quartet. piano solos, violin solo, whistling solo and a good sprinkling of vocal solos, together with a comedy sketch by a vaudeville team which is busy work ing up some brand new stuff for the occasion. There will also be a short, snappy talk on the wonders of Platts mouth which are surpassed only by the wonders of radio itself. It has not been found possible to place on this first program nearly all of those whose services might be se cured, as the time is limited to an hour and a half, but later in the summer it is probable another date will be alloted to Plattsmouth when the Eagles band accompanied . by a number of soloists will appear, and at which time opportunity will be given those who cannot be accom modated the first time. It is also considered awarding a number of cash prizes for long dis tance reception, best descriptions of the program, etc., as this will stimu late interest among listeners-in and cause many more to address com munications to the station on the manner InSvhich it is being received. Last week 'Under a similar prize pro-1 srram --STKrnsored- bv -the Omaha Na tional bank, nearly 1,500 replies were received, many from points as far away as Maine and California, and one from Montreal, Canada. Write your distant friends and tell them Plattsmouth will broadcast a big program Tuesday night. May 15, 9 to 10:30, central standard time. FIRE DEPARTMENT DOES ITS STUFF arranged for the liminaries event. . The Larchman company will ap pear here under the auspices of the American Legion post of this city and come very highly recommended i as first class in every way and with guaranteed attractions that will fur nish ample entertainment of the v,t uiu, Jauics ntfuui, u usiL'ra, William Barclay. I Gives Demonstration of Speed in Sur-, best type and make assurances of at prise Call for Deputy State Fire Marshal This Morning. From Friday's Dally. least ten big shows in addition to two exceptionally strong free acts which will be added entertainment. The company is provided with a high RUSS REFUGEES TO GET ASYLUM IN THIS COUNTRY I i j A j. i it.. : t This morning O. W. Rhoads, of i u abS ua"" lo V., IU , eucri11 TUnAln onutv c!tft fi t-o mnrchol 'Strong featU was here to look over the city rela- whn the carnival shows at Atchi- t rr. fi nrnnnlson, Kansas, a committee of two will and prevention and was taken overbe sent rom this city to look them, Harding Eesolves That 500 Now in Philippines Shall be Admitted Of Eight Character. Washington, April 26. President Harding decided today to permit the ritv hv Fire Chief O Sandin luer ailu &te luat lULJ me .transportation to tne united States As an incident of the visit of the shows as' represented and this com- of the 500 Russian refugees who re fire marshal, the department was mittee. it is expected, will consist of , cently landed in the Philippines af given a surprise call this morning. , tw of the business men of the city ter a stormy voyage in their own an alarm being turned in from west who will be requested by the legion ships from Vladivostok. Elm stree! and in four minutes the:toJP?ss on the shows. Plans for bringing the refugees to truck and the members of the de-! The carnival will be located on the J the United States on an army trans partment were on the scene and had 1 Washington avenue park which the port were mapped out at the conler water ready to turn on This was a j frity has kindly Placed at the disposal j ence of the president, Secretary very pleasing showing as the call was of tue legion for the week and will Weeks and John Barton Payne, made without the members of the fire be an ideal place for this form of en- chairman of the American Red department being aware that they : tertainment as it is close to the city Cross. were being put through their stuff. ,and stl11 enough out of the beaten I The Red Cross will have charge of The fire marshal also visited the Path of business to avoid congestion relief measures for the Russians up- Columbian and Catholic schools OI - irauic or me auuujam-es mai on tneir arrival in tnis country BOUNCING GRANDSON f . f . . x i where a fire drill was staeed for b-i3!m,Snl come lrom a street carnival. benefit which showed the greatest presence of mind on the part of the little folks. This afternoon fire drills were held at the high school and Central building3. Mr. Rhodes, in addition to inspect inir the Rihnr1a nlsn lonlrpd nvpr a number of the business houses andiin-law and daughter, made recommendations as to condi- -AiDert iiennings in t Admission will be possible under the immigration law inasmuch as the Russian quota has not been exhaust ed for the year ending next June 30. Secretary Weeks said the refugees i.nris wauer cauea aionuay ana re- )Who are remnants of a band of ar ti ported the arrival of a little eight I Soviets, would make desirable citl- pound son at the home of their son-Zens. most of them being skilled Washington. April 26. Modern ization of the older ships of the American fleet will await specific authority of congress. Secretary Den by announced today, and the navy department will abandon for the time being the program which it considers may have been approved under a misapprehension of the situation. The secretary's decision, which was said to have the approval of Presi dent Harding, was regarded as clos ing the incident created thru the protest of the British embassy again st statements made before congres sional committees when the depart ment was seeking appropriations for installing post war improvements in the battleships. Navy officials tht-n asserted that no criticism of the work could be made as contravening the five power naval treaty, since Creat Britain had completed similar altera tions. This was denied by the embassy. As a result of today's decision, the $6,500,000 appropriated bv the last congress for gun elevation will be left in the treasury and refunded at the end of the fiscal year as unexpend ed money. With official opinion in the navy holding unanimously that moderniza tion program is permissible under the treaty drawn up at the Washington arms conference and essential to the American naval standing, it was re garded as certain that the matter would be presented anew to congress at the December session. HAVE SUCCESSFUL MEETING . Prom Friday' tany. Last evening the ladies aid society of the Methodist church staged a very delightful pie social and parcel post sale at the church parlors and which was attended by the families Mr. and Mrs. workers or professional men. Ar-'of tne members and the public as tions that needed correcting. FUNERAL OF ARGUS GREEN Prom rhum1aV Dally. The funeral services of the late Argus Green, who died Saturday af ternoon at Lincoln, were held yes terday afternoon at 2:30 from the home of his son, Jesse Green in this city and a number of the friends and old acquaintances were present to ELMWGGD GIRL WEDS GLENVILLE, NEB., HUH the country on J ranerements to brine them to this Wednesday, April 18, 1923. Mrs. I country have been completed and. the Henuings was ( formerly Miss Dora t WOrk will be undertaken imnwill- Oauef, tnefr youngest daughter and ately, this Is the first baby in the iiorne f the young couple and he received a royal welcome. This is the third l errandchild of Mr. Gauer and wife. The other two are the son and daugh .HOLD PLEASANT MEETING The American Legion Auxiliary held a very interesting meeting at the. Legion club room and the ladies On Thursday morning at about the ter of their son-in-law and daughter. meier of this city and Mr. Willard cnts of the happy new daddy are Mr J a Kissinger of Glenville, Nebraska. and Mrs. Ferdinand Hennings, pio- , ?tCU fn r h were married at the home of the-necrs of this country. The Courier ?hPri a bride's mother, Mrs. Simon Borne- .ioins with the many friends in ex-' ;C;r?nn;haiS iJ fKT T meier. Rev. Sohl officiating. Only pending congratulations upon the ar- J?'" Zl, 111 i n the immediate relatives of the fam- rival Sf this bouncing young man vas given by mTs T L Short" ily were present. Pnd wishes him a long and useful JA r!: V X The bride is well known to all life. Louisville Courier. j "UrliCr, Uw t here and is very popular and well liked by everyone. She is the young est daughter of Mrs. Simon Borne-meier. The groom is a son of Mr. and REMOVE FROM CITY Q ROYAL CAFE CLOSED pay their last tribute to the memory Mrs. Henry Kissinger, of Glenville of the departed. Rev. H. G. Mc-)is a cousin of Mrs. Emil Bornemeier . H. Short, who have been making From FrJ3av' Pnllv. This morning, Mr. and Mrs. James bers were well pleased with the fact that one of their number, Mrs, F. R. Gobelman, had been selected as the secretary-treasurer of this district. FLYERS REACH WASHINGTON Clusky of the First Presbyterian and a nephew of Mrs. Dave Kunz. He their home here for the past few; Washington. April 25. Lieuton church was in charge of the service is a young man of sterling worth years where Mr. Short was foreman ants John A. MacReady and Oakley and spoke words of comfort to the 'and an industrious farmer. j of the L. C. Sharp Machine Shops. G. Kelly, army aviators, arrived members of the family and friends, j The newly married couple left im- departed for Omaha where they ex-' here late today in their monoplane Mrs. Jeanette Hubble, of Denison, I mediately for Glenville and will be pect to reside in the future. Since T-2, with which, they plan to fly Iowa, the only living sister, and her! at home on the farm of the groom. the close of the Sharp plant by the from New York to California early son, ueorge Uinsmore, or Defiance, Iowa, were here to attend the fun eral service. The deceased was sixty-six years of age and a native of Harrison county, Illinois, and came to Xe- Hearty congratulations go with Baker Ice Machine Co., who had . next month. The trip from Dayton this young couple for a long, happy leased the plant, Mr. Short has been and prosperous voyage over life's planning the removal to Omaha matrimonial sea. Elmwood Leader-j where-his sons are locating. In the Echo. removal of this family the commun- i itv will lose a verv fine farnilv and I Kwnlrn . 1. V. n n . . 1 I I " .... .. H uiuano. nucu a. juuug man, niiviug tattv WFIHS GFT6! TANfrTT) i Mr- snort, wno nas Deen very active tti 3 n a n l a r rm a it w r 1 a i itt ii a - ---- - made his home in this locality for the past forty years. The wife preceded him in death in 1916 and the only member of the family circle sur viving is the son, Jesse of this city. For the past two months, Mr. Green has been at the hospital where he n T r n 'E ArA rrn an4 ta UP IN WHEELS OF TRACTOR auxiiiary, wn'l De greatly missed. In j tneir new home they will carry the John Weirs, a young man about : wen wishes of a large circle of 22 years of age living near Eagle, friends, and who drives one of the wagons , " hauling the children to and from was undergoing treatment, but grad- school happened with a very serious I is. accident last Friday. He had been' DEPARTS FOR COLORADO uallv failed until death came to hiQ rlipf I rwcrlionlino- a traMnr anl li n A n ' From Friday's Dally. I pretty well put together and started Lt evening. John F. Gorder de- ENTERTATN FOR MRS DEW0LF,P the engine to see how it would , parted by auto for Bovina. Colorado, From Thursdays Dally. Last evening the teachers of the Plattsmouth schools . enjoyed one of their pleasant get-together meetings at the high school building and the run. His clothing was caught on the ! where he has extensive land inter nin in tho crankshaft, anri startPfl to ' ests and he was acompanled on his wind up on the shaft. In order to ! journey by Charles K. Bestor and save himself he caught hold of the I William Gorder. who will enjoy a fly wheel. His clothing was torn al- stay in the Invigorating atmosphere most pntirpiv off. As a rpsnlt of the of the Colorado climate. Mr. Gorder 1 ..... . - - - ! ...11 em-nA cimmA -mntlta . occasion was more than usually acciaeni nis snoumers were crusneu . ' 1 , . i . , . Tnlnparln ani urill Via IninoM later nv pleasant in the fact that Mrs. George 1ulie Daaiy. a numoer oi teem were i - j r J . u svto HTa rifwAa orI 4Via Ti i Irlran u-h on T .5 n r one of the best in this section of the A BOSTON MAN'S HOOCH RECIPE, E. DeWolf, bride of the superintend- knocked out and one arm was thot , Mrs. Gorder and the children hen . .... ..... I . "1,'L'UU 1. . . - - At . . 9Tirtrl rlncos ant tho fa milv will re state and the gentlemen operating It made the outlay of several thousand "Chase wild bullfrogs for three dollars in getting the fixtures and miles and gather up the hops. To equipment for the interior and the them add ten gallons of tan bark, building was entirely remodeled by half a pint of shellac and one bar of Mr. H. R. Gering for the purpose of home made soap. the restaurant. Lack of business and ' "Boil thirty-six hours, then strain the large outlay necessary in getting through an I. W. W. sock to keep it the restaurant fitted up were the from working. Add one grasshopper causes of the losses of the Lincoln to each pint to give it a kick. Pour parties which made necessary their a little into the kitchen sink. If it closing up. I takes the enamel off it is ready for It is expected that within the next bottling." few days the restaurant will be re opened as Mr. Gering has a number of parties in view who may take over the restaurant and operate it in the future. ent of schools, was the guest of hon or of the gathering. The teachers and their guest en joyed a fine luncheon served in theica11 but he is getting along as well domestic science room of the sihooljas could be expected under the cir and whiih was in charge of Misses ' cumstances. He is a son of Mr. and to hp hroken. Aside from this he re- school closes and the family will re ceived a number of other minor in- f main there until fall. The Gorder inn and hrnisps. Tt was a rlosf land is located in a section of the ' A a . A A - 1 - kW state mai is seiuea oy a numoer oi former Plattsmouth residents and ACCEPTS POSITION HERE APPOINTS NEW CONSTABLE " Justice of the Peace G. W. Peter son of Eagle, the law in Tipton pre cinct, has just filed with the county clerk his appointment of W. E. Nor ris as constable for the precinct and Mr. Norris will be the official law en forcer in that precinct in the future. BEST TURKEY EGGS Miss Kathleen Darcy of Creighton, Nebraska, has accepted a position' in the law offices of D. O. Dwyer In this city and is now engaged In looking after the work of this Dosition which was formerly in the hands of Miss White Holland turkey T. B. tested Margaret Kennedy. Miss Darcy is an eggs, 40c each. Day old poults 50c experienced law clerk and a very Miss Etta Nickels, Murray, phone valuable addition to the Dwyer of- 1811. fices and an able assistant to Mr. J Dwyer in his extensive law business. ' Blank books at Journal office. ' Martens, Kirkpatrick, Young, Wey rich and Babbitt, and a very deli cious men had been prepared for the occasion.' The room was very pret tily arranged with decorations of wild flowers. Mrs. William Weirs. DEATH OF FORMER RESIDENT From Fridays Dally. Word was reecived here yesterday Following the luncheon a number by friends of tlxe Cunningham fam- of very pleasing games were enjoyed ; ily of the death at Shenandoah, la., in the high school gym which were! of Harvey Cunningham, former resi arranged by Miss Anna Heisel and'. dent of Plattsmouth and well known among these was crowning the queen of the May at which Mrs. B. C. Doo lan was the prize winner. STILL VERY POORLY Howard M. Young is still in very serious condition at his home on Vine street and suffering very much from the effects of his recent para lytic stroke. The condition of Mr. to many of the local people. Mr. Cun ningham and wife, it will be remem bered, made their home here with their son, George and family and later accompanied them to Iowa to make their home. The wife of Mr. Cunningham preceded him in death two years ago. The death of the aged gentleman occurred on Tuesday af- the surroundings are reminders of the old home. SHOWS SPEED From Friday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon about 5:30, when Judge William Weber was about to throw aside his judicial er mine and rete to his home and fire side to recuperate from his work, he was compelled to hold a short ses sion of his now famous police court, and had as the caller before him Lee Cotner, who was taken into custody by Ofllcer ' William Heinrichsen on the charge of speeding. The officer alleged that Lee. had driven up Main street at too great a rate of speed and accordingly the court assessed a Ynunfr is aiich k to srtvA hf wifo!here will regret to learn of the sad and attending physician much ap-1 occurrence and tender their deepest prehension as to his recovery, as his,aympathy to the famy in their loss. age and general state of health makes J his case an especially severe one. I Journal want, ads pay. Try them. ternoon and the funeral services held jfine of ?5 and costs which were paid there yesterday. The many friends and Mr. Cotner returned to his work. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay for ale. Inquire of H. E. Warden, Union, Nebr. was witho'ut incident. Boxed stationery, Journal office. well. The pie social was one of the biggest events of its kind ever staged In the city and there were pies of all kinds, colors and siEcs and which fufnishe'd many a toothsome repast for the members of the party. - -During the evening a short infor mal program was given consisting of music and readings which were much enjoyed and also a great deal of in terest was shown in the parcel post sale and the ladies realized a neat sum from their efforts in this line. GOES TO CHICAGO From Friday's Path Mrs. Henry E. Weidman departed this morning on No. 6 over the Bur lington for Chicago where she will make her home in the future. Mrs. Weidman has resided in the big city for the greater part of the last few years and the journey is almost liko going back home. The many friends here will regret very much to see her leave this city where she has made her home for the past few months. Mr. Weidman expects to join his wife' in Chicago the first of the month. We appreciate your assistance in helping ns to publish all the news. Call phone No. 6, 3 rings. 5g tBNKINGJ Back Your Vacation Plans Th Honey! The best laid plans for a pleasant and a profitable vacation are those which are backed with enough money to carry them out as you wish. If you wait until the last minute, the money may be lacking and you will be dis appointed. This is the time to start preparing for your vacation. Lay aside, something every week in a Savings Account at the First Na tional Bank. Then, when the time comes, you'll be ready. Don't be satisfied with saying, "I wish I could " Start saving today and say, "I will." We'll help you. the First national bank THE BANK WHERE PJATTSMOUTH YOU FEEL AT HOME NEBRASKA.