TimHSDAY, 2G, 192? FAGE F0X7B PLATTSMOTTTH SEMI - WEEKLY J0UR5TAI Che plattemoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postofflce. Plattsmouth. Neb.. second-clans mall matter ie. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCBIPTION PSICE C2.00 TURN mOM SOUND DOCTDINE For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth. II Timothy iv, 3 and 4. :o: A new bride, also, sweeps clean. :o: Never lose your health. It is so hard to find. The hardest thing about anything is finishing it. :o: Ford will buy anything in the south except boll weevils. :o The unhappy ending of many a novel is when it is screened. :o: Old Winter is trying awful hard to linger in the lap of spring. I There are always two sides to ev- i If wishes were motor car3 aso cry problem, the outside and the in- line wou!d so up a million per cent. side :o: Very few bishops were esteemed as th,- .nv t a hal,v nniet la Bishop Tuttle. He was universally to give it something make a noise. :o: it can use to Friends can be very annoying, but a total stranger. -:o: Bishop Shayler took quite a promi nent part in the funeral of Bishop Tuttle of St. Louis. ; o : In New York a banker who intend- 1 ed putting it back in time has been given 10 years time. :o: Lightning never strikes twice in the same place, because the same place is never there. :o: raise cain when he spills gravy on the clean table cloth. t :os Figuring on your marrying is gen erally considered easier than marry ing on your figuring. to: People without enough sense to come in out of the rain have a chance to learn during April. :o: Sticking' your nose into other peo ple's business is an excellent way of getting it pushed out. 0:0 Being stung by a bee is considered good for rheumatism. Being stung by a quack doctor is not. : n : You can't eat your cake and have it too, but if you keep it the darn stuff becomes unfit to eat. :o: It gets 20 below in Saskatchewan, bo naturally the man who named the place sneezed as he did it. The skin of the palm is 75 tines as thick as the eyelid, so why keep your hands in your pockets? Imagine the consternation of a Fort Worth woman when she learned she had shot the wrong man! -o A modern business man is a man who goes to the office and works to get his mind off hir, golf score. Things alwaj'3 could be worse. Wouldn't you have an awful time eating if you had no elbows? o:v Some people notice the days are (retting longer while others notice the nights are getting shorter. :o: About the only way some people can make both ends meet is by put ting their toes in their mouth. :o: A reformer is a person who ex pects a girl in $5 stockings to sit down without crossing her knees. :o: Whispering sweet nothings into her ear is much cheaper than poking sweet somethings into her mouth. :o: The reason women don't dress sensibly is perfectly obvious. It would make them look so foolish. :o: Speaker Mathers says the legisla ture will adjourn Saturday. All right, Mr. Mathera, we arc willing. :o:- It has Just gotten so in thi3 coun try that when a preacher is soft they say he Is effeminate, and when he is hard boiled they say he ought to be a policeman. :b: Of course there is a good deal about the Egyptians In the papers, and the fashions disclose an Egyp tian motif, but personally we .have never considered Egypt moral. To make the visitor feel at homojcllIP on 'our shoulder that you'll get PEIi YEAH IN ADVANCE Spring rains are here. :o:- Snow In the west, Sunday. :o: Still a little cool for straw hats. :o: A swift kick docs more good than sympathy. :o: Is the great marathon dance com ing to riattsaiouth? :o: The impatient man should study the dog that has fleas. :o: Jt is best to be a weeping pessimist than a smiling hypocrite. :o: One of the most unheeded things in the world is the advice of wives. Making garden between rain3 may bo all right, but don't be too hasty. :o:- lovt(1- -0.0- The girls who have gone bare uraueu " """" " Uliuu,us lu -:o-.- In spite of its peculiarities, human nature is one thing that can be de- ,Pent - - 0:0 It's all right to bite the hand li:ai " lwulfls 11 " " you home brew. -:o: Almost any husband would make a perfect lover If he got Valentino's salary for doing It. :o: Often you'll find if you carry a your block knocked off. :o: It is dangerous business for one faction in a party to drive out an other faction cn account of a differ ent sentiment. You can't do it with success, a3 has been proved in the past. 0:0 One hears much these days of gland operations for the retention of youth, there is a way that beats tha and i3 not half so expensive: Live right, eat right. Bleep right and lave other people's affairs alone, and jouth willbe a long time in depart- iS. Spring itself brings to the surface the irresponsible spirit of youth. Consider the man who enters his gar den highly resolved to spa'' it and make it ready for planting. The first forkfull of earth reveals enough fWh worms to bait his hook for a:i entire afternoon. :o: The Commoner) paper established by W. J. Bryan. 23 years ago, is no more. Mr. Bryan gives several very good reasons why suspension was necessary. As an exponent of democ racy through the United States It has proved a great success in the past and we regret to see it shut down but its memory for good work will remain in the hearts of those millions of democratic friends of the Great Commoner himself. :or I REX YOUNG 1 !- General Auctioneer Live Stock Real Estate Personal Property PHONE S14 Plattsmouth, Nebraska Call at my Expense it 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State cf Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the m?tter of the estate of Na thanial N. Isbell, deceased. To the creditors of said estate:' You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room In Plattsmouth in said county, on the 7th day of May, A. D. 1923. and on the 7th day cf August. A. D: 1923. at 10 o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three month3 from the 7th day of May, A. D. 1923, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 7tli day of May, 1923. Witnecs my hand and the seal of said County Court this 6th day of April, 12S. A. L. TIDD. (Seal) a9-4w. Actios Co. Judge. I NOTICE i;To Pierce Gillespie, Defendant: i you are nereoy notiueu mai . n a . j a v. v , the 29th day of December, 1222, ' Mary Gillespie filed a petition against you in -the District Court of Cass t countv. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a dl- vnr from vou on the sround of extreme cruelty and that she be 'given the custody of the minor child. 'Ruth. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 2Sth day of May, 1923. MARY GILLESPIE, a9-4w. Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE r. , t r t 'ry x - r State of Nebraska, County oj Cass, SS. it is nereoy cerunea mat. at r, f t,n aajournea regular annum melius the members of the Farmers Mutual adjourned regular annual meet Fire & Live Stock Insurance Com pany of Cass County, Nebraska, held on March 31, 1923, the Articles of( Incorporation of said company were, amended as follows: j ine preamDie Demg amenueu 10 read as follows: We, the undersigned, and all persons who become members, do hereby associate ourselves, in a mutual tornado, fire and live stock insurance company, under the Statutes of the State of Ne braska, and more particularly expressed as follows: Article I being amended to read as follows: I--.That the said corporation shall be known as "The Farm ers Mutual Tornado, Fire and Live Stock Insurance Company of Cass county, Nebraska. Article IV being amended to read as follows: IV That the object of said corporation shall be to insure detached farm houses, barns, granaries and property usually contained therein; and horses, mules, cattle, sheep and hogs against loss or damage by fire and lightning. And also to in sure such property against di rect loss or damage by torna does, cyclones and high 'wind. The liability of each separate cThss of policies shall be limited to losses only in the class of in surance in which such policies are written. In Witness Whereof, tion has caused these signed by their President tested by their Secretary day of April. 1923. J. W. TRITSCII, Attest: President. J. P. FALTER. Secretary. Rtt ai Nehranka. Count n of CassJCoLnell"s Bcngen. deceased. - - - - J ' i SS, On this 2nd dav of Aoril. 1923. be- mn ty, IinrcirnoH o rntrv.Bt at the County Court room in Public, duly commissioned and-quall-! fiol tnf o ti ,1 mglHIm, in cill mtinlv personally appeared , J. W. Tritsch, President, and J. P. Falter, Secretary i aL " r Br v?rlie of Pn order of S-? i- rf th Farmers Mutual Fire and Live rece;vc ln(l examine all claims; x- i t r-V' i ii c farmer mutual tire biiq Live .it1, virv, to!sued by James Rooertson, Clerk of Stock Insurance Company of Cass agat said estate, v.itn a view to District Court Wthin an-' for Cr.nntv eh'-aska -who snhscrfhed their adjustment and allowance. 'i5Iici lor county, eo.aska. who sucscrmea time limited for th Dresenta-! Cas?55 cvr-nty. Nebraska, and to me their names to the foregoing cer-:ie lime lumen ior in prise m.i tifieate in mv nresenco and each be- tion cf c'ainis against said estate is "ireciea, l wiii cn me i4in aa c n- first dSy Sn Btad h t thc'ithrfe racnth3 f the th da' of : May- A. D 1923 at ten o clock a above and forleolna amendment tS APril- A- D- 19-3' antl tlie timo- ct at t!;2 s?u h above ana foregoing amendment to navment of debts is one't!ie Court House m the City cf the Articles of Incorporation of said ""men. ior pameni oi aeois is one - .. . rrlintv c.-,n nt roirnanv were made at the adlonrn-; year Irom 6aid 30th day of April, "lV J ' count & 1 1 at company were maae at ine aajourn-; ' tpublic auction to the highest bidder ed annual meeting of said company j 1 ,... , , . . I fr, r,. vo fr'nir Arrrv-iA reni held on March 31. 1923. at 1:30 p.! 2? hand he s?al ot. e-Lte to v-V-9 dc-cr.j.d real . . . : antrl Pnnntv rmirt hia ?1ct H -ir rt estate, tO-Vvlt. m., ana passeu Dy ine unanimous vote of all members present. ' Witness my hand and Notarial! Roil flir dav r rl vnnr lfict nhnro ! written. ESTELLA L. GEIS. Notary Public. (Seal) (Commission expires Aug. 10, 1927.) NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination of Heirship. Estate of John Bajeck, deceased, in the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs, take notice, that JohnjE. Moore and Bajeck, who is one of the heirs of ' said deceased and interested in such, jias uieu ma peuiiuu iifsm i John Eajeck died intestate in Cas3 county, Nebraska, on or about the 28th day of June, 1906, being a resi dent pnd inhabitant of the county and state aforesaid, and the owner of the following described real es tate, to-wit: Commencing at a point 3.125 chains south of the center of Section 13, Township 12. North, Range 13, East; thence south 9.375 chains; thence west 20 chain1? to the one-eighth section line; thence north on said cne eihth section line 9.375 chains; thence east to the place of be ginning, all in the NW'4 of SW of Section 13, Township 12, North, Range 13. East, in Cass county, Nebraska, except the right of way of the Mis souri Pacific Railway company running through said estate leaving as his sole and only heirs at law, and the only persons interested in said estate: Mary Rys, daughter; Michael Bajeck, son; John Bajeck, son; Katharina Kratochvil, daughter; James Bajeck, son; Anna Vos treja, daughter and Anton Ba jeck, a son; said John 3ajeck, deceased, also left surviving him his widow, Anna Bajeck, since deceased that said decedent died intestate; that no application for administra tion has been made and the estate of said decedent has not been ad ministered in the State of Nebraska, and that the Court determine who are the heirs of said deceased, their degree of kinship and the right of -of said premises and for equitable descent in the real property of which relief. the deceased died seized, which has This notice is given pursuant to been set for hearing on the 21st an order of the Court. You are here day of May, A. D. 1923, at 9 o'clock , by required to answer said petition a- m. ion or before Monday, the 14th day Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 18th day of April, A. D. 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. C. E. M ARTINr Att'y. Journal ads get results. Sell those articles you no longer have use for by advertising them in t.,,,i NOTICE OF SALE In the District Court of Cass Conn ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Sena ' James, incompetent. Notice is hereby given that in pur- suance oi an order oi James r. Beg ley, Judge of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, made on the 12th clay of April, 1923, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter de scribed, there will be sold at the south door of the court house in ' Flattprnouth, in said County of Cass, on the gth d of M 1923. at 10 ' n'eloek a. m ff cnlfl tnv at niihllx vendue to the highest bidder for cash. - " . . . " " -" 1'""" tfce folIowing described real estate, to-wit: Lots 1, 2 and 3 in the Town ' of Greenwood, Cass county, Ne braska: also Lots 475, 47G, 477, 478 and 479 and Lots 4S2, 483. 484. 485 and 48C. in the Town of Greenwood, in said county. Said sale will remain open for bids for one hour. Dated this ( 12th day of April, A. D. 1923. DR. N. D. TALCOTT, Guardian of Sena James, al6-3w. Incompetent. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate cf Jo seph Schlater, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will ;sit at the County Court room in .'Plattsmouth in ssid countv, on the '8th day of May. A. D. 1923. and on the 9th day of August. A. D. 1923, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and al lowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the Sth day of May. A. D. 1323, and the time limited for navmont of rights i nnp'.ot"'" rcuei as may e just r.nu 'year from saiei Sth day of May, A. D 193 Witness my hand and the seal of NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-j ty, ss. ; In the County Court. j In the matter of the estate ofi T'rk t h a nrffiitftra rT eiii! a To the creditors of said estate: I X- 1. A 1 A. V Ml 1 1011 ar "t noiuieu, mai x vi.i. ts710Uth, J" E-1idACnt,y; oOtlT Uay OI April. A. D. 19 day of April. A. D. 1923. and on the 30th dayof July. A. D. 1923. a. rt 1 m i a. . ' , . ' J ' " j.uarcn, .-v. v. iso ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) 3 LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. William II. Ofe. Plaintiff, vs. Charles F. Holly et al. Defendants. To the defendants Charles F. Hol ly; Mrs. Charles F. Holly, his wife, real name unknown; John V. Sey more; Mrs. John W. Seymore. his wife, real name unknown; William II. Taylor; Mrs. William II. Taylor, his wife, real name unknown; Miry E. Taylor and Taylor, her husband, real name unknown; Mary Moore, her husband, real name unknown: N. La throp, real name unknown; Mrs. N. batiirop, ni3 wire, real name un- known; W. II. Shafer, real name un known; Wise, real name un known; A. B. Sharp, real name un known; A. L. Sprague, real name un known; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other perrons interested In the respective estates of Charles F. Holly, deceased; Mrs. Charles F. Holly, deceased; John W. Seymore, deceased; Mrs. John W. Seymore. deceased; William IT. Tay lor, deceased; Mrs. William H. Tay lor, deceased; Mary E. Taylor, de ceased; Taylor, deceased; Mary E. Moore, deceased: Moore, deceased; N. Lathrop. deceas ed; Mrs. N. Lathrop, deceased; W. II. Shafer, deceased; Wise, deceased; A. B. Sharp, deceased; A. L. Sprague, deceased, real names un known, and all persons having or claiming any interest in the North half. ( N ) of Lot3 7. 8 and 9, in Biock 53. in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 29th day of March, 1923. the plaintiff filed his suit in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, the subject and purpose of which is to establish and quiet and confirm plaintiff's title in and to the above described lands, and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming to have any right, title, estate, lien or interest either legal or equitable in or to said real estate, or any part thereof, and to enjoin you and each of you rroni in any manner interfering with plaintiff's possession and enjoyment 'of May, 1923, and failing so to do, your default will be entered therein, and judgment taken upon plaintiff's petition. WILLIAM H. OFE. Plaintiff. By A. L. TIDD, a2-4w. His Attorney. isaid County Court, this 6th day ot."ir 1U "v;iuuu OI: ur "Ki'-r --i""- noon. , said Corpora- April A. D. 19?.". nay, the 2fth clay ot Juno. or j. n. Foromnn, Charier. Ayros, W. presents to be, ALLEN J. BEESON j the allsgations therein contained wi:l r,. Jordan returned from O.naha and at- (Sea!) a9-4w. Countv Jtidee. ' 00 T?"'n rs r,?e ant a ocreo v.-m Tuc-s.-.ay evening where h y had this 2nd i , . be rendered in favor of plamtih and strrl; on the market. Mike Smith It seems to be pretty tough on pro- hibition when men high up in places of note will deal with bootleggers in the sale of hooch. They are doing it right in the capital of the United States. -:o:- It is possible that a wise and good man may ue prevailed on to De game, but it is impossible trfat a professed gamester should be a wise and good man. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. In the District Court of Cas coun- ty, Nebraska. John M. Kaffenberger,- Plaintiff, vs. White et al. Defendants. To the defendants, White, real n:ime unknown, husband cfl Sarah T. White Shephard Falcs; Mrs. Shephard Fales. real name Omaha. the John Wesley doctrine, ine pas- unknown; Israel G. Ilamman; ! Mr. and Mr3. Jesse Stone lea Mon- tor delights to add this word of ap Mn. Israel G. Hammon. real name day for their home at Morehead, j preciation for this evangelist and unknown: Anthony Voll: Mrs. An- thony Voll, real name unknown; the! heirs, devisees, legatees, nersonal representatives and all other persons having or claiming any interest in the e?st half ( K ) of the northwest Unuarter (XW'J) and the northwest quarter (NW'i) of the northeast ounrter (NE'i ) of Section fifteen, lf) Township twelve, (12) North Range twelve, (12) east of the Gth. P. M., in the County of Case braska, real name" unknown: Ne- Ycu and each cf you are hereby j notified that John M. Kaffenberger, ! as plaintiff, filed a petition and com ! rr.enced nn action in the District ' Court, of Cnns rornty, Nebrask?.. cn i the 2'i"-t d:-v cf Apr!!. 192:5. against ' yov. a;:d e;'eh of yo:i, the object, p'ir pcrso and prayer cf which is to ob tain a decree of Court ouietirg tbc title to all cf the c.st hnlf (E'a) of the northwest, quarter (NW'i) an'l the northwest q'laiter (N'W'.i) of the northeast quarter (NE'ii of 'Section fifteen, (15) Township twelve, (12) North Ransre twelve, i (1L) e..st of the Gth P. M., in the ' ' Ol i ass, eoiasKa, as ajraim-i y and ?rch of you and for cuc-n i writable. : ou ailfi Paeh of you are further notified thnt you are required to en I against yuii and each of you, , ing to tha prayer of said pi ccoru- Dcted this 21st da3' of April, A. d. 192.1. JOHN M. KAFFENBERGER, ! . Plaintiff. ! W. G. KIECK, Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, CoiirAy of Cess, s.v; All cf Lots numbered two. (2) and three (3) and the west six (G) inches of Lot ore, (1) all in Block numbered one, (1) in South Union. Nebraska, ac cording to the published and re corded plat thereof, it being :n derstrod and agreed that said west rdx (fi) Inches of Lot one (1) in said block carries one half cf the west wall of the building erected on said Lot one, (1) or any future continuation thereof The sane being levied upon and taken as the property of Charles F. Morton and T. II. Cromwell, whoce real name is Thomas IT. Cromv.ol!, et al. defendants, to satisfy a decree and judgment of said court recovered by The Plattsmouth Lorn and Build ing Association, plaintiff against the defendant? Charles F. Morton and T. II. Cromwell et al, and also to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Edward S. Tutt. defendant, vs. said T. If. Cromwell, defendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April C, A.' D. 1323. ! C. D. QUINTTOX, j foueniK lass touni),;,,. famous paintings of Le Rolle. At Nebraska. n clo.p of the rossion dainty re- .... ! fresh ia:ul:4 were served. Mrs. Mock- ienhaupt v.j;3 a tr.!'?t. JAKF ap TFO0Y t U Ki 14 s. 8 i - JAKE, 12551 Jake is a black jack with while points. Was foaled May 15-Y, hands high, weight 1150. Sired! hv Bia- Jake, and his dam was LadyMMtK"- preac: es ine gesrein all its He is an excellent Jack, ami ' has a good reputation as a foal get - ter. TEDDY R., 976SG Teddy R. i3 a fine Percheron stal lion, black with white hind feet and rieht front foot also white. He was foaled March :'0, 1912, and weighs 1900 pounds. His sire was Morton, C7203: by Epateur. 51836, (434); by Bolivar. 40111 (46462); by Amil car, (1S973): by Sultan, (4713); by Bayard, (9495); by Estraba, 1S7 (736); by son of Jean le Blanc, (739). Teddy R. and Jake will make the season of 1921! at my home, six milts west of Murray and six miles ea3t of Mau'.cy,. every day in the week. Tetm3 for Teddy R., 112.50 to In sure colt to stand up and suck. Terms for Jake, $ 15.00 to insure colt to stand up and suck. When parties dirpose of mares or remove from the locality- pervice fee becomes due and must be paid immediately. All care will ba taken to prevent accidents,, but owner will not be held respona-' ible should any occur. . A. J. SCHAFER. j ALVO DEPARTMENT j Mr. an(1 ;,Ir3 Clyde Lancaster have : moved to Omaha. I Robert Parmenter was in Lincoln iriuay ana faaturuay. Miss Aurel Foreman was home from Lincoln Sunday. George P. Foreman left for Colo rado Saturday evening. Arthur Dingcs was in Elm wood on business Thursday morning. Mrs. G. P. Kahler was in Lincoln and Ilavelock a couple of days last week. Mr. Wills returned home the last or the week from a business trip to . Kansas. Charles McCoy, Jr., went to Lin- co'n Saturday evening to visit his vife who is taking treatment there, j Mrj. E. E. Taylor and son went to T'r.rchard Monday to visit a few days' witls "nr. and Mrs. Paul Goehry. JMiss AHa Lmch came m Saturday from Beatrice to vi3it over Sunday with ner parents, M and Mrs. P. Linch. Siierinan Cash ner, who was called here to help care fur his father, re- turned to his heme in Di-nver, Colo., .Monday. Mr. end Mrs. Ch.Tl-s Foreman were :n Murds'k Sunday visiting rel i 1 1 -c there and r.n aunt who is from Wyoming. Don't forget f'e senior play "Safe ty First," which will ho Iven the evenings of May 11 and 12 at the '.:i.:;i school auditorium. irr. and Mrs. Oru foreman and rhildren an I TI:cs Aurel Foreman ! !':! Sunday wi-'h their n?. rents, Mr. m.-t Mrs. G. P jreman. Henry Miller lias been quite :il the past few wc-ks and dors not Fccn to gain in health as rapidly as her many friend.; have hoped. 1-c-r.i McGinnis of South E ".id was falling on friends in A!vo Tuc and attending a mc-jiing of Roi 1'uesday Is- action foremen the al'ter- was ?.!ro a shipper. Ocar? Curyoa has been laid up v.ii"-: tTin iiu the? past two weeks and (ir,;-s rtbt seem to improve His son, Clcronc, is down fror.i Lincoin help - iirr Ii is raorher care for the father, Mrs. Joseph Zeman Ic'z Saturday on No. G for Winona, Minn., where she1 goes to make her home. II;r hus band been located there the pact 1 o-e n eweRs. I Jcs-? Stone came in Saturday from I . Mcrehcad. Kansas, to attend the f u-I r.c al hi ivin,i,'v,, 10M c.U,iV.tfiary today, after a ten-year light. C-'vnr, Sr. a fi e-rr.oon. . pril 15, at the :i. E. churcii. Dougics Stevens returned last week from Texas where- he went s'-v-rrrl n.ovth'j arro for hir. hca';!i. Ho as lefc.m, quite v.'ci! r:ni:l th heavy rains came whirh make; his brea:hing mors difficult. Mctr.orial prrviat-s for A'vo's three , your. soldier-. Ralph Par.? '!. Fla'-cl : I'Tctvy and Daniel Donnelly, who g.-.vt up their live. during the world !v-sr. will lw held Suoday afternoon at 2:2-j o'lhuk. April 2:ith. at the ; I-.I. K. church. Three trees will be , plarted in ;r.e:aor:nai. j A jpeck'-r from Lincoln will be ' prcsen? and give an address. i J. V. Scott and nephew, Robert L. I'.irnnitf! ! fectirnery open. d um the Alvo Ccn- in the Thomas building, Jirsf (!oor north of the bank, on Sat-i I.r.krns vz". given a life sentence u'-day. April 14. They wil Iscrve'on a eharao ci." complicity in a bnik rdtort orders, ice cream, dainties and robbery and murder at Funo"., Neb. loo cold pop nul dt soite- the 00I weather havo been enjoying a nice trade. Woman's Reading club met at t!,t ;!. ); or Mrs. L. Ii. Appleman Thursday afternoon with twelve ire!".i -n-. prcs nt. Mrs. Godbey and Mrs. Kirkpairick. delegates to the! li'-'riet i'iim-1 't! iiin nt T-ii:r ;fli T gave inter; -ting reports and the ?u- j gar ruination was discussed. The flub voi d to plant a memorial in honor the soldb-rs who gave their lives during ti e Hte war: this service to ba held Sunday afternoon, April 20. Th lesson aludy for the dr was - "c We cannot retrain from spcakir. prai' worthy words far the lady evr.xnr.di-t. Mis- Clara A. Meeker. Those .ho are riv iieged to attend S 191" Ini"1'- meriitgs Dotn aitcrnooxi as these meetings both ;'s evening an ueeiare inai Bliss '""Unvss better than any evangelist 'y cvcr heard. And while there ! aie many, yes many, both church members as well as non-church mora j hers who have not yet darkened the 1 tioor 01 me ciircn, iney, loo, are (compelled to admit tairf truth with Farm aehmervS IS JUST A LITTLE DIFFICULT TO GET TliiS SPRING. Get your orikr in ca-ly for International and John Decrc farm inachinery o.bo repairs. Until IVlay 1st wc will ?c Goodrich tires at last fall's-priccs. i hese peeds are listed 25 Vr higher now. We Appreciate Yor Patronarje. GoaSnian Hardware o- Alvo, Nebraska the others, that thus evangelist is an exception to the general run of evan gelists. The rains and bad roads have interfered .so e witb..the audiences, but we are expect ing'great and won derful blessings upon our church be fore the meetings get much further along. Of course we are still expect ing all our church members to be with us soon to help in the battle. The folks who are making the sacri fice to get to these meetings are the ones who are getting their cups filled vith the Holy Spirit. The afternoon . . ... i t. r..n e prayer meeting taiKS are jui um i j say for the nenetit or mo.se w no na e an eagerness to Know or me sane- ness of this doctrine, and its ortho 1 1 doxy that Miss Meeker is as straight as a string on this and every word she utters on doctrine is found in I the teachings of the rounder or , Methodism. Sorry to say many oi our j rhurchrs never knew this teaching Wo ciniin cordially invito you to hear this lady and also enjoy the re vival interest. It will sure pay you to come miles and miles to he in just 'on meeting. This invitation is yours ! to accept if you wish. j Next Sunday afternoon the regu lar revival services will give way to the Arbor day special services in honor of our lntc world war soldier hoys. Thi". service will be at 2:20. For the laTv of information to write, Z refer you to Mrs. Kecfc-r. ! On May 7th the Lincoln district is o bold a semi-arr.v.al district con vention at first church University vfth Dr. A. J. Croft as pastor. IMshon Strrtz.. Superintendent Clein- 'fis, Dcpn Mr-Proud and other speak- frr, n-e- on the nroErram. Who will ns ovr two representatives from the laymen? Next w.-ek we will elect our dele gate to the annual conference, also the lay delegate. Brother McKinnon will look F.fter this part of the elec tion. May wo expect a full house next Svrday for thvco f-rrvices, 11 a. ni., 2:3') p. m. and 7:45 p. m. UKENS IS FREED i PRAISES PRISON ; ; j : -,.7 Ian Ccnvicted cf Sano! .nk LdV bsry ' Conp!etes a Ten-Year Sentence; Yas Lifer1. Released from the Nebraska peui- io nrovD his inno::e-:.'-e. 1. G. Lukei: 170'; in warrr.es t praije of tlie insti tution, d-'-'C ring it tO DO "1:10 iEOfJ . c.Ticicntly conducted, manhood bv.iJd in;; ivihe-ntirry i. the cor.r try." LuL.-ns wrotrv a farewell letter to Warder. Fer.ton in vI:kb 1-e said: Writes r.ircwsll Ictlcr "In the work you assigned to me, 7 have rone in contact with thou aii('s of vi; iror-", a large percentage of whom h.ivc visiiel many peniten tiaries throughout the country. In varla'.:l;. after "being shown through lh-. entira institution, a thing. I;y the '', wliivh fe-v warders dare j'-i.'rai:: , iliey comment most favor r.b'v on ho clear.lir.es3. sanitation, ami splcrid-d morale- hero in compari- -0:1 wnn other -;r.sons. ! Had Life Sentence ' Two yczrs r?o it wa. comniuted to ten years after Lukens produced I reams of evider to prove hi ; ir.no- : 'cn-e. Lukens will a;o to his old homo in Philadelphia and enter the adver- tfsir - Li'sincs- which he studied by corre-r.pondence at the penitentiary. I.IAN TWICE LEC0SATED EY U. S. C0NGEES3 DIES Denver, April 22. Maj. General rrar.k I). Baldwin. U. S. A. retired. SI. eieran roldier, former adjutant .e".:ral of the ftate of Colorado and said to be the r.niy man in tlie Unit ed t:ttcs twice awarded ilia con-.arror.'.ior-nl raetlal of honor, died at h; heme here tonight. distinguished bravery in the battle of Peach Tree Creek, Co., July TO, 1SG-5," while scrvine: as a cap-t-in in the' 1 Sth Michigan infantry, he was aw.rded the congressional ir.ed"! of honor for the first time, in 1S7C. Later Crr.eral Baldwin distinguish ed hi.'nrelf in th o canioain nr.;insi Sitting 1-rll in Montana, and in In- dir.n csmpaignn in Texas. He was a.v.jrue.l the congressional medal of honor a second time for "distin guished gaiiantry in action against too In Hans in Texas, November S, o