The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 15, 1923, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 15,"1923.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surroundinff Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
After Every Meal
Bo You Want Ooo
d Hogs?
Here is the place to get a start. I have a few Hamp
shire sows which will farrow during March. Better
see about them at once.
Vslas P,
Mrs. Jessie Rice of Nehawka was a
visitor in Murray one day last week.
Edgar Glaze and wife were guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Fultoa for the day last Sunday.
W. A. Hicks purchased a fine sow
with a litter of pigs by her side at
the R. 13. Ftone and sons sale last
Kd'.vard Murray received a letter
from his mother stating she had been
quite ill with the flu but was much
better at this time.
Mrs. Eva Hammond of Weeping
Water was a visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Rough for last
Saturday and Sunday.
I.ittlr? George Troop has developed
in to the champion marble player of
the Xthawka schools having won 163
marbles without a loss.
Mrs. A. F. Sturm has been visiting
in Omaha since last week, being a
guest fit the home of her daughter,
Mrs. John O. Yeiser. Jr.
John Hobscheidt of near Murray
was a visitor in Nehawka last Mon-.
day. driving down in his truck to
look after some business matters.
Ij M. McVey was looking . after
pome business matters in Plattsmouth
last Saturday, making the trip via
the Missouri Pacific trin from Un
ion. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nutzman
were visiting with friends in Oma
ha one day last week as well as look
in? after some business matters as
Mr and Mrs. Z. W. Shrader who
iiave been down with the flu for some
ti'r.e are reported as being some bet-
Set the News at Home!
And as to that matter have the the enjoyment of
hearing the best plays, concerts and hearing the ser
mons, and lectures over the entire country, by Radio.
We are ready to place a receiving set in your home,
that will put you in touh with the whole of America.
See us for specifications.
Boedekor St Lundberg,
Bailor Set the Best!
Many people sell ranges some good, some bad but
when you invest your money in a range you do so be
cause you want results.
vjs hzn tested in all ways which a range could be put
to the lest and has always proven the best by far in all
respee'es. We invite your inspection of this range, and
will prove to you that it is the best ever made.
Come and See for Yourself
ter though not as yet feeling their
I) est
Mrs. Lillian Shepherdson of near
Weeping Water was a visitor at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Horton
Kurth of Waterloo, Iowa, lor a num
ber of days last week.
C. R. Troop of Plattsmouth will
' i,,in thn pmistruction of a mod-
auuu uco'"
ern bungalow on the farm where Mr. ,
William Kruger lives anu win oiuti
wise improve the farm.
R. Kettlehut was looking after
come business in Plattsmouth last
Thursday and while there called on
the Journal, advancing his subscrip
tion tor a couple of years.
J W. Hobson of Plattsmouth was
a visitor in Nehawka for a short time
last Monday waiting for a train to
Weeping Water where he was going
to look after some business matters.
Warren Munn has been busy dur
ing the past week shelling corn and
has shelled corn for J. J. Pollard, M.
G. Kime and Nicholas Onp, which
they marketed in Nehawka at a nice
H. D. Betts and family departed a
few days since for their home at
Chappell after having visited at the
home of the parents of Mrs. Betts,
Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Lundberg for the
past two weeks.
Orville Todd, who has ben taking
a course in farming at the state uni
versity, returned home a few clays
since having completed the course
r.nd will work with the father during
the coming summer. !
Superintendent L. W. Burby. who
has been having a tussle with the flu
for the past week, is now able to be
back on the job again and is feeling
much better, thank you, though not
quite himself as yet.
The children of Mr. aud Mrs. J. M.
Palmer and also Mrs. S. Humphrey,
who is making her home with the
Palmers, have beeu having a siege
of the flu but all at this time are re
ported as being better.
Harry Higgins and wife of Omaha
were visiting in Nehawka and were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. n. St. John while here and also
while in the city they looked after
some residence property which they
have here.
II. C. Pollard and family were at
Lincoln last week enjoying the bas
ketball tournament which was rep
.resented by players from all over the
ctate. There was much interest in the
teams of Cass county -which were bat
tling for first place. -
llr, W.- A. Hicks dug a well .for
Mr - Nick Klauren in which lie went
(down to the denth of C5 feet where
he struck solid rock and could go no
farther. Mr. Hicks has just returned
from a two weeks stay near Otoe
where he sunk a number of wells.
Mrs. J. J. Lohnes, who has been
staying at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Robert Troop, departed for
her new hdme at Grant a few days
since and was accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. Troop who goes to
assist in getting the household af
fairs straightened up after the mov
ing and will also visit for a while
before returning home.
(Save the
Wrap- fwsiWr
Top off each meal
with a bit oi
sweet in the form
It satisfies the
sweet tooth and
aids dfgeslion.
Pleasure and
benefit combined.
Prom Monday's Daily. J
J. L. Meisinger and wife were in
Omaha today for a few hours, at
tending to some matters of business.
Miss Mable Bennett, who has been
quite sick at Council Bluffs the past
week, was able to return to this city
last evening and will recuperate here.
Richard Avard, who is now engag
ed in playing at the Rialto theatre
in Lincoln as well as teaching music
there, was here yesterday for a few
hours visit.
W. P. Sitzman, wife and daugh
ters, Margaret and Ruth, motored to
Omaha yesterday and were accom
panied home by Paul Sitzman and
Miss Elizabeth.
J. C. Bryant of Ashland, one of
the leading attorneys, of that city,
was here today for a few hours at
tending to some matters in the coun
ty court in the Buster estate in which
he is interested.
This is Net All a Joke
No, for a varmint, whether whale,
tear or dog ensercd and attempted
to tat the Missouri Pacific station
but left a portion of it as the appe
tite diminished before the structure
fell for is fact it did not fall at all.
Some of the more positive of the
wags of Nehawka aver that all was
eaten except the sate and stove. Mr.
Thomas wns at dinner when we call
ed to see the havoc and Ave did not
get to see it.
1 ...
iri.l. .. ,A
A new full line of "Arrow Head" Hosiery for
Spring has just arrived. In this line of hosiery you will
find remarkable value for everybody. Ask us about
this hosiery when you come in.
Established 1888
City Council Adopts Ordinance
The city council of Nehawka at
their meeting last Friday evening
adopted an ordinance calling for the
election for $25,000 for the install
ing of a water system for the village
of Nehawk. The matter of sewerage
was also up but was deferred until
the fate of the water ordinance would
be known. Should the ordinance call
ing for the bonds for the installation
of the water system carry then the
matter of the sewerage will be con
sic red, probably favorably and
probably unfavorably as the result of
the former ordinance shall be known
Surprised Their Fiiends
Albert Anderson the genial and ef
ficient salesman who is in the J. H.
Steffans store, and who has his home
in the new house which CM. Chris
wisscer has hut recently completed,
was surprised by some nineteen of hi3
gentlemen friends who gave this gen
tleman a shower, as he is to wed
Miss Christina Steffans in a short
time. The evening was pleasantly
passed in song and cards and you
know the gentlemen had something
to eat as well as smoke.
Had an-Excellent Sale
The sale of the excellent spotted
Poland China brood sows which was
put on by R. B. Stone and Sons prov
ed to be one which met with popular
favor and which resulted in many
pleased buyer of this excellent line
of porkers. The sale amounted to
some $2,500 many of them going to
a distance.
Eoth Favor the Ford
Frank P. Sheldon, who has been
driving a Ford roadster which he
had converted into a light truck, was
so well pleased with the performance
of the car that he has Invested in an
other of the same kind getting the
same from the Lundberg garage. And
to be in line o rmore so, George Pol
lard has acquired possession of a new
Ford coupe which he will use for his
traveling in the future.
School Notes
Eighth grade examinations will be
held at the school building March
29 and 30.
Maurine Cisney and June Peck
have left the district and are missed
in Miss Graff's room.
Most of the- teachers wont home
hist week. Manji-of them stopped in
Lincoln for th? tournament games.
Thi new library books are cata
logued and in circulation now. They
have given a new impetus to library
The class in agriculture is now tak
ing up. the study of dairying. More
interest should be taken in this sub
ject in the community.
The American history class has
planned a debate for March 23. "Re
solved that city life is more advan
tageous than country life."
The seniors have completed the
rhort stories that they have been
working on for some time. As a whole
they are very satisfactory.
The frthu-iicre -planning a St.
r.ltrtclr'S 'wLf frprbgram tor 'next
Thursday convocation. Last Thurs
day the time was taken up with sing
ing, t
The basketball season is over tor
this yei:r. It has been very success
ful for p, starter and a good team
should be had next year. A full ac
count of the season will be printed
The seniors are going to put on the
motion picture entitled "The Power
Within" on March 21. It is a story of
the fires of faith and the value of
love, the two deepest forces in hu
man life. It portrays a man who is
captain of his own soul: who falls
when he forgats-ftiod and rises when
he says, "Thywitt be done.". A Gang
comedy will be run with this feature
and a fine show will be put on. One
night only, so get your seats early.
From Tuesday's Dally. I
Harley Wiles and George W. Sny
der, Jr., were among those going to
Omaha this afternoon to spend a few
hours there on business.
Frank Fanger, who has been at
Kansas City for the past several days
looking after business matters and
visiting with friends, returned home
tli is morning.
!Mart Olson of Grant, Nebraska,
was here today for a few hours visit
ing with his brother, G. W. Olson, go
ing on to Omaha on the early morn
ing Burlington.
County Commissioner G. L. Farley
Tnd County Assessor William Rum
mell departed this morning for Lin
coln where they will attend the meet
ing of the county assessora being held
there this week.
Tom Rabb departed this morning
for Omaha to receive medical treat
ment and was accompanied by Andy
Schmader, who will start in his train
ing there for the Gibbons right at
Peoria, Ilinois March 26.
Samuel C. Windham arrived home
today from the west, where he has
been for some time, called here by
.the illness of his father, Hon. R. B.
Windham, who has been very poorly
of late, but is now able to be up
and around.
From Tuesday's tany.
The four classes of the high school
have been planning for the past week
a tournament of the basketball teams
of the classes and yesterday after
noon the first round of the tourna
ment was played. The sophomores
and the freshmen clashed in the
opening game and the result was that
the sophs wou the contest 42 to 24
and seemingly caught the freshmen
unawares as they tore ithrough the
defense for repeated scores. In the
second game the seniors won from
the juniors by the srore of 26 to 15
and in both games much spirit was
shown and the class feeling ran high
among the players and the rooters
of the four teams.
Wednesday evening at 7:30, the
sophomores and the seniors will play
for the championship of the school
and the juniors and freshmen for the
consolation honors and much interest
is attached to the games by the class
Reed Yellow Dent seed corn, $2.00
per bushel. Cample tan be seen at the
Chase Meat Market. C. R. Todd,
Plattsmouth, Nebr. ni5-6tw
Entertained the Basketball Team
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pollard who are
both quite interested in basketball,
entertained at their pleasant home
In the edge of Nehawka the basket
ball teams of the schools of this town
and where they all enjoyed a most
pleasant time as well as discussing
the game which alL were interested
in. A delightful lun'heon was served
and which added to the pleasant eve
ning. Miss Fio Wright' was in charge
ef'the teams jii the. absence of the
' supt rintendent who-' could not be
present on account of sickness.
March 21st
Special Notice On account of
light receipts at this time of
year we ere skipping a week,
and vill be in Plattsmouth on
MarcK 21 Bargain Wednes
day when we , will pay the
Hens, per lb. i 21c
Springs, jier lb 15
Old Cox, per lb. 9c
Ducks, per lb 16c
Geese, per lb. 12c
Leghorn Poultry, 3c per lb.
less than above prices.
V.ppf Wirles. nor lh 1 8c
Horse Hides, each
Remember Wednesday. March 21,'
will be our next buying day in
Plattsmouth, and we will be on hand
rain or shine, prepared to take care
of all poultry offered.- '
An adjourned meeting of the
Farmers Mutual Fire and Livestock
Insurance company of Cass county,
Nebraska, will be held at the Taylor
school house, Dist. .No. 37, Platts
mouth precinct, on Saturday, March
17, at 1:30 p. m., for the purpose
of transacting such business as may
legally come before the meeting.
ml2-5d, lw. Secretary.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Among the list of marriage licen
ces aDnearing in the Lincoln papers
of today is that of Edwin T. Terrell,
of Milford, Nebraska, and Mrs. Me
lissa .1. Tavlor ot Union.
The bride is well known in the
snntlipm nortion of Cass county.
where she has lived for many years
and is highly esteemed Dy a large
circle of warm friends who will learn
of her marriage with much pleasure
and extend to the newlyweds the
best wishes for a long and happy
married life. Both the bride and
groom have been residing at Milford
for some time.
SO acres, small improvements, five
miles northeast of Union, known as
Ben Raymond place. Telephone At
lantic 3147.
, 501 World Herald Bldg.
One black team of mares, 7 years
old, weight 1400; one bay. mare, 7
years old, weight 1350. Guy Mur
ray, Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Three Polled Shorthorn bulls, 9
months old, $50 eacn. win. tr. nai
mes, Plattsmouth, Nebr. ' m5-6tw
For regular action of the bowels,
easy, natural movements, relief of
constipation, try Doan's Regulets.
30c at all stores.
35 years
Coates Block
' Dentist .
The Recipe Says!
Use just so many cups of flour, but the degree of suc
cess of your baking depends on how good the flour is.
Golden Gate Flour, when handled properly,
Insures Baking Success.
You cannot measure the quality of flour with a
cup, nor can you add to the quality of flour once it
is milled.
Quality is determined by the character of the
wheat from which the flour is milled, and the skill used
in milling it.
GOLDEN GATE flour will please you, once you
give it a fair trial, because it is milled from the choicest
wheat and with modern equipment by men who are
highly skilled in the art of milling.
. Treat it as fairly in baking as we have in milling
and you will have nothing to regret.
Elmwood ftii!! and Elevator Go.,
Elmwood, Nebraska
oval (Eafe :
Meah and Short Orders Served at 'Aiitaour.'1'
flea!s 35c and Up
Everybody invited to come in and see us. Everything
New! Best Service! '
Best Coffee Only Served!
South Side Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Dmplement Company!
In engaging in business in Plattsmouth, we de
sire to announce that we have formed a company con- !
sisting of W. H. Puis, David Ebersole and Joseph 1
Mrasek, with the intention of serving the community
contiguous to this town with the best there is in. the line
of Farm Implements and Machinery.
We will endeavor always to carry a full line of
repairs for all machinery sold and used .generally in ',
this neighborhood. ' . .
Courteous treatment and the best of service will
be our constant aim. .
'Come in and let's get acquainted.
Plattsmouth Implement Company
Successor to Ben H. Wiles
-Single Comb White Leghorns!-
Hatching eggs . .
Baby chicks ....
. .$ 6.00 per 100
1 en i nn
per i vjkj
Custom Hatching!
Our mammoth incubator is ready to hatch your eggs.
A charge of Vz cents per egg will be made. Only the
following denominations canine accepted: 150, 300
450, etc.
Make Reservation for Egg Space Early