The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 01, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1923.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal knov of any social
BTent or Item of Interest, In
this vicinity, and will mill
itme to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all news Items Editob
Widely Known Baptist Divine
Praises Tanlac For Restora
tion Of .Health.
The bank of a community is the one most inter
ested in the welfare of the entire community, and is
ever keeping its ear to the ground and its eye upon the
financial horizon for that which may be of common ben
efit to everyone in the community.
The bank's interest is in reality your interest, and
all should work in conjunction with this institution for
the upbuilding of all enterprises of the community.
If you have no account with the home town bank,
start one; if you have one, increase it. Work in con
junction with your home bank for the community's
Ernest Schomaker and family are
moving east of Murray this week.
Dorothy Todd was visiting Vivian
and Golila Schomaker Saturday after
noon. Lee XiCkles sold an excellent Jer
srv cow to J. A. Scotten a few days
Sanford Homan was visiting his
friend Lester Schomaker Sunday af
ternoon. James Tigner from near Union was
looking af'er some business matters
in Murray, last Tuesday.
enjoying a visit with relatives in
Plattsmouth last Sunday.
Florence and Geneva Schomaker ,
were visiting the Buck school Mon
day afternoon. i
George Edmiston made a business
trip to Nehawka last Sunday taking
a horse for a man who lives in Avoca.
Florence Schomaker of Nehawka is '
visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Schon aker near Murray ,
this week. j
Fred Wagner was looking after
some matters of business in Platts- !
month last Tuesday making the trip
in his auto. 1
Chris Murray has been feeling
pretty poorly for some time of late
and while he is around is not feel- j
ing the best. i
Walter Chase and son of South
Omaha were spending a few hours
with their friend Ed Schomaker Sun
day afternoon.
Louis H. Puis dressed his summer's
supply of hogs on last Monday and
will cure the same in the mosfcap
proved manner.
Charles Sans has been getting in
a quantity of wood for the summer
and having finished is now ready
for some other job.
J. W. Stone who is at the Lord
Lister hospital where he underwent
an operation while very sick fa show
ing some improvement.
Mrs. Elva Harkins of Dallas, S. D.
arrived in Murray today (Thursday)
and will keep house for C. A. Trent,
caring for his daughter.
Messrs. Ben Albin, Ezra Albin,
Frank Lillie and A. A. Young shipped
two cars of cattle to the South Om
aha market last Tuesday.
Ed Schomaker and two sons, Les
ter and Ray were attending the hog
sale of the Schaeffer brothers held
at Weeping Water Saturday.
Robert Wheeler the little son of
Albert Wheeler has been very sick
for some time past and during the
past few days has not been quite so
well as formerly.
Jesse Chambers who is employed
in the Burlington shops at Platts
mouth has been on the sick list for
seme days and has been kept from
his work during the time.
Albert Schomaker and family of
Weeping Water and Chris Schomak
er, father of Albert and Ed. were vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Schomaker Sunday afternoon.
E. E. Miller of Wyoming was a vis
itor in Murray coming to consult the
family physician. Dr. G. H. Gilmore
regarding the health of his wife who
has not been the best for some time.
Mrs. Herman Smith was spending
a few hours at Mrs. Ed Scliom3ker's
home Friday afternoon and left on
the afternoon train for Omaha to
Public Sales!
It is doubtful if there has ever
been a medicine endorsed by so many
ministers of the gospel as has Tanlac. ;
Indeed, theer is scarcely a faith, i
creed or denomination in all the land .
in which one, or more, of the clergy-
men has not publicly expressed their j
indebtedness to tne l'remier rrep
amtion for the benefits thev have de-
. I will serve lunch at public sales rived from its use.
Make dates with Col. W.R. Young One of the latest to speak out in
this connection is Rev. B. M. Bridges,
ana notny me ana x wm oe mere
Call Murray phone 1712.
pay for the call.
Oscar Jailer
National Canned
Foods Week!
March 3rd to 10th
K ' - -
The Consumer's Opportunity!
i;yrZ7Z'TX- Canned Foods Week is a National event dedicated to edu
t:jm catmg consumers to the economy of buying canned foods.
Quantity buying in bulk foods usually is wasteful, but quantity buying in canned
gopd3 is NOT wasteful but economical in the fullest sense of that word. You are
able to set your table with more variety and with more wholesome foods and for
less money.
These High-Grade Fruits and Vegetables
are Sold at Our Two Stores:
"Advo" sliced pineapple, No. 7C
2J2 size, per dozen P
"Advo" Royal Anne cher- &A QC
ries, No, 2Yi size, dozen ?.0J
"Advo" sliced peaches, No. CA
2Yz size, per dozen ? U
"Advo" Bartlett pears, No.
2 Yl size, per dozen
helieu" sliced pineapple, Afl
2z size, per dozen J?JUU
"Richelieu" sliced apricots, C CA
No. 2Yz size, per dozen $0OU
"Richelieu" loganberries, No. A A
2 size, per dozen V -,iJ'"
"Richelieu" Yellow-
peaches, No. 2Yz Per dozen
(Mr aa u
Wassell's Choice Cuthbert Red
Raspberries No. 2 Size
5 cans for $1
Del Monte Sliced Yellow Cling
Peaches in Heavy Sytup
3 cans for $1
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hall.
Attorney A. H. Duxhury and wife
of Plattsmouth were looking after
some business matters in Murray last
LkduLs Marquardt of Avoca was at
tending the Worth Click sale last
Tuesday and made some purchases
while there.
! See our big: ad with special offer
ings for National Canned Goods
Week. Soennichsen & Co. Murray
and Plattsmouth.
Uncle D. J. Pitman lias been feel
ing very badly with the grippe that
lie was not down to the elevator for
a number of days.
J. A. Robbins and Luther Wau
mick were hauling oats from near
Mynard ot the Robbins farm west of
Murray during the fore part of the
The consumers' opportunity is in
the National Canned Goods Week
bargains offered at the H. M. Soen
nichsen & Co. stores at Murray and
Plattsmouth. ,
George M. Minford and John Far
ris while in Omaha last Monday pur
chrsed a number of excellent horses
i and mules which they brought to
Murray on Tuesday.
Uncle C. N. Barrows and wife who
have been at Milford (luring the past
wintr-r for today is spring, returned
lo Murray last Monday evening and
will live here during the summer.
Ed Slocumb is enjoying not the
leart his radio and is able to get in
oir all that is going on over the coun
try and affords much amusement and
entertainment for the entire family.
Geneva Schomaker who has been
staying with her sister, Mrs. Noah
Parker at Louisville since Mrs. Park
er I?a3 had the flu. returned to her
home near. Murray SaMirday evening.
Mrs. George San3 who has been
sick at her home for some time past
is rr-ported as being some better and
the improvement is gladly welcomed
by this excellent lady and her many
Stock up your shelves with the
splendid opportunities in canned
goods offered by the 11. M. Soennich
sen Co. at their stores in Plattsmouth
and Murray. See the big ad else
where in this issue. .. .
Orville the little son of Homer
Campbell who was taken with the ap
pendicitis was taken to Ihe Clarkson
hospital by. Dr. Brendel where he
underwent an operation for relief
and is getting along nicely.
The radio at the garage has been
affording much entertainment for
th'se desiring to listen in on the con
cert"1 and other things which is
hurdling itself through ours as well
as ether people's atmosphere.
Miles Allen was a visitor for a
short time in Murray last Tuesday
while on his way to Nehawka where
ho went to deliver a, range of the
copper clad kind which has been sold
by the firm of Bestor & Swatek.
A. W. Propst the auto man of Un
ion and by the way who is a rustler
a widely known and beloved Baptist
I will preacher, residing at Mooresboro, N.
: C, whose statement follows:
; "Tanlac has given me a good appe-
! tite. toned up my system and renewed
my strength in such a gratifying way
! that I am glad to recommend it to
anyone who is in a run-down condi
tion. For ten years past I have had
such a severe case of indigestion that
I could not fiDd anythinc to eat that
agreed with me. Finally I became
very nervous and could get but very
little sleep or rest.
"It seems that I took nearly every
. thing trying to get myself right, but
nothing helped me until I ran across
Tanl?c. My nerves are so much bet
ter now that my sleep is sound and
refreshing. I enjoy my meals and
have also gained weight. I can sayjjn jjs capacity
from experience that Tanlac is algeptember, 1917.
plondid medicine and tonic, tor it
has built me up wonderfully."
Tanlac is for sale hy all druggists.
Over 35 million bottles sold.
We are carrying a well selected line of the very best
Puritan Flour the 3es!!
We are paying the highest market price for country
produce, butter and eggs.
WiJson Scotton,
A T u m rriirip- to nuif f.irnifncr T
v. ia. nan. jr., cusiiir ui will sell at Public Auction on what
First National tank of Greenwood, is known as the Hi Adams farm, five
was here yesterday attending to some; mlea northwest of Nehawka on the
affairs in the county court and while ; v.-nter ro.-H- five r.iiis t
here stated that he was interested in ; of Weeping. water; seven miles south-
trying to secure some uciio i vt n:e
legislature that would give the mem
bers of the 6th Nebraska infantry
pay for the period from July 15th to
August 4th, 1917. the perioJ dur-
west of Murray and nine miles north-
' Tiff T T rt inn
Monday, March 5th
commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m..
which they served as trocps or witn Junch rerved on the Krounj3 a't
thn housekeeper for C. A. Trent and
ltitle daughter for the past eight
month, departed last Tuesday for
Abilene. Kansas, where she will visit
Tor a short time and then go to Pasa
dena. California, where she will ex
pcf to make her home.
Henry C. Long and wife were pas
fongors, to Omaha last Wednesday
morning where they went to spend a
few days and where Mrs. Long ex
pected to have some treatment on her
eyes which have been giving her
rome trouble for some time with the
growth of a cataract thereon.
Dr. J. F. Brendel accompanied
Mn. Fred Hughson living southeast
of Murray to the Lord Lister hospi
tal last Monday evenine: and again
on Wednerday was at Omaha to be
prcs-n when this lady underwent
an operation for the removal of grail
fnT:s whih have been troubling
lie for some time.
' Messrs Joe Mrasek and W. H. Puis
were in Plattsmouth last week and
while there purchased the implement
brr.iner.s . of Mr. Ben H.- Wiles and
whi'-h they wil conduct under the
nam"- of the Plattsmouth Implement
'To. They are both well experienced
in this line and should make a suc-e-r?5
of the business and which we
are expecting them to do.
the Nebraska National Guard prior ; noon the following described prop-
to Demgiuoierea iniu icuemi Bt"'.erty, to-wit:
ice. Mr. nan was coionti oi iqisi
resriment and a very popular officer!
ei-ith nil of his command and served i
up to the close of ana 5 years o;n, wi. i-.iuu; one
jteani ci geiamgs. Dry ana grey, i
and 6 years old, wt. 2.759; bay mare.
Nine Head of Horses
One team of mares, bay and brown.
Wanted to Trade
I hn"? a Muring Ford top and body
in goo! condition which I would like
o exchange for a roadster top and
body. Who wants to trade? C. A.
Box Snpper a Great Success
Notwithstanding the number sick
with the fiu and grinne there was a
good representation at the box slip
per at the Peterson hall last Friday
evening and all present enjoyed the
occasion very much. Those who were
triving the supper for the benefit of
the Murray schools realized some $50
for their hard work. The program
which was given in conjunction with
the box supper was highly appreciat
ed by the pleasant crowd present.
when he was trans
ferred to the 127th Field Artillery
The 6th regiment was formed fol
lowing the declaration of war with
Germany ar.d unlike the 5th and 4th
Nebraska, was not received into the
federal service until August 4th, al
though the members were on duty at
their various stations and most of
the members had severed themselves
from their positions to be in readi
ness to respond to the call of the
state and nation. In justice to tire
8 years old, wt. 1,400; black mare,
smooth mouth, wt. 1,300, in foal;
one team mule3, black and brown, 2
and 3 years old, wt. 1,900; one black
gelding. 7 yesrs old, wt. 1,500.
Twenty Head of Cattle
Ilclrtein and Durhams, roan and
red. One cow, 8 years old; two 6
years old three 4 years old; two 3
years old, all giving milk. One bull,
2's years old. Three yearling calves.
Eight calves, 2 and 3 months old.
men of the regiment Col. Hall feels
that they should be paid the regular Two of these cows are Just fresh
pay of the National Guard while
they were in service for this period.
There were quite a number from
Cass county who were in this re'1
ment and they will await with in
terest the outcome of the efforts of
their former commanding officer.
Hogs and Chickens
Twenty head of Duroc hogs, com
prising ten head of bred gilts and
ten head of shoats.
Six dozen pure blood White Leg
horn chickens.
Farm Macinery, Etc'
Deering binder, 7-foot; . McCorm
ick mower, C-foot; King drill, good
It is authoritatively stated that at, as new; two P & O wide tread list
the present time there are upwards ers, good as new; P & O walking
of one hundred radio receiving sets; lister, good as new; Sterling stalk
in daily operation in Plattsmouth, cutter, 2-row; Buulong disk harrow,
which illustrates the great change a! 16x16; Budlong disk harrow, 14x16;
single year can make. Plattsmouth j P & O walking stirring plow; three
folks were a little slow in taking up (section drag harrow; two-row corn
radio, compared to Nebraska City, checker and wire; 12-inch gang
Falls City and a number of other j plow; Dewey suiky plow; 16-inch
southeastern Nebraska towns, and it i two Janesviile 2-row go-devils; P
is not yet a year since the first set & o riding cultivator, good as new;
was installed. At that time also the 'two Moline walking cultivators; an
number of broadcasting stations was!automatic hog feeder; galvanized
very limited compared with the pres-j water tank, 10-barrel size; truck
enttime. The Atlanta station, the .wagon and rack; Newton grain wag
first to broadcast a late night con- on; one buggy; set of Concord har
cert, did not open until in June of ness, 2-inch; set li-inch harness,
las-t year. Now the air is full of mid- good as new; set 1-inch harness:
night programs and even extending'set 1-inch harness; between eight
well into the small hours of the and ten ton3 prairie and clover hay.
500 hedge posts and many other ar
ticles too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $10 and under, cash.
On sums over $10 a credit of six
month's time will be given on bank
able notes bearing 8 per cent inter
est. No property to be removed un
til settled for.
Rex Young, Auctioneer.
D. C. West, Clerk.
morning if one cares to sit up for
them. v ,.
The way Plattsmouth people have
taken to radio in the last ten months
is truly remarkable.
At wholesale price, in lots, genu
ine Red River Ohio seed from Clay
county, Minn., also Nebraska eating
JOHNSON BROS., Nebr. City.
Del Monte Yellow Cling Peaches
3 cans for $1
Frank's Kraut No. 2Y2 Size
7 cans for $1
Invest in Hampshires
A few days since IT. G. Todd dis
posal of ten or his tine Hampshire
cii inai nas oeen semng a numoer oi pjobert Good three and J. A
car. to-people near Murray. Kzra At- one. Thcv will . raise some
Washington, Feb. 26. The fed
eral government today won the right
to have its $1,500,000 tax dispute
with Alfred I. Dupont reviewed by I
the supreme court. Feel languitL weak. run
Tne court granted a petition for . HnadarhP? stomach "nnv
All kinds of plastering and brick
work, call J.' D. Rice, phone 311-J.
nigs. Mr
Duroc Jersey at the Nailor sale which
he has on the place as well.
Nimko Tomatoes No. 2.l2 Size
Per dozen, $1.75
Monarch Sifted Early June Peas
No. 2 Size Dozen, $2.75
Farwest Loganberries No. 2 Size
4 cans for $1
Glidden Siveet Corn No. 2 Size
8 cans for $1
Otoe Hominy No. 24 Size
Per dozen, $1
No. 2 Cans Good Standard Peas
7 cans for $1
It will pay you to do your shopping in person. We are having very special prices
on a large variety cf canned fruits and vegetables. Now is the time to stock up
your pantry shelves and save money on your purchases.
Murray, Nebraska
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
to $12.75; Bluegrass, $4.50; Alsyke,
12. 50;. Sudan. 17c; Rape, 15c.
Samples mailed.
JOHNSON BROS., Nebr. City.
bin gettine: one. T. J. Brendel and
Dr. J. F. Brendel also each getting a
Ford coupe.
George E. Nickles was in attend- '
ance at the Lumberman's convention
last week at Omaha where plans of I
conducting business-were discussed
and other subjects relative to the
lumber business taken up which was
well worth while.
With the vacating of the house in
in which Philip Keil has been living
J. A. Scotten and family are now oc- ,
cupying it and Mrs. H. G. Creampr '
has moved into the place which Mr. j
Scotten lived and, which she purchas- j
ed from him a short time ago. i
Dan Hiescher who had one of his
feet broken some three weeks ago.
when a horse which he was riding
fell on him, is getting along nicely
at this time and was able to be in
town last Tuesday afternoon though
. compelled to walk on cruitche3. j
I Lst Monday evening W. L. . Sey
boldt and Ernest Milbern enjoyed the
wrestling match which Was held at
. Topeka, listening in on each round
as it transpired. They seemed to al
most enjoy the contest as much as if
. they were at the very ringside. j
J- V. Pitman, who is one of thft en-1
; terprising farmers near Murray, is ' '
.having a hog house built for the far-I Mrs- William Falk, who has been
, rowing of his sows which are soon to s'ck for some time at her home in the
A crwirl
cei!rari- remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters.
The government is seeking to coI-'as!.' vnr Hmrrkt Pri si -r
. Scotten lect an income tax amounting to $1,- '
excellent ! 576,015. S6 claiming it is due be- TirWo Toi a
Trent also purchased five cause Dupont received 75,534 shares! " w JUU lcavi
of the stock of the E. I. Dupont De
;emours company ot Delaware in a
reorganization of the Dupont inter
ests in 1915.
Dupont obtained an injunction re-
Recleaned white sweet clover, scar- straining the collection of the tax.
ified. $9.00 per hu: Red Clover, $12.- inis- ine government claims, is nie
50: Timothy. $4.00; Alfalfa, $8.50 ! sal because taxpayers must first pay
taxes unaer protest ana then bring
suits to recover, instead of restrain
ing the payment. This question is in
volved in scores of other suits.
ir.e district court tins morning
had two filings of actions, one being
that of John F. Gorder, receiver, vs.
Daniel Pierson et al, in which title
to real estate is asked to be quieted.
Attorney W. G. Kieck appears for the
Emmor F. Marshall vs. Gilbert M.
Flowers et al, is the title of another
action to quiet title to real estate' in
Weeping Water. William A. Robert
son appeam in the action, for the
Eusiness forms of all kinds
jed at the Journal office. .
Hemstitching and
Picot Edging
N. 4th St., Plattsmouth
begin and as "Dick" believes in care
ing for his stock in the proper way
he is building the mgood houses.
Mr. and Mrs. William Groat are
enjoying a visit from their enphew
Mr. Ira L. Griffith of Clifton, Kan
sas, who has been spending some
time in California and is visiting
with his uncle and aunt on his way
Ernest Hinkle has been kept in the
hospital in Omaha most of the time ?
since he has ben in Omaha and at
the Lord Lister hospital he is recbv-
en'ng jnst now from an operation for
adhesions. His many friends here are
desirous that he may soon be well
again. r , .j.
Mrs. Beulah Wagner who has been
south part of the city suffering from
an attack of the grfppe as well as the
flu, is reporte das showing some im
provement but is still very far from
being well. j
Osteopathic Physician
Eyes Tested and Glasses
Union Block Phone 208
for Farming Machinery and Implements for
the coming season are right!
See Our Sfapls Line of Hardware!
eterson Hardware Co.
Murray, Nebraska.
Fistu la-Pay Wta Cured
jl mild mrmimm of tramxnvst tfet
rtwu) 4 tkr RactaJ 1 la a atart
t:m. without a Mvar nurpcU perm.tlo. M
Cac reform. Ether or other gearml ajiaectbatl
A evr iwinind IB aver irase accented far treatment, and e money to M
pjild antll cwr-rL Write fir book on Retal I Ueaei. with mmn aiwJ teatleawslalM
f mpr. thi 1.000 .frnnitnnt potIh who hae ruen prmTi.nt) frrj '
O. K. . fKKT, nwat, PrtTa Trowt WMr. QL. W
mi.-,. , T. in'-ini