-r -" thUL TOM. Ummn Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal, Clorbort Raivlinson The alory of a lave that drove mm in desperate tulvm. lure Iwlf 'round world. Comody, "Simply Shocltinc" H. V. fl. (loll, Saturday Mght, Fob. 24th UNION, NEBRASKA Mm. Jf Hiiut-r entertained IMuuck itt dinner Friday. Mi. II. II. I'loiick VUiled Mt liiw Uftrrlauti hoiu u few dttyx Imt week. Mr. Jobu Clarence wun loukintf dflrr tuu)i)rii In I'lultsmouth lui Mouitay. Mm. Hoy YounWtr has been on the tck Hat, but U linpiovf iik alowly ut thla wrllldK- Grandma t'lareiic wlo ha been Ick for Home time punt In now allow ing Bum a Improvement. MIuh Hattle lloback ban been kept to ir home and bed by a combined a' ack of rheumutlNtn and flu. AC4Aa44AAA AHAHA" W 1 WM. F. RACE, M. D, General Practice! Special attention given to deep . i j- i t ir- j eaicu oiicasc oi ungs, jwuiic, wno have been Buffering' from an at Stomach, Liver, Intestine, Eectum, tack of the grippe and u gettins Etc. Also non-developed children, a' nicely. ii 1.4.. e j t v. J MrK. Norma Robb ha ben sufftr- Aii latest ociiuiu nnu x.yut;ua uku when indicated. Union, riobrastto Telephone 31 FARM LOANS! 5 BASE RATE or 5y2 WITHOUT COMMISSION Five or Ten Years Time or Longer Annual interest if preferred. TJJff'Also have customers desirous of purchasing good . first mortgages on farms in eastern part of Nebraska. - CU3. PATTERS W, IJNiCJN -:- -:- NEBRASKA Trucking and Service! . .. . At our Garage we are prepared to furnish the best ser vice in-repairs of all Automobiles, parts, supplies and acces sories. . TRUCKING! . We are always ready for your work in this line and the best itryice guaranteed. Careful drivers always in charge. DOWLEG3 The Auto Men -:- Cutting Deep Just Now! W do not like taking inventory-it makes our head nche to figure too much. To tave the large invoice taking, we are going to make a deeper cut on prices in all lines in our store, before we take the invoice. The bargain giving cut is for the month of Feb ruary. Better get your bargains whtfe the getting is good. A . L. BECKER, "TNK STORK Of SERVICE" . v t NEB HAS KA UNION Constable J. I'. Wllftou haa been uoniuOjK k.t the elevator of McCar thy Mi Hturn for the pant week. Mia. II. II. J'lunck wu vlnsitliiK , diifli.K laar. Monday afiernn at the;"' "t a injury vhi.h the youojf honie of Mr. and Mia. John (.'Jaieuce. KilKene (l)e.tht AUctill haa been MifTeriKK twr a few daya faat with the grippe, but la about over It now. Dr. 11. H. fr'uruy waa ralUd to )m itha last Kunday on buklneu and alwi made a vial t with the folka while there. Itev. W. A. Taylor waa a visitor it Wahaah last H'Jiiday, where he con dueled t;ervl'ea at the llaptiat church twice. Ieo Itoffy ha been havlnK a lyot wlltl Ul grippe and ass it look at thli lime h la liable to t.me. off victor. W. A. Harding of the Farmers ele vator company, baa been on the tick lifct on account of hurting himte!f while lifting In hi work at the ele vator. liala MeUfnger of near Murray wan a busneB visitor in Union ou Juat Monday, driving down iu his buFKy Clifford OarriKon i amwijf tbowf v . . . - - in from the flu at the home of Mr. and Mre. Mont Robb of Union, for a short time past. L.. G. Todd wai looking after riK,',"" .r'.rr." " 7; 90111 Uf l J iwft aibi wjic b.avvis in the district court. Jo Banninir wai looking after some business matters in Platu mouth last Monday, driving up in his auto for tte day. BROS., -: Union, Neb. lleoiy II. J-kr Ja Ui-n nietly i"i-y thiJJJnK W(f it-ii' WyoiiiK, huvlii toil) ti"t I J X fiUJubet' Of 4 Aij liaiiK Ju tlibt liittf thie. Flunk 0na h been aaifetii.K at Ibc Fnm-ia lUvaUjr durinK the lueli of Ke)v)dj rl'ju vhi:ii h- hevit fo fvr til- wvek or mum. ilia. I Coy ynk-er, wLv hua ben imiliK the fiiy or oue lak i.u-l uni yint Itm been vtiy poorly if now jtnoiU-xi us lutiug aomewbol belter. 'J VV, W. i tti'U AJjua Fiana JaH Sal ijfJay. WarKiet Clar l ifcvu leader, 'i J Kiria eooid the fu-j noou nU-ndidJy. he hOtoU-MS served daiMy Jouh. Mlaa Mary Jxk-r, wbo ha proven one of the mott tf!iiiujt tiud l'-MOt"-Utodatlijg of al wn at h i f.h trr'u atoie, ie k-pt houjt at pre-ut ou augiit of liavlt- b tule with the fcrlppe. 'Jyde I'oitjk-r, toou of Mr. aiid Jlf. I. J. I'orter, haa Ucu ;uRe jll a i limit aofclalned tso.'ne week fcgo. jit 1! Kettfjie; a loft i; nl:ely itt reteut )iow-ver. Ahi'juk thoe who not uoie to fctteiid a.-).v! durlrtr the pt awuut of J31neuj were Ma- tuU- KcheffitJd, r.'harlea lark, JuIju i Mc'oweii, Harriett Ieuch iiud Helen Mwen. Jarne McVey, sou of Mr. and Mm. L. M. McVty, hM Joined the I;.d forc- of the t,'nit-d K'atea icd hu' beeu signed to duty at Fort fizm Houston fexae. He will mur.e a KOod Midler. Mr H. H. Wiin.-k at tended &rd of promotion convention at the Firtt Jiantit church In Omaha iut Tuesday. There re ab'ut tfty c.ej eate. Hhe reported a fine n;:ertii;jr and a nice time. t.iuir:- ttoor!ie jjvin; on tnejvhl'b iis;ve be-n 'rouonng you-(i-rr'.htjti plao-. ha, been r-ry il iurvMny cuse ha -re t.e treated im3 irr the past v.eek, tnd the rarity , -ured but for obvious reaayw; they of hie Cfese ate much eaute lor ap- prejjeneion on ti e vart of l,)B reia- Vi ' C . . 5fr. Tabitha Kmith. who h.a ba tick at her hvmt in Union a a re tul? of a Mrere faJl which hhe us tuined totr.e time aro, i pttt.iig aion fine aid it ie reported it im proving eat if ftctorxiy. Mont Kobb. who i trarelits f'jr an teat grain hou and ho is rreat deal o time, was pitawd that he cou'S Z1" . .T'.r .i4" u J"I' 1 J" fore part of this -wt-ek:. Henry H. Becker expects to be rin in a rhort tirse the erection of a new house rear -where Lis fatter. A. L. Becker, sow resides. ar.d will w hen be ehall have completed tie j Iouk xnake his Lone there. j County CommiBBioaer C. F. Harris has -been lmllng pretty bum lor fhe past few days .r.d ta.E teen tr?-ine rot t5 Lave the grippe, while that di.-tase Las beer trying to fasten its teeth irto Lis evry day life Irr a while. Mrs. Mabel Reynolds, the efTlcitrt Ea!csldy Et the Farmers store Li.5 been ccn;p:-lled to U.ke erlcm-d ;lyoff on arson-1 of the rpell with the flu. but is jrettin?. alor? riceir 'and socn xpect to be at her pBt I stain. ! Mr. Tcrrer and anctter worker ' will occupy the rralpit rext SandET 'in erring at the Fir?t Dspt-t cru-rL in Union. Ooe oct srd bear thf m. 1 . They are l:ve "ires :n tLe Jlei s Eible class of tte Seeord Baptist cfctirch at Lincoln. Garden City, ilo., is not such a bad town as sode people would Eftt cut: in fact not so bed thtt cnc would slip away iron Urior ard c-o liovii there to Tisit. in a -wet that xio one should know it here. Xo. ao. Garden City is a pretty rood tews 'at that. j A. TV. Prop: was a visitor in Kal Jston lart Tne-i&y. called en a sa f mission to attend the fureriJ of Lis i brother. Thayer Propyl's wife., who died last S&turday Eornirir learirc a yoxintr son three days old. TLe fener- al was held at Ralston on Tacsday erjeyed the -valentine box. afternoon. Because of illness Genevieve Kuc- Rerorts frr-.tn Omaha where C. VT. cet Las been absent from school. Clark is receivinc treatment are to The fourth crade pupils Lave com the efTect that that jrentleman is pleted the study of wool and leather, cettins: alontr cicely at present. Mr Albert Boardman is Toovirifr tway Clark has been fcavirc stomach tron- and will be missed i:y the rest of the ble for vme time and Lis friends trust he will f.nd relief in the pres ent treatment. Uncle Joe Eaton celebrated Lis birthday one day last week, and while he Las passed Lis Tfth mile- stone, is still Laie and hearty, aad of "Current Terts.. was s pleases.1 at the recurrence of Clyde Porter. Kelvin Todd and the event as though he Lad but iust Kaihcrine M.-Oarroll w-ere each ab pussed the siv summers not count- srr.t one day "last week, inp the seventy. C-eorire Rieke. "15. lead parliamen- The contest of three classes cf the t&r?" 7w ril3 lsi:t Thursday fiuriur Methodist Sundav school, which is openinc exercises period. on at present is jbowir.p much in- icrest and attractir.jr many tt w, scholars and the prediction is tl-at during the comiag- summer addition- al rvm will have to be provided for the school. This JooVs poo,i to is. Thorn a ft Crawford, son of Mr. srd Mrs. I. V. Crawford, enlisted last week in the rmy, joinir.K at Omaha with She 17th Infantry, and will ex- poet to ro overseas in a short time and will probably spend s,vne three years in China Ar.l bv this will cet to ee much of the areat empire of the far est. Iast SatwW Owen ende.xvorc nvorcd to replace hi .vviwi- j ks v.A.-wt v..,-. int rr.s.ie a pnrchae be allowed ti wallet to ip down his pant Wand a resnlt is minus fS(, four f.-e rfollaf bill wbtch t contained s Mr. Owm bas a Tamilv to sHpp,vt anA has to work for livutfc this cm pretty bar1 on bim A. . 1 ropM w a bappv ma these s a .e ba been able to sconce rrJjrriA a rei sourcA or comfort and assist ance to bi father. The mother and son are dom& x-ell. They are stop- f ", . 1 t. ,11,11 11 111, " 1 111- II. terntty bpital in Oreaba. ratter the mother and the yenne 0v WJ tor teU ''yn .utoly yoyr i.t.t.v oiou-o'ly tve juv. K. Wm'.h.. f4'Z4T Wiifet AUut tlxat if.L:01XU.tiID? ifhvuiiiint.iiu ati h .uii,ti -thai Ik if H'a tti'thrllia fl t.kii) he M-IU-ywi ,n t'loiw 24 to ls i.oot ai-d J ijai. it j-r- ui ili lejieved. lj . hfat it -H ..i tMtU-eut wljih i;eer tall tv i.tn- eu tiaUy 4trta m eti..ii.tui ;ue. oIjij V. tmk JBumd Jvhu VV. iu.v, n.dent f toe uoty for Cfc yt a-iit, j, At.d in t Uie f'iJioli hOUiV Vi i l! iit- Mfeht f .V or . itt t:i;0 o-':iv:. fcuU- dijy f i-oiuK ut th.e vf --aK, V luonlhb aud du- J-le tia.d fcoen in tfcilHiK heaitij loi M-veiai a.fc aud li.tii ia tue tu ut; itUt;r. of pueuix.otiia. iJr. JiLiti wa tfi? itx ;ooity Ixjo k'-I, ft 'oktuio-r J. 3t47. He aiue to M.-icer oonfy, Fenubyi- VUOiii wttll hie -V'hi theli MUiili hoy fcid fcpent hie i-uriy ohoo! 3yB )i thut ttrtoi; He workod it the oil r.ou wheti !. a yooir" muu feud finally i-:c.l with hi hrothera, lCoU-f t 'harl, 10 COtie to Kbraak to iuk. their hou.e He trriveo in aV-oi ultra lf-y i-'ehruary, 3fct7, a'h:.e Nebraska wat yet tt territory. He i'y.ted in V.'you-Itijr- jfe-;ii.-t where Le resided fr thirty-ven ye re, i?Wr laoviar tv h i vrejent l.w. He v.u lurriey! February 24. Itt, to Mi J-u'Jii Vuntiiije, wf.o with the foliowiuK i. ildren tiurvlre. Mik. Mury Juelia Ji s-rwruiiKt. Iut hir, 'ehrae;Ka; Jvhi W.. Jr., -.rl-J;te iiu Vuntlue . fc.t hoae anJ one irandaon, Jatift iinrry ;-r -b'touh. ii terment wa ner hi old borne in Wo;iog pri:it.:l wlt! irllj cetnetery. wblch r Jamet Wi.t it.- . etrumental Ju lounCJt.r Io not Jorg about ti.oe IlUt care to have '.heir iifetnee pub- ijtb-d, but c-ome to our o!Lce anp we will furnitsh you the taai and you in fcfetify you t-.r to th- eft'acy :of the trfet meT. tiC" 'tires. UH. V. F. HACK. Parents end TeacierE Kect The Pc: rente and Teachers meeting of ttc Union fcchyoib or la?t Fridey evtritgr v as a euccees. xr:attere of iTLportnce tu the achoo! v-orfc beiiig dibcubf ed a1 well ae esceileiit pro grajcj listened to. aZwr wnich ali rt rralred , to the fTEtasitim v here games trliveiied the remainder of the evenli-g. . , , , brrpruve intnC VZ. JiliCej A few evenirura since the friend cf Mr. E. M. Taylor gathered at hit borne uc eeiebraied tie Lird birth- cay witr much merrimexl and tl: rur.y Lad a pood lime as veil aF showing Lin. z ?tnd Tinie as well. The Tts Firt il ri mes.. -o- citl cvrvfrBaiion aisd hhe triends hfaC 1-rouci.t ajorr thir.irs to ett wLict aidei to tLe reneraJ rood time "vrLicL the- Lad rath ere i to fctve At or- ctertra CDtrmosed of The friends rjear! rencerd tome csetiJert musii members of the crcbertra As-'s Konrhor, LaryG Pell, Tayicr. Guv Houdisot and -ft.. Wirr AJcn T.V.zt- Tyiar. "Pier, Trnf Ypt.p 11 TLe "vT. V. G rrris -wxj meet a. the home cf Miss Ixrra Easter or jjjj.' puiitica.! aid frnimclfii -cxnich-Samrdiy aftemoom, February Kth. i -.r- -ep-t, ?h tr.Tfl. -rme TLe cirls pace a bcx o. jei.i to send to the CLristii-n eex.ter ix Omaha. If ary one Las ary Jbe? wish to rarrribtrte, please see one of the eirls. They will be plense to ret It. School JTotas Aid a Taylor was a fcich school vis itor last TLcrscay. Wiida Flercber W absent last week because of sickness. Evervone in the intermediate room pupils. Rosebud and Ada Fletcher Lave returned to scbool after a few days' absence. TLe XTI history na tbe TX civics classes Lave beer, enlcying the Lelp The pitpils in she sixth frrade are. resciy tot new readers, n wju oe tr-e thisi srrd rec:eT sncj- nave sniaieo term Rcth." will be T'Tssented to the pub- 1 Tic at the M. XV A. bill "March 5. Be there. The eifrhth jtrade is bavins Je infte rc-?ew work in crsffimw tnd Fcrxphy. This is in preoarasior. for i f.-rane nminmoiis. Th fi in botany ts now i a er - rst concern inc their laboratotr w-ork on cr-ptoprarns. Tbe class. sceTTi to enjoy it very much. v M,lss 01r j?ohlKteneier of N"e-; bawka. who Is attendinc "WesTcyar. ',TN-ty visited tbe Licb scbool p"flay for the purpose of obserr- ir room work. $he returne Friday afremoon to observe tbe IX . ! Jc-nh Txindsey bd tbe m ts for- jtcr.e of bresVins hts collarbone and ' vts aosent trom scnoot issi weev. . . , . . . . . Tt IT1 L"!l "-T. s w-ell v;r,H may see "him in school soon. TUuly trir to Ombifc X?v.tecc a amv. roa V. s ,i 1f.U I ft-M,rawjr cnisic MEutmr contest 'Jne.u t'air hiictiou at 'Utttaouth .iiy h;hooe. X H U li"el ue , h(W ii JSapriot; hifiphoiiy-,.,- .HjCh 2 Toi -aior Iron K'iu--U) , r..'r.M'.-JMt- 4 -Anltra'B Aa u-e 1; rie luil vf the Mountain FU.-- , , C-'-i. j!: $-Hh.ry., ii.r?.. lry. b:hoh;rt 7 -HanKurUn 4'.i.aiody No- 2-- , , ,trU, . liuK tif olie 'i aletf Of lirfl- i4tn .VCefiba'ti J(--Fion the Juni f the hXy iiiue Water r Catiinat lS- tint v'utnt. - fci'heibert AVvin JlIndian aeut, lvoAic J2 tspriiiK fconr e,cehtiiu 3 le rlhvnif iv huoert 14 -AiediuUvu i'i Uinf) Xaenft 3 C r--1 he fcwan -fct i t t-bai Jt !ierere 11 Troatorei Vrai J Miluiuiu-r isi'ht e JUea: Jfc' fcve-uitv tiur (T.nuitatier; , . , , , WaKier 3Ji Moouiitlht bonata-liee;hoej JJl--S-xVet lroin Jucia Ci ljbu-' utiusjr , , .loiiAelti Jrl No:turie in fc Flat ,,Chopit 24 - i-rceue tvfti Zwju'lI' V - -tioiir from the op-ra Jo-eiyn. If it we not for thus Celiijhltul namoer tne opeta voUid now be yuiU- lofKOtU-n altbo it va firut jroiU it Bru fceit; vn3y at tar back a l"tt. Godard 3fc4b-lM5) vas borji in Far.. He lirat a eiolm anC played in public at tne age of nine. Ke wtote eijut opera. ii--HiinKarian Iau- No. tvraha iri.i,fuf became , iuVet-eateti rt- .iatcr. . Hungarian music through the friend j Tne totiowin 'eeK the Fretfli fcernecri, the Huncaria-n VfOliutnt. trit lrcratiix. of wjuci: fc F. and to" him ixe hae dedicatee all of i Crap. vf Neurasea City. t or? hb Huur.artnc me,oCi. Tae Czar-,de-nt. vlll tnt it Trus&aet. Aifl da ,otHujifc of two mo emeu us. tnei-4. liebron will uumait- tae T.1.io.;.f. ,r k;w tf.wwrnnit tn the Fourtj. ditrct irtUrratiot of wcr- f riska or faat mo-aiect. brthrw! flfcSS-lfci'': ) lived it, Vi-JAprl! llH. Txe biZtL Caiuc. les- , j,. W:liilt of te levrai t etna moat of his life, iiif ctetrt i eratioc 'lii meet in aveata Aprli --Wrrv4. yttes: lr tn veictr. or arr worka were writien lor piano altao It. 'tc 55ra. J. t Acrnian J"' j f-ujtu-rt anc prvi.-. tn tnxrv-'Ti t i t. rM.mtrtfc-" -.v-rtl tfooc fcoiiEi. 2C0:TatinE K.o Tiiie i a vjrr iamout violit nirm- ber. In a?y"- it aoundt vry intich i:ke ndisaoht. wnc wat a Jfrienc v, of KoC. 1 lio iltriZ-lfcfi' ) waa born it exni he wa, largely lf tut. He wjie a great piz.no ieacnrr ana -wa Iur a time ap taeisuitr: -ttf U. S. SENATE TO . INVADE EUROE Eett 5oicnE Trew'z to Take Trip Airroac Wiier Irvsszst CoiiTresB Closes Harrr -4. TTp'T pnr.. Feb. it'. Tit ITnitei t- senate i? soirr to irTace &i- - DJje oje trif Binnmer. I iaaTTiliir lOlifTUT Ue tlUXLit- LU X-tr- "I DE ihe -faoor of "the serate ir i nnt years ever :ee tne rruTojnr. i hiai t ui rj a .svtrt 01 .senatiriT, ! are tilari-nr tirroef "the Atamtif at i tKTsonal taarrs'?tiijr'hEeraS: diirmp tie rorirraci mail T'eceBs" tu? n a"enrr ! r! tor.ii-tt- - - ---5 t "-jt --ni c-ndr a. rirst tanf .eci- . j. -trniidi-H. "Barah. rswiiblV car. -Icah. Borah piaas .t.am- X trip ctrocrL ixianc -act ae iair- t. iliv 'f-- Liiuuuis a.-.- . a s,afcgs-- Ruaaia. There be nopss gain w fuel tar Lis -terse-year ia!5. et re- eorriliea of soviet Eusait - Serator SSsaa JoLa? TpubLi - oon as eoujrre djwcrxm. JdlmscE intntiAc tn W3 it T f? t. TUT. TSfnff UTif! Massachusetts, and Senator Garry. demnrrat. Rhode Isl&nu. JoLmox mrc j Gerry, with Borah are Tosnbers -of ! the iteuate Joreia-r. relations -coursiit-3e. It Las xducL to ay on rxific tirm of American treaties wilt Tor- Jeirn powers. A rf viva! ol the oic iertie o: tit iinns ficLt mar be 4s. the cTJlnr as a result of a trip contetnplatd by Sen ator Sw&nson. de.mrwrrat.. Virjriuia.. ibe closest friend of former Presi dent "Wilson ntw ; it tbe ent. Swanson will be "the ranking derar cratic member of tbe foreict rela tion, committee in the next cousresa, He would become chairman if fbe democrais wre it control. There fc J reason to believe be will make ob-1 nervations for 'Sir. "Wilson ot bis j Senator TJnSerwood of Alabama. j tbe oemocratic leader. ao plans to j member of tbe AmerK-ar. mmfss1on which framed 5be "ttsbinjrton. ob- ferecce trafiwa. His itinerary. Las fcot been arraufred as ;y. ViifT "Fear 'Esst lenaTor Mossti, republican. ?w Hampshire, a POtber irreoonciliabla" w - ni cross sbe ses to tocy cors:i- tion in be Nar East and iu Lat LoX bed Of war. tbe Ralkau stats. where be served it tbe diplomatic corps -durinsr tbe Taft dmiaistratioa. Tgsenator McKinle, rpublicwt, of tlUnote. w-n leefi -another weres delepation to tbe inter-parlfatnentary nion annual cotvertion it Co?ec- batren. His sssocistes nave pot be: named, but tbey win include fwrr rhore senators. a doret 0;bers plat personal tours to ocujre sne personai toucn o European atfairs. Tbelr re4urfe ne-rt fvm"4r ;reifc -.t: ties" bt tbe senate Boor. i j 1 'Ttchint ri'es orcvo"v-e profanfty :bt rrofvcicv wor.t remove tbetn.! rvfcYO'ttment is recm meeds3. Jr, lw?n. Ted?bS-rrcd!e;Sr wr.i ;c at by dn?c j 7fp Mcrcli Jet We- ftAsxrttUjfeMi 7 Fci.: FtUU Flrt Mfr th alivt .ti-fLy Ai.vMi'. W'ri- ur "Jvr i'ijr. how j.ih.abie by ifmtf. V'eiJ iwyayie amuo'aUy. hoM.t JUi.leis ver traiif: 0X a rff. 'i.ve1.rfir. X;aef.er'' ref,. v!' I 7 SETTING paor FOB THE DISTRICT CONVENTIONS Te eiiiuiiator of imie-tay. witt tii KiOjjan '.cfc oe. taci- o:e," wjl. U- tie irooue Uf tLr ern.; totive-n-j tioub aoyxi to be leii te tz triit teieTaot. V.'otoen t Ciuue off .'rorar ! Tne f.'tti. district IeOeaton wJi:; Le the fjrut Cii'iri:! to hoiC it ov- veritioi. lor wiucn tne Mcooi: won--) iafc e iuh w'iii be host's! at 3c.ooi:, iiirt t. i. ju&izi. m vr-nrja. ! irt. 'preaioes. of the Iectd ttrftfiC. Or liie IWIC eratior aDbowi' nrr owl cin avs no-iej CiUt vj -ie wni ':''- :otiventiot vl April 2 j cOI1'vnitict of the fcer wA oe niC on ilay 2, -', c:rc niztn.. :t idTOt o, ti wiU wtiveue lZ rurrd district t.nuo'itic tie nan. ; Hpeaser aitd attracts tn. uvr pro-; ljTn .. sarrr l-rc-il tia rrasi. lr. Jonr lizard:, yoet taur- . wiii: taoe of E.nrra Mver. Jr.. xais VTalier P.. Robit wili p-reacL at tu- i aio? jerre-rter of t&e V,"a- Fraaaoe srfw'isT. htiTcii zt "Fiattmrsstx Ifcunsiar. Feroruary- 21, itL sucrmsir . sr.? vnti- finither Tionn Earrr iaccepJtet! a call to tie Christ xar 'CirL it i the oerr of the cficen cf "the chtrrcr to iiav- tire IrieTisa of tnt cctrrcr tc pe pr ent at lne!e erTic-e aud extend -ere-rr- irreetii to Ijrother lioiji.. A weirom sviLatior sxtsiiei: in the piihlic to coi!e at:d worship- at the dxSerenT ser-rieei of tnis chri.. Trj'!'!i,ji''' HTPT TI V til.L Off glJilUlITTT IJJs JLL-L Aiiiew soTOTity is soot ro ee .cded to iheaarnrity list of the Xntversiry ol 3elnasia.., Tiie eeuc'sI caroriry. b s lo-nrsmiauDr iowi. ? sl. Cste-or-tSe cataiiatiox "7 -- - - - T 1 X. . - . - rrjt. TiT - "TP-T vl' CZZ- , , Z V. 7T lc .MpiaTet iiaa r,f rthe ticpTt- mem - - pojauai ltitici nf to university fc a mrexaber - or -fiigraia. Kapp 2Jd asaisted ix ar- T-anreaana Lor axuanr to be rant- ilerie Aieraai, Beaver City. John BiiiL. Jii Riryrt. . 13. Adellieit lawajaax, Krartiher. Ark. XJcrte B-i.ker. Ljneolx. CLar lotte Hlxer. XJnrolx. Helen PLillipi. Tillisna. la. Heie-x outnrte. CcurrsJ Ciry. TCancy Perxcxyer. Central dry. iiimro 3a!y. Linmlr, "liargare: -Iialy. ianaola. Evelyn Xlaly . Iinrolx. Selma "Neoriaa. Un.com. Julia Srreet. lrroJt. Mir.L. Arbutus Viisox. BeUsIt. Kaa. -llary VTiKax. Beloit. Kas. 1-aura V.tjf Ir.iey. Fremni. Wary Ellen TTfcelpley, PremDEt. liable Dickesson. Seward. iildre2 Tpsvn. Oberlix. Kaa. llarpare; JoiinPX. Sterling. Clara Triiety. PlattmoutL. 4race "Rayroonci. KoTfolk. Esther w-arjiou. Sargent. Oorofty TUorse. Wisuer. rrrotcv RaypolJi. Allianr.. -Grac Spwcbi. PPrtUnd.. O-ernti. -Helen Blish. Plre Ridire., S. 3). Xsiciiie ViKiarfis. L4omrn. liable Rolranu. Auburn .Hlt Ja.coiF. Rislap City. Eig-ht Ki'n Crove Piscine: Annocnceitsent ffrr tbe od "SuTvday in Lent. Fehraiar:.- - 5 : At 3 C : 3 C . "BIviTie servl re Fnr 1HL1. Text: 1 Jbt. r Scbiect: Twii Ccrendiaf Ijovers. Ewerybody cordtelK wTrArp K. O. RHODE. Psstor. The Joamal ruhiiahes iot ajy' PlattCSMWthWw tet tlsfi-reTirt m11 . r " r ZI ..1 14. WiTWTs Use -dllr SitJWt tc yi5rr iAssr, SS .wr ywc- for fire se"m jTrinw rr p hh-,". mc i tL ww -AUt ftJKSiTar KTJb$ ai -JemTWal !rw. lnvt&itu'iiix, Kond FARM BLOC AND f'ELLOl if DISAGREE liiriiy; LLJJIilyT-AI.-UL'L- V-'a:iixpUt , et 'i.. i-rulmr ruta; t'l)U. s(;iiu'.. w-fjoi i.-jj eo.ieoi. if'.wwj lue tieu'y jii.c tii iary. Liv' . berrtrta ry of ta liwaty ivi. ijiondii:jf i'- feju-. lroc Ciii fl at. f-eifU-jT- t r; a Ciei. . t e j? u c ;r.ii.. O tle tU'JU- UaU&lUt; UliC tut ! Tene tacfKifiit'i . oa4irji:Siy coi.- a JjsaaciaJrr awwuti tie ' IrjroAnoero- n:i- rwut;iii: va ifct3baai'. at iiceieii'j-3-. aeff-UJiura! I re2itoii2t eyttet. It epyrtrtrt tie ; ';rj-r til; j!eraj;- an: rxieir; trE litertit o: v.'S i:Jior jatar jo: ine iruo;-Aierwi. till. i -ei. itw: iro'-jr; lawn rirrv.j;.AnceT'i. at v.ei; tJ- r-a- -1, til! aiiC tr'J-j!! U. jro to tie ie ait rt Ue tou ;it .ituii u. rej'or. ti; Cui'ir til. , w:th;i. 4? juvari 211C f lalu tt t- : trr JUf. Irnroa'.-Aiioervi till ai4-. tjr lars. tiw will itsac a fiss" t tsrrxwraticx., vie trainee Ui farve- tHl T3e .'OttU'Tr cf SerreLa-y lie- . ioi liowerrer, cws xitr. a'. 'taa: cf ciier irfi-uertia: ineieri cf tfc adcustraticr.. ? rret2T c Ajt- r rimittrre V.'aliac tooi: a xrv - :nen: -psrt Lii craftmr oi te irrroot TT.Tt- ifT. 2.1' T'JVC !TT Ve a, rieair Ttary of Lontjerc lioover. Tn- erro-t ril. a-iH' t-;r'atirj- XL JTe r7p"i ' rijeS!ST' to Tire i-ause toly pacr: tn itrwer: rr. tue teieral tzrm tozr iCT a vet of 1T tc CI. af ;e- eirrraitrrr 1st prtmsicz. a-trcriir apptisi- of a?eni? tc 122.2 iasnE -wiere . rrmrttr.T-i- Troperrj . Lc .. . iitli. or ti lzrro: " r. --rrs t. t.:., tni". a. CTBaariiT tc m con x tna: iu w :aifi. rrrarrmal p E X.' Laai Iu amtaarat:-t teiti ar UEWcrkibk f 1TTTTA- mcr tc he g:vu. ajiaik Tire Crrii Se-Tiee Z:cr.v isr-.zi 2i vita? it:ia" attextior tc. xae iaxt 'that it ax axaritrit:-x Lt.- reeexi jr tx Dmait anrl ctr-er citie-: trn iaut tie Uxltei 5tat- ttrr raarros. UnJtar. aerrir. applicant- were x.ot ierard tx tne r. --n. w oei:-e axi "' tr,at this t'lar-.txAti. p Lei- iara!x. cx March 7 ZHZZ.. PerBonf ir.tf r-st-. tz txi- er cine- examtnatisas s.ruai apalr tr tr.t iSecrexary of tn r. F. Ttvil Srrje Boarc at tlse loea.: jrfw: off fcr ' tailed ixfrrmatiox and app'.irAtjnx ! Llaufca. LOCAL NEIYS j XTrt.. C A. Da-rtr m: Xfrl EL Ti.tt ' 0! Hurray were-rrre t-viay far a ?" J hours Ittotia? afte- -.tm rraitac twiJL the Eirrchnt. "W. G. 5?dekrr r.f tb Bask af "Marrar w?as bfre fvlay izr . few bosrrs lf.-t:T"ar afer --.ir? msttrrs af imrortapof far a few b' ! J. E. Cn'lf,t of Xeh-cwfcs w t-.fr ;r-(M:terday fr a few hours Innlclu ;rtr some Tr,aJtrs r5tt tbe r 'cbrts T. Barraix V."JpesJay. K A Tci. William "?Ct?i.-it: "klr Itu. Plat? r.f Va-drw. "were bre toJay for a ??w V-ur a t T -r..' ; ar to -WW rtters : court bfs. Atrrey "Car: f?srz rf ATvr wri bere t(r few t.iJjt Trwi.-:uT : after -svsf TnattfTs- It t e ofre o." tbe Ewrc Vurray k wife v. bawta w-p Tt tbe c'ty tVf.!PM,T rr,w t br tbe -mercbiicrs f tbe city. ' ! K. lbtrss, ote of tbe r-r?'-,s r?et:t rssdents. o: C1f-r Crsk. w. ?er re --ts'Jav fn? f rw brmrs -rHt rrisJ? c as w.tt bvJ af- ott traclwi viiL t rrcbaa.