Fi-Tsxsrrz tlx: 'trzzzLi jot tinx ... i il t ; f i t .J Does your appearance say "Vm making good?" Keep up your per&onal ap pearance it pay. Genius is generally frayed at the trousers; inefficiency is run down at the heels, but suc cess is invariably well dressed. Cheer up and dress up! 1 TV' .WW A i WOMAN OF SEV ENU YEARS STU DENTAT LINCOLN X;t. E. G, 3cCsicira is SvLif-Z at Sue UriTm;t7 Tomer rejjr;.t DEATH OF MRS. THAYER PROPST i LAST SATURDAY; Xn. ft. JL Tayisr. i re f fc.'zty-tJse Tlt s.ot..-j er.'y Sitrr rrs.5xg &Ei foil j.g is yirjzz lit" t. ?xiyi.:zK n tnn tiree liy ujs j fi, G. K'Sf'ofc'. sorrier jrxexve i.r m? .sijjcr iii rrv;; sea. er rors !r. Pro;-: Lad 't tt-a liJO'-irfci trKi'ztllT i-J s usUl a then tiire before r.xh wt.fn a siHa -Lar-ge ivr :h? orw- lirocgst -ith tfce :?t ipproicii cf death. rL i r;jTjyl by tt-r ;iiiLai;-i. itJ four ci.::-;rE. the youngest of wtors ts Lit three days old. the cotter, Mr V.'iiUani A, Taylor cf I'iaturs-ontL. ad two brother azd three- ti!frr. Tfc hi!irs 2re: Dor othy, 12; Fi'.Tur, 12: Robert. . i.J aa ccs4r.-jr4 baby. The trotter irr Citric ;. Ttyicr Okiatorr, V.Ii:as H. Taylor of Cardter. N .rajbfca. Th- ;(rten! art Mrs. G. V.. , l'ijf?7 fit l'"m, Iowa; Mrs. r?J; i;!y in k'Ak Vi as-s rro Lr .:a, rfrc3tg to rait sa ti trl car. Tit W:vutJii tttuily l.r4 tcr !u:sy raf it t-- Kairla&d rmizX- lrlzie ti ab-t tir:r.iy-t: yar 4jro. Mr. i!cif:av.LM& U3 abotit a y"ar a--J fcrv-i.t tajck fr burial i t-r Ab.4 ffrtrry. :jriu lbs pcJtt 5r Wrs. iJCotfb trartifr'l la Kurot. Sit:i.g at raasr of tL capSU,! ati lzrjr '.Itif cf Kjroj. K:. La r-jj rz- J'i. 4 ib;t.'ti to ':Utr a tyi.r?fe 'JjCl. A ifr -Jaytrt'-fr. firar-t Wc- l :-iU:L;u. 1'jr:s.r witAy turia- Vft ! f-'. r t if V-rr:'.k county. Krt i al ai'frfc'lJ:. tL unlrtn-Sty. Lrrr. JJk brr wotbr, .ht La rric 'iU:Tr'l t'Jf iA!xl work. Mrs. M pw.IalJy Jn r-lr-'jry, Kurorau Littory and aJbtroDorjy h'h'r ba two jsoa are ;1J Jrnov.n Ja AhJar)4. haric rnt thrir boyhood Star htr: on tbr!r firm. ian. an atUyraey at MhY.h Fourth. K. li . and tirAjrl. a ranch er ifrar Arthr, Nebraska, ar th on. Mr. Md'uuhwn, though a buy fanjr' wlf. and rxothr of thr hU4rrii. found tun ior iu- catioaal rtadJn and waa rorisidertd oii or tr. r--.i miorrai o;;jn oi hr corr.rnijnlty. Ah:and Gazttt. C. E. Wescott's Sons THE PEICE OF MAEKS ON THE CORNER' WOULD INCLUDE EDITOR IN THOSE A ntixflbtr of th r'ld-nt of thl r;ty at th tlm that th Otrrnan fark b-Kln lt Jonff end toward lae llar Lad purrha of th marled y.hl'.h rn at that time, two yars ago, vr a bargain, and thy ar I "ow lJurlii how riiU'jh thy would j .... . - - jiave rw?lv"l If they had waited un- ! J-al of tdihlJe work for which they til th pr.nt lime to make their lar not n-id at all, and that if they nur ha'-!. Th German KOvernrnent vere llow-j to nave nae in maKin u nrni real enori 10 miKht he able to i;n-atjy extend their hrln Komethlng of a real value to Kood work alon thei; lIn-. He Bald i' irark in the lat week by dump- ihy w-t- town tir and gave ir;' fold and foreign xchanjre on f"l IPIQI C Tfl nftOQ nh-ral tia- ot eharllahJe and re- , the market in an effort to Rtrcnglnen LLIuIDLL lU I AOO lllom nierprlwrM, and w-re equal- ! th r own money market. On of th iy j--rvj;)c vi'mi viiw. in j'ltitimoui n mau a pur th orliflal hill. He ald the uarne ehaie of 15.00 worth of the nvtrkn received 14 2,872 ar bill. The mark in a matter of a gamble and if the Ger man r'-publlc can restore anything llkf normal value the lnvton will have b'ured a K'eat profit from their JnvKtfn-nt. Fur!or. of K's-arboat Kjriag?. Co'.o- ; n ru; , and Mrs. Erelyn l a jx ; of j r'iatwsjouta. The funeral will b held Tnday af'.eruoon at 2 o'clock from th Ieth o'iit thur'.h at South Oa:aba acd th intrrr,ez.t had at the Forest Ua cemetery. The Jec-eaed lady J! Ixabell, the eldest dauht:r of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam A. Taylor, pioneer residents of Cafe county, the waa born here 37 year asf? and reared on the farm south of th Ik 'ity, making her home there until her marriaee to Mr. 1'ropst and fcince that time the fam ily has resided at Ralston for the rreater part of the time. BIG WOLF HUNT Journal STATIONERY STORE Will Be Moved Within the Next 90 Days! And for this reason we want to reduce our stock of station ery to the very lowest possible point before that date. For Bar gain Wednesday we have selected about 200 Boxes That Will Go for Some of this paper cost double the price. It will pay you to take advantage of this sale and stock up for the next few months. We'Itr-r Men and Colletf OffldaU argument applied to college offlclaU at week and receive KnVftl t Reclninti of Fr-e I ir.Klltutlon were largely UI- 1 mark for the five dolla bOttCkteau BttlpienUOX tree Lorte(, Uum prlvtfe puwe.. ultimate outcome of th lit-i-viriK that If the rnln Jat-r, iharity workers and ml;jJoarlw uro to ha pt-rmlll-d to c .-pl fre pantten f j from the rullroadu, oth-r ukw-'1 il . ... . .. KIIOWI III uualiy wf.rii.y wuit kuk'I' l((.llnrly favored, H-nator And-r.on of ,am Mii-r movi-d In tht u-iiitte Friday aft-rnon that pr-tdentj, Hec rirlrt and I ruiwur'-rx of -o!I-k-m LITTLE SNOW HERE While many r:tlon of th crun- ave had an unu"iajly h-avy all thin wlni. thi vicinity ha had only w Mnail amount of mol4ture prclpltatlon and mont of that ha lii In drllln rain or let, The Kood old co.'iKtlfiK dayn of j our childhood -Xfi HAS CLOSE CALL Krorn Katurdy Ially. Lant night Dr. H. C. Ieopold and to have faded John Hats, who waa drlvliiK for the a ii Pior ted by KIM, and iiwpupc-r ,fto tflviK,in:ance anyhow with the doctor, had a clone call from wrioiiH advent of the automobile, a a nourc Injury uh the recult of an accident iHrx, iihoutd alw hi Inrluded. Ho nuked that th hill reiently or dered to a third reading In whbh I ht mlniaterM and other were favored b m nt hii k to tlm commit teu of the whole for Mpectflc umendiiieiil on Iho linen ftta(J. Mr. Anderson would have thi jrlv lUjre extended to lieWnpaper men when traveling In jtntit of tnformu (Ion for puhllc U!m and benefit. i Id that newapnper men 1o a Kfeut of iimij meitt for the younger Ken eratlon. to the auto at the bridge near the Hell nchoolhouw; went of the city. j The large Chalmera car In Kome i- i. ....i,..- ,.r.,i ,i: i.if 'manner refused to respond to the There will be a wolf hunt held on Thursday, February 22, that will embrace all practically of the north-easf-rn portion of Cas county and which it i hoped will r-ult in the riddance of the community of rheae p'-fct that have been corcplafne.! of a gr-at deal In the last few n.-orths. 1 he hour for the assembling tZ the hunt has been fixed at 'J o'clock and the northwest corner of the square will be at the farm of John Wehr- beln while the northeast corner will be at the farm of John Keeson, the pouthepst corner the G. M. Minford place and the southwest corner the old Fulton blacksmith shop. Leave all revolver and rifles at home and be inreadlnewj to Mart from the designated meeting places at & o'ehKk harp as the success of 1 1 i j j . i . i laisiants appear before the United! tSiates supreme court next week to j . argne tne coasmuiionamy oi iu language law." "I want to say that Art Mullen never talked to me about this hill prior to Its introduction," Elsasser. one of the introducers, said. This is merely befogging the is- sue. couins, one oi me miruuucers, Jsaid. "Public sentiment has nothing AMERICA FOR AMERICANS IS UPHELD 4 T0 1 NEBRASKA HOUSE VOTES 74 TO whatever to do with the deliberations f Teachillg Force and Accept ort TTrtT Ti TTWTl) trTTTT of the Lnned States supreme court. B 20 KOT TO TINKER WITH LANGUAGE LAW. I am youn? and perhaps some time I will say everything is 'bunco and h?t I don't want to hear any areu- MOST BITTER FIGHT IS mm,0?dtir.Z$t open to conviction at any time.' Kemper asserted the committee By the Minority Faction O'Gara Shouts "Yon Can't Legislate Loyalty" as Vote Taken. th which in it carried out. The various k Id en of the equare will drive toward the center which has been designat ed a a half a mile south of the old Wetcnkarnp home. Evciybody Is urged to take iart -tnd to g'.-t together and select the.'r captains and get ready for the big event. The residents of I'lattsmouth city are Invited to participate in the big hunt on Washington's birthday and to get irk touch with the parties now forming for the hunt. Lincoln. Feb. 1C. The house of representatives went on record this afternoon. 74 to 20. against any changes in the Reed-Norval Ianu;g3 av:. 1 ne vote came upon u ti'-j- e drive depends on the manner inUo Qf Repre'sentative Ktrehlow of ! Omaha, to overturn the action of the committee on education In killing tne bill introduced by Strehlow. Collins ind Elsasser of Omaha, to amend had taken undue haste in acting on the bill. "This bill is doing nothing but stir up strife." H. Held Green said. "I hope you forgot there has been a war w hen you vote, but I do not want you to forget the lessona of this war," Keiffer said. "Don't forget the war and don't forget the blood of our citizens ehed for the profiteers." O Gara said. "My i father, when a boy in Ireiand, was ' forced to w ear a stick around his neck to school and everytinie he From Saturdays Dally. The Plattsmouth board of educa tion have selected the teachers for the ensuing year and the board has decided that the salaries of the teachers shall remain the same as for the past year. The teachers se lected for re-election are: High School R. G. Campbell, Jessie M. Robert son, Mable Pollard. Mona Keith, Es telle Baird, Pearl Staats. Mary Kirk patrick, C. H. Peden, Pearl Mann. Grade Schools Anna Helsel, Cora O. Jones, Golda Beal, Clara "Weyrich. Teresa Hemple. Amelia Martens, Irene Davis, Marie Boyd, Lora Lloyd, Thelma Under wood. Evelyn Stewart. Rose Pro- s. BOX SOCIAL auu cinuBSTi . , . .r,r.lrfc .. irih word his h.icTr was the law and make it possmie 10 .,rnV. haska. Marie Swohoda. Anna By other languages than English outside wj'th the stick. You can't legislate NelHe Carlson. Blanche Gamer. Net oiKnooirouu ' language or religion. Ireland still re- tie Hawkswortn, .Mimreu fcnyaer. that English nhould be the prin..-ipal - ..j,,,, j.nd rfruuion Catherine Bintner, Dagmar Wester language taught in the schools them- YnYheclosVng speech,' gard. Norene Schulhof. Je.sleJ.Tiel- fet'IIe?...' . f n which described England's attitude in the " esta Douglas. -V erna Hild and A bitter storm of debate in j-hkh revoluti tfc war of 1812 anrJ the Ethel Babbitt much severe language tivil war to r(jve Germany had done Supervisors both sides, took up the whole of the , ' . . . wri t.- ira,,fmniiTi npn- f!lUIC lJl XIWCl.-9 L J 1 C w " - afternoon's proceedings in the hoim- Representatives J. Reid Green of Lincoln. Lamb of Tecumseh, Feifer There will be a box nodal Friday of Xuckolls, and others, warned the England. Mm, II Mlf-H I.eona, were among thou Kolng o Omaha IliU morning to ' ii'l a wheel and era lied into the iron railing along the bridge, the force of few hour loohlfiK' after Vome matter, the Impact driving the radiator and in.; irionjr iiuck iiiiu uir vur mini night, February 23, at Center school hoitKC District N'o. CC. Everyone is invited to attend. PAULINE HURLING AM E. Teacher. f Import!' m: in that city. hm rnal want ad pay. Try them. Good Things to Eat! Head Lettuce Large Celery Cranberries Freih Tomatoes Radishes Oranges Bananas Delicious Apples Leaf Lettuce Pascel Pelery Cucumbers Green Onions Cauliflower Grape Fruit Lemons Jonathan Apples terrific force and all that saved the occupant from being hurled with the car to the depths of the creek below wan the fact that the fenders caught on pieces of the broken rail, which held the cur suspended until the two men could get out. I A car wan sent out from this city to bring the two men In. A JOLLY TIME -Home Baked Cakes Doughnuts, Hard Rolls, Whole Wheat and . Graham Bread! Head Lettuce with Richelieu Mayonnaise, Salad or 1000 Islands. N. J. C. Loganberries packed in heavy syrup. ggffiSri SATURDAY SELLING 3 for $1.00 hi n u. somcusEU, Dry Goods Phone 53 Grocery Phones 54, 144 from Saturday Daily. Last evening the nerean class of the Christian church entertained a very large number of the congrega tion and friend at the church par lorn. The entertainment consisted of a number of songs and plays, which were greatly enjoyed by all. Those who participated In this en tertainment were Doris Wlnscott, Kiln Hyde, Thelma Nelson. Grettal llaekenh rg, Ab ta Cary, Leofa Hack enherg, Clyde Graves, Russel I lack -e berg, Casslus Carey, Earl Ilucken herg and the teachers of the class, Mr, Luther Pickett. The class was also iissbtted by Gordon Wilcoxen. Following this, light refreshments were served by the members of the Kerenri class and then everyone ad journed feeling that the evening had been pleasantly spent. QUIET IN COURT The Inst week has been nn ex tremely quiet one In police court cir cles and the cobwebs havo begin to gather on the docket of Judge Wil liam Weber us the wrong doers have apparently been scared out or are laid up with the flu which hns been ! prevalent In the community. As quiet as it Is, however, the pollc forco Is on their usuul rounds at night and n ro hopeful that some lawbreaker may become enmeshed In the law be fore long. LEWIST0N AID SOCIETY Tho Lcwlnton Aid society mot WARDEN FENTON IS CONFINED TO BED FOR WEEK 24-Hour Nose Bleed Follows Suc cessful Fight in Lcjrislature to KilJ Bryan Bill. Lincoln. Feb. 1C. Warden W. T. Fen ton has been ordered to his bed for u weelc following 2 4 hours of constant nose bleeding. The warden, who has been work ing day and night ever since the legislature opened to kill the Bryan bill repealing the Indeterminate sen tence law, complained slightly a Tier the meeting of the house Judiciary committee last night, when the bill wuh reported for Indefinite postpone ment, that In had a slight nose bleed. From then until noon today his nose bled constantly. The struln and hard work in get ting the bill killed together with a slight abrasion In the Interior of his nose were given as reasons for the hemorrhage. However, the warden Insisted that a nurse attending him lenrn whether the lower house sus tained the action of the Judiciary committee in Indefinitely postponing the bill. Close friends of the warden knew that his whole heart and soul were wrapped In killing this hill, which he believed was the result of prom ises made by politicians during the heut of a political campaign to gain votes, rather than a desire to act on the real merits of the measure. The discipline of his institution and that of Gus Miller, superintend ent of the reformatory, was at stake. It wns felt by both that If the law were repealed, dozens of men work ing on prison and reformatory farms without a guard would need to ue an rest of the members to "remember the war" and the lessons the war taught and to stand steadfastly against any change in the law which would permit the teaching of any other language than Engll3h In th schools of the state. Charge "Double-Crossed" Strehlow. passer and Collins de- Di Subjects of Past Study and dared they had been "double-cross-. TTT4 WOMAN'S CLUB HAS A FINE FRO- GRAM LAST NITE , manship. Mixed hard wood for sale, $2.50 per load on place. Sam Gilmour. f!9-tfw All the home news delivered at your door daily for 15c a week. ed" by the committee, which had promised to give them another pub lic hearing on the bill before it was reported out. Representative O'Gara. a member of the committee, charged that Green had been anxious to have more pub Hear Address by Dr. Westover on Health Problems. lie hearings and had been delaying ing meeting at the public lib. the action of the committee for that auditorium and despite the gen purpose until he found that the sen timent of the members was turning t 1 1. n lonrrnorra lauf amendatory bill to its destruction f"" ' 1 without giving its introducers a From Saturday's Dally. Last evening the Plattsmouth Woman's club held a very interest- public library eral sickness over the city a pleasing number were in attendance. The meeting was under the leader- en ua re deal "You can't legislate good citizen ship into the people of this coun try." O'Gara declared. "Unless the flag and the country and citizenship are made attractive enough In them selves to demand loyalty there is no use trying to do it by putting blind ers upon the people and telling them they shan't see anything else but one Hroome, a member of the commit tee, who objected to the action tak en, declared a "steam roller of the majority had stifled further hearings and sent the bill out with a recom mendation for indefinito postpone ment." Kieffer. an American Legion man. asserted "all of this talk about hear il r.AAVJ 24111 HI II i truism u l by the ladies the past year Preceding the reviews the ladies were entertained by a musical num ber. "Love Fancies." by Vanecrik. which was given by a trio of piano, flute and violin, by Mesdames Royi Cole. Elbert Wiles and Arthur Troop, which was artistic in Its rendition and the vocal solo of Miss Quinn was also very much enjoyed by the ladies. Dniilfrvl'SanfQrif I UUIUJ ItfUIMUUl BARGAIN WEDNESDAY February 21st, 1923. A car load of live poultry wanted to be delivered at poultry car near the Rurllnston freieht house. Platts- The three minute reviews of the mouth on WEDNESDAY. Febr. 21st. various subjects of study consisted of one day only, for which we will pay "State constitution,' anss r lorence t2ie following i . nn.: T :.. .. . nfw. I ' liaiser: l rmiaiy r.ifuiiuua, ans. Cash Prices Hens, per lb . 21c James Durnie; "Our Schoole," Mrs. V. G. Egonberger; "Our Courts." Mrs. Mrs. J. J. Svoboda; "Laws of Inter- Springs, per ID IDC est." Mirs Marie E. Kaufman. The Turkeys, per lb 25c la (Hps pavo a verv rlenr and d ell erh t-: TV, 1 1A ings being stifled is bunco. I am,,,, outline of the various subjects roo L 1K glad thrco ex-service men are the in-as theJr time did not permit a thor- j 55se 10 troducers." Kiefrer said. "I want to say, there are only three ex-service men in the state who favor the re peal of this law." At this point Keiffer hesitated. "I Just heard someone say, 'That's a damned lie.' " (he said. At this point. Speaker Mathers said: "We want everyone to be treat ed as a gentleman and to act like Smiley arose at this point. He said: "Strehlow stayed away from the committee purposely so as to have an nlneeil within nrison walls as ' 1 11 17 1- r ' " loiuuunvv A j.-- - with Miss Ilerlha Nichols. About hope of receiving tne minimum ";pXcuse to attempt to raise the Din twenty wero present. Everybody re- of an indeterminate buiuviiio '"Mover the committee's action port having a lovely time. Icood behavior would ne enuen Tho next meeting will bo held at" n warden and Miller, more ough discussion of the various mat ters and showed a great thoughtful ness on the part of the members who had been assigned this important part of the program. The main address of the evening was that of Dr. R. P. Westover who spoke on "Laws of Health" and in a brier manner gave tne general Old Roosters, per lb. 8c Leghorn Poultry, 3c per lb. less than heavy. Beef Hides, per lb 9c Horse Hides, each , $4 Farmers, Notice We have made it doubly attractive rules for the preservation of the Ior you 10 come to fiattsmouth Bar health of the Individual and the gen- Sain Wednesday, by changing our eral healthy condition of the com- i buying date to that day. Bring your munity In general. Give Mullen Credit "Thn Intent of this bill is to rive the home of Mrs. W. F. Moor, and or less respons ve o u; ... . Vn 0Wtunlty to tell the daughter. Margaret, on the 8th of r , :"" rvan United States supreme court next sure Aiurc... everybody please take no- '"was " VoVitlcs. Both 're- week that a repeal of this law is ruary . luc' ..iio .s -ir,ria tn "niav noli- nendine in the Nebraska legislature, that For Sale: 6 room houto and 3 lots, an(j waWi to vxr racmrt- Jacoby Bald. "Tb attorn vy senraJ and a .11 njM .vmma itJl.Tr mMrf.r, laae atihvtaaU aad Art l!Mlla a-:A flat LIBRARY SUPPER AT MURRAY poultry to Plattsmouth next Wed nesday, get the most money for it; buy your goods in Plattsmouth, and thus reap the double advantage. nr. nnt tnrtrot tnia ci.nnr nn wih. I nememoer me aate. We come tn ingtoh's birthday and every lady be buy iaulld wl" Positively be in Platts- and bring a box Thursday. Feb- uu,u'u"ai aay aavertisea, pre- 22nd. and help the library J"" lu l ai poultry of- much. A worthwhile program ,Ierea for sale. good time. Everybody i trail erf. nr ? " ak v awTiy. W. E. KEENEY. SELECT TEACH ERS FOR COMING SCHOOL YEAR Board of Education Elects Members 0 0 il (j (V I lea into cities of strangers- r ; ';.H..I..IW'Wilil . a 1