The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 08, 1923, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, TT.BEUABY 8, 1923.
It's not too late
to buy an overcoat in fact
the opportune time at least six
weeks of chilly weather ahead.
The interest on your money this
summer will not equal the ad
vance you'll pay next Fall. No
sales, but the utmost of value all
the. time. Let us take your case.
C. E. Wescott's
From Wednesday's rally.
The ice harvest of"l23 is now on
in full blast and Joseph H. McMakon
who has been more or less identified
with the ice business here for vears.
is in cnarge of the work. The ice ueciares ranlac Overcame Indigestion
- ' - i
house of Guy V. Morgan is being
filled up with the finest of the Mis
souri river ice which has been cut
from the fields just south of the Bur
lington bridge and is excellent in
every respect. The cold snap of the
last week has helped a great deal in
So Completely Friends Eemark
How Well She looks.
"My friends are all asking me
nowadays why the wonderful im
provement in my health," recently
said Mrs. Anna Ryan, 84 6 Webster
his fountain this coming season and
be sure of having it when he needs
From Wednesday's Dally
The inspection of the children of
the public schools by Miss Whee-
lock of the state welfare department
nnd who has just been elected as
nurse instructor at Cotner univer
sity, has been made public by the
board of education and will give the
patrons of the schools an insitrht in
to what the work has disclosed in
the first" inspection of the schools
This matter of inspection is a part
of the state law and its wisdom is
shown in the findings of the nurse
in cass of defects in children where
they were causes of holding back the
children from their studies and from
the enjoyment of the perfect health
that they should have.
One of the recommendations made
T w Irn TIT l-i to f hit Vrt llinnKao
be provided at the school for the known and highly esteemed ladies of
cut; oi meiw. iir aur- Ave f Chicago. 111., in relating her
Kau Vae an ampie suypiy ior exr,eriencp with Tanlaft
"Why, I have gained ten pounds
and a busy day at housework never
tires me now, which is quite differ
ent from my condition before taking
Tanlac. I had indigestion so bad
that even a very light meal would
distress me, and the gas, heartburn,
and smothering sensations were ter
rible. Sometimes I didn't care to
J eat a mouthful, in fact, almost dread-
;eu 10 eai i suirereu so. iwy uouy was
Member of One of Pioneer Families 3 ust racked with pain, and head-
of rnnt. A, C , ucues, iier uusne S3 ami bieepitHsuebs
Yesterday Afternoon.
at the family home near Rock Bluffs.
Mrs. W. P. Hutchison, one of the well
children who have to carry cold din
ners from their homes and which
would be more beneficial to their
health and the nurse also urges the
t,i, 41,1a vntrit ,f ,nJ1n.r,tin o . locality where she passed away.
better understanding of the child's ! . Itsy Fra n s was born in Missouri,
welfare can be determined. ; March 6. 1S61 and was brought to
- In covering the different cases of -ask at a tender age by her par
physical defects Miss Wheelock sub- cnt "" on Fbraary " i8?,2'.8.8
t Fii.,t n.,.c united in marriage to W. P. Hutchi-
kept me feeling weak and worn out.
"Well, four bottles of the Tanlac
treatment relieved me of every trou-
From Wednesday's Daily I me ana o l can coast pi a nne ap-
Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock PetiAe ster "erves aid splendid
iifunii. ii is j ub i gruuu up ue su
well and happy and I never will
stop praising Tanlac.
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug
gists. Over thirty-five million bot
tles sold
.the eastern portion of Cass county,
passed to her final reward.
The deceased lady was a member
of one of the best known families of
ighing each month of the children ': the, cunty' ,1 a daughter of Mr.
A the meetings at intervals of the aud Mrs" V-Iia FranS' 'ho ,were
and parents to discuss the, " ". ., ai.m "a3
welfare of the children and fPnt Practically her lifetime in the
m n
ired Sow Sal
To be held at Weeping Water, Neb.,
Saturday, February 24th, 1923,
at Dunn's Pavilion.
. SOWS and GILTS .
Bred to Smooth Orion-Sensation. 1
" Write for Catalog.
Given Under Direction of
Plattsmouth City Schools
boa rd
Eye defects primary grade. 13
per cent; intermediate, 10 per cent;
junior high school, 7 per cent; high
V school, 7 per cent.
son and to this union nine children
were born, one of whom, Maude, pre
ceded the mother in death and the
surviving children are Mrs. Ora Car
ey, Mynard; Mrs. Winnie
"Child Welfare" is Subject of Meet
ing Held at Home of Mrs. J.
Hall Fine Program.
Prom Monday s Lal!y
Attorney C. L.. Graves of Union
was lu re today for a short time look
ing after some matters of business.
Mrs. Fred Tuckenhagen of Glen-
Mrs. Siemoneit will be examined by
a specialist there in regard to her
health which has been very poorly of
Frank Detlef, county constable.
J has had a position attached to him
wood is here for a visit at the home'in the ast few weeks tilat i3 going
of ncr daugiucr, iirs. i-ranK ueuei,
who has been sick the past few days.
Lester Wunderlich of Villisca, la.,
Nebraska City American Legion Five
Win by Score of 46 to 18 at
Latter City Last Night.
From Wednesday's Dally
The members of the W. C. T. U.
society were very .pleasantly enter-
Oliver, tnined on Mondav afernoon at the
Louisville: Mrs. Florence Cnle. hnsnitnhlo horn nf Mrs. J. If. Hall, was an over Sunday visitor at .e-
Bruhle, Nebraska; Will, Rock Bluffs, who, with Mrs. C. L. Wiles, was the hawka with relatives and friends, re
and Claude, Ernest, Vernon and hostess of the meeting. turning to the Iowa city this morn
Marie, all of whom reside at the par- For the afternoon program the ing.
ental home. The husband with the subject of "Child Welfare" was tak- Harry R. Ankeney of Lincoln, one
children, survives the passing of the en up and a very interesting dis- of the" members of the Lancaster
v 1 C J .1 . 1 . . . - . . I - . . . . . l I 1 -
w - t, intnfmo,i;tn ? c 4 iit? uiiu inoiutT u.nn several orom- cussion 01 mis miponani qucsuon tountv nar. was nere louay icoKing
lilCl " f' vvi. juu.Ui , . , , .,. , , ;..F , ... K V 11Q lr.,it 1, ctofc if tho
1. 1 crli Q.hnnl Cl hitrh Chnnl K i o c oiouru j l iai'j ucviaacu laui il au j ii ciu luiui uiai aj uj i - ii 1 L t' I ri U 1 i 1 U materia in Lilt. uistiiwi ' ' . "
fCftvilM I RvT Ml 1 1, i V fi ose ana tnroat in tnis mspec-
OLHOUh LAO I III I L' KW-H-S-H-J-i "on Miss Wheelock found many cases
; of bad colds and this makes the flg-
1 Humoresque Dvorak urea very high and not as serious as
2 Surprise SvniDhonv Haydn the indications would show in the
3 Toreador Song (Carmen) j figures: Primary grades, 6 G per cent
to keep him one of the busiest men
in the county and that is the office
of county truant officer. Frank has
had a number of calls out in the
county as well as from the city . and
has been kept busy looking after the
kids that should be and are not in
the public schools. Frank is one of
the best natured fellows in the world
but some of the cases are getting to
6 Hark. Hark, the Lark-Schubert
7 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
8 Barcarolle (Tales of Hoff
man) Offenbach
9 From the Land of the Sky
Blue Water Cadman
10 Narcissus Ethelbert Nevin
From Wednesday's Daily.
The Morgan Sweet Shop basketball
team, ranking as one of the fastest
in the Ftate met their first defeat of
the season last evening at Nebraska
City when they were defeated by the
American Legion team of that place
by the score of 46 to IS.
In the game the result was vastly
different from that of last week when
the Legion team was defeated here,
end the addition of Kellog and Cow
ger to the Nebraska City line-up was
a tower of strength to the Legion
and kept the Plattsmouth team
The heaviness of the Legion team
was more than a handicap for the
lighter Morgan team and despite the
speed of the Morgans they were held
safe at all stages of the game and at
no time drew dangerously near their
rivals. Combined with . the beefy Xo. IS This beautiful baritone
qualities of the Legion quintet their solo occurs in the third act or the
teamwork was excellent and kept the optra. Wolfram seats himself at the
Plattsmouth aggregation from scor- bottom of a hill, begins to play upon
ing as well as Breaking up tne plays his harp and finally
or tne iocais. an,l bea
The line-up of the two teams was You w
as iomows: tion as well as the accompaniment
Plattsmouth Martin and Burkle. of much of the solo sound like a
forwards; Schubeck, center; Bruback- narp.
er and McCarthy, guards; Sprecker, "
8U: - , . 19 Beethoven did not name
Nebraska City Dakan and Hill. this the Moonlight Sonata but call-
iorwaras; cogger, center; Stevenson Pd it ..Tne c-sharp Minor Sonata."
ana rvtMiug, guarus.
4 Anitra'3 Dance Grieg
5 Hall of the Mountain King Teeth primary grade. 6 4 per
Grieg ' cent; intermediate. 66 per cent;
junior high school. 55 per cent; high
school. 50 per cent.
Underweight primary grades. 2S
per cent; intermediate, 31 per cent;
junior high school. 36 per cent; high
school, 23 per cent. - ,
Overweight primary grades, 1
p r cent; intermediate. 2 per cent:
j ers and sisters of the deecased lady was had in an informal way by the
'also share the grief that her death ladies of the society. Every side of
has occasioned, Mrs. Joseph Sans, the child welfare question was touch
Murray; Mrs. W. W. Wolfe, Union; ed upon by the members present and
Harry Frans, Union; Mrs. Reinhei- as a result a clear and concise view
mer, Pekin, Illinois; Colmar R. of the matter was "secured by the
Frans. residing in Washington, and ladies.
Mrs. Rose Cogdill of Plattsmouth. ; In addition to the discussion a very
j During the long years of her life ! pleasing violin number was given
here. Mrs. Hutchison was known and by George Caldwell, "Robin's Lulla-
loved by a large circle of warm by," by Kroglan. which was much
11 Indian LamVnll:..DVok Junior high school. 2 per cent; high ?.nd her Christian life , will enjoyed and the young violinist was
12 Spring Song Mendelssohn . school. 6 per cent
13 The Erlkonig Schubert
14 Meditation (Thais) Massenet
15 The Swan Saint-Saens
16 Miserere (II Trovatore) Verdi
17 Midsummer , Night's Dream
IS Evening Star (Tannhauser)
19 Moonlight Sonata Beethoven
20 Sextet from Lucia di Lam
niermoor Donizetti
live in after years to guide her child- accompanied by Mrs. A. D. Caldwell'
The parents and guardians of the ren and grandchildren as an example at the piano
children should thP flirw.01 worininess to De ionowea
and make all possible effort to co-'
operate with the teachers and offi
cers of the school in looking after the
remedying or ine aeiects in tne j ; .- . v . i
health of the children..
From Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening, County Judge Bee
son, who i3 the. understudy for Dan
Cupid in these parts, was called upon
to unite in the bonds of wedlock
i lZ lffLL : ? Kost of Omaha and Miss Ethel
'Si l betro S,1 Fry of this city. The groom is a bak
ill notice that the mtroduc-' ,v, ' , -
At the close of the afternoon a
very delicious and dainty luncheon
Carl Panzer and wife of Ashland
were here over Sunday enjoying a
visit at the Itome of Mr. Panzer's
sister, Mrs. R. W. Knorr and family
for the day.
Mrs. Steve Barker and daughter
from west of Mynard were here Sat
urday looking afer some trading an4
visiting with their friends in the
county seat.
James M. Teegarden, Thomas Mur
tey and C. E. Butler were here today
from Weeping Water looking after
Entertained at . Home of lis3 Jessie
Eobertson Plans For
a Pancake Snpper.
Ftom Wednesday's' uu'ly.
Yesterday afternoon the ladies of
W.1C3 cprtTil hv thp hnsto?:s fhit added some matters at the court house for
greatly to the enjoyment of the oc- i n. few hours.
'asion. Park Chriswisser of Bennett, Col
orado, who has been visiting here
with his mother, Mrs. Bennett Chris
wisser and other relatives and
friends, returned this morning to his
! 1. :
Williajn Splitt returned last eve-
youngsters do not mend their ways
and keep in school he will have them
on the carpet before the county legal
The county truant officer has jur
isdiction over the entire county and
therefore has one real man's job to
look after. Mr. Detlef states that
chasing bootleggers is soft compared
to rounding up the elusive kids.
Six room cottage, four lots, elec
tric lights, good improvements. Five
room cottage, two lots, electric
ights, city water in house. Flfre
room cottage, one lot, electric lights
and barn. Any of these properties
can be bought at reduced prices and
on easy terms. Money to loan on
er in the metropolis and a former
resident of Creece while the bride
has been a resident here for a short
time. The solemnization of the mar-
Will Jean was among the business ning to his home at Imperial, Ne-
visitors in Omaha today, going to braska, after a visit of .some few
that city on he afternoon Burling- t weeks here with relatives and
ton train. friends. Mr. Solitt was a guest herej.
John Dalev of near Florence. Ne- yesterday at the W. P. Sitzman home.
tne hi. .aiarys uuna or bt. i.ukcs braska, is here enjoying a visit at Warren Trumble of the Allen ga-l
church were very delightfully enter- the home of Mr. and Mrs. William rage at Eagle and R. Ranrford, pro-j
tained at the fiome of Miss Jessie Roedecker and family. prietor of the Eagle cafe, were- here
Robertson on Vine street and a very a A rrnni- nf Fall Citv wn hern this afternoon for a few hour3 look-.V
ney Charles E. Martin and Hans Sei
ver, custodian of the court house,
on1 o i Via 'innilnoiAn x-. 9 V a
, Clever publisher, probably gave It houne n-nTa dona rted for"
lis romanuc name, xiowever. tne - '
rlair vows wna vitnccl Hv ittn.. "' a"cuuaulv "l l memuerbiny vpstprd.iv nnd tndav attpn.Hne- tho ing aiier some mailers OI OUSiness
tin and Hans Sei- V. 1 1 l" uu iu ineeting of the county commissioners me court uouse ana visiting wun
Let me explain my long time land name seems appropriate. It seems to
bank loan. Also money at five per call a vision of a pure and perfect
cent. Searl S. Davis, Plattsmouth moonliffht nleht.
State Bank Bldg..
Beethoven (1770-1827) was one
of the greatest composers that ever
No. 20 This great concert num
ber is found at the end of the sec
ond act. It is usually designated as
me contract .bcene." The younx throat. Grandma's
j Lucia, forced by her brother to sign Thomas Eclectic Oil
discuss the many matters of interest
that came to their attention.
The ladles took up the matter of
the election of secretary of the so
ciety and for this position Mrs. Hen
ry G. Soennichsen was named and
the president made the appointments
!of the directresses for the work
Daily trips to Omaha. Livestock a preparatory to the annua! shop of the
specialty. Phones 265 and 618-W. guild, naming Mrs. John A. Donelan
f 8-tfd,ltawSW as directress of fancy work and Mrs
P. 11. Field as directress of aprons.
Hemstitching and "J
Picot Edging 4
N. 4th St., Plattsmouth 4
For baby's croup.
cuts and bruises.
Willie's daily!
tne marriage contract with Sir Ar- . remedy,
inur, discovers tnat her lover, Ed
gar, is alive and still true to her. Sir1
J Henry and Edgar, both overcome
with anger, sing a short duet and
Lucia, her maid, the notary Ray
imond and Sir Arthur join with them
;in this great sextette until it ends in
' a great climax.
30c and 60c.
The ladies also made the arrange-
mother's sore ments for holding the Shrove Tues-
lameness Dr. day pancake supper at the rectory
the household on next Tuesday evening from 5
: o clock on and to which the mem-
in regard to the bridge work of the llieir menus.
county. Fred W. Ebinger of Plainview, Ne- v
R. A. Talbot of South Bend was braska, came down yesterday from
here yesterday tor a few hours and bis home and spent Sunday here
while here enrolled for the ensuing with relatives and friends and this
year with the American Leg'on. Mr. morning departed for Omaha to at- i
Talbot believes in doine: his Dart for tend the hardware convention in
the service organization. He is now that city for the day.
firing on the Rock Island from Fair
bury to Council Bluffs.
Fronr Tuesday' DafY
Walter Byers of Rock Bluffs was
in the city today attending to some
matters with the board of commis-
From Wednesdays Pally. i ""s-
The Social Workers of the Metho-' Ray Wiles, wife and children were
dist church were entertained very passengers this morning for Omaha
Field Seed Price;
The relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Scott have received the announce
ment of the arrival at their home at
Bovina. Colorado, on January 23 of
a fine little da'ughter to join the fam
ily circle-, which already boasts of
i two little sons. It is needless to say
Price per
, Bushel
Alfalfa (Prime) 9 8.4 O
Alfalfa (Choice) 10.80
bers of the parish and the public Is delightfully at the home of Mrs. A. io spend a few hours visiting there , Aifa'a andtar ??2
cordially invited. j Christ with Mrs. Wiles assisting.
The ladies at the close of the after- A very profitable business meeting
noon were invited to partake of very was held when the ladies decided to
.delicious refreshments that came as hold a colonial tea in the church par
with their relatives.
Alfalfa (Dakota) 14.-1 0
ti Sweet Clover (Choice) 8.40
R. Kettlehut. road overseer of Ne- Sweet Clover (Fancv) n.nn
hawka precinct, was here today for a Red Clover (Choice) 13.20
The undersigned will offer for sale
at public auction at his home, four
miles south and three miles east of
Murray, fives miles northeast of Un
ion, sale starting at 1:00 o'clock,
the following described property:
One gray mare, three years old.
the climax of an unusually pleasant lors on February 20th to which the tYF tl!?"FZ ?fC1er (F?cfy l4 t
ti J nublic is invited tprs Ultn the boar(1 of county com- Alsike Clover (Standard) 12.00
I After a delightful social hour very n.issioners. Timothy (New Crop) 4.05
and son called at the
in behalf of the Home Mission and
after a very pleasant talk to the en
tire school 4n which he explained
the intention of the Home relief
work, he announced the benefit en
SCHOOL delicious refreshments were served County Commissioners Fred Gor
by the hostess, assisted by Miss Fran- der of Weeping Water and C. F. Har-
cis Ghnst and Alice Crabill, which ris of Union were here today to at
tend the meeting of the board of
hieh school
.... , TT , ... i were greatly enjoyed by all present
Yesterday, General Happy Meikel i fo J J
Full blood Barred Rock cockerels
n. t Tii i &
t i 4. j iium rcuno, in., last year.
xru jruu &iiuw uuw suituh jwuu GEO F SMITH
look and feel, by topping yourself f8-4sw. s : Telephone 3222.
off with a new Spring Hat? j . i
Your finger tips tell you about For a mild, easy action of the
Stetson Quality. The mirror tells ""'V. ' "eeyiets, a mod
you more than we can say about
the individual note in Stetson Style.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Tho board of county commission
ers st their session vesterd.iv voted
jthat the occasion has brought much-:wetent 1150; one black horse, five tertainment to be given Thursday to have the chairman of the board
, lu wic iciduvra nere ana a 1 J 6ui xtuu, uuc sumi night. February 8, to help defray tne sign tne nuaget preparea ior ine
i; oi wen wisnes ior tne little ien years oia. wun ioai io expenses of fixing up the hall at the year 1923 covering the maintenance
Jain., weignt now; one norse muiu, Mission. As the general Is an old of the state Highways and wnicn
fourteen years old, weight 1100; one showman, yon may expect some calls for the sum of $23,000. The
maro mule, three years old, weight thing good. Character impersona- budget was prepared under the di-'
1050; one pair, black mare mules, tions of people he has known, black rection of the state department of
COminer three vears old ? nne hnrso j ; i i J. nnMS. n-nrbi
an 11U 113 f A pUSCI UUU a. uiaiuoni- jmifit v .
muie. coming iwo years oia; one .ppr nf rpnmm An admission of
county commissioners.
Fritz Siemoneit and wife and Miss
Ella Siemoneit were among those go
ing to Omaha this afternoon where
u. K. Rape (Fancy)
Ask for Free Nursery Book.
Yager Nursery and Seed Co.,
Fremont, Nebr.
mule colt, coming one year old.
Some hogs and four dozen chick
ens. Six tons of alfalfa hay.
Farm Machinery, . Etc
25c for adults and 15c for children
will be charged and this money used
to help pay the small outstanding
deficit of a few dollars yet unpaid.
Eight Mile Grove Precinct
30c at all stores.
Stetson style is built
in the hat Stetson
quality makes it stay.
r'The Kuppenheimer Made-to-1 .
JIuwju 'line JfJjju . t hhgrade.
H"a"v it xaafie to ra'erfsTTrfF. BITvTT4.
in tw wka.
AnnniiTipomant f ti 111 Tin in enci rvi -a
" ujuu, iwu stui ui ueavy ior iixiures ul ine iiu.ii. i ut jum Sunday Feb 11 1923'
work harness, one Emerson rake, shoulder to the wheel and give the ' At q.o Divine services (Eng-
. : , i v. v. w..r, .. t. i iisn). Text: uomans iu:ix. sermon:
harrow, one lister, one cultivator, of the school children who are do- ..p-i, tyii !trpnirth of fh-ir-
Mixed hard wood for sale. $2.50 one disk, one bob sled, one wheat Ine their best to helD a worthy f",,' ine irue flireB6lH
Ycw lrto r r n!aio Com 1 1 j.:n i i . . . . aLlrl.
.vuu " v.a.,. -jom unuiuur. 1 1 1 in, uuuseiiuiu Kooaa ana numerous cause. i
other articles.
Osteopathic Physician
Everything must be sold.
Terms of Sale '
AU sums of $10 and under, cash;
The general and son visited the
grade schools and spoke and sang in
several rooms. '
Don't forget the day and date.
Home Mission hall, east end of
Eyes Tested and Glasses
Union Block Phone 208
on sums over $10 a credit of six ot- t- rnnm T,dr t n
months will be given, purchaser giv- n v ,-u 'ta icr,t at S-1K
. ! Ing bankable 'note bearing eight per February 8. 1923. General admission
i to be removed from the premises un-
i in seiiiea ior.
25c; children 15c.
Everything in the way of decorat
ive features for the valentine season
can b found at thft Journal sta
tionwy depavteietit.
Everybody cordially welcome.
H. O. RHODE, Pastor.
From Wednesday's Dally. '
The marriage ' license department
of the World-Herald today contains
the announcement of the issuance of
a marriage license to Henry Kuhl
man and Lorene C. Spangler, both of
Plattsmouth. j
. J I
Valentines of all kinds at ttie A
Journal stationery department.
Pure Bred Poland-China
38 Head of Bred Sows 38
To be held at the James Terry berry Farm Sale Pavil
ion, six miles southeast of Cedar Creek, on
Thursday, February 15th, 1923
Sale Starts at 1 O'clock. Free Lunch at No
ties' Into cities of Btranzers. - l-:-X 'l-'i'-I1 T'i"A' i i
i V