i f i if KONDAY. JA2ITTAP.Y 8, 1922. f AGS KX FLATTSMOUTH. SE1II-WEEKLY JOXTENAL STORY OF TAKING OF LIFE BY SHOOTING X Glenwood Tribune Gives Account of Suicide of Win. Kuhn of Pa cific Junction, Sunday. 1 rXl)f)i:teGwcs Jae - i i i i ! I if f I " Z I j Bleached Muslin 4 fcrr X iftr - "Lonsdale" COME TO OUR JANUARY SALES You will want to purchase your season's requirements at the special prices which we are quoting; during this sale only. The savings you ef fect are remarkable. It was only by preparing for this sale months ago, that we are able to offer you this merchandise at these low prices. Wide Sheetings "K-jirn.i !;" Hh'?tlng in a heavy wi-IkIiI, free from tarh nhe-tlng of If i-filal)lf ii;illty and workman ship. Tli In I one of t lt many ex-(-ptlotial value" iiictiod in our White floods xnle. !" wld? bleached hhi-etlng. yl.-5S' XI -I lull bleached Hheetlug Tt'.ie 72-lucli bli-;ichrd wheeling IHC ,.'!-Iru li bleached sheeting !! Pillow Tubings The pillow tubings here listed are all of tin better quality. He sure ami rover your reijulreinentH at these low Jl !ce:. "Kearsia 1 ge" 40" tubing, yd IV.l? "CalMit" 42 Inch tubing 35 IV.jiiot" 42-Inch tubing '.ISC "DwiKht" 4.r-linli linen finish tubing, per yd -iO ft Big January White Goods Sale STARTS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10 Today, prudent buying is the watchword. This store has search ed the market for merchandise at the lowest possible prices without sac rifice to quality, and in this White Goods Sale, we offer to our patrons many extraordinary advantages. There are also many timely opportunities offered to buy our regular high quality merchandise at price levels which are the lowest in many months. "Introducer Special." a fine white muslin for lingerie and underwear of all kinds. No dressing, soft finish. Special, per yd., 15?. Fine Muslin This is a soft, beautifully finished cloth for your better things. Special, per yard, 19?. Unbleached Muslin "Millet LL," a fine, smoothly fin ished unbleached muslin suitable for fancy work and for all general uses. Special, per yd., 15c. Bleached Cheesecloth A very good quality. Special, per yard. G?. Fancy Light Outing Flannel in a Li? range of very pretty stripes, checks and plaids. 27 inches wide. Special, per yard, 17c4. Poultry Wanted! THURSDAY, JANUARY 11TH A car load of live poultry wanted to be delivered at poultry car near the Burlington freight house, riatts r.joutii or- Thursday, Jan. 11th, one day only, for which we will pay the following Cash Prices lb- Hens, per .18c 5L Mr: YW 0 Mercerized Table Damask I lore l. u 72-Inch mercerized table damask In several very attractive patterns, inado of the Knout yuriiH, smoothly woven und correctly llnlsh !. Special for the January Hale, per yard, JS. All Linen Table Damask Thin I u medium weight linen cloth 72 InchfH wide, ono that will give excellent service und 0110 that It not loo heavy for dully use. Laun der beautifully and enslly. Special, per yard. Fine Huck Towels lllue mill gold mercerized buck towcU, with neat hemstitched beinH In attractive woven patterns. Color ed towelH like these are the vogue. These ure very nttractlvely priced for the Januurv White Bale. Speclul ut 33?. Turkish Towels The kind you like to use every day. Not too heavy, not too large, yet the kind Hint will give no end of service. Such are these nt only, three for D?. Extra Large Turkish Towels Suitable for the bath. Kxtra large and extra heavy with blue and pink borders. Very special at 5SC Unbleached Wide Sheetings of durable quality and careful workman ship. "Woarwfcll" brown rhectlngs are of the better kind. Here are unusually low prices on two popular widths. 90-liich width, per yard 53? X 1-inch width, per yard 48? Lingerie Checks for dainty lingerie Two size checks in a sheer, yet durable fine underwear cloth. .16 inches wide. In white. We have pretty laces and ribbons to aid you in making attractive undergarments. Very special January White tiule price at, per yd., 30?. Warm White Outing Flannel 27 Inches wide is this soft fleecy outing, firmly woven to hold the fleece, and not too heavy for general purposes. Very special at. per yard. 17?. Tnf Torchon Lace All widths In very pretty torchon lace suitable for pillow cases, underwear trim ming, and many other uses. From 1 to 3 Inches wide. Special, per yd., G?. Finest Quality Sheets "Belfast Bhcetfl, size 81x90 $1.25 "Belfast" liheels, t;ize 72x99 "1.1:5 "Uelfast" sheets, fcize 58x90 .J.- .OS "Victoria" hemstitched sheets, size 81x90, ejich 1.U5 Pillow Cases "Victoria" pillow cases, size 42x30 and 45x3. A special value at 3S Attractive House Aprons like this one you can easily make out of a pretty piece of percale und trim it with ric rac or bias tape. We have a large range of very attract ive new patterns in percales, both light and dark grounds in 36-inch width and of excellent quality. Per yard. 1D. Japanese crepes in guaranteed fast colors, make most attractive house dresses. Come In very pretty colors. Per yard, 38c. 35c u ; Hi 'ici :if Villi LIHHO CLGtii Linen Satisfaction without Linen Price j Wherever linen is used I.inno cloth can be substituted, and at a much lower cost. Table cloths, house dres ses, children's dresses, all kinds of needlework these are only a few of the uses to which Lin no cloth can be put. 3C-Inch I,inno cloth, per yd 35 Other widths are 18. 45 and 54 inch. From Saturday's Daily. William Kuhn, aged 3 4 years. about the hour of 3 a. m. Sunday morning as near as could be deter mined and in the room in which himself and wife slept.' pljceJ a .32 caliber gun to his body and in some manner pulled or pushed the trigger. The bullet priFScd through his body, striking his lieitrt. causing practical ly instant "death. j llh- wife v.::s awakened by hearing his body fall heavily to the floor. j Xo caiie can be assigned for com-1 mitting the act of pelf destruction except temporary insanity. The snieidi? leaves a wife and young daughter. He bus been em ployed the past throe years as a hired man by Joe Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn kept Mr. Johnson's home for him. The nan's work has alwavs been satisfactory. Mr. Kuhn was not a communicative man. He Spring's, per lb A0G had at times past hinted at his dis- ni q ' jjj 8c appearance, but nothing was thought lb of his statement as there was no ap- DuxkS, per ID. partnt cause to particularly trouble Geese, per lb. ilc lira. He had no financial uifficul ties. At times he stemed indifferent to his family. Wm. M. Kuhn was born in Mer rick county, Nebraska, January 4. 1SS9, and passed away December 31, 1922, at the age of 33 years, 11 months and 2 8 days. Saturday, December CO, Mr. Kuhn and family were in town and seem ed to be happy and enjoyed them rolves visiting with the Dick Kdwards family, as Mrs. Kuhn is a niece of, Mrs. Edwards. ) After going home, on the Joe Johnson farm, Saturday evening, they visited with Mr. Johnson, who had just returned from Lebanon. Kansas, where he had been visiting with a sister, and every cue seemed to be feeling fine and did not retire, until a late hour. j Whsn night had snread her silent. Tat Turkeys, per lb 25c Guinea hen, per doz $3.00 leghorn Poultry 3c Less Beef Hides, per lb 7c Horse Hides, each ,i$3.50 Remember the date. We come to buy and will positively be in Platts mouth on the day advertised, pre pared to take care of all poultry of fered for sale. W. E. KEENEY. CONVERT ENGINE TO USE FOR YARD WORK the report of a gun around the in- cal Burhngton Shops Overhauls mates of t!ie home. Mrs. Kuhn call ed to Elmer, a brother of her hus band, and they found him dead on the floor of the bed room Sunday morning about 3 o'clock. It is a hard blow to the relatives and friends and only time can heal the broken hearts and God alone can reveal the cause. Mr. Johnson has nothing Locomotive 1332, G-l Type for Use in Shop Switching. The Burlington shops today placed in service locomotive No. 1332. which was of the G-l type and which has been thoroughly overhauled and con verted into a yard switch engine to i.n handle the shop work. This is the second locomotive to be turned out within the last few months and in this case the work of placing the locomotive in service made neces sary an almost complete rebuilding of the locomotive. The coach department of the shops during the month of December turn ed out twenty-one high grade pas senger coaches that were repaired and overhauled here and put back in were conducted. iuc ucm ji Miape aii'i me by Rev. I). S. : snop executives expect tne present praise tor Mr. Kunu as a tenant ana laborer. j He ieaves to mourn his death a ! wife and child. Catharine, a mother. Mrs. Loretta Warner, of Lincoln, Nebraska, a brother Elmer, who is enc-aged in the Edwards restaurant, a sister. Alma Fifer, of College View, j Nebraska, and other relatives and i ninny frierds who mourn and sym pathize with the relatives. ! t tin era I services from the residence .Thompson Tuesday, January 2. at n month will increase the output ! o'clock. Mutic was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Kemp. Mrs. Orley Al tekrr.se and II. M. Logan. The remains were taken to the Horning cemetery south of Piatt"- j mouth and lowered beneath the ground as Rev. Thompson pronounc ed the last earthly rites of a young life snuffed out in mystery, leaving a shadow of gloom as a mark of memory. May the good Father help all to outlive this sad method of departure. Glenwood Tribune. my -7 Call at the Journal ofnc for fine gift stationery, in ooth large and to twenty-two coaches. This is one of the best showings that this depart ment has made for the past year, it is stated. SOCIAL IS POSTPONED The box social that was to have been given on Friday evening, Jan uary 12, at th Rock Bluff school, has b.'en postponed until Friday eve ning. .January 26. All friends of the school are urged to note the change in date. Books for every member of the family at the Journal office. For Your Comforters UUD UUUD Phones 53, 54 and 144 UVJ Kl Plattsmouth, Nebraska , . yJ--!r fi WMKli&3fef 111 t a -esig eatress aae: ? I PRICE CASH SALE H You can fashion your own com forters, and make them ever so at tractive at very little cost. 3C-inch challie and silkaline, special, per yd lOt Snow white cotton, 2 one-half pound rolls for Stitched batts, large size, all ready to cover and quilt $1.5 NEW FOREMAN GOMES TO BURLING TON RIP TRACK C. M. Parker, Formerly of this City, Returns to Assume Place as Foreman of Rip Track. f rom Saturday' Pally A change In the foremanshlp of the "rip track." an the freight car repair department of the Hurlington thops Is better known, was made ef fort I vo today when Charles M. Park er, one time foreman of this depart ment, returned to take up the duties of the position and to take the place of II. J. Utter who returns to Lin coln, his former home. Mr. Farker held this position for a number of years prior to entering the contracting game and was one of thQ most efficient men in the position thjtt tTj aultavn tax had tlrfm U hss been for rrl months at Ferry, Nebraska, near Sioux City, where the "Q" maintains a repair trnck. Mr. Utter leaving the city will mean that the family, will return to their former home at Lincoln and which is much regretted as during their stay here they have been quite active In the social life of the city and they will be missed very much ENTERTAINS FOR THEJJTTLE FOLKS Mrs. F. R. Qobelman Gives a Very Charming Party for Little Ladies Yesterday. Prom Saturday's Daliv The home of Mrs. F. It. Gobelman was the scene of a most delightful gathering of a number of the little misses of the city yesterday after noon and In which the young folks enjoyed themselves to the utmost from 2 until 5 o'clock" ttt tbChospt- uirty ot UU benr.o. Por th occanion the rooms were IOWA BALL TOSS ERS WIN FROM PLATTSMOUTH the Visitors Win Over Locals Chase Plays Well. very prettily arrangvd in a color scheme of yellow, it being carried out In roses and other cut flowers as well as the attractive yellow stream en and in the table decorations as well the color scheme was borne out in the attractive place cards and table appointments. During the afternoon games and guessing contests were enjoyed and of two prizes while Alice Crabiii j While Not Playing a Brilliant Game captured the third prize offered.. The young folks enjoyed to the utmost the delightful series of games plan ned and which filled to completion the time until the serving of the delightful two course luncheon. Mrs. Gobelman was assisted by Mrs. K. C. Shallenberger In enter taining and serving and participat ing in the pleasant afternoon. Those invited were: Jane Dunbar, Jean Caldwell, Jean Hays. Klizabeth Halt, Alice Crabill, Mary Catherine Wiles, Ileen Pfoutz, Margaret Shal lenberger and May Shrader. Defore the departure of the guests Mrs. Gobelmna was presented with a very handsome vase from the little guests. Miss Mary Catherine Wiles mif jtr t svemwt&sr tjr winsome manner. Last evening the riattsmouth high school basketball team was de feated by the Sidney, Iowa, high school by the score of 23 to 20 in a game that displayed real basketball playing on the part of DeFrees, star lert guard of the Sidney team, who rolled up fifteen points for his team. Chase played a steady, consistent game for the locals, whose playing otherwise was marked by frequent fumbles and a . general listlessness throughout the game. The luck of the game was also very much In the favor of the visi- wry ton a t&ep gocauk! omvpt-toaaj got la from the floor that contributed to their success in the final result. The coming week is going to be one of strenuousness for the high school as they meet the Nebraska School for the Deaf in-the middle of the week and on next Friday will clash with Peru Demonstration high. ATTEMPTED BURGLARY From Saturdays ratvr. Sometime during the night burg lars made an attempt to rob the J. W. Chilton store at Murray but were foiled in their Intent and had to leave empty handed from the scene of the would be robbery. The party or par ties broke through a window in the rear of the store building but were unable to gain entrance through the doorinto the store and consequently did not secure anything of any val ue. Sheriff C. D. Quinton and Detec tive Buell of Omaha were both on the scene today looking for any pos sible clues. Commencing Wednesday, January 10, 1923 Ending Bargain Wednesday, January 17, 1923. Regardless of the high price of cotton and the immediate advance in the price of mattresses, we are giving you one week's special cut price cash sale when WE WILL SELL AS FOLLOWS $ 9.50 Gilt edge full size mattress $ 7.45 1 1.00 Roll edge full size mattress 8!95 12.50 White label fancy tick. . 995 27.50 Never Stretch mattress 1950 8.50 Sanitary cot pad 645 Other Mattresses Priced Especially Low Low During This Sale Take advantage cf this one week sale for martrc, k going higher daily with the advancing cotton market. Mrs. John Lutz departed this morning for Lincoln and Havelock to visit over Sunday there with Mr. lAxtf acl looking aJrrr phms or re moval to that place. Christ & Gh Phone No. G45 rist Plattsmouth, Neb. w4