7IILT.SIAY. lECLTJUrr, 1. 1922. SMOTTTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOTXRUAL p seven Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. No dishes of food arc to he served 2 that will cost more than three cents a serving. The pupils from the country seem to enjoy these lunches very much and thus far we have fi To .1 X. ."iiA.O served an average of twenty-two per day. O Bring Your Bonds Here! We will be glad to assist you in collecting Victory Bonds of the Series of A, B, C, D, E or F War Saving Stamps Due January 1, 1923. Registered Stamps must be Collected at the Office of Registration. 3 The Eank of Service' Union, Nebraska ; :;r llohatk marketed his wheat Word received from John Hansen .! i : . l ' Uis family says that he is in Salt p.'va S !ionnikT has been on the I.ake City. list the last week. ! Mrs. H. H. Planck, who has been Fraiik Finkie was a bus pas- feeling quite poorly is much better cold weather has helped some in the matter. It. D. Stine and J. W. Lowther made u trip to the county Beat last Friday, driving over in the car of Mr. Stine. H. L. Swanson, the affable and cap able agent of the Missouri Pacific at Union, was a visitor in Lincoln last Thursday. C. S. Stone of Nehawka. accompan ied by Mrs. Stone, were guests at the Kay Frans home visiting Mr. Frans and mother. Lee Farris is rejoicing just now because of his new wheel which has i. , . , i m r t i i oeeu louipieit'u uy ..lessia. r iuju aiiuj John Wood LINCOLN 'DADS' DENY REFORMS ARE BRYAN'S Accept His Resignation but Credit Him Only with the Municipal Coal Yard Scheme. a M erry liristmasi 9 at this lime. Hubert La line was caled to Om- JPiia last wetk, where he hail some VVl Mrs. Norm;l Robh and children are t'teiidins a few days with relatives and friends in Omaha. William Doty has been on the sick list for th last two weeks at the home of Ed Sliomaker. Lest r Sliomaker. the IS year old son of I'd Sliomaker lias husked il. "(tMi bushels of corn this year. .Mrs. M. Lyndt and her brother. ;. r to Omaha on Saturday. m, F. BADE. M. !3iier3! Practice! 0. -n . Lincoln, Dec. 18. The four mem bers of the Lincoln city commission. in accepting the resignation today of Loy and Victor Clarence departed Commissioner Charles W. Bryan, gov- last Monday for Bloornfield, where Icrnor-elect of Nebraska spread on thev are spending the week with the records a sipned statement de iriends and relatives. r.ying Mr. Bryan's assertion in his Miss Mary Becker was a visitor in j resolution that he had himself ac Omaha last Friday purchasing goods ; (o-nplished the reforms he credited for the store and also visiting with ! bimself with in bis resignation, friends as well as seeing a show. The commissioners who accepted Miss Jane llollister. who is a f' resignation were (Jeorge Dayton, nurse in the I'axton Memorial hos-1 William Sohroeder. John Wright and pital at Omaha, was a week end visi- ; Mayor F. C. Zehrung.' tor with .Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lvnde. Tbcy denied that Mr. Bryan had People in the vicinity of Union ' brought about tas rate reductions, had turkevs and chickens at IMatts- : !'' v-as r member of the cnn mouth which could not be taken on'"" 5"'!' when it voted to extend the account of shortage of cars to ship n.uiiU-ipal liRht plant, or that he was them in. 'elected mayor and denkd the may- Saturday niht of this week there ora'.ty appointment by the eommis-' will be a Christmas tree accompanied Rion. j bv r.n excellent orogram at the '' Th y say the charter made no pro-, Methodist church. Rev. George Wash virion for tha election of mayor, al- Jv.ill conduct services in the morning t.iois-i!i - e ran on a siate max. cou nt Wvomlng and in the evening at ttroplated his appointment in such Cnion. jci'picity. i . r.i T 1 1 TflTo ! Thev did credit him with the mu- An elegant Center Table. Buffet , ,,.,.,,,; f.oaI van, llUt (!eniod that Kitchen Cabinet or in fact one ct rt.CPTU reduction of si a ton in our fine Kitchen Ranges would make ihe rjil price was ..warranted by a a lasting as veil as most useful re luc t ion at the mine. nl, t ..r j j i Mr. Bryan in his resignation has Christmas present, and ou a. e need- , f rtr?f;t a-n active part ,n thp Aprj, ing uiem as weu. joc jaiiuiJij:r ;citv election in the inte:e?t of the Lest Saturday Harry M. Frans continuation and L. J. Austin were in Omaha and forms, v.l.iie there Mr. Frans purchased a Christmas, the seaso" fcr the r:p.r.".w.i friendships, for the fcrpeitir: of cilTerer.toG, expression cf rood vii! and kinaness, is heic. cf May your Chris. rnas be fiV-v.d with hr.ppinrs pleasure and continue through the Klw i ear, i; most sincere v'ish. o!d th.e and PSatismontb to LUTHE2AK CHURCH Light Milo 'rove Preeinet of his municipal re- Annoumem- nls for Sunday, Dec. 2 th. Christmas eve: At 9:30 Sunday school. Teaching subject: "The Birth of Jcsu5;." At 5:30 p. m. Chri.-tmas Vesper service. This servbe will b entirely in the charge of the Sunday school. A silver oft "ring will be taken. Ani'.ouiicf -ments f-ir Mo:r.l iy, Dec. 2 ."tli. Christmas: At li):3o Divine service (CermanL Tt xt: rdin 1:-14. ? rtnon subject: Th" Homecoming of Jesus. F.vtrvbcdv is cordially welcome. "iL-O. UHODK, Bastor. Special attention -ivcn to deep. 0!I.:i.Kl ,us, rhurs-lav a: ?i?w OiiL-iiiobil! auto. He has had c visiting in cue of this muke which has given i' I'tu'iv lii'i riKvl sfrvio nntl now t:ikes llll- seatt-d diseases of Lungs. Kidneys, j Mr. Fred Clark was isiting with otlitr. He traded his old one in on friends Mid e.lso looking aft.r iusi- tlie uew one which lie pot. n'jss in Nebraska ' i t y last Monday. S. S. Chaise, the market man of Messrs and Mesdames J. C. Niday Plattsrr.outh. and V. T. Am. who ant: j . i. .M.iay were all in .Neoras- v.orka witn mm, were in i.nioa i'ie jk-i City tor t!ie afternoon lafct Mon- f:rst of the week, looking after fc iilav. curintr turkevs. reese. ducks and Littlp Marjorie Uobatk. who wac chickens for their Christmas trade :-ick last week, is feeling much im- They secured w? at their trade lie- , pvovid thin w eek and at school nmndtd and ( f ext tlieiit quality. ag.nn. H(S'.varl : :er I'.'s Dion Kepi Both the carafes in I'nion are do- rustling hau'ii.i this week. Last inu a good bu.-lnes:- at this time. The Monday be had tlire o:.ds to Nebras- i ka City an ! on Tuosl iy tv : loads to w the a"!-.' ?'.vce. while on Wednes day he hid k-:i to Oni'iiu'. Seems r. tliongh t!;e railroads have been losing some bus iness to the ti uck- , men. i W. A. Tavirr nnd wife were visit-, ing and booking after some shopping, in Nebraska City l?:-t Monday af- tc -moon and rhanred to pick up an' opportun'tv tr. do fie iJood Samari-' tan act as Mesd"m"s Belle Frans and t Karl Merrift a--! Mis Mrie Frans.' i were a!:i t';' rc ;nd had misled their train rrd r.crptk.d the proffer i TOR SALE 4 t Stortiacii. Liver, Intestines. Kec iuin. Etc. All latest Serums and Lymphs used when indicated. Union, Kebras!ca Teisphone 31 it. C. Rhode Island R-d and White Wyandotte cor-kr Is. ?!.50 each. Mrs. Reinke. South Bend. dll-Sw o." yenrs Kxperieiice Oflice Coates Block The early Christmas tag and seal purchaser vill find the v.sual big line .vt the Journal office. or. c. fi. imm Dentist 5c SLAiL oans -' without commission. Five or ten ycaro time or i y.vstx. An.-.ual interest if preferred. Also have cus oirier deslriotis of rurcha.sinr? good first mortgages on : .Nebraska iarms. UNION D 51 m A i "J r WVA L 0 NEBRASKA -rjs, l . tTT-T, 'VJJ JTA - EAGLES HALL MONDAY, DEC. 25 SFEtM AUGMENTED BSORESIRA Special Favors end Prizes fcr Everyone Don't Miss U Admission Gents, 68c, War Tax, 7c Total 73 cents. Spectators, 32c, War Tax, 3c Total 35c Ladies i RILi. of ride l;n!.;c with U.-v. Taylor andi, The Unsurpassed Dori e r.uve taiceu tne acrencv Lilc vliich is a great car fcr but a small amount of money. The Dort is showing conii wonderful records nr:rl is well worth many more dollars than it costs. We are selling ihr Dort Touring delivered at $355.00, and the Dort Coupe delivered at $1,195.00. Ccme Sea Us for a Demonstration and We Will Prove the Worth of 7Lis Wonderful Car for the Dort automo- sw r r rw&a f - sr, The A'jlo Man -:- -:- B9 Union, Neb. In the line of CzIpv Chests. Rock-1 ers and a r.unber cf other articles of, furniture, we have some very sug gestive and useful Christmas pres ents. Come in and look over our line. Jce Banning;. - The Light Eternal The cantata which the chorus of t!:e Bapti?t church have heen pre-' pr'riiiK lor several weeks past, will he presented at the morning service of flat ehurcli Sunday mornir.ir at 11 o'clock. The children's exercises, which f very worth while program, wili he ?.riven in the evening. A very cordial invitation is extended ! tfi to come and enjoy both oi these services. For Sale Thoroughbred Diiroc male, cholcm i'umuncd. heap if taken soon. Ta pers furnishoil. II. r'. Warden, Un ion. Neb. House Nearing Completion W. B. Banning. contractor for B.iuer and W. L. Crawford are Ret ting the carpenter '.vork on the Fred Woolsey homo south of T'nion nearly completed. Mr. Karl Merritt is doinp: the painting and varnishing and when done this will be an ideal home. 11 1 1 101 53 11 1 frn w . 28 M Life's friendships are irue, they last through the years. Our wish is lasting friendi-hipa, health that abides the years and prosperity that indureth. w. c John rabiil -ii s&is :-.::,;. ?: x, ?:v.,r.;; ?ivvU ';;;;) otocic iteauction h. order to get ready for the inventory which we .'cc '.. the first of the jrear, we are going to offer all i-.rt r,v:cs in our store at cost and some of them below , ; figure, as we want to make the inventory just as l.yht as possible. 1 hi-j will enable all who have been looking for this P;x.riur;ky a char.ee to make their purchases at a price .1 1 1 . Ml save them some money. We have included tnis caie list shoes of all kinds, work clothing, stoves, '. -vcware and all the staples which we are carrying. Do ' rj - :ct tlie opportunity slip by and not get just what want, fcr we have it at your price. 1. L. BECKB NEBRASKA Union School Notes : j The Christmas vacation this year :vill he one week and New Years !day. t All school hooks were repaired l ist We ek, desks w ere cleaned and in .general thing- were tidied up. ' La Von Frans had charge of the I program given by the Seniors luring J opening exercise period last Thurs jday. I Tiie Parent-Teachers association meeting was held last Friday even ing in tlie assembly rocra in the high school. I A. M. Voss. inspector of accredited 'schools for the University of Ne braska, visited tho high schools on December 11th. Harold James and Ronald Dysart are the lunch room monitors for this week. The duties of the monitors are to sweep the room and clean the desks. Miss Sullivan, state worker for the W. C. T. U. spoke at school Thursday upon the subject, "The Effects of Alcohol and Tobacco Upon the Hu man System." I The girls of the Home Economics (class completed their buck towels with hemstitching and embroidered designs. They are now working: on an apron and cap. In food work they have completed the study of leavenine agents. -The Home t'couotnica girls are again serving hot lunches at noon. H oli 1 If m ay qjreeongs to AH! Our friends, we arc wishing you -prosperity and health throughout the coming year. ri mer isrotsiers 1 1! nere our c c restive Lhi; Yul'Jde Ec&ccn .should be com- fihes from friends veil v eomciiicci witlt- f c i. .J ii K k 6 J. o .e v e r m u c r. c i or ma; not enjoy your treaansnt ct Je hc.r.ds of Santa Claus, rcrnnini : can't rro vithout eat- '.!;e fact ir,'f arc the There isii'i crvlhir.rr in prepared, c?.petil':; Chri'ti v.c come in Strong. ';roc;.-y line for thit well lis dn.r.er, you're planning . : cn, wmcli can t s'j: T i i'uri' fro::; a ', p io rnenlic:? our r. 1 rii:. 3 the "scale" or as one n few days ao "everv- Oh. ycr. Tvtt cdmos!: forgot m hvistm-iG candies. M Ui:r ,T"--.e' Ycu Will Compare Jon Viil Mijvcr Buy Ehewhere The Live Wire Grocers Soudi SixU: Street Phone No. 23 " i'rorr'pt delivery service Xna3 morning. CHIEF SITEGEON CF A. E. F. PASSES AWAY IN ALA BAT 'A d of ! hf A:1: r; ; d v. . . ! .; i: . fr t h ', as a colonel. ii for v. ari.iy in Chicago, Pef 17. Br.iOly, v.-ieran ; ( hiet' i nrgi on of th.- Col. Alfred N. my j-liys!"ian. Ati.'-ri-'an f:;ir- uicionary forces, and to whom tie-s'j--- ess of tho Airerifin army m.li i ai wci'k wr.s largely attritbv.ted. died ; t Mo nt.ro tilery. Ala., from a linger it'.g illness, dating In el; to tl'.e time he was invalided home freni i'ran.e in .Itine. ll IS. Cel. Br.dl'y war; j-.illitary "bfrv -r with th - Fvi n- h Mid British forers r-in May. 1'M, o .Ivne. 1!'17. v ': n '"i- v.-;-; r:i:s. 1 to !: iv.;i n.illii (i brigadier -e'KTa! ar.d idae 1 in c'':i- A C: li!orr.ia ph iIoso;il: r cxiti'.-.-i;; tl.r. hope that in hi r.ext in.ari.a i'on h- shall he half Iri.-h and bait" H.Lri-'.v. - For.'' he says, the Irish man happy as long as he has a dol lar and the Hebrew always has it." It is F.linost time to think cf rre-7-ilng yctir Christinas nackaej. Get ycur loxfi. seals end tajz at the "r-:!n"ii office. N A. SEAL W. .Zr ( l &"nTm:N r,r. rMvirrD ffl, V I worm l A V r wliatwe needed ? 1 There's nothing that adds more to ths attractiveness of the home nothing that saves more of the drudgery of housework no other inexpensive gift that will give such unalloyed and lasting pleasure as a Gold Seal Congoleuin Art-Rug. We have all the popular rug sizes, in aH the latest patterns, a reai economy prices. V '--3 53. 5 t ar.d 1 44. PI iltiinout'i, Ntbr. 6 s 1 r