The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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The American Legion Auxiliary
will hold their regular meeting for
the month of December at t lie Amer
ican Legion club rooms on Thursday
ai 'emuon. December 21st. at 2:..i.
All members ;ire uracil to be present.
as the annual election of officers
be field n r this time. Also come pre
pared to pay dties for the year 1S2".
Mrs. Lillian Freeman was anions
those nniiiir to Omaha this morn in
to spend a lew hours
inn to some mutters
there attend-
ot' business.
.Texas Man Says Ke Cannot Waste
! Time With Governor to Dis
' cuss Invisible Empire.
i' V'. ' A-:- -
7 ,
M 'f.. ....
A man's Christmas pres
ent need not be hard to
select, although often
times women believe it
so. First of all, if he hasn't a good, dependable watch,
wc would counsel early inspection of our line. If
he has
Washington. Dec. 10. Emphasiz
ing that he had not sought the con
versation he had yesterday with Gov
ernor Alb n. Pr. II. W. Kvans of Dal
las. T x.. imperial wizard of the Ku
Klux Klan. said today he had "lis-
tene:! to Mr. Allen two or three min-1
ntes in which he said he was in I
hearty sympathy with the Klan prin-
ciph-s. iul registered sonii
to the Klan regalia."
Too Klan mask will never he tak-
m, .,tY lw- K.-.'.'t.!! V! Tl !v it V:!S OMl'I
Cl . ..... . r. .
Jof the organizations lodge ygalia
Jjiand hi ver would be abolished.
i "1 ca me to
ant nuiness.
Lincoln. Dec. Hi. Lieutenant Gov
ernor Harrows, who took possession
of iov rnor M Kelvie's office as act
ing chief executive in the latter's
absence for tn days, is devoting
himself there to the preparation of a
moving picture censorship bill for
submission to the coming legisla
ture, he announced today.
"This bill will relieve all exhibi
tors and will place the burden of a
picture on the distributors, who will
be licensed and bonded," Harrows
Tim bill provides for a board of
censors, the acting governor said,
but it goes further than the bill ve-
(Entire Department Kept on Duty to
Investigate Clews Rooming:
House near Mint Guarded
Vashington on import
said Pr. Kvans, and
l r
In rPfii. white or yellow gold.
.SI. 7." to SIO. Also Simmons
vest chains, new patterns.
Pens, Pencils
Watch Charms
All fraternal organizations
cludinc Klks. Olii Fellows,
soi'.ic. K. of ('.. Ie .Mo!;;y,
American L-t:;' ?:. tc.
. in-Ma-the
Various shadts
and yellow uohl -
. is wiitcli. Leal v
white. fii'OeM
to match up
line- here.
Prill, is lie needs a fountain
pen that will write, or one of
the new ftyle P ncils in silver
or gold filled barrels.
Cuff Links
T: e nationally advertised Kum-::-p.irts
in white gold and fancy
t Aiso with emblems of
ail lodges.
Belts, Buckles
nd gold plated buckles.
have no intention of wastin
tim with Mr. Allen. It makes little
or no different-1 what Governor Allen
sevs. and what de does means ecn
The new imperial wizard of the in
visible empire held confab with Klan
officials in his hotel here today, but
Jfaiilnn hint of what was considered was
Sgjj disclosed. He w:'s accompanied to
Jti I Washington by a group of high offi
5;e:als of the trder.
S'i " The spirit of klan-craft." he said,
p'i' has enwrapped the T'nited States in
C?l a mantle of love for country which
designing and ambitious politicians
not brak. and in a few brief
objection t ,,vo vears airo bv Governor Mi
Kelvie, in that instead of leaving a
picture to the boards discretion it
ibriiKd specifir scenes which must
he barred.
'This bill in effect will prohibit
the showing of scenes in which mor
al turpitude is involved. liarrows
Omaha police were asked by fed
eral authorities yesterday to b Ou
tiie lookout for the bandits who held
up b:.t.k messengers at the govern
ment mint in Denver Monday and
escaped with $200,000.
Descriptions of the bandits have
been sent every police department in
the country, lederal agents said. Ev
ery bank has been warned to be on
the lookout for deposits of an unus
ual amount of bills.
nace equipped with thermostat.
House is located four blocks west of
Ford garage and two diocks irom iae
'high school. Terms can be made on
For immediate sale 'I offer my mod- one-half purchas" price. Call, or tc l
ern homo at $::,700.O0. Five rooms, j ephone my father, Henry Steinhauer,
bith and full basement, with large 'phone "4.1-J.
fruit cellar, coal bin, laundrv and1
furnace room. One pipe hot air fur-! Journal want ads pay. Try them
; jdesig
can n
Boonstra Was Unable
Frcm Place Because of Snow
Hikes 36 hours in Snow
to Get
Good Things to Eat for Your
Rings! Rings!
Nevr before have we been able
to i-ell rings at these prices.
Good, heavy solid gold monr.t
inas with genuine reconstructed
ruby settings. SIO. Large se
lection of mblem an ! sisnet
with or w :
ly ei.-rav.
hout the belt. Neat
! w-it limit additional
. ge.
Ash trays, cigarette cases, gold
fiiied combs. lodge receipt hold
ers, collar pins, rcarf pins, mili-
... III
years trie ninueitce oi ir.e iian win
iiave so engulfed the thought of the
country that we run expect intelli
gent legislation from ill" congress of
the C'lited States which will drag
down the white flag of supine iner
tia fr.mi our legislative halls and
raise in its place the militant Hag of
red. wl'"te and blue, which means the
tiling nearest the heart of every real
An;eri an."
tary brush sets,
mirrors, etc.
Our Gift Table Offers Many
Suitable Suggestions.
0. BROWN. Jeweler
Enmswick Phonographs
Diamonds Pearls Gems
Watches Clocks
and Records
Cut Glass
.-"Ve are now equipped to
Watch Repairing a Specialty.-
take care of all
Hring us vour
your repair work,
unruly timepieces.
,tfc iifrf -St
In the fire that destroyed the
Ixautitul home of Mr. and Mrs. .1.
M. I'almer at Nehawka. practically
everything in the home was lost, thei
only article savd being a small1
vvorkbasket which was on a window
?ill and was resetted through the
broken window by one of the neigh-!
bors. Among thr articles swept away '
in tiif lire was me lamiiy nioie,
which lias be-n i: the Palmer fam
ily for the past 2on years anl wiiich
was an heirloom without price and
w ill be impossible to t w r replace.
A bock containing the genology of
the Quin,o:i family of which Mrs.
i'almer was a m-mber. was also de
stroyed in the flames and the record
Of the family lost. Among the dis
tinguished figures that were includ
ed in the book was that of Salmon
P. Chase, war time secretary of the
treasury under President Lincoln
and later supr-'in" court justice, and
who belongs ;o the Q'.iin'.on fami
t ree.
p: t"y.i ws::
fm Vfy'
Most Lasting Gifts!
Are friends and friendships. We are at this time ex
lending to our friends wishes for lasting prosperity,
abounding health and permanent happiness.
ti."i iAlw o'V! y :.v sv'.? i. t s- l&hs& &v ;.
i ' --i. ; -."' -l.;-.-.v;-. '. ' "n "-' " : W - - .'.".r: .V..
-. , .1 .'... 1. '... i ..'.r..' 1. ''t.,J ,i .t'j.-.j i "'. il -fr . I .j A '! .--;' I
To AH Our Patrons!
We wish to extend a most hearty Merry Christmas
and best wishes for the New Year.
Nebraska Gas & Electric Co.
T. W. National Council
Revise Text Books and Free
Ex-Service Men.
Salt Lake City. Dec. If. Air Mail
Pilot Henry C. Poonstra, missing
since last Friday morning, when he
became lost in a blizzard enroute to
Pock Springs. Wyo.. was found alive
and well at the Kigby ranch. Coal
ville. Utah, early today by searching
part ies.
Koonstra declared that except for
a slightly frost bitten foot be was
The missing pilot sail his plane
was forced down Friday morning on
Porcupine ridge about 12 miles
northeast of Coalville and that he
hiked thru the deep snow until Sat
urday night .'!' hours before tin
ally reaching .shelter at the ranch,
which is about four miles south and
east of Porcupine.
Tlure is no telephone service to
the ranch and Koonstra declared he
was awaiting better weather before
going to Coalville to notify Salt Lake
air mail authorities of his safety and
v hereabouts.
Makes Good Landing
P.oonstra said he made a perfect
landing on the flat unwoodeil surface
of Porcupine ridge, but predicted
that salvage of bis plane is impossi
ble hi cause of the snow. He believes
it will have to -rest where it is as a
memorial to air mail pluck.
Throughout yesterday a dozen or
more airplanes were scouting over
northeastern I'tah and southwestern
Wyoming in the hope of finding
Koonstra. The search was without
result until late afternoon, when
l Pilot Paul Scott of Salt Lake came
j in with the report that he had sight
led an airplane apparently wrecked
ion Porcupine rdge and a searching
irty was immediately oispatcnea
rom i OaiviiiH. it was uiib icscue
iiano mat Kiuiiu ijimiiMiii ui
i ranch.
Would' Kr.onsfra is cxpe
Lake late today.
Denver. Dec. 1!. Denver .state
and ftdcral authorities tonight, after
a day and night spent in searching
ior the masked bandits who yester
day morning shot ami killed Charles
Linton, stole a consignment of ?2oo.-j
imm) irom tederal reserve guards ana
then made- their escape, in one of the
most daring and sensational daylight
holdups ever staged in the west,
wt re without, tangible clews as to the
identity of the bandits tonight.
Police, spurred on by the offering
of a reward of Slb.Oot) for the ban
dits, dead or alive, by the city and
county of Denver and by an addi
tional reward aggregating Sii.oou of
fered bv the Kansas City Federal
(bank, admitted that although they
had many clews that promised pos-i M
sibilities they were still far from thelQ
solution of the holdup. Detectives and I Ej
I patrolmen, the entire department
having been on duty during the day,
were dispatched throughout the city
many times today in investigating
the numerous clews that came to the
attention of the police.
Watch Rooming House
Tonight a squad of II detectives
are engaged in watching a rooming
house in the immediate vicinity of
the government mint, where earlier
in the day, a car. evidently left on
the street by the bandits to be Used
in case of accident to their own ma
chine during the holdup, was dis
covered through information furnish
ed by a woman. The car. an invest
igation showed, had been stolen Sun
day evening and was equipped with a
licttise tag stolen more than two
weeks ago from the car of the deputy
Jtounty clerk of Jefferson county at
; Colden.
The automobile, according to the
woman, had leen parked on the
street by three men about an hour
preceding the holdup and subsequent
gun fight on the front steps of the)
main entrance to the mint. Invest!-,
Igation today showed that the gaso
line tank had been well filled. i
V egetables
Head Lettuce
Leai Lettuce
Sweet Potatoes
Carre ts
Dried Fruits
Grape Fruit
Mince Meat
Canned Veget
ables Corn
Canned Fruits
Roycl Anne Cherries
Jellies and
Orange Marmolade
Currant Jelly
Quince Jelly
Cranberry Sauce
Apple Butter
All Pure Fruit.
Richlieu Olives stuffed with Almond and Celery.
Blue Label Sweet Pickled Pears, per jar
Monarch Imported Malaga Grapes, per lb
Holly, Holly Wreaths, Mistletoe,
Nuts and Xmas Candy.
$ .65
Dry Goods Phone 53
Grocery Phones 54, 144
n s s n ca ran
ted to reach Salt
-Revision of
Government Seems Anxicus to Get
Work Through Would Stand
Half cf the Expense.
Cincinnati. Dec. 19
the American history text books,
now in use in public schools, with
the view of eliminating 'un-American
ideals" was proposed at the
meeting of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars by Col. T. L. Huston, national
commander of the -organization,
which concluded a two day confer
ence of national ami state executives
or the middle west nere today. I rrho paving of the
A motion requesting President i,iRi,way that is used
naming to investigate ami consider -iU 1 0jsts everv week
pardon cases ot ex-service men serv
ing court martial sentences before
considering those of so-called politi
cal prsioners was also considered by
the national council.
Adoption of the motion was in line
with a suggestion offered by Col 11.
Forbes, director of the veterans' bu
reau in an address before the confer
ence when he declared that 20,000
ex-service nmn are in prison serving
time for various offenses, where they
have been forgotten."
House Proponents Say Would Block
Escape of Swollen Fortunes j
"Little Fellows" Pay.
Washington. Dec.
sharp preliminary
house took up today a
posing an amendment
10. After n
skirmish the
resolution pro-,
to the consti
tution under which
l exempt securities by
issuance ol tax
the federal gov-
Washington. Dec. lf. Veterans of
the Civil war. widows of veterans and
Civil war nurses probably will re
ceive Christmas presents from the
government in the form of increased
pensions as the result of an agree
ment reached by conferees on the
f'.ursum pension bill.
The bill was passed by the senate
last summer and by the house at the
recent special session. Slight differ
ences bettwen the two houses have
been compromised and the author of
the bill. Senator Kursum, republican.
New Mexico, announced today that
he hope! to obtain fiiml congression
al action and the presidential signa
ture before Christmas.
Pensions of veterans are increased
under Hie measure from $50 and $72
a month, widows' pension from $30
to .0 ami nurses pensions from
-30 to $50.
One of the most unique and pleas
ing lines of incense burners that has
been brought to this city is now
ready at the Journal stationery de
partment. The Vantine line is the
best that can he found in the United
States and their various designs of
burners for the delicately perfumed
incense are more than usually at
tractive and the different styles are
suited for either the business house,
office or home. If you are seeking
a gift that is different aud one of
the latest features of the season you
should look over the Vantine line of
incense burners. i
K. T. road, the
by thousands of
.cry week, is again me suo-
iect of more or less discussion in the
pood roads circles of Omaha and the
action that is particularly discussed
is that which leads from Omaha to
Fort Crook, the army headquarters
of the Seventh corps area. "The gov
ernment will pay half of the paving
expense of the King of Trails, the
highway that passes Fort Crook, if
Nebraska wil! pay the other half."
Major C.eneral Oeorge K. Duncan,
commander of the Seventh corps area,
said he was given to understand in
Washington where he was recently
prior to coming to Omaha to assume
command of the post there.
The sentiment seemed favorable to
tho work from the standpoint of the
government department officials, the
general said.
The paving of rue section of road
from the end of the present paving
in Albright to the army post would
be a proceeding that would be hail
ed with delight by those who travel
over the road and is a matter in
which every resident of the south
eastern portion of the state is inter
ested. The section of road in ques
tion is always rough and hard to take
care of and particularly that wincn
inins nn to the Omaha raving and
any action that would lead to a per
manent road being made by paving
would he a ereat boon to the auto
traveling public.
The last session of the legislature
had the project before them and it
was discussed pro and con for the
greater part of the session but with
out any real action being taken that
would -better the condition, as the
Sarpy county authorities were not
overly enthusiastic in getting in with
their share of the cost as proposed
by the legislature.
Somo favorable action in the mat
ter would certainly be appreciated
by everyone who uses the road into
Omaha and from the city south to
the state line along the K. T. high
way the residents will be practically
unanimous iu their desire to have the
work takcu up.
You will find the finest line of
Christmas stationery in the city at
the Journal office.
ernment and the states would be pro
hibited. Packed by the indorsement of
President Harding and the treasury,
the proposal was the center of a hard
fight, in which many republicans op
posed it. Passage of the measure, of
fered by Representative Greene, Iowa
ranking republican of the ways and
means committee which reported it,
will require a two-thirds vote of the
house. Opponents claimed tonight it
would be defeated, although leaders
who caused it to be brought up in
sisted it would go through. Four
hours of general debate, alloted un-
!der a special rule giving the meas
ure right ot way, naa not oeen con
cluded on adjournment tonight.
Chairman Fordney of the ways and
means committee, Mr. Greene and
Representative Mills, republican,
New Pork, also of the committee,
urged passage of the measure, while
Representative Garner, Texas, rank
ing democrat of the ways and means
committee, directed the light against
passage and made the principal
Throughout the debate the ques
tion continuously bobbed up that the
proposal would invade the rights of
the states to control their own credit.
Mr. Fordney supported the resolu
tion because, lie said, he wanted the
states to have the right to pass on
the question. He says he had doubts
of the wisdom of the purpose sought
by the amendment.
Issuance of tax exempt securities
is unsound, "whether we look at it
from fiscal, economic or social stand
point," said Representative Mills
From tho economic standpoint, he
said, they were "indefensible."
Representative Green cited figures
to prove that the tax burden was be
ing shifted under present laws from
the rich to the small taxpayer. In
19 1G, he said, tax returns of persons
with incomes of more than $300,000
numbered 1,296, but in 1920 the
number decreased to 395, due, lie de
clared, to investments in tax-exempt
securities. On the other hand, he
said, the number of small income
taxpayers had increased by 2,000,-
000 in 1919 alone.
Representative Garner attacked
the proposed amendment as giving
power to tne tederal government to
restrict and if necessary to prohibit,
the issuance of county. 6tate and mu
nicipal bonds "in order that capital
may go into other industries such as
the framera of this proposal may de
sire it to go." i
A Merry Christmas!
c are wisning to an
lor the new vear.
our patrons and friends
& Swatek
Soon Be Here!
And a little advance information will make your
Christmas Card buying much easier.
We have the largest line this season that was ever
stocked in a retail store in Nebraska.
Cards for Every Member of
the Family!
If you do not Christmas Shop in Plattsmouth send
us a dollar by mail, telling us how many cards you
want for the dollar, and we will mail them to you,
and guarantee satisfaction.
Cards from 1 c to 1 .00
The Journal Office
Piattsmouth, Nebraska