is THTS5EAY. IICEKBZH 1922. PLATTSJJOTJTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOT7BNAI hoe nva 21 at! I Prepared in the Murray Department Ictcrfc-t, o! the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readeri If ftOT of the readers of the Journal kno of any aoc:al est or Item of Interest In this vicinity, and ill mail itme to this office, it will ap pear under this heaolnp. We want ail newt item Editoh up before returning to her home iu ' Murray. Mr. Geary remained for a turned to his home in Murray. The J many friend3 of this excellent lady ' in Murray will be pleased to know of her success in this operation and are wishing that her former health will be restored. War Saving Stamps! Your W ar Savings Stamps will be due and payable January Isi, 1923. All stamps that were registered, must be presented fcr payment at the post office where such registration was made. All stamps net registered may be cashed at your bank. We will be rlacl to handle your stamps for you and give ycu the cash or credit on January 1st. Vv'e have a "System" calendar for ycu with space for accounts and income tax. Better get yours. Mii 1 L CLj State nk MURRAY NEBRASKA Mr. and Mr? . M. G. Chun hill w re ;ir.i; am! lookiug :.;ttr some busi--- matters it: i'latt.-uiouth last l:i-t w ;. : n ' .). W W::.--.-:i : : (;. : :.!..:- r. i;: M irk :i '.'.'. t k! eillu- W. Liuvjht Tuesday m evening to .; wkoer he ilif winter. r arrived in Murray ming and went in Wli home of W. t). 1 cut wood dur- u I a a L.U . Ar mur !.s last to his ! :u kin:; -mouth W v:: :vi A. A. W. tn;i w;t:i i : :.- a num : ri-irin th-; v.;.s : ssisa d Gruher was V. I . " : . i i i icrson anil wife were last Sunday at the home of iv-s ami lrieuds in Omaha and nod to lo k after the business i:i the store. :1 I.- vz' -r of Nebraska City was ir;r in Murray last Sunday be guest at the home of his par !.. ai l Mr.-. J. W. L'erger. !iir in his car. J. Schae fit r w ho lives west of . . as a vi-in.r at Nehawka and -sed the burniuc of the home am ail I he Mrs on'; to H. Palmer assist in pui and ins t;re. ; i; r; :n i' a ru; bv 'IT: ;rr G Ni kies. ( :. art enm-u )::.: o; thi Hi of Mr. we ro ha la.- t is week u ( a t! V e X T : hi; Wiilard :i is lik ; i'y. -i W. T. Virgin (f at lhe ; Murray, r. .t inr; is a v i s i -.- h'okir.i: !ie fii'uifM and ac ent of the Missouri ;:i th. is station, ae- Mrs. Staskan. was vis rt time in Lincoln last rat':rday evininp;. G'yd" Filnmre who has been pi(k-c-:i n. ar Cedar Cret k at the :- r:n -'i I'ar' Mayfield. concluded his inn ; : Lie to .Murray last i ues- y v. -'. re he is visiting with a DUffi- of hi- friends. 'V. (i. Ti'i.i;. h.T.iled a truck load a lni- to the South Omaha mar- list Tues.'.ay for Troy Shrader. Vr-'.v Shrader shipped two car '! cattle to tne s,outn umana ik'T last Wednesdap. A ' ' '-pi'. 'ine sransr was h-re last -.-lay loading a car with poles for i:.i i.t l.-ewhere for use of the :.:. The tlephcinf company has ! t :. . d slock of poles in their i i ; for use over their lines. , 3.r' - of n. -a r t'nion was a or in A'urray last Tuesday or in to ;i'.ir LhM' a windmill for a new ; . 1 : i. I:a- i T had sur.k on Wiles. Troy Wiles and Earl Wiles of Weeping Water and Manley were all here last Sunday attending the J funeral of the late Mrs. Warren Wiley, which occurred at the Chris tian church last Sunday. A. A. Johnson, who has been work ing at South Omaha for the past few months at his trade as h. carpenter, arrived in Murray last Monday eve ning on the bus for a visit with rela tives and friends here and is staying at the Hotel Berger for the present. Kollin S. Collins and wife, who have been working for some time at the home of Albert Wilson, departed last Tuesday afternoon for Omaha, where they will visit for a short time and then depart for Oakland, Okla., where they will expect to spend the winter. Harry Creamer and family were here visiting for a few days during the early portion of the week, they being called here on account of the death of Mrs. Warren Wiley who died at her home in the west as a result of being burned very badly while starting a fire. G. W. McCrackcn and wife were visiting with relatives and friends in Ouiaha last Tuesday as well as Mr. McCracken looking after some busi ness matters in connection with tKeT store as well. While they were away V ncle V: A. Root looked after mat ters at the drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapen were visiting in Murray with friends for a day or so this week having arrived here last Sunday called on account of the death of Mrs. Warren Wiley, whose funeral was held here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gapen return ed to their home in west last Wed nesday. The Murray schools will dose one week for the holiday season and thus cnablt all the teachers to have a full week at their homes. Miss Nellie Kelly whose home is in Lincoln, will spend her time there, while Misses Raiiuy and Ptak will spend their time in their homes at Tlattsmouth and Miss Beulah Sans will remain in Murray. The Rev. W. F. Graham, pastor of the Presbyterian church, present ed the Journal with a cory of the booklet which is a produc tion of this SHAYLER SAYS FEAR KEEPS AMERICA OUT as Nation Stands by Would Christianize the U. S. hop Shaykr said yesterday ! the Omaha Min and Donabelle Edmisten was well executed and full of fua from begin ning to end. we were somewnai surpnseu AssertB Thousands Slain in Near East unci we iiae a. auue imuu in uui midst i nthe person of Mrs. Charles Spaugler who convulsed the audience in a reading. Si and I and their trip to the city and they certainly "never had such a time in their lives." Little Charlotte Field also pleased! the audience with her songs and j appearance. i The playlet wno -s uoss. was well presented aud fully appreciat ed. Every part was so well taken it is needless to comment on each indi vidual of the cast separately. Suffice to say it was 100 per cent good in every part. The popular artists Field and Cook from our neighboring city of Flatts mouth furnished the climax to the entertainment with their songs, jokes and blackface comedy stuff. These boys are hard to beat and when their names appear on any bill the audi ence is assured of plenty of pood wholesome fun. Taken altogether as stnted in the begining it was a suc cess and as it is the intention of the club to put on several more during the winter if you are called to de vote your time and talent, don't be selfish and expect the same ones to do all the work. If you think its all fun get in the game and find out th" truth. In conclusion will say the only criticism heard on the enter tainment was that:it was too short" and as it lasted the better part of ! carnzation two hours we consider this the great est compliment that could be paid any entertainment. Have Yon $50 a Month for a $25,000.00 Estate? 1 ' When I see our government at Washington permeated with fear in its diplomatic relut ions, afraid to e n ter into what is calle-d an entangling alliance, it makes one almost wish some times that he was not an Amer ican." li 1 i in his address before istcrial union. "The United States is standing aloof from the European nations while countries are being wrecked and thousands of persons are being slain in the Near East," the speaker continued. "This is caused by an un righteous fear that would be abol ished by a sincere belief in the Chiistian religion." "Fear has not been abolished uni versally because the world has not been Christianized. When the real, genuine influence of Christ is felt, then fear will be banished." Ilishop Shayler said the world at the pre-sent time was living in a maze of movement. "Everyone is on the go." ho explained. "Most every one hates to be alone, for in the si lence God is found." lie said more time should be giv en to Christianizing America and i lvs time to certain types of Ameri- work. No surer or better way to rvmass a G',h compound interest ruch pnj' $25,000 in 21 years. Thousands of nun and women ar a fund Lv rejru?ar!y ir.vostiti'r in small fortune. At ments aggregate ac cumulating such HOME BUILDERS' GUARANTEED 7 $1 PREFERRED SHARES AND 7 FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS secured by high class business properties. The safe and sure road to financial independence. Ask us for full information. American Security Company Investment Brokers O-nhi Nebraska VIOLET SCHMIDT WINS I PAHOLE FSOK BOASD l to ! ! V' lo pr:, jtlde Mi T ': ol-t , L a seli- ivar.-lrom Mrs. Warren Wiley at Eest Viola May Young, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young. Sr.. was born near Murray June :5i, IST.s and died Den-. 1C, 122. Age 4 4 years. 5 months and 16 days. She was mar ried to Warren M. Wiley April 3. lai'7, at Murray, Neb. There were born to this union to daughters. Sarah Elizabeth, age 3 1. and Mar garet, age 7. who. wii'.i the father, are left to mou terhn death of a faithful wife and loving mother. She also leaves to mourn her death three sisters. Mrs. Anna White, Madison. eeemeu ..,. 11. ru n i -u California: Mrs. Lloyd Gapen. Pali UMier. c in la a 1 1 i t uuuiit'uuttwiv i , ,5 . - , w oik. being composed of poems writ ten by himself. Rev. Graham is mak ing an excellent minister for the church here and with his family is a material addition to the village of Murray. ior. Tu- : r P ay a 1 1 - -ov r . .-Jr. aT.-ra: rarris purchased the tus from Untie Sain- ! Had a Serious Fall 1 Mrs. P. F. Prendel while going to Hi" home of her son. Dr. J. F. Rren- cb 1 last Saturday evening, slipped on !the icy pavement, falling and receiv i ine a confusion of one of the muscles land tendons of her ankle and also 'sustained a slight lateral fracture of one or tne nones oi tne lower leg. Sh" is petting along nicely but it will probably be several clays before she will be able to walk on the member. .:.;t::. -rs Msdamo? George ii u Our Friends: old rrre 1 LIIV l :i ! 1 del thought, and same CKRIS1MKS ar.d z. rue; tcsL.'j: or Lhe r ood tlm 1' Pudding 5iravibrrnr Preserve Cornb rt ; am la-tet! Olives Ripe Olives FRUITS, N13TS AND s voa will want for Honey Onves Lemons i r. p-jcrS Apples Cranberries CANDILS AND NUTS CreEtm Mixed Satin Pillows Peanut Brittb Taffy Broken Mij-ed Ribbcn Mixed VEGETABLES . Dales Figs Raisins Lettuce Celery Pecans English Walnuts Fresh Peanuts Salted Peanuts Mixed Nuts Almonds Dr. Brendel Undergoes Operation Dr. P. V. Brendel, who has been sick for the past year and more and who underwent a preparatory opera tion at Kansas City several weeks since and who has been at home since went to Omaha some time since and on last Monday underwent an opera tion which it is hoped will effect a permanent cure. Drs. J. W. Brendel and J. F. T.rendel and T. J. Brendel v.crn with their father during the operation. It is hoped that Dr. Bren del will be enabled to return to his home in the near future and will soon be well again. Receiving Treatment at Hospital Last Monday Herman Gansmer, who has been feeling very poorly and who has been having some hem morhages from li is lungs, under the pelvice of his physician was taken to Omaha where he received a very thorough clinic and a course of treat ment prescribed. He will remain there for some time. Mr. A. Gans mer took the party to Omaha. sace. Aebraska; -Mrs. Harry creamer, Overton, Nebraska: two brothers. Dr. Burton Young. Forgui.. Oklahoma; (Arthur of Madison, California. Mrs. Wiley's death was caused from burns received so:ae four weeks before when in the act of restarting a fire the kerosene can exploded, setting her clothing on fire and alse the room. She first put out the fire on her person by rolling in the snow and then with water she put out the one in the room, she then called for help and the doctor as she was alone at the time of the accident. All was eionedone to stop her suffering that human hands could do. She bore her pains and waited patiently until the end came. She was taken to Jules burg, Colorado, by her doctor the day before her death to the hospital in hopes that more could be done for her but she passed away during the night. Mrs. Wiley was a good woman and her death is not only mourned by her relatives but by "u host of friends as well. Funeral services were held at the Christian church in Murray at 12 o'clock Sunday, conducted by Rev. Williams of Clay Center, Ne braska, an old friend of the family. She united with the Christian church when a young girl and has been a devout member since that time. During the services two songs we re sung by the choir, they being "We are Going Down the Valley" and "Face to Face." Mrs. Hiatt sung as a solo "Death is Only a Dream." Her body was laid to rest in the Young cemetery where her father and moth er anl two brothers sleep. FEDERAL COURT WILL HEAR RAIL TAX SUIT TODAY Commissioner Osborne and Attorney Complete Case Phone Com pany Seeks Rate Increase. Lincoln. Dec. 17 By working night and day the past week. State Tax Commissioner W II. Osborne and Hush Lamaster. aforney for the state board, have completed the case they w-ill present in lederal court at Omaha tomorrow, when three rail road companies the Burlington, the Northwestern and the Minneapolis Omaha ask for relief from the tax assessement made ng'iinst them. At the same time the Northwestern Pell Telephone company will argue for the right to raise its rates, which the state railway commission has de nied. The three railroad companies will a.-k for a lowering of approximately 4 i per cent from the assessement against them made by the state board of taxation. They claim they are assessed at more than their full val ue, while lands are returned at t;s Lim-ohi. Dec l'.i. Mi-s Se-rn.tdt. 22. Omaha stenoratd V horn District Judge- Troup i,:.; terize.l as a "dangerous girl" and natural born vamp" when lie s t need her to iroi.i one to tnre. for forsre-ry. has won a parole lhe pi-nitentiary. And he-re's what N. T. Harmon, e'.iief probation ofTici r said about her. when he r"porr.-d h-r !;..-e o the parole board : "She- w-;,t iroi.i a character of the h'iie-t integrity to lhe it;-: us of vagrancy." He said this her m aft'T wouldn't " farmer ; o a r pM- f a rm - i. : n a:! in I.o LOC A T E D A T M URKA Y Specialist en Swine Cattle Diseases md DR. G, L. TAYLOR Veterinarian was the re -ul t of : of her me.: her. Friends of Mis I let o- r the- (i'aih Will tie-!! e. receive cil!--Murrav. Pho: at re ie No. i Schmidt a: te:npt- per cent or tlureabo a! value. 1 hey are serted. to submit davits to support e!er : i-how ts of their actu- prcpared. it is as a number of affi their claim of ur.- ssessement of lands and some to they ar- over assessed. Goad Cow for Sale I have a good fresh milk cow sale. Call Wm. Nickles, Murray ephone No. 1811. for tel- Are Running Again Tho bus line which has been doing , People of Murra hut slight duty as a common carrier on account of the icy roads, has again instituted full time service and have a schedule at Murray going north at 8: ":4r p. m. 2:45 p. m. 00 a. m.. 2:00 p. m. Going south and 6:45 p. 8:45 HI and m.. Card of Thanks We desire to express our thanks for the very kind way in which the y and vicinity ren dered assistance and sympathy at the time of the funeral of our be loved wife, sister, daughter and mother. Warren Wiley and child ren: Mr. and Mrs. lioya oapen; -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Creamer; Grandma iley. The defense of the tax commis sioner and the state board has not been divulsred. further than to asi.rt in a general way that railroad taxes conform to that on other property. Husbands are wanted for the 150 wives abandoned by the former sul tan of Turkey when he tied Constan tinople harem-scarem. Most of these were gifts from governors of Ori ental provinces, and not one but was selected for her beauty and perfec tion of her figure. Lines form at the risrht. Christmas Headquarters We are heedqua banan;:: and all kind mas ecods in this line of e1 fcr at the line. same time furnish carjeaes, nuls, or:tn:;es See us for your (i:.rM t cap. save you monev ar: you the actuall ruit We b in lhe prod: e nave even mine m ine nne w ce the best Christmas dinner. hich it iakis to J. W. CHILI MURRAY -:- -:- Xi ji Ais. i ..' x Elank books at tne Jonrnal 02ke. lb. 50c (V'-rdon'o cream chocolates, bulk, per Gordon's fancy cream chocolates, Yi, 1 and 2-lb. boxes. Stcre -:yl be Cpen Friday Night for Christmas Shoppers We Close All Day Christmas. cm lit VS1 Telephone No. 12 Soeimichsen&Co. Murray, Nebraska Violet Keil Lucky Girl Miss Violet Keil was the success ful one in the drawing of the center piece which was given away at the play last week of the Community club The piece which was one of great beauty was made by Mrs. Christina Tracy and was drawn on number 115. Miss Keil prizes the piece very highly. Community Club Play The entertainment given by the Community tlub Friday evening was a success in every way and was pat ronized by a full house. The Cole orchestra was liberal wnn tnur selections aud which were fully appreciated as was attested by tne cans ior encores, inis organiza tion or musicians is well worthy of a place on any program and can in themselves delight any audience in a full evening's program of music This community appreciates and feels proud of this company of ar tists and wish to take this opportun ity to thank them for their services so liberally extended on this and the various other occasions when they Mrs. C. D. Geary Doing; Nicely Mrs. C. F. Geary who with Mr. leary departed from Murray on De- emoer ... going to w averiy. lowa. where on December 6 she entered a lospital and underwent a very criti cal operation, is reported as getting along very nicely, having progressed so that she is no wahle to be removed from the hospital and will for a short time visit at the home of C. H. Howe at Janesville, Iowa, m order to rest Public Sales! I will serve lunch at public sales Make dates with Col. W. R. Youne and notify me and I will be there Call Murray phone 1712. I will pay for the call. Oscar Jailer, Murray, Nebraska eterson Hardware Co. n well as; or Led with anvthin-' PUBLIC JIICTI0N ! As I have bought the Robert Shra der farm, stock and machinery, lo cated five and one-half miles south east of Murray and one-half mile south of the George Shrader home stead and have decided to sell at auc tion on Thursday, December 28 the following described property: Horses ; ()" black mare, ten years old. weisrht l."00: one black mare, ten years obi. weight 1.2(H); cm" bay mare. e-i;ht years old. weight l.P.Oo; one sorrel 1 mare, eight years old, weight l.oOO: one brown mare, live years old,, weight 1.000. Four of these mares are in foal. Service fee to follow. Cattle One milk cow, 5 years old: two spring calves, fourteen shoats. Farm Implements One two-section harrow, one West ern Ibdl riding lister, one Jenny Lind cultivator, one New Century cultivator, one bob sled, one New ton wagon, one Moline wagon, one to) buggy, one stirring plow, one 12 -inch work harness, one lVi-inch harness, and many other articles too numerous to mention. This sfeifk and n-iacbinerv will tins- I itively be sold to the highest bidder. Terms of Sale All sums under $10, cash, all sums over $1, six months' time will be given, purcnaser giving good DanK able note bearing eight per cent in terest. All property to be settled for before being removed. FRANK VALLERY, Owner. W. R. YOUNG. Auct. We are here to do business and make vou money as well as ourselves. We are carrying stock of hardware and can supply you in our line at money-saving prices. Look for our new ad in this space rrrfr X.rr n-ill lm- li i n -r crrinrl you at that time. in good to next week mnouncc to eterson Murray, Nebraska. Hardware Roll in the L ogs! W T- , 1 We are nrenared to turn -sour los into lum: and dimension stuff fcr your buildings, and v. ilh !u : ber at the prices at which it sells vve can save you bcm:' money. Our saw mill is located a mile and on-!i:;!f east of Murray. See us for your lumber sawing. OLE VER. LLOYD. MURRAY -:- -:- NEB R ASK A T.J WT9 T. Ftstula-Pay Whed Gurrf A n.iltf rrtra rf ttn'xwt ?l.t r Pit. mm A am rmj rtrrS !n tht caur Hv-reptd for tr?r.ri :i 1 M'd artli r4 H'rltr fnr hook on Rt-?j I-miw w - n r . .. - r f Kir ti.B l.CMVO rTiitir.: por-!. w?ii ht r''''"!lf,r have helped us. K. B. TAJUtT. (U4'i:utm. frrt Tra' BIJl. ejir i..f . The little Hebrew Skit by Glen jW. G. BOEDEKEK, Clerk. " la.Lt. JaiMUB, m