PLATTSMOtTTH SEM-WEEKLY THURSDAY, EECE7.IEIE, 21, 1922. JOTJENAI PACE POTTS ALCOHOLIC PROPAGANDA PUBLISHED SZLII-WEEXLY AT PLATTSiiOUTH, NEBlLASKA Ertere.l t Pob'.o:TI-e, Iattsniouih. Neb., es pocond-class reJl matter R . A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 ITi YEAS IN ADVANCE i I Our American doughboys on the Rhine have just won the most not- An ('astern propagandist sends usjaoie victory of the war. They have a large mess of his literature in ad- I conquered the hearts of the little vocacy of modification of the Vol- j German children there by making up stead act so as to permit the sale of a purse of many million marks to , light wines and beers. supply them with Christmas cheer. j Frankly, we can't enthuse overwt. safely predict the fruits, of this the proposition, despite the earnest victory will be more lasting than any and persuasive appeal of the propa- treaties formed by diplomats divid- andist. ing spoils. Indeed this is the only Booze ia booze, regardless of un- way to wage "a war to end wars." dcr what guise it comes. "The laboring classes, the i Winning hearts, not breaking heads, bone is the better recipe. - !, and sinew of our nation, demand :o:- Of course, if the powers insist up- PUT TRUST IN GOD Yes. it is cold- romf'ort. Trust ye nx in a friend, put ye : not confidence in a guide; a man's J enemies are the men mi his own house. Therefore I will look unto the Lord. Mi. ah vii, i and C. I . :o: An open Mind is much better than an open mouth. i on a new naval race in the eon i thirst, whether struction of war crafts within the :o Holiday shopping has been pretty air so far. Most women excused to town gos ii) cat I; it. 'light wine and beer." says the booze' much too cohl for nrnp.i"iii(!i!t ; I Well, a thirst is harbored in the throat of a laborer Washington conterenee limitations, or a millionaire. ;t is gratifying to retlect ihe If liquor is a good thing for strong United States is in better shape to men. it ought to be good also for build them than any other country if v.-ak women. Of course women are it is forced to it. i v . v. . v ii Wit n n-fciSJi L n 7, t" ' , .... --- . ', , ', n " ..... . ' Kentucky in road building poiic : n- fJ2l had t'ne iirst It vvill soon your ice crop. he time to harvest t One r.d vantage in wearing a derby is that nobody wants to .-tt;! it. Production of 1 f22 is 10 per ecu, higher ihan of 19i. :o: Happiness t a gr zt inu; y people now quoted F. O. IJ. Detroit. 11.11 hath i:o woman when house. :o: f ury like that of a : o : Furnaces arj like husbands. If you don't watch i!:"':! they go out. "About t'::i time f ar," the tdd nhnarac used to say, weather." supposed to be more insistent upon :o: the social protection of their child- Premier lionar Law told the house (ren than for the same protection for of commons yesterday that IJrittain their husband-; or themselves. We 'could not pay its debt to Arr.' rica usually think of women as being op-J while other nations failed to pay posed to liquor because ;t undoubt- j heir debts to IJrittain. Couldn't lie ('ly (iocs demoralize tlie young and, have managed to keep that b:i k :i:i uebauch the weak. P.ut if liquor is: til after Christmas? for the! mothers it is : o:nr thing to h de-J Wrap your Christmas packages main! for the children. If it is a j well, r.ays the postoffice department. .of..l thing for the oh!, t'ne young 'And if the package, after being The Yukiidc, v.Is Mm n .ocJ feliowchi'o rr.d .hz tendsrest fee! have full sway, is linockrn at our ooars. i r1ris. ri.?, U:z sJcciiest time or the whole year, vill coon be here, with r:ini? Clans and s!I rittt (or '.hz l:;tb ones, and as lo Jhet, the bis ones a? v.xM, vA be Fre--en-5. tokens cf love end friend ship, have been iven at ihis ', sr.d oi?o ot il.2 i kest r i-clices you track mud in her . .-emethiiig to be demanded ceme to uj and !3ante C'aua is a look for cold should b taught to it?e it. If it is a 'wrapped well, still gives out ;- guri sUniial, nice r::d ruLs ti ?.t last and cciivc r I- am' cclcbraiioii of Christmas gcod gifts, sub- - 1. 1 At 1 If all the big paki.ig firms merge we will have only one to denounce. ; f , A self vv.ul man usually is a man who stle-nol a ww"v that m-.'le hi.n work. 1., Evt-r notice ho.v vcrybe'iy talkinir w!:c!i you save something smart to say? Christmas is a time when one finds i on: '.iow dose some of one's tlos trkr.ds are. r, tie it is a good thing to be guzzied in a saloon, if it is a good tiling j to have around the house it is a good (tiling to lmv" .tm'iikI the school. If A:: - a file 1 1 his ; tis; i oi.e who loses faith in : -o : c- Y u can worry him waitiic and ing her guessing. n.r. 'i by kep:ni by ke oKiiy that doesn't agree with l:i:;g. -o- T!: lMhe.v w!io d-tsn't tPr.l to look at a pretty '.vomni probably decsn't see her. : r The supreme court may be expect- , ed to put on more air:; than ever. It has a Bin h r no v. ; 0 luii;!: bors tiiink that of emir.:' over to ber- Dlack .-iiirts a; row. but vi: :i y huat in e the style iti Home in ye u don't .ui;s. ;o:d thing to he sucked out of a bot-'liT sound, better not mail it at all. ttti The Turks want to trade with us. We could sell them Turkish cigar ettes. Turkish towels and Turkish baths. to: Christmas cards in all designs. Beautiful remembrances of the kind frienis can be found at the Journal slock- Hcve -au :ery appA cp: is.te. T 11 up of tne giver ve iiav in 'it is a good thing f h;:ve at all it is Too raar.y thrift con-i-'- row a cup of A Cali for: s-v linr in mit-. (i ;hi ing his i : I'-ui was arrested for a car 'o1. '. 'd with lyna re.vard him for tak- aleng with the rest. ?UiT) r. Li th r tl: it.' rs;on lo.r.o- ' The 1-rst ruts rp crrowr. ;i .' iea." rea.", "- an miv ri i-e-r.; rr.i. V was's ib . Seventy per ten' of the an bibs built i:12 hf. ve bee: for les than $1.0u'. :i: Never complain r.lout the weath er, other people might object t, your P: o 1 c i : i I c' a . " 1". ol is f. rcrot . th- r.ex breaking up sr-lec t a confc v- ' -o:o- ahou stealing their thunder. Even when th will of t'. is expressed, through by it 1.4 w dow 'rci"ht. r.t'y i ;:i ! ! i It i' -is r s' a'jfiut g ittc ti so in i l'!?. tismouth t!:-it it is r.s danacrous i I te c ross M;'iu stree t among automo- bil.s as to stay home and drink i wood ale oho!. the st ('i.-iila. cs the ship favor of amit'.i'T. it !:.:t ! he s -:i::;e v. ants having t-V r,y ni un ; on !i;:ad. d- If -uhsidy biil i; !-:;iv aian on!; . to m: l;e jr.,:.,,,, jgool to le used cm ve;:ient ly and at will. So. le? those who demand the re turn of liquor (' rop their hyprocriti cal pretc-ntion that thy ijon't want the saloon. They do want the saloon. The saloon is no better ar.d no wor:-e than th- stuff it seil;. Also let these who demand beer and wine drop thejr hypocritical opposition to hard liquors. If alcohol is desirable in wine and beer it . desirable in whi-ky and 1-ratidy. Le's be dry or wet. as we hoos", uit , t s not be hypocrites in any case. Here in Nebraska v.e are getting along mighty well with the Volstead a-t. Nobody xpect--d it to be per-fe-tly enforced at the very beginning 1 ut we have made far ur'-ater head way in that direction than even the mo-t ardent prohiihtionists had hop ed for. Thousands of homes have been ira.'l" happy been use of this law, thousands of derelicts have been res 'ii' d from the jaws of hell, a better standard of public morals is being raised and when yo'i hear of any person demanding 1 ' jrh t wines and beer you ran generally size him up as some old rur.i soak who still thinks ithat his "personal liberties" have We r.:C rr :Kii VjCi CC i cis. have Stick Pins, Ri";;:.?, Chain 3, Charm.?, iact a ycoc line to select from. o Pir.. at this time, r.Ped ana in We can be thankful every ;!;y w are not postal enr-loves watl;in;. Christ mas retting so :o: :r. The bail of a 1; otleg ier in N York was placed a? 'H'l.O'oi. it took nearly all of his s -call car age. St nat' - K ;v ; )' , he Io"sn't wi.nt ::i:y 'term is up on M:rh ! . but. will go I ho. !' r.:d rracti:e Ixv. This v-ii! be ..;';i..'.-i ;:i says oTi-o w h. v his also, earning ithev iav Mr. Edison says that ?io.o"--a vefir kind of men are scarce, p are 5 lt.or0-a-year kind of jobs. Your luck may be ha-', but in St. Louis ; man's v.if is worth 4 0. 000 and she is suing for divorce. And if it is tru that tli; ex--nl-tan's youngest v tie was n gar laer's daughter she can go ha' I: o ihe !;;!:;. :o: ' r M. Clernc recall goes horo.o believ ing he has afcomplishel his mi:-, ion. a great lor-d off President Hf i mind. New l in !; magistrate o win-low ! a got ; i Mop fa Ilia-. !dov Udgf-s or iii'tir the di of tlie law. He shouH ad lays tor every story up. Cb uieiiceau savs that a -li ng s lssuas a rs that j.'f win )leaure ! thirty n taken from him. :o:- HE TALKS TOO JITICH Tlie almost never filer'. If. C. Wells is reported by the reliable Manchester Guardian ::s saying in the course of an address to univer sity graduates in Manchester re cently: "First in lius.-ia we saw modern civilization broken down. Then 'Austria and Germany. The outward Well, anywav. it's a fine feeling to j i have. ! :o: i tion cannot live behind a wall. It is a fact j that Ch:na tried it and made a sue- cess of for efot uries. hut finally' ive it up. While every American has a cousin in Europe we mu-t. ex pect to have a few foivign relations. : (, : An intelligent ignoramus tells us Gornnny announces that ."he vill i ( ;(i,u... v f that the average woman uses a vo- has it on IKr Tig r -pHrnon in economize on o-mctng. (Irinirin r rr-i eating. Why not start with .munition:;? At any rat. Franc America to some e:icrt is not blind, or r dumb. :o: All the pugg stion v.e lav to niak" to tlie modern :!-;o;-rs is that they wear dresses that fit b-'.tr at the back. Sena'or Norris wants to eliminate th" electoral college. Why not. It lias never produced a champion foot hall t?ain. o:o If the ex-si:itan rra'ly carried half a million dollars' worth of jewels with him into exile he can at least ir(s up on Sunday. no. v. . ;.:-. I !'--m t ii i re.ri'-i mere than 500 to 600 'daylv it's t!;e w.iv she us; s t 'le;;i o i rit. A Word rubbed in b a., goo-; a -, '.h.ree in the bush. Th" a vt. v. i ; e.n may be able to w.-rry t'lr .ueii : u ordinary day on a stack of r'n words, but it! is tieie for an :r.':n!t! whet; she ai!s out her reserves FUO.V! As a general thing, whin a wom- sends her htcband on ihoppiiig an trrar.ds it is a sign that her time is worth more than his. :o: Every the December weather turns a hit cooler we wonder if there is a farmer anywhere in Cars county who will spare us :o;ne ;naro ribs. o: TO O t & H A DAILY TRIPS and visible sign of this creeping death of our civilization is the col lapse system." and so on and on in sepulchral tones. In an American weekly periodical appearing fn newsands he sama day Mr. Wells expounds his views on the destiny of civilization in this fashion : "Can we doubt that presently our race will more than dcalize our bold est imaginations, that it will achieve i unity and p-ace anu live in a woria mor splendid and lovely than any or garden that v.e know, go I ing on and on from strength to ! strength i i an ever widening circle of adventure and acinveinent ? Tlie obvious arswer to Mr. Wells ouestion if that we cannot realize Jour boldest or our least, imaginations jin the matter mentioned if we are to place implicit faith in hi dark fore bodings placed before the school boys of Manchester. Possibly Mr. Wells writes and talks too much to reconcile, his army of convictions in such minor mit- itors as what is in become of the race. jOr possibly he subscribes to the mos 51 sy axiom that consistency is the tug- Qjg bear of small minds. A OKDEK TO SHOW CAl'SE In the District Court of Cars con ty. Nebraska. In the matter of the guardianshi'i ef Ilntli A. C. l'.eveiage. Incompe tent. On reading th- duly verified peti t'on c;f 11. C. Ilitchman. Guarditn of tht p-rson and s-tata of Kut'.i A. C. lb vc rage, InconiiK tent, f ir i:en.-c order to renew : n l insre;i?e tiK't c gage on the following described real estate, to-wit: Tha went half (W., 1 of the southeast quarter iS!'. '( I cf Section 7. Township 11. North of 13. east of the 0th P. M.. in Cass countv, Nebras ka for li e purpose f raising funds for the payment of a mortgage now cn said premises. Said mortgage to 1 a executed jointly by Fred C. Peverage -s his interests may npnear, and by the aforesaid guardian. It ii therefore Ordered that the next ef kin of raid incompetent, and all peisons interested in said estate appear before m at the chamber at the coin t house in the City of Platis mouth. Cass county. Nebraska. en t'ne l."tb day of January, I'j'll, r.t 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if ny there be, why liceiiFe and order shoiiM not he granted unto the said II. C. Hitchmau. guardian, to exe cute said joint mortgage as set foith above. It i further ordered that n copv of this or ler be personally served on all perst ns interested in said estate t hast fourteen days before the day :-et for hearing. or published for three successive weeks in The Platts- mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news paper printed and published in said Countv ot Cass. Dated at chamber, in Cass conn-; ty. Nebraska, this loth day ot le-; ceniber, 192:2. j JAMES T. iSEGLEY. j Judge of the District dlS-:w Court. m Men s.' G!( ir.cludir. j! and li. !eiC c-lil .1! nv. For ihe ladies. Gloves, 23c to $1 an l: . ocl and Silk I lose and everything the i'eminire heart might dec ire Cis V- , "-c . s ; 4 Salt ovls at a::a rt peer ona'ierj. otar cuf ?:d al.i-o :i e-ol:! ri Will ue ihe n excellent orr.-.nei:t a!:;o 3rc for : Set?, 5 5 to 33.00. purchaser of each bowl, i his vc Kodak?;, ;:ei ror tae 5 c. 5- C' p. ten I. c 9 C ! oco;; f in an cnaless variety, ite in packatres eind :....!. Nat ; of ri! kiads and var -i:en mixed, fancy mints, fancy Complete line of Fruits arc! Yc lab' or dozen. In fact, v.e ar:; prepared to fur: i' tlie sifts for the occasion. ieiie Fa"cy apples by fhe be:-:, bushel :r Chrislmas dinner ar.d supply great many i reasons may he advanced for his con flict of emotions as he eximines a fermenting world, hut the one war ranted to receive the greatest popu lar subscription will be that Mr. j Wells has a habit of thinking which ! is dependent on so many circum stances of mean oricin. such as the Also all l.iutis of hauling, including nuaJitv of om,-s breakfast, weather Live Stock to South Omaha market, conditions and so on, that one's con versation merely reflects changing j moods. j This knack of trimming convic- jtions to suit surroundings kept Lloyd .Heoriro in a Inch nosition for a num- ..r.....i nivprsitv has sent out an ! 3Jtk J t?fl S i t . li 0 ner of years, in a commentator or Uliui - i ir tY " " F h B 1 1 r ft I 1 expedition to find the site of the j llSl 3 I Li! 1 1 -world affairs it involves a danger of C-rfl'n of Eden, f-iow ii t!u timi to jbe'ng qucbtionad occasionally on the put in jour bid for a box of apples.' Proprietor ' .point of settled convictions. Hither by Weight or Trip Fitone 3S4 or 6G8 Do not wait urrll minute l . a V i- Vjy v. .. - j OrriCERS VILL CCNIINUS SEARCH POIt LOST I-LYZRS OLDisr old rrj.LOv DIES AT Y07.K iI03I n ! aw Voik, .y nt the Od i Neb. Vuv. :al 1 liere Tuc.-.(l..v ' i - San Anlouio. Te.. it.'.-. 1.. --Humors emanating from Tmson. Ariz., tii.'t the sran-h for ih- lost a vi-. : ors. f.l Pni;.:i-: It. Mavdr-ll and I.icuf. ICbarb-:: L. Wc b!or, wcubl be i.ban- done'l. wc-re ll. :iy il'-m il ny ..iai. (; a. K. M. L.-v.-i--. Kiihth orp. arc. ihrousih hi-5 aoji'-i , NOTIC1I TO CliHDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Jane A. Dovev. defeased. Tit 4!-. rro.lilnrc rf ot:tt- I ,u lllwl 11 You are hereby notified, that I wi!l Al.iort K. sit at Ihe Countv Court room in I V"" V !!" ' ' r I'lattsmouth. in .said county, on the cf Ihe airplan.s i;oA envag :n 2ct.h dav of December. 19J2. and o:1 1 s-aich ;: : ' ' :' the 2Mb dav of March. A. !. 192S : in Texas or CalUornia for nee- i X-.s.ry ff pairs. nv. liiai inu.i N'-i... I).-., ri! lo !.f ' -ss!,:i ::( li.;t biac-'r i:. d A. L. :. st CM op r;' t ii: 's);oi ( !!, vs !:ois.' ii". ! i-s were i.o..n rtsia ti.r Scot t-1 .'arms n h. 1. : 'Mni i i d by Rsv. .1. M. i) ,r- y i ; iivial was ill Kvcr. gi-. -en ts::i- ; 1 !"'. .if,iV-wi to lecc ive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The tino limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 26t!i ''ay f Decem ber. A. !. 1922. and the time limit ed for payment of debts is one year from said 26th dav of December, 1922. Witness my hand and the sal of said Countv Court this 23rd day of November, 1922. ; ALLKN J. HKKSON. ! GOM.TEKS OPPOSED TO B'JTLEP. (Seal) U27-4W. louiuy jim-. f Washington. Dec. i T. Asr.cri ing that railvoid v.- 1 nt t ire; elites tire ;sl-m'-s,t ccnain to ce.n-. before the su preme eourt la th - :vxt few year:-.. Samuel (h-mosrs. er ssiert of i!:e . c s iv. 2."'h infantry. ludr'n rue- i m l Arizom? National guar.'s- i!i -n (.i:!d sTiil fusetion i.i ih-e anh and that ::" r iaxaiion'ii i be onsie'erc-d until the I.---t avh'to'- had been found. Today, the l'th day of the disappearance of the airplen enroute from San Diego io Fori ' liuachu-a, Ariz., the search still cen ters near the latter place wiser the ! id.' ne was last seen. .7 NOTICK In the District Court of Cass coun- ty, Nebraska. Kibel V.. Hadlev. nlaintiff. vs. Con- stantine lb Hadley. defendant. To Constantino It. Hadley. defend ant: You are I'.ereby notified that on the 9th day ct August, 192 2. Ethel E. Hartley tiled a petition against you in the District Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have wilfully deserted and abandon ed the plaintiff, without just cause. 1 Amovie.-Mi Fed-- rati-vi oi I.-tbor. in '.h '1 .I-.uu iry num'i'T f the Asn-erW ,.n ! Foderationist. protests a:r::in t the! apno'.ut mcnt as an -'o.sociate jusMce cf Pierce Duller, who. he s-y. a n ; epert ' railroad ah!e1 ion. v-eo'iid losici.lly be a railroad expert ou that : guest ion." Mr. Ciomper-j describes Mr. Ihit-j ler's appointment as "cnc of the! longest steps yet taken by l'resi icit I hat Tie calls 'nor- of said mar- malcy'," declaring lie ' belongs in tin-i Class cancel reaciionaiy, aim as mo regent of the Fniversity of Minmv;o-j ,.i.i la was renorieu coiuiuuousiy an-. r .. I . . . . . . P n.A ft,..,, wn ro'ir IOI lilt; 111 ill J iuuic lil.Hi t...w, ,,,,,,. w past, and for the custody of the Ha 'I P. . ' , minor child, the issue riage, to-wit: Helen Estclle Hartley, aged two years and eight months An assembly of ivgh-quaiit- equip ment vherewith happy memories of people, places and episodes may be pcrpeiuaied in intin-ate pictures that i:i bief is the pleasant purpose of the ANSCO Memory Kit. coin:ii.?:rg ilxc-.a three tai.wjs: li A:i Cur.-c.'i c.a'hocly irg; f:r.aac: nuke rictu.c- taking a tLir- cf a 3 v.- aueicat and t'aicinat.'c; 121 p. suspiy of Ar.sco SpecJex F'Aza, 3 a com-rartment-reeeptacle cf solid ma hogany, for keeping; camera and e?ara films always conveniently together. Price, $15. petition on or before Monday. Jan- tagonistic towarcl professors of lib uarv 15th 19" , eral mind, and illiberal and douu-! This notice is given in pursuance ueering." of an order of the District Court of I j Reaiember the Journal ofuce isj ; the Tilace to buy your Den-ilsrsj ICaristraas t i&s ard s?.;l3, the very !lest on the market. X Cass county. Nebraska. ETHEL E. HADLEV. F.v-- IMaintiT. CHAS. E. MARTIN. Jd4-4w. ' Her Attorney. ncKe 6l uo. The REX ALL Store Fh one 1 C6 Phone - -1 f