IS THURSDAY. IXCLT.IBr.R 21. 1S22. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL . PAGE T Hit El mm Nehawka Department! Prepared ii lh Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. i II i If u (l 1 Chester ?.l;nnear an 1 Robert Troop ri'ic attending a sale :):. r Nebraska City last Saturd,.y. Mason. Jr. 11. e ru-ul mail arrier. w a.- a Msiiur witu l..nci.iu lust Sunday. W. (). Troop ami family wcro in j lent time cfpi!i? Water last Saturday v. here I pre-.-nt. iht y took advantage of the hale of j ;(! ail v.-rt is( u i: last week's issue in I of tfe Jour".::!. j You mmiit Keep y.n:r eye peeled F. U. Cunningham v Iio l...s Wv.i ! ami if yo, i hud two r-trav.- h:ts. no cr at King Hill ia.-t urtk, build- t f y .Messrs (irover lobjok 07 lier.ry a "louse Ml v::u!l to ::ve. v. a. t o: ;a n . i.'..'e; a. :c.;ii'j ai:i i:"iue over ; mla".'. Edward Murray. :eeins- the v.e.?th- r v us cul'l. dressed tvc hoi.s ami vii! ;iv,;ii; f.v the d-essing of the : :!!: t:n il near .-rnnu. W. Tr-'op in.-! s m Robert Troop !:.OK two io.ids of ho:' t tl.e South fimaha mar net last Monday e:ie 'vr ;i:f!::M !vf;: a:!-! "t'.e Pr . A. Lew Is. Wm. Ober:: a! (1 H. H. StoU have been bushy tnrag-.'.l t!.i-i v eek I last ring the tt-nemaiit !.o-.;s. which ::i ce nstructed by -has. Chiis k eiser. ANOTHER BIG -EXCURSION i: " .tj ill get it. c. it. Troop of ''iaitsmouth and .1. W. hn'.vt lit:- were v i ; i t i 1 1 4. at the y-.;'- of . Troop h:st Monday. : Mr. h'-.-tii'f v ill I ': in chopping wio'l in tin- t;i.'!."i- for Mr. V. O ! JuCn Doll -Mas. V. i.'. !.3S b f.l boiile fur time, wi'l n a 1"V 'lays i depart a.:ai:i lor R.n hester. Minue isoia. v. here !. will take treatment at The Mayo l'r..t!:ers hospifil for me time. i'. 15. Porter r.n'.l ( 'o::i:n is.-ii.i.t r '. ,y. .I!urr: f I'uion w ere over to N. :. v. :-.l M.'H.iay afttrnooli to a . in li e v.-irk at the the which ; ,j. a royeii iv.r home of Mr. I. '.id Mrs. i.I. ii. Palmer. V K. "oiii:trv!i:M-. of T k:.!ii:.! . ,,u',.r.. i for Late Xmas Shoppers! i a fc Give Her Furs I Dolls! Dolls! Men's New Overcoats 3 '"v: 1: r,l. eh borate pifis. We I I Large assort n.ent of dolls with , , ;, v tv of C(,lor!- )(.Ufl -3 Die exu-nt oi r,i i : ? .-ho a f.ock ot tnjili grade I I s.fopms eyes and mil jointed. Jo I I , ;-,rt.. tn ..;i .,r ".(i I r'1 iti.-s ot.,,.- int.' -i uecn pieces,. scaii I I I I cur price. xvhi!e thoy last. 914.95. I J5J Felt and kid. maOe with leather i,en 8 rC8S OniFW HJ n IW U.u-rmas tu.Mef. t in a box. I " I I t,J M? n.l t'aeu forfeit -nt,-provt-.l very sue- - Kal an Excellent Progi Tl. ho'.- talent j.liv. and there' i en.iui;'. talent aliout Nehawka for ; ii yt !!" ..-. fi.; i'.-y never i:n!ert'o at:vti.:i:: ili'-v !ii not tuake a '"- ft --S ( ! . O'. I: v.m i :s r- no:. . n to liiiiiiT i! home. re--! ;i!. The -;;st was lio.- n from the community and they put it fel a; t ors in tint shape. This play en- t it I ti Pi"'. . s-. .'.;ahatta. was L-iV' at tr.e auuiiorium iasi i ii..a t.v.i ins, at i urv.v a lairo anl vt ry ap- tT preciative crowd. The play also net- t-.-d a leturil in the coin of t; e rr l(a!m. ;fi Has Hand Injured Seriously eek while assist am at the AVood Ib'e tell ins; fuel for the ii- fti' torii.m. Vi tor Htuif.i had the mi f. rttii.e t t-t one of his ;ii..iiiI;i it E cm t.:(! with a ircular sa am! had L3 !'et : k : the I.I ham!. Th dressed th itijury ttrtaMieJ that he may b Mii IIJ -, J" rr - a 77-. s ! ft n. .1 '.i'ed t roni !;. re M!ie three h r n . - i visiting wit'.i i' ! frh'Ti'Is m-rth of Ne- ' eeK. a- We.l Zl ; j.., ,,,. xlUiHlh ;i: brol er at WVt pine Water. I. etu-.hut and Y. Ih Coimtry- ', . t I'latt-moutli hist Fri-' !kt nt ariy severe ". I rom t .s vt surtieon imuiediat'.'lv c ami !i r.. arc el:- Ker-tnurp-Tit Changes kT.;is aui.i.iK.i i.t ti l ana restaur-.!!. " . v . . - i a . e Jia . K.; i.t ii i anu i si i u i .! u r -j day from which point Mr. Countrj -. ,t 1i( h i.,-cn c-.mhicu-d by Mr. ...:u bl -i- dtpart'd f. r l:i lio:i:e at Te- Vvs rt Wolf 1t the pa-! t ;vo k. . : ..!: and Mr. K ttl:hut look, d af , :,,ollt; . h Mr. and Mrs. fc-.J TO THE Big Land Sale by the old reliable Alamo Lane and Sugar Company Leaving Kansas City Wednesday, Jan. 3, iS22 I Making very low rates for! tiki f iif f Viri narlir-! ulars call or write GHAS. L. STOKE, Tel. No. 7 Nehawka, Neb. I.oseS- loll jl.-r .r.u- l.;:.'n.'ss at the county seat.,j.,-h jKluias H, took i i. i -.... i T.....i,.,.i. .... i i. . . i . , ; fw,.r., i .. I .'ir . . !..:! .11 11 I Ul'k .i rtll'l I. nil 1,1.! l.l'lli, ill iu'i.1 T:.i.f " .-r. -ti" 1 he se (to t rnt to tal'e chat Se OI II. e eal.T' iM I . - ... ... ..... 1 . - . . . . 1 f TI. ' V r, i."l eariiivai at i ia i i-mioLii n last t riuay . nous. .i : . ami .mis. tvuai i;.Hii;t given by the Junior class ot their possession of the cafe !'. .e UK.risr th i nieht. . . ii j i !!iuh school. The Itoy.; . iu;..le many fri." t r .: vi ry !! ju a!e tin.e o";rit,p s'ai. hi! i r p. j in t ) Arm-id Mast. who is v gallant ; equally v.;i:;i: l :..! .atui :.' ir-r.i : !. is r vices ami h;s car and took '. .: TV. A L- w is. Ci:ir.'t:t(' a.l Hoy fhauplon to Piat?1-wh.-r. tl: y looked after theit .us sle ppin.: and '.-iied with i lire public and .ve are ture the new i ropritiors will please tlie pi.hlio Well. !'-'.;. I :L .1: i Will Make Home in West Mr. V.. V.. Kemlle. t:- jeweb-r i- L-o-. i w havka several !i:;rk"d ii; bu-inc t :.n 1 m Handkerchiefs We are .-bowing them in beautiful ( l.ti-rmas i.o::tr. '. t ' in a box. Priced Iron: I9r- to S1.30 Leather Bags 1 adies' leatner hand baf;s and boxes. I t assortment in town. P'ifed at 75c to 93.95. Ladies Felt Slippers 1 .a -lies' a ad Mi-s-' ;. s. Fancy f:;r and lii.hori trimmed in the new est Priced from 9S'- to zf l.f5. Fancy Towels A table f Mil of beautiful fancy eiweis pric.-d frim -15c to l.-t5. Misses' Coats A cocci v irm ;..rd stylish coat will i.mki ztn ideal cift. Ki;:es to 10. Prictd If m 5.95 to 17.50. Here's Good One Why no- r:vc her a year's cripticr. to the Dt.lineator 81.t per yejr. stzb- -only Men's Silk Hose Pure silk, brown and black, at 75- rier jiair. Men's silk and wool hose with clock. Plack and fcrven in holly boxes at 95c per pair. Men's Handkerchiefs Men's pure li!in 'kerchief? two in a nice Christmas box for 75c. Our Ties Will Please Men's and Toys' silk and pilk knit tits in holly boxes, priced at 75c and 95c. Boys Sweaters S!ip-on styles in combination col ors. Specially priced at $2.45. Men's Sweaters Sport style, in all colors and sizes. Priced from 9195 to $5.75. Men's Army Shirts Khaki color. Made with two pock ets. Ali sizes to 17 at J!i.-t5. Gloves! Mittens! W 1 :. c a lartc stock of warm cloves (': mittens for men. women and chi.dren. These are very at tractively priced. GROCEPJES 11 lb?, pure granulated sugar.l.OO Friiilish walnuts, per lb .25 Sun Maid rrupir.s, per pkg .19 Pillsbndys 4-lb. pkg. of pre pared pancake flour .29 Heinz ot. jir apple butter .3S Crisco. for cooking and bak ing, per 'h .2n Orange and lemon peel, lb .33 Large pkg. Quaker oats .23 j ' , i-i .e,;s aeo stt.d e:'i- jgti si her., have inadt f3 I a host of frier.ds dunne ihe.r si-.; in jp; ic.Nf'rr.vka who will rc gr t exce"d:ns."y ..t ao'-al to Slieitor.. tiS u f-imiiw ttX ' SllBl es St. ir. r '.. i.I live on t! '.'a-e here Jack!as farns.d the , t -. learn of their removal to She ti i.-t "tar a.. I care f c r the :tock tin- ' Nhr.. t! c tninsr week. Nehawk i til serine In the spring John Ket-: is l'-.?inc t n exce.'iei ,:::: will move .n tie place and notiiinrr of the lo.s of the j velry farm it ti e censing year. It is v. l. is-' -ore. iw Fhfltcn".' eaizi will be a pered some vouns iadv w ill do th- ; worth-while one. Nehaw ka shou u rangers iJepartmeiit btore Phone 206 Plattsmouth, Neb. (.lohinc and hons-ke eTdriL'. lave ri -"ewolrv store an! we are so i i.-. ....w... t. ,.n ..-...,... ', rv to s.-c Mr. Kendle and wife d-1 1 j.JI r JU .11 l 11, llu. . . - 1 t'ae IMeasant hill school on the Mur- j P-rt from cut ir.idst. j dock-Murray h.ighway. cave a box j " j supper and proeram at the choolj A Word of Appreciation j house last Frid-y and which a laret-; while we have lost our homo, it I number of the young people from I ,,...a ns,lv .,f:rr n l,.v:,l rif-oT 'e -u' l s irsk? our town t!.e exc !'. !l i place it is. had -lone all that villi:: tr j Residence cf J. 21. Fnlmer Swept by clear lieads and Pra-.e near We surelv appreciate tl luar Nehawka uttei-ded. An e j;c el- ! A FINE HOME AT NEHAWKA TODAY i o Your Christmas Shopping at the Sheldon Store this Year! could !f I 1 Ir .. I. i i o.v u i t. , i ' - - i Fi:e this Afleir.oon and will be a Ilepvv Lo?s. You will find a nice stock of goods at reasonable prices. Ccme early and see o'jr stock first. A FEW SUGGESTIONS Something for the Men Suspenders in Christmas boxes; S.Ik and Knit Ties; Handkerchiefs; Garters; Belts; Felt Slippers. Tom Wye knit jackets, $7.50 and $8.50. Also may other suitable articles. And for the Ladies Embroidered collar and cuff sets, $1 ; Colored embroidered handkerchiefs, 20c to 45c; Leather pocket books, $1.50 to $6; Felt slippers, $1.50 (Child's sizes, 90c); Embroidered and lace trim med scarfs, $1.50. Articles for the Home Hemstitched pure linen napkins and 62::64 inch table cloths, $12.50, $13.50 and $15; Fancy linen huck toweling, 65c to SGc yard; Hemstitched linen huck towels, 75c; Turkish towel sets, $1.75 to $2; Fancy Turkish towels, 5Gc and 75c; Lace trimmed pillow cases, $2.25; Winton rugs, Attractive designs, 27x54 inch size, $2.50 to $5. Fiowt-red and Fancy Ribbon Holly Ribbon and Christmas Seals. Oishgs and Qlassware! You will find a nice assortment of fancy dishes and cut glassware in our stock, all most reasonably price:!. Hebey s cut glass sherbert glasses, set of six. . . .$3.00 F'eisey's cut glass water set, 7 pieces 7.G0 Heisey's cut glass sugar and cream sets 2. CO Heisey's cut glass vases 1.50 Heisey's cut glass fruit dishes 2.00 Also a nice assortment of Fry Oven Glass. OUR STOCK OF NUTS AND CHRISTMAS CANDY IS HERE BUY YOURS NOW. ,o-t s : 'he brt-'ich ti' save the home and o - , ...... sire to -te:id our thanks for ta .-l . i . . ' -..:-.,, .1 1 : A .-. 1 ul ', '.lLIIIMI i.LK'i. ' i 1 . 1'l.U.i ..' - . - -v - - . ) , . . i .i i e .;.ri,i,r. ,,.:'' Visivd the VicII.Jt v. liui:i iii'ii1. ii' i - . . ...i .i.... I citfneiiB of :-;.-!::iwka. J. H. Palnn."; Tbt Community Spirit 1 The minister, the merchant. 1 brrk' r. the factory laborer, the Itired. fan-ier and tl; farmer f (the country, a well ZiS teac!! rs j with each otl .r in their e r..ri ; f-mier rer! scrvi'-e in their Ptt. :?i five tne !"tne rt and .v.f. :; J U. Palmer lat Mondpy a f teri-.oo'i . j : w he n the ! n. p. Pre In ore ;! . :: years to erect and trmp i j i The co:i.:i:U!:itv spirit. '!'"--h b - ; rrown r:;-.ler the fosterini: c: r.-- :f j ' ihi ri' citi: - !.ry of N-'iia-v"- a . ;,..- r-,-..i.. i.,. circle of mo..' (': : The ' ' - -p f -1 '.:'' rn of a"'!. X aid of neichbers and fri-.-nds w:;': f . m-'-at. ..o " a s K too atonoi'- ect rjs fires ; i of .Whew:: ; '.lis afternoon desin-ve-l th" fine. R.iitrn hci:ae of J. M. Palne-r. valued t ?1S.M... and with insurance esti u'.ted to Ii.,- in t!i- m-iirhborhood of ! ..-10.000. ' The fire- originated in the hrrse-:n-nt of The hi. u-- am! had gair.-d a ; -.rorg h.adway when .lisicvcrec! a::d V!' '' i spread very rapidly thror.;h the ' 1 uiiding and despite the fact that '"'1 ' almot the eiitire population of the w ti turned can to a-sisr in the wtrk Special Prices THIS WEEK WHILE THEY LAST Cedar Chests Smoking Stands Rockers i Kocking Horses Coasters Scooters Lolls Doll Cabs Loll Beds . And Many Other Articles. Ohrisf & Shris Across from Court House INITIATE LAEGE CLASS i A household remedy in America ! for 2T. vearc- Dr. Thomas' Eclectic 'Oil. For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds, Omaha New, itmiio srio- ; brui-e. Z Oc and COc. At all drug Omaha, Dec. "0. One hundred stores.. boys were initiated last evening into ; the re Moiay. the Masonic order for . Smoking sets, humidors and ash vouths under twenty-one years of . ? ' , . age at the Scottish Kite cathedral in receivers m a.l SiVies ara prices at this city. j the Journal office. s wall owe Tip i ir the home whicn it l':" -v:K':;'.-';;-.'-c,.v:, -ii.mised tl: . t::-' of on Wi'h gas masks s';me fou il.t f h.e l lie OtI.t rs ca'-.'ied w;.t.-r, 1 t.'iat tne fn-r.c b-n. !:E"l.t "..c . . .. . i :f fighting the fir. it was impossi- ble to check the blaze. i With the wind fanning the flames , the fire threatened to spread to oth- er adjoining buildings and the resi- deuce of ir. J. W. Thomas, across : the street from the Palmer home, was menace 1 by the fire and desper ate work was necessary to save this ( building. At the hour of going to press the lire was gradually burning out but sparks and bits of burning wood from the house was threatening to j catch the garage building on fire. The Palmer house was a frame structure and was one of the most j modern homes in the town of Ne- -Just over the following list hawka. .wis. i uiiaei is n sim.i ui csa ei i u :'Ir!at the Journal Office! ;,it a iK'iii it-ni tne ror.e ii tut ..e , t :ft ds and see U vou enot ' , Put i!i vain, the th:ivt ol . . , . C. D. Qumton ti e name would not he sub u.-d ;, locate just what you are looking for. y CI " i FLIVVER IS REAL loug as there was pny thing ieft to, burn. Not alone did ti.'se ci'.lanT 1 citizens v.ork to save tliis home, but j th neil:bori7ii; homes ac well a!i ' here their efforts met with success. F, PHONE NO. 14 Established 1888 NEHAWKA, NEB. Wood Bee j The Nehawka and community menj and boys sure performed a handsome i r-rvice when they cut and 1 1 ) i ' " ; si:.'v ords of wo-id for th aU'lito: - its::: last week. T!i: will lueak ti."; bi'.vl: of winte r but probably ill b" ! hardiv enouali. School Notes Mr. Vo'.e. the hih school tnspec- tor. was visit'n the school Mond .y ! Manicure Sets Sewing Sets Eversharp Tencils Fancy Sox Paper Lesk Sets Becks of All Kinds Popular Copyrights Eocks for the Little Ones. Zoilak Books Xmas Candles Diaries CalenCars and Pads HERO OF WALLACE REIO PICTURE Many are pondering with that all-impcrtant ques tion just now, without realizing the great pleasure gifts of candy bring to those who receive them. Yet they know full well how much they them selves would enjoy such a gift. Why Not Make This a Candy Xmas? We can supply the candy, in bulk and fancy boxe3, baskets, etc. Complete lines of Johnson's, Gardner & Gould's, Pig'n Whistle, Whitman's and John G. Wood ward's boxed confections are carried in stock at all times. t5r W'e also have new this 3'ear fancy lacquered boxes and Japanese baskets wThich may be purchased empty or filled from our select stock of fancy bulk chocolates. j Tin Lizzie Makes Great Speed and Wins Kace in "Across the Con tinent" Here 27-28. ! comedy suspense all traveling at the rate o fa hundred , miles per hour. A story which im-! inortalizes and makes a hero of the morning. He informed the mperin-iln fact you will be surprised at the sm?ll "flivver, the poor mans car. tende nt 'that everything was ruvr.i-:g , Vj-r lf-ie on display at the Journal A story which brushes the dust of mam in i ,, uitu-uucii r uj'; F-'Uie of the primary room youn stcrs arsisted in a program for the Community club on Tucsdny evening. alsr. p jiroup of Junior girls gave a short play entitled a Day." ( T!ie basketball teams are working 'hard and the schedule is neailv com pleted, which will be announced at an early date. The first game will be with Dunbar, at Dunbar, Wednes day. December 20th. It is announc ed that the coaches will be re.cponsi ble on trips for only those students who go as players, in cars under the supervision of the coaches. All others go on their own initiative and it will not be possible for the coaches to look after them except in a very gen eral way. Dennison's Seals and Tags Tissue Paper. The Truth for! Paper Eoxes fc , 1 candy. Package Dressings. Crepe Paper and Decorations. The greatest line of Xmas Cards we have ever shown. COME IN AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE it up on a pedestal of glory and hon or. Wallace Reid and a racing car, Theodore Roberts and a cigar, and a girl. What more can be had for a frood lively picture? See Wallace Reid in "Across the Continent." Dec. packages and and i'S. Nehawka auditorium. iiu.msioii auu .ac. For dyspepsia, our national ail ment, use Burdock Blood Bitters. Recommended for strengthening di trcstion. purifying the blood. At all drug stores. $1.25 a bottle. The Journal Office STATIONERY DEPT. Here's Some More "Dope' Win a sack of flour! Dec. 27th. Win 10 gallons of gas! Dec. 2Sth. To the Ford bringing the largest load to see Wallace Reid in "Across the Continent" we will give the above prizes. Read the rules: 1 Driver and each passenger must hold en adult ticket to see woross tne continent. i i 2 You must register load at Ne hawka bank before 7:4 5 p. m. Re gister in name of owner of car. 3 Score as follows: One passen ger, one mile per point, one passen ger 10 miles 10 points (multiply number of passengers by number oi Ll NEHAWKA COM. CLUB. Special Prices on Pail Candies! Our stock of bulk pail candies is greater this year than ever before. Fifteen to twenty pails from which to select and prices most reasonable. Special terms to schools and others taking large quantities for Xmas. WE ALSO CARRY Almonds English Walnuts Brazils Mixed Nuts Fresh Fruits of Every Description Cigars and Tobacco OUR NEWEST XMAS SPECIAL Pig'n Whistle's delicious "FOUR O'CLOCK" FRUIT CAKE 1--lb. size, put up in a neat carton. You (-t rft will surely enjoy this delicacy. Price vl0u New shipment Manchuria English walnuts per lb. California grown soft shell English walnuts lOe per lb. Finest bulk chocolates now fJOc per Jh. Cigars in Boxes of 10, 25 or 50