THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1922. PIATTSMOUTH SEin - WEEKLY JOTTT-HAt PAGE TWO NEWS I LOG AL 13 n 1 okensS Make this store your head quarters for Gift Buying. Suitable Merchandise for Father, Mother, Sister, Brother and Sweetheart. All Quality Goods at Right Prices. Our Stationery Stock is Still Complete and Prices Greatly Reduced. F. G. Fricke & Co. biein Monday's ral!v ; Attorney C. E. Tent of Weeping Water was a visitor in the ity to-! day looking after some matters of; business. J 1 Wallace .1. Hunter and wife of Lin-j Coin arrived Saturday evening to en-; . .. . -i ... 1 . .1 .. .1.- joy a visit nere Viiiu ineiuis uuu i.i.i tives over the holiday season. Carl DioeRC of Omaha was here yesterday enjoying a f-w hours visit i with his mother. Mrs. Lena I.roee, j returning home yesterday afternoon. I John ('. Knabe. wife and daugh !ter of Nelmwka were here tor a few liours tovhiy t : route from their home j to Omaha win re they will visit for a ; few hours on business. ' Lloyd Oapeit and wife of l'alisade. I Nebraska. arrived here Sunday I morning to attend the funeral of : Mrs. Warren Wiley, a sister of Mrs. Icr.nen. which was held yesterday at I Murray. i John McNurlin was a passenger . It hi imiriii iiir for Omaha where h j was ( ailed to have his eyes treated j ! by tlu speeialist. John is finding; i much relief in the treatment ami 'hope- soon to have the trouble from I ; which he has long been a sufferer) ,i lea red up. ! Leave It to the Ladies they are the Connoisseurs Supreme of Christmas Gifts! Trust a. woman who has the grocer, butcher and milkman guessing ?n knov which way to turn when the calendar turns to "gifts for men." This week our store has been crowded with mother?, sweetheart, sisters and wives and each purchaser ha3 left with more than a mare nic-nac -"witL love fcm Mary." We know what a man likes even down to his hose! And the store where he gets his own things is the store where you'll find what he wants. We're ready! We know his size. Leave it to us, ladies. Our telep'nona number i? 150. The REXALL Store 186 PHONE 1 8 6 FOR SALE DE IIOLAYS VISIT OMAHA . i v.: y- tor 1; ::! uf SO-poUtid Frank ilogue I'rom '.Vc(!nfS(!ay's Paily nigiu a large party composed Las. of th'' De Ivlolay to(';i v, oiti-v REX YOUNG Auctioneer Live Stock Personal Heal Kstate Property dis-2twi(,.a.(.;r of th,3 ! Omaha to w : tncs: -.. 1 , ... ... it... i. ;.!. '..!V-I.l I.." .'. cil It I Kli: ifb ill me otuuisii JjKii. ea hedral. The work was exem I ;iiii-d in a splendid manner by the J Id naha chanter led by Master Coun- JL; eilor Utissell Country man and after I which the 1,-ovs indulged in a "feed r. :-ar d by ladies of the Scottish ; Kite. ' ! Fri-m Tut-'lay's Hulls. iii.:.rt ,1'niim T IVl'Iih- iiml wife departed thi morning for Omaha, i where t i judge will hold a session; of eourt and Mrs. Ibgley be thej gut st of friends. j Mrs. M. K. P.rantner of Pender.! who is lure visiting her parents. Mr. i ami Mrs. John Cory, was a visitor in . .. . .. i .1 ... 1, ... ne he. Miss Florence Schultz. i Edwin A. Frick" has returned ! c r from Nelson where he accompanied ' his little ueiees. Jane an 1 Marion! Fri-ke. who l.ave joined tiieir par- e;:tr .Mr. a:! Mrs. ('. O. Fri-ko. i there in the new home. Kalpli v.. unite ot Dallas, ic.yus. ; ; wh. -villi his wife ami child, is h r ! viistirs at ll;, home of A. W. While j ami lamuv. was a visitor in umaiia V7 Jk in A3 i NOTICE A number of people who were unable to get in Bargain Wednesday for a Buddy Lee doll have asked if we would have an other special day fcr these famous little Kewpies before Christmas. So we have arranged to put them on sale again Saturday, Dec. 23, for one day only at $1.39, dressed in plain blue, blue stripe or white overalls. ns ON THE CORNER Store Open Evenings Till Christmas! 5 m HAYS VISITS P'"h i 1 8 l-il" I i - WUlfU dfiHS i iMil Mi Comparative OeraLiiig: Costs ars J Found for Stores in Nebraska Cities in Year 1921. FROBE GROCERY EXFEt ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE ATTACKED BY EDWAEDS i city journeyed to . morninar Iuirlington train. the convocation of , r n." Iianniher. an old time PI. to that city on the early liCV.c viueuain osjs " Friendly Cc;te-y Actor VI: I am on n:y way to Washington they are going to hear from ine tilers on t tie prohibition question Xev. York. I)"e. 17. The Anti- i so.nchow and soon." .loon bailie was charired svih "de-! Others who also spoke against pro i lilierate'v ristrfing to falsehood to '. ' i;it ion were Augustus Thomas, ex it' el moa'ev fro: i i!ie churches" !yj!''ve chairman of the Producing ' l"nit d Sta'te.- Senator-elect Edward I. Managers' association. and Miss I E-'wanls of New Jersey tonight in j Elizabeth Marhurv". i i -ddrf'S-sing a "wet l.-iss meeting itts- ; mouth r;sider:t. was livu ;cday from Ciuaha to visit with his old time ttri-.iids and associates for a f-v; Air. nanniner is now niasmg I :us nomt; in lee- iiieiropoiifi iiu mi !: ist..r. Mrs. E. F. Orinies and family. p erort e Mir; proving. PHONE Plattsmouth, Nebrciska Call at my Expense Rememter the Journal the place to buy your Chi-istnas tags and seals, best on the market. office is Dennison the very mi Journal want ads pay. Try them. Christmas Goods! For the Children Dolis Doll Cabs Rocking Horses Coaster Wagons Kiddie Cars Drums Rocking Chairs Dishes For Father and Mother Cedar Chests Serving Baskets Carpet Sweepers Smokers Easy Chairs Rockers Framed Pictures hrist Furniture Gfcrsst 4 th and Main music mm CONTEST Given Under Direction of S. Plattsmo'ith City Schools. 1 liuinvresque Dvorak 2 Surprise Symphony Haydn 3 Toreador Song (Carmen t lEizet 4 Anitra's Dance Grieg 5 Hall of the Mountain King ; r i . G Hark. Hark, the LarkS hubert 7 Hungarian Ilhansody No. 2 Liszt s (Tales of Hoff- :..ani Offenbach ; From tli- Land of the Sky Llue Water i.e.. Alleles. Dec. lit. Will II. co-onl ill itin head of de 1mo : ,n P'cturv in uisiry, late today t I "tili:'Ce llei 1. til in actor at tec linii wood kanitariutn. where M id i-- fiiiTcrina from a nervous ' v.kd un i t ;.r?ssH.J the liope th:. Iltid vo:i!l :".on ne fully re c' vert d from liis illness. Hays iuet Mr. Ueid at tiie sani tarium. :.:id ac t i:. r.anied K r to th.e ; ide of !:,'! lia-jbund. He shook ! I'.-adt. with Kei l. p::id that he hoped she was :. citing alou ell and would .-or. be Iirmseli ai;ain, and added ti::.t he came t wi-h bi n a nurry Ciii istmas before returning to the cust. 'A. -U th'- nked-Mr. Have- fo- cuin :iiv: to f -e him, ami said that he ap ' i;r rif.ted very deeply the friendly i i-ir't back of the visit. ! After the interview, which lasted jcr.t a minute or two. Mr. Hayes re ! marked t!: r the patient looked much ext.ect. Iteiu spnK" cie:iri. ne s-aiu. ; ; bh eve. appe ar'. -; normal and in c-v- Cadman erv wav seemed to be i i an oncourat;- To i liable Nt brask.i uro.'ers to de (t rmine whether their own accounts v disproportionate expense as . i. 1 nas Specials! Ladies' "Miss Liberty" silk hose, per pair, ('(dors b!;: k, brown and white. Ladies' mercerized hose, same colors. . . . Men's dress and work socks, 15c Jo. ... . I iii an is" v.'ooi hose Ladies handkerchiefs, each. 5c, 10c and. .$1.50 . .50 r75 . .50 . .15 Men's handkerchiefs at S1 sc. 10c and 15 Turkish towels, 25c, 40c, 60c, SOc and 1.25 Fancy and plain; Lare and small. Women's bed room slippers, $1.25 to 2. GO Men's all wool and cotton sweaters Men's flannei shirts. Oranges Bananas Grape Fruit Apples Dates Fifs Xmas Candies Mixed Nuts Cranberries mince Meat Raisins Currants Sweet Potatoes Cabbage Carrots Celery Leaf Lettuce Head Lettuce Iiain Street Store, TELEPHONES 236 South Park Store, 118 No. S This is one of the finest examples of barcarolles or boat sonsis 'that has ever been written. It oc . curs at the beginning of the second act of the opera. It was originally a sou;.' or chant used by the Venetian -;ondo! ier;-. It appears as a duet in i he Venetian and as an intermezzo before the last act. Tiie music in G-S time portrays admirably the swaying of the boat an l its dreamy melancholy suggests the calm of a perfect moonlight light. O Night of Love 1'. aiiieons night. O night of love. Smile thou on our enchantment; Kadihiit night with stars above. ' O beauteous night of love. Flee-jng time doth ne'er return Put lears on wings our dreaming. ; Far a v. ay where v may yearn. j For time doth ne'er return. j j No. !t The melodj- is taken from i Omaha tribal love song collet ted J .j. by Alice Fletcher anil harmonized j by ("adman. Alice Fletcher spent j 'months in the Indian reservation in!! Thurston county. Nebraska, in Pi n-J j j.ier. jj I Tlu re are three elements in music. ! ' harmony, melody and rhythm. Of ! I Ithesf three elements the Indians la-j j j their stress on rhythm. Harmrinyjj tin y possess rot at all and their mel- I : odies .-ire sometime extremely sim-j I pie but their rhythms are more corn- j i j plex titan those of any other music.!! So. :ie of their minic is based on ' the old peritatonie or five toned scale. Our scale with "fa"' and "ti" omit ted. Their favorite instruments have al- : ways been the tlure and the drum. Ci dnian was horn in 1SS1 and is a j native of California. J From the L?nd of the Sky blue Water I They brought a captive maid; I And her eyes t!i"y ure lit with light ning2: H' r heart is not afraid. I";ut I s'cal to her lodge at dawning, I woo her with my flute; She -; . nick of the Sky blue Water, Tiie captive maid is mute. ii.g ni nta I and physical condition. j Ti:" motion pict ire head added t! ;.i his visit had 1 ft n impelled by ; general interest m any one con jee. ed with ti-e nim industry, as well : s his j io;i il friendship and :ym ;: ti.y p r iieid. whom hi ha:; i:i't sev- j .ral times i;; th" coarse of hi asso- j ii-ttiou with the me t ion picture peo-( compared wi'.h other merchants, who know their cois of doing business, a ; committee on business research of the college of ;iiirines3 admiiiistra- . tion of the state university recently , inrjuirid into tiie operation of retail grocery stores in 1021 in this state. Tin- students now have published a ! booklet entitled "Nebraska's Studies : in litis in ess." : The results enable a grocer to com pare his expenses with those of mer- , (hunts in Omaha and Lincoln audi other cities and towns. The following conclusions were reached by the committee: j 1. Total expenses of operation in identical stores increased in 1921 ; over the preceding year. I 2. Expenses of operation in Omaha' and Lincoln stores are lower than in j stores elsewhere. ) . Net profits are highest where a: higher rate of stock turnover, lower j 1 1 -1 : I expense and more sales per sales ; in. I t. D: liverv expenses apnear, on the . whol". somewhat low. j Stocks of merchandise on hand. ns shown by the annual inventories. : were reduced in 1 i 2 1 . , i. Losses from bad debts range I '.'rem 2-100 of 1 p.-r cent to 2 per cent . ; 7. Expenses should be subdivided ! in ord'T to arrive at correct cost of ope ration. ot the Molly PPcher !ub. a i.iilitant women's organization of the New ' i. i i i... j . ; your : "I shtill have ome interesting do- j -ouraal ofiice M :Oi) aents in tin- lit Ki to maK pun : lie later." Governor Edwards tinned. Ir ;'!.:. i her It is almost time to think of pre paring ycur Christmas packages. Get bo::cs. seals and tacrs at the con ! H-Hv-H-I--H' her nart of his speech, he a.'-ijc;f; t lie Anti-Saloon league of is suing untrue information from its bureau in Washington. Oh". r?. teriing the spread of boot I -gging ; s "tho most oonspUuous evil d- vc lepment" of prohibition, Covfrnor Edwards said: BR. II. G. LEOPOLD -Osteopathic Physician Union Dlork Phone 208 ) PLATTSMOUTH . p.e. Keiil. whoe iliness is said by rela tives to have resulted from complica tions following hi" abandonment of the u.-.. of dii:-'- and liUor. was re 1 ' rt -d by his ph.ysicia ns. to be im I ;ov:ii7. Vhat is nicer for the oook lover j than a choice volume on some of the; itaeling authors that are carried at the Journal or an artistie and beau tiful set of book ends? i: ( Hanson a:d son. tieor; Xeiiav. 1;ji wrre here today Hay Herring and James Warren. look- i who have lnv nspending the summer ; a tier sun:,' ! w bile in th .I-Mirnal otiu ': tion for th; ilia tiers of business ( ity were callers at to renew their sub coming year. in the northwe:,t at Raker, Montana. cam.' in list evening to enjoy the Christmas season hero with the home folks. Christmas Specials FOR THIS WEHK! .25 ot; .55 .20 .40 .70 1.00 1.00 Package dates, per pound $ Sugared bulk dates, per lb Currants, per 1 6-oz. pkg Raisins, seeded-or unseeded, per lb Orange and lemon peel, per lb Citron peel, per lb Peaches in syrup, four No. 2)? size cans Pure strawberry preserves, four 16-oz. iars. . . . W- A " Mixed nuts for Christmas, per lb 25 Mixed Christmas candy, per lb 25 Wc also carry a full line of fresh fruits and vege tables, celery, grapes, grape fruit and honey. Special attention paid to your orders. Call us over the phone fcr your wants. WSLLBAH1S So. 6th Street bxstw Phone No. 13 Said a customer: "You are right tiie pi. ice- to buy a gift for him is at a 'He' store v. here he himself buys for his own ' use." Qpen House Every Nite Till Xmas! TRY IT! i i i Take note introduction. of the flute call as anl Christmas stationery in all the latest and most fashionable designs j can be found at the Journal office' and at prices that are within the' reach cf all. See our special lines,! they are the best ever shown here, i ' I TOE HEEL J I AM Gloves and Mittens WE are showing the most complete line of GLOVES and MIT TENS ycu have seen in town in years. Silk, Cotton, Wool and Fur Lined in dress or driving stock Adler and Hanson makes. The prices have simply tumbled off tha shelf. Come and see these fine gloves and mittens. Ask to be shown the new German Fabric gloves. They sell for $1.25. Ask to see tiie Boys Lined Mocha mittens. 75c and 85c. A Tie or Two! BOX CF SOX MONEY TO I0AN Loans negotiated on land or town property. Five room cottage for sale. I One pair. Hirer ;.t irs. I or ?ix. A rensiblc gift j because he knows they i are good if they are j INTKUWOYEN. It. IJ. Windham. ill-usw. 6dX Bibles handsome Chrkt-' make a mas gift. See the line at the Journal' iu.-i office before purchasing elsewhere li)c in l:t;ic. CO- to Sl.llo, .-ilk. fli) ta he, ivy suiv. haul etiibrcddcied el ox. A 11-1 . f l CMl.,. 4 1 J-ln-onOTr L- ' A 1 1 , f An. e: ,1 . i cn onrun atenrtmeni rr v . iphpv Jiitvs iiic omj-taoy .iuu uiai uu '!!ie'hv. rnt wrlnlrl ArA if ii's npw in knits, we have it. Ties hold first Dlace in popularity as gifts. Ours are more desirable because they ere made of the finest -, imported and domestic silks and satins. Priced at Itllk jyvrinldc. ss-''4'te'isjssv SO c to $2.00 f