THURSDAY. BZCZMLn i:. PLATTSJTOTJTTI SEMI - WEEKLY JOTTtLSAI PAGE TWO Nehawka Department Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. ?cpt c.ri offer from the ISurllaston us special agent lor theiu and will bjjin work about January 1. LOCA Making; Yallery .utile to and Robert Omaha last Jiv-Ts Glen Troop shipped Monday. Mr. -Mrs. K. R. Koiullo wore Siting at ihe home of friends in Svr.M i:-e last Sunday. Mr.-, l. M. Palmer and Miss Flor- in e Wright were seing the play at the ParmVle at PlattMiiouth last Fri day. Mi-- Ruth HinJon of the Sheldon r-I.T.':ia-tnrinT company was. spend ing l ist Sunday at her homo in Lin- o! !). Mr. V. A. Hicks began the sink- a n-w well at t lie nome 01 C. Wist last Monday atter- ot ! ). 1 '1 i Mr. The piny iv'.'i-. rs me:: v. R-v Xirk. Oil ::.- of Sli Kio'-. Manm"a t urine i ora- ipped a car load of concrete to Raltimore, Md.. last Sat- gathered at the home of Mr. and Mr?. Owen Willis and had a most enjoy able tini". Five hunters from Omaha appear ed at Nehawka last Sunday and after heat ins: the brush for miles around Nehawka succeeded in running out some 1? rabbits which they nagged. Clarence Peck and wife were vis iting and looking after some business matters at Omaha last Monday and Mi. Karl Troop drove the school bus i: Mr. Peek's place during his ab sence. II. Troon of Plattsmouth was looking after srme business matters north of Nehawka and was consult ing with his brother. W. O. Troop, regarding smno stock whih they are leeding. .). It. lllii and family were guests ANOTHER BIG Her Schooling- Count Miss Maybedle Troon, who is tak ing domestic scifnee m the Nehawka schools entertained a number of her iriond? ia tun junction with her brother Karl Troop. Miss Maybclle, wok is an adopt at cooking, prepar ed the l.i-.-al hi i Waiuiday evening ml tin-re was p rescue at the six .i e lock dinner: Miss Dorothy Lewis, ?!iss May. . lie Troop. Messrs. Orville r.tdjbnu, John Kett'Fhut and Earl Troop. NEWS of Caught i 'Possum After Chickens evening i.tsi week the chick- s at til'-1 home of Uncle Joe Shrader f up a great aehiing and the folk ii on! to sec what was tho matter d found a 'possum in tho coop af- ) last Xlikson. sr.n of William ihry had the misfortune to break I; is arms while playing at unday at Perceval. Ia.. where" went to visit at the home of George Hill and enjoyed a most f day. returning home in the on the i L . n. villi thf r t underlh te-- l as aeecpt s i rt f ; as guard for?:' nvy vvilllh is a - ?ate prison. Mrs. J. G. V. .'i'r d from : y last week, u -h better at Worth Cli.k :rr.iy to the .-t d a position af the s'ate position at yard-; ! f.-.--dit h:.wka. on "a who was fall on the ice one is reported as being this time. shipped cattle from South Omaha stock Ion. lay whuh h- has been the farm northeast of Ne- p!e:!?r nr veiling. E. R. panied ; oi S i'aj f"V stat" i Kendle the jeweler, accom y his "atber. Mr. A. H. Ken i ne. eiurted last Mon th c western portion of the ,tc thrv wn' to look after bus Lip ness r'sav matters, of !ar 1' n:on was a TO THE Land by the old reliable amo Larsci and Sugar Gaznpsny ; Leaving Kansas City Wednesday, Jan. 3, 1922 ; Making very low rates for d c fowls, and his The animal was eap dcpredaiions put to .ii end. i II - fPt Realized a Neat Sum ladies of tho M. K. ehurcli pro-, iiied amuseiiiint for the Mid lu l,! a bazaar la.t Satur vealiig. met with a financial s as .'!; ;m a s.x ial stuoess and .1 tle-if nt into niony to the of one hundred ti'iilars which fi'r the benefit of the church. da: a n vi;itro- in Nehawka Ins: Monday, cor-im: to deliver some wheat at the Vi,ha"'Ir.i :T11 ?Tlt - t s i 1 1 t-lro tiomf with him some of the excellent flour ! this trip For further partic- mare by Mr. St. John. t--j. : j r Tit I early Ohio potatoes. These are ex- i Ilv "ood and will be sold j lulars call or write A C C was spending hi st Momiay at the home of Mrs. Clare... IVfl; and rar. CeptlOH i -.z f.-r the children while they were j while they Ir.St at i O cents per bush in Omaha. je flt F. P. Sheldon's. I.i -f S 'it:rih'y night a large paty J Pert Lias who believes in goins ' . . !' young p.-ople, married and single. ' whn he goes and trusting in his; Sleet Interfeies With Keetings Last Wedneday evening while "ii. W. O. Troop h;.d a nice fire at .he Otieilxin ii. nih and all ready . .:r tin- meeti:i!j or" the evening, the j .opb- did not come e::i iti-couiit of Vi ry .'dippery roads and the min- r. the i'ev. il. MrKolvie, of Mer- a. who hi'S been -(jnduc!ing the ser- :.-is of t!:e- reviv;;l. coti hided to dis continue I lie .ae tinus and eons 'i nrly announced that ; no services anv longer p. tried for his home in the west I ;'iim Monday's Datlv. Iiert Fickler, of Stantc-n. Nebraska, was h-re teday. ceminr in from his home to the South Omaha ivarket. Oiwt S;:hherg and tlauehter. Mi3 IVarl. of LouibviUc, were here today attending to some matters oi uusi ne Mrs. Major A. Hall of Orant. Ne braska, is here rpendlng a few days ard looking after ihe settlement the Wiles estate. Hen Dear, of (Hen wood war. among the visi'ors in the i i:y today to at-; (end t he sale of the Wiles far:n land ) : t tiie onrt hou?c this morning. j Mrs. K. Z. Kenney, of Central! '.'ily. who has been here visiting at i the liorae of her sifter, Mrs. Laura Petersen, departed this afteme.on for . her home. William Starkjohn departed this morning on the early P.urlington train for Omaha to enjoy a few hours v : : i t there looking after some matters of business. ! Anion liys now located at Akron. Colorado, came in Oils morning on the early Hut iir.tnn train to spend la few days here with the members ; of bis family and his many friends. Lester F. Wui'dM-lPh of Villi.sea, Who vn;- enjoying a w. ek end v i -it w":h reh. ii". es and friends at N"li-iwl:a. denarted this morning for tl." iowa eily to look after his busi ; in ss interests there. j deorge F. Morrison of St. Paul, 'traveling representative' e)f the Mon lotype company, was here today to !spenl a lew hours with his mother, ! .Mrs. Kmma Morrison, and his grand- ' A . ' . 1 I V be butk to avt i-ZciloKi'j Corn F lanes, hceawc t he children vuon't fa; t: y other kind. rCiUovs have the goody ll-.vor and theyare nevrrim gh i j i . ,, t i" ana - - si-aneriore c e I ninili'-r, j :"s lookii Mrs. T. S. g fine and w..iii,i I the reroileet Ion an.l de-Ilcro- C. Dabb. (leorge has grown rjut of of his old friends t 1 G:i&S. L. STOKE, Tel. No. 7 Nehawka, Neb AT THE Ql Wctch Repair ach . L tenets m 1 n -z SI. 1. j:.oU and 1 1 MX) ."'I . T, 1.1 " STORE! Price List: Maiii Spring $l.",r stair ::.oo riemapnetizing 1.00 Hands, each .20 Clicks 1.00 Pallet Jewels, each 2.00 All work fully guaranteed. Come in anJ give us a trial and convince vourself. E. R, VET NEHAWKA NEBRASKA pe,..:v Ford to ped on th' ie town and the carry him safely, slip . la?t week north of car overturned spill- On four PI' ooppio; ai the She! Jon Sfcre this Ysar! 011 will find a nice stock of sjoods at reasonable nd see our stock first. A FEW SUGGESTIONS :cmething Tcr the Men Suspenders in Christmas' hexes; Siik. and Knit Ties; Handkerchiefs; Garters; belts; Felt Slippers. Tom Wye knit jackets, $7.50 and vC CO l .1 .? j-iso may otrser suitacie aiticles. And for the Lsdies Embroidered collar and cuff eels, $1; Colored embroidered handkerchiefs, 20c to 5c; Leather pocket books, $1.50 to $6; Felt slippers, $1.50 (Child's sizes, 90c) ; Embroidered and lace trim med icarfs, $1.50. Articles for the Home Hemstitched pure linen napkins and 62x64 inch table cloths. S12.50, $13.50 and $15; Fancy linen huck toweling, 65c io 90c yard; Hemstitched linen huck towels, 75c; Turkish towel sets, 31.75 to $2; Fancy Turkish towels, 50c and 75c; Lace trimmed pillow cases, $2.25: Winton rugs, attractive designs, 27x54 inch size, $2.30 to $5. Flowered aud Fancy Ribbon Holly Ribbon and Christmas Seals. Dishss and Glssstvsrs! find a nice assortment of fancv dishes ant You will cut glassware in our stock, all most reasonably Heisey's cut glass sherbert glasses, set of six. 1 sCtsev's cut crJass water set. 7 nieres glass sugar and cream sets gloss vases I le'-.-ev's :e:;ey s t "ie:sev s 1 I I cut cut cut glass fruit dishes 2.00 priced. .$3.00 . 7.00 . 2.00 . 1.50 Also a nice assortment of Fry Oven Glass. CUR STOCK OF NUTS AND CHRISTMAS CANDY IS HERE BUY YOURS NOW. 'Mm 7i PHONE NO. 14 Oil n ILLUUI Established 1888 NEHAWKA. NEB. in i. r: and his blankets and scat irriv1. ini all over ihe lountry. . it. Ciiv.nnmh:'.:'.: was over iroin I lo- k J;h:::'s ! Sunday and spent I the :lay a? h.onie. Mr. Cunningham is J tliis w-'. k coni::ien inn th building ! of a jd ii e to live over near the river jher he has a contract whieh will ! trke liir.i so:ne two years to complete. , Hoiiert Johnson and John Whlte- man were visiting in Phittsmouth' i last Sunday where they ensiasvd with : ' .he Purlin?ton for employment .at ; i the lo:al shops at that place and on ; Monday afternoon drove over to the; ' county scat where on Tuesday mern !:i!S they began work. ! Last Mondav morning Mr. and i Mr-;. Arthur Wolph departed via the : .southern route and via the auto for. : California where they will expect to j pend the winter. Their route will, I ;!k" them through Phenix. Ariz., and '. ! Kl Paso. Trx. They will expect to be ;rone f.'ir the entire winter. i Crandmoth'-r St. John has been ! I relink very pooriy for several days ; h'lt since Sunday is reported as be- irsr some better. Her sons have been, i very solicitous regarding her welfare and have very tenderly ministered to , her vants. Mrs. Charles Uarkhurst '' Weeping Water, a daiiRhter. came 'ever and is nursinir In r mother back' j to l.- alth. ; ; Just received, a car of No. one early Ohio potatoes. These are ex-! j ceptionr.Ily good find will be sold while they last at 75 cents per bush-: el at F. P. Sheldon's. ' j Thomas E. Fulton is a pretty ; t.rom! p-.-tnd pap these days and his J ! '-.oofi natttr wouM be manifested in fo'ne merry tunes but he cannot Ret 1 'his face in shape to whistle on ac- j.oi'nt of the smiles which chase the i ;n:-k t necessary to whistle away, i The irvand vn. a new boy who nrriv- r-T Mir home of Mr. and Mrs. Her-; : old Kimion. js the eaus" of this hap : !.ii'"--3 on the part of the grandfather' . T. K. Ftiitnn. All are dointr nicely, i The chorus at the Methodist i-hur-h are at this time working-on a !r!ir.:t t which they will rive for a .Christinas rntertninment and which! vPI be Riven on December l.rth. This will bo well worth the while of all lovers of music RoinR to see. With (this "-ill be included many other ex-; jc'-Honr numbers. The Nehawka or-' e'wstra. connsfinp of Miss Hazel! ! ott. Messss. Walter Wunderlich. ' !'. Klaiirens. Verner IundberR, K. f i i- K. !!dh and Theodore Nelson will . : the proRram. School Notes ( i-s n sericulture is takitiR study eif sheep. Rrnd" tea- hers entertainer! the Side SewiiiR club at the scheol "in Tuesday after schoeil. ionvoi-at,on Thursday tl:c s !:.;vc n. ( a ristmas pro hr.veii by iimsic on th.e Vic- c Ti:e : i ! i ! i Th" . a :i!iv use For o iioino: rr;:in. Fo rola. 'She bov-s :: !-. .e:h;:!l and i aliy for e; n " h-ader u: ' : a Thursday. ?!r. P.urby r. . -s of his , ia i voca t ional .'- t:re in in. . 1 ') v. Tl 1 Rirb- hve started are v.erhiiiR enthusi aces on the teams. A is ele- ted at convoea- : n ";' ently sent some pic 5 to Mr. Palmer, head ucation in thi' stat. ki:iR pictures to be ii over the s'ate. ;e honi'"1 ( i-ono'iiirs e lass is do s ::e. enaaTdiiiR and making d'-partnn nt look better. They .!so R'-dn.R To take up candy mak- o as to l.e pr pared for Christ- fhe Parf lit -Teaclu rs association : '! their i.ioi.'hly meeting at the ;r-t , -, house l ist Tuesday evenir.R. pre-idcnl, Mrs. If. J. Palmer, iresid'd. After the business meet ing a proRn-.m was rendered as fol lows : X'h iI Solo. Mrs. KuRene Nii'zman. i,; -eo fleet. Miss Hazel Carper and Velma Wessel. I'.-p-i- Atl-.htics," Miss Florence V.ri'.-ht. The Public Library," Mrs. Vih's Shr-ldon. ');.en discission followed. A'ir th.e ireRra:n fine refresh es v-s were served by the hosts con--!-: i.iR of put'inkin pie with whipped i-'i and cef:e. Tne hosts were Mr. d Mrs. (). Lnndhui-R. Mr. nnd Mrs. . ''. Po!l:rl. Mr. and Mrs. Leo SvPz-r. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S.hoe-saaker. STBANGE ANIMAL Th I HanihnrR Ueporter tells t lie of the hillinR of a stranRe ani 'est of Hamhurir. Two brothers. i-i W'ootens. linfj noted web-foot ' iv e Ks ahi'R ttie banks of certain ehs. They finally landed the beast hv ; v.dl i!ir-eted shot. It wcirIis nhov.t loo pounds e.r.d has red hair. V is web-l"oo?cd with three toes on from feet and tour on hind feet, has not t-iil and l e head of a fox. The iav.--- are very heavy; if runs like a wolf and could hap a distance of : t The animal has been lixed up by a ia Idermist. It a South American inin .il. :iccordirR to the taxidermist. If is oi ihe rodent species related te the beaver. ---.-:rv - raMy 11. Whii take r was anions those j'.olr.t? to I i.-.t-oln "".is morniiiR to p ad : few hours lookir.R after some tnatters of business. Mr.;. Martha Peterson and Mrs. Jchn S;hit were -'M' hr th.e pas-fe:if.-ers tiiis afternoon for Omaha to e njoy visit for a ft hours. Pet Fickler returned this after i.oori to his homo at Stanton. Nebras !.:. ,nt':r a thtirt stay Ikto lof)kiiiR after some business matters. Jess ftoherts. of Falls. South DiikfiTa. v ho h;. ! . u he re for v. M.ort time viskiitR with 1".:; relatives. ; nd frienJs, returned h.oine this af tei noon. ft If CMdren are . - sir Z r t-r.' Little folks instantly recognize I,c!b5 Corn Flakes from imitations! Thev know '. delicious Kellogg flavor and they i:no- i Kellogg's are never tough or leathery or ; . r to eat! Kellogg's Corn Flakes are so cupevic, flavor and in crisp crunchiness that once y: know Kellogg's you will always serve i--e . And, Kellogg's should be best be-a:i: ;j . are the original Corn i - the most delighttui cere.i: ? made! Insist upon Ke!lcL the kind in the RED n GREEN package, becau? . are genuine without tho ture cf W. K. KelU-zg, crl:M.. tor of Corn Flakes : Also Balers of KELLOGG'S KFUTJLES ari KELLOGG'S EP.AII. zr.'. r TOASTED com FOR SALE OR TRALE Elank books at the Jouiiul 0:v. .py CHIEF OF FIRi BE- (v. 3i REPORT Gives City Council Excellent Report cn the Past Year in City in Matter of Fires. ?IAREIED AT COURT HOUSE Fn:n Mondays rr.l!v Tliis niornin-r .lude Allen J. I5ee s,in a e;:Ued upon to unite in the . of wedlock two of the weil know ii and popukir youns: people of the v-ieinity of Fnion. (Jeorpe H. n.tthnwriy and Miss Nellie A. Meade. The eotiple were nerompanied hTe hy Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway, 1-othiT and sister-in-law of the frroom, who witnessed the eereinony wi'irii w:is performed in the usual ple:isin.rr manner of t lie court. The mo t delightful luncheon by the '. rien iy weds will mske their home in ir.i inar hostess. The quests are just ' tne tuiure i,i th.: vic inuv of Fnion. vi:-;-. inr; that these charminc; j (TILLY" SHADE WINS OVER ANDY SCHiTADES Cekbrpted Wedding Anniversary Saturday evening .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ross eedehrated their J tf'i wedding anniversary at their ceui rry home with a lare number ef their friends nnd a most enjoy al time was had. They had music! and nil played r00 and after an eve-! n i : fiih'd v.ith pleasant social eon vers;.ion th a:ists were served to a c! no-v entertainers mirht have a number of, ; :i;verari s each year. Again on Monday even in?? a number gathered at the Ross home where they enjoyed a e;ird party noth withstanding the! very severe weather outside. j ! iroit. Dec 11. "Hilly" Shade ef Now York, was too fast for Andy Schi.inder of Omaha, outboxing the former light heavyweight champion of the mvy throuirhout most ef their . Madden of Freeport, i ten-round go here tonight, manager of the Stover Visit Sheldon Factory Mr. L. v Ilk. tem-rpl AiimtacHii-ing and Engineering Co.. I , ot e tiu ago and Thomas K. Cochrane : , district salen manager of the same!. company having his office at Omaha. ' ,;. were visiting at the Sheldon Mann-:,?, faeturing (ompany and were guests!,?, at the Ceorge F. Sheldon home for J. dinne.- last Monday. They sell heavi-,. iy to tie manufacturing comjianr i here. i I -r Will Work With Burliu-ton j J Mr. AV. w. Dale, who has been in tin employ of tlje ?:tate for the pat number of months as sargeant at the N REX YOUNG General Auctioneer Li Stock 1'ersoiir Real Rst.ite Property -I- t Tueprtay's Dativ The report eu' Fire Chit f Dr. O. Sandin. fih-i with th.e city council lis' evening was very complete anil d't :i!d the number of fires in the pa? year as weU as a full inventory of the p'-operty belonging to the vol unteer fire !epartmnt, making a spic-ndid. clear ai d concise statement of the' condition of affairs in this im portant part of the city government. I:i the year commenHng Dec. 1. 3!'21, and ending December 1. 122, there were nine fires, no deal lis and no injuries from th" fires. The value f the buildings affected were ?23, ;;ot: the damage to buildings, ?. 727: amount of insurance carried on I'uii'Hngs. ..'!( ; amount of insur ance receive'd on buildings, $H7!. A'::lue of personal property affected by fire, fin. ."; amount of damage io personal property, $2, !. 3o ; amount ef insurance -arried on per sonal projieriy. $4.j0: amouni ot in surance received on personal prop erty. $:;.-i!)0. The fire loss in I'lattsmouth io nearly one-half less than in 1!21. The ehief repcirts tl:at in the past two years twenty buildings have been i ondemned and removed and that what ti e city needs is a strong ordi nance covering the wiring of build ings that would reduee the insurance rale Mid also an ordinance for con demning the chimneys of various places where it is deemed necessary. Plattsmoutii property. frcm one ; ! lot to ten acre tracts. Call phono G'jM;;! or write i. O. Box 677. ; HD L f ! r- H P r. ! '1 , Util 111 Ul L. U U l W . J v Osteopathic Physlciar. FRANK V ALL FRY. n30-4sw, Id. Plattsnioitth. Farm loans now nade at 5','. T I'nion u... T.L'.'V State Bank Bldg. i t r mmn i n r t n ir., r ..r .l..r.&aAllJAL; ? , Jorin w. Urabiil THE STORE OF CHRISTIIAS GIFTS Santa Claus says: "Go to Crabill's; it is there yo i N w-iil discover just what your friends will appveciate. jj-,s LET US SUGGEST N ENJOY FD7E TFME From Tuesday's Daily. Last evening the Senior class girls had a fine time at the home of Miss Marie Hunter, where the jolly party with Miss Jessie Robertson as class sponsor, assembled. The evening was spent in games end amusements and in the delights ef a fine Christmas tree which bore gifts from the mem bers of the class to each other and was a very pleasant treat. Dainty refreshments .also aided in making the day one of great pleasure to all ef the party. Those in attendance were Rose Fgan. Helen Toman, Frances Krejci. Helen and Edith Farley. Murna Wolff, Helen Wiles, Clara Wickman, Laura Lecock, Mary Margaret Wal lintr. Helen; and Kdith Gapen. Giien. Slain. I'ernese Ault. Marguerite Wiles. Kthlyn Wiles. Elizabeth N'olt ing, Florence Cecil. Effa Patterson, Marie Hunter, Mattie Hurgins, Har riett Peacock, Ursula Herolel and Miss Haddon. of Council Bluffs. For Ladies For Gentlemen Diamond and Set Rings AYa!ehc.- Rin-s Rru'elet Watches Pearl Reads Par Pins, Kar Rings Ivory Sets Fountain Pens Sil verwa re Cut Glassware Mesh Rags Sf'ck Pins Fountain Pons. Penc'!.- Cuf,- Links Pelts an 1 Ruckles Stick 1 ins 'Mgarette Ca?es Lodcre Emblems Watch Chains ail ( h..m. ;;-'We also havy many articles suitable for Gift.; : : Children and for the Home. Yictrolas and Yictor Record All Jevelry Purchases Neatly Enrjravcd without Extra Charge John W. Crabill Jeweler and Optometrist Wagner Hotel Block Platismouth. Neb.-. ESTRAY NOTICE pho:e r.n Plattsmoulh, Nebraska Call at my Expenje Taken up a Hampshire sow pig, October 1st. Owner may have same by raying for feed and care and this notice. HENRY STURM, di-2:?w. Nehawka, Xeb. When baby suffers with croup, j:pply and give Dr. Thomas Eclectic Oil at once. Safe for children. A little 0c goen a long way. nt all drug sf-v.-e?. 30c and Eversharp pencils mako u hand- .8,! some gift fcr Christmas. Buy them at . ' the Journal o3ice. iTUGK FROfll 'lattsmouth to -DAILY T&i On IS Also all kinds of hauling, including Live Stock to South Omaha market. Either by Weight or Trip! Phone 394 or 60S 1ST BUTTERY, PROPRIE.'JR stt:te reformatory, has de Ided to ac-