The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 04, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cos piattsmoiitb jfowriral
ITntered t I'ostotrice. riatuuiouth. NVtv. 6?cond-lass mail uitter
This I say then. Walk in the Spir -
it, and yo shall r.ot fulfill the lust of
the liesh. Oalatiaus v. 16.
Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving
Do 3"our Christmas mailing early
so you can ge t an answer.
The skating rink is not a dream.
bv a lone; shot. It is to be a reality.
:o -
A baby grand cog is Lss th;n a
grand baby, but doesn't last as Ions.
: o:
The rer.soa some men leave h.-m-
is because they can't pay the taxes. ,
J7T" , , . . .,,.!0"0 a gram in the last year.
The U!uo man who na;. tau.i -a
kinds of mushrooms should try ar
senic. o:o
Canada is declaring war on single
men. Another result of women's in
fluence in polities.
We had lots to be thankful for
life, liberty nn1 the pursuit of hap
piness, for instance.
In Texas, a lioness killed a mule.
The female of the species is more
deadly than the mule.
Br.dyar.csk-hovitsky. Calicia. h3s
had an earthquake, and you can't
blame the earthquake.
A hi? naval factory at Washing
ton is rnakinc: mail lxxes. Yes, the
pen is mightier than the gun.
Platinum wedd;iir ring are tak-
f trr ,1.1 Hull H n T ! T" I T ft '
ov . i . . ,
but lon't sera to hold ns well.
Repuhlicars hoM ha-ely er.oug".
majority te
go ahnad and carry on
their program as soon as they tir.d i
on.?. i
rvo. we.diu not get me i .'.an..-,- .
civin turkev we prayed for. F.ut .
are not living in Grand Oid Missouri
Wood row Wilson may b a tr:f:r
indisposed, but there's nothinir lot
in the way he can still put his foot
Wa?hlr.g!on nr" to
he Fr.ite.l St a' s
Reports from
the effect that
wants a
rcparato treaty with tae
t. s tb-
V. e lif. -!- to s ee tr." . vf
by at. i-'a-t a foot of ,,.w by Christ
mas so Santa CI 111s can get around
with ease.
Mayor Hylan says h'-'.- goiiiT to
drive the Ku Klux Klan out f)f New
York. Tammany doesn't believe in in
visible empires.
The Greek government his resign
ed, for nej reason that ve know eif.
but we suppose maybe Groeee want:;
tranquillity, too.
You can't get jihead of the flap
per. She is determine to have a lonT
Fkirt now, even if it gets hr in doht
up to her knees.
: o
The Turks are the soul of honor.
When thev break a solemn phdge
they are w illing to make two new :
ones to replace it.
n r
A V." a s h i n g t o 11 rorr---spond"nt
speaks of the rank ar.d file of the
democratic leaders. Well, where are
the privates down there?
Senator Newberry s resignation
seems to have been legal and regular
in every respect. It came the day fol
lowing a firm denial of any such in
tention. o :
The get-rich promoter operates on
the assumption that a su-hcr is born;
every minute. So does the do- - j bene. it to the business in hand. Now
tor, the quack political manipulator, ' hat our own congress has convened
the quack agitator. (in extra Fission, it might find the
:o: ! Italian example of great benefit in
The European reporters stopped ' gett ing its legislative work done,
writing about the kaiser and thej :o: .
widow as soon as they were married.
We'd like to read a follow-up story
purporting to show how they are set-
tins along, particularly with refer -
ence to the lady's herd of kids.
A citizen of Paris, Mo., left SI.-jY
000. the income from which is to be!;
given annually to the local boy crj..
girl displaying the greatest courtesy
to old people. Great Caesrr! He
might have given that to the Boy,
Scouts who do this work for nothing.
BATES, Publisher
ilt's v. kite to be snow
j And it 's cold to be he.
jit's windy to Mow
And it's nire to be nire
: ::
he man never falls in love this
! close to Christmas.
It isn't good form for a chauf
feur to get his man on the sidewalk.
:,:,t sportsman allow the pedestrian
tn r,t . j-;v0 nr ton i,et away from his
ease before
hitting him.
: o :
While coal pries ivaintain a high
.-el the dailv press is not without
,.s s.K:i olu.oUraso:.;t.n;s BU(.h as a
r..I)0rt t;,at ra(ii(.m has dropped :).-
The government says there w.;s ;
j waste m the MiiPung of the army .
cantonments. It is unfortunate thatjTurk where he belongs and possibly
the government should be in a rather uo ;t without fighting.
i poor position to tain; about waste.
; : o :
A Pi: cat Sound tish.emian v as
dragged from his boat by :. fish he
h.'ul hooked the other day. However, !
if you lived out th : re. you'd probably J
be- reading a similar story from;
Plat ts mouth.
-1 n :
The administration is convinced j rjst.ons' right, and in a minute the
that disrespect for law is a national j air was ,uii of noic an.j fathers,
menace. The same thought has or-j Th piS(.OI1 seemed to be getting
curred to many eitizens in connec-;10 wc,r-t of it. Then suddenly re
tion with the shipping board's boot- I inforeenicnts appeared from the east.
1 .-aging ships.
A N;v York re w.paper advocates!
letting down the immigration bars in
rder to provide help for the farm-;
.WJ "T 1 - o . r- i ' i. Ii si f ! in nv'erio nta
,. . ... ...... ........... n....-,
.the farms is a sght worth providing
r i- rved seats fc.r.
John D. Jr.. nays "Ibr.'t buy a Ford
ur. l?.s you can f.Tord it.
.etiircr iealous e-f Her.rv. As erne
Ifum'shes the flivver and the other
lhe j,a3 to run it it seem . iike those
boys outrht to get together.
Care should always be taken in
hur ting in ur.on burglars in vour ;
homo. Purclars. nervous at brst, are!n, 5,90 onf great ariil navy rush-grr-atly
surpr-'sd i'.Twadny! whenever ! to 'hf aid of another in this fash-
..i. 1.. . 1. 1 iinr'
i:.t- iin'i ii:nt. v .1 1 'fiiin'- iiii.i .111' :
likely to lose th ir heads and shoot.
A number o." ;-atesmen whei are
'in their gravrs but w
agisted in '
'!" birth i of ti ird parties have turn
ed ovtr several titin-s tiiiee th-? ar
nouncement of Senator Porah that
thtre ought to be a third party in
this country.
: o:
A burden of about ?.oim) mjO.OOO
of debt is now '-arried by A aerican
states an 1 nuni'-'palities. R -uglily,
this is al out a third as mtu h as the
national debt. And it ha3 b.en grow
ing at a rate which, unless chocked
by indignant taxpayers, will leave
tho states and nunicipr!;; :cs with a
ombim-d debt of ?-lii!',f.)o.r00 in
lf2fi. A bigger problem than na
tional debt, if people onfy realized.
: o :
One thing we can't understand
about the flight of the suPan of Tur-k-y
is why he didn't linger in Con-st.-uiir.otde
long enough to auction
off his harem. No fresh statistics are
available showing th present value
of wive s in Trtrki-y, but we r-re quite
ur- t-ia' t'i' s-iltan had n first class
harem, and could havo realized a
nifty sum by s'l'.irg o'f his wives,
instf'Td of bavin:: them behind to
weep and wail over his departure.
Pr'-mi-r Mussolini of Italy had a
good idea when he sent out hia re
cent e.rder to the Italir.n chamber of
deputies to cut down their speeches
to a minimum. E.-onorny of time and
talk appears important in his eyes
as a part of get" ml government re
form and economies. Speech making
can i.-arly p.Wvys be shortened with
i V
General Auctioneer
Live Stock Real Estate
Personal Property
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Call at tny Expense
"The Turko-Aliied imbroglio about
Constantinople, is beyond American
ken." writes a business specialist,
"but it is doubtful whether it is as
serious as the newspapers would lead
one to suppose "
Just how serious the Turkish sit-
juation is, in its vital effects and like
ly consequences throughout the
world, it is hard to say. The news
papers generally take their cue from
the statesmen, and the statesmen
have been greatly alarmed about it.
But it does look as if the Turks them
selves have been taken more serious
ly than they deserve to be, all along.
There are not more than S.OOO.Ooo
of them, even when united, and their
maximum fighting power is consid
ered to be not more than 300.0oij
men. Their equipment is far inferior
to that which the allied powers
fought with in the world jvar and
now possess. Great Britain or France
or Italy, nleme. could easily wipe
Kemal and his army off the earth and
Turkey off the map. Together, they
would find Turkey about one good
bite if they took the field in earnest.
The situation is serious only be
cause the allies have preferred poli
tics to fighting and have been divid
ed. The Turk is capable of vast mis
chief only because they give him a
fictitious importance. If they can get
together or. a sensible and civilized
moje of procedure, they may put the
Ii vas a curious battle tdiat was
fought the other day around a church
spire in Boston. A flock of pigeons
had taken possession of the bell tow-
er, as usual, for winter. A flock of
I blackbirds appeared and disputed the
I They were seagulls. A big flock of
jthem pitched into the fray, taking
'the side of the pigeons and driving
the blackbirds off in disorder. After
jthe victory they disappeared as sud-
jenv as tnov camP.
. ,,-,i,i.,;i
dent for this remarkable example of
military co-cperation? Or is it a sign
symbolic for mankind?
One might easily imagine the lat-
u",","n t ..... .
banding together in self defense
against others, of It-agues to police
the world and punish aggression, etc.
Man's future battles, too, may be
n the air. How long will it be until
The latest federal n s'tvo b-mk
j building. under i-onstruction in
Cleveland, v ill have a vault so big
and strong tat l-ip door alone will
weigh .1'") 'fin and one hinge will
weigh 20 tor.s. Th door is four feet
thick ard fitted with an aggregation
cf in.ricpte, delicate and powerful
time locks guaranteed to defy all the
safe-blowc-rs in Christendom.
That is the way Fncle Sam, who
has lots of monoy. Hkes care of his
monej-. Yet thousrids of people who
have little will probably continue in
the same old way, to keep what they
have under a rug or in a fruit jar, or
give it to some fake stock promoter.
The Greeks made a great mistake
in the deliberate murder of those
public servants, who failed to mate
rialize what the government thought
it ought to be. They are receiving
the condemnation of every intelli
gent government on earth. England
ha3 already withdrawn its relations
and other countries will follow.
It will be disillusioning to some
persons to learn that oil concessions
are playing a large part at the Near
Eastern conference. Still, we have
frequently noticed that politics and
business are prettly closely allied at
Our merchants are right up to date
with their Christmas novelties. So,
there is no necessity of going away
from home, to buy what you want.
Governor-elect of New Hampshire
ia a former baseball player. We nom
inate Dempsey for budget director.
Four large trucks and three Alamo
farm lighting plants. Several second
hand automobiles.
nS0-4sw, Id. Plattsmouth.
Mrs. Laura M. Hoyt Recommends
Chamberlain's Tablets
"I have frequently used Chamber
lain's Tablets, durine the nast three
years, and have found them splendid
1. .1.. 1. T 1. : w 1 . .. Y
J'am only too pleased, at any time, to
speak a word in praise of them."
writes Mrs. Laura M. Hoyt. Rock-'
port. N. Y. Weyrich & Hadraba.
Royal Live Stock Show Awards In
clude Fifteen Ribbons to Cat
tle from This State.
Nebraska Hereford breeders cap
tured fifteen ribbon at the Ameri
can Royal Live Stock show in Kan
sas City last week. The Hereford com
petition brought out five hundred
2ntries from all parts of the United
States aud was said to be the- big
iot showing of the great Whiteface
creed ever held in America.
John C2. K i: h 1 iii.i ii. who onerates
t small herd of registered Hereford:?!
at Chester, Nebraska, was the sur-i
pri.;e of the shew. In a class of six
teen of the best Hereford bulls in
America he exhibited his bull "Mis
chief Junior 7th" and won second
place. The bull to defeat him was i
"Hartland Woodford," a 0.1 00-pound j
liereroru giant ov. neu tiy senator J.
N". Camden, of Versailles, Kentucky,
ind said to he the heaviest bull ever
exhibited in an American showing.
Mr. Kuhlman ;iiso captured stii j
rri'e in a cd:ss of fourteen two-year-;
old bulls. He showed "Prince Pal
adin." one rf the good young bulls
of his herd. j
H. J. Uramlich. of Lincoln, car
ried away a prize ribbon in the j
class of twenty-nine Senior bull,
Tha i K. Mendcnhall. of Fi:irbury, j
brorht homo live ribbons as the j
resalt of his week's showing. Among,
others, he exhibited an outstanding;
Junior bull calf. "Imperial 7th,"
which took Stli place in a clas3 of
thirty-five. ;
Visitors at the Royal saw a won- ,
derful Hereford s-how. staged in the .
new half-million dollar building
built to house t ho great Exposition.
Tn nit ndous crowds viewed the ex
hibits nd the judging. The Here-
fords led all beef breeds in the"hma-:
ber of animals exhibited and their'
splendid showing made many new
i'ric-nds for the great breed of White-
From Kan-as City, the Nebraska
Herefords have been taken to Chi-:
c-;eo f(.r the International Live Stock,
exposition. Pece-mlur L'-O. Hiphty-si-: ;
exhibitors from twenty-three stated
and Canada live entered tt(j Here-j
foids in the lt.t rnalional. The;
Herefords lead ail beef breeds wi
the number cf entries made for the !
Chicago show. j
Nw York. Dec. 1. Immigrants
from Italy will not be permitted to
enter the United State's until after
June -10. 1923. it was announced by
immigration officials who said that
1,15 5 immigrants who arrived on the
Italian steamers Giuseppe Verdi ancl
Conte Rn.-so early today exhausted
the yearly eiuota and exceeded the
DeecTi.bcr quota by 355.
The v ssels raced across the At
lantic to get immigration prefor- 1
erne, but their race ended in a tie, '
both ships splashing their anchors
in American watt rs one minute af
ter midnight. The monthly quota
wa divided proportionately between
them, the Giuseppe Verdi being 159
in excess an ! the Conte Ro.,.-'o 19fr?
and Notice on Petition fir Set- 1
tlemeiit of Account j
In the '.'unity Court of Casj coun-
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass county
To William O. Rent and all heirs
of and all persons interested in the '
estate of Amelia B. Haldeman, de- .
On reading the petition of Arthur'
L. Wolph praying a final settlement
and allowance of his account tiled in
this Court on the 2nd day of De-!
"ember, 1922, and for distribution of!
residue of estate to such persons as'
are by law entitled thereto; j
It is hereby ordered that you and :
all persons interested in said matter ;
may. ami do, appear at me county
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 9th day of December,
A. D. 19 22, at 10 o'clock a. ni.. to
show cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a r.emi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county for
one week prior to said day of hear
ing. In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
r.aid court, this 2nd day of December,
A. D. 1922.
(Seal) (14-lw. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Ethel E. Hadley, plaintiff, vs. Con
stantine !3. Hadley. defendant.
To Constantine B. Hadley. defend- j
ant: You are hereby notified thit on I
the 9th day of August, 1922. Ethel,
E. Hadley filed a petition against you!
in the District Court of Cacs coun-
ty, Nebraska, the object and prayer
of which are to obtain a divorce
from you on the ground that you
have wilfully deserted and abandon-;
ed the plaintiff, without jii3t cause.;
for the term of more than two yea i s
last past, r.nd for the custody of the!
minor child, the issue of said m r-;
riage, to-wit: Helen Estelle Hadley,!
aged two years and eight month". I
You are required to answer taid
petition on or before Monday, Jan
uary 15th, 1922.
This notice is given in pursuance,
of an order of the District Court of
... . . .- Vfikrool..'.
By Plaintiff
Her Attorney.
Remember the Journal office is!'
the place to Buy your Dennison j
Christmas tags ami seals, the very j
best on the market.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, bS.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Jane A. Dovey, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, ou the
2fith day of December, 1922. and on
the 2Cth day of March, A. D. 1923.
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance.
The time liniiteil for the presentation
of claims against said estate is three
mouths from the 2Cth day of iiin-m-j
l-cr. A. I). 1922. and the time : ii.iit- 1
ed 1'or payment of debts is one y.;;ir
from said 2lith day of December.
19 2 2.
Witness my hand and the :;eal of
said County Court this 2-';rd day
Noven: her. 1922.
(Seal) n27-4w. County Judge.
. on Petition for A .'oliiii.i. l.t of
The State of Nebrasl;
ty, ss.
In the County Court
In the matter ed" the
F. Clusey. deec-sd.
On rtadiag and ii ! i n -
Cass coun- '
t 11 0 T.-vtlti
of Matilda Cli.-ay p
ministration oi' .aid
vi;:.. that :
estate L.av
granted to Matilda Ci
ministratrix ;
Ordered, that the lOth '-ay of
December. A. D. I's22, ut. ten ci'dock
a. m. is assigned !'cr li.vring said
petition, when all persons irtere-ted
in sail matter may p.r-r ut a
County Court to he h . ll iu nnd f ;r
said county, and show c;'iis v. by th:
prayer cf the petitioner rrroull r.--t
le granted; and that noti-.c r.i tlie
pe: of sail petition and the
hearin:: thereof be given to a 11, per
sons interested in said matter 1 y
publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal. v. tc mi-
weekly newr,p: por printed in v.
county, for three yuccevsive v.'ee
prior to said day of hei.rivg.
Dated this 21st tiav of Novem!.
A. I'. 192 2.
(S'.al) n2:5-3v. County Jud.
and Notice en Petitio:. i-;r
tk-ment cf Ae?our.t
In the County Cu:;rt of C:
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cr.- cour
ti Uil-
Jo all per;-0:13 in -ere: -t. !
e-.tate of John Q. L an in-. ''.
On reading the pe-tiLon f "
Lansing, executrix, prayi:
sellli-T- nt and al 'r. m .;
count fi;ed in this Court en 1
day of November A. 1" '
for a fi :ding of heirs:. ip. a:
si-.fh. othT proceedir.'.s a-i t;
ret: uired to the end that said
e i.l
:. a:- i
a y he
may be finally settled and said ex:-;
cutrix discharged: :
It is hereby ordered that you and!
all p rs-.r.s ir.ter'ed in rai l matter)
may. i: r ;i do, j.poear at the ( ou'.ty
Court to he held in and to
tv, on the 9th da of
A. 1
D. 1922. at ten o'clock
ai.. to
. v : v I
d'Oi; id (
i.e of;
:i the I
;l:n:v cause, if any there !H
the prayer of the petitioner :
not be granted and that no!
the pendency of raid petition a
hearing thereof be given to nil tier
sons interested in said mattet- by puh
liMiing a copy of this order in the
Plrttsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county,
for cue week prior to said day of
In witness whereof. I have here
unto set my hand and the si al of
said Court, this 2Sth day of No
vember, A. I). 192 2.
' (Seal) n30-lw. County Judge.
In th Distriet Court of the Coun
ty of Cru's. Nebraska.
Luke L. Wiles and Mat tie S. Wiles.
Plaintiffs, vs. Mtiry W. Dean, and
busbar d Benjamin B. Dean. I'rEula
W. Errett ar.ii husband Da is Errett,
E. Marshall Wiles and wife Ruth
Wiles. Jessie W. Hall and husband
Josrph H. Hall aud Cracc W. Hall,
widow. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that under j
and hy virtue of a decree of the
Dijtrie-t Court of Cass county. Ne
braska, entered in the above entitled
cause on th-" ."1st day tu' October.
1922. r.nd an order of S3le entered
by said Court on the "1st day of ()e
tolx r. 1922, the undersigned role
referee will on the 11th day of De
cember. 1922. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at
the south front door cf the court
house in the city of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the following described real
estate, to-wit: The southeast quar
ter (SE1-4) of thA southwest quar
ter (SW1-4) of Section thirteen (IS),
and Lot twenty-one (21), in the
northeast quarter (NE1--) of the
southwest quarter (SW1-4) of Sec
tion thirteen do), and ::Ko the fol
lowing described tract of land to
wit: Commencing nt a point where
the easterly line of the right of way
of the Omaha Southern Railway com
pany intersects the east line of the
west half of the southwest quarter of
Section thirteen (13), thence soutli
twenty roels, thence west twelve
rods, thence north (o the right of
way of the Omaha Southern Rail
way company, thence easterly along
said right of way io the place of be
ginning, all being in Township
twelve (12), north Range thirteen
(13). east of the Cth P. M.. in the
County of Cass, Nebraska. Said sale
will be held open for one hour.
Dated this 4th day of November,
Attorney for Plaintiffs. u6-5w
Blank books at the Journal Office. 1
Mrs. E. D. Friend was taken to
ho.-p.!al in Lincoln Saturday.
A l iuaihsgiving party was held iu
Slew art's iiaii iouiotlay evening.
lur. and I.irs. C. M. Joiduii were
iu Lineoni '1 ut.;aay of iu:t eek.
Mrs. jK. 1. i;:ru tjpent u i'e- days
iu L.m.'o.ti wiiii le.utives last wet-K.
v . S. Jordan and inothtr, Mrs. .'.
ii. Jordan were iu Lincoln oaturday.
Mr. i.nd Mrs. Siicrinan Woil'e vis
ited in A-diluiid wsisii with rel
atives. .Mr. and Mrs. Veil Linch, of Dil-
r ere vi -itiiig rciudvw hero during
t.u ii' TLu'ni-.oJiiving. v;. cation.
flu -J-iliiwI-ii' i- I i :i : hi'!i..v '
v. .i .,... it., v ..v.v.i,i.,.- -. in... liiu'j.s won me race nv a mar
tl.e new electric iigiit., were swiich-sin of about sixty points as un
ci on for t!ie iir-,1 ii.iie in Aivo. non'u-ed bv Rccrctarv f
r.i is. Linur
of l.l; eloeh. .
and .Mrs. Joe
iia i ic Li.
sited pal
rtn-s ir.
.11: i T'. i n - , t v.m 1"
Mis;; Irene t'l iau lias l ti.urued fro ui iIo(.er, where she has
uc-eu visit. ng reialivjs lor some time.
.'diss A:ta Linen of L.atrii;e is
p . nd 'ii;
.ill. ne
her Hi
. a re nt. -
Mr. and
; vacation
Mrs. i'. J.
.l i. - i ' tie . 1C
'1 retur;.e-d heme
.;! ne.s. :y lii'.a i 'rciUollt, where
V 1
us .it ten. iin -j siiitio! to spend
! i a'...- i; i , ii; '; r a lion.
....... i..i..;;e.ii ..luore anu iiioiie
fcS Chloe l;el..':ll of
e ..-el
V 1 1 u tile tortiiei 3 paf-
, ... r. a :-.x .
.1 r. and M i c
i: - le dan- ht r.
it r .i.(. t!:
"j. il. .viooiv.
.'v. L. Siructner and
. M.-ivar.-i J . an. and
Mrs. J. ii. i-itioLiii'r
vi ii y with relatives in
ii l. t 1 n s
t .
a:i i cliil iren were din-tiic-
homo oi the form-Mr.--..
W. M. Pov.el! and
t..( ir home in Lincoln
Ill !
v- r".
i o
n .. .
. ; at
: i n ii
littie sens
i.'. n v nv
D.thot:1. visit
j. A. yhaii'er,
h and uncle.
! I S.
(e.i ;;.
t-. ea 10 1.
t c !..;ta:; .
vn V. i. ! k
r au
ami f:'t!ier 1 'ail Skin
da 'i'lt'.-id.ty. Th.y
. : hy I. 1 h.rk. v. ho
1.-: in this vicinity
1 r.icnihs und is re
i r ::.e f.r"e:t.
Iih-r a'-'l ih!i.-hter,
:i:t c son. jMm. e..f
.d ner fatlivr. If. d.
I 1
i O
";rot ii.
; V:. t
C!-eser Ough .111 d
0-r,h an-t -Mrs. J.
e . : :
spe nt
.lav u i t h
'd their
- t r t 1
ent'y ;
v a s
ther. ('
1 ;vct ironi
-.'i ompr: n ied
ester Ough,
U: Monaav evening.
Church lTotes
a- Tiie Reds are 011
1 11 a r rea rs.
re das we will listen
s i 1 .
1 1.
' 1:
ic t-..-v s '! forty women on
tied ():.e Dollar" for the
s this ri h treat. Maybe
r. s'liir thing r.-'W under
1 tio-e wid' awake wo:n
i iss I- i, a 1 y .soeie-. y.
. ay us a -ph r.did
M.-nday morning. The
u t'er us r ! Sunday
Reader, you are cor
d to these serviee-s. We
: to h an "Ohl Folks"
:. Watch for the- date.
m t va;': their horis-.-
;s, l;:st Wednesday
i i:.;:
I ...
. If.
11 of th
R v. (
- y---n
it-." v. v" i i
.t 11 o
in pi
ii 1 ; o
i u v i . -.
t r.
11 !..!:
for :
i inl aw
; !':-.
1 .
A'-o ai..
in:.; ry.
ire beii; - l,l:lilo
: ',. rs at Christ-
i r.
I some
v ork.
.did iat
e r
t. Fine! S'.s
;:i s.
: C I '
ting is hold regu
!ay right. Why not
her r.ttend thi ser
f'Vl w
vice and make ii worth while. Surely
Corn !"2usking Supplies!
We have mittens, gloves, pegs, hooks and all the
needed r
1 1 i-i
apnernaka wr.icn
tion c: r.ettin
the corn into
Get ready for lite comincc cold weather. Is your
furnace in good condiiion, and how about that needed
airy a Full Line
"The Best in
Coafimaft Hardware Go.
Alvo, Tlebraska
ttmm LEGiOt! Hays
, 1
102:1. dues are due.
unua! mee ting next Wednesday
nighl for e lection of officers.
The renewal of the club room
leas-- as.ures the post of centrally
located club rooms for another two
Everyone should pay their dues
promptly. It is hoped none will be
found in the A. V. O. L. column when
January 1st rolls around.
Plattsmouth's total membership
this year was 10(. compared with
177 yerr and 139 the year be
fore, it is hoped to best these figures
! materially the coming year
The Ladies Auxiliary is ak-o col
ajwe must have a prayer meeting if
l.i; uiehtiiiK oi oeaven are to rest up
on the work of the church this year.
Come as often as you can. Study
Epii. chapter 5 and bring your bibles.
If anybody thinks that this San
day school contest is not a live af
fair they will surely be convinced by
just visitirg the school one time.
Last Sunday we had on record with
in two dozen of the full enrollment
of th- Sunday school. This was the
lir.t day of the R-d and Wue cont- st
; " e.;piai:i i ayior is sure an e xpert
'hauheur lor the lilues. The race
I m the lirst day was a very close on-.
tTi.. Til..,. . i .
j lain Uornerneier feeling ke( nlv his
rlefeat at once and immedintelv .-. ft..r
i .1 : l- i .
dinner on Sunday afternoon took an
other lesson from a Lincoln expert
on flying aeroplanes and now d"
e!ars his ability to handle his Red
piano and assures his Rrris the vic
tory next Sunday morning. We anx
iously await the outcome. It i sure
i bird race. Frionds, if you can t
come to ihe Sunday school and help
eijihuse the cbool and study the big
haid: for a hri f time, semi in
'your dollars, designating the place
IT f 'li!,- fur f illi. r th.a l?t,,l !',..
iour ncip -vi d reduce thru bier one
rl ou-and dollar debt that now hangs
over the church.
(Too Late for Last Week 1
Hurra ii for Captain Bornemeier.
.Three cheers for Captain Taylor,
i Wonder if the choir will put on
ii r.ot her good program for Christmas
this yea-?
Hurry up now for Sunday serv
ices. Rev. Galloway will preach in
the morning.
How about the many hard earned
b :;. rs in the W. u. M. S. for the
I'e ember inrcfir.g.?
1 T'- u-
still alive every
Bring your bible.
Chapter 1.
"-.t of this contest
:- night,
b'phesia ns,
ond oi?i
that d bt of $!."or, r,r,v.-rc-h
and. if possible, build
parsonage for this coni-
en tlie e!:"
that new
rnurPv ?.T.
?.T. E. church.
Peace and pfosperitv under
Supreme direction characterize the
work of the church in Alvo this
year. Thank you friends for your
nood cheer and your generous help.
My, what a crowd and what a fine
1 sr.pper thoe holies did serve. The
v-t-t-r has maay T. L's. for their
i : r 2 work, but it paid them well
and ew-ry one who ate surely en
;oe l every minute of his time at
the t ilde. The ladies put about $K0
in their purse as a result of the ba
zaar. Now. with a few subscrip
I tions already pledirM, which if they
iwiie paid in, the ladies could lift
I that debt on those lots,
j At present writing we find that
the biz Red and Blue machine is just
rounding up this entire community
in tec interests of both, the church
1 Sunday school. Remember that
tbis carte-, t has a two fold object,
and while it is a friendly one. we
expect t.t se each captain with his
hosts, as already chosen, run this
race to the very last moment on the
last Sunday of the contest fcr the
victory. The forces are now well
organized. It is already in opera
tion. Next Sunday morning at 11
o'clock vo will publish the result of
itheee giant captains with their race
! mack i ne the aeroplane and tho
'auto. Nov.- fri.uid. don't turn down
this big live interest of your own
community church. This is a com
pp'r.lty enterprise ir. which even the
little innocent babe is counted and
every citizen should register on the
side" of the Blue or the Red. Put
on your blue or red ribbon and come
j to Sundry echool with the children
and help 11s study the Big book for
at laast 30 minutes on Sunday. This
is the book which lays on the table
in vnur home.
. 1 . . i
is required in me opcid-
the cribo.
of "GOODRICH" Tires
the Long Run."
J looting 1923 dues. If you have a
'wife, mother, sister or daughter who
isn't in the Auxiliary, kindly see
that she joins. The ladies hope to
increase their membership materially
1 this year.
Come to the meeting next Wednes
day night. The election of officers
for 10-3 will be the most important
ibusincrs to tome up, and it is hoped
Cverv member will try and be pres-
tent. Ccme out and have a part in
'naming the men who will manage
the affairs of the local post during
j the coming twelve months.
The St. Mary's Christmas Shop will
be held in the building on Main street
formerly occupied by the White and
Fanger stores. Note the change of
location and the date of the shop,
December Sth and 9th.