( XOZDAY, 4, 1922. THE rULTTSHOTHTH EYEJJI!?.3 AGE JHEE1 'A SESB v N i m mm Fxm mm 11 n OF s 9 ters0 nice A fortunate purchase has placed us in possession of the choicest stock of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear goods from the store of Adam Bonhoff, pioneer Omaha dealer, who is closing out his retail line to enter the wholesale business. This stock was bought at 40 cents on the dollar of its retail value and considerably below wholesale costs. This tremendous saving will be passed on to buyers. For ten days merchandise will be sold cheaper than you have seen it quoted in years. Mr. Busch's Statement to Ycu Read! This is strictly a sale without frills, fancies, premiums, furbelows or trade stimulants of any kind other than plain UXMATCKABLE VALUE for your money. Since purchasing this stock of poods we have been besieged by Merchandise Ad justers, Professional Sales Promoters and others seeking to as sist us with the conduct of this sale at the usual 5 per cent commission. We have preferred, however, to pa.-s this sum on to you in increased savings, rather than take it from you to give to outside "skinflints" and besides we believe the values we are offering will impress you more than any high powered professional selling: talk on earth. FRED P. BUSCH. Manager. egins Wednesday, Dec. 6th Ends Saturday, Deo. 1 Dcors Open at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning, December 6th, in order to give both rural and town buyers an equal opportunity f or early selection. Positively no goods sold at sale price before that hour. IBS Coat Prices that Speak for Themselves Cloth and Plush coats embodying the latest styles for Fall and Winter wear. Made of Marvella, Duvetine, Normandie, Bolivia, Velour, Silk Plush, Baffin Seal Plush, Hudson Seal Plush and Karakule cloth, self-trimmed or with fine fur collars and cuffs. Sizes up to 53. LOT NO 1 i cloth coats, all late mo'i-.is ana exceptional aiues at the pri l'.very size and color, r.onhoff's selling price, $ 49.50. Our special stock reducing sale price only $24.75 LOT NO. 2 100 fine cloth and plush coats. Jilouse. side drapo and straieht line effects. Many of them silk lined. Honhofi's retail price for these 7C coats was ? 69.50. our special stock reducing price Ji0 LOT NO. 3 About three dozen super-f ne coats in this lot. The last word in style and wearing qualities. Fur trimmed. Nowhere will you find nicer CCQ Cft looking coats than these. Uonhoff's prices, S&S.50 to 5143. Our price vJ"3vl 4 it tl.-iVV-iT EES mm Suits and Sevarate Skirts I Two-piece plain and fur trimmed tailored suits of highest quality and up-to- S the minute styles, grouped into two lots for quick selling. Here they are: LOT NO. 1 Suits that onhoff sold regularly for $39.50 will go during this Cl fi 7C stock reducing sale at the almost unbelievable price of only vlOil J LOT NO. 2 Includes many fur trimmed suits that Uonhoff sold for around C7l 7 $65. Your choice of this entire lot during this ten day sale for only $LiiO SKIRTS! SKIRTS! SKIRTS! A wonderful selection of Silk and Cloth Skirts values up to $24.50. New plaids and stripes, pleated and plain. Asstd. colors, sizes to 40. Two prices $4.95 $8.95 Some Outstanding Values! Ladies wool hose $1.50 values qq from our regular stock Silk gloves, assorted colors. H q Eizes. $1.50 values for 3 Ladies' voile and organdie blouseB. tq white only. Special values at One lot Children's plush and vel- qq vet hats specially priced at Small assortment of house dresses qq and aprons to close out at OXf Space Forbids Listing Near All the Bargains We Offer I BE WOOL and SILK DRESSES Canton Crepe, Satin, Crepe de Chine, Poriet Twill, Tricotine and Serge (black, blue and brown.) Sizes to 48. Three groups, as follows: ) LOT WO. 1 Triootines and poriet Twills. Isonhoff's Omaha retail prace $35. izva somewhat limited in this lot. W'hiie they last, special stock reducing sale price only LOT NO. 2 r.anton Crepes and poriet 'Twills. Jionhoff's prices on this lot averaged $49.50. our special stock reducing price LOT NO. 3 All the very highest class dresses, Bonhoff's retail price to $05, will he closed out at this special price SWEATERS AT ONE-HALF PRICE $12.75 $17.75 $29.50 Fine wool sweaters 100 Women's and Misses' Slipover, Tuxedo and Coat Styles. Values $6 to $7.50. V.'e are closing them out at just two prices 92.99 and $3.99 Plenty of Help to Wait on You Promptly Tin Some Outstanding Values! Ladies' knit union suits short, i 4Q long or no sleeves. $2.50 values Xmtu Ladies' silk jersey petticoats. Fine n in quality and a big bargain at LfLtJ Sateen bloomers. Cheaper than you -t o J could buy the cloth alone liHt Misses' hand bags black, cordovan JQ and other colors. Special at Xf Ladies' knit vests. .These are cer- qq tainly very specially priced at 115 Girls' Dresses and Coats Also Go at Reduced Prices. AT THESE TREMENDOUSLY LOW PRICES EVERY SALE MUST BE FOR CASH AND FINAL NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS BRING YOUR MONEY HERE AND SAVE MONEY! Our Store Open Wednes day and Saturday Evenings until 9 p. m. SAVE MONEY NOW mm, FRED P. BUSCH, Mgr. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. We Defy City Stores to Sell You the Same Quality Goods at SUCH LOW PRICES 73 & 1 I. A rt