The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 27, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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iitry the
K.J ft fc.
cy iist Icizger
Batteries nrc used in the
Unite J Stares than ail other makes com
bined, because
Cblumhias have been manufactured on a large
scale considerably longer than any other dry
They have over 30 years of battery manufac
" rutins skill and improved equipment behind
Every improvement of any account has been
developed in the Columbia laboratories
The Columbia "Hot Shot" was the first suc
cessful assembly of dry cells in one package
And again Columbia has demonstrated its
leadership throu-h the development of the
new Sn-cl Case "Hot Shot" 13attery
Wherever a dry batter- is needed, Columbia
will always give the best service
For sale right near you by
PlattsEout'i Garage. Main Street, PI
Weyrich & Hadraba
Look for the name Columbia
Agronomist Addresses State Farmers'
Co-operative Grain Assn. at Its
Meeting Held in Omaha.
The fall drouth in Nebraska will
seriously cut down the wheat pro
duction next year, it was predicted
yesterday by speakers before the
twentieth annual convention of the
Nebraska Farmers Co-operative
drain and Live Stock State associa
tion at the Homo hotel in Omaha,
scys the World-Herald.
Professor W. V. Burr, agronomist.
College of Agriculture, Lincoln, said
this fall had been the driest .since
The morning session had to do
with the selection of better wheats
for Nebraska soil and the means
whereby the acreage production
might be increased.
"I feel it utterly impossible to
more than estimate wlmt the condi
tion of the wheat will be this spring."
Professor I'urr stated. . "It was 17::
since we bad ::s dry a fall und in
Lincoln the rain fall has been the
lowest ever recorded. The lack of
moisture has had two effects. First,
it has decreased the acreage from on
an average of one-fourth and second,
given us the poor condition of the
young wheat at the present time."
H. M. Lainer. director of the
Southwestern Wheat Improvement
association. embraeiT.g K'ltisa, Okla
homa. Nebraska. Colorado. Missouri
and Texat, with headquarters at
Kansas City. Mo., discussed the "I'os
ribilities of Wheat Improvement."
"The I'.Uf.lity of wheat in Nebras
ka can be bettered by the rotation of
croj-i." .Mr. Laincr declared. This
also can be assisted by diversified
f-rmirg. keeping the refuse on, the
U.ud. better and nuie suitably s ed
.iUd early preparation of the. s.o'l."
"Ti-sts have proved that the .quan
tify of wheat could also he .i-ucreasi d
from three to. seven bush.ols an aire
by using better s-eed. Comparing the
july preparation of the soil with the
September, I find the carihr prep
aration will the yu-lj live
bushels to the acre," Mr. Rainer declared.
Union Pacific and Uov-rwes"
port that Conditions are
terir. in Kiddlewest.
takt n
V. Si
:n :n
n in
:t n
1 1: g
l: :
f n
i i - I '
t 1 s
:f-Iiiit Browne has
hand to inform J.
rotary of the Ne
ll rain and Co-Op-
:i. thai h- docs rol
y exi.-ts for making
as to whether Un
its proportion of
"ir'lii'il had written that at a
ft i o-'m-; rative association
!:;.! .- in Ciii ng) recently it
'rh"d to ask western state
to inako sin h an inves-
Mr. Hrown" brses bis op'n-
-; i..!e
upon the f:'.. t that
- have- n!r;"iy inv:
for r.'uhtly r. i t rts
isr 1. s..
the commis-sti-at'd.
of car niove-
th-? Neljraska com
;ui i the western
is that motive power is in bad shap?
on some car-tern roads, and an order
;i" I hat kind would result in penal-
inflicted but no would be
bcau-e it was physically im-
!iosti )io to move mem iasi enougn.
The Union Pacific reports that the
situation is getting easier and that
car association orders have brought
1? some eastern cars. The Northwest
ern advises that all orders-for potato
loadings have been filled, and that it
lias a small surplus of
cars. It takes no particular credit r
because it ?ays low prices and short-i
ck in cars has reduced orders fori
loading. . I
A telegraphic complaint from Big j
rprinss that the weevil was getting
the wheat there while oth?r towns J
were neing tavoreu wun cars nas
been investigated, with the result
that it has been found that Ilig
Springs has had more cars for grain
f-bipments than any other town in
that se tion save Chappell. which
d.ips more stuff yearly.
Pierce Bailer of St. Paul is Nominat
ed to Succeed. Justice Day
a Practicing- Lawyer.
O.airberlain's Tablets
Her a World of
rVrr',U frankly admit that there is
r. rhr' r -r arid that the west is not
rf'iir.T i's fair share.
IT"-; I'ct a!.-o recounts what has
"":! c": n to iier a-;- ti' supply, and
iV-r- Ci'i-, now at Washington a
r,v of (hi-;" f fmmissio:is try
; :0 fir'o release of cars thru in
'T "ts'o o-'iTiieree coinir. i--ion orders
- i t'-r;, c,? (.;,r sorvi' e n-.-o'-i;?tion.
tt, r-7- t'-it on; trouble with get-'
tir-r r n crdcr with penalty attached
"Chamberlain's Tablets have done
!.-c a world of good." writes Mrs. KI
'a t.. Button. Kirkvilie. N. Y. "I
1 ave recommended them to a number
of my friends and all who have tised
them praise them highly.'" When
troubled with indigestion or consti-t-ati
.Ti. give them a trial and realize
f !r yoursvlf what an excellent medi
cine it is. Wevrich & Hadraba.
Washington. Nov. 23. Pierce But
ler of St. Paul. Minn., nominated to
day by lYcMdefit ILrreWng associ
ate justice of the supreme -court to
refrigerator j tak the plnee made vacant by the
resignation of A.--o iate Justice Day.
Mr.- Kutb?r is a democrat. He has
been a practicing attorney in Min
nesota since 1SS and has been conn
s' 1 for the government in several im
portant cases. He is a native of I)a
ko:c county, Minnesota, and is "G
years old.
Mr. Butle r has never held a judi
cial position.
After his ?d:nission to the bar in
1SSS. Mr. Butler became assistant
state's attorney for Ramsey county.
Minnesota, in 19 1. and two years
later was clei tvd Cnited States attor
ney. After four years in this post lie
retired to enter general practice and
a few years later became general at
toriK y of the Chi -ago. St. Paul. Min
neapolis & Omaha railroad. ' Ho is
now a member of the lirm of Howe,
Butler Mitehell.
Mr. Butler's appointment will re
store the political equation upon the
supreme bench which prevailed nt
the time of Justice Clark's' resigna
tion, and will leave the division ot"
the eottrt si republicans and three
Jcamal want &ds pay. Try them.
l?i3I Soon Be Here!
And a little advance information will make your
Christmas Card buying much easier.
'vV e have the largest line this season that was ever
stacked in a retail store in Nebraska.
rds for Evary Member of
ihs Family!
If you do not Christmas Shop in Plattsmouth send
us a dollar by mail, telling us how many cards you
want for the dollar, and we will mail them to you,
and guarantee satisfaction.
Bigr Thanksgiving- Dinner
rom 1 c to C1 .00
he Journal Office
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
The ladies aid society of the Chris
tian 'church are preparing to serve
the Thanksgiving dinner and supper
on November .'!, which has been
served bv the ladies of Lewiston in
the past years. But as the Lewiston
ladies did not wish to serve the din
ner and supper this year the Chris
tian aid society will have charge of
it for this year. The dinner and sup
per will 1m up to the standard as
lias been the custom in the past. IJi li
ner will bo served promptly at 12
o' lock.
Roast Beef Brown Craw
Chicken Dressing Noodles i
Mashed Potatoes Cold Slaw I
Baked Beans Celery :
Creamed Peas With Carrots
Pickles Apple Salad
Bread Butter
Pnmpkin Pie With Whipped Cream
Creamed Chieken
Cabbage Salad Meat Croquettes
French Fried .Potatoes
Peaches Cake
Dinner and supper 37c each.
There will be services at 11 o'c lock.
During noon hour Mrs. Elizabeth
Wilson will demonstrate the new
Wilson Colander.
Also an apron sale during the day
and a candy and popcorn booth.
A very interesting program will
be given at 3 o'clock p. m. Watch
for further announcements of pro
gram. Everybody is cordially invited
to bring your family and friends and
prepare to spend the: day.
"Everybody come."
From Thursday s Unity.
L. D. Hiatt oi Murray was here to
day for a few hours looking after
some matters of business in this city.
J. E. Hallstnua and wife of Avoea
were here today enjoying a visit with
their relatives and friends in this
John McNurlin was among those
going to Omaha this morning where
lie will have his eyes treated by a
specialist in that city.
Mis-; Myrtle Monnings was a visi
i r in Omaha today for a few hours
where she was c-.lled to look after
i-orne matters of business in that city.
David '.. MiiMineii. of Blair, who
has an esten.?ive interest in the tax
title business, was here today at
tending to some matters at the court
Mrs. Cora Cottier departed this
ternoon tor council uiuits wnere sne,
will visit with her new grandson that M
arrived l ist evening at the Arthur iff
Cotncr home. t
t). C West Fiallk P. SluldOll flt
i,t Nehawka jeotortd up
l ) six nd a lew hours in this
lending to so:.-e matters oi nu.-ines
and w bile here calling on their many jsj
Arthur Sullivan
his mother. Mrs. T. A. Sullivan. de-iWi
parted this aft( mfton for Moville, la., '
:.,-:t vi-it ihe!'.. with t heir sister and 1 K
ri : ufli rir Vrw J.itui Snn turlir nnd i 1.1
i;!:uily for a it w days. j
Special Prices on
af- :M
We were fortunate in stocking up pipeless Furnaces before the ad
vance and have the following to offer for immediate installation:
f ailv
in Winkle was called
ity Thursday on ae- i.w
;th of his sister, Mrs. j hr'
15,000 to 18,- jjQ
18,000 to 28,- i0
Three each Lifesaver pipeless, 26-inch fire pot, all-steel fur
nace, installed complete for
Two each No. 5038-B Sunbeam pipeless furnace, 20-inch
fire pot. 12,000 to 15,000 feet capacity. Installed
One No. 5040-B Sunbeam, 22-inch fire pot;
000 feet capacity furnace. Installed
this ki
will IM
ij J
! iS'-l
ce is Turned On the Wives This
Week Alvo Also to be Sup
plied front Same Source.
This week 1,1 f.Jeetric current
en into h,.rV.TeCjn
over t:;e
!i t r:. :i. :v, i-rion line
This v ill now insure
and lights and power
r. W 1 V
all day
can be
o:.' 1 1'1!
f invent
had any time that i i"-- desired. The
construct ion force of Hacke r M- Coop
i r. tli contractors on the job. have
voii. id fast a ml accomplished the
task in a c o:e ara 1 1 vely short time.
In the trimming of trees and every
vay the ptofde have been well satis
f'.tt!, .;s these .uentiemen have been
ecu. t:-(f.n -ind fair, wantiiii; eve ry-i-C'iiy
sa.tis.'ied v. ho were concerned in
a:: v .ay.
The lieiit urrent will be 110 volts,
hut tlie pow; r lino is extended into
town thut will furnish the '2m20 voits
if rhsired.
The work of putting in fys
ten: lias lii-tn a bis tusk and has cost
the owner, J. H. fCojie ujt into the
t !:ci!.-.ainls of dollars io complete. It
i- the opinion now that we shall
have very successful lights and power
and then the advantage of having it
whenever vo need it.
Alvo will also net juice from the
sam:; transmission lints, the exti n
? ion belli?.' made straight into Alvo
oi the roed two miles north past
the Kd Kar.ift place. Eluiwood
;-"iotii Friday
Mr. S. A. V.
o Nebraska (
eount of the d
injamin llennett.
Mrs. A. F. Seybert departed
Morning for Omaha where she
. H ''ill a few hours looking after
; tiers of business.
Mr. K. C. Johnson, formerl
Havelo:!-;, but now living at Tacoma
''a.--h.. is vi-itiior lor sister, Mr
.. V.-.:i Wir.kle of this city.
f!::.r!es Stnub'e. wife and little
. .... ..i 'f'J
I. IIOHI Mill ' il III I'.IUIIMIUU "111
' r re today for a few hours attending
) some matters at the court house.
Mrs. John Ki-ht ard daughter,
r I r.-. I'. A. Horn, departed this ai'ttr
z c.ii! lor to pend a I'wv h.ours
'!v re viriiinic vith relatives and
i'rii r.ds.
J(hu W. Falter and wife of Falls
Ci;y who have b?t-n visiting for a
!-.v days lure departed this after-
u tor (imaha. where they will at-
:id a theitr.- p.:itv.
R.'-v. H. F. ilaukap. who has been
It re. for a few days, departed this
;ttirnoon for his pari-di at Cam
bridge .-.fter a very pka'ant visit
with fdd friends lure.
Adam Me:in.cer motored in this
uori: in-; from his home near Cedar
Creek aeconinanii d by his daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Ralph Meisincer. to look
rfter some trading with the merchants.
One No. 5047-B Sunbeam, 24-inch firepot;
000 feet capacity furnace. Installed
One No. 20-25 Vacuum pipeless combination wood and coal (1 A C
18x27 firepot with duplex grates for wood or coal. Installed. . P--T:t
Capacity of above furnace, 8,000 to 1 2,000 feet.
Telephone No. 8
".7 1 -
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
ot;itr rr.em'oers
! a j pointment.
yoted in favor of hi
State Engineer Named Secretary
Commission at $5,000 a Year
Has Served for Months.
I .We have twenty spring hoars .i
quality, aired bv lullevue rati.iiinie;-.
'showing tiie desiruh.e e!i iraeierist ie.'
of this struin. Fur sale at fu rmt r.'
prices. , . ' ,
Thirty open Gilts. ,f same hreedin.
; and quality, priced to si II. Also our
! herd hoar Ilellevue Kind's (deiiel.
i Bandits Make Rich Haul in Missouri
j , Town Telephone Wires Cut
Vaults are Blown up.
a -good hear and a Liood
ueuevue I'uroc iLanc;
r.oulevarl. Telephone
on Kfellevue
', iiellevue.
- llO--VV.
Durcc spring boars; Shorthorn
bulls. Scarl S. Davis, four miles
west of Murray. nG-4wsw
Mrs. Nellie M. Staton, 25 years
old, died at 7:00 p. in. Wednesday at
her home. 4T.7 North Twenty-Fifth
street. Hcsides her hushand. Louis
Staton, and minor child, she is sur
vived ly her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
;err;j:e H. D'miiuk of Weeping Water,
Neh.. three sisters. Mrs. James C'oop
r of Lincoln; Mrs. 13. L. IMiilpot.
and Mrs. M. ('.. Scott of Weeping
Water, three brothers, Koss of Have
lock, Hoy of Weeping Water and
Harry of Fremont.
The funeral services were held
yesterday at Weopinsr Water, the old
home of the deceased and the body
laid to rest in the cemetery there.
A Timely Suggestion
Lincoln. Nv. 23. --George E.
Johnson. ?tate engineer, will become
secretary of the state cnpitol - com
mission at a salary of $5. you a year,
January 1. Ifi23. His resignation
as state engineer will become effec
tive December '31, 1022.
I'n'.ess Governor McKel-vie makes
jotue otlier disposition. Georpe Leon
art, assistant state engineer will be
in charge of the state department
until Governor-elect Hryan and the;
lesi.-'.lature threshes out appoint-:
Johnson announced several months
apo that he would resign January 1.
hut his plans for the future were not
known by the public until today,
although his appointment as perma
nent secretary of the commission
was made December 21. 1021. at a
meeting of the commission held at
the office of IL, 'F. Goodhue, archi
tect. New York citv.
- For months Johnson has acted as tablishcd tonight.
VK-rctarv of the commission without! The six robbers were discovered in
;av. Now that the building of thc ,h? bank early this morning by the
t.itehouse is under wav. full time: night - marshal. Chamberlain was
of one man to supervise the work is, seized by the bandits, who bound and
needed. j gagged him and then set off two ex-
Johnson was appointed state en-! plosions in rapid succession. The first
gineer bv Governor Morehead. At hlew open the vault and the other
that time there were not more than j tore the door of a safe from its
half a dozen employes in the state i hinges.
engineer's office. Then the legisla-J Citizens aroused by the explosions
tv.r voted to build good roads in armed themselves and gathered out-Nehr-mka.
and Johnson has been in I side the hank building. The robbers,
charge of road building ever since. I after taking the money and notes.
He has withstood two grueling in-; emerged from the bank door and en
vtstigations ordered bv the legisla- gaged in a running gun right with
' Pimemrjei the Journal ' office is
1 Gallatin. Mo., Nov. 23.- Currency
' and gold amounting to between $3,
."00 and $3. Sou besides registered
notes to the vaule of $200,000 made
t up the loot stolen by bandits who
' early today blew the vault and safe
at the First National bank here and
escaped after a gan battle with citi
: zens in which three persons were
Wounds received by John Cliam
; heriain, night marshal; Joseph Tate,
mayor oi oauaun, anu rranK oou- , kcnbursh, Haveluck. The newl;
i run, ail meinueis oi me iiusae wuien j
battled the robbers, are not serious,;
; it was announced. j
Gallatin was without telephone;
.communication all day as a result of I
s the rohbtry. Cables leading from the
j telephone exchange were cut by the I
' bandits before the bank was looted, j
I ...... . : l . I
I i lie ursi connection ouisiue nas is
the place, to lm)-., yp-jr. .Dnison
Christmas tags and seals, the very
best on the market.
From Saturday's JajJ'.. . , ...
Mrs. ' Maude Johnson and Mr.
Clyde II. Ilerney wire united in. mar
riage on Wednesday, November
at the home of Rev. A. C. Van Vul-
ried couple will make their hoi e at
122G Rose street. Lincoln. The bride
was formerly Mrs. J. Ed Johnson,
son of the late J. W.' Johnson and
wife of this city.
Farm Loans: Let me explain my
long-time land bank loan. Searl' S.
Davis. 201 Plattsmouth State Bank
Building. n3-4wsv
v t f
General Auctioneer
The motion to
was made by W. H.
ocratic member of
appoint Johnson
Thompson, dem
the board. All
the hastily assembled posse. The ban-
dits reached the edge of town, jump
ed into a waiting
automobile and
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Call at my Expense
- o nans
The early Christmas tag and
Tin's is the season of the year when
the prudent and careful housewife
replenishes her supply of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. It is almost
certain to he needed before winter is
over and 'results are much more
prompt and satisfactory when it is
kept at hand and given as soon as
the lirot indication of a cold ap
pears and before it has become set-
I tied Sn the system. There is no
I dancer in 'giving it to children as it
contains no opium or other harmful
seal dru.?. Weyrich & Hadraba.
Thursday (Thanksgiving) Evening, Hovember 30th
This will be the best dance of the season, with a splendid orchestra,
z Classique of nniana
This is one of the best music producing orchestras in the middle west, and
one gets more than his money's worth in the music alone.
This will be the event of the season for the fun loving public, and all are
assured that the best of order, the best of music and most cordial welcome
treatment be extended to all who attend.
cme and Have a Qo.o'd
-Thanksgiving Might, November 'SOth-
purchaser will find the usual big line
jat the Journal office.
Journal want' ads pay. Try them