The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 20, 1922, Image 5

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Uffl WWE2 Fen
Qur Gasoline is NolJusi "Gasoline!"
It is a strictly straight run not a blended product,
and will stand the test as specified by the U. S. Navy.
Our Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil will give
the lubrication no matter what your requirements
you have ever
may be. It will stand up with any oil
used, regardless of the price you paid.
A Fair Trial Will Convince
Onuiii.i on
-,! home in
W i
: r
k. c 1- i
t-re vi
it 1 F
m ! i t t- r
t t.ii.e
v. hiie
!!( i:ry Meyt-rjorper was called to
Lincoln la.-t Thursday to loik after
M i::e buriiu-ss and made the trip
'ih Mr. Edward Thimsrun who was
alo going.
A. II. Ward, mechanic for the E.
V. Tl.imuan garage, was a visitor in
()::... ha hit Tuesdav. where he went
1 1 '
Omaha Now
Always to Your Disposal
We Appreciate Your Business
and if
at Office
15th and Howard
Omaha, ftebr.
he Dusterhoff Shops
FT -t
Iff fi T'6
v. , - -m la OLam
Have Good Tires!
The viner -.veciher is coming when you need more
th:in ever GOOD TIRES, fcr you all know hew dis
c rrceab'e it is to have to have tire trouble cn the road.
Tise prices are jv.ii as low as you can expect and
there ic a probability that they will be higher rather than
We have alcohol fcr your radiators. Protect them
;rcm .'eez'ng.
We are prepared to do your repairing in the best
possible r.i"nncr and at reasonable rates.
Good Aonearance and
vice in Children's Hosiery
and difficult to
Qualities so brtdly wanted
find, are characteristic of
Fpt-ciali'n r.s v. e do in hosiery of quality for the entire
family, it is a pleasure to offer you the service of this
store when the time comes for ou to select. All sizes
in Silk, "Wool, Lisle cr Cotton for yourself, ox the
children, are ready.
iuroosk Isircanfifs Go
to look after some business matters
for the parage.
F. A. Hosenow was busy on last
Thursday drugging the roads in and
about Murdoek and one could easily
see that he was benefitting the ave
nues of travel.
Dr. A. R.Hornbeek was a visitor
in Lincoln last week, accompanying
litt Jeanette Davis, who went for an
examination by u specialist, as her
health has not been the best.
A. It. Merriweather of Fairbury. who
h;is charge of the motor cars of the
Rock Island, was a visitor in town
last Thursday and a visitor on C.
Moomey, looking after his car.
Mr. L. M. Amgwert. who has been
visiting in Omaha and Council Bluffs
for some time past with her children
and where she had a most excellent
time, returned home last Saturday.
Jacob Goehry. of Lincoln, was a
visitor for a number of days in Jlur a guest at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. 11. W. Tool and re
turned home last Thursday evening.
Misses Clara. Auna and Alma
' Scheel were visiting and looking af
ter some trading in Ashland on last
Friday, and also mcidently met some
friends whom they brought home
with them.
J. K. McHuah. manager of the
Murdoek Mercantile company's busi
ness was a visitor in Omaha on last
Tuesday and Wednesday, looking af
tr the purchase of some goous for
the store here.
N. II. Kichardson. living north
west of Murdoc!;, shelled and deliv
ered corn at Murdoek last Friday,
the work of shelling being done by
Mes.-TS Y. H. Itush, and his assistant.
Robert Crawford.
Herman R. Schmidt, the carpenter,
has been busy during the past week
in the construction of a body for the
iruck of F. A. Rost now. which is used
for the conveyance of the children
type. The children who have taken
it are getting along very nicely and
a strict quarantine has been main
tained and it is thought that no
other cases are likely to result.
!id from school.
Iiuer was busy dining a ninii
nf days week constructing
b for this year's ecru croo. He
:'oi tunate in that he ha! tnaugh
;i' rU) alter tne passing in i;.e iiai.
jctoM,) of last July loth.
V!ii!e Mux Dustcrnon. Joe in
ch iney and .J oil li Aniswtn were en
r.'Utf' to Omaha last weik they lost
a suit ca.-e belonging to Mr. Duster
l ufT'. containing clot'.iing. a razor and
shaving outfit, including strop.
Mr. Gien Bos well of Ong. was a
visiter in Murdoch, the uuest of his
friend. Miss Anna Scheel hist Sunday,
but owing to the very bad roads was
compelled to ieave his car at Rlatts
nouth until th- roads improved.
Bills have been postad for the sec
ond course ( !' the Lyceum end which
will be give;, on December 1st. and
promises to be an excellent number.
More will be given regarding this
number in the paper of next week.
Albert Thie'e has been having
trouble with rheumatism, which has
interfered wi'h hi;? work as well as
taken some of the joy out of life for
him He however i? setting some
tion of an addition to the office,
which he has and hoped in a short
time to have the building well under
way. This addition will afford the
much needed room which his prac
tice demands.
At a rrTit meetine of th villaee
board, the vacancy created by thegnen
resignation of Mr. w. li. Rush was
filled bv the appointment of Mr. W.
I O. Gillespie, and who should make an I
excellent man for the place, as he is
intensely interested in the well-being
of the village.
For Sale: Full blooded Barred
Rock cockrels. $1 5. Mrs. Charles
M. Buell. Murdoek, Neb. nl3-3tw
Miss Klenor Stroy was a passenger
to Lincoln last Thursday, going to
visit her mother. Mrs. C. E. Stroy,
who has been tor some time in a
hospital at the capital city, but
whose health is rapidly returning
and who was able to return to her
home last Saturday.
Fred Tonack, with much to look
after about his farm, which keeps
him very busy, has foiled but littie
time that lie can devote to the du
ties of the Board of K lucation. and
has concluded that he will ask that
he be relieved from tie work, that
some one who has more time at his
disposal may be selected instead.
Mrs. C. L. Miller has been con
lined to her bed for some time by
an attack of lumbago. which has
been very severe and has kept this
good lady in her bed for a number
of days. I'ncle Chris has been com
pelled" to do the work about the
hot:.;e and has been cook, house
keei er and -chore boy all combined.
J. Johansen has just completed
the excavation of the cellar at the
new Landholm carat:- which is be
ing erected and which is for the
heating plant of the garage. The work
on the building is going forward
rapioly and will be ready for occu
pancy by the tir-t of the year should
the v.eather permit working right
Last Thursday II. A. Guthman of
the Bank of Murdoek. W. O. Schewe
of the Pawnee Stock Farm and Wm.
Reiser of the Keiser Brothers cattle
feed.-rs near the Platte river were
Fpenciing the day hunting ducks on
the Platte river, and were making
their headquarters F.t the Pawnee
lodge, where they had a most enjoy
able time.
John Scheel. who has been work
ing over near Cedar Creek, where he
has been picking corn for John
Aloxson. was home for the week end
Suit Case Lost
A short time since w hoile on my
wav from Murdoek to Omaha, I lost
' my suit case containing wearing ap
parel, a suit of clothes and under
wear, a razor, razor strop and shav
ing outfit. This was genuine leath
jer. Communicate with me at Mur
Idock and a suitable reward will be
Have Organized Sewing Club
Miss Elenor Gerbeling, teacher in
the Murdoek schools, has organized
a sewing club smong the girls of her
department and ail are very enthu
siastic regarding the work, and
much good work along the line of
sewing is expected to be done during
the school year. Those belonging to
the club beside Miss Gerbeling are
Misses lone Weddell. Isabel Gake
meier. Myrtle Craig. Edith Norton.
Harriett Lawton. Violet Rosenow,
Violet Kuhn, Eleanor Wutchinek
and Marv Catherine Mcllugh.
Members of Sewing Club
All the members of the Murdoek
Sewing club are requested to have
all their samples ready for delivery
and inspection by the end of the
month of December, as the work of
the coming year will be wanted to
le taken up after the holidays. All
interested please watch for announ
cements regarding the work of the
and until the ground dried, and re-turro-1
to his work the latter part of
this week. John who is somewhat
oi a corn picker, has been making
an averaee of about 120 bushels per
dav while working there.
soon to be well
n of the Murdoek
ng alter some busi
l.inco'n last Thurs-
!;. trip in his auto and
c with him some need-
he was needing in
ua in.
IT. W. Thimg'
garage w.. Uok
ness fflj'Kr.; in
dav. makin-; the
bringing lici.
ed r -pair.'
the garage.
There were some m-re moving last
week Mid not a uood week for the
avocation either, but K. V.". Thimgan
moved into the house which was va
cated by ('has. Schafer. and in turn
Herman Gakenuie-r moved into the
house which was vacated by Mr.
Reports from the bedside of Mrs.
Simon Bornemeier. who makes her
home at Elmwood last Thursday were
to the effect that this good lady was
in a very critical condition. Her
many friends will hear with sorrow
the fact, but would be pleased at
her recovery.
Dr. A. R. Hornbeck has been hav
ing the foundation laid for the erec-
Had Most Pleasant Time
last Friday at the home of Miss
Minnie Deickman, this young lady
gave a most pleasant evening in the
rhiipe of a miscellaneous shower at
which a la? ge number ot their friends
were present The evening was
spent in games p.nd music interspers
ed with social conversation.
The evening which called the
young people together was a forerun
ner of the wedding when Mr. Wil
liam Deickman and Miss Aleta Lau
will be married. These are very
popular young people and will make
their home on the Ieikinan farm af
ter the wedding.
Buff Orpington Cockrels
I have a few fine Buff Orpington
cockrels for sale. that will go at
$l.r0 while they last. Better get
vonrs before they are all gone.
n20-4 M. MRS. G. V. TICK WELL.
School Closed for a Few Days
The Murdoek schools were closed
for a portion of last week, following
the appearance of a few cases of
scarlet fever, which was confined to
one family, that of Martin Borne
mcier. ami which is of a very light
afely Razor Blades Sharpened!
You can get your Safety Razor Blades sharpened
at a cost far below the price of new ones.
Mail them direct to us in Lincoln or leave them
with Mr. Eddie Craig, the Murdoek barber.
Kuehn &l ihlenfeldt,
127 N. 12th Street - - Lincoln, Nebr.
Plowing Time Has Gome!
The harvest and threshing are about over. Now
comes the plowing for the autumn sowings and for the
preparation of next spring's crop. See us for what
plows you need either in horse or power drawn.
Repairs for all machinery used on the farm.
See me for anything in farming machinery which
you may need.
Call me by phone and I will be pleased to give
you the best service. Call phone 14-J.
Grateful for
portaiit Information.
Mrs. V. E. Long of South Bond is
in the city, having boon here for the
p:st week visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Streight and
w;. accompanied hero by her neice.
Miss Clarice Streight. who remained
until yesterday when she returned
home while Mrs. Long will remain
over for a few days.
Popular copyrights and the latest
tjfn Rt the Journal office.
McCartney Bros.
Finest Motor Equipment!
Gall JERRY E. RcKUGfl ,
Store 5 PHOKE House 19-
Ashland, Neb.
If your back gives out;
Becomes lame, weak or aching;
If urinary troubles set in.
Perhaps your kidneys are "in a
bad way."
1 loan "e Kidney Pills are for weak
local evidence proves their merit.
G. T. Archer, painter, of Locust
street. PlatUn.outh. says: "As a ruie
all painters are bothered with dis
ordered kidneys because of the fumes
of the turpentine. This has always
affected my kidneys when 1 have had
inside work to do. I have had to get
up as often as every hour of the
night to pass the secretions. Some-timer-,
when going up or down the
ladder I would have quick stitches
take me in my kidneys that felt like
needles. I have always found Hoan's
Kidney Pills a reliable medicine. A
few aiways give me relief and keep
my kidneys in good and active condi
tion. 1 wouldn't be without Doan's."
Price fiOc, at all dealers. Don't
simpiy ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Archer had. Foster-Miiburn Co.,
Mfrs.. Buffalo. X. Y.
Pleasant Surprise
On Monday evening. November IS.
promptly at 7: MO o'clock a croup of
merry young folks gathered at the
beruitiful home of Mr. :;nd Mrs. Emil
Lau to Furnrise their daughter Re
becca as it was her l'.Hh birthday.
Tii.. nrutiinr Yv;i-i cm-nt with L!:imeS
1 1 ' V V ..11. ...... I .... , Ry
:ind at a suitable hour a m-rst fie- n
lightfti! luncheon was served ry tue
genial hostesses. Miss Martha Lau
and her mother.
Thof-e present were: Mr. Lois an 1
Leonard Lau. William and Fred
Deicl.niiin, Elmer Miller. Charles C.
Zaar. (Jus and Willie Streich. Alvin.
Herbert and Carl Bornemeier, Misses
Edna Miller. Anna and Helen Borne
meier, Klsie and Minnie Deickman.
Alida Lau. and Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Kupke and son Kenneth.
On account of the rain and bad
roads some who were invited could
not cme, but all who were there
prized the good time they had while
there and whhed Rebecca many more
happy birthdays.
Reader Will
This Im-
Frni Saturrtar'si Paily
Yrsterday afternoon shortly after
" o'clock Andrew Pries was placed
under arrest by Officer Alvin Jones
on a complaint filed by City Attor
ney ('. A. Rawls. charging the young
man with being a member of the par
ty that committed an assault on Roy
Dudley and Joe. Beil. two Burling
ton employes on Tuesday. The com
nh.irt (barges assault and striking
Dudley over the head with an iron
The young man was brought be
fore Judge William Weber and was
released on bond for SL'oO for ap
pearance in court on Saturday, No
vember 25th. i
, 1
ET fl
j H ivi -y
r n 3 n
At Farm, One Mile North of Murdoek, Kebr.
November 23, 1922
Safe Sisrfs at 1 0:30 A. R. Sharp
Only in a complete dispersion, caused by having rent
ed our farm, makes it possible fcr buyers to secure such
high-class Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Machinery as we
In all lines we are offering the very best.
Da Qurn fft Pnmo fn Tliio QqIq!
An especially high class lot of good
Work and Market Stock.
One span mules, 5 and G years old. wt. 2.600: one team black
horses, 5 and 7 jearc old. v.t.T fC; one bay horse. 10 years old,
wt. 1.250; one black mars. K ears old. wt. 1,300; one black geld
irg. smooth mouth, wt. 1.350; one b?.y tram, smooth mcuth. Also
six sets cf harness ard one riding :ac.dle
Fure bied. unregistered Duroc Jersey sows and gilts.
shocts. These are very cnoice.
Six 2-year-old s
seven yearling steers:
six 2-year-old heifers.
:eers; 12 milch cows; six yearling heifers;
seven heifers with calves; eleven calves;
Registered Roan Short Horn Bull
Lovely's Choice. 873.746. by Imported Lovely's Knight. One
of the breed's very best. Probably the best lot of Big Pure Ered
Short Horn cows ever sold in this section. All bred to Lovely's
1 0 tons of Prairie Hay, 300 bushels of Oats, some Small
Grains, 50 O sage Corner posts and many other articles.
Farm Implements
and Miscellaneous Tools!
One Mitchell wagon; one Schuttler wegon: one Peoria wagon;
two low wheel wagons with racks; one Canton stalk cuttei : one
Moline hay loader; one Osborn side delivery rake; one JlcCormirk
hay rake; two MeCormick mowers; one Meadows corn elev.jr;
one Osborn disc harrow; one Bud Long disc harrow; two Iloline
listers; one John Deere wide tread lister; tuo John Deere 2-row
machines; one New Century riding cultivator; cne International
riding cultivator; three Jenny Lind walking cultivators; one Janes
ville disc cultivator; one 12-inch Yankee gang plow; one 12-inch
LaCross gang plow; one 14-inch Janesville walking plow: cne
Monitor press drill: one 1-horse grain drill; cne Hoosier corn drill;
one 5-row furrow harrow; one broadcast seeder; ore oscilating bob
"sled; cne saw frame with 24-inch blade; one clod crusher; one
15-foot harrow; cne S-foot KcCormick binder; two Litchfield ma
nuie spreaders; one 4 h. p. Cushman gas engine; one blacksmith
foige; one turning lathe; one grind stone; one wire stretcher; one
woven wire stretcher; one wheel barrow and one DeLaval cream
Terms of Sole!
time will
All sums cf SIC and tinder. Cash. Eight
te siven cn sums above $10
ins 2 Fe1' cert interest from date of sale. No property to be re
moved until settled for.
purchaser to give bankable note bear-
To Friends and Neighbors If you are looking for good
stock and machinery, come and spend the day with us.
We will be pleased to have you. Free lunch at noon.
Colonels J. C Price and Henry A. Guthman and
W. O. Schewe, Aucts.
Assistants, Clerks