1 Kebifsk State HirUti cal Society ;v t Kg t; 70L. NO. XXXTHL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, HOBDAY, NOVEI'IEEE 13. 1922. NO. 1 v :? - - ft 'i i V i IT iS NOW SENATOR SUFFERS SERIOUS ACCIDENT WILLIAM B. BANNING From Thursday leally. iired eiphty- south por- : tien :" The city, and mother of Will and Cn ru'" Lamphere of this citv. Democratic Candidate for State Sen- s -ifr'c :-.-tl a try s-riotis accident Tues cte Carries E'.erv Countv i ".-' m :i-i :.s: when she slipped ami Home Countv bv 42S. ENJOY A FINE TIME DETECTIVE HAS ENCOUNTER WITH TSI9 OF ROBBERS. Krim., 1 I tiT ;nc i- .. liift t-iiL. riTwl with tho n um that the l. ft' hit) w Vt Detective Suehl of Omaha Discovers ' v Tho r,u!l of the ; shit i vt ticket ' (lisloctTed and the l-:'t arm irat t ur-d. ! TriO Irymj to isreak into the C.i.'-tri't .M;wm-u a.-e in ( nv , rOSlCHlCe HI UIUOH. TIu- hiah five tour:.:.r:-.'.:it at the .Elks (hit) that is now h inu; h. Id i- proving our of the d -1 : l i;l ilivcr- ;.iiis oi t if winter u arxl the t arou- ! am -.;. ' : v. is. V: d- th.e a- u..i i: l. ::--n t :u:i! j t'esday -vi -niiin' there ! -iiiNids i'!:'y '' in ii:e : v r nu should he mtv plea iim to the voters ia,'-v- the "jury has proven very ser Mid 'axwiv.-r- i". th.t: it will idaie :ous nr;i sh" :s n,iU' i:l nuite eriti:. on the hour of the senate (.tie of the '0'J,?' at ,;fr hol- k.ut si. ih' ti ; :! it -n i- s r.n ti ii th" statt . lion. WiH:a-n 15. i'.a nrii:i? of I'niou. ai:.l v ::! tl arvantate of two tir:t.s" x;eri-ne;- in the state 1- cisl.: t i ve I'.o-.iy sctititor i:i 1 !(!! 11 sjesions from ( :"-s and Oiot coun- Fi..m PrldaVs HaJly. A few days f.tro a hurplnry wa I o?;nnitf"d at I'nion- and which r !si:!.ed in a call heinir iiit in for De lective I!nlil of Omaha, head of one vi !o;x-d ;;t l!.e e!ul. ! U ;:r:-!fc. ' l;dd thi t x round v,i. '":.;:rs .a; vniiifr instt.i d of V.". ..' .-:d.;y as ha I In ' n th' cii-':')!:i hrr. . '.: . u:.-l h 'anticipants of the r ::t ;r ' -AVJ.' d t' lioTf this ; hi th ! date of the meet ins. m 'r. j.r session Mr. Ihinr.in: will !.r ve an :id-'ed eotitity to look ' :. f : -r a Sa:-;-y has het n udUcd to the i!:s;rit snii-e the .;.st eu-cticn. The vote o:: state s-naior in the ; ifi'er. r-.t coT;:ii: s shows that Sena tor r.ar.n:nsr carried tail: ccuntv in !of the I.-adir.c aceneies of the west. ' XMtLV . !ji V ' f IO sSCLL rJlUtm j 5?u-restinr (rurui.-c last r.ijiht at. SvT IW TNIQ Pi TV! '-"f'0" -Mr- I'-uehl arrived in I t hijjh iHt,ir E " 111 iiirj U I . I (htiaiiti from a trip up in South Da- the (!::riet. ?; feat t - tiia jt a I tie secured hi.? ' j hotu he was infornud of the call from 7 l'ni(in and last r.itrht drove down Ccnp-e5s.rr.r.n-rject irom ihird D:s-:th(.ro IO look CXir t,e lay ot tn? trict Was at One Time Printer .Mid made iii- arrival in the villa?:' cf Platrsmciilh Journal. i l;''- :r r.isht. As he was walking up thf s'treer In tl.o tri:MTh-.nt .'..ftiai, f V.l. ' 5'" lati' V,l two SUpiioUS lipUTl S ill IMG YESTERDAY Very Large Attendance cf Member ship and Ladies E've an In tcvtEtir?"; Pre "".im. y in t'ass count v. the! the two ( arei iates. and ' pr.r Heua.rd of Odumhu as congress- !far 1,1 ll:t' I'uun.r.p w nere ti.e . !:,ir::::'!ly heavily rtpuhli- ":nan from the third Nebraska dis- l'-toft i'-" is located and a bout the f-m,,, Kria;,y vj--y re i a irreat deal of inter- s-"'-e time til? two men noti.eu turn The ladies n id so'ie'y of .he M.,h !i 1 vei! whi h. i t all. : h e ott i rs lol.ows sAi:rv i'or.TV Tianitit!? Sturt!; Majcr:-y trict. there i .-, irre-t deal fif inter- s:"'-t lI;;J n IKHl. eu lira esi attached for the old residents of t;i r-t t-.i to move aw ay rapidly i ,ll?ist ,.i 1; .1.2rf, , this titv as Mr. Howard was at one ! Il(t aware of the fact thaty r..;:y l.LT.?. time a resi:!ent of I'lattsmouth in the'th'-v h" P to a robbery, the t chur a i ioon at i : for th OTUE CO I XT Y 43 hit- seventies and Ui earlv eighties. ' five fired two shots from his re-j,laImi Jo. ir. Andrew ! Mr. Howard was at that time a:v(,Ivf r ll!t' 1:1,11 pt"rt'l " ri'll:' i hitt. C V. T. Am. F. i ;a r.r. r.-: S:;;rin Majority I hint lit? Sturm Majority . prtntt vv h . ti at 'lte case and was here raPidly and suddenly a third man th first issue of the Piatts dar'c.l from the shadow of the buihl- CASS C'Ul'XTY 1 t, ovt- .t.,.rt...i xv. !i.... -tr, hvi . mp and stan-i! to run toward his . 1 v (' W. Sherman, who hid then eompanion L: ura 1'e'ers.in wcr- ::: There v re over fi.';' i.: -s irr;. r.t ;.'"! th b-t- h Mr. Puehl this tim- fir-v,i; i.,r-..u- r',.r.-.,i m .?. j.Mt rrrived in tl.i- citv ftoia G!et wood. At the time of th- stariin? of the at the man as he realized there ! vas something wronsr and the shct ' laiis! have taken effect as the man of th r lor Ii!!- Class barouet wr. 3 it FLATTSMOOTi FIRE DEPARTMENT ELECTS OFFICERS & . Tr.n-r.il I "T-.,, Curt i-' .1 . i. I T ( U MI. !:.!: i'V or. his' car. r 'as' a print r'and :'',h' ,n j5n th ()th, r "'enibers 'as the apprentice in the print shop j was aiven a grea t opportunity of . knov. tttir Il'lcar Ifowaril intiaiately. and win n the first i-uo of the Jour- imosi it'll, nui was,,,.,., t,.,,.,i. .. .i.cw!:, Will t.e tr.'.i wl i:d evenin; ii" busin-- party a.n l they loaded Jiim in I i I ; a ( i i : njo'v'-i a ihort r a iiil L-ot awa. ia! hour. Miss Marv Mr. I'.ut hl was handicapped in o t,.r.-j r . ve-v n .'ettin? toward the scene tf action 'o !-. ii,r , nal a;ip':.ia bv the fact that a ft nee and sand' I numoer to- tit prosrai. Mr Hovr.rd V.:indJ...l on press while Mr. '" ,m"""""v '-"- "llV.,H v..rv .au ;, .njoy : for him. 171111 a!I, hy tl,e tinu'. lu" was ahIo'.!i s. R-v. Trank E. ri-i I Since the early davs of printing at ! 1 ' ' ll" 1,1 'l( pastor of the hurch. - ithe ( a.-e Mr. Howard has had a dis- i lia('. r'ln- . . . t tilk to tl - ladies that w 'paper . ''' V'ti vumion was notii.ea oy tne .( ;,n,, .;,raM. z ind was f.r v.-ars editor of the . ' ; L : .t . u,'i'V'. l-'e-K'; ; 'or niado a deep i m I'ar-iilii-i Times and later of the Co-i' n "' na-eneu io i nion ana mir.of ,,,, -.oeSety. v. ! If". bus Telegram, which paper he lr:)in " ' ,,,, k ; ,h ,n,'r"!- unl 11 ! h red anions the most a , . p p,..,..,..,,!!!! has eoatnd of and has condiu t- , wa" ,nt".t,.,p '-'"ima the territory i , , i;r wor:.. r,. -p t:ie:.l .'. i..e 1 at t.-nu-UI . ... eonth of T - ;on .-iti,1 as f;.r s N-l.rss- .. . . fct it ii'r i.-TYrT--r ifaiI '1 1 1 ri m i nrnr i- ..... - - - ........ - - - - - . voluntetr f.re uepartment held taetr, ' --- j.., Civ was Sf.ar,.h((1 in th annual : c t i et oiticers as wen as' teiected deier-.ates tc the state con-' venti'-n at tl-.ir intin? Tuesday li. d mi .ike the general tier-' Or Rather 'i.e-i-.lects. as All Old tir.t-'.ished career in th.- new: Qr.o; Pet're Dtle2"ates tC ttran.e Convention are NameJ. Spat - tm . 3- u 5 BROTHERHOOD MEN ARE HAPPY. U aUP till HiV TO BE 0!!E OF REAL Clevelard. O . Nov. 0. liead-' o'" i i i firoth e' hoo:h; hf t " tonieht ciainj'-d astonndiiii; sueces-."- for their r.;?!-:.artJ a:i it i.-ul proM-ani. j ZMZlll V r.lhlj:n 'Vhich included ent.or-,e...,t of o:,-' U icii'in, I aii h i re.-.-i.ua! and tovfrr.f.rsL.p Can h- j rtThile Late Return.-, !Iay Give the DciiiCCi.T.?. I-iuw-i' Diflerent II.".:; Iv.c Yocivs Lqo. The ; '. .! , ,w ) t J Ii.'HiIh rs OPrORTONSTY i t s in y . t: 1 1 l: !:..',. rrco'i ; e ;d of the bt-oth- ,.ri, r,..;. ioc motive i.r ' :... a and ; OfTeiir.g': of the Rest of the Season's a u .:: .re i tiiat -ptditita!-; Froclucts at the Rock Ecttom !y v.-- have jt-- t.erua to tv :: a t a.' prices Kovembar 15th. V. arr-n S. Stone presi l-' t oi the. brntat rnootl ot hx-on.et.w nvnieers. sa : I: :1S tiy v i .e ( I t . 1::. l :. l i ; .;( ;.: v. e , t; : . ''. I'.a ntiitiit ii!l. l. ' . :.. t.a l ; h i i . V. X. t 'ha mh ts lili. : L. S:;;.i,d rs ll. .! ' ti . i:.: ! ;a- Mil. .'.' .1: '.'.". i ' r do. .'-! :: ( 1 1; :!i h ( I) ) . i , Y.':' 1. ' TI I . .! . ;.;' lo .. a a K i . ;: :.ry r.--h: :i" ( !: . . :;;!:: (D. ; '. 11. .'. i r -on It i . ( '. .1 . ."a ri. r lili. .'. li Itarr iIM. ".". ii. ni.t.Ti dii. I if,! ar v ( !t . tale" Oi tee ','" b:is:a'-"i :!! e (,; a : . v nie.aa t : a lieu ' ; e io ::t Wed tii .:: . h. n t !.. i'y s ales t:ay v. t ; i be i . i 1 1 . Th ff a-h the time t ha t i - e ' t a e.'i n- e-t :i t vi Wsj nu 1 1 Burlinotcn at Havtiock Engaged in ! Wok cf Eiectinj Temporary Hemes fcr Employes. The I.in'oln Star is authority for the :-;ate:t:( at that at tin- Ilavelo. k shops of the Hurliv.pton the coinjiany ti:r. :'. (".: vb's 11. A":: -a iK). ;.ar! rs o! "1. .1. S. Kroii lill. --h:t: m State Rcicsentr-tives i.'-'ec Tlah- Illstl.'.t. I';--' ' :;:: ' 1. E. H A-itta r D ). I'.xt.'.-r-e?. v... T. I'arkinson (R) ti !:. .1 . Land) ill). se-sio;-. 4. Will Moore ID). di.-ion i r Voehutn illi. M-'-n tt. Tne. i'e.vis i Hi. fe l:o!i-.s 7 t; j r. ( K i. ive.i'r on .1 ;; Alu.ti (Hi. h. .:. i:. stf. !.-... R ) . .-.-slon tli- z". E. A. s -tit; u :. t"-f:'.m and ; i. ;. c.illli.s (Dj. V'ltittaher j-. (htrl s Moutsky I). I'h-n" if.. A. . E!.--asser I). i"- vof al 14. i-rank ii-Idin: HI). ' v id 1 i -. c. (';!'.;; J). '-'' ','- ::. Cc::,' Ik DybaE (R) " it-w i 7. T. it. Hy,;irt (III. ti ywv. is. h. M. r.ahiridee (P.) - ,"' ;i tie E. ('. Timme ( R). '' "ft " tiv. 2:. .1. E. Q.'.ien D . .;: on ia-. .T, j, ii. .Tohusou (Di o r- num- i2. o. V.. Ot r ( Di. i: 1 sah s a. vs 1 : '. ! ttie car'!'i;l imve'': ail ovi r '! ! t : have ieart.ed to lool" for 1'lattsni t eth's eritr.rnunity s. (!..; : .-. thf r. al 'larL.eltt ev-iit oi 1' ' :iO!ith ; tel in very case where an investigation has b- n ma.'' of t be pri ' ofet'c! by t;,e nierci;ii:v- :' the .n.in-.;n:ty supporting t 1 i'; si" day. i't" run found that ti:; v at" a.- r pre- i:t ( i and e. eiy art tele I t-d h;is ;ie r' a! vali:.1 in ii. The result of U:e stra iizht forw a i d land bo ( - --it k- met hods ;. n ! i-. planniiitr a radical move to relieve P"i- u 0'i-' an i s.o...i y situation in the Lincoln i lts J;: : l '' '-":. u i . i ii. t'ia;- t.ay lias x r. puiaii.'ii l.ot a 1 over ( ass coui.tv. nut it the hoi : li on: suburb as affect in a: the m v. mpiov es ,t t'u- ra Iro-i d in the shoos llif-re At the time of tho strike the imr- tlu' C(,!:!!!:nnU5-s . a,,Ja.vt,,t x" ir i own terntorv and caf'ii nu tan t:e linton (reeled at Uavelotk as they did if this ciiy. irire numb'-r of bun h uses. me.-;s halls and other visitors in the :?- come ft .t.i er." t- lv tnlanvl trade territory, v.hie iidiiu of th. evotanu" t ion. oc ..-ion was one of the; ;.e men. as toe pres e unable to shake off, re-T 'iiri'i'iitv and were all rc- . 1 fer t!i (:'r b i s- k : n t r t . fl i'-a rs t : : " eh-c CANDIDATE EXPRES SES APPRECIATION ung year. Tin: (. i. r.- nan., t. n :e: I'r-siieiu Frank M. Bestor. Vice preshloTtt John V. Hatt. S - ia tarv -! L.ude ('. SlultL. Tr-a..-unr-C. E. Hartford. A.- t .tar.t ohief Lotiis Kroehler. V 'rtii.a:: ii'.ok and I-add'-r-- ih V. A. L. Tidd Thanks Progressive Vot ers for their Approbation c His Candidacv. hope that the man who was evidently in jured hy Detective Due hi mitrht be found, but he had evidently been rotten in the clear by his compan ions. Th1 ttK-n had been trying to break into th- rear of the buihiiiit; with th." evid at intention of looting the;'; posiofiice but the Omaha detective: START THE CFICIAL COUNT "Voir. Friday's Uaily. 1 1 ; i : I ri t. ...: rel ni 1 1. f t;e-ne bfor. it ' ' . . ' - .'. . i , i T . ' ..ii:.1 I.. fin oi otr 1 .li:l 4 aiit M HOLD UPS K. V. Cotter of 1'iattsmouth wn: Tlii-- r-ornintr the work of r.iakin. the oMItial (anv;.-:- of the vote ea-i at the :' !( ral !e:'ii n Tufs.iay was ::.::. a up r.t the t)f!'e- of the . unty k. J. i Fa!t r and James 1. Had wort' selected as tne bOur.I to inaK O'int OI th' 0-"S !:"'d Will tie Coon-v f'i rl. ;. K. oi fact tii.it Mr. tl.1T Ass 1-tant F. V. Eusi h. ic.l Ilt-.p :r E. J. Wt-yrieh; t ! .'. "-v. Mb' rsole. r- d- prtn ent riv urian:motie E liror Jfurnal : I am j r"o:'euni!lv crateful to the prorres-dv Tot rs w!io pave thdr ! ... . part, i assume mat tne voie , . i ; c, ,..,. .,,i ,,i ..1 i.-T. T ri.Ar.i ii'l . . r.ier-.t;1t . . .... . . . .. . A... Wt: Ci n Sato I:..:.vo- ;e: 1 c Ity th-- ('.ief ..t tl t' : t - f i.i't i'-o. "... .1- e l ' t: ? S: a-':: . r'. M V-i -v. I t r v." : ' i '.o : -t 5"r rs C'lrrlts R eir.tr also vlsit-d ai t-isor..;! corapHir.Mit tome, but w-re T;.b(1. 0n ,.,,iv rt.Uirn Mrs. (oii.tr Ui" I.ee.iU.-e oi ine iiiiiiirs , . .. .v. , i v,;,, th.e-. vel-.-r.. for :i tin e. Tin n Mr. Cot his v, l!e bat k to Tabor. the ' .. .. . v.iittt- Mi" ; '.a-insr tor ner utii !. i!" rciruiar in ;oi:ucs ui:u uriu w uu uif -j.,r,(..i i.,,.nl. ; i,;m; p ;n at:.l at .-i a:a. than to i:o aitainst the ur-! .;'. ,.'..j.'r ,.f ,-, V,.'untv r-. r.t. Mar!; Sullivan and David Law- r ,,,.- ti, . i.-,,, OT,,t .. med were: Dr. O. v'rii-;i'-' on the political 'on-. ,A nll' ?-r Com-r while i.ioons -a . ine n.osi iioiaoie u.ai- f,-,w.r t(w,v ., :irf, fPnn, fi1(. e 1. 1 T wxt .it ..11 te ete ".rs .! the spot nu '.eitv of ,. T , , . " ... - a(iii;n'a.i,.ii of. uue x u viv. i- t, ,. ia..'- ' ...I ... r..t.i. I !-.-. t- IT 1 . 'icii.r t f t.r. , I ; . i . . i . (el v. . 1 1 i. . ..V. ..; rj l.y .it: r s tii" i.-.rt y v.- t .) canvas ; ;-id laiv up I. tit l.af r:a;;y the- n -: ot.' is that ,:i te at i eh-t - . y t it-: !: wi ii b E. .o:i. Ther. t v vl ! y Oi.i i .' b t: ra wi 1 1 open will tie a i. e. : t t r. . o 1. 1 '' ' n. ' ::.i:l to rt-app-.iat t-:t lr.it ion of his V. I ;:r.-( Of. v. it r rani; i'. U tsch. aef and of the American electorate j--.rt v ho 1 of his Ford. a ( fori. totav -- :-s oisitke : notn repurut- Ppt ;vIrs irt.lan,i brought a am! ceniocratic parties, un .m- ...on t,..i . m ,;!,V(Klli t;,o same .otv'.ii. v-"mr r '. na.or j.oran saia i t v.nins, t.,k,. train No. 12. On .. . , e.t i titlak Tiiat unless th-re is a complete ,hejr rturn ,() Tab..r. near the Dr. , i', ; t, ,V . . l.ana. of program upon the part of ?.,( Kitril.k ri:;(.f.. two men called on ,'. ' "" . ,-. the repu! iican party there will be a t:, ,..,u )mt tht.y F;u.(.d,,j llp ' ,.';',; ',' ' , I. e-ti i.iaid- third party movement in a,.., ,..,..,j .';," 1 r'." T1'' 1 " ',n( '.' V '- ' 1 " lirmul of E1"n liko L:1" ""in Ta!,or"the same nipht Harold 'e';' u.lJ '''" X''''''A '"t-'it:- has 1 majority el.'i it is :i:.e,i::l:t that ilte mail vote will pro'u aldy a hi ttt split cv. n. iti r-i-aklu" of ( e t.i a- :iiitt the vo'" Mr. Ealt-r. t'e frr:.;:.. was nla-ir.-T tie ep. r: '. e t f son' " tw-iity y-ars :;lo v. h( n A. L. Tidd Mid the lat- Jt:dc Travi - had a n " It and n- I: rto-e for tie' r it to:: of '"Utit; j'.I.ipe :t'j(i the ( ie- tti -s of 'h- v.d- was rdiown w r n em in on nn- fine family reunion On S M rs . r I..'-" at th- I.' tr.e of Mr. and .j - : Rt: ; If- on West Vine erred a vry .Ifdic'i'tul itii.Mi rf whi'-it Mrs. D-!ta Kati River. M;; J:;.. ? "S AT- ' (.f X. v F5-!:'ord. Ma-s.. Mr. a- i Airs. Era v k Oadway of Miil t r. : 1... and Air. and Mr-. Lew is C.i':-y if ' .!.!'.:. a1! 1- iitit bro-hcrs and - r of Mrs. Rtprle w.-re pr"F t t . Thi is th- t: ti:-. that s'.me ( f tie i-r i'!'1 rs and -sisters :.u: ne t f . -r ' 1. y-t w o y,-ars and it is ni--d- t . tli' (f-c: si'.n was cnj'y.-d t i t! 't'rif'. T!e birthday of Mrs. Ripp"" :- oi November fith and p'r y (i-'i!'d to make the : T - . t i e on Sunday ti donbh' event. A. won bv s:k vet. FEELS V. r.LL PLEASED ottnty officials who oiiieti'. j;.ir;:n. i.rrmwiari ami wim- Cridh v was order, d to stop when to- R" ! of Missouri. Hut they are , .ir tl)(. K(,riI p;lras:x.. instead of not -or ih-ir r.spective parties. I ,,,.,;,, ho turned his car towards! therefore say to all progressives who fhf, wnt(: be hold up man and this' "aonorted me. that I shall Rive all a u,r. Kttr n,..t ir. 1 'ne ot tne c n y urn- aad service in the orpraniza- fori.-ot his' business and then Oridlev 1(' N w"u J,i'ns5"1 ,,v" r ti' ''"-:"T1 tian ot an economic jiropressive hifi p,tllWav Glnwood Tri- ;s ('("11'.v Olerk o ir,ce Tt. s-ayl-s. I' aaue durinr the tiert two years. I ,unc. : who was re-electe: hy a piurattty o! h.-.oe tht.t every progressive outside ' ' il.'Jhl at the p- r.-rai ( lecth)i; Tues- 'he city of Jdattsmouth will write I day. Four years i to Ceor.;f had a pivtnr-r yo-ir name and address sol VlSiia Ui.1) xllsju . n:aj.-:'y of : 5 irh a npohioan i hat 1 meet vou personally and' jhiddMe tt a-si d him and 'his year with the onds rai'.t:: ;ur::ii:si tile iuiuli" v.fli'irf ptainet cans to the demo .. I "CO.. -..,-.., T.t.,1.1.. ..f TSlrrt,. c- l...T.f. . .. , , ... v.eiiare. I tare is notliiap;' un'-n jjim.i.n x.... , ..i t ; , nation ov i. ne (lounitti o:s bv flopping from tho republi-: eveuinn ior a ir oouis Ms;i-; majority at t!ie pen Is. '! he best par th" democrats, and then from !'ricI:('s with whom he ; ()r the r.ffair fr.un the standpoint o a t vas t to the remibli-.re; fr ' 's associated in the army during : ,h, .-.rial countv eiik is that the t'.r curse ('tutor wa-. on" oi ',.,., tlmt. lhr. c.n,.rai w, ifare suf-',ll(' 'Aorld war and :t is necubss io voters; have said. "Weil done. Po..l f. . litres of the d .y anil was one f,.rs nuir,.. and we are coming nearer' -' t!ial occasion was very eii-:,tn,; fa;hfi.i P,rv:uit." bv thtir vot. s. - ' n joyed V" r.ll o: the i-r- n,.ar( r to tll(. precipice, but b-t Joyable. Mr. Trumble was one of the ;;t tM. polls and itt . r as:n their x- Mt. W.-rner. tl. pliotocrapher. . ... ti.s,..- rti-iiteo.i1v n",l : m . ion-: t went y-six men from Cass county to : nr.-ssion mtl-er thi.n re.Imdnir it. roup : r.Mr .... -j,) Abrahnm' l.inmln -when bo. volunteer in the Cth Nebraska at the. lib 'i in and a family pi. tun taken. Ttt.--day Mrs. L clair and Mrs. Fred Me d -narted for their homes in' th-- ea.st alter a very pleasant three j w-( . V;s' visit with, their sist r and oth- r rt latives. UU an old political party, and took , 'arl Part of tilf' wa . iiV' served in j RES" IS SOME WHISTLI SHERIFF GAINS SOME . . i. o . v, .... ,i a . . i , ,1 ; : part in a new party. Write me. I wel- '" "! timsion., nuimi;; . come your views. ! he conflict overseas and was for i From Friday.s r,ar,y Very sincerely. aeveral months in the .army of occu-, Ystcr;5.lv at ti,(. convocation hour t.ttt4-t ttv-.tx- frmn I n:i 1 1 nti in (.ernmnv- AT n ti v of riil ai.i.aii.v.u i.i.w ui.n iiou. : " " ,rl . , , ,, . se io:U t it v-u'na neon e friends here ho had not seen since',,.., '"7; l-i... ,r.,o i .. .had a uv.n tt",tt-d t n-p ttttptj -dtttv !,hc stirr5np fys of 1 0 1 S and the op U-LilZl.L U JrlLUll Jttli.i.1 I Twirtonitv- r.f T-ictino- -itl. Mm u n jportunity of vistinn with him was very much enjoyed. Mr. Trumble was : pie plcasins-T treat r, or Red when James II. he is better known appeared before From Thursdays rnlly ,,,,.,, ' , " r TT tfT;lIul scnooi an.l -ae a unao'i oi se- Th- fu-eral services of the late'p . P . i , th.e ! Icrtions. whistling th-m in hir own ti , J"? services oi me late Eale parase man. with whom he is ..lo-insr -nrn-r and it was with Huph Riley were held yesterday , assa(.;.. ... .h present tfme. ! 1 ,,r-,.s.in5 "la 'n; r . H .,.VS.."11. ! mornins at 10 o'clock from the St.! iuii:icuity mat me inioini y.an-. man was a me io ma t.e ins itci.r.- a From Thursdays raw. In t! " fnal out(i;me of the con tct for sh-'riff b, tueen C. I). Quin- t- ti. th" pre;1- ttt oc.-ur.ant for the past : i- rt,,.ii. ,.i.,.v. orwi i -.ttit a years of th.e office and ,.,;ri r,,,t.,u.ii t.v tho ni,i fri.n,ia ' FUNERAL OF HERMAN FliNDER Edward Thin.can. of Murdock the j t(J ' tri,nite to t ne memory of this j 'lorif staged a f-w votes on the re-! f epm,ai!liin who had TOPt so un. From Thursday's Pally. si "t of tht flection in Wet pine W at-, t imr., p,,!,., m a shin.: The funeral of Herman Finder cr precinct and In the corrections of 'tc, t,0 ;,,, nf (1,Jloiifr time a resident of this citv. wasii" the past year with his Selections from the demands for more of the melodies from his lips. As a whist ler "Red" is there an ! over and lots pleased nttmv P!attsmouth audiences t' e vote fvorri other preciu- ts. his ma-; (.j,,,r('.'n rn(j at tlip conclusion of th 110,(1 last veninp at the county farm jor-ty has b. . n brought un to 139. i SPrvices the body was borne to the j of the cit-v w"re he has made i o county treasurer .miss iia l . ' . u 5. i:.i r. . ... . . vuii'tmt. tt'ni.u'i . wiirit; it a iai vj . ii.t. uf iiiuiitii. will nai f a nui - ; a! ity of F.S votes in the final re sults r'nown. his home for a number of years. Mr. Finder was seventy-three years of aire and leaves an aped wife and FOR SALE RETURNS EOXE From Thursday railv. Mr?. Joseph Hadraba. who has ci. r. . I" V. 7 1 . h- ! I. c . ! li . I ). C. I! "fa.ri'.iar. (D. L. Laurit it ( Rrest. ). C. F. Staats (Rl. ("',. F. (iUetnttn (D). '.V. R. Mitchell (D). E. Yorlnitn lid. T. V. Jacchy 'DI. .1. F. Ettr r liil. R. E. Harriitirton (Rl. J. Rt i ! Croon ( R. Rti"! D ttnls (Dt. Rt.ltih Wilson fit). Erie Smiley IR). I h i.ry Ito-'k (in. V.'. A. Rrown ( D i . R. '. Reran .(ID. It. S. K-ck i li). J'Mtn 1. Davis mi. E. '. Raihy (Rl. O-w in K-ifer Uh. A. V. I tall (Rl. C. ". Donnelly (R). .!;')- Atttej: In. E!v.' li J-hnston 'RE C. M. Dollarliiue ( R . .To'tr. Thomson illi. Daniel Carh.-r i R i. J. M. I,.ti;ird (Rl. C. F !; -ldimist n (D). J. AV. Lundy ( R i . E. S' hrerlt. ea r iDi. M .son Eyd- D i. E. i. Whitehead (Ri. John S. Wise (EE DwU-M V. Criswold R. Earle lliilard ( Pro,. I . A. Is'. Mathers i R. D. P i. E. P. Wilson (Ri. for th accommodation of 1"'-" l""ul '.":" 1 . " '. " ,w "" th- nun sent in to take the places m" opportunities ne re in tie -i.ai-of ti - s-rikim; shopm -n and now 1 nes.'ay rales thev are plarnit to have these build- ! lyrh f att:r.;? ..?.- inas removed ai d the material us-d , r . vo nf. ;,s ,,s. I"I', "ifM'; for th- (re, Hon of small co.taires onl11' " "--!":l Mib.-ti.ntial lat.u; "i'ui on la.ii.v oinei i.ie--. ii;-:- t.'.e company pi"-rty w here the men with families may reside, pr-parinc: tit" hoine.t with l:c!;t. wat-r and oth'r 'iioi'ern facilities for house keeping which will Je a irreat assist- I affordino an opportunity lo- ti,.- ! cusf !' rs to secure a full supply (if ithe atticies that they may Ti"ed The bart-ain day for Dteeii.b-r ;n i, i .. ...,i;.... ... nee in lioldirs the men at their jobs . count of th; Christmas 'holidays' a'i.d ii. jiax-imn. "- SlMl , l, I,,,! n tw,l it s- diffieulty in finding places where the- he lhir(I xvitk of the raont! tarimes could reside and the condi- i tion far worse than at Plattsniouth, o"' iit-.' to the lacV: or hotel act omino datioiis which we have here and also the Ir.rp'-r no.::. her i f men that mut ) be cared for. From the pians of the Ii'irlingrtou I as outiintd they will have a real) EONUS AND PEER EILL PROPOSED BY ERITTEN Chicago, Nov. 2. The soldiers' bo nus bill, with an additional provision to pay the bonus by a tax on licht . 1 . ... " . TT ' 1 ' . 1 . it -nop mu n. i.a.eiocK. juiwuue.. wj and ,)(, reil! ; rod Ut ed by the employes of th shops-exclu- ,n ccns;rpS!, ,,v ConwMir.au Fre-I A. ivtly in the near future. F.ritttn of Illinois, he announced OWSLEY ON WAY TO LINCOLN. KNIGHTS OF COLTTI.IBI75 PRE VENT -MEETING OF THE ELAN E. v.-hore. L. I.. Nov. 7. Efforts to h; hi a jo'l'l-h K'u Klux Ehm meeting here tor.ilit failed when members of . Ii- Knights of Columbus and othe-rs no! iti sympathy withe the movement n 't only called upon the state troop ers to assist in prevent ine the meet ing, but s i .intrrt"re! with atte:v.pts at speak int: that tlie m-etint: finally broke up in disorder. Dr. (1. A. Ma honey, prominent in Masonry in the south ru jurisdiction, made an un successful attempt to address th.e meetinsr. UPTON SINCLAIR. SOCIALIST. IIAEES SHOVING IN ELECTION San Francisco. Nov. ft. I'pton Sinclair, nationally known writer, who was the socialist nominee for United States s-nator in California had polled "7.473 votes when the returns of 5.(fiS precincts of (l.l in the state had been counted. Sin clair ran well ahead of othtr social ist candidates on th.e ticket. Senator Hiram W. Johnson received 437.510 votes ai.d his democratic opponent. William J. Pearson. ITS. 409. FROM THE STATE OF IOWA PLASTERING AND MASON WORE. ithree sons to mourn his loss. He hadjbeen spending the past month at the 'been in poor health for some time, j Clark; on hospital in Omaha tahinc For all kinds of plastering, brick rr.d concrete work, call telephone No. iyll-W, PlattBmouth. tf-ssv. An exchange in the st.ate of Iov a has the fellow ins to say: "It is actually figured out by pood authority that the cost of nurr.'ai-i-iti autos. oas, license, depreciation, eic. for Itjv.a in 1D21 exceeded the total value of torn. v. heat, and oat : crop cf the state, so instead of cuss ;ir. parties or some other conditions f.-.r financial depression or empty in the face Choice pure bred Chester White. Although Journal want-ads coat tVeatment. has 7a far ,u proved " that l.ooks look this fact she was able to reVtrn hon:- Mon- " I"cl1' At farmers' prices. K. E. Sedman. but llttle lhe Te8uItB they brlnK hater returninc to O.aaha for a fur-' can fniBiSll you fcrank bocks seven miles due south oi Ashland, j w Oiiderful. Try them. ther course of treatment. jmost any kind at JcumiJ office. here. Th.e cencressman declared that tho addition for a beer ar. 1 wine tax Chicago. Nov. 9. Illinois' ltlir ma-j would be drafted so as to stipers-d-jority for tiie state soldiers' bonus the Volstead er.l'Ti cnt'ttt act dt fini rc fleets the attitude of tite entire! tion of intoxicating liquor, country toward the AnKiican Le- "My a-'aii; i on to th- bonus bill will tri in's tial.t for a s.iuare deai f ; r tiie ; provid-a tax !' ii" a barr-l on b r. ey-sf l vict' men. "td. Alviti M. Owf- j i 2 a frailer, or. dt mestie w ines. ; i a head of the Lesion, declared in ealion on imported still wltos. ami an address here today. it's a r.tll'n on imperii d (ham- He if ft tor Si.ht ftf Lincoln. Ne- j pa at-es," he said, braska, where he will make an ad-. "The beer so provided will be llrtt-d'es- on .rinistice day at t h- la vine; ited to an alcoholic coriTt nt of 4 per cf the eorn'-r.--tone cf Nebraska's 1 cent, and the wir.- to 11 iter cent, new capitol buiidin?. j both by volhm". J "This tax. I am certain, wili pay CARD OF THANKS rl!'' ri'' P""C' - in-id'-nt j to its paytmnt. And. in the course of We take this mean.-- of expressing; a few y- ars. tln lax can be otvrd to the many friends and nt ihbo.-s a th- bonus liability is r-diie-d " our rrateful a r pre";:, t Ion of their: Representative Rritter. sal. I !iis bill kin tines.-- and sympathy in the time ; would he in'rodu-cd tit t! - sp-'dal of our sorrow at the death of our ' session of oonirress if Presid-n: Hard brother. Huyh Riley, ami also for, ins; calls one. the muic and beautiful flower and, to all thosa who assisted at the fttr.eral. Mr. and Mrts. William ; st. '1 e'd fnmitv- '.'r n 1 ' Sawyer and family. An extensive litte ci high class Mrs Viav ' EaoneI7 03 tand at all times at the Journal onioe. r incoms and Oredsf! ' m The farmer who has regular cream checks to cash, a well stocked heg shed, a big flock of chickens, and several crops to fell back on in case ere should fail this man gets credit when he needs it. More sources of income mean a steadier income and a steady income makes a better credit risk. The f irs-t National Bank has helped many Cass County farmers increase their income through diversified farming. We'll be glad to help 3'ou, too! the First wional bank Th BANK WHRE VOU FFEL AT HOME jArrsioirni IK. Nebraska. Member Federal Reserve Hi 32 0