The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 26, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Frcptred la tha Interest of tht People of Murray and Surro undine Vicinitj Zf peelallr for the -Journal Readeri
uilding for
A bank works for you night and day, week after week, adding
cents to your dollars. Little by little the amounts grow till each
addition is a respectable sum.
Where does the gain come from? Not from your pocket. Nor
from ours. It is the result of production. Money placed in a bank
is given an opportunity to work and to produce.
Thus a bank builds your wealth. Start with a small deposit
if yen will. Add to it when you can-r-regularly if you can do so.
It will not be long till you can fairly see it grow.
Murray State Bank
maiOe this bank your best servant
Open an Account with us today NOW!
T. J. Brendel was in Louisville
Friday looking after business mat
ters, mm
Thomas Hansen was hauling wood
for Mrs. W. E. Hull during the early
portion of the week.
K. L. Kniss and J. L. Smith were
looking after some business at Platts
mouth last Monday evening.
R. E. Foster of southeast of Union
was looking after some business mat
ters in Murray last Tuesday.
L. H. Puis is plowing at the farm
west of town preparatory to engag
ing in farming the coming season.
James Hall of Plattsmouth was
looking after some business matters
in Murray last Tuesday afternoon.
J. M. Patterson of Union was a
visitor in Murray and at the Gil
more hog sale last Monday afternoon.
Messrs. Harry Puis and Harry
Rainey were working at Gretna last
week and returned home last Satur
day. C. M. Read delivered wheat to the
ritman elevator last Tuesday which
tested well and brought a good fig
ure. Frank Foreman of Plattsmouth
was looking after some business mat
ters in Murray last Tuesday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Fhilip Keil were vis
iting and looking after Rome busi
ness in Plattsmouth last Tuesday af
ternoon. L. H. Young received letters from
his son John and Mrs. John E. Perry
both in the north who are prosper
ing nicely.
W. H. Puis and Alf Gansmer were
in attendance at the republican
speaking at Plattsmouth last Mon
day evening.
TV. G. .Bcvdeker and George Mir
anda were looking after some busi
ness m both the county seat and Om
aha last Tuesday.
Will Richardson. Jr.. representing
the Plattsmouth Motor company, was
a visitor in Murray on business last
Tuesday afternoon.
Philip Lambert and Foster Hard
ing were painting the house in which
Earl Lancaster and family live dur
ing the present week.
Mrs. T. S. Barrows was visiting
with friends in Omaha for the past i
rew days, departing for that place
Outstanding Values in
Seasonable "Wear!
Ladies' Medium Weight Union Suits High neck,
long sleeve; dutch neck, elbow sleeve. Nicely made, cor
rectly sized. A wonderful garment at the price. All
sizes, per suit, $1.00.
Men's Union Suits Just the right weight for Fall
wear. Elastic ribbed, medium fleecing, military should--er,
good yarn. Well trimmed. Sizes up to 46. Price per
suit, $1.50.
Men's Knitted Sport Coats Made in attractive
heather colors, all wool yarn. For indoors or outdoors,
this is the most comfortable garment made. Priced at
$4.50 to $6.
Men's Cotton Knit Sweater Coats Two pockets,
elastic knit wrist, shawl collar. A real garment at a
low price .Each, $1.38.
Boys' Sweaters Heather color, closely knit, part
wool yarn. Two pockets, button down front. All sizes,
priced at $2.25.
Men's Leather Faced Chore Gloves Knit wrist.
Lots of wear and comfort. Per pair, 35c
II. H Soennichsen & Go.,
Telephone No. 12
the Future!
last Tuesday afternoon.
F. D. Cottick, representing the
candidacy of Walter L. Anderson,
was in Murray consulting with O. A.
Davis last Tuesday afternoon.
Henry Epkey of La Platte was a
visitor in Murray during the fore
part of last week and purchased some
fine hogs at the Gilmore sale.
Walter Sans shipped a carload of
cattle to the South Omaha market
last Tuesday which he has recently
fed on his farm east of town.
John Hobscheidt of Plattsmouth
has been assisting his son, Johnnie,
in loading several cars of excellent
wood for shipment to Lincoln.
George E. Stite of south of Union
was a visitor at the Gilmore sale and
also the day following to take home
the hogs which he purchased.
George Parks and wife were look
ing after some business matters in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon
as well as visiting with friends.
Albert Cotner of Plattsmouth, ac
companied by .Roy Ojers were In
Murray last Tuesday looking after
some matters for the telephone com
pany. L. H. Young and son Parr, are now
feeding at their home one hundred
and twenty-five head of cattle wheh
they will return to market in the
W. H. Rishel of Plattsmouth wa3 a
visitor at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. James Earhart for a few days
this week coming down last Tuesday
The Ladies' Aid of the Christian
church in Murray will give the
Thanksgiving dinner this year as
there will be none at Lewiston. Plan
to attend.
Jack West has been in Murray and
at the home of Mrs. H. C. Creamer
for the past week and has been as
sisting in the work on the farm for
a few days.
Frank Mrasek and Herman Rich
er were hauling logs to be loaded
at the Murray yards which were be
ing superintended and inspected by
Gecrge Jacks.
Mr. L. H. Young and son Parr,
were delivering wheat to the Pitman
elevator Tflst Tuesday which tested
59Vi and which is an excellent de
livery of grain.
Murray, Nebraska
Robert Good was looking after
some business matters both in Platts
mouth and Omaha last Tuesday, tak
ing a load of stock to the markets at
the latter place.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Young
were spending a short time in Platts
mouth last Tuesday afternoon look
ing after some business matters as
well as visiting with friends.
Jesse Domingo the newspaper so
licitor, was looking after some bus
iness during the fore part of the
week, he having in hand the sub
scriptions of the Omaha Daily News.
Richard Brendel, Mary Mrasek and
John Gilmore each received a state
fair premium for hand work made
in school last year. They felt real
proud of the checks they received
thi3 week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brendel were in
Nehawka Thursday evening to at
tend the democratic meeting, Mr.
Brendel beiiig central committeeman.
Ihey report having a fine time and
a great meeting.
A number of the members of the
Christian church have cleaned up
the yard at the church and placed
the kindling in the furnace room,
which has added much at the appear
ance of the premises.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Havens. Mr.
and Mrs. Shinn and children. Mr. and
I Mrs. Ned Ross of Omaha, Miss Ethel
Tritsch and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bren
del enjoyed a beefsteak fry in the
. woods Saturday evening.
C. A. Trent, John Campbell, Jr.,
, Philip Keil and Bert Lloyd have been
putting the portion of the road on
each side of the bridge north of Mrs.
Myra McDonald in good condition
during the past few days.
I Mr. R. L. Johnson of Orient, la.,
was a visitor at the home of his
daughter for a few days staying for
over the week end and a most enjoy
able tiem was had by all the folks.
The workmen who are construct
ing the house and barn of Mrs. Ber
tha. Shrader are getting along with
the work and have forms in readiness
for the foundation cf the barn and
will soon have some for the house.
Mrs. J. E. Hatchett suffered a very
painful injury to one of her ankles
when she fell from the porch, sprain
ing the member. She is kept from
her daily work on account of the in
jury and is suffering much pain as
V. H. Puis is making good use of
the good roads and good weather and
is mingling with the voters of the
county, explaining his stand on ques
tions of public concern and as he is
in business he is right on these ques
tions as well.
Henry C. Long and wife who have
been visiting lor '.he past few weeks
at Shenandoah, la., and Tecumseh
and a number of other places in Ne
braska returned home last Saturday
evening and report having had an
excellent time.
See the Murray drug company ad
in this issue which is unique in form
and construction but bears a message
to those who are needing some of the
goods advertised. Better step around
and see Mac and be happy for the
ballance of the winter, which is soon
to be here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. JC. Barrows who
have been visiting in the north for
the past six weeks returned home last
Saturday and report an excellent
time while they were away. They
visited during their Etay with their
daughter, Mrs. Harry Sherwood at
Draper, S. D., and with Mrs. Frank
Hathaway at Niobrara, Neb.
Injured in an Accident
On account of the soft condition of
the roadway near Uniop last Wed
nesday the car in which Mesdames
J. V. Pitman, O. A. Davis and E. S.
Tutt were riding the car crept over
the bank and rolled over on its side
injuring Mrs. Pitman and which has
kept her to her bed. since. The other
two ladies were uninjured though
they were somewhat shaken up at
the time.
Good News for Polks Here
Dan Lynn of Union who has just
returned from Kansas City where he
was receiving treatment at the Re
search hospital at that place, was In
the same Institution as Dr. B. F.
Brendel and writes Dr. J. F.' Bren
del that the father is getting along
nicely and Is up and out most every
day walking some. The physicians
give the hope that he will be able
to undergo the second operation and
hope It will be over In a short time.
This is good news to his friends and
relatives here.
Had an Excellent Sale
Dr. G. H. Gilmore and Mrs. Chas.
Boardman who had advertised a sale
of stock here last Monday, had an
excellent day and a good crowd of
buyers gathered for the occasion. The
sale was conducted by Mr. W. R.
Young and with a large number of
good animals they were aple to real
ize very satisfactory prices for the
stock. The one hundred and twenty
hogs or spring shoats brought around
$1,500 and everybody was well sat
isfied with their purchases.
Had a Pleasant Family Reunion
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
J. Tilson on last Sunday was held a
very pleasant gathering when a -family
reunion and a number of peo
ple from "Old Virginy" were also
present. Mrs. Nannie Reedy, who has
been visiting at the home of J. C.
Snavely of Union for the past year.
and William Reedy, both residents of
Seven Mile Ford. Va. J. C. Snavely
and family. Thomas Tilson and fani
Uy. James Tilson and family and
John Burmin comprised the guests
If any of tbe readers of the
Journal knov of any aoeial
event or Item of interest in
this vicinity, and will in all
use to this office. It will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all news Items Editor
while Mr. and Mrs. C J. Tilson were
the entertainers. A most excellent
time was enjoyed by all. Mr. William
Reedy and Mrs. Nannie Reedy de
parted the following day for their
home in the southeast.
Maxwell Vaults Eoadway
A. L. Tidd, who is a candidate for
congress on the progressive ticket,
was out over the county last Tues
day and when returning and just en
tering Plattsmouth the steering gear
of the car whieh wa3 a Maxwell and
was being driven by Orin Rogers,
went wrong, the car vaulting the
highway and taking for the neigh
boring yards, tearing down about
forty feet of fence on Mr. Jirousek's
lot and then took for an apple tree,
where is stopped, snorting and smok
ing like a threshing machine. Should
the progressive candidate follow the
impulse of the car in which he was
riding, he will surely stir up some
thing in the field of politics.
Get your winter's supply of pota
toes now. Genuine Red River Early
Ohio's. Minnesota grown, per bushel
90c at H. M. Soennichsen & Co.
Murray Public Schools
With four members of the faculty
of the Murray public schools, they
are doing some very fine work in
the line of instruction and have the
school well in hand. The principal.
Miss Kelly, has labored hard for the
accomplishment of the best for all
the pupils and has been assisted very
nobly by Misses Ptak. Rainey and
Sans. The representative of the Jour
nal visited the school and found ev
erything in proper order. Miss Sans,
who has the primary room, has been
there for a number of terms and has
twenty pupils. She has an attractive
room and one in which all the child
ren feel perfectly at home in and dec
orated in the fall decorations which
makes it indeed a very pleasant place
for the little ones. Miss Rainey. who
has the more advanced room of the
younger pupils, has also twenty stu
dents and has things so arranged
that all the pupils are putting forth
every effort to make the most of the
opportunities afforded and are mak
ine: very satisfactory progress. The
advanced class which consists of the
eramniar grades are in charge of
Mips Ptak, while the higher grades
are under the supervision of Miss
Kelly. The worth of the instruction
given can be measured by the prizes
which a number of the pupils secur
ed for their work at both the state
and county fairs. At the state fair
Margaret Mrasek, John Gilmore and
Richard Brendel each received sec
ond prize on their work, it being a
dollar each. At the county fair Mar
garet Mrasek received first prize,
while Kenneth Jones won a first
prize also. Winners of second prizes
were Edward Howard. Ruth Homan
and Mae Wilson. Carl Felt who is a
member of the eighth grade, also
won second prize.
For Sale
Buff Orphington Cockrels, $1.50
each. Address C. A. Trent, Murray,
Neb. o5-4tw
Base burner in best of condition
for sale. Address Fred Beverage,
Murray, Nebr. o23-4sw.
Genuine Red River Early Ohio po
tatoes, Minnesota grown. Fine,
smooth, firm stock, per bushel 90c
at H. M. Soennichsen & Co.
Books! Books! Books! We have
them till you can't rest, at the Jour
nal Office.
Public Sales!
I will serve lunch at public sales"
Make dates with Col. W. R. Young
and notify me and I will be there
Call Murray phone 1712. I will
pay for the call.
Oscar Nailer,
Murray, Nebraska
Ford Sedan
New never been driven, for
lets than cott.
Murray, Nebraska
Specialist on Swine and
Cattle Diseases,
Will receive calls at resi
dence, Murray. Phono No. 50
- - - - -!.. ..Tiri
Clarence D. Davis Died Last Friday
at Haxton, Colo., as the Re
sult of Serious Injuries.
j The Cass county friends of Clar
ence D. Davis, for many years a resi
dent of near Murray, were shocked
i the first of the week by a message
from Haxton, Colo., announcing the
death of Mr. Davis on last Friday as
the result of an auto accident sus
tained on Thursday last,
t The brother of the deceased, J. A.
Davis, departed Saturday from Mur
ray to attend the funeral services and
at the time of his departure there
was little to be learned as to how
the accident occurred aside from the
fact that the deceased had both legs
broken and severe internal injuries
that caused death.
I The deceased was the son of Si
, gel Davis, one of the well known
residents of this county and the de
ceased was better known in the vi
cinity of Murray as "Dee" by his in
timate friends, during his residence
Walter Head and E. M. Switzler Ap
pointed on Committee Every
State is Represented.
Washington, Oct. 22. Appoint
ment by President Harding of a com
mittee of sponsors, representing ev
ery state, territory and insular pos
session of the union, to aid in the ex
tension of near easf relief was an
nounced tonight at the White House.
Walter W. Head, R. M. Switzler
and Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock
wecr named to represent Nebraska.
The president, in appointing these
sponsors, the White House announce
ment said, informed them that he de
sired them "to co-operate with the
American Red Cross and the near
east relief and with the co-ordinating
committee made up of the organ
izations interested in relief work in
the near east, of which Will H. Hays
is chairman, in making known to all
our countrymen the great call which
has come out of the near east to the
heart of the American people.
"More than a half miklion suffer
ing human beings, the majority wom
en and children, are dependent on
the benevolence of America," the
president's message said. "The Red
Cross and near east relief commit
tees, working in harmony and sup
ported by all benevolent organiza
tions, are responding to the call. The
co-ordinating committee is helping
develop the money raising campaign
and bringing into concerted action all
the friends possible. You will not be
burdened with details, but the asso
ciation of your name will be a great
influence in their work'in your com
munity." Governors of the various states,
territories and insular possessions
have been selected as ex-officio mem
bers of the committee, on which more
than 150 private citizens have been
Washington, Oct. 19. For the
first time in three decades the cen
ter of foreign born white population
of the United States moved west
ward instead of eastward in the ten
years from 1910 to 1920.
The westward movement was due
to the increase in foreign born white
population in California, Texas and
Arizona, the census bureau stated,
in announcing the center to be lo
cated in latitude 41 3' 45 north.
longitude 84 59' 17" west. That
point is in the eastern part of Allen
county. Indiana, about 10 miles
east of New Haven and 16 miles east
of Fort Wayne.
In the ten years from 1910 to
1920 the center has moved from De
fiance, Ohio, just across the state
line into Indiana.
Washington. Oct. 21. An order
issued today by Rear Admiral Wash
ington, chief of navigation, prescrib
ing minor changes in the navy's uni
form regulations, added another
chapter to the perennial debate over
the distinctive gold braid markings
to be worn by officers and chief war
rant officers. The order deprives chief
warrant officers of the full half inch
sleeve braid bestowed on that grade
under Secretary Daniels' administra
tion, and orders a return to the brok
en gold stripe of previous years.
Green and olive drab uniforms for
naval aviators also are banned under
the new regulations, the, flying
branch being required to dress in the
regulation blue .
The November Red Book, Ameri
ca's favorite fiction magazine, brim
full of the choicest stories and fea
ture articles fox the reading public.
Call at the Journal early and secure
your copy before they are all taken.
Private mony to loan on farm
land. Inquire at law office of D. O.
Dwyer. oH-d&w?
Before leaving Omaha to fill a
speaking engagement at Wichita,
Kansas, William G. McAdoo, contrary
to his general custom, which is not
to refer to state candidate in his
speeches, gave out the folowing rela
tive to Charles W. Bryan, democratic
candidate for governor:
"Ordinarily I do not speak about
state candidates, but I know enough
of the activity and record of Charles
W. Bryan and his illustrious brother,
William J., to warrant me in speak
ing about the candidacy of Charles
W. Bryan for governor.
"He is a man of great public spirit
and has a high sense of duty essen
tial to democracy. His official record
as a public official at Lincoln, his
wide experience in public affairs, ad
mirably qualifies him for the gover
norship. He has made a long and
steadfast fight for constructive and
progressive government. His view
points are such that he will properly
administer to the high office of gov
ernor in the interest of the masses.
You will make no mistake in elect
ing Charles Bryan governor."
Lincoln, Oct. 23. Whether danc
ing is to be permitted at state nor
mal schools was debated before the
state normal board Monday afternoon
and then referred to the presidents
of the four state colleges.
President Martin of Kearney said
The melancholy days have come.
The saddest of the season
When dealers boost the price of coal
Without apparent reason.
When fuel is so hard to get.
And dollars scarceto roll
When you sit bundled to the neck
And curse the price of coal.
With this great treasure on the place
For spring there is no hurry.
You go around with smiling face
And let the coal man worry.
Special prices on Daval Hot Water Bottles, Combination Hot
Water Bottles and Fountain Syringes. Absolutely guaranteed
for one year. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, one day only
95c to $1.75
may Dru
Opportunity Saturday!
This day, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, is a red
letter day to all who may need anything in our store,
for with the purchase of anything which we have to sell,
and among the lines are blankets, woolen shirts, boys'
and men's sweaters, which are selling at from one dol
lar upwards, and with the purchase of ten dollars worth
of merchandise in our store, will give you your choice
of a peculator, kettle, tea kettle or preserving pan of
pure aluminum. These articles sell at a good price for
they are excellent goods.
The Store That' Saves You Money
The open season for most kinds of game is now
on, and all who are lovers of the chase can enjoy them
selves to the fullest.
We have the Winchester line of ammunition and
guns. Come in for your supplies and guns.
Peterson Hardware Co.
Chloroform. ELhar or othar f oara. inittlitW
aa4L A cor traanntaod fa Tery ease acceptad for traatmant. aoid aa monay I
paj anttl cared, Writa for book on Rctai iJiaeaaea. with Itaet and MUmMlaa
Ka t. 1 OWta Mmlii.nt nwml whM hi. ln ncrmfcnfBtJ? rA.
M. K. K. TAJLBX. Banaaai mar
Notice to Farmers!
We are now giving'all our time
to the Poultry and Cream business
and are open until 8:00 P. M.
every day.
Ve Appreciate Your
Geo. V7. Olson & Son
that the pupils there were not per
mitted to dance on the cumpua, but
had organized clubs and held dances
in town.
Several members thought that
dancing chaperoned by faculty mem
bers was preferable, but others tliot
the board would be placed in an trn
barrasing position if it sanctioned
Some parents do not desire their
rVii1rirn tn rtanpp and It the board
sanctions it the children will have
something to point to, when debat
ing the matter with their parents, as
a reason for dancing, when the board
sanctions it and other dance.
But here's a tip I'll hand to you.
My patient trusting friend.
'Twill cut your fuel bill in two
And thus your torture end.
Go to Mack's, straight down the line.
Then just around the corner
And buy a water bottle fine.
For there is nothing warmer.
Fistula-Pay Wta Gcrd
mOl mm mt tratxat V&mX tmwmm
ut taar KactaJ Dlwim 1
without a. aovare aurrlcaJ paratiam.
True Bid. (Bm li -. OJblAKA.