The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 26, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TETTESDAY. OCXCBni 2, 1922.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
7 ft Ms f0
I to n
Worth Click and wife were visit
ing in Omaha last Friday, making
the trip in their auto.
Grovcr Hopkins delivered his
wheat last Monday, the neighbors as
sisting in the hauling of the same to
Ira Queen shelled corn last week
and delivered the same to the farm
of V. O. Troop, who is using it for
Curt McCartney began picking
corn at the home of L. M. McVeVy
for F. r. Sheldon last Monday af
ternoon. Wool automobile rcces, $10.00 to
$13.50. Exceptional values for the
money at Sheldon's Store.
W. O. Troop and son Robert Troop
shipped into this community two
cars of cattle, which he will feed this
winter on their farm.
Mr. Earl Troop and Delbert Todd
are now members of the foot ball
team at the state farm, where they
are taking a course in agriculture.
John Lloyd and wife were visit
ing with friends at Plattsniouth on
last Monday evening and Tuesday
morning, making the trip in their
Mrs. Harley Thomas of Talmyra.
who has been visiting in Nehawka
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L..
Thomas, returned to her home last
Monday morning.
W. O. Troop has not met with the
best of fortune in his sinking of
wells, as he has two wells dug, and
struck ledge rock in both, which pre
vented going deeper.
Mrs. Emma Hurdick. a sister of
Mrs. Nick Klaurens and Henry Gru
ber, who has bren visiting for smiie
time 'in Nehawka returned to her
home in Omaha last Saturday.
J. tl. Hill, v hose corn crop vas
destroyed by hail last summer, is as
sisting in the pithing of the crop of
Frank Hogue. who is fanning on the
Mrs. Feter Perry farm near Cotton
wood. Mrs. Elmer Fhilpot. who has been
sick for a number of days, has be:i
in a very poor condition, but her
many friends are hoping that she
may recover i.nd be able to be out
again soon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kindle were
vi- Iting at Lincoln L st Sunday, driv
ing over in tneir auto, the prime ob
ject o fthe visit being to see thoir
little nephew who had arrived only
the dy before.
Edward Murray. who has been
loohins after some business matters
at Norfolk returned home again last
Saturday evening and is preparing
to build a chicken and also a hog
house in the near futuie.
Miss Ruth Hintcn who is with the
Sheldon Manufacturing company,
was a visitor at her home in Lincoln
fire You Needing
well machinery ready for service
See us if you are needing a well.
Eastrich & Lawrence,
Nehawka, Neb.
for over Sunday and returned to take
up her work lat Monday morning,
af'er having enjoyed her vijit very
n:m h.
Kcw shipment of blankets, $2.75
tcp at Sheldon's Store.
F. R. Cunningham has been plac
ing his thrct-hhrr outfit in repair
since computing his season's work
and getting it in just the ri-iht i-nape
for the coming summer, which i- sin
ecelirnt practice, and one which he
h.!s always kept up.
L. H. Young and son Parr s--hip-peu
into t!-e:r feeding lots last week
i'jr.i" Gt; of cuttle which they
are row feeding and us they are ex
cellent ft-: '!.r- and handlers of stock,
v. e ;.re expecting them to make a
good f.ucess of this lot of e.itt'e.
V.. W. Strikes and his crew of
workers have been luoving the burn
which has stood on the old Tro ip
pare to where Rul-ort Trot . 110 v.
l;e;-. a'-s t!::Te will be the headquar
ters of the farm fro in now. A n,Mn-h-.-r
of tiio buildings have already
beer. mov-d to the new ioi.-atioa.
R. Kettlehut and Clarence Peck
were at Ashland last week makinr
purchase of potatoes which they lir.d
there in k.rge quantities. Galen H.
Rhoden went over in his truck and
brought home a lorid for himself and
neighbors. :iiey being excellent po
tatoes and well worth the price
Petir Oj p was a vi-itor in Nehav.--ka
last week, hut wpnt to Nebraska
City on Wednesday, v. here ! e visit
ed for a short time at the home of
hi" dm flit or. Mrs. Walter Ll( yd.
t'un departing for Omaha, where he
is making li is home for the present
; the hoHT- of daughter, Mrs.
V.Ti P.lark.
.'Ir. and Mr. Truman Tysor. who
.ire :t thi time making their home
Yorktown, Iowa, which is between
Shen-.iidr::h :nd Clarind:i. whore they
are managers of a large farmer-'
'tore. write that business is good
:ae &J?.J ; y.'JJ.T..,- j remembered as M'.ss
Florence Vessel.
The Xtkuv.ka scliools which are
jiu't row in somewhat of a crowded
condition are availing the-mseives of
p1.! the room possible and have con
vr'cd one of tl: hall ways into vn
a?dit!on-jl recitation room and which
has r'dded much to their space. Me:;
rs Ik inert Switzcr i-.nJ C. I). Kclt
ner made the chan-e.
"ev? shipirent of sweaters, ladies',
children's and men's at Sheldon's
Yes. we are furnishing re
liable tires at lower prices
than the mail order houses
are putting out inferior
goods for. This good only
for a limited time, so you
had better et what you j
want while they are i;o:ug.
See the list of prices below !
United ts.tes 8z Racine Tires
& mm
Modem Plants H?.ve Increased
Capacity of 62,500 Bottles
a Day but Makers are Still
Behind Orders Medicine
Publicly Endorsed by Best
People Everywhere.
Durinc" the first seven months of
thi year ".."S4.00 bottles of Tan
lac have been sold and a new world
record for a proprietary medicine is
Taul.T-'s wide-sprer.d and ever in
creasing popularity is the strongest
j. )?;::!.!? prof of its unquestioned
merit. No product, no matter how
extensively advertised, could con
tinue to establish world records for
rales year after year if it did not
pr; duc actual and positive results.
Tanlac is composed of the "most
br n-Iiciril roots, herbs and barks
v.ikiv ii to medical science. The form
is etML-r!l and conforms to all
I ire fond and drug laws, and al-tliou-ili
Tanlac's superiority is abund
antly supported by leading authori
t'::; it i the people themselves who
hfve made Tanlac what it is. Mil
lions upon millions have used it and
hi've toid other millions what it has
done, while thousands of the best
people in every community have
uien public statements of the great
benefits they have received by tak
ing it.
Tanlac is sold by all good drug-crits.
delight' of both children and teach
ers. The primary room is decorated for
Halloween and the children brought
plants from home, which makes the
room more cheerful.
The agricultural boys assisted
Stone and Sons in preparing their
pigs for the sale on Wednesday and
also attended the nale. looking up
methods, expense and other factors
in putting on a sale.
Harriett! Stone celebrated her 8th
birthday by bringing her birthday
cake and apples to school to share
witl her school mates. Greetings
were given in honor of Harriett, all
wishing her many more happy birth
days. The first term cf school is over
this week and report cards will he
Siven out Monday. Parents should
look tl ese over carefully and if not
satisfactory consult with the teach
ers. Teachers will welcome the co
operation of the parents.
For aotc singing the fifth ar.d
sixth grades have learned some Oc
tober and Hallowe'en songs. All the
grades are now teaching singing
regularly in their work. The child
ren are taking a keen interest in it,
and it is a valuable addition to the
The seventh and eighth grades
have for interior decoration a large
flower box of plants that was kindly
given by Mrs. Herman Thomas.
Others have given plants for the
room v.'hich makes it more cheerful.
The reading class has just finished
"The Man Without a Country" and
"Anthony's Oration Over the Dead
Caesar." Besides oral reading, some
very good discussions were given.
! Size 30x312 10.65
We are prepared to furnish you' Size 30x3Vs Ccrd 13.00
an excellent well. We have the Size 32x3V2 13.75
Size 32x4 lb.u'J
Order from Porto Eican Govt.
The Sheldon Manufacturing com
pany received an order for a number
of their concrete minors mounted and
with engine attached, from the Porto
Rican Government, and which were
started on th long journey to their
destination this week. These ma
chines will be used for doing govern
ment work and it is evident that the
ootnut of the local ooncern stands
high., not jione in this country but
foreign lands as well, for these peo
ple are only making purchases when
they know the quality of the goods
they buy.
Size 22x4 19.25",
Size 34x4 20.00:
TThese tires are guaranteed but ;
the prices cannot be assured for any j
great length cf time. Come early.
;KKKKV ! Nehawka
-:- Nebraska
Get a Gift Worth While!
We have some real high grade fancy Chinaware
and some cut glass water sets received this week, so
be among the first to come in and get first choice. Every
piece of this goods is something that the housewife can
feel proud of. Also our silverware is unsurpassed for
wedding presents, etc.
Don't forget our repair department, as it always
gives satisfaction.
Tit ere will bo a dance given at
Nehawka Auditorium on the cot::
Friday eveciag, which will be
the benefit of the Ns-hnwka ball te
This is b-j; fitting. ss the team
worked hard durinsr the summer
the amusement cf the people of
hpwka and vicinity and that
town is an interest in tl
.v el fa re is but the right thing.
a tn.
e ir
Give Candidates Good Reception.
Last Monday afternoon the people
of Nehawka greeted the republican
candidates for concres.s. Messrs Wal
ter Anciersoa and R. H. Thorpe, who
v.-ere accompanied by the almost en
tire republican ticket of this county,
who were making a tour of the towns
in the county. Like the arguments
of the: democrats Nehawkaites listen
ed to what these pt-ople had to say
with courtesy and are now ready to
decide as to whnt they will do when
the time comes. Just vthat that is.
ti e election cunvasing board alone
will be able to teil. and then not un
til after the "battle of ballots."
Let's Straighten
This Out in Your Mind
Many nun think that r. Tom
Wye is a. knit jc! t is
seen only in country tlubs,
yacht cluls, and $5000 cars.
Tom Wye is so smart and so
jiopulnr with the best dressers
that you expect it to be high
You are ripht in jour idea
that it is worth n lot, but iU
price is nnly
Two-xh l'-t style
Come in and see our new stock of
Tom Wye Jackets!
Established 1888
Was Well EnowTi Here
Mi-? Aleth-i Str::tton. who far
nt':abir of months made her home at !
'.lie 1 onie of Tlr. and Mrs. J.-.:l;''.as. and who returned to tl e '
east s;une time :.go. was married vt :
f'hicatro a short tine since. Mis ;
St rat ten will he remembered as a .
musical instructor f much utility
and teaching while here. ',
Young' Han Breaks Ann. j
Lrst Sunday evening while VP'-'- ,
Kettlehut. who was cranking his
car received a kick from tlie oh"-"treo-i
erous nuw hine breaking one of tht
bones in his arm. which is causing i
him much sutVeriug. T.'-.e fracture j
has been reduce- ar.d the younsr man i
is pettin:; aloiiir as v.ell as could be I
reasonably expected.
Hairpshiie Soars Fcr Sale
Th long, stretchy fellows, carry
ing the b-f blood lines of the breed.
For parikulars write to or call on
Krncst M. Pollard. Nehawka. Ne
braska. o!2-4sw
Ead Good Meetings
Grverror Morehead, who is the
dr::nT;:tie candidate for congress,
with a number cf the candidates on
the democratic ticket, were in Ne
1 -'wk-j last Thursday and met a very
rJt?ntive audience, who gave close
attention to what the governor had
to sr-v in his discussion of the nn
tio.u.I questions as well as of state
is'jes. The people showed the party
every courtesy and crave very close
r Mention to what they had to say.
Messrs W. B. Uann'ng and W. II.
Tills were present and met many of
thnir friends here.
Home from Wedding Tour
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Anderson, who
hve been spending some weeks at
the resort at Lake Andes. South Da
kota, where the fishing is fine and
where they both causrht and ate some
of the finest of fish, have returned to
Nehawka. Andy caught one fine
bars which weighed three pounds and
was but a few inches less than three
feet in length.
Committee Well Pleased
The committee having in h. jnd ti e
entertainments which hive ben be
ing r.ide ;it the auditorium for the
benefit of the building ajid also for
the welfare of the community, v ere
surely well pleased with the results
which v.-as reached in the entertain
ments which were given last week, in
the Connecticut Yankee, as the house
w-?s filled to capacity. The selection
of the best which the country affords
in this line is meeting with the ap
proval of the amusement loving peo
ple of this community and extending
man;- miles away for a large per cent
of the attendance came from miles
Uehav.ka Again Enjoys Trains
The peop'e of Nehawka are surely
pleas?d wifh the restoration of the
diy passenger trains to the Fnion
Lincoln branch and are pleased to
! give al! aid possible to the road. This
I places the town again in a position
i to keep in touch with the outside
' world.
Wins Many Prizes
A. L. Mayabb. the breeder of the
Hig Type Poland China hogs living
west cf Flittsmouth. is making a
big success of the raising of this very
popular kind of porkers. He has
just purchased one of the Peter Pan
boars and an excellent individual he
has at that.
He hid a son of Queen Omaha at
the county fair last month which
won many prizes for this enterpris
ing young man. Quen Omaha took
first prize as an aged sow. being
weighed at the fair and tipping the
hem at 710 an 1 is two and a half
yars of are. She also received in
her class first and second champion
and also grand champion, which is
doing fine for one individual. She
nlco got first prize on produce of
dam. and also first prize on get of
r.ire. which seems rather plenty for
what he had on exhibit. Mr. Mayabb
has about thirty of these fine porkers
and is expecting to hold a sale dur
ing the coming winter.
Says Easiness is Good
Frank P. Sheldon, who has been in
business in Nehawka for many years
and who knows what business is, de
clares he is well pleased with busi
ness at this time, and notwithstand
ing storms and other hindrances,
people have to live, and he says that
if the business m.m will go after the
business, offer his customers full
value for their money and then hus
tle when he gets business instead of
Vir.g cortent to rest on his oars, he
will have no occasion to complain of
dull times. Times and business con
ditions are what you make them and
if one will hustle instead of sitting
around growling they are bound to
Enjoyed the Evening Greatly
A number of the neighbors of Mr.
Chester Minnear, who will move to
another neighborhood in the spring,
gathered at his home last Saturday
evening and made merry with their
; friends and with the large number
i present ail had a most excellent even
j ing. They sure made Chester and
, his good wife feel that they have a
I host of friends here.
Parent-Teachers' Association
The next meeting of the parent-
teachers' association will be Tuesday j
evening. November 7, at S o'clock i
at the high school assembly room.
Every effort is being made to make j
the Nehawka parent-teachers' asso
ciation the success it has proven in
other places. The number in attend
ance at our first meeting this year
was small. Every parent should at
tend these meetings for the benefit
the vwill receive both for themselves
and their children.
At the last meeting it was voted
to require dues of 25 cents per year
for each member. It was felt there
would be no objection to such an
amount and that it was necessary
to have a little money in the treas
ury. Dues should be paid at the next
meeting when you will be enrolled as
a member.
An appointed committee has ar
ranged a splendid year's program. A
printed copy of this program will be
given you at the next meeting. In it
will be found the program of the eve
ning and the names of the hosts and
hostesses. There will be music, papers
on subjects vital to school and com
munity life and a chance for open
discussion on these subjects or on
any other subjects pertaining to
school. Then the serving of light re
freshments will give a social time
which will be thoroughly enjoyed.
Our teachers are very busy people.
This parent-teachers association
gives them more work to do, yet they
are going into It with willingness
and vim. Surely we parents can do
our part by joining the association,
r.t tending the meetings and showing
an interest. We will enjoy it all. It
will help us all.
November 7 the program will be
put on by the grades below the high
school. Our force of grade teachers
is working to give us an interesting
program, demonstrating the work
that is beintr done by our children
This will be very interesting and en
tertaining. Other meeting will be
equally so.
While I have especially mentioned
the parents of school children, this
association is for others as well. We
are all interested in our schools. Per
haps your children have finished
their course, perhaps they will enter
in a few years, perhaps you are in
terested in some one else's children.
Come anj-way. You are very welcome.
If we do not take an active part, we
can show our appreciation by our
Let us join and boost and make
this a successful year for the asso
ciation, laying the foundation for a
splendid working organization to go
on through the years.
mimm&- i
t mm LmL
Nehawka School Notes
The first grade is reading from a
book now.
The second grade is working on
Roman numerals now.
The enrollment of the school has
been decreased by two. the Powell
boys having moved to Plattsmouth.
The new desks were all in place
for Monday morning, much to the
The Boy Orator of 1896
Republican Candinate for
Congress to Fill Vacancy
A Forceful Speaker
A Logical Debater
A Deep Student of Econo
mic Question
Able, Progressive, Patriotic
Great Maiesilc
Sk Delight to the Eye
and a delight to the heart cf the housewife, too!
Even more beautiful than
ever before, the New Great
Majestic is finished with pan
els of lustrous enamel. You
may have your Majestic pan
eled in White Enamel or in
The panels cn the doors and
on the splasher back make the
whole surface of your Majestic
so easy to keep new and bright.
You will be proud cf this New
Majestic rrnge in your kitchen.
Any Size or Style Majestic Family Range can be fur
nished with Blue or White Enameled Panels and Back.
Plenty of Hot Water
from Your Majes
tic Reservoir.
Water that is boiling hot!
ust dip it as you want it
from the reservoir attached
to the side of your Majestic.
The intense heat from the
fire box is carried directly
into the water in the reser
voir by the Majestic all-
copper one-piece heat pock
et. When you do not want
the water to keep boiling,
vou easilv shift the reser
voir away from the fire
The top of the- reservoir
is level with the range top,
giving vou additional space
for keeping tilings warm
and i:i a handy position.
You will appieciate this
labor saving and convenient
Majestic Hot Water Reser
voir every day during the
many years that your New
Majestic Range will serve
Perfect bakvu;, too.
An Invitation
We urgently invite you to our Majestic
range demonstration one week onl'
October 30th to November 4th.
We want you to see and know the new, im
proved, beautiful Majestic Range in many
styles and sizes.
You must see that wonderful, polished. Solid
Copperware and Majestic -et. the Factory is
offering with every Majestic Range during this
Bale. A Factory Representative will be on hand
to give you concrete facts about ranges.
Your visit will be delightful and profitable ta
ycu. Don't fail to come.
BOYS AND GIRLS Free souvenirs to delicht
you on Children's Day Monday afternoon, Oc
tober 30th, from S:S0 to 4:30 o'clock.
m H. WiL
Will T. Adams
Republican Candidate for
County Treasurer
Born in Cass County. Engaged in farming and
educational work all his life - fuccessful in both.
During past four years in County Clerk's Of fee
work very similar, to work in County Treasurer's Of
fice. Eminently well qualified.
A Vote for Adams EVioans
Best Service!