The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 19, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Republican Political
For Slate Representative Troy L. Davis
Troy L. Davis has accepted the nomination on the re
publican ticket for Representative. He is a product of Cass
i unty, having lived in the county all his life. He has been
engaged in tanning and business and has been very success
nil in his line. He is known for his honesty and integrity.
For State Senator Andrew F. Sturm
Andrew F. Sturm, who has been nominated by the re
publicans to the office of State Senator, is a man highly es
teemed in tliis county. He has been engaged in the lumber
and grain business at Xhawka for the past thirTy-hve years,
lie is a man of good education, possessing a strong personal
ity and thoroughly equipped to represent the jeople of Cass
county in the Senate, he having served in the Senate two
terms and given general satisfaction.
For County Clerk George R. Sayles
George R- Sayles, candidate on the republican ticket for
County Cierk. was borii on a farm near Cedar Creek, in Eight
Mile Grove precinct, and has been a resident of the county
for f rty-rive years. He received his education in the public
chooJs and the state university. He has filled the office of
Clerk for one tenn and is entitled to a re-election, as he has
made good in the offiice. filling and performing the duties
with integrity and efficiency.
For County Attorney A. G. Cole
.. G. Colt, candidate on the republican ticket, has tilled
the . nice of County Attorney for two terms and has the rec
ord of securing more convictions with less exjense to the tax
payers than any of his predecessors. Mr. Cole is a good
lawyer and is faithful to the interests of the county, which is
very im;ortant,-as all the county officers go to him for legal
advice and all the business of the county is conducted in line
with his decisions from a legal standpoint.
For Register of Deeds Mrs. Edna D. Shannon
.' f - Edna D. Shannon, who has been nominated by the
republicans for this important office, was rorn and raised in
Cass county, is a graduate of the Weeping Water high school,
and lias had eight years of business experience and four years
in the office ot Register of Deeds, which she has filled to the
entire satisfaction of the patrons of die office. Mrs. Shannon
entitled to a second term on her record alone.
For County Treasurer Will T. Adams
WiU T. Adams, who has received the nomination on the
republican ticket for Treasurer of Cass county, is well and
favorably known to a large number of the voters, having tilled
the office of Deputy County Clerk for the last four years.
! le is well acquainted with the tax list, it having been his duty
i make it up for certification to the Treasurer's office during
the past four years, which of itself would qualify him for
the position. He has lived in Cass county for almost a life
time and has been engaged in farming school teaching and
other lines of work. He solicits your support and, if elected,
will fill the office to the best of his ability.
For Sheriff C. D. Quinton
C. D. Quinton. who is the choice of the republicans of
Ca.-s county for the important office of Sheriff, has demon
strated what he can do. There is no office in the county where
experience is so much needed as in the office of Sheriff par
ticularly is this true, in these times of law enforcement. Mr.
Quinton was raised in Cass county and grew to manhood on
a farm near Avoca. Nebraska. He has filled the office of
Sheriff several terms and has never failed to enforce the law
without fear or fkxor.
For Commissioner, 2nd DisL C. F. Harris
C. I'. Harris is the republican nominee for Commissioner
in the Second district. He was born on a farm 57 years ago,
in the tate of Virginia, and came to Cass countv when 19
years of age. For some time he worked in the clothing store
of C. E. Wescott at Plattsmouth, later purchasing a farm in
Liberty precinct, where he has engaged in farming for a long
time. He has held numerous positions of honor and trust in
his precinct and in the county. He has filled one term as
County Commissioner and has filled it well, having !een a
tireless worker for the interests of the county and tax payers.
He has been a constant booster for good roads at a nominal
cost of construction. The voters will do well to see that Mr.
Harris i rseturned for another term.
For Commissioner, 3rd Dist. H. R. Schmidt
H. R. Schmidt has lived in Cass county for 41 years, in
the neighborhood of Murdock and has worked at farming,
being later engaged in the contracting business, at which he
has been successful. He has assessed Elmwood precinct for
thirteen years with the very best satisfaction. If elected to
the office of Commissioner, he will give the people the very
best service of which he is capable.
For County Surveyor Fred Patterson
Fred Patterson has filled the office of Surveyor so long
and is so well known overbite county, that it is needless to
sav anthing other than that he is a candidate for re-election.
i 1 1 . s y a s trt n 1 1 1 ;
FY'i'n Mondny'8 Iai:v.
Fred Lutz and wife from west of
Murray were here Saturday for a few
hours looking after some matters of
Mrs. Lawrence Sprecher, who has
been in Chicago for a brief visit with
her brother, John P. Sattler, Jr., re
turned home this morning on the
early Burlingtan train.
Attorney Lloyd Elston and Clif
ford Cecil of Woodbine, la., were
here Sunday enjoying a visit at the
home of Mr. Cecil's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Cecil and family.
Mrs. It. E. Sheehan and little
daughter, Alice of Le Grange, llli.,
arrived here today to enjoy a visit at
the home of Mrs. Shechan's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith and family.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Murray and
Charles Boardman. residing east of
that place, were here today to spend
a few hours and while hero Mr.
Boardman made arrangements for
holding a large hog sale.
Walter L. Anderson, republican
candidate for congress in the First
district, accompanied by Mrs. Ander
sen, was here Saturday evening look
ing over the situation in this part of
the county and visiting with their
friends in this city.
Mrs. Harry Neilson and babe of
Danncrborough, who have been here
visiting at the home of Mrs. Neil
son's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Adams, returned home this afternoon
and were accompanied as far as Om
aha by Mr. Adams.
Krti Tuesday s taMy
George W. Snyder was a passen
ger thi3 morning for Omaha where
he was called to look after come mat
ters of business.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was a business visitor in Pa
cific Junrtion today to look after
the direction of the band in that
Mrs. C. E. Ostrander and Mrs.
Burdick of Herman. Nehra-ka. who
'"ere here visiting at the Nebraska
Masonic Home, departed this morn
ing for their home.
Roy Davis and wife of Minneapo
lis were here yesterday visiting with
their friends being enroute through
by auto. Mr. Davis represents the
Gordon-Ferguson Hat company.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Beck of Pekin.
Illinois, and George Hild of Ottum
.va, la., who have been here enjoy
ing a short visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George M. Hild. returned
this morning to their home.
Mrs. H. J. O'Donnell of Spring
view, Nebraska, is here to enjoy a
few days visit at the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Foster,
before returning to Springview,
where Dr. O'Donnell is now engaged
in practicing.
Membership is the Object for
Activities Arranged for the
Coming Winter.
At a meeting of iho state execu
tive committee of the Nebraska farm
I ureau, federation held at Lincoln
with some thirty county farm bu
. 1 iu president, plans for a fall and
winter membership campaign were
completed. Organization work will bo
conducted aloii linos followed in
nu mberahip work by the bureau
when it first started organization
work in the fall of 1920. by carry
ing on intensive membership work in
one or two counties at a time.
Work will start in Scottsbluff
county on the week of October 24, to
t followed the next week with cam
in Morrill and Douglas coun
ties. According to farm bureau officials
rery little organisation work has
been done since the fall and winter
of 1!'2 due to the depressed finan
cial condition and also to other farm
organization work that was being
carried on during that period.
"However, no farm organization
can succeed unities it has members
mid also has their linancial support,"
de tared H. D. Lute, secretary of the
Nebraska farm bureau federation.
"i nd while the organization work
which WSS done nearly two years ago
was phenomenal so far as the secur
ing of new members was concerned.
i7e realise that a certain amount of
organisation work most be done
D rly ail the time."
"Farmers generally," he said, "are
not fully informed as to the many
hingl that the state and federal
Sinn bureau has done for them, and
In this membership campaign we in
''nd to tell them of some of these
h!nga and 1 firmly believe that with
clear understanding of ther.o ac-
1 aplislrmente that our coming cam
n will be as successful as that
inducted nearly two years ago."
M i i ht sill m i 1 Jm
Joe Eaton and Wife Cover Distance
From Knoxville, Tenn., to Ne
hawka On Foot.
From Wednesday s Daliy.
Joe Eaton and wife arrived in Ne
bawka a few days ago on the last
lap of a hiking trip of 1,500 miles
and which had covered the territory
between Knoxville, Tenn.. and Ne
hawka, and which was certainly
sorm- trip on foot but which was en
joyed to the utmost by the young
man and his wife.
Mr. Eaton, who has been traveling
on the road was joined at Knoxville
by his wife for a visit with friends
and '.hen they were ready to return
to the north they decided to make the
trip on foot for the novelty, and
while they have taken several weeks
traveling by easy stages through
Tennessee. Kentucky. Missouri and
Nebraska, it was a trip that is only
enjoyed once in a lifetime and at the
most delightful season of the year in
the middle west.
Mr. Eaton, who is a chemist and
druggist, will go to Omaha where he
will enter a drug store there to spend
the winter working. Mr. Eaton will
be remembered in this city where he
spent several years as a boy during
the time his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Gamble, were here, and his
friends will be pleased to know that
he is returning to this state to re
side. While at Nehawka the Eatons
were guests of Mrs. H. L. Thomas, a
sister of Mr. Eaton.
From Wertnenday's Oafty.
State Dejjuty Sheriff Hedges of
Lincoln has been in the city for the
past few days' and this morning
Siate Deputy Sheriff Carl Schmitt
was here also to look over the sit
uation here and as a result a com
plaint was filed before Justice Wil
liam Weber, charging Ivan J. Gra
ham with transporting intoxicating
liquor contrary to the prohibition
law of the state. After hearing the
evidence in the case Judge Weber
gave Mr. Graham a fine of -100 and
costs, amounting to $105.50 which
was settled and the matter closed.
There is no entertainment that of
fers as varied a field to the lover of
literature as does a good book, and
there is no gift or remembrance that
' rves the purpose of a masterpiece
of the minds of the world.
We have the best of the fiction
...s on our slielvs and at the low
t prices brings them within
be reach of all.
.lames Oliver Curwood, master of
literature of the northland, is
i;e;e with an array of his wonderful
haraeters in "The Courage of Marge
VDoone." "Dark to God's Country,"
Nomads of the North." "The Gold
:i Snare," "The River's End and
Isubel" and all of thse are offered
: .. 75c each.
Among the 75e specials that the
fournal book store is offering at this
. ime are the works of Thomas Dix
m: "The Clansman," "Comrades."
'The Foolish Virgin," "The Fall of
a Nation," "The Leopard's Spots,"
The Victim. The Traitor."
Z.ine Grey, with western stories of
dilation and filled with the strong
2nd turid spirit of life that has made
:!ie romance of the desert and plain,
ire also found here with the low
price of 75c per volume. "The Lone
Star Ranger," "The Last Trail."
"Ken Ward in the Jungle," "U. P.
Trcil." "The Spirit of the Border."
The Man of the Forest," "Riders of
the Purple Sage,-' "The Light of the
Western Stars," "The Desert of
"The Inside of the Cup" and "A
Fr.r Country," written with the
harm of Winston Churchill are al
io offered at 75c per volume.
One of the season's best sellers i3
"The Sheik" by Hall, from which the
rdiotoplay was produced and is also
offered at 75c.
The newest of the best sellers,
"This Freedom," by Hutchison, au
thor of "If Winter Comes." is here
and ready for your book shelves at
$2.00 a volume.
Harold Bell Wright of well loved
romances of real life has offered to
the public "The Calling of Dan
Matthews." "Thtj Re-Creation of Bri
an Kent," The Shepherd of the Hill"
at the low price of 75c, while "Hel
en of the Old House" i3 priced at
Girls' Club Organize
1 The Kirls of the fifth, sixth, sev
enth and eighth grades of the Eagie
consolida ed school met Tuesday
morning and organized a clothing
club. Thirty gir!3 and one boy en
rolled. They will take up clothing
course No. 1. Miss Bennison, home
economies instructor of the Eagle
school, will be leader. This is the
largest club ever started in Cass
county and wc certainly wish them
Wednesday, Oct. It, the school In
district 80. Mt. Pleasant, organized
a, hot lunch club. Sixteen children
were enrolled. Miss Duckworth will
be the local leader. The boys and
girls are most enthusiastic and can
hardly wait to get started in the
Any. sc hool interested in starting
th hot lunch, write the Farm Bu
reau offlie at Weeping Water.
How to Use Sewing Machine
Twenty-five women met at the M.
E. church at Alvo Tuesday afternoon.
The women brought their sewing
machine attachments ami were shown
how to UE3 them. Many of the wom
en had never used any of the at
tachments and were glad of the op
portunity of learning.
Dress Construction
Tven:y-scven women met at the
home of Mrs. John B. Kaffenberger
near Plattsmouth, Oct. 11. At this
meeting the ladies took measure
ments needed for drafting a pattern.
The women were taught how to draft
a pattern and at the next meeting
they will cut, fit and make a house
dress. This meeting will be with Mrs.
Louie Frederick, Tuesday. Oct. 24.
An all tlay meeting has been planned.
Everybody come.
Terracing Hillside .
At the farm of Ray Wiles, 3 miles
north and one east of Weeping Wa
ter, on Oct. 19 and 20, Mr. Heinton,
agricultural engineer, and the Cass
County Perm Bureau will assist Mr.
Wiles in building the terraces. The
purpose of the terraces is to pre
sent washing away of soil on the
hillside by carrying the run-off wa
ter along the hillside with a grad
ual slope. We invite visitors to come
during the building of the terraces.
Thumping in Hogs
The dry weather seems to be caus
ing many farmers trouble with their
hogs. Be sure that their sleeping
quarters are as free from dust as pos
sible. Also that they have plenty of
fresh water.
Dr. Hedger in County
Dr. Hedger of Chicago held two
int( resting and successful meeting at
Elmwood and Nehawka Oct. 13. At
Nehawka about 150 were in attend
ance and all showed a splendid in
terest in the work. The physical ex
amination of the healthy child as
contrasted with the underweight,
very good demonstration. At
Elmwood over SO men, women and
children were present. At 7 o'clock
a round table discussion was con
ducted. Every woman was ready with
a question and Dr. Hedger answered
them in her usual clear cut manner.
The lecture was given at 8 o'clock
and held the audience to the last min
ute. Dr. Hedger's work is put on in
Case county through the woman's
clubs and the Cass County Farm Bu
reau. We expect to have more of this
health work in the future.
"Len'ae carry KELLOGG'S.
Jack! I say Willi Mother
said you could buy K E L
LOGG'S. but J could carry 'am
home? I aay I will I will
Cincinnati. Oct. 17. That the
railroads of the country will expend
millions of dollars for new yards,
track and warehouses within the
next five years, was the opinion ex
pressed today by C. R. Knowles of
Chicago, president of the American
railway bridge and building associ
ation, in a national convention ad
dress here. "While it is usual for the
railroads to spend millions of dollars
annually for repairs and improve
ments the amount that will be spent
within the next five years will be
greatest in history," said Mr.
' 4 ' W
From Wednesday's Dally
Mrs. Edgar Steinhaucr has for the
past week been confined to her home
is still feeling very poorly and her
; condition has caused a great deal of
apprehension to her family and
friends. Mrs. Steinhauer seems to be
suffering from a nervous affliction
and is constantly under the care of
her physician and members of the
K 5!
This is YOUR mill ! You can make
it your best asset.
The mill now wants TWO THOUS
AND TONS of Alfalfa hay for St.
Louis and eastern shipment.
We pay highest market price.
Will contract for acreage.
Forage Extension Mills
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
For any pain, bnrn, scald or bruise
apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the
household remedy. Two sizes, 30c
and 6Cc at all drug stores.
(Political Advertising)
Buff Orpington cockrels. Address
I W. H .Kruger, Nehawka, Nebraska.
'Weeping Water phone 2323.
lga 35 years Office
Experience Coates Block
v fir n a rnsuAii v
uiii ui ni mniiwiinbu
4. .J.
Following is the Republican Ticket
to be voted on at the November
election in Cass county, Nebraska
State Senator, 2nd Dist.
A. F. STURM Nehawka
State Representative, 6th Dist.
; TROY L. DAVISWeeping Water
County Clerk
GEO. R. SAYLES Plattsmouth
Register of Deeds
County Treasurer
WILE T. ADAMS Plattsmouth
County Sheriff
County Attorney
A. G. COLE Plattsmouth
County Surveyor
Commissioner, 2nd Dist.
Commissioner, 3rd Dist.
. mm . -. t ' . a 1 t . r
I 1 ti. rc. ei oiuruuui
Your support of each of the forego
ing candidates at the polls on elec
tion day November 7 is solicited.
Our word for it !
VguII mvcrknow how delicious
Corn Flakes can be till you
eat Kelloggs
Positively the most joyously good any-time-cereal
any man or woman or child ever put in their mouths !
Such flavor, such crispness! Such big sunny-brown
Corn Flakes! How you'll relish a generous bowl-filled-most-to-overflowing;
and a pitcher of milk or cream!
Never was such a set-out! Never did you get such
a universal vote as there'll be for Kellogg's Corn
Flakes! Big folks and little folks will say "Kellogg's,
please, mother ! ' ' Leave it to their tastes
and yours! Prove out all we say!
For, Kellogg's Corn Flakes are a
revelation in flavor; a revelation in all-the-time
crispness! Kellogg's are never
tough or leathery or hard to eat ! Insist
upon KELLOGG'S the original Corn
Flakes the kind in the RED and
GREEN package!
Ah makers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked aid k rumble J
New York, Oct. 17. New York
bank clearings today reached the gi
gantic total of $1,200,000,000, a new
high mark for the year and an in
crease of $435,300,000 over the same
day a yoar ago.
This turnover is due to heavy gov
ernmental operations on Monday in
the money market in connection with
the sale of new bonds, maturing of
certificates of indebtedness, payment
of fourth liberty loan interest and
payment by Great Britain of $50,
000,000 on account of interest on its
war debt.
The record high for New York
clearings was $1,423,06,788 on Jan
uary 3, 1921.
Doan's Regulets are recommended
by many who say they operate eas
ily, without griping and without had
after effects. 3 0c at all drug stores.
at Ssles!
I am prepared to serve lunch at
all sales, any place in Cass county.
I Please advise me date of your sale
and I will be there.
The Season of Something New
for Entertaining!
Dennison Novelties
of the Season will be found on sale at
GAe Journal Office
Stationery Store
Witches, Black Cats,
in Place Cards and All Kinds of Decorations!
Crepe Paper
in Alt the Very Newest Designs and Shades.
Black and Orange Novelties
of Every Description.