The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 16, 1922, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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. i
Qur Gasoline isflat Jasi "GasoSino!"
It is a strictly straight run not a blended product,
and will stand the test as specified by the U. S. Navy.
Our Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil will give
you the lubrication no matter what your requirements
may be. It will stand up with any oil you have ever
used, regardless of the price you paid.
A Fair Trial Will Convince You.
Grandmother Rosenow of Elniwood
v.-us visiting with relatives and old
iri 'ui!6 in Murdock last Monday.
A. J. Tool and family were enjoy-in-
an outing as well as picking
rone knzel r.uts over the river last
Mrs. E. H. Norton was in Platts
mouth last Thursday, where she was
in attendance at the Royal Neighbors
E '.her Rau and a jolly hunch of
her vcung lady friends were at a
gathering or the S. A. L. at Lincoln
lust Tuesday.
O. J. Fottast and wife were in
Lincoln, where they visited for the
dcy on Thursday, is being Columbus
ds.y. and the banks closed.
Erail Kuehn and wife, of Lincoln,
rcr.' visiting and looking after some
r-::! a ess matters in J.Iurdock on last
Tuesday, driving down in their auto.
Plowing Time
The harvest and threshing are about over. Now
comes the plowing for the autumn sowings and for the
preparation of next spring's crop. See us for what
plows you need either in horse or power drawn.
Repairs for all machinery used on the farm.
See me for anything in farming machinery which
you ma' need.
Call me by phone and I will be pleased to give
you the best service. Call phone 14-J.
otng EBusiness in
Omaha Now
But Always to Your Disposal
We Appreciate Your Business
Lcsve your orders at Office
and if Rushing, call
15th and Howard St.,
Omaha, Kebr.
The Dusterhoff Shops
lifesis mu (
Extra Heavj r With Seam Heavy Fleeced.
"No Rip Quality!"
- Murdoch Mercantile Go. -
Mesdames H. H. Lawton, W. T.
Weddell and Frank Buell were In
attendance at the meeting: of the R.
N. A. at Flattsmouth last Thursday.
Christian Meyerjurgen. of Omaha,
a brother of Mr. Henry Meyerjurgen. i
j was a visitor at the home of his !
brother, southwest of Murdock, last
Fred Eackemeyer and family of
Elmwood were visitors in Murdock
last Thursday, being gue3ts at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Guerr while
Diller Utt, who has been working
at the Burlington shops at Havelock
for some time past, was a visitor at
the home of his parents in Murdock
last Sunday.
Mrs. Albert Bornemeier, who was
reported as being very poorly for a
number of weeks lately. i3 now feel
ing much Improved and is approach
ing her normal health again.
Has Oosne!
Mrs. Simon Bornemeier, who is at
this time residing in Elmwood, is re
ported as being very sick at her
home at this time, and while this is
so, she is slightly better than -a few
days since.
Herman R. and family
were spending the day in Lincoln
last Thursday, driving over in their
auto to look after some business mat
ters as well as to visit for the day
with friends.
George Wallinger was a visitor In
Manley last Thursday, going over
to purchase some White Leghorn
cockrels from Fred Flaischman, who
is a breeder of an excellent strain
of these chickens.
Ed Bronkow and wife were visit
ing in Plattsmouth last Thursday,
going over to attend the county con
vention of the Royal Neighbors of
America, who were meeting in the
county seat that day.
E. W. Thimgan and family were
visiting in Nebraska City last Sun
day, being guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Blakeslee for the day
and enjoying an excellent visit and
a good time while there.
W. H. ,Rush and wife were visit
ing at the home of W. A. Jones west
of South Bend last Thursday, where
they were making all possible efforts
to get the new house completed be
fore the arrival of winter.
Mrs. J. J. Gustin. Mrs. Joseph F.
Gustin and Mrs. J. V". Kruger made
up a merry crowd of the members of
the Royal Neighbors who were at
tending the county convention of
that order In Plattsmouth on last
J. E. McHugh end wife. Mre. Jesc
Landho'm. Mary Gillerpte and vf?.
wc-rs in attendance at the meeting
of the county convention of the
Royal Neighbor? of America, which
wss in session at Flattr.mouth on last
Thursday pfternoon and evening.
Mrs. E. E. Marshall of near South
Bend, and Charles Marshall, her
son of Murdock. were vlsiling at
Lewiston list Saturday, whore thr
went to see about some bucinens rat
ters pertaiainr to the farm which
thy have in that part of the stte.
Miss Esther Rau and Mrs. Chir
Schneider were visiting in'n
last Tuesday, where they visited for
a short time and again went ur on
Saturday, where they met their son
and brother, Mr. Carl Schneider,
who returned home with them in
the evening.
Mrs. Chcrles Schneider received a
messnge Inst week teeing of the
death or Mr. Rudolph Rau. at that
place, the funeral occurring on last
Sunday. Mr. Ra" will be remember
ed as having visited in Murdock a
number of times lately, and r.lso as
having lived near Ashland and
Greenwood some years ago.
II. A-.-Tooi and wife and-ton. Ken
neth. Mrs. H. V McDonald and Mra.
Lacey McDonald were among those
who. were visiting at Plattsmouth
last Thursday, the ladies to attend
the Royal Neighbors meeting, while
the gentlemen were attending the
county convention of the bankers,
which was also meeting there.
Herman Rcrenow and wife, of
Howard, Kansas, have been visiting
here for the past few days, guests
at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Rosenow and also at the home of
Walter Thimgan and wife, and last
Thursday evening went to Omaha,
where they were spending seme tim
at tl:r home of August Thimgan and
County Commissioner Fred H. Gcr
der. of Weeping Water, was in Mur
dock last Thursday looking after
some business matters and also visit
ing with H. W. Tool. Mr. Gorder,
who is a candidate for the position
which he now holds, has made a good
commissioner and is expecting his
record for the past term to be his
best recommendation.
A. W. Ward, the mechanic at the
E. W. Thimgan garage, was taken
with a severe case of the flu last
week and was compelled to take to
his bed, and his been confined since
farmers & merchants bm
of Murdock, Nebr.
Charter No. 15.16 In the State of Ne
braska at the elope of business
September D. 19i'2.
Loans and discounts
.$ 69.123.07
Hanking; house, furniture and
Current expenses, taxes and
interest paid
Iue from National
and State tanks.. 1S.330.24
Ctieckfl and Items
of exrlianpe 409. 1 S
Currency 2,S43.)0
Gold coin Sfl.n
Silver, nickels and
cents 614.30
S, 000.00
S. 212.79
TOTAL, fl02. 520.45
Capital stock paid In. S lfl. 000.00
Undivided profit 4,080.99
Individual depositK
subject to check. . I
Time certificates of
deposit 41,7143.44 81,933.59
Iue to National and State
tanks rtorc
No'ivand bills rcd'LTOuntei! noi-
ilills pay&bie . n"t'e ;
IeiOMitors guaranty fund... :9.S7
TOTAL, 101'.i20.4S
State of Nebraska
1 County of Cans I
I. O. J. Poth?t. CHr of,
the ubove named bank, tin hereby i
V(U that th ihnvi statement Is '
Correct and true copy of the report
.made to the State liureau of I5ankui.
(Attest: Cashier.
L. NEITZEL. Director.
W. HEIEK, Director.
Subscribed and worn to before me
tUle lib day of Cctoter. 1922.
(Seal) . Notary FuWlo.
(My commisbioo expires Mar. 2, 1926.)
a Ji ,
with the prospects of not being able
to return to his work for several
days. We are hoping that te may
soon be able to be up and out again,
and able to be on duty again.
Last Thursday and Friday there
was no school at Murdock on ac
count of the same being dismissed to
allow the teachers to attend the
teachers' meeting which was in ses
sion in Omaha during the time. The
teachers cf the Murdock schools
availed themselves cf the opportun
ity to attend the met ting at which
many of the teachers of the state
were present.
Mrs. Fred Bauer, of northwest cf
town has been visiting at ti e home
of her parents near Liberty for the
pact week and last Sunday Mr. Bauer
and Eddie Craig, the barber, went
down! Mr. Bauer to bring home t?-e
wife and to visit for t;:e day, and
Mr. Crai.c 10 vieU with the fuir.ily.
They made the sixty miles in about
two ard a half hours, averaging
ebf it 2 4 miics per hour.
MI?s Lydia Strlch tave a surprise
birthday party l2st Thursday to her
fricnrf.s in Loar of the birthday cf
l er brother, William, and some fifty
cf he yqung people of the neighbor
hood gathered to make merry with
the ycung man cn t?:e passing of the
nr.ivirsary. of his birth. The even
ing was spent in games and music
and an excellent luncheon added to
the pleasure of the evening.
F. A. Cotton, cf Shenandoah. Iowa,
the owner of the old post office
building, has betn in Murdock for
the past few iay3 making some very
esirnsive cfcsnges and repaira in the
buiUing anl putting it in condition
":r p"rijr".i"CT fie r TTi'dTl",P. Wb.CTl
fiii'V-" it hi nro.; 1.;- Tlr. Eiidie
Or";-- .". frirftv as -;rfcr.ce. It
-,,'.,- cr, r!"f tT the "farmer shop
rH-'.i i or-rrnlr-M by Mr. Crilg. it
'vi;'i nae rxf "'iiy r.-nvmicnt
for him.' ju.t f ; he f nitres hi-,
nocrday mta! he ran yell '"Next,"
givinr: tic orrrtunity to
5et ret It? the ch-ir ro?y for his ar
rival at the shon r. moment later.
Homes About Completed
T!.o two homes wli:' tveu
n j--ora's for eoine time, those of
T'ernin F. Schwepp;. souliiweat of
Uurdock, and that of J. E. LlcHugh,
are now nearing completion.
The home of H. F. Schweppe. which
has been under cour:;e of construc
tion for some time is now nearing
the rrriod when they will eipect to,
be able to occupy the place. At this'
time the work is being delayed a'
little on account cf the tile for the
flooring r.l , portion of the home not
arri-ing. The plastering, painting
and the finishing having been com
pleted a portion of . the plumbing is
dclajed on acLOuntj?-xf waiting for L
the completion of fhe floors. At the
home of J. E. "McHugh the work is
proceeding very nicely and they are
hoping to be ?ble to get in the new
home in a short time. Both families
are to be congratulated on the nice
ly appointed homes 'which it is their
good fortune to soon enjoy.
Because It's for One Thing Only and
PlattsmoTith People Appreci
ate This .Tact.
Nothing can be good for everj
thing. Doing one thing well brings suc
cess. Doen's Kidnoy Pills are for one
thing only.
For weak or disordered kidneys.
Here is Plattsraouth evidence to
prove their worth.
Mrr. F. N Rnuen. 1109 Tearl
street, says: "I believe Doan's Kid
ney Pills can't be beat as a kidney
remedy for any kind of kidney ail
ments. I was in bad shape with my
back and was laid tip so that I had
to have hot poultices put on my
back and to relieve the pain.
I could hardly turn in bed and was
sore through my back. I had awful
dizzy ppells and little specks came
before my eyes and many tims I
had to s?t down and wait for these
attacks to pass ofL A vhil? aft?r
! commenced to ufe Down's Kidney
Pills and I began to improve. I got
several boses from Weyrich & Hr.d
raba's drug store and they gave me
permanent relief after other kidney,
remedies had failed. I a!v ays keep,
Doan's on hand and use them when 1
roy kidneys need attention and they
keep them in a strong condition." 1
Price COc. at all dealers. Don't
simp!y ark for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Ttauen had. Foster-Milburn
Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
"I want Lanison. I want Lanison!"
is the cry of Andy Schmader, Jack
Lewis' heavyweight mauler. And it
appears as though Srhmader's wish
is to bo granted, if he goes to Cali
fornia os ho is planning to do. The
WalthUl Indian has been going good
out on the coast and has wen bis l?t
two mills by knorkouts.
When Jack. Lewis mentioned Cali
forni;' io Andy the o-.'.-rr duy, Andy
wns not very mii'h affert?J. cut he
pricked up his ears when he h?arJ of
Lamson's prcr.enrc on the coast and
right then ind there concluded that
California is the fistic meeca.
Lewis says that the California pro
moter are tryirg to get Floyd John
con, Iowa scnsaCicn. as Andy's oppo
reat in a November bout. The buaky
Iowa box?r recently hung a kayo on
Bob Martin, A. E. F. champ. Sandy
Griswold in World-Herald. ,
On the well known theory that too
many cooks spoil the soup, perhaps
most of the affairs at ?Judania should
be left to Monsieur Bouillon.
tea i e t
toUnne Medium
Llanv of 0r.r Hcdem Decorations!
End Games Come from Centur
ies of Superstition.
Tii'e'&ne season cf the" year that is
a reminder of the mysteries and su
perstition cf the past ages is that of
Hallowe'en with its strange combi
nation of the observance of the early
Chri?tion holiday and the pagan su
perstitions and which to the present
dr.v is nia.Ie an important part of
t:e observance cf this occasion on.
October 3 Oth.
To cecrste, the passing of Hal
icwj'cn am": th? season preceding the
orcttnt dsy residents of the United
Stales have called all of the mystic
emblems t.ud devices to aid in mak
ing the occasion one of narked in
terest. The black csts. witches and gob
lins have become very popular in
the decorations for Hallowe'en and
in ll e late vo; ,-;:. masks and caps in
keering with the ctrange wierd cer
emonies have come into use. To as
sist the host or hostess in the deco
rations for the Hallowe'en party
the Journal has srranced for a large
and very handsome stock cf the
newest designs in caps, masks, paper
streamers in orange and black, fancy
crepe paper in the designs of the
season and special favor holders for
the Hallowe'en luncheon as well as
the ornamental napkins bearing the
proper designs. There can also be
found here the pumpkin lanterns
and the cut-out witches and black
cats that are so popular in the deco
rations of the season.
Remember when you are arrang
ing for t-ke Hallowe'en party to call
and look over th stock here to se
cure the bsr.t and the latest that the
market affords in the fancy designs
in the paper lines.
Hcr Eetter Than Pills?
The question ha3 been asked, "In j
what way rre Chamberlain's Tablets)
superior to the ordinary cathartic
and liver pills?" Our answer is,
tley are easier and more pleasant !
to take and their effect is so gentle j
that ono hardly realizes that it is 1
produced by a medicine. Then, they
not only move the bowels, but im
prove the appetite and strengthen
the digestion. Weyrich & Hadraba.
W. J. Bryan's speech at the Par
mele theatre Thursday afternoon
was one that went home to the au
ditors. It was listened to by one of
the finost audiences that ever sat
in the Farmele. It was just such an
audi"r''r! as he f;j receiving all ov;r
the state. lie will rer.iain in Nebras
ka all next week.
Four black l-.ogs and one red tog'
taien up liict owner may have by'
ca ling at my place noutheast of;
Union, paying a'.l damages and fori
this advertisement.
o2-4w. Union, Nebr.
The Omaha Bee says Charles V.".
Eryan's candidacy is not looked upon
seriously. But wait until after the I
vie-tion, Mr. Bee.
M p m fh m te m m m M ( n
IT isn't sold by the companies that insure you agains
collisions, fire and theft. Iiut you ccn buy motor in
surance and it i? the most ressonnMc in nrice nf anv
The Standard Oil Company of Nebraska 6ells
Polarine is the best protection for your motor yoi
buy. It is the best insurance you can obtain again:
annoyance and expense of motor troubles.
So be sure you get Polarine. It would be hard to
mate the hundreds of thousands of dollars tha
6pent each year for preventable repairs.
Polarine is made in one standard, unsurpassed quality. 1
meet every motor lubrication need, it is sold in four gt
medium light, medium heavy, heavy and extra heavy. Ir
weatner, the .Polarine Uhart recommends for
Light Polarine Medium Heavy
t'rom Saturday's Dally. I
This morning a petition was filed '
in the district court in which Kath
erine Tarns asks that the ties of
matrimony with V.'iillam G. Tarns
be dissolved by the court and that
she be granted her freedom. The pe
tition states that the parties were
married at Omaha on February 26,
117. and Alleges as the cause of
action extreme cruelty. A. G. Coie
appears for the plaintiff in this ac
tion. The street work is coming to a
had and will be completed about
the first of November. So cay those
who claim to know.
iGOarfoBy Bros.
Finest Motor Equipment!
Stcre 5 PKQKE Fouss 13-A
Ashlanc?, Neb.
19 jjjPff 23
A wholly New line of cars built on time-tried Buick
principles but with improvements and refinements
which make their introduction an event of nation
wide interest.
14 Distinctive Models
Astonishing Values and Prices
lov.r. beaan, o pss3..?iun i
UcaJstr, 2 pas? 11
Touring. Z pa3a 1115
Sedan. 5 pa3 193
-Coupe. 4 pass 1855
-Touring, 7 pass 1435
0 Sedan, 7 pass 2195
All Prices F. O. B. Flint, Michigan
Ask about the G. M. A. C Purchase Plan ivhich provides
for Deferred Payments.
See These New Buick Cars Now at Our Showroom.
if?.- -3
murdock, tw g imEtf4aiJ, mum
When belter automobiles are built, Buick will build them!
can I
DStl- I
Jt to
Polarine Mediu
120 acres half mile north of La
Platte, Nebr. Rolling, improved, on
Washington highway. Seven miles
to South Omaha. 1225.00 per acre.
Will take mortgage for half pur
chase price. Write F. R. Upjohn. 212
No. 37th St., Omaha, Neb.
We appreciate yocr co-opera tloi
la helping n to publish all the lite
news of the coammuty. Call Ko. C.
3 rings.
Special Sale
We have just received a fine ai
scrtment of excellent tinware which
we have placed on display.
This is sold at very close prices,
and the second one of an article will
go for jttst one cent, while the first
one sells at regular price.
Better see what you want before
this high grade tinware is all gene.
It won't last long at these price.
23-C-54 Sport Road.. 3 pasa..fl:
J23 - 6 - DS Sport Tour.. 4 paM. 167
2:;. 4. 34 Rosc'ster, 2 pass S 86;
23-4-S5 Touring. 5 pass 8fii
23-4-36 Coupe, 3 pass 117;
23-4-37 Sedan. 5 puss 139:
23-4-38 Tour. Sedan. & pass.. 132i
n nn n rvi
gkt T jT