The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 09, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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-JtONBAY,. OCTOBEE 9,1922.
Oe piattsmouth 16ijifiai
Entered at Poatofflce. Plattsmouth. Neb.J as cosd-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Health hint: Tip the waiter.
. :o: :
Happiness is a state of mind your
own business.
. -:o:
Every now and
theri Cork pops
out and fights.
We are willing to donate to Eu
rope our last Red.
io: ' .
The man who makes the worst of
things gets them.
, o:o -
Every tax receipt is a democratic
campaign document.
. :o:
A motorist tells us he has been out
detouring the country.
When hubby helps with the dishes
you know who is boss.
. i :o:
We saw a man who was down in
the mouth and up in the air.
. :o:
"Dancing Is a crime," says Voliva.
We had a fine crime one night.
. :o:
The man who throws cold water
usually gets a chilly reception.
: o
Often the trouble lies In the fact
that safety is on afterthought.
. :o:
The Chinese war is over and now
they wonder what it was over. .
- 1 -:i:
It's about equal. Highbrows have
the brows, lowbrows the .china. ;
Beauty secret: -Never cusfc a wom
an whose finger nails are long. r ...
-:b;'- ' '-. '
And speaking of. invisible things,
there is the United States army.
. Don't ge$ scared winter is not
here yet by about two. month3.. .
More : women" are shooting- their
husbands. Practice makes perfect.
People . always' A talking1 .haven't
time 'to think up anything to say-.'
io: ' '
In twenty, jrears these will be the
good old days. Better make the most
of them.
When McKelvie begins his defense
of the code on the stump, look out
for "squalls!"
There's one good thing about hay
fever. If you have it you don't care
what else happens. ,
o:o :
The only way for any congress to
make good is to have the people to
make , good nominations.
The ex-kaiser says' very little
about the war in his book. But then
he saw very little of It.
:o: ' ' -
Michigan man thinks he is the
devil. Moral: Don't believe every
thing your wife tells you.
Anthracite in decorated boxes may
find mention in this year's list of
appropriate Christmas gifts.
In San Francisco a woman wants
to ,buy a newspaper artist from his
wife, who can't support him.
:o: 1
Terrible thing about girls show
ing their ears again is that they may
wiggle them while dancing.
". . - :o:
It seems rather doubtful who holds
the key to the rail strike, but he
could do a good turn Just now.
. Hunt the . bright side. If your
clothes were better people might
mistake you for a bootlegger.
:o: ' .
The kind of table manners a boy
uses before he i3 10 makes a mark
on him that is hard to rub out.
Stewards plan to eliminate strange
words from menus. Nothing is said
about eliminating strange prices.
: :o:
The cool nights and mornings re
mind us that It is time to take our
last year's overcoat out of hock.
Iowa woman received a letter
written nine years ago. It was" prob
ably given to some husband to mail.
At any " rate, an unpopular law
can't be enforced while It is violat
ed by those with whom it Is popular.
' ',, ,;o:
The young should dance while
they can. When they get older they
may have rheumatism in their shoul
ders. -:o:-
America might think of a.dpSen
ways to settle the strike if the.
were on the other side of the At
lantic, s
Create in me a clean heart, O. God
and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm li, 10.
: :o: -
. Hallowe'en is the next funny event
for the kids. f .
.. r'o'r: : :
Cancellation of war debts would
not help to make the world crazy
for peace.
o:o :
Thanksgiving vlll soon be. here,
and , then Christmas, the greatest
holiday of all. ,
I :o:- -
A Chicago barber attacked a. man
with a spade. Wash your head be
fore getting a haircut
' :o:
You've got it wrong if you think
jokes make the Ford a success. The
Fords make the jokes' a success.
. - :o: - r
They are organizing ."No. Longer
Skirt" clubs all over the country.
Will Plattsmouth get in the .ring?
, . :o:-
Edison admits he invented, the
phonograph; but it is doubtful if
blame, for these railroad wrecks will
ever be placed.
. : :q: .
Eyebrows are no longer plucked,
but not because the girls have more
sense. Fashion has decided to let eye
brows go to seed.
The 14-year-old Georgia girl who
ran. off and married to keep from go
ing to school picked the toughest
teacher In the" World."""' -
Whatever else they may be thins
ing .about, school children re not
thinking of the day. when they will
have young ones in school.
's It seems hard for. some people to
stay divorced "when, they, are divorc
ed, or otherwise. The, divorce -laws
in Nebraska are too liberal.
Jud Tunkins says the jazz phono
graph record has done a-great work
In making. the. sound of a lawnmow
er less painful by comparison.
' :o:
.An eastern girl was almost killed
when the neckband of her dress
caught on a nail and choked her. An
other argument for low. necked
dresses. . ... , . .
Hungary has been admitted to
membership in the league of nations,
and now only a few of us smaller
and less important countries are on
the outside.
A Turk is writing a defense of
Turkey for American newspapers.
Senator Borah came out in defense
of Turkey Saturday. That makes
two, anyway.
If Turkey were a civilized coun
try, all this fuss could be avoided
simply by sending a policeman out
to put up a "No Parking" sign at
the Dardanelles.
The annual editorial dispute is
now to settle whether Indian sum
mer comes now or later. Since it has
not appeared up to this time,: our
hunch is that it comes later.
:o: -
The former valet of Emperor
Charles of Austria has come to Amer
ica to look for a job "of equal rank
with his former one." Sorry. They've
nearly all been converted into ga
rages now.
We knew from the start what Sen
ator Borah's defense of Turkey would
be, but it will be interesting to know
what defense this Turk who is writ
ing for the press will offer in behalf
of his country's position.
-:o: -" ' i"
If cotton hadn't gone down a few
points lately we'd cable Constantine
and offer of $8.61 net for his mem
oirs. As for the memoirs of the. kai
ser, they are not worth over half that
much. Bill Is just about as cocksure
in his opinions as Arthur. Brisbane
and ' Just about a3 often utterly
5" General Auctioneer 4-
Live Stock Real Estate
- Personal Property.
Plattambuth, Nebraska
Call at my Expense
- -. .- . -
I-I!' I-II,,2,I2I,I'I,I j
-In, the District jCourt. of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska,,.. it . , j r
John- F. Oorder; Reoeiver- ot. the
firm of E. O. Dovey & Son, a Co
partnership, George E. Dovey -.and
Horatio N. Dovey, Plaintiffs. vsv Wil
liam W. Gullion et al. Defendants.
To the defendants William i W.
Gullion; Mrs. William W. Gullion,
real name unknown ;.W. W. Gullion,
real name unknown; Mrs. . W.
GuIIIoJei, real name unknown; Ai. II.
Townsend real name unknown; Mrs.
A--IL-,Townseni.', real - name un
known! ..Alfred Hf .Townsend; , Ann
ATownsed; , Ar(Jiur W. Balsly;
Mr8. Arthur W. . Balsly, real name
unknown; S. H. Walker, real name
unknown ; Mrs. . S. H. Walker,; real
name unknown; Sylvester II. Walk
er; rMrs. Sylvester H. Walker, . real
name unknown; Morris Leopold;
Rosa Leopold ; Abraham Kuh ; , Mrs.
Abraham Kuh, real name unknown;
lenry Leopold; Mary Leopold; Sam
uel Leopold; Clara Leopold; Rufus
R. Edwards; r.JMannie-, Edwards; Oli
ver. H. P. Thoroughman ; O. it. t P.
Thoroughman, real name unknown;
Marv A.. Thorouehman: . Thor-
duehman. real 'name unknown;' Mrs.
Thoroughman, real name un-
known: Henry C-Withers; Mary.E
Withers; Matthew ,V. U. McClelland;
M. V. IX McClelland, real nameim
known; Sarah 23. (McClelland; Wil
liam R. Pye; ...Virginia N. Pye; (Rich
ard M.( Scruggs; Mrs... i Richard M
re... j
Scruggs, real name
nowni El
liott T. Merric; Mrs. Elliott T, Mer
ric,. real name..unknowji; Elliott. T.
Merrick; Annie H. Merrick; Lucien
Eaton; Mrs. Lucien Eaton, real name
unknown;. Joseph Hf,. Brown; (Mary
E. Brown; Jos.H. Brpwn; Mrs.,, Jos.
H Brown. . real name unknown;
Jeff H. Lutz; Mrs. Jeff H. Lut,real
name unknown: Eugene C. Harring
ton; Hattie L. Harrington; Harriett
Maj-quett, widow; Anna Hathaway:
Mrs. William H. Harper, widow, real
name unknown; A. M. Bebee real
name unknown; Mrs. A. M. Bebee,
real name unknown; A. M. Beebe,
real name unknown; Mrs. A.-..M.
Beebe.. Teal-name unknown; Robert
Donnelly; Mrs. Robert Donnelly, real
name unknown; Maud Tacetti;
Charles Tacetti; Charles Mickelwait;
Edith Mickelwait;, William Mickel
wait; Mrs. William, Mickelwait, real
name unknown; the , heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal. representatives and
all other persons Interested in the
estates.qf.each. pX. ,thabove jnained
defendants,- deceased, real .names un
known; . the. heirs;. devisees; ' legatees,
personal representatives', and all oth
er persons interested, in the. estates
of Wheatley Mickelwait;-Iljisiana
Mickelwait; , Wheatley.. illcklawait;
lllisiana Micklewait; Fred Mickel
wait:, Kate Kiser; Charles , Kiser;
Joseph Harper; Jane A. Harper; L.
M. Wright, real., name unknown
Mrs L. M. Wright. ' real t name iin
known;.James B. Kennedy; Mary E.
Kennedy; William Hv Harper T. M.
Marquett.- real, name unknown i Tur
ner M. Marquette ;:H.-D. Hathaway,
real name unknown; Hiram D. Hath
away; Selden -. N. Merriam;.. Lydia
Merrlam;.A-vE, Alexander,,real name
unknown;. Alexander, real
name. unknown; Alice -Pepperberg,
each deceased, real names unknown;
Leopold Kuh & Co.. a co-pa rtiiership
composed of Morris L. Leopold. Abra
ham Kuh, Henry Leopold , and Samuel-Leopold;
the successors and as
signs of. Leopold Kuh & Co-, -a co
partnership, real names, unknown;
McClelland, Pye & Co.k a co-partnership
composed of Matthew r. L. Mc
Clelland; William R. Pye . and Rich
ard M. Scruggs; the successors and
assigns of McClellanil.'.Pye & CoVZ'a
co-partnership, real names. unknown;
Thoroughman & Withers, a co-part-nersbipAcompbsed
of s- -i-!,.;Thor-oughman.
Teal name unknown,, and
Withers, real name un
knowTi; the" successors and assigns of
Thoroughman & .Withers, a co-partnership,
real names unknown; George
J. Davis as assignee in . bankruptcy
of Eugene 0. Harrington, bankrupt;
the successors and assigns of George
J. Davis, assignee in bankruptcy of
Eugene C. Harrington, bankrupt, real
names unknown; and all persons
having or . claiming any interest in
and to the west half (W) of Lot
number four, (4) and all of Lots
numbered five. (5) eight (8) and
nine. (9) all in Block numbered
thirty-five,' (35) except that part of
Lot m number .eight (8) described as
follows: Commencing at the north
west corner of ; said . Lot eight, (8)
running thence east 16 inches, thence
south 24 feet, thence west 10 inches,
thence south 27 feet and 6 inches,
thence west 6 inches to the west line
of said Lot eight .(8) -thence north
51 feet and 6 inches to the place of
beginning in the City of Platts
mouth, Cas3 . county. Nebraska, real
names unknown; Abraham Pepper
berg;. Mrs. .Abraham Pepperberg,
real, .name, unknown; Leon Pepper
berg; Mrs. Leon Pepperberg, real
name unknown; Henry Boeck; Elizi
beth Boeck; Hulse Bros. & Daniel
Company, a corporation; Chaflins,
Inc.. a corporation, and Marshall
Field & Company, a corporation.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that John F. Gorder, Receiv
er of the firm of E. G. Dovey & Son,
a co-partnership, George E. Dovey
and Horatio N. Dovey, as plaintiffs,
filed a petition and commenced an
action in the District. Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, on the . 13th day
of September, 1922, against you and
each of you, the object, purpose and
prayer of which, is to obtain a de
cree of Court quieting the title to all
the, west-half -(W) of. Lot number
four, (4) and all of Lots numbered
five, (5) eight, (8) and, nine, (9)
all ; In - Block . numbered 'thirty-five,
(35) except that part of Lot number
eight (8) described as follows: Com
mencing at the northwest corner of
said Lot eight, (8) running thence,
east 16 inches, thence south 24 feet.'
thence west 10 inches, thence south"
27: feet and- 6 Inches. thence : west
6 inches. to the west line of said Lot
ight,'. (S)v north 51 feet and
6 inches to the place, of -beginning,
in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, as against you and
each of you and for such, other re
lief as. .may - be just an4. equitable.,
You and each of you are required ta
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 30th da ,6f , 0cqber,
122, or the allegations therein con
tained will be taken a true .irid
decree, w il .he .rendere4-Jn tav6r of
Dlaintlffs and aerainst vdu and each
of i ydu according to t the prayer of
saici petition.
Dater this l3th day of September,
A. D. 19ZZ. -
Receiver of the Firm, of E. G
Dovey & Son a Co-parinerinIp,
George E. Dovey and Horatio
N. Dovey,
i ' ' 4 . Plaintiffs.
Attorney for Plaintiffs. , - T
, il8-4w.
. Sealed bids will he received at the
office, of .the State Department of
PupUc Works. 4th floor. , Brownell
block, . at Lincoln, Nebraska, .until
2:00 o'clock p. m., on October .13,
1942, for grading, guard rail and
incidental' work on the Eagle-Mur-dock,
project No. IB 3-D, Federal Aid
Road.. . , ... ;
, Bids will be opened in the Depart
ment . , of Public , Works, 4th floor
urowneii juiock on or near tne.nour
of 2:00 o'clock p. m., on the ,13th day
of October, 1922. , County Boards
are hereby requested to be present
or represented. Bidders are invited
to be . present..
..The, proposed work, consists, of
constructing 0.6 miles of earth road.
The approximate quantities are:
. 8,840 cubic yards earth excava
tion. " i - . -
100 cubio yards special excava
t!on Class BI ; , .
100 cubic yards channel excava
tion. .. , ..... . ., ...
. 5,000 cubic yards ttations overhaul.-
ii. ..; . . . ... : r s . .......
. 554 .lineal feet steel cable guard
rail. Class A. . t : r .:
Certified check ; for . 5 .of. .the
amount. of the. bid. will (be .required
with each. and every. bid received.
, Plans and. specifications tor -the
work, may be seen and . Information
and. .proppsal forms secured at - the
office..of. the. County Clerk at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, or. at: the office of
the. Stata .Department, ot, Public
Works at. Lincoln Nebraska.. ...
The State and County, reserve the
right to waive all technicalities and
reject any or all bids. . - ;
, . , , GEO. R SAYLES, .
' County Clerk Cass County
- , GEO, , E., JOHNSON.; .
.. Sec'y Dept. of Pub. Works.
on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
- The; Statelet Nebraska, "Cass coun
ty, -.ssi t SZyl r-ii i i ' 1 '.
In the. County Court , -i
1 In the. matter .of -the estate of
WilllamM. Tucker, deceased, .V ..
On reading and .filing. the-petition
of Benjamin, Tucker. praying, that
administration of sad estate may be
granted, to ,J. vr., Magney . as admin
istrator.'. . , ' . V
l Ordered.;, that .October,, 9,., A. P
1922, at ,10 o'clock , a. m, is assigned
for. hearing saidr petition, when - all
persons; Interested in v said , matter
may appear at a County, Court to be
held, in and . for said . county; and
show. cause why, the prayer of peti
tioner- shQuld not be granted J and
that notice of . the pendency, of said
petition and the, .hearing thereof be
given , to, ail persons , interested - in
said jnatter by publishing.'.a copy, of
this orcler in .the Plattsmouth Jour
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper , print
ed in. said county,, for .three succes
sive weeks, prior to. said day of hear
ing.., , t , r . . . ;
Dated September 14th, .1922..
(SeaDslS-Sw. County. Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty. ss. . , .. .
j In the. County. Court.:, .
In the matter, of the estate of
Jonathan Hatt, . deceased. ... f
To the creditors of said estate;
, .You are hereby notified, that , I
will sit at the County, Court room In
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
23rd day of October; 1922, and the
23rd day ..of. January, 1923, at. ten
o'clock in the forenoon of each day,
to receive - and examine, all claims
against' said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited, for-the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 23rd day of -October,
A.rD. 1922, and. the time lim
ited for payment of debts is one year
from' said 23rd day of October, 1922.
r - Witness my hand and the seal of
said County, Court this 19th day of
September, 1922 -
(Seal) ' County Judge.
; C. A. RAWLS,
821-4 w., Attorney.
i The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ; S3. -. . , ..
In the Coupty Court.
-In the inatter of the; estate of
Percy Allen Warthen, deceased. .
To the creditors of said estate:
. You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room In
Plattsmouth In said county, on the
29th day of September, A. D. 1922,
at: 10 o'clock a. m., and on the 29th
day of December, A. D. 1922,. at -10
o'clock a. m., to receive and examine
all claims against said estate, with a
view , to their adjustment and : allow
ance. .'.The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said, es
tate1 Is three, months from the 29 th
day of .September,'. A, O. ,1922,' and
the time limited for payment of debts
Is one year from said '29th day of
September, 1922.,? - -.V . . .
; Witness, my hand, and -the seal of
said County Court, this 28th day ot
August, 1922 - n- . - --;..
(Seal) " County Judge.
. T . -t , -A. - H,- DUXBURY, -a31-4wfc.
.'..' -Awprney.
.W. appreciate your ; co-operatioii
lit helping $ to publiiU all the live
jof th comniiEaityJ . Call Ho. 6,
3 pEgl
:t By Improve. designer. TFall and
spring pigs. P jo w thy, and orth the
money. James TerrybefryJ , Cedar
Creek. o9-5tw
T, t.
, E. C. Qberie of. Eaglf was a visi
tor in thfl. city Thursday. and. while
here had tifa name (enrolled as a read
er ' of the Journal for the ensuing
year. , .
Journal waa adsjay. Try them.
and Notice on .Petition for Set
tlement of Account
. In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, 88. .
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all perbons interested in the
estate of Barbara A. Taylor, deceas
ed: . . -
On reading the petition of Calvin
H. Taylor, administrator, praying a
final settlement and allowance oft
his account filed in this court on. the
9th day. of October, . 19 22, " and for
assignment of said estate and dis-j
charge of said administrator; J
It is hereby ordered that you and j
all persons interested in said matter!
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county.- on the 1st day of November,
A. D. 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why the
prayer. of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to. all per
sons interested in said matter, by
publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmoutu. Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said. day of hearing.
in witness wnereor, I nave here-;
, unto , set , my hand and .the Seal of
said .Court, this 9th day of October,
A. D. 1922. , .
. . . v ALLEN J. BEESON,
(Seal) o9:3w. County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss., s .. -
In the' county court..
In the matter of the estate of Nel
lie, I. Frans,- deceased. -
To the creditors of said estate:
' You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the county court room In Platts
mouth. in said -.county,-on the 2nd
day i of . November, A, D. 1922, and
on the ; 2nd day of February, A. D.
1923, at10 o'clock, a. m. to; receive
and. examine all claims .against said
estate, .with . a , view to their ,ad just
ment and allowance. The time limit
ed for - the; presentation. pf claims
against said estate is three months
from the ?nd day of Noyember, jA.
D..1922, and the time, limited for
payment of,debts- is one yean from
said .2nd day, of ..Novemberi 1922. .
Witness my. hand and the seal pi
said county court, this 4th day of
October, 1922. t
',r't . '' ;.:;-:'-" -Judge.
. . NOTICE OFt SUIT . ;;i r
In. the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska. - . .
John Leonard Meislnger, : . r-
Plaintiff A pp. Dock.
. .. -VS. .r-.' .- ..I i.
George S. Tozier et al, Page 176
. Defendants. ...
To thfr defendants George S. To
zier and Mrs, George S. Tozier, (first
real name unknown) wife of said
George . S. :Tozier;. David S. Walker,
and the. heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal . representatives and all . other
persons, interested in the estate of
David.S.i Walker, deceased, and all
persons . having or claiming, any in
terest in or, to the east half of the
northwest quarter., of Section ten,
(10) in Township twelve, (12) north,
in Range twelve.. (12) east of the
6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown: , . ...
You. and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 16th day of Sep
tember,. 1922,, the .plaintiff in the
foregoing entitled cause, filed . his
petition in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, wherein. you
and each of. you are made parties
defendant for the purpose of -obtain
ing a decree from, said Court quiet
ing the record title in plaintiff to
the following described real estate,
to-wlt: . . ...
. The east half of. the northwest
quarter of Section ten. (10) in
Township twelve, (12) North,
In, Range twelve, (12) east of
the, 6th P. M., in Cass county,
Nebraska-, .
as against you and each of you and
by such decree .to wholly exclude you
and each and all of you from all es
tate, right,- title, claim or Interest
therein or., to any . part, thereof.
- You are required to . answer .said
petition on or before the. 30th day of
October, 1922, or your default will be
entered in said cause and a decree
granted as prayed for in plaintiff's
petition. -..
Dated:. September 18. 1922.
i .. Plaintiff.
. . By JOHN M. LEYDA.. , , - .
Sl8-4w, ". His Attorney.
. , The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty.' ss. , . .. ; ,,
In the County Court. .
, In the-matter of the estate of
Charles N. Beverage, deceased.
-To the creditors of said estate:
,You are hereby notified that I will
sit. at tha County Court room . in
Plattsmouth a in said .county, .on Oc
tober 3)0, :1922.. and January 30,
1923, at io o'clock a. m. each day,
to .receive and .examine all claims
against said-, estate, , with a. view to
their adjustment and allowance., The
time, limited for the presentation of
claimSj against . said estate is th ree
months' fr6nl,the 30th day, of. Octo
ber, A. D. ,1922,. and the, time limi
itect for. payment, of debts , js . one
year from said 30th day of October,
1922. . .!..
,' (Witness my. hand, and the seal of
said Couniy Court, . this 28th day of
September. 1922. - -
(Seal) o2-4w. County Judge.
B&air and Gilt Sale!
I UOSuuy, UCTODOr I fill, ItJZZ,
Nine miles west and four miles south of Plattsmouth;
five miles east and three miles north of Weeping Water.
Said 16 Ddgiri at Ono O'clock Sharp!
38 Pure Bred Duroc Jersey Boars and 23 Pure Bred
Duroc Jersey Gilts
Sensation, Orion and Pathfinder breeding. 55 head
sired by. Smooth Orion Sensatiq'rj; Junior Champion
boar and Junior and Grand Champion Sow sired by
Smooth Oribri Sensation,, were at Cass county fair at
Weeping Water, 1 922. All these hogs colera immune.
..." . " 1 : f
Any One Wanting. Catalog Write Schaefer
Brothers, Nehawka, Nebraska.
State . of Nebraska, County of
Cass, bs. - , .
i By virtue of an Execution Issued
by James Robertson, Clerk -.of . the
District Court within and . for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 30th day of October,
A. D. 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the south door of the court
bouse, in plattsmouth in said county,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the following real
estate, to-nvit: ,
Southwest quarter (SW& ) of
Section fourteen, (14) . ,Town
" ship twelve,-(12) Range twelve,
. (12) East of the 6th P. M.t Cass
i county,, Nebraska ,
The same' being levied upon and
taken as the property of.- Robert L.
Propst defendant, .to satisfy a Judg
ment of said court recovered by Fred
E.; Bodie... Receiver, plaintiff, against
said defendant. . . ' , .. -
Plattsmouth.' Nebraska, September
25th, A. D. 1922. . .
i i - C. D. QUINTON.
' i ' Sheriff of Cass County,
q. A. RAWLS, .
Attorney. ' ' , .
on Petition, for Appointment
. a of Administrator
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty -ss.
In- the County Court.
- Jn. the matter of the , estate of
Nancy -M. Grimes, deceased.
, On reading and filing the petition
of Floretta Taylor praying that ad
ministration ; of said estate may be
ranted to Herman F. Comer as Ad
Ordered, , that October 30. A. D.
i922, at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons .interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the praj'er of pe
titioner should not be gTanted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the Plattsmouth Jour
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print
ed in said county, for three success
ive weeks, prior to said day of hear
ing. :
Dated Octobert 6, 1922. . -.
(Seal) o9-3w. County Judge
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
To George Tourtelot, Charles Tour-
telot. Richard Abberley, Josephine
Abberley, Louise Abberley. Elizabeth
Jane Abberley, Josephine Barber and
all persons interested in the estate
of David Tourtelot, deceased:
On reading . the petition of Ona
Baird. Administratrix, praying a
final settlement and allowance or
her account filed in this court- on
the 6th day of October. 1922, and for
determination of heirship ana ais
tribution of the estate to such. per
hv law are entitled to same;
It is hereby ordered that you ana
all persons interested in said matter
may, . and do, appear ai me luuui?
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the" 18th day of October.
A. D. 1922, at 10 ociock a. m.. iu
show cause, if any there be, why the
praxer of the petitioner suouia not
be granted, and that notice of the
nenitonrv of said netition and the
hearing thereof be given. to. all per
sona Jnterested in said matter, by
publishing a copy, oi, mis oro.
v, Piottimnntb Journal, a semi-
weeklv newspaper , printed in said
county, for one week prior to said
day of hearing. : '
tn' urOneK!! whereof. , I have , here-
n'ntn t mv . hand . and , the seal of
said Court, this 6th day of October,
A. D. 1922. . . -
. . ALLEN J. 3BESU.r -
(Seal) Srlw,. County . JUOg.
, Journal want ads pay. Try them.
Schaefer Broth
j . ,,1 . OF THF. t .
Of Plattsmoiith, Ittbr.
Charter No. 7?6 Jn the State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
September 30, 1922.
I.,oanf and discounts 1550.910. 92
Overdrafts , .'. ...... 1.370.49
Bols, securities, Judgrnents.
claims, eta, including all
government bonds 29.900.00
Banking' house, furniture and
fixtures. 21.1T9.00
Ottier real estate. ..... . 20,000.00
Current -expenses, taxes and -1
interest paid . - 25,129.84
Due from National and State
banks . 159,984.7?
Cberks and items of excfi'gre 1,472.83
Currency 5,805.00
Gold poin ; ...... 2.950.00
Silver, nickels and cents.... - 1.921.10
TOTAL .'. '. 1820.625.88
-. v
Capital stock paid. In ..$ 50.000.00
Surplus fund 10.000 00
Undivided profits 39,198.11
Individual deposits subject to "
check - 293.534.65
Time certificates of deposit,. 409,804.69
Cashier's checks outstanding: 11,448.44
Due .to National, and State -
banks........... ... none
Notes and bills redlscounted none
Dills payable ' none
Depositor's guaranty fund... 6,638.09
TOTAL ; '.. $820,625.88
State of Nebraska 1 .
y ss.
County of Cass I
I. H. -A. Schneider, President of the
above named . bank do - hereby swear
that the above statement Js a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Bureau of Banking.
Attest: : - President.
HENRY HORN. Direotor.
FRANK A. CLOIDT, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 5th day of October. 1922.
(Seal) Notary Public.
k 1 i .
(My commission expires Aug. 10. 1927.)
In the District Court cf the
County of Cass, Nebraska.
. William H. Newell, Plaintiff, vs.
Philip Miller, et al, Defendants.
. To the defendants Philip Miller;
Matilda J. Miller; Fred Eaton; Mrs.
Fred Eaton, a real name unknown;
Everett Eaton; Roy . Eaton; Augus
tus O. Thomas; Anna V. Smith and
husband F. M. Smith, real name un
known; the heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all per
sons ,. interested in the estates of
Philip Miller; Matilda J. Miller; S.
M. Eaton, real . name unknown;
Eusebia C, Colvin; Joshua Davis;
Frank Eaton, each deceased; real
namos unknown: all persons having
or claiming any Interest In lot four
(4). in block twenty-nine (29),
Young & Hayes Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that William H. Newell.
Plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 7th day of October. 1922, against
you and each of you." the object, pur
pose and prayer of which Is to ob
tain a decree of court quieting title
to. lot four (4), in block twenty
nine (29). Young & Hayes Addition
to the City of. Plattsmouth. Cass
county, Nebraska, as against you and
each of you, and for such other re
lief as may be just and equitable."
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on .or , before
Monday, the 20th day of 'November,
1922, or the allegations therein con
tained will be . taken as true and a
decree rendered in favor of plaintiff
and against you and each of you, acr
cording to the prayer of said peti
tion. Dated this 7th day of October,
A. D. 1922.
s - Plaintiff.
W. A. ROBERTSON, , . .
Atty. for Plalntilf.
Blank books at the Journal' Office,