TETJSSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1922. PLATTSKOTJTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FTVZ Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Mam; and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journ&l Re&deri If toy of the readers of the Journal knoY- of cy socia.1 event or item of Interest Id this vicinity, and will ml itme to this oftice. it will ap pear under thte beadtnr. We v ant all news it no Editor J Milt's Colts Win Game Last Sunday in a very exciting and closely contested game of ball at Spring Valley, ililt's Colts copped a game from the team from Percival, Iowa, to the tune of 9 to 0. Building for the Future! A bank works for you night and day, week after week, adding cents to your dollars. Little by little the amounts grow till each addition is a respectable sum Where dees the gain come from? Not from your pocket. Nor from ours. It is the result of production. Money placed in a bank is given an opportunity to work and to produce. Thus a bank builds your wealth. Start with a small deposit if you will. Add to it when you can regularly if you can do so. It will not be long till you can fairly see it grow. Murray State Bank MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BEST SERVANT Open an Account with us today NOW! Henry Timm, who has been at the hospital at Omaha, returned home a few days since, and while feeling considerably better, is far from his ordinary health. The game of ball which was play ed last Sunday between the Murray Coyotes and the All Stars, resulted in a victory for the Coyotes in a rec ord of 16 to 12 Jlrs. Ben Dill, who has beeh feel Ine verv noorlv from an attack of ! appendicitis, is feeling much better and is liopeing soon to be in her usual good health. Leslie Everett who is teaching the j Buck school, took the boys and went : over by the river to play ball last Friday afternoon, of which the Buck j school beat 10 to 9. i Earl Lancaster is not feeling very I well and has been kept to his home and bed for a number of days, but is improving at this time and soon hopes to be well again. concerned doing nicely. The happi ness which has come to this Lome shines forth from the face cf the father, when he can get his faeto come he got up and was surprised Surprised on His 42nd Birthday At the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schomaker south of Murray Edward Schomaker was surprised when about 50 of his friends and reltives gathered in Saturday eve ning, Sept. 16th, and had a most en joyable dance ior him. He had gtne to bed and when the crowd began stock with water, he accidently caught one of his fingers In the ma chinery of the pumping apparatus, with the result that the end of it was nipped off. Mr. Hostetter crank ed up his car and alone came to town, driving with one han3 'to get the injured member dressed. The end had to be taken off, and wh'le the hand was giving Sam much pain he returned to hi home and work. in her work of eookinjt nl fluting the season when the canning in done, will be of IneftlmaMe vte as a labor paver. composed from the smiles which Feem at home there, he is trying to whis tle. Joyce Smith and wife, with their son, of Bloomfield. wh. visited the state fair last week. rnJ since have been visiting in and near Murray with friends and relatives, departed for their home in the northern por tion of the statel last Friday. They were also accompanies! by Mr. Lor enzo Wellman and MiEs Evelyn Dodd cf Orchard, who al:o departed with them for their home. Messrs W L. Seybolt and T. J. Brendel were visiting in Omaha last Sunday and attended the rnto races at the Ak-Sar-Ben field, where they saw some pretty fast wagons. While thev were interested in the races. to see what w& happening. About 12 o'clock they served lunch and all left about 2 o'clock wishing Ed many more happy birthdays. 4. 1- Borne one lifted the uattery from the car of Mr. Seybolt and gave that I down George Ray at Kansas City L?st Snturdav cvcm'rs. Dr. J. F. Brr-ndcl, acocmpanied by Mr. George S. Hay, went to K?npas City, where the latter entered the Research hos pital for treatment and probably for an operation. He is sharing the snn.e' room with Dr. B. F. Brendel, 1 who is also at the Research hospital. Dr. J. F. Brendel returned last Mon . day morning and says that the gen tlemen are being cared fcr in nn ! excellent manner. and !ike the care land treatment which is being given 32-inch Ginghams, 32c See our 32-inch ginghams at Just 32 rents per yard, and some very ! fancy patterns at that, with excel lent quality. "Along with'these goes ;a fine line of serges and flannels, as well as an excellent line of winter . enj ?, i:nderwear find the time will i soon be here. Better think about the winter that lis coming. We have nn abundance1'! Wanted, Walking Mrs. Albert Jone Is tSeolriou r rr-noirintr famtlr war.hinTS and wl'll give the best of satisfaction. She can be four.d Juft east of t railway ' tracks on the north bide of the Btrert 'and will greatly appreciate aty work ia this line given ner. Opening Seriei of Dances Earl Lancaster. W. H. Human and M. G. CLurfhtll. ho r booster for good clean entertainment for the oii;:r n.r".e of MurraT arid vicin ity, will give tl e first of ierie of dsinees to be continued weekly thru 1e fill rind winter, on nt Satur- rir.ht. September 23rrt. nl tno of winter .roods to supply your needs Peterson hi:!l. Everyone Is invited at a verv moderate price. : '; cr.iu? c: ;.:id have a good tltne. WILSON & PT'LS. I See t l oir rd elsewhere in this paptr. Murray. Xebr. j Collar.ders Ready for Delivery j Font Wilson and mother were look-; ing after business in Lincoln last ! Tuesday, driving over in the auto of i Mr. Wilson, where they were' look-' ' ing after some business matters re 1 garding the collander which Mrs. Wilson is having manufactured. They' will have the machines ready for de- Morton Part let t ami family spent last Sunday at the home of W. C. Giimore. W. O. Troop was looking after sor:e business matters in Omaha last Mortdav and Tuesday. working in the quarries at Weeping Water, came home to help his father shuck corn. Wm. Rice, of Plattsmouth, was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday, driv ing down in his auto to look after If you don't read the Journal you some business, are missinc a lot of the important! Will Seybolt and John Stone ship Mr and Mrs Xnnh Parker moved to Louisville last Wednesday to make ' gentleman some trouble gettin i their home in the future. Mrs. Park er s sister, Geneva Schomaker, ac companied them there. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schomaker and children of Murray were the guests of Mrs. Schomaker's sister and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ruby of "Weeping Water Sunday. Carl Moore -who has had his hand so badly crippled and which has been causing him bo much trouble, is now cettinc along nicely, and soon new? of lass conntv. i pea a ioaa oi came 10 umaua iasi ' . " " Letter Schomaker of Murrar was 1 week. Mr. Frank Mrasek taking them I Miss Goldie Smith, of Bloomfield. viting his sister. Mrs. Xoal Parker , up in his truck. j who has been visiting here for the at Louisville Sunday evening. Luther Meade was a visitor in Mur-; aPt ek; ?as weet fat h , , tj Lv frm r.r Tin TnpsHvi home of Mrs. Kniss. departed for her l i 1 V it 1 . I I . i)ut lull lias i i .i a. . .. . - - . . . . .?! a 1 1 1. : l..m inc lor some time ai me nome oi ms ana a aisu iuumus auci buujc iuo Eon. Mark Burton, at Xehawka. inere matters as well. Chester Snorrer is assistinc with! Henry Heebner of Cedar Creek t -r j t t.- 1 liverv in a short time now. The ! Loses i.nd Of Finger collander which Mrs. Wilson has in to town, where he was able to pur- Last Saturday while Sam Hostetter vented is one which is a great saver chase another so he could have some ! was working with a pump Jack, to the housewife, as it will lighten1 lights. i which he was using to supply the her labors greatly all the year round LOCATED A T MURRAY Specialist on Swine and Cattle Diseases OH. 6. L. TAYLOR Veterinarian Will receive calls at resi dence. Murray. Phone No. 60 4J. J 4- the work at the Farmers elevator. ; w no came over iasi sunaay, as pre-1 laf!t gunday having terun work there last week. : vented irom returning to ms nome Lester Schomaker, who has been last Monday by the rain. home in the north last Monday. j W. G. Boedeker. Herman Wohl- I farth and Nick Fredrich were at-1 tending the auto races in Omaha onij and report large ::nd : teresting crowds in attendance. in- Wa Suril ii The excellent business which has come to us, and are assured that it has been because of the very close prices at which we have sold our merchandise and the cour teous treatment which we have extended to the public. Remember we are here to serve you to the best, and are willing to do our best in this line. The service store that serves the best. Wilson Puis, MURRAY NEBRASKA Mersrs L. H. Young and son. Parr, j p received some fifty head of cattle )P last week from Colorado, which they;-" A Dollar's Worth! F 10-qt. galvanized bucket A dollar's worth for your dollar this is the key note of all good business. It's what you want, and expect. Our greatest aim is to give you just this, "A dollar's worth for your dollar." Here are Saturday bar gains at convincing prices. 48-lb. sack Heisel 'flour $1.48 12 lbs. pure granulated sugar 1.00 Roast beef, 2-lb. cans, 3 for 1.00 Cured hams, per lb 17J2 Salmon, No. 1 flat can 25 Pink salmon, No. 1 tall cans 15 Sardines in oil, 6 cans 25 Campbell's pork and beans, 1 8-oz. cans, 2 for. .25 Matches, Winner brand, per pkg 05 Palm Olive soap, 3 10c bars for . .25 Sunbrite cleaner, 3 cans for 25 Extra heavy jar rubbers, 3 dozen for 25 Assorted school cookies, per lb.' 25 Corn starch, 1 -lb. pkgs., 3 for 25 Cocoa in bulk, 2 lbs. for 25 Fancy Santos peaberry coffee, per lb 30 Golden Crust oread, 2 large loaves 25 Velvet smoking tobacco, 2 for .25 EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA . .25c 12-oz. can Dr. Price's baking powder 4c Total BRING YOUR PRODUCE! WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICE 29c lu lilt Soennichsen & Go., Telephone No. 12 Murray, Nebraska placed in their feeding yards and will begin feeding them for market. Frank Mrasek, with a number of teams, has been enlarging his res ervoir and will endeavor to have plenty of ice for the ccrr.ing sum mer. He is also crpeting to enlarge his ice house as well. Phillip Spangler ot near Weeping Water and family were very brief visitors in Murray last Tuesday, and also visited in Plattsmouth. where they were looking after some busi ness matters for a short time. Phillip Lambert is painting the home of Dr. J. F. Brendel and will in a short time- have it looking as nice and new as the residence of Dr. B. F. Brendel, which has just been completed in the painting line. J. W. Edmunds and C. H. Boedek er were looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth last Tuesday, driving up to make purchase of some clover seed which Mr. Edmunds was using to seed some of his lands. Reuben Eaton and wife, with their little child, were in Murray on last Tuerday, coming, to bring Danta True who has been suffering for some time with lumbago. Mr. True is getting along some better, but is suffering quite a bit as yet. Mrs. Homer Shrader has rented ; her farm northeast of Murray to ! OscarShrader, who will farm it the j coming year. There is no house on the farm, but Mrs. Shrader will have lone built there in time for occu pancy in the spring. W. L. Killy, of Omaha, was a vis , itor in Murray last Sunday, and a ! guest at the home of J. E. Hatchett. j He was accompanied by Mrs. Max (Martin and little daughter. Maxine. 'and also Mrs. Martin's mother. Mrs. Clara Martin, of Chicago, j U. S. Town and wife were in Mur , ray last Tuesday with a load of ' grapes from their farm near the river on O street, and sold a large num j ber of people some excellent fmit. j They were also in Plattsmouth and sold a large quantity to the Masonic home. i Mrs. Charles Wolfe, who has been ' at the hospital for a number of days, and who underwent an operation for i the restoration of her health, is re- ported as getting along nicely, and is hoping that it w ill not be long ; before she will be able to return ' home. j Dr. G. H. Giimore has to report a visit of the stork at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborne near I Union, and the presenting to that happy couple a fine young lady who has concluded to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Osborne. All con cerned are doing nicely and happi ness reigns supreme. Ira Bosworth and wife and Mrs. Alex Mitchell, of Wabash, were vis iting in Murray last Tuesday after noon, they getting this far on their way to Plattsmouth to look after some business, when they had some ill luck with their auto and had to have some repairs made. Mrs. A. J. Smith and daughter, Estelene, of Cozad, Neb.. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Duryea and baby of Lexington, Neb., who were visiting at the home of Mrs. Smith's mother and Mrs. Duryea's grandmother, Mrs. Mary Wiley, last week, departed for their homes last Wednesday after noon. They arc making the trip in Mr. Duryea's auto. Harry Creamer of Overton came down last Saturday to visit his fath er,, who is in a hospital in Omaha, and where he lias been very low. Mr. H. C. Creamer still remains a very sick man, and while he is being given the best of care, he lias, as yet! not shown much improvement. Hisj many friends here are hoping that he will take a turn for the better soon, j Dr. J. F. Brendel reports the ar-: rival of a young man at the home ' of Mr. and Mrs. Lundsford Barbarick, ' who live north of Union, with all ' s y r ! "3! Mo With raize Toy j o UtiYU oteheiii o ft V DROP DOOR WARMING CLOSET LIFT KEY PLATE OVER FIPEBOX JvTtfnLATlD SECTIONAL CAST LININGS ADJUSTABLE SLIDING OVEN DAMPER F0KEP and SL! CER DOOR DUPLEX GRATES DIRECT DRAFT DAMPER SLIDE SANITARY LEG BASE Finished in Beautiful Vwf Peacock Blue or Pearl Gray L "UNIVIT" PORCELAIN ROOMY WARMING closet ccm:apt;ent COMSINID CHECK DRAFT CONTROLLER DAMPER KEY PLATE TOP LARGE SHEET FLUES LARGE RESERVOIR 3 1 F WANTED INSIDE OVEN DOOR LIN-INCPORCELAlN-SANnARY VUL CAST IRON BODY A LIFETIME RANGE SPRING BALANCED OVEN DOOR FULL PORCELAIN BODY UNIVIT Porcelain Just Wipe It Off In the Universal Porcelain Coal Range, science has succeeded in producing "UNIVIT" a porcelain which will not chip, crack or dis color from intense heat - has freed women from the disagreeable and laborious blackening of stoves and gives them an artistic range, as clean and sanitary as the por celain sink or bathtub. Come and see this handsome Peacock Blue or Pearl Gray porcelain range. The Range Sanitary Washable nT 1 Deautmii Indestructible Don't confuse the Universal Porcelain Coal range with ordinary ones. A scientific, perfected process makes this porcelain as hard as flint. It will retain its lustre and beauty to the end. It will not absorb grease. Just wipe it off! It is as clean and sanitary as a china dish. Universal Porcelain Coal Ranges are made of gray cast iron throughout. Why endure a bothersome, old-style, dirty stove, when you can enjoy a range such as this bright handsome Universal. t TTvnn, 7TPin a i porcelain UJl 1L V JLFtLOAJL COAL RANGE No one should miss seeing and learning about this beautisul, durable Porcelain Coal Range, which has revolutionized the American kitchen and which is generally acknowledged to be the greatest improvement ever made in stove construction. Can you afford to postpone the pleasure that a Universal Porcelain Coal Range has for you? Discard that old, bothersome, dirty stove now. Modernize your kitchen. You can make your kitchen work the happiest work you do. All you need is the right equipment - a Universal Porcelain Coal Range. Now is the time to buy. Come in today if possible. Ifln addition to the regular all-porcelain range, we others semi-porcelain, nickel trimmed, and plain finish, price for every pocketbook. offer many There is efersori Hardware MURRAY, NEBRASKA i .1 as