THURSDAY. SEPTEMEER 21, 1922. EZ.QE TWO PLATTSKOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL Nehawka Department! Frf-d Miller was over to Tercival Iowa, v. here he was assisting in a ball g&rr.e there. Th(.mas Mason was a visitor In Lincoln, not poir.g to play ball, but to s-e a very dear friend. W. li. Virgin and wife of Murray were in attendance at the funeral of the !';te Wni. M. Tucker last week. Mr. and Mr?. F. R. Cunningham were at Plattsmouth last Sunday to attend t)f funeral of the late Mrs. I). O !v yer. J(hn Fran? was a visitor in LOWE ? THAN THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES Yes. we are furnishing re liable tires at lower prices than the mail order l ouses are putting out inferior good? for. This good oniy for a limited time, so yen hai bettor et what you want while they are going. See the list of prices below! United Slates & Racine Tires NON'-SKIDS Size ZOzZ $ 9.00 Size SOxGiz 10 65 Size Z0z3Vz Cord 13.00 Size 32x312 13.75 Size 32x4 18.30, Size 33x4 19.25 c- on on' u-x. X - These tires are guaranteed but j the prices cannot be assured for any. great length of time. Come early. Lundberg Garage Nehawka -:- Nebraska : Ouroc Jersey Swine! I have a number of fine Duroc Jersey shoats weighing about a hundred pounds, both boars and gilts for sale. They were farrowed last March. ViARlON NEHAWKA -:- At The Gift Store! Diamonds Watches Rings Pins Cuff Links Chains Glassware Silverware Clocks We also have Pens and Pencils for the chool children. For a Good Phonograph Come in 'and Let Us Show You the Victor Thi3 is the best on the market and you should hear it. ALL REPAIR WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. E. R, KENDLE, Norris Building, Mem Fail Shoes FOR ftfJEW! A new shipment of W. L. Douglas men's shoes has just arrived. You can find a style in this shipment that will fit and please you. They are priced right at $g00 $g50 $J00 Come in and See for Yourself! Established 1888 PHONE NO. 14 w NEHAWKA, NEB. I Union last Sunday afternoon, being ; a guest tt the home or ni3 moiner, Mrs. I5elle Frans. K. M. Griffin and W. C. Dale were looking after some business matters in riattsmoutb last Saturday, driv- linsr up in the latter'? car. i rt H Stone and family spent last Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hall, of Nebraska City, mak intr the trip in their auto. XV. O. Troop and son Robert were looking after some business matters in South Omaba last Monday and also took up two loads of hogs. John Hicks was a visitor at the Lome of his sister, Mrs. C. E. Hitt. of Plattsmouth, and went up to see little Richard Hitt. his nephew. V. D. St. John was a visitor In Lincoln last Wednesday, going to take his daughter, Miss Hope, who again entered the state university. J. H. Buteon of Murray has been Arc You Needing Wafer? We are prepared to furnish you an excellent well. We have the well machinery ready for service See us if you are needing a well. Easirich 6 Lawrence, Nehawica, nci V NE NEBRASKA Nehawka, Nebraska visiting at the tome cf bis son, Mark Buteon for the p-st week, and hoth father and son have enjoyed the visit. Mrs. Z. XV. Shrader, v. ho lias been sick for the past week, is now able up and abot't arain and Uncle Zaeh has gone up to the farm to assist in the work. , Since the beginning of school, Mrs. John Frans lias been working as re lief cperrtor at the Nehawka tele phone exchange and is doing excel lent work. Raymond Berger, who i3 in the army, will receive his discharge on the 27th of this month and will then return to Nehawka. having had enuf army service to suit him. The Gooch Milling and Bakery company of Lincoln began running a truck through Nehawka last Mon day r.nd will supply bread to their patrons in this way in the future. Mr. and Mrs. L,. C. Todd and daughter, Iuise, of Imperial, arriv ed in Nehawka one day this week and are visiting with relatives and friends, being puests at the home cf George Sheldon and wife. XV. B. Dale, who has been located at Broken Bow, where he h-s been working in the capacity cf game warden, arrived at home a few days si.i-"o and will sptnd some time hero, returning to the west in October. Medames Louisa Conard and Em ma Purdick, of Omaha, were spend ing last Sunday fit the home of Nick Kl-M:ren3 and wife. Miss Hester Con ar'd of near Avoca was also a guest at the Klaurens home at the same time. Justin Ff'irm and wife, who have been rpending the pnrt ten days at tho home of A. F. Sturm .-::d wife, depirfed lart Fiturday for t'rt-ir fu ture home in Chicago and will a!r,o visit at the home of the parents of Mrs. Sturm. Mr. Sterling Ingwerjon, who is a member of the p'g club, an 1 had a number cf fine hogs on exhibit at the state fair last Monday shipped two of his herd, both boars, to Benning ton and Cedar Bluffs, which he had told while at the fair. Grandmother St. John Flipped and fell last Wednesday and sustained a fracture of her shoulder which caus ed her much pain and which hns hern reduced by the physician, with the result that while it gives much pain, is getting along nicely at this time. Without any chains and the road flippery, the representative of the Journal slipped into the ditch just north of II. P. Sturm' last Monday, and wrestled 'In "the nidd: ftr some time, and wish to thank Mr. fid Shurnaker for his assistance in pet ting out again. Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Stone were visiting in Omaha, going in their auto to take Mrs. Flora Hall to Omaha to catch the Overland train for the coast, where she is returning to her home at Duval 1, Washington, after having visited here for the past three months with her sister, Mrs. Stone. Marvin Reed, who formerly wa.s employed with Nelson Berger. before the war, and who served during the war and a time since, was discharg ed a few days since and returned to Nehawka for a visit and has been spending a short time at the Berger home as well as visiting with his many friends here. Lester Wunderlich was a visitor in Nehawka last Sunday and remained for a day or two longer. Of course we admire the love that a young man hai for hi'i home and which he visits so often, but some one has whispered that it was not alone members of his own home that was the attraction, but probably some body's sister as well. APPLES FOR SALE ! Fine picked Wealthy cookinjr ap ples, 50c per bushel in orchard. Klba Dodson, li miles northwest of Nehawka. a2S-? ' Sweaters ! Sweaters ! I Look out next week for a new ad for the Sheldon store. They are re ceiving a large invoice of sweaters that embody the newest styles in the ;knit goods line, and which will he on sale next week. See the announ cement which will give further par ticulars and be among the early buy ers so as to get the choice of this j excellent stock of goods at the cx jtremcly attractive prices at which .they are to be sold. I Legion Will Give Dance The Nehawka American Legion is I to give a dance at the Auditorium on Friday night of this weedt. That the j boys will have a good time goes with out saying for when a crowd of American Legion boys get together, jthey sure know how to put bells on the feet of time. Better make it a I point to be there and enjoy the evening. j Will Remain for Another Year I At the conference of the ministers jof the Methodist church which met at Omaha a week or more ago, the concensus of opinion was that the Rev. K. O. Johnson, pastor of the Nehawka church, had been doing work very satisfactory to the confer ence and the good people of Nehawka and therefore he was returned to Ne hawka. where he has made many friends during his stay here. He with the family and the members of the church are much better prepared to work for the better Interests of Ne hawka than a year ago. Near Serious Accident Last week while Henry Ost, cf Memphis, 'ho has twen visiting at the Berger home, was visiting: in Ne hawka, and, was Just stopping his car, it was noticed that Little Pres ton Uale was directly in front of the car. Mr. Oat stopped the car instantly with tl.o result that the little boy was knocked down, but not injured. By; landers, of whom Lis father w;:s one, ran to the car just us the little fellow was crawl ing cut from under the car, uninjured. School lictcs Twenty-two he-sinners are keeping Miss Graff wry busy. Mr. and Mrs. Burby entertained the high school teachers at lunch Thursday The svnior class has chosen Mr. I.'urbj- s their sponsor and the jun iors have chosen A;i.-:s Wright. There are 15 in the agricultural f l.i .44 this vr. i lie suhifct being . -. 1 1 . - 1 . .. J 1 . 1, ..'AI.I- t .-Jwine will b- :s.';dud first. A new set ot physiology books .r d silent readers have b"en secured which will no doubt prove valuable to the fifth and .-ixth grade classes. The first grade has had the story vf the Three Bears and are making b vir books for handiwork. The child ren have also learned a number of v.t- songs. There were ?,T, enrolled in the pri ::::.) room. Z in the third and :owrth graese room, 25 in the fifth r;.d sixth and 2'.', in the seventh and c. Iri'th grades. The jun:ors have selected officers which are as fol'ov.'s: Vclma Munn, pr-.sident: Gt-nevi -vr Stone, vice pres iient; Clarice Swirzcr, secretary, and Liuian Carper, treasurer. There is a ra'hvr small class in l.orne economies this year, but a very i .:'.crsting and valuable course in : ir-'is is heir.;' planned by Mis3 Nuernbergc-r, the instructor. School opened Monday with con siderable increase in the enrollment. K'xty-two were re-eisfereel in the iTh school and one hundred and -'M'-e-n in the grades. It was neces ary to install some old seats in the ' igh school as the new ones have 5 e e n delayed. . . GLD FfiSElGEED DANCE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. IvI. 7. A. HALL Saturday evening, Sept. 23. Music by Kfyntjn's orches tra of Counil Bluffs. Admission reduced to 55c. Everybody Come AUCTION ! The undersigiud will sell at Tub lie Auction on .the T. II. Tollock farm, eist of the pump house, north of Plattsmouth, Nebr., on Saturday, Sept. 23rd commencing at 1:00 o'clock p. m., the following described property to wit: Four Head of Horses Oi'.e two years old, one five years old. one eiht years old, one ten years old. Implements, Etc. One -inch farm wagon; one . t lU-inch harness; one set single 'mrness; one single buggy; one plow ai.d one cultivator Household Gocd3 Some household goods, consisting of one rug. one center table, three rocking chairs, one Victrola, four kitchen chairs, one table, two iron ed.i, one range, erne dresser and sev eral other small articles. Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under, cash. On sums over $10, a credit of six months will be given, purchaser to ;ive bankable note bearing eight per cent interest from date. Property must be settled for before being re moved. BILL CANON, Owner. J. N. HABEL, Auct. fr1 XPERT HERE SEEIEY, FAMOUS IN THIS SPEC IALTY, CALLED TO OMAHA F. H. Seeley, of Chicago, and Philadelphia, the noted truss expert, (nill personally bo at the Paxton hotel and will remain in Omaha this ! Sunday and Monday only, Sept. 24 and 2",. Mr. Seedev says: "1 lie bper matic Shield will" not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, but contracts the opening in 10 day3 on the average case. Being a vast ad vancement over all former methods exemplifying instantaneous ef fects immediately appreciable and withstanding any strain or position no nu tter the size or location. Large or difficult cases, or incissional rup tures (following operations) special ly solicited. This instrumnet receiv ed the only award in England and in Spain, producing results without surgery, injections, medical treat ment? cr prescriptions. Mr. Seeley bar, documents from the United : States Government, Washington, D. ;C for inspection. He will be glad to demonstrate without charge or 'fit them if desired. Business de-. manus prevent stopping at any other; place in this section. ' I". S. Bvery statement In this notice has been verified before the Federal j and State Courts. - F. H. Seeley.' Home Office, 117 N. Dearborn j Street Chicago. . I 9 - LOCALNEWS Kro n Monday Dally. Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water w?s here today looking after some matters in the county cejurt, H. A. Schneider departed this af ternoon for Lincoln where he will spend a short ti:ne looking after toi'.e matters of btisifurss. John Fit7patrick a,nd wife and two little daughters are here visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Iiice, parents of Mrs. Fitzpatrick. Mr. end Mr;. W. E. Rosencrans motored to Hiawatha, Kansas, the last of the week and brought Miss Mary up for an over Sunday visit and to enjoy a short vacation from her school work. B. XV. Pitt man. formerly a resi dent of the vicinity of Nehawka, but who has been for the past twenty six years a resident of York, was here today attending to some mat ters at the court house. Miss Alice Pollock departed this afternoon for Rockford, 111., where she will attend college there for the fall and winter. She was accompan ied as far as Omaha by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pollock. Mason Wescott, who lias been en joying a vacation here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wescott, departed yesterday after noon on No 2 for Chicago to resume his work in Northwestern university. From Tuflvi Hally C. H. Boedeker, of Murray, was in the city today looking after a few mnttrs of business. John Hirz and wife were among those going to Omaha this morning, where they wiil visit for a few hours while looking after eome matters of business. Simon Clark and wife departed on the afternoon Burlington train today for Rochester, Minn., where Mr. Clark will revive medical treatment at the Mayo hospital. Mrs. William Blarkhurst of Mid land. Michigan, is here for a visit rt the home of her brother, D. O. Dwyer, being called here by the death of Mrs. Dwye-r. Mrs. Myrtle Cline of Union, Ore., Mrs. Guy Fillmore and Mr. and Mrs. Ttav Fillmore of Grand Island, neice3 : nd nephews of C. C. Despain, are here for a visit at the Despain home Conrad Schlater of Oshkosh. Nebr., was here today visiting with rela tives and friends, having brought a car of stock to the South Omaha markets and dropping down for a brief visit with the old friends. ANNOUNCEMENT! Miss Ida Wilkins will meet with the ladies in Plattsmouth precinct at the home of Mrs. Ben Speck on Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Each lady please bring threael needle, thimble, scissors, tape meas ure, newspapers, note book and pen cils. s20-2d,lw For Sale Farm, five miles from Murray. Ill acres, good improvements and priee reasonable. Cod ranch in north central Ne braska, 2,200 acres. For sale or trade, The Connally place near Murray must be sold to settle an estate. If you wish a small farm thi3 is an ideal location. See us for residence property in Murray or Plattsmouth. Brendel & Kuiss, real estate and insurance. IV. B. BANNING Democratic Candidate for Stale Senator (2nd District) . Your Support Solicited Farmers Attention! We are in the market for 500 ton? of good milling al falfa $10 per ton dry. Leafy and good color, all cuttings. We are also in position to mill your corn stalks with or without corn on. Milling commences after frost. This makes the very best of feted and no waste. We deliver in 100-lb. xlW J sacks, sacks returnable. Our milling charges are $4 per ton. and at this price your stalks will make mighty cheap feed. Forage Extension Hills PHONE NO. 303 Plattsmouth, Nebr. t mBJlo. TJtaei ,o Jan t W'r havitt Hillofg't at our bousa 'tf mother ketps taa goto" for mora but I don't cara 'cause I hk KaUoefsr its the flavor and crispness that make IQJloggs Com Flakes so joyously delicious You'll risli the bowl at your table-seat was about twice as big when it's "Kellogg'3 for the feastl" Great big, sunny-brown corn flakes all oven-crisp and crunchy crowding each other to spread yoix real and true joy! You never tasted such flavor I Pour in some fresh, cold milk or cream and fetart in! Well, it'll seem you can't get going speedy fenough Jo suit your appetite! Was there ever such a keen appetite maker; such happy, T0ASTEm Do rl AKE II so delicious! 5 Alto toiler of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES GOES TO CANADA Scott Jordan of Alvo was here for a few hours today enroute to Portaee de Prairie, Manitoba, Canada. Mr. Jordan goes to the Canadian country to look after the section of land own ed jointly by the late C. R. Jordan and John Murtey, both of whom have died in the last few months. Mr. Jor dan is the administrator of the es tate of his father. SOME FINE GRAPES Our old friend. Charles Miller, re siding south of the city, drove in yes terday and while here called at the Journal office and presented the pub lisher with a fine array of the pur ple grapes that grow in such pro fusion at the vineyard of Mr. Miller. For this remembrance Mr. Miller has the hearty thanks of the Journal man. For dyspepia, our national ail ment, use Burdock Blood Bitters. Recommended for strengthening di gestion, purifying the blood. At all drug stores. $1.25 a bottle. os. ill a r.jutKzrujirr r w r- Saturday Evening, September 23 will give a dance at the Peterson Hall, Hurray, Nebraska This will be the first of a series of dances to be given on each Saturday evening during this fall and winter. Come Everybody and Have a Good Time! EARL LANCASTER. VV. H. HOMAN, M. G. CHURCHILL, Lower Interest on Farm Loans! Perhaps you have a mortgage against your place. Maybe it is not due yet, but probably have an option or right to pay the loan in full when you pay the next interest. If you are paying more than 52 now, don't wait for the loan to become due, but see me about a new loan before the next interest paying date. GEO. O. health-making food! Tomorrow, serve Kellogg's! What a round of appetite-applause you'll win I Great to start the day right! more than ask your grocer II KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes theyre tad KELLOGG'S BRAH. cooked uJ kramfclej CEDAR CREEK MAN HAS MEMORIES OF ED C0RNES A dispatch printed in the World Herald Sunday and telling of the ar rest of Ed Cornes, at Burlington, Colo., on a charge of killing Sheriff W. E. Strain of Monona county, la., twenty years ago, had a peculiar in terest for J. Terryberry, farmer of near Cedar Creek, Neb. "I never expected to hear of that fellow again." said Terryberry, in Omaha yesterday. "He took thT shells- he had 4b his hotgun for. thatj shooting from one of my tenants near Whiting, la. I've kno"n Cornes forty-eight years." FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Will sell my home place consist ing of 5 acres, house, large barn, modern 60-foot poultry house with other buildings. Electric lights, city water, drain. The Grandfather Mc Maken property, north eleventh street. Want a home property closer to Burlington shops. Fhone 597. -Herb Cotton. s20-3d.2w' Managers DOVEY tad-