K03JDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1922. PLATTSMOTJTE SEM-WEEKLY JOTOITAL PAGE SEVES Be Sure and Attend the PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. ' EMURBOCK DEPMR TMENi fa Our Gasoline is Hot Just "Gasoline!" It is a strictly straight run not a blended product, and will stand the test as specified by the U. S. Navy. Our Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil will give you the lubrication no matter what your requirements may be. It will stand up with any oil you have ever used, regardless of the price you paid. A Fair Trial Will Convince You. SEE "CHARLEY" -GEO. TRUK&EHBQLZ OIL COMPANY- The plasterers have been making good progress on the plastering at ti e home of J. E. McIIugh. lienry Bornemeier is visiting and looking after some land interests in oouth Dakota at this time. Miss Khtna Towle. of Lincoln, has La:' vi?it:i!g for the past fsw days ;". the heme of her sister, Mrs. J. E. McIIuth. George Ilite and wife, of Oakland, vcre in Murdock last Thursday, com ing to be present at the burial of Lis father, C. F. Hite. John Amgwert and family were visiting with relatives at both Ben nett and Chenoy last Sunday, mak ing the trip in their car. L.viis Hire and wife, of Cheney, and Frank Mavis and family of Ben nett were called here last week by the death of Mr. C. F. Hite. Ben Landis and wife, and Edward Cooley and wife, all of near TVaver- ly, were here last Wednesday, call ed by the death of Mr. C. F. Hite. Mrs. Lois Schmidt and daughter, accompanied by Misses Marie and Esther Schmidt, were visiting at Ithica for a short time last Friday. Mrs. H. "VT. Tool and children have been visiting In Lincoln for the past few days, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Goehry, her parents iaaie iraig tne barber, was a visitor for the week at his home at Liberty, however getting back in time to look after the business here George Curyea and wife and Bon, Clarence, of Alvo. drove over on last Thursday to be present at the fun eral of Mr. C. F. Hite, which was held here. Wm. Hulflsh and wife, of Elm wood (j;nd Harry Penteman and wife or 1 utan, were here last week in attendance at the funeral of the late C. F. Hite. Carl Schneider and RicharcT Tool departed last week for Lincoln, at which place they are entering the state university and will begin a four years' course. Oscar McDonald, better known, as "Pete," was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Sunday, where he with the fam ily spent the day at the home of rel atives and friends. E. H. Miller was looking after some business matters at his farm near Union last Tuesday and also J brought home some peaches that were grown down there. Mrs. A. Morris, accompanied by her son, Phillip and daughter, Vir ginia, of Sterling, Colo., are visiting at the home of Mrs. E. W. Thimgan. the ladies being cousins. Wm. Meyers. Carlton Zink, Glen and John Pickwell and Walter M. Baumgartner all departed last week for Lincoln, where they are attend ing the state university. Cleil Hulfish and wife and Frank Hulfish and wife of Lincoln, who are brothers of Mrs. C. F. Hite, were here last week in attendance at the funeral and burial of the late C. F. Hite. J, M. TEE- GARDEN AS COUN TY CHAIRMAN Kepublican Commitlee He-Elects the Present Head of Co. Committee at Meeting Yesterday. The Cass county republican cen tral committee at their session at , Weeping Water yesterday made the 1 first start on the campaign of the year and which from now on will . cssume a livelier aspect. j For the position of chairman of the committee. James ?I. Teegarden, of Weeping Water, was selected by the unanimous vole of the commit tee and was prevailed upon to once more assume the responsibility of j guiding the party destinies in the county through the perils of thej campaign. t It was decided to allow the chair- 1 Flowing Time Now! A Rumley Oil Pull tractor and a suitable plow will solve your summer and fall plowing. They will do the work the best and at the least cost as well. See us for prices and a demonstration. Our plows are the celebrated P & O. There are none better made. We also have an 8-16 Mogul tractor and a three bottom P & O plow used just a little, which will go at a very attractive figure. ,'GUILSTORFF, Murdock, Nebraska Plowing Time Has Gomo! The harvest and threshing are about over. Now comes the plowing for the autumn sowings and for the preparation of next spring's crop. See us for what plows you need either in horse or power drawn. Repairs for all machinery used on the farm. See me for anything in farming machinery which ybu may need. Call me by phone "and I will be pleased to give you the best service. Call phone 14-J. MURDOCK MKTS, -:- NEBRASKA f MOTOR CARS Announcing A wholly New line of cars built on time-tried Buick principles but with improvements and refinements which make their introduction an event of nation wide interest. 14 Distinctive Models Astonishing Values and Prices SIX CYLINDER MODELS -Tour. Sedan, 5 pass.$1935 -Roadster, 2 pass 117o -Touring. pass -Sedan, J pass m. -Coupe, 4 pass -Touring, 7 pass -G-41 ' -6-44 ; -C-4F. ' -fi-47 : -6-4S -6-49 -23-6-50 Sedan, 7 pass 2195 1195 1985 1895 1435 23-6-54 Sport Road., 3 pass.S1625 23-6-55 Sport Tour., 4 pass.. 1675 FOUE CYLINDER MODELS 23-4-34 Roadster, 2 pass $ 865 23-4-35 Touring, 5 pass 885 23-4-36 Coupe, 3 pass 1175 23-4-37 Sedan, 5 pass 1395 23-4-38 Tour. Sedan, 5 pass.. 1325 All Prices F. O. B. Flint, Michigan Ask about the G. M. A. C. Purchase Plan which provides for Deferred Payments. See These New Buick Cars Now at Our Showroom. v. E. W. THBrJJGAKI,' raiuw When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them! Kenneth Tool is looking after the mr.n to name the secretary ot tne rural route while Lacey McDonald ; committee for the cumpaign and takes his vacation. Kenneth has car-! rmonsf tlie names most prominently ried the route before and veil knows , mentioned for this position at the what to do, and is willing to do the: meeting was that of Xeison Jean of work. :this city, although "Mr. Teegarden The Y. P. .V met last Tuesday in ', gave no indication of his intentions business session and looked after the in the matter. i matters which were to come before them, and also arranged for a socia ble, which they are to have in the near future. Mrs. Charles Letts, of Council Blufts, Iowa, and two children, Mar garet and Catherine, have been vis-, iting at the heme of the brother and si3ter of Mrs. Letts, Henry and Margaret Amgwert. The new home of W. T. Weddell and wife, which is just now building is going forward with much speed and when completed, which will be a short time yet, will make a most convenient and combortable home. H. A. Tool and wife, Mesdames H. V. McDonald and Besack of near Eagle, who have been visiting for some time at Ackley. Iowa, returned home last Monday, after having en joyed a most splendid time while away. Allen Demmitt and wife with their son Everett and daughter Frma, of O'Neill, Gust Moss and wife of Ben- i neti and Wm. Franks and wife, of i near Eagle, were in attendance at the funerr.l o Uncle C. F. Hite. ; which occurred here last Thursday. Miss Elcie Rikli. who has been visiting here for some time, staying at the home of her grandparents, A. A. Rikli and wife, departed a few days since for 'her home ' at "Druni mond, Oklahoma, she being the daughter of Arnold Rikli and .wife. Miss Margaret Amgwert is 'assist ing in the conduct of the Murdock Mercantile company store during the ! At the meeting o the committee, !MiS3 Mary Becker, cf Ucion, acted as temporary secretary. Fred Muen cIieu of Elmwood was named as treasurer. ANNOUNCEMENT The progressive party has asked me to become their candidate for the office of sheriff, the request coming to me as it has, with their full con fidence and support, they looking for a man untrammelled by influences which would hinder the full exercise of the duties of the office of sheriff, I have accepted the position of can didate. Should I be elected I will en deavor to administer the law and perform the duties of the office with out fear from any party or clique. I shall appreciate the support of all who desire the laws executed with out partiality and with the best in terests of alL-the county the aim. EDWARD W. THIMGAN. lii d y Fii AT We Water- ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, September 27th5 28th and 29th Splendid Exhibits in all Classes of Stock, Poultry, Agricultural, Domestic and Dairy Products. Don't Fail to see Women's Needle Work and Educational Department! FREE ADftSZSStOft! 0 i CASS CO. FARM Live Stock Wien Listen! There will bs a Public Auction of Purebred Cattle and Hogs of different breed?, at 2 p. mM Friday, September 29th. Come end buy Regutered Stock at your own price. I wood. These two communities are very interested in child welfare work. A Pronounced Success The uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Col ic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the re lief and cure of bowel complaints, both for children and adults, has brought it into almost universal use, r.o that it is practically without a riTal and as everyone who has used it knows. It is without an equal. Weyrick &. Hadraba. ! t P,UREAU NOTES t . absence of the mrrager, Mr. J. E. McHugh, and with the assistance of Miss Margaret. Henry Amgwert is getting along nicely with the business. Henry Koelings and wife, of Ord, who have been attending the meet ings at Milford a short time ago, came to Murdock. where they have been visiting at the home of George Merkle and wife for the past two weeks, returned to their home last Monday. j Fred Stock and wife and their son, Fred Stock, Jr., with their little one. were visiting for a number of days in the western portion of the state, and were at Imperial and a number of other places, stopping at Eustes," while away, returning home on last Thursday. There were a large number of former neighbors and friends of the late C. F. Hite from near AlvondJ Bushberry that .were present and by, their presence afnd ministrations tea-' 1 - i County Fair. Sept. 27; 28. and 29 ' As it will take all the week be ginning Sept. 23 to help with the county fair, it will be almpst impos sible for the agent to do any outside work that week. Hog Cholera i A few case of cholera are present : in the county, but if is not spread ing. Be sure to burn all hogs that die. Exhibits For County Fair Now is the time to select corn and other exhibits for the county fair. Do not delay. Girls Garment Club The J. V. club of Avoca will give the demonstration on "Possibilities of the Bungalow Dress Pattern" at the Ak-Sar-Ben. Saturday afternoon. From Omaha the Cam and their leader. Mrs. Wolph. will go to Sioux WEEPING WATER SPORTS UP-TO-DATE GQLF COURSE will be in competition with twelve other states. Here's wishing success to the girls at Sioux City. Health Specialist Here Dr. Hedger, child health specialist from Chicago will be in Cass county tifving to the character and intee rity of Mr. Charles F. Hite last week Oct. 13. She will be at Nehawka for at his funeral. fan afternoon meeting and at Elm- "l wood in the evening. Everybody tt.- TiTi,- I should come out to hear this able , Hunting in the Northwest ' speaher. All parents should be inter The first of last week a number of ested in this child welfare work, the nimrods of Murdock. went to! W(iiit-.n Cherry county, where they enjoyed coitxi -iu.cct-mfca Miss L. Murphy, H. was in cass a week s bunting ana nstnng in the lawes wnicn anonna in mat region. They went in their autos and are ex pecting a most enjoyable time. Those to go were Louis Hornbeck, Harry Gillespie. H. V. McDonald, J. E. Mc Hugh, - Lacey McDonald and Gus Gakemeier. county Tuesday and Wednesday of this week and gave two very inter esting talks on child care. We also weighed and measured the children. Tuesday we weighed twelve children at Nehawka and fifteen at Elm- Met with Serious Injury One night last week while it was so excessively warm, Mrs. J. J. Gus- tin, who was deeping in one room of the home upstairs, thought it might be some cooler in another room, and knowing the way well, thought to go to the other room, and in-so doing, it being very dark. Mrs. Gustin. thinking she was stepping into the other room, stepped off the landing and fell down the stairway. bruising herself very severely. She is getting along very nicely, but is still very sore from her experience. Card of Thanks 4 c 1 & D k 19 -3P Farmers Attention! - We are in tKe market for 'inn tnn o f rmrtA milliner al- We desire to express our thants , j . r for the many manifestations of love r alt a $10 per toil Cry. L.eary fey acts of kindness and material' d j f aH cuttingS. help and sympathy expressed by our, ' friend and neighbors during the re- We are also in position ceni mness ana aeain or our Deioveu Orr neighbor, Weeping Water is assuming real metropolitan airs and enjoying the delights of golf, as the following from the Weeping Water Republican states: "Our new golf links cover sixty acres. They are located in Wolcott's picture west of the Wolcott home in Weeping Water and run out to the top of the hill east of E. E. Day's farm home. "The grounds are aH laid out and tlie greens covered with sand. There will be no need of putting in bunk ers, as the hills are natural hazards, which makes a real sporty course. "The course is one and seven tentlis miles long, having nine holes, with a distance between them and where they tee off as follows: "Number 1, 275 yards; 2 115; 3 297; 4 605; 5 4 85; 6 433; 7 "06; 8 195 and 9 285r" "Six o'clock a. m. finds players busy at work which as a health prop osition cannot be excelled." G. WJB OL5EN Phone 14E AH Kinds of Hauling -Country Drive and Live Stock Hauling! PRICES REASONABLE! JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY The whole country, irrespective of party, sect or creed, feel rejoiced to learn that Mrs. Harding, wife of the president, is so far improved that her ultimate recovery is assured. Other Side of Strife! A POPULAR PROPOSITION TO SAY PRE-WAR PRICES But let us tell you about our pick-up ACME Paint. This is a standard brand and an excellent paint. We have it so we can sell it at, per gallon $2.50 Also a Sib. pkg. Kalsomine for 40c (Former price, 75c.) This is the best offer for a number of years past. Allow us to figure with you on what work you are needing. 25 Years in the Business Ten Years in Murdock The Dusterhoff Shops Jo jpjf IT L 1 3fc School Clothes for Boys!.. to mill vniir fm otallra with or without husband and fatfcer. and especially;' Mtiuno- mmmenees after do we appreciate the very kind workvfrf,at . . . . i m m a. j the Royal Neighbors of America and lfllB mases me very u ira for the flowers and singing. Mrs. iand n ste. We de iver m 100-lb. C. F. Hite and Children. , .saefcs, sacks returnaoie. "Our milling charges are $4 per an d wh en He needs them, if he's a "regular fellow," he needs them "bad" he wants them "good." Bring him here for the good ones. Price $7.50 to $15. On again! Off again! Gone again! That's the fong of the blouse only too often. Our Kaynee blouse post pones the "gone again." They'll go round and round from back to tub and back again without fading. A full assortment ail sizes. 000 MULES FOB SALE One span Jenny mules, 5 years old. weight 2400 pounds. 16 high, sound. Priced to sell. On street road, 2 miles west of Nehaw ka. Albert Anderson. Nehawka, Ne braska, Tel. 1G14. ton, and at this price your will make mighty cheap feed. stalks "Forage Exteastan Kills a 'O ; C. E. Wescbtt's Sons PHONE ISO. Pkttsrnoi th'"Nebr. W.I. PI