'J THURSDAY, SEPTT.OTrVETl 14, 1922. PULTTS3I0ITTH SEMI- WEEKLY JOUEJIAL PAGE TffilHI Bargain Wednesday Specials! WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20, 1922 This is a sale for "Wideawakes." Get up early. Shop Early. Farewell Prices. No Refunds No "Monkey Business" li 1 4 I -t (T 0 4, i 0 r V 4 CHILD'S WASH SUITS Kaynee make, guaranteed colors. QQ Assorted sizes -- OIF CHILD'S BEACH SUITS Gingham of blue stripes and plain. CQ colors. Guaranteed BOYS' DRESS KNICKERS Made of washable kiki, tan, brown or gray. 6 to 16 at L BOYS' WOOL KNICKERS Gray, brown and heather mix- $145 tures. 6 to 16 1 CHILD'S WASH HATS White. Nothing better for the next OCtf six weeks. Special at : 3 3 BOYS' UNION SUITS Summer weight, short sleeve, knee C length. .Ages 4 to 10 UO BOYS' UNION SUITS Poros and Munsing long and short CQ$ legs. Ages 6 to 16 O BOYS' BLUE BIB OVERALLS High back, swing pockets, 7Q full cut. 9, 89 and I V BOYS' COTTON SLEEPINQ SUITS in white madras. All sizes Tit but 12 and 14 lO LITTLE MAJOR SUITS Best of twill kiki; best buttons; best gar ment possible for school QQ wear. Sizes 2 to 8 0 CHILD'S WOOL SUITS Sizes 2 to 5 years. Nobby styles. $095 Very. special at CHILD'S NAINSOOK UNDERTOGS in all sizes from 2 to 10. except 4 and 5. Best make and a big CC bargain tit the price. OO SHOP CAPS Made of black Q0 sateen. . Price only 7 BOYS' KIKI UNIONALL8 Made of best twill kiki, full cut. $ 50 Ages 14-16. Special price X CHILD'S 8 LIP-OVERS Made of best fast color gingham. m Ages 4 to 7 . "X CHILD'S CHARIBRAY RORIPERS, K & E make. Neatly trim- TQ0 med. Ages 6, 7, 8 J BOYS' ODD DRESS COATS Made of neat gray wool mixture. $045 7 to 10, at MEN'S BLUE BIB OVERALLS Very special clean up of Headlight, Oshkosh and Sweet Orr $"49 brands at, per pair : A" MEN'S DRESS SOX Fine gauge lisle. All shades and all sizes. Price MEN'S GLOVES Cotton flannel; close twill. Blue knit QC wrist. Per pair, only MEN'S TIES Genuine Cheney sjlk four-in-hands. The newest AQ shapes at M School Uoar! CAPS Assorted blue, gray, green and plaid mixtures. All sizes ?495 WAISTS Choice of our entire stock best quality. Kay- 77 nee waists Wednesday I I KNICKER SUITS LOT 1 Wool mix. belted coat, lined knickers. Sizes 6 to 18. Price LOT2 Latest style, belted coat, nobby pockets and full cut lined knickers. Sizes 8 to 14 SHIRTS See our special at 77V. Also neat checks and stripes percale with or without collar HOSE Bear Brand Dress Parade . SO, 35 and -iO BOYS' TIES Silk knit. Extra special at, each -iDtf SPORT WAISTS A few to close out "Wednesday at 53 LOOK Kazoo suspenders on sale at only 49 CHILD'S TURBAN HAT Black and white check -3? BOYS' FUR HATS Asstd. styles sizes 6 to G"-s -5c 1- Men's Suits Sizes 32 to 38 5 Not our test suits, but marve lous values at this price. Blues, Browns and Grays. Some of them pure all-wool. All new 'modelsl " Ho -lemons in this lot and every one a genuine bargain at the low price we ask. BOYS' WORK SHIRTS Blue and gray; chambray or chevoit. Full cut. Sizes 122 to 14. Special CO? for Bargain Wednesday OJ MEN'S WOOL MIX CLOTH PANTS in assorted styles ana sizes, ju&uj MEN'S UNION SUITS White rib, long sleeve. Sizes 42 and CQ 44 at each 0 MEN'S FUR FELT DRESS HATS in. a full assortment of shapes and shades. Just two -prices $095 Wednesday, $4.95 and MEN'S STIFF CUFF SHIRTS One lot of these dress shirts in large sizes 17 -2 to 19. A 7Q snap at I f MUNSING WEAR One lot of rib union suits, best quality, 7Q small sizes. To close at I LADIES' MUNSING UNION SUITS One small lot, sizes 3 QC0 and 4 to close at BOYS' PULL-OVER SWEATER Wool mix. Colors brown $195 and ecru. Rib X - MEN'S FINE DRESS SHIRTS In neat, small stripes; detach- $1 ed soft collar X MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Black and white, fast color stripe. QCtf With or without collar IO MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Pongee color, full cut, coat style, $1 19 neck band and soft cuffs i. LADIES' SILK STOCKINGS Pure thread silk, Asstd. shades $1 19 and sizes. No black A" LADIES' FINE SILK LISLE HOSE in black only. Sizes 9, 9 7Q and 10. Rib top U LADIES' COTTON HOSE Brown and nude sondes only. AQ Price, per pair ftJ MEN'S NEW TWEED CAPS in all the new shades and shapes. $145 Specially priced at X """ of them are Dutchess brand Worth much more than this I. . $95 BOYS' DRESS SUSPENDERS Lisle webs; cord and 1 Qtf leather ends' MEN'S PALM BEACH PANTS Made of genuine Palm Beach cloth. Tans, browns, grays. Sizes $0 85 29 to 40 at ' J" MEN'S SLIP ON RAIN COATS Double surfaced, with or $OG5 without belt, at J LADIES SLIP-ON RAIN COATS Only 4 in stock; a clean-up from high priced lines. Very $035 special at MEN S WORK PANTS Kiki and HORSEHIDZ WORK GLOVES gray stripes with belt loops $1 85 and cuffs, at -" MEN'S FINE DRESS PANTS in as sorted cassimeres, worsteds $95 and serges at a""" MEN'S ODD DRESS COATS button, staple style. Brown and blues, asstd. sizes 4- the genuine article in wrist $1 or gauntlet style at . MEK'C DRESS SUSPENDERS Fine lisle .web. A big bar- ' gcin at the price d MENS' NIGHT GOWNS White n:uslin slip-overs, short $" sleeves, at 1 A Men's Suits Sizes 34 to 46 25 50 specially selected suits for Bargain Wednesday, made up in latest style models from all wool sturdy fabrics. You a new $10. bill at the same time tLere is going at anywhere Any Palm Beach Suit in the House $1 s Soois EVERYBODY'S STORE' can save i right here and. I lfcry get the best L,VA A in the suit line Affr y) near the price. Tj ft Bargain Wednesday means something to many people of Cass county. You ought to get the habit of coming here each month and get a supply of the Bar gains we are listing. Please note the low prices MUSLIN, 12c YD. 36-in. bleached or unbleach ed muslin, good uqality (no dressing.) Suitable for un derwear, gowns and all household uses. Sells regu larly for 20c per yd. Bargain price 12c FRUIT JAR TOPS All kinds fruit Jar tops in cluding Mason, Easy Seal, Economy, Schram and kerr'B self scaling lids. Price for Bargain Wednesday only- get your 6hare per dozen 23 c DRY GOODS SPECIALS ' 2ew 36-inch comfort cloth, all new patterns, extra good )fif quality. Sells regularly for 25c yd. Bargain day only, 3d UC New 32-inch ginghams Just in. Suitable for school QC dresses. All new patterns. Per yard JDC Huck towels, 17x34 and 18x36 sizes. Blue or red borders. 1 P Extra good values. Sell regularly at 20 to 25c. Each J10C 1.8x40 inch Turkish towels, good close weave. Get a 6upply now while you need them. Regular 35c values on sale Bar- On' gain Wednesday only at, each J C Ladies' black hose good every day quality. Special 1ft for Bargain Wednesday, per pair J1UC Men's black socks, per pair, 10. New comfortables Just in for these cool nights. Trices from $2.50 to fS.OO each. New Ideas in Corsets The new idea in corsets can be found here in a number of different styles and makes. Wide rubber gores Inserted in Rides and back to do away with all lacings and allowing a perfect fit for your clothes. $1.00 to ?3.SO each. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Large size Post Toasties, K el logs corn flakes, Puffed 1 C Wheat, Shredded Wheat or Krumbles ..L IOC Large size bars of toilet soap Persian Buttermilk " pink or white, per bar JC Large package Swans Down cake flour. Special for 0 Bargain Wednesday only, per package O U C 5-lb. tins of Del Monte solid pack prunes. These l are the finest California quality. Per can V Large size Carnation milk, per can 1 () Jello, all flavors, for one day only 10 Ideal, Puritan and Budwejser malt, per pkg GS Large size mustard sardines, per can 1 . 1 0 New oil sardines, G cans for 25C Lenox and Magic Washer soap, to close out, 7 bars for S5 Potted meats for sandwiches, per can 5 and 10 Large 8-oz. rolls of crepe toilet paper, 4 for 25 Fine ripe bananas, per dozen : Telephones 64-65 - 6th and Main Streets PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. DC DC Bargain! Wednesday Specials! Warm Comforters Large Size All first quality. new cotton. A large variety of patterns $3.98 on sale the one day only at Come and Take Advantage of the Unusual Values Offered for Bargain Day by This Store. We carry Excellent Stocks of Shoes, Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hen's and Boys' Clothing at Reasonable Prices. Nutro Can Milk Eaby Size Another of our super spec ials for September bargain day. THREE 10r cans for - Ivt Pry Goods! Fancy dreES ginghams checks, 1 Q plaids and stripes. Choice, yd miu Outing flannels best quality at per yard only !. Ladies bungalow aprons light no and dark patterns. All sizes O Ladies' black cotton hose. Very IE' special price, per pair 13 Children's : extra heavy ribbed or stockings. All sizes. Pair. White curtain scrim. Special per "l - yard only iO Turkish towels A good weight r on sale at, each Ladies pure silk hose. All colors jq will be sold Wednesday at J on's IVoar! Men's 2:20 weight blue denim 1 in overalls at, per pair XX Men's blue work shirts, all sizes. n( Full cut, good and roomy ttJ Men's cotton flannel gloves on "l r sale at, per pair 1U Men's union suits, all styles go 7Q at, per suit ItJ Boys. 2-pant suits. Good sturdy i nr stylish clothes at low price I 30 Men's fall caps Values in this AQ lot up to $2.50. All go at ' Men's dress bos black, and - brown. Price, per pair . X O U S ARMY BLANKETS Kiki color, regulation wool, full size, i no 66x84 (reclaimed) . l0 Shoos! Shoos! Men's brown Goodyear welt dress O AO shoes. While they last, at 70 Boys' work and dress shoes pric- O or ed from $3.95 to as low as Girls' brown shoes. Just the O O? thing for school wear ' Men's Lion brand work shoes. O QC Every pair guaranteed-; JS7v Ladies' one-strap slippers. A 1 QO genuine bargain at '. X70 GROCERIES! 12 lbs. pure granulated sugar jpi.OO Large white cupb and saucers per set of six- . 1.05 Pure cocoa, In bulk, per lb. ! Sweet corn, per can -lO We Sell for Cash and Sell for Less! Pp&Ginfii eel's 0 FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor SEPTEMBER Sairgsiuini Wednesday v Work Shirts The same good old blue work shirt No. 5. Sizes 14 to 17. You know the shirt for we've specialed them in our Bargain Wed nesday ads before. 7i Here's a Red Hot Bargain! A New All Wool O. D. Army Blanket to Keep You Warm this Winter We have secured a limited number of these excellent khaki blankets for this sale. You better 'burn the sidewalk early Wednesday morning if you want a pair of them, for they won't last long. They are G4x84 inches in size almost five by seven feet. Weight about lbs. The warmest covering you can buy. Use them in your car, use them for a rug, or bed rnrer hp flnlv tun Tinir to a customer. inia price is lower than you have ever seen quoted at army stores $2.95 OVERALLS A bunch of broken sizes 2:20 full cut union made blue denims. Worth a good deal more than we are asking for them. Price, per pr. ja Three lots of Men's dreBS shirts neck band. Btyles, collar attached and stiff cuffs. Three prices,' $1.49, 95c and Famous Vassar athletic underwear. If you have never worn them, ask the first man jTou meet. Quite likely he has and he'll tell you they are bargains at , Greatly Eeduced Prices on Our Ladies' Silk Hose 79c 85c One lot of men's fall caps worth $1.50 and" up. Today, only Entire stock of soft collars, not In cluding webbing collars A genuine clean up of Ladies 'silk hose every thing in stock except Holeproof. Some rare bar gains in pure thread silk, full-fashionedhosiery: Regular $1.50 to $1.85 grade 9 .95 Regular $3.00 grade . 1.45 Regular $3.50. grade 1.85 .95c .20c Bars' Tom Sawyer blouses fade proof and long war. Priced cheaper than you could QJ make them yourself OiJC Two lots of boys' school knickers. These are not choice materials, but they cost u CC a lot more than, 95c and . UDC One lot of men's ties -0 One lot of boys' ties , . 35c Some more men's and boys' caps 20c 3r'Space forbids the listing of many articles you will find on Bale at marked reductions. Bargain Wednesday Prices Cash Store Open Until 9 O'Clock Phone 206 Plattsmouth, Neb. i ii DC 3 )C ) C D C )( )C 3D ; J"..