The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 07, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Nehawka Department!
Prepared is the Interest of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
pool at the heme of Mr. II. P. Stum'
and as a confluence went through.!
When the animal was missed it was
some time before he was located,!
hut when the entire covering was '; From Tuesday's Daily,
removed, he like a cat jumped out' Mis3 Rose Engelkemeier was a vis
of the mire, though standing in the itor in Omaha today going to that
contents nearly to his sides, and, city on the early morning Burling-
lanaeu on solid terra nrnia again , ton train
and with a whisk of his tail, depart
ed for different pasture.
Iloland Sch'iehtemeier was attend
ing the fair during the week, having
some fine hogs on exhibition.
J. W. Magney wa3 attending the
state fair during the week a fe'w days
and thought it well worth while.
11. H. Stol I was unloading a car
of rand last Monday for Mr. A. F.
Arc You Heeding
We arc prepared to furnish you
an excellent well. We have the
well machinery ready for service
See us if you are needing a well.
Easfrich & Lawrence,
Nehawka, Neb.
we are furnishing re-
l.'Ht tires at lower prices
than the mail order houses
are putting out inferior
goods for. This good oniy
for a limited time, so you
had Letter get what you
want while they are going.
See the list of prices below!
United States &. Racine Tires
Sturm, the lumber and grain man.
F. II. Sheldon was a visitor at the
state fair on Thursday of this week
and thought it about an average ex
hibit. Ollis Allis was a visitor In Wa
b?sh. his home, last Sunday, return
ing to take up his work Jast Monday
Walter Wunderlich is attending
the state fair and is engaged in as
sisting in .looking after some of the
Mayor Sheldon and Mr. George
Tate were looking after some -business
matters in Avoca last Monday
During the time Mr. Rough was at
the state fair, Mr. J. G. Wunderlich
was looking after the business at
the elevator.
George Pollard, the genial sales
man at the Sheldon stores, is taking
a week off this week and is seeing
some of the world.
John Knabe and family were at
tending the state fair last Monday,
tliey making the trip to the state
capitol in their auto.
Earnest Pollard was a visitor at
the state fair, where lie has some
excellent hogs on exhibition, and
which looked like prize winners. Sunday. Mis Pearl Cisney
. Will O. Troop and Charles 11.
Troop received a load of cattle last
Friday, which they are placing in
their feed yards and will feed them
for returning to the market this win
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ross have been
spending some time at the home of
their son. If. C. Ross, of near Union,
and after a very pleasant visit there
of three weeks, -returned home last;
Mr. A. J. Ross has just had his
house at the farm northeast of Ne
hawka given a good painting, the
Fame being done by Mr. Henry Feltes
and his worthy assistant, Mrs. Ed-!
ward Woods.
Superintendent of the city schools, i
W. Li. Burbey. was in attendance at !
the state fair, interested in the stock ; rje".
liiilsine contest in which a number ; Hiba
! Mrs. E. Oaks, of near Lincoln, is
: visiting her ne ther, Mrs. Levi Rus-
terholts, for a few days. '
i Mrs. A. F. Poedeker and ton,
Robert Haysenger of Hastings fs
here enjoying a visit with old time
school friends for a short time before
taking up his school work.
Miss Georgia Tuma of Omaha ar
rived here Saturday evening for a
week's vacation here at the home of
her sister, Mrs. W. P. Sitzman and
C. II. Shopp, of Im- 1u",,jr-
! penal, Nebr.. have been visiting the William II. Snopp or cnicago wno
':atter's sister. Mrs. R. .T. Rni-rffker was here over Sunday and Monday,
r:nd fvrr.Mv ami ntir tp'sHcm nnri ! returned yesterday afternoon to hisj
friends in Cas county for the last : duties with the Burlington in the
.few days. after returning from a j windy city.
:vi-ut with hrr brother, E. A. Fitz-I E. W. Thimgan cf Murdock was
Patrick, of Sioux City and also en-! in the citv today for a fe whours at-
joring an auto outing thru Iowa. ; tending to some business matters of
-us- oM.pi) lorraeny u.uss Aiieie . importance anu visiting
Dewey, returned Thursday from
visit in Knox count v.
Mr. ar.d Mrs.
Fitz patrick.
ine picked Wealthy cooking ap-
f0c per bushel in orchard.
Dodson, 1 y. miles northwest
of tiie nunils of the Nehawka schools ' cf Nehawka. a2S-?
were engaged.
Last Sunday Mr. J. II. Palmer took
a lot of fine spotted Poland China
hogs to the state fair for Mr. R. B.
Stone. These should surely "bring
down the first prize, as they are ex
cellent individuals.
Mr. Minch, who was considered
the .locating on Nehawka with a
garage, has concluded to engage in
the same business and has rented a
with his
many menus.
Word has been received here that
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farriott and fam
ily, who are enroute to their home
at Boise, Idaho, had reached Salt
Lake City on their journey.
Mrs. Freizel and daughter, Min
nie, of Long Beach, California, ar
rived yesterday for a visit here with
her brother, John Hirz and family,
and from here will go to Baltimore.
Mrs. Mary B. Allison of Geneva,
Neb., is here for a short visit with
her old time friends in this portion
of Cass county and as well as her
relatives in this part of the state.
Herbert Sherwood and wife who
j have been at Rochester, Minn., for
'some time past, where Mr. Sherwood
I i iWrSm li p I
ii jfn 1-7
3 &
a. . l j i 1. Tr C , !... :H Sn f. X VIl- Tl T" i. A TTi.iiA.
spent me uay hi iue nume ui . o. puut: mric, "u win nut iuwic m Auxumouue xvaties -L.nieri.aiii. v isiiuis jlas been taking treatment at the
Lewis and was a guest of the Lewis Nehawka as thought, s Large Displays of Agricul- j Mayo hospital, returned home Sat-
family. where all enjoyed the day. Mrs. Marion Tucker mode a flying &. r, J. c, , , tit- c.Vwi io fofli; n,,1(,ll
Forrest R. Cunningham wns a vis- trip to Omaha for the films when ; taral redacts Shown. "day. M r. Sa-"onoHhl
itor in Plattsmouth last Tuesday, the railroads failed to make the r. , . i;p. rof? Tne'J"9 conlllloa or tne
.i,o,0 y,a ...oa innkin? nftor Romp n-nrwr dpiivrrv an.l tho lnr-P crowd' Lincoln. S pt. 4. Following a ; past tew niontns.
business matters and also visiting
with his many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sherman, the
former an employe cf the Lincoln
Star, were spending last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
Troop and other friends.
Uncle Z. W. Shrader received from
South Omaha last week G37 head of
fine sheep, which he is feeding for
the markft and will expect to have
ready in about ninety days.
which gathered to see the cemmun
i ity show were not disappointed.
Jacob Waldo is suffering from a
crrbunkle on cne of his arms, which
is putting him out of commission
r:nd also giving him some wakeful
nights. However, the violence of the
attack is over and the arm is getting ,
.better. i
I Lester Wunderlich, who has been
located at Villisca for some time,
I being-associated with Clyde Switzer,
he ivv, cooling rain here on Sunday i Rev. A. G. Hollowell and family.
irrii t, the ")lth annual Nebraska who have been visiting in Missouri
:;;te fair opened officially today j for the past few weeks, returned yes-
vith promises of record-breaking at- i terday morning. They spent some 1
tendance. Su' .'.ay, admission was! time visiting in Lancaster county'
rarged and the attendance of 1G,
J60 exceeded any previous Sunday
There were automobile races to
Isy which will continue tomorrow.
P.ands from half a dozen towns in
at the home of Rev. Hollowell's par
ents at Queen City'and also the pas
tor looked after the church work
while in that locality.
Brigadier General Charles P. Dav
is of Genesse, 111., who has been here
Mr. Harry Thomas, of Falls City, was vsiiting at the home of Trov
where he is the agent for the Mis- Shrader one day last week. Clyde
souri Pacific, was spending last Mon-, was lso visiting w ith friends here
dr.v. Lnbor day. with his brother, ; as well.
Herman L. Thomas, in Nehawka. Mr. A. M. Munn of St. Joseph,
Vrnnlr MpTnnnpll was baulins hors Mn p rpnm nr n f fil with bis fnmilv
hize JXvV2 51U.U for a number of people who were at-'and Mr. A. J. Munn. of Fayette
Nebraska played at various parts of "as a guest at the A. M. Searl home,
the- fair grounds. The exhibits of J departed Sunday for his home in the
cattle, sl eep, arts, needle and i east. General Davis, who has been a
fancy work attracted hundreds. j colonel in .the Illinois national guard,
As usual, tho state exhibit of fish W8s notified of his promotion while
hatencry at orotna here and also of the fact that he
Size 32x31A 13.75; tending the state fair and also look
lo oil lilt? came di lvccyuis ndici
I last saturaay as ne reiurnea nome.
Frank W. Martin and brother.
Size 33x4 19.25
Size 34nl 20.00
rThese tires are guaranteed but
the prices cannot be assured for any
great length of time. Come early.
Lundberg Garage
Nehawka -:- Nebraska
Den Martin, last Saturday received
599 sheep, which they are feeding at
the home of the latter and will re
turn to the market In a short time.
Mo., were guests during the past
week with their many friends and;
after a very short visit the friends
they departed for their home in the
south. i
The Rev. E. O. Johnson, pastor of(
the Methodist church, departed list
Monday afternoon for Omaha, where
the conference of
c,'i m- r. -r orwi am. lie went to attend
ily spent the day at the home ofithe Methodist church and was ac
Mr. And Mrs. J. W. Kruger. where P3?1 -bZ f1' J1
uKi0iciie, nu sues aii iiB i aim
the friends had a most enjoyable I
time, returning home in the evening.
Diamonds! Spectacles!
We have a large assortment of Diamonds of the first
water. Come see them and invest in one. They draw more
than 'lie usual rate of interest.
We are just adding a line of optical goods. Spectacles
fitted to your eyes. Watches and Jewelry. Best repairing.
Norris Building,
Nehawka, Nebraska
F EftEN!
A new shipment of W. L. Douglas men's shoes
lias just arrived. You can find a style in this shipment
that will fit and please you. They are priced right at
$Q00 $g50 $y00
Come in and See for Yourself!
Established 1888
to have some dental work done.
I rem tne state
v.f.c. probably the most popular
Ia'e on the ground?. A life-sized
cow made from butter was one of
tiie big feature.
A dozen traffic cops with helmets
directed traffic to the grounds. This
In the only week in the year Lin
coln supports traffic cops.
County agricultural and industrial
products were put on display by
luster, Kearney. Lincoln, Adams
;nd a dozen other counties. Hun
dreds of families rented tents and
pitched them on the grounds.
The attendance today as officially
Among those from Nehawka who announced lonigai was ai.o, ueax
attended the ball game at Weeping. the record of a year ago by
Water last Saturday and enjoyed the nearly -000.
excellent contest which was put up,
were Charles Hall. Charles Adams, I DEACONESSES INCREASE
Edward Wood, Thomas Mason, Chas. j HJ METHODIST CHURCH
Hemphill, Grover Hoback, Hennings!
and Albert Johnson. Harold Kemlin. . Misfoula, Mont., Sept. 3. The
Fred Miller and Everett Rutledge, J growth in the Methodist Episcopal
and all pronounce this an excellent ( church from three deaconesses in
game. ( 1 S f 0 to 1,023 deaconesses and pro-
The Christian Endeavor of the !,tinprs in 192 was told todav bv
United Brethren church north of
Nehawka. gave an ice cream supper;
last Monday evening, which was at-;
tended bv a large crovd of people
ln V. . W. Hov.'e of Buffalo. N. Y.,
corresponding secretary of. the Gen
?rnl Deaconers board,-in speaking be
fore the general conference of the
from Nehawka and the surrounding , ;j0ard in session here
community. The committee realized; "ihe value of the property under
a neat sum from their effort, asjt;,e direct auspices of the board in
well as providing a pleasant evening crt.:.;scd from $2P.S.90S in 1S94 to
for the country side. Let another $12,707,030 in 1922," he said. "The
of these pleasant evening be coming1 V3iue jn 1912 was $4,6S2,434, at
in the near futurc. which time the present form of the
j board was authorized.
Are Attending the Baby Show ! "In Europe there are 907 deacon
Iiist Monday morning, Mr. and esses working throughout Switzcr
Mrs. J. S. Hough and Mr. and Mrs. i land. Germany.. Denmark, Norway
Martin Ross departed for Lincoln, end Sweden. Property there is val
where they were going to see the ued at $1,495,GG9."
fair and especially that portion which I
Is known as thff baby show. They I Ti e name Dnan's inspires confi
were interested to the extent that aj dence Uonn's Kidney Pills for wid
child of Mr. and Mrs. Ross and the v.ey ills. Bonn's Ointment for skin
grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Rough Pitching. Doan's Regulets for a mild
was one of the competitors for the , laxative. Sold at all drug stores
would be put on the reserve list at
his request, so as to permit him to
devote his time to his law business.
The Lafe Nelson farm, 133 acres.
Two sets of improvements, good eight
room house, one good four room
house, one large barn, no better in
the county, new garage, wash house,
chicken house, good shade trees and
real blue grass lawn, concrete cave.
Good bearing apple, cherry and plum
trees and strawberries. Three and
three-quarters miles south of Platts
mouth. P. O. box 677; Tel. 606.
Plattsmouth, Neb. -
Wiih fcesk rtaafis-
No other food has cuch an appeal on a liot Cay ca Kellogg'a
"orn Flakes! . They win fickle appetites, they satisfy hungry
iolks! A3 aa extra-summer taste thrill, eat Ilellogg's with the
luscious fresh fruit now in season. Such a diet is not only ideal
from a health standpoint, but it is refreshing!
You can eat Kellogg 's Corn Flakea
liberally at acy meal because they digest
easily. Let the children have all they want.
Insist upon Kellogg '3 Corn Flakes in
the RED aad GR2EN package that bears
the signature of XT. IL Kellogg, origi
nator of Corn Flakes. None are genuine
without itl
Also makers of
BRAN, cooked
and krumbled
We pay $36.00 full time, 75c an
hour sp:ire time selling hosiery guar
anteed wear four months or replaced
free. 3C styles. Free samples to work
ers. Salary or 30 commission.
Good hosiery is an absolute neces
sity, you can sell it easily. Experi
ence unnecessary. Eagle Knitting
Mills, Darby, Pa.
ATTACHMENT Fits all sewing
machines; price $2; checks, 10 cents
extra. Lights Mail Order House, Box
127 Birmingham, Ala. a31-6tw
If you have anything to sell, or
want to buy, don't overlook a want
ad in the Daily Journal.
Four thousand feet of all dimen
sions, oak; 6,000 feet cotton wood
sheeting and corn crib material.
a31-4tw C. R. TODD.
j r
Telephone. 100- J
Mrs. T. C. McCarty
North 4th Street
first prize. The little one is indeed!
a very pretty babe, and one of the
healthiest and happiest little ones,
and we are sure we would be pleas
ed to have it win the prize.
Will Entertain the Youth
W. H. Porter, who is superintend
ent of the Methodist Sunday school
at Union, and who with Misses Net
tie McCarroll and Elsie Taylor and
Mr. L. G. Todd, visited the Inter
national Sunday school convention
at Kansas. City a few weeks since,
will entertain the Sunday school at
Nehawka with a detailed report of
the doings nt tho convention. Better
come and hear this renort. It will
eri . . - . . . 1 - . .1 T . l . A. 1. T:kl '
school work.
As far as the activities of the mat
rimonial market are concerned, Sep
tember bids fair to outshine June,
the nroverbial month of lovers, in
the number of marriages performed
and Countv Judge Bceson was called
inion yesterday afternoon to make
two young hearts happy. Miss Veda
W.' JIallar3 of Princeton, Mo., and
Waldo G. Darrah of Centerville, la.
being the contracting parties and the
ceremony was witnessed by Misses
Blanche Smith and Eleanor Burnie.
The Ball Game
One of the best games which have
been played on the Nehawka diam
ond was the one which was wit
nessed by the large and enthusiastic
crowd of ball fans and the common
people es well, last Sunday. The
Pone was a snappy one from start
to Pnish and was replete with many
fine exhibitions of skill, and brot
forth the admiration and applause
of the interested auditors. The Oma
ha Printing company team and the
Nehawka club went at the matter of
winning the game in real earnest at
Needles. Cal.. Sept. 5. For the
first iime since July 1, 135 Santa Fe
railroad shop employes who have
been spending all of their time with
in the company stockade here, went
freely about the streets of the town,
visiting their families and transact
ing business.
Patrolling the streets were thirty
deputy sheriffs, sent here by Sheriff
W. A. Shay for the express purpose
j of "opening the town." Up to a late
I hour today no disturbance had been
sf? j) fev thcrt a man's
im 1 f best introduction
I -.gaeSfil.-yvggCi "lift . BJS,UII&raT 1
n 1 m m u 1 urn i " 1 ATT-iJCss-m fcjrr-v-irrr " i
Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner?
taste? Complexion sallow?
of the battle had cleared away ItM'lver, Perhaps needs waking up
was found that the local team had I I)oan 3 "egulets for bilious attacks
maintained thpfr hnnnr anri fntep-riv 2 at all Stores
and won the ten inning game by a
score of 7 to 6.
That is the Mule for You
You can always depend on a mule,
that Is to do the other thing, and in
this case th mule surely did not dis-j J
l.rn from 8.000 to $20,000 yer.
We train you in thr month' in
t?ntv work. Twenty-five y"ar"
ttrhinr rxTcri-nce. Work for board
while attentions. Ask for booklet
appoint its friend3. A mule belong-j ri Z e- at?T? -A ', J? oU!'!X-
, ' ., c. m ,jQ.r Y, No- ' "JYLtS CULl.Ef.E, Boyle
tn to Henry P. Sturm, meandered o pltl!tr,nR. nm8ha. Neb.
These Good Clothes
for Your Inspection!
cPhilip cl
over tne rotiea covering 01
a cess