plattsmoutb I Ifc to f J vol. no. xxxvrn. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1922. NO. 15 BOY BRUISED UP QUITE BADLY IN AUTO ACCIDENT t- x. j tt t- ir nu c t Richard Hatt, Four-Year-Old Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hatt, Has Very Narrow Escape, From Thursday's Daily. Last evening: while Richard, the little four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hatt. was olavinsr on Vine street in front of his home, he had ' a very narrow escape from death and it was only through the quick work of Ben Wiles, who was driving an ' auto on the street, that the boy es caped serious injury. Mr. Wiles was coming: v.-est on Vine street, having just passed the intersection when the little boy dart- j ed out from around the Hatt car that was parked in the street, and ran into the path of the oncoming car. Seeing the danger, Mr. Wiles turned his car toward the curb and ran up on the curbing and striking the lit tle boy squarely,, and as it was the front of the car struck him a giant- ing blow that felled him to the pave- there at 10:2S Tuesday evening, fol ment. 1 lowing a long illness due to heart Richard suffered severe bruises of , trouble, the side and arm and on the head j jir. Shaffer, who was a genial and but nothing serious as he was able : whole souled gentleman, has made to be around this morning as usual a hpst of frunds during his resi-! have permitted the boy scouts, the and feeling only a little soreness as dence in the county and who share Y- c- A- anrt some other organiz the result of the accident. I with the wife and familv the trrief ! ations to establish camps upon the The accident drew a large number : of people as it was thought at first j that the boy was dangerously hurt. Mr. Wiles was entirely blameless in ' the matter and it was only his quick ness that saved the lad. DISCUSS PLANS FOR HANDLING THE SITUATION HERE Burlington Officials Take Up Hatter of Men Now at Shops Being Released from Yards. - From ThrrBdays Dallv ....... . Iast evening at the request of a number of the Burlington shop of- county and city authorities as" well ' as other citizens to discuss the mat-; ter of the men now w erking at the I Burlington sliops enjoying more lib-j erty by going and coming a3 they wished. It was stated by the representa- tives of the railroad that there are new m the neighborhood of 300 men ; at tne snops ana mai some oi iiiese at lea-1 wish to enjoy the privilege of pomp and coming as they wish. instead of being compelled to remain confined in the shop yards as they have been eince they arrived to take n.- i.iav Ul iuc .u. Bt.iuf, av in which th 1 ,,ent of malia for manr 'ears and is ; Citizens of Weeping: Water. Accomp-.-'"i., me of the well known salesmen in . , . v- PlaC. The excellent w affairs "have ben conducted here and the lack of any hostile action, has been very pleasing to the city government and to the railroad com pany as well and certainly reflects credit on the men who are out on strike, and it is desired to maintain this same condition. The :nc-?ting night wa in the nature of one to sound out the wn timent r:s to whether it would be advisable to make ary change in the present manner of handling the sit uation. Any change, for the present at least, was not advised by Mayor Johnson and Chief Barclay. The meeting made no definite de cision as to the releasing cf the present Burlinirton employes, but the fact remains that the rresent state of af-'nirs will probably be changed in a few weeks at least if the strike is not Fettled before that time. KAKES LAND DEALS Frank Vallery, the rustling real 0T0E AND CASS ROADS estate man, has completed a num- j EEST IN 3,000 STATES ber of deals in the last few weeks over which he is feeling well pleas-) "Otoe and Cass county dirt roads, ed. In these deals Mr. Vallery was t maintained as they are now. are the associated with J. W. Chilton, the j best we saw during our 3.000 mile North Flatte land agent. Among the : automobile trip East." said Robert trarsations was the sale of a ranch ; Cohen yesterday afternoon upon his f 2,010 acres in Arthur county to ' arrival home from Canton, O., and Gus Myers of Weeping Water, for'Niacara Falls, N. T. Iowa land and city property and a j "Concrete and asphalt highways cash sale of 480 acres of land to D. ' were plentiful in the eastern states, G. Williams, countv clerk or Arthur county, one eight room residence and three acre tract in Plattsmouth, known as the Charles Hitt property. Ed S. Tutt of Murray has also clos ed a deal with the firm for the pur chase of a section of land in Arthur county which is near one of the best bass lakes in the state and which greatly pleases Ed. G0LNG TO THE SOUTH Punfjiin nTi.1 Vr?. Vlnvrt Hardinc. who have been stationed at Camp Lewis, Washington for some time past, are here enjoying a visit prior to going to Camp Bennington, near Columbus. Ga., where Captain Hard ing will be stationed in the future. The Harding family have been at Falls City visiting with the sisters of Mrs. Harding, Mesdames G. II. and J. W. Falter, and they were accom panied here by Mr. and Mrs. John Falter. Blank Books at tha Journal Office. RETURN FROM VISIT Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Nolting and daughters, CI race and Ellen, Mrs. Katherine Nolting and Mrs. Will Nolting. returned from Norfolk Mon-- day, where they visited with Mr. and : ; Mrs. Henry Wendt, the last named j being: a neice of Mrs. F. W. Nolting,1 and Mr- alld Mrs- August Steppat of cariock. s. D., Mrs. Wendt beine the eldest daughter of Mr. Steppat. The visit was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Misses Grace and Ellen were house guests Saturday and Sunday of Miss Lena Fohlnian of Fierce, Neb. DEATH COMES TO J. A. SHAFFER OF Aim TUESDAY Druggist and Well Known Resident of West Portion of County Dies From Long Hlnes. The friends over Cass county have been shocked by the news of the death of J. A. Shaffer, drugerist of , Alvo, which occurred at his home tnat his passing has occasioned, Tiie deceased was aged sixtv-two years ani leaves besides the "wife, OT1f snn r w Phnfrr nf r-,rt Wnrth Texas. A brother, Ned Shaffer, lives at Denver and two sisters, Mrs. Wil liam Chumald and Mrs. John Gor man in Illinois. Mr. Shaffer was a schoolmate of Eli Manspeaker of this city back In their old home in Bedford. Fa., and a great friendship has existed be tween the two since they located in Cass county. OMAHA SALES MAN MAY START DAMAGE SUIT James Thomas. Representative of TJ. S. Rubber Co., Claims he Was Strong-armed." From Thursday Deny, James Thomas, salesman of the T-nited Slates Rubber COmpanv of 0:raha. and who was arresteu a few daVR t Xehav,-ka bv William Greb state deputv sheriff, while at Nebraska city yesterday gave to the s hjs vieTVS of ,h? cage and n r timated that a damage suit might result of the after affects of his treat- m tin t n t tl a VioTwla r f t Vid ctoto tv i n Mr Thomas, who has been a resi HiU lerritorv. stnterl that be was at ! a garage in Nehawka when he was j:pproached and asked to show a mo tor car license, there being none on the car at the time. He states that he drew the certifi- rate from his pocket and showed Itlpanied by their band, were here to; lSi t to JiadPen and m thenar to the state deputy. An argument advertise the forthcoming fair thatjlo5-. Mr. Maasen ca:ne to i iaus r.rosc'and he alleys that the state is to beheld in that city on Septem- : mouth, Nebraska, n make Lis lioak' deputy slapped hint in the face and then hustled him into a car and took him to Flattsmouth where he was lined $1 and costs. He also claims that the evidence . presented by the state was erroneous and that he did not resist the offi cers or the arrest, but was merely discussing the matter when struck, and is indignant over the treatment reecived. . Thomas consulted an attorney and I i intimated that he intended to prose I cute the matter in the courts. w-e enjoyea nemg over the Ne- braska highways more than the others," he continued. "Iowa roads were very bad, going and comine We traveled all dav Tuesday thru rain and mud. I was surprised to find there were no storms on this side of the river." Neb. City Press. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL From Thumdar's Ia.ny. Raymond Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith, who has been at Omaha for the past few weeks hav- treatment given for an injured hip, returned home yesterday to re main for a short time. Raymond still has the limb irt a cast and has to use crutches to get around and hopes to be able in a short time to have the full use of his limbs. FOR SALE OR RENT Five room house and six lots on Chicago avenue. Phone 519-J. a28-ltd,ltw NEW STATE GAME SANCTUARY IN SARPY COUNTY; Fontanelle Tract Set Aside by Sec retary Stuhr Application Ac cepted From Owners, Secretary Leo Stuhr of the Ne braska department of agriculture i has established a state game reserve and bird refuge upon 2,543 acres comprising the Fontanelle tract be tween South Omaha and Dellevue. This is the second reserve of the kind established under the legslative act of 1921. The first reserve comprises 200 acres near Fairbury. However, the state law designates every school section and every other tract of edu cational land owned by the state and the Halsey and Cherry county forest reserves as game and bird reserves. There are 2,009 acres in the two for est reserves so designated. The Fontanelle tract, in the bend of the Missouri river, is owned or controlled in the main by Dr. Har old Gifford of Omaha. By them it has been retained in its natural state and the owners intend it to remain in that state. It is rich in flora and fauna and is much visited by natur alists and scientists. The owners land with the understanding that all rules and regulations against the molestation or removal of plants, trees and animals shall be observed. Secretary Stuhr commends the ownerr, of the land upon their fore sightedness in providing for the tract of woods and park land in its natur al state instead of permitting it to be platted and sold as lots or farms. Eventually the tract may become a part of what is to be a state park system. The tract includes what is known as Child's Foint and low land that was formed by accretion from the river. Chief Game Warden George Koster and Dr. Gifford visited the land Wednesday and posted more than a dozen signs provided for by the state law. The Burlington rail-)ca.l road company track runs thru thejness of the day. land but the railroad has included all its right of way in the reserve. Secretary Stuhr will appoint one or more special game wardens to pa trol the land. He will appoint some one recommended by the owners and the appointment will carry no salary from the state. In addition the land will be visited frequently by deputy state game wardens who will make an inspection to ascertain whether the game laws are enforced. BOOSTING FOR THE GASS COUNTY FAIR "j month Yesterday. Fi om Thursday b IaMy. Yesterday afternoon a number of the Weeping Water boosters, accom- ber Sth to 30th. inclusive. The fair has onlv been In exist-. ence for the past few years and has rapidly grown in favor until it is one of the events cf the year in the countv. It was the custom for many j-ears to hold a real fair in Cass county, and the grounds of the association were located near this city, but for jthe past thirty years there has been ) nothing doing and the scene of form - er activities along this line is buried in a field of grain. - The citizens of Weeping Water f nesota ; Henry, living in Montana, started the ball rolling for a county ! Mrs. Julia Neil, Oinaha; Emil of Ta fair three years ago and they have ' coma. Wash., and Mrs. Celia Lancas made it a very pleasing success and! ter of Flattsmouth. She is also sur- while cramped for room and the proper buildings they are endeavor ing to give the people the best kind of a fair and live stock exposition possible. MARRIED AT COURT HOUSE From Friday's Dally Yesterday afternoon at the office ( of Countv Judce Allen J. F.eeson. oc- i curred the marriage of Miss Bessie he has been lor a snon nine reeup Kearns and Mr. Llarold E. Lockhart, 'erating and seeking relief for his uol i inis city- me weaaing wasii-""' : ' very Wiet and attended by Mr. and ! Mr. Fearlman leaves a wife, two sons I Mrs. C. H. Buffington. the latter be- I in a sister of the bride. Both of the young people are well known here, the bride having made her home here for her lifetime a and is a daugh - Mike Kearns and ter of Mr. and Mrs the groom has made his home here5'earB residence here. It was only a for the nast ccrorni mnntbc nT,H i o few weeks ago that Mr. Fearlman young man of industry and worth in tho community. MARRIED AT COURT HOUSE From Thursday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon at the court house, Braughan Stephenson and Miss Jean Ray, both of Omaha, were married at the office of County Judge Beeson, the ceremony being perform ed in the usual accomodating man ner of the genial judge. Journal want ads pay. Try them. ENTERTAIN AT GRANT A number of the C'.iss county peo ple who now reside in the vicinity of Grant, Neb., on ) tst Sunday en joyed a real treat in a big dinner 2; e home of W ar: n Wiley, near go. The day long be very pleasantly remembered by those who attended. Among tl.o.-e who were present w ere: Varr -n Wiley and family, Lloyd Gapen and family of Palisade, Neb.; Jam . Mrasck, Ma jor I. Hll, Rex Young. L. H. Fuls and family and John Reiko, all of Grant, also Al Bartl-tt and Jasper Queen from Murray, Raymond Hild from Mynard. WILES FAMILY HOLDS ANNUAL RE UNION THURSDAY .Gather at Weeping: Water to Enjoy Day in Fraternal Visit of the Members of Family. From Friday's Dally. Yesterday at the city park at Weeping Water was held the annual reunion of the Wilt family, one of the largest in the county and which has contributed much to the making of the county and n;.ic in the years that they have resided here and in Mills county, Iowa. The day was ideal and there were 250 members of the family to respond to the notice of the meeting and to participate in the more usually pleasant occasion. One of the featured of the day was, of course, the fine picnic dinner serv ed in the pleasant shade of the park and which was certainly one of the most delightful that the family has enjoyed for years. During the course of the rfternoon a program was enjoyed, .short talks being given by Mayor Troy Davis of Weeping Water, who is one of the members of the family, as well as Mrs. Charles Finch of Kansas City, who is here visiting at the home of her father, Thomas Wiles and family. Other members of the family aided in the pleasant occasion with musi selections that adiled to pleasant- In the election of the officers it was decided u retain the present ones :n their positions, they b?ing Ray Wiles of Weeping Water, presi dent; Luke L. Wiles of Flattsmouth, secretary, and Thomas Wiles of Flattsmouth, treasurer. On voting the place of holding the! next year s meeting it was decided to have it at Flattsmouth where a large number of the family reside and the residents of this community will serve as the hosts for the com ing year. There were members of the family prcsent from Omaha, Nebraska City, yracure. f;ienwoo;i, and Tabor, la., and a large number from the cen tral portion of Cass county. CEITUARY OF MRS. MADSEN llrs. S. Fetor Hansen was a native, of Germany having been born at Fet-! erdor, Fehmarn. on March 26. 1S51.I and residing there for her girlhood days. She was married on July 7, 1S75. to Mr. Mndsen and in the land was joined a year later in 1S85 by Mrs. Madsen and the family have 'since made their home here in this j city. For the past fifteen years the departed lady has been a confirmed ! invalid and on Wednesday evening. August 23. at her home in this city, she departed the mortal life. The fu- ! neral services were held at the St. j 'Paul's Evangelical church on Satur- ! day, August 26th. and the body laid : to rest in Oak Hill cemetery. She , leaves besides her husband, five child Iren, namely: John of Luverne, Mm- vived by one sister. Mrs. Mathew Schoemann of Bloomfield, Nebraska. DIED AT COLORADO SPRINGS From Fridays Daliv. ' The announcement, was received here in a message from Omaha .that Ike Fearlinan, retired capitalist, and former Flattsmouth resident, died yesterday at Colorado Springs, where . e ana win, hoiu ui vc iU Omaha and one daughter who re sides in Sedalia, Missouri. The death will bring many re- 'rets from the old friends who know ithe family so well in their many jwas here and at that time his weak ened condition was very noticeable. In their hour of grief the family will receive the deep sympathy of the friends here. UNDERGOES OPERATION Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Streight of this city have received a message from their son, Harold Streight of Oelwein, la., announcing that his wife had been taken to the hospital in their home city for an operation for appendicitis and from which she was recovering very nicely. CLOSING UP A SHORTAGE IN B. & L. ACCOUNTS MEETING THIS AFTERNOON TO TAKE FINAL ACTION ON SETTLING SHORTAGE. From Friday's DalJj, The visit here last evening of Jas. E. Hart, secretary of Hie state bank ing board, was the occasion of a meeting to determine just what could be accomplished in the way of a set tlement of the affairs of the Living ston Loan Sr Building association, which has for several months been under the supervision of the state banking board as the result of the discovery of irregularities in the ac cotuits of the secretary, C. G. Fricke. The amount of the irregularities covers the amount of $70,000. and in order to save as much as possible to the stockholders and those who have made investments in the loan and building association, the officers have been noii.g all possible to secure a sottlement that would insure the eventual payment of all the investors rather than take the chances of a re ceivership that would result in the receiving of only a small part of the amount that the mon and women of this community have invested here. At a meeting held several months pgo the stockholders voted to allow the officers and directors to carry on the work in the hope that in a short tiiii" the affairs of the company could 1 e cleared up and the investors pro tected and as a pari of thi3 plan. Mr. F. E. Shlater was selected as secretary in succession to Mr. Fricke. Since the meeting, the presidnt, H. 21. Soennichsen. Mr. Schlater and the cirectors have been checking up the books and accounts and preparing to secure sis good a settlement as pos i iLle. The members of the board of di rectors and the officers have met with Mr. Fricke and his legal repre sentatives and the former secretary has placed at the disposal of the of ficers of the asociation, all his prop erty and business interests, consist-, Ing of his home and two other pieces ff residence property, his coal busi ness and book accounts as well as his interests in an Iowa farm and his stock in the building & loan as sociation and small funds in the bank o his credit, and to this the sum cf $12,000 has been raised from oth er sources to be applied by Mr. Fricke on the amount of the short age that has been discovered by the accountants of both the loan and building association and Mr. Fricke, to exist. The total of the amount that will be available to apply on a set tlement of the shortage will be $45, o0 end which results in preventing an entire loss to the investors. With this sum, which it is expect ed to have placed in the hands of the board of directors of the Livingston Loan x Building association, with the deeds and other papers trans ferring the property of Mr. Fricke, it will leave something like $30,000 to be made up from the profits of the association. It was stated that the result of se curing a settlement will be that the investors of the association will in a later time realize the full amount of their investment altho the short age will result in the certificates be ing set back for some time and the loss of interest for the holders, but it will ultimately result in every one getting back their investments. The officers of the Livingston Loan & Building association have been working hard to secure the best possible result for their friends and associates and it seems that if the present program is carried out that it will be the best possible result. The settlement will take every re source of the retiring secretary, Mr. Fricke. when it is transferred over to the building and loan association. DEMOCRATIC CHAIRMAN NAMES EXECUTIVE BODY Lincoln. Aug. 30. T. S. Allen, chairman of the democratic state cen tral committee, authorized-the state convention to name an executive com mittee of twenty-two, consisting of these fifteen men and seven women: J. S. McCarty, Lincoln; C. J. Camp bell, Lincoln; Arthur F. Mullen, Om aha; Mrs. H. J. Bailey, Omaha; E. A. Coufal. David City; J. R. Swain, Greeley: Mrs. Alice Brooke, Hast ings: Fred Ashton. Grand Island; Dr. Jennie Callfas. Omaha; John W. Cutright, Fremont: W. H. Smith, Seward; H. S. Dungan, Hastings; Mrs. C. S. Clayton, Lincoln; Lee Huff, Omaha; E. Placek, Wahoo; Mrs. Anna Gray Clark, Ogallala; W. M. Somerville. McCook; Miss Maude Gillespie, Rushville; I. J. Dunn, Omaha; M. H. Weiss. Hebron; W. J. McNichols, Lexington; Miss Edna Willis, Central City. MARRIED PI OMAHA Another couple of the young peo ple of this city have decided to take up life's journey as one in the fu ture, Mr. Verner Seydlitz and Miss Rebecca E. Marquett, both from Plattsmouth, being united in mar riage in Omaha on Thursday after- I rrnn Tho vnii n tr npnnlp n re wel 1 known here where they -have resid ed for a number of years. ENTERTAINED AT DINNER From Friday" Dally. Misses Dorothy Gray and Clara Brewster, head of Camp Brewster, near Omaha, arrived here this morn ing to enjoy a short visit at the E. H. Wescott home and this evening will be dinner guests at the home of Misses Grace and Virginia Beeson. The guests will be the girls who have been at Camp Brewster the past sea son, namely Ruth Shannon. Alice Louise and Helen Wescott, Virginia and Grace Beeson and Janet Bajeck. EASTERN STARS ACT AS ROSTESSES TO TKEIR FAMILIES Country Home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Perry the Scene of Most De lightful Gathering;. From Frlday'a Daily. Amid the pleasant surroundings of the Glen Ferry home, south of this city, was held last evening the picnic of the Order of the Eastern Star and for the occasion the ladies had as their guests, the members of their families to partake of the delightful treat prepared in the picnic dinner. The Perry home is one of the most attractive in Cass count- and the large lawn was found an ideal place in the pleasant evening for the gath ering of the Stars and their families. There was a delightful informal ity in evidence at the picnic that was appreciated by everyone and It was with real regret that the home going hour was reached and the pleasant gathering disbanded. TENNIS TOURNA MENTSARRANGED Tennis Club Prepares List of Matches that Will Mark the Handicap Tournament in City. The tennis fans of the city met last eveningr at . the office of James Kuykendall to arrange the plans for the forthcoming tennis tournament and a number of those who have been interested in the game were present. The following schedule of matches was arranged for the first round of the tourn&ment: Ray Larson-Jess Warga, Edgar Wescott-George Perry, Eugene Lis-ter-T. M. Patterson, L. Sprecher-E. C. Harris, Rev. H. G. McClusky-G. E. DeWolf, E. A. Fricke-E. H. Wes cott. E. A. Wurl drew a by; B. C. Doolan-Robert Walling, Alfred Cal-vert-John Brim, R. W. Knorr, a by; Hilt Martin-Leslie Niel, Estes Williams-Claire Hudson, Rev. John Calvert-James Kuykendall, R. P. West-over-R. G. Campbell, John Calvert, Jr.,-W. G. Kieck, George Fetring Harley Cecil. There will bo twenty-seven match es played and there are still two va cancies in the list of entries that can be filled and which the promoters are anxious to have some one enter in them. Those who desire to enter can call either Ray Larson or Rev. John Calvert. It is desired that the first games be all played by Wednesday and ci ther the Larson or Kuykendall courts can be used at any time that is con venient to the palyers. Ir1 The "Go-Getters!" ,Dj Nowadays the young man who pro vides himself with an education looks ahead, saves his money and shows per sistent and consistent determination to get ahead is called a "go-getter." "Go-getters" get an education and use it ; they earn money and save it ; they are hot on the trail of success and are bound to overtake it. This bank wel comes the accounts of "Go-getters," and takes a direct personal interest in every young man who wants to get ahead. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL AT HOWE PLATTSMOUTH Member MASONIC LOOSE GRAND MASTER DIES SUDDENLY Edward M. Wellman Unable to E . ' y From Operation Was Populn? With His Associates. Attorney Edward M. Well man. .' grand master of the grand lodir-v F. & A. M. in Nebraska and for years a resident of Omaha. Thursday afternoon at Paxion . morial hospital following an op v tion Thursday morning. Elected to his post us grand rr: - ter last June. Mr. Wellman wa i 21' J degree Mason, past master of -braska lodge No. 1 and a Kni''.t Templar. He also was a member the University and Happy Holl v clubs. Mr. Wellman was a native of Iowa, moving with his parents while still a boy to Scotia, Neb. He was married to Miss Ida Cook of Scotia. After graduating from the law school of Michigan university, he moved t Omaha, where he maintained law of fices in the Omaha National bank building. The family residence is at 2110 South Thirty-third street. Family of Four Besides his wile, Mr. Wellman Is survived by two sons. Phillip, 21. student at the University of Nebras ka, and Edward. 1C. Central hii;b school student; and a daughter. Mr?. Gene Vaughan. Mr. Wellman was held in especial ly high esteem by his associates and friends. "He was one of the squarest. fin est examples of moral and clean liv ing I ever knew," said Lewis E. Smith, deputy grand secretary of grand lodge A. F. & A. M.. who was grand master of the lodge w hen Mr. Wellman was deputy grand master. "No man of my acquaintance- ever was held in as high respect by all his acquaintances. He was of excep tional keenness and worth." Styled "Wonderful Man" Frank Wilcox, secretary of Ne braska lodge No. 1. described Mr. Wellman aB a wonderful man along all lines. "He went out of Lis way to do nets of kindness," said Mr. Wilcox. "Hla absolute squareness and sterling sharacter were known not only in Omaha, but through the state as well." FIVE ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF INTERFERING WITH MAILS Slater, Mo., Aug. 31. Five ar rests, the first In the western Mis souri district, for alleged interfer ence with the mails were made here by O. A. (Buck) Lindsay, deputy L'nited States marshal. The five men arrested, who latr were taken to Kansas City, were Leo F. Winkle, chairman of the fed erated shopcrafts in Slater; Barny Mayfield, chairman of the machin ists organization; J. W. NkhoN, striking machinist and picket; Em mett Toad, a stationary fireman, and E. L. Johnson, brakeman. As the men were boarding a train for Kansas City, Todd Is said to havi endeavored to act as go-between for Winkle and the shopmen by carry ing a message from Winkle to tl members of his craft. He was arrest ed and put on the train with tl: others. "NEBRASKA Federal Reserve 1 J)