The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1922, Image 1

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NO. 12
Joseph Fetzer on August 21. 1882,
Opened Shoe Repairing Shop
Now Has Fine Store.
From Mondays Dally.
It was just forty years ago today.
August 21, 1SS2. that Joseph Fetzer.
then a young man just recently ar
rived from Manitowoc, Wisconsin,
opened up a shoe repairing estab-
lishment in the building where the
present Wetenkamp block now stands
and today this same gentleman is
hend of one of the leading business
houses of the city the Fetzer Shoe
Mr.- Fetzer has with him in his
repair shop at the shoe store the
Eume bench that he started in busi
ness with and during the years that
have intervened from the starting of
the business venture thousands oi
dollars worth of work has been pass
ed from the bench.
Mr. Fetzer is one of the most high
ly esteemed residents of the city and
during his residence here has been
a worker in the development of the
interests of the city and his splendid '
business ability is reflected in the-urday and the double header yester
growth of the business that now oc-jday. and as the result the members
cupies one of the best store rooms of the team were able to fatten their
of the city with a fine line of foot-' batting averages to a great extent
wear and with which the repair de- , in the three game series,
partrnent is still operated. On Saturday afternoon the mem-
The firm has as one of its mem- bers of Co. L, the crack Omaha com
bers Henry F. Goos. who has long pany at the encampment, played the
been associated with Mr. Fetzer and local sand lotters with the result
is one of the best shoe stores in the that the Merchants triumphed over
eastern part of Nebraska. The long , the khaki clad ball tossers by the
period of years has made Mr. Fetzer -score of S to 3. Joe McCarty did the
a real pioneer in the business life ; pitching for the locals and Lieut,
cf the city and his establishment , Auxier. commanding Co. L. was on
ranks as one of the oldest in the the mound for the soldiers. The
city. ftrame was verv well played through
Two Members of Team Playing at
Union Have Supply of Booze
at Old Settlers' Picnic.
The Ramblers base ball team of,
: . r. 7 - . . . .
Picnic at l mon Saturday and dur-
ing their visit there met with some
decidedly bad luck a3 the result of
.1 3 1,. r : . . : , r s
in tuuueu wmuuuu ya. i, ui
state aeents. who were out shifting
, . ' . , :
i ,'. , s
ii'iani vreue ui hub ciiy,
ua.i j.iajer uau urneu iu
Lmon in two cars and were intend-
ing to enjoy an over night camping .
party but the festivities were rudely
terminated by the minions of Gus
Hyers and as the result two of the '
party are short some L'OU smacks.
One of the cars used was a fine
Cole owned by the Shanahan family ,
tnined no booze, while the Drive-It-Yourself
Ford was found to have
concealed in it a quart of liquor
composed of a decoction of corn
Juice, elderberry and grape, and
which it is el.iirud has a wonderful
kick fr surpassing the ordinary
brands cf home made hooch.
The p Trie? were all brought to
this city where t'iry were- given the
once over anl their stork confiscated
as well PS the car in which the
liouor was found. A complaint in
which war, charged possession of in-.11
tc,xica.tir.g liiuor was filed agrinst
John Gogjremos, and the charge of !
transporting the booe Egainst Jteve'
Shanghai! who was driving the Ford;
LaT-. , . ,
Mr. Shanahan is not addicted to
deposited bonds to cover the amount
of the fine in the case ?100 and
costs, and were allowed to return
From Monday's Patly.
The gas consumers were" decidedly
up against it this morning as the
result of a break in the gas main'
near ne piani unci 1"" u
hemic iiiiiK iu lutaic uuu a xrcin . ic
main was a six-inch one and the
break caused the gas all over the
city to be shut off until nearly 11
o'clock. The Journal linotype ma
chines were out of commission until
iuf i-'ji. .ij.-i.i u me iu..r, n near Torrington. Wvoming. on Sat
was f t? ted. but as the driver of the ' urdaJ. of a fine ei&ht and three
much. ne, he acquired an unpleasant pound baby boy.
prominence In the case. Both men 1 lt ,s ni tn av h9t r.r-nHr,,
noon as the result of the enforced eraj mjnutes
shut down or the gas, the gas being! An ambulance from the hospital
used in ti e melting pots of the ma- company was called and took the
chines and as a result the paper wasiguffering soldier to the camp, where
somewhat delayed. The employes ofjhe reCeived treatment and this morn
the light company put in some veryjlng was resting very easy consider
effective work when the break waSjlng. the severeness of the case. The
located and had the supply on in incident tPd to the circulation nf
time for the use of the householders
at the noon hour.
From Tuesday' raliy.
A fine seven pound boy made his
appearance yesterday at the, home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis in this city
and it is unnecessary to state that
the little one's advent has been the,
occasion of a great deal of delight)
to tne parents as well as the other! two ladies are now doing very nice
relatives of the little man. ly.
Fro.n Mop day's Dally.
Reports from the University hos
pital at Omaha state that Claude
Hickson, who was severely injured
a few days ago while digging a well
on the Thomas farm south of the
city, will lose the sight of his right
eye as the result of the accident. Mr
Hickson was descending the well at
the time of the accident and the
windlass broke letting him fall and
in doing so he struck on iron crow
bar a glancing blow and the bar in
flicted a very dangerous wound to
the eye that in the opinion of the
specialists will result in the loss of
the sight of the eye.
Defeat Co
L Saturday and Vinton
Street Express and Co. K
Teams on Sunday.
From Monday's Dally.
The Merchants base ball team of
this city enjoyed a three game vic-
torv bv the results of the game Sat-
out by both teams.
Yesterday afternoon the far-famed
Vinton Street Express team came
down from the state metropo
lis and tried to do business with the
hard hitting locals, but the result
was a slaughter of the helpless Om
aha ball players to the tune of 20
to 2. and the complete exhaustion of
I the locals in running the bases was
I all that prevented a larger score.
The game was going nicely until
the last half of the fourth, when the
locals unlimbered their war clubs
and started out to do business. In
this stanza the greater part of the
, I team batted around twice and Joe
i:ice. anv enjoyea me distinction oi
n g" twoJ h-jts in the one innins.
Frank Gradoville also added a to
sacker to his credit in this inning.
A total of nine Bcores wag made in
tins inning.
The fifth was almost as serious for
the visitors as the Merchants rolled
t , against the Omaha
h , f th battl lt wag
Qund ne p,attsmouth team had
fl eit;hteen hits off Gernet. the
thfui Omaha Ditcher. Feter Her-
- , . If th vitB nTW, Jntk
McCarthy four.
they leading the
feam ,n 'battin'ff
while Gradoville.
O'Donnell and Shepherd each added
two hits to their credit. The Yin
tons only secured four hits off Con
nors, who was in good form and had
excellent support.
In the game with Co. K, of the
134th. scheduled as the second part
of the double header, the locals were
easy winners by the score of 11 to
3. Christy did the tossing for the
soldiers and Mason for the locals.
. .
A message has been received here
Unnouncing the arrival at the home
r.f Air h tr Horror t
and Grandma Steinhauer and Grand
pa and Grandma Heneger at Weep
ing Water are feeling very highly
elated over the event. The friends
of the family here will join in wish
ing the little man a long and happy
life in the future years.
Monaay.. Da!ly
evening Elmer R
a member of hospital company No.
ISO, was taken quite ill on the streets
here as the result of having par
taken too freely of water melon and
was seized with severe cramps from
vhirh ht nfPrH ptch tlx fnr t,r-
false report on the streets that the
soldier had died, but such was not
the case.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday, Misses Ella and Gusta
Weiss, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Weiss, were operated on for
the removal of their tonsils and the
Elected Vice President of National
Park Bank of New York City
Formerly in Omaha.
The Cass county friends of Jay D.
Rising, well known here, where he
has been a frequent visitor, will be
pleased to learn of a new honor that
has come to this able financier in his
election on July 2Sth to the posi
tion of vice president of the National
Park bank of New York.
Mr. Rising was located at Omaha
for some time in 1918 and while
there was married to Miss Rachael
Livingston, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Liingston of this city,
and his advancement will be of much
pleasure to many friends of the fam
ily in this city.
Jay D. Rising was born in Rising
City, Neb.. July 15. 1871, and spent
his youth on the farm until 15 years
of age. He was graduated from the
David City high school in 1897 and
taught country school the followiug
winter. He later worked for several
months as a section hand for the
Northwestern railroad and in 1898
served as mail clerk on the Oregon
Shortline. running thru Nebraska,
Wyoming and eastern Oregon.
He entered the banking business
as assistant cashier of the First Na
tional bank of David City on July 1,
1898 and continued there for some
time, later serving as paying teller
at the National Rank of Commerce
of Kansas City. 1903-1907; cashier
of First National bank of Mishawaka
Ind., 1807-1908. Returned to Kansas
City as chief clerk of the Southwest
National bank 1909-1912. Elected
assistant secretary Commerce Trust
Co. of Kansas City 1912-1915. Ap
pointed by controller of the currency
as chief national bank examiner of
10th federal reserve' district with
headquarters at Kansas City, 1915
1918. Eleceted vice president of Live
Stock National bank of Omaha Janu
ary 1, 1918. Elected as assistant
-ashier National Park hank of New
York January 1. 1919, and rromoted
to assistant vice president on May 1,
1920. Elected as vice president on
July 2S, 1922. The National Park
bank has a combined capital and
surplus of $35,000,000, and deposits
of flfiO, 000,000 and is one of the
largest and strongest in the country.
Care of Men at Camp Barry in the
Hands of Hospital Co. 130, 1st
Unit of New Regiment.
Prom Monday's Daily.
One of the important units at
Camp Barry, east of this city, is
Hospital Co. 130. the first organized
unit of the new 110th medical reg
iment that has been assigned to the:
state of Nebraska.
This unit is motorized and has
five trucks with them and on the
camp ground there are six ward
tents to care for the sick of the
camp, but so far only ten men have
been treated at the hospital, which
shows the extremely healthy condi
tion of the camp. There are five of
ficers of the unit in camp and an en
listed personnelle of eighty men.
The unit is under the command of
Major A. D. Munger of Lincoln and
the other officers are Capt. Bruce A.
Pates. Capt. V. Y. Coulter. Capt.
George Covey and Capt. H. F. Morri
son. The medical regiment when re
cruited to war strength will consist
of 85 6 enlisted men, one Colonel, one
Lt. Col., 13 Majors and 53 Captains
and Lieutenants.
1 Vi oro txMII a omrnc Hi n unite f f
the regiment three hospital com
panies, three ambulance companies.
three sanitary companies, one vet
erinary company, one service com
pany and medical supply unit, and
one laboratory division.
The hospital company is very
proud of the showing made here and
are strong contenders for the Amer
ican Legion cup and if Major Mun
ger can be believed this company is
right in the running as to efficiency
and discipline.
The medical regiment that is be
ing formed is the outgrowth of the
experience gained in the world war.
and will replace to a large extent
the old system of field hospitals and
sanitary trains that were formerly
a part of the war time army. The
regiment will be a Nebraska unit
and so far the personnelle is all from
the city of Lincoln and vicinity and
a very efficient organization.
The members of the officers staff
are enjoying smokes today from Capt.
Bruce Pates, who has returned from
Lincoln where a fine eight pound
boy arrived at his home on Satur
day. Phone the Journal office when yon
are in need of job printing of any
kind. Best equipped shop in south
eastern Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ryan and
daughter of Scranton. Kansas, who
have been here for several days past
visiting at the home cf Mr. and Mrs.
William Morley, returned home Sat
urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan
were very much pleas 1 with Platts
mouth and Mr. Ryan is considering
seeking a location in this portion of
Nebraska as he regards it ns one of
the most attractive spots in the west
and the fact that thvy have a son
located in Omaha makes them think
very favorably of this section. Mrs.
Ryan is a sister of Mrs. Morley.
Mrs. Nancy Grimes Dies at Unicn at.
Ripe Old Ase of S3 Years
Came Here in 1SS5.
From Monday's Dally.
Yesterday aftemocn. Mrs. Nancy
M. Grimes passed away after an ill
ness of some duration and at the
ripe old age of eigr.'.y-eight years
and seven months.
Mrs. Grimes was the widow of
George- W. Grimes, on" of the early
settlers of Liberty precinct and has
since 1SG9 been a resident of Cass
county and a greater part of the
time living on the family homestead
northwest of Union. In the last few
years Mrs. Grimes h'is resided with
her daughter, Mrs. T. T. Smith, in
the village of Union and where her
death occurred.
Nancy M. Goddard was born in
Randolph county, Mo., February 10,
1S34, and there spent her childhood
days, and on June 15, 1S54, was
married in that county to George W.
Grimes. The. father of the deceased
lady was the victim cf the tctivities
of the bushwhackers in the Civil
war, as he was shot to death on his
own doorstep in February, 1SC5.
Shortly after this tragody in the
family. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes came to
Nebraska and in May, 15C5, settled
in McWHliams rre' Ctos coun
ty, where they resided until Septem
ber 20, 1869, when they moved to
Cass county and located near Union
where the old homestead still re
mains in the family. To the marriage
of Mr. and Mrs. Grimes there were
Lorn ten children, five of whom died
in infancy and five are left to mourn
the death of the mother, namely,
Mrs. T. T. Smith. Mrs. Flora Taylor,
Mrs. Annie Stein. Mrs. Louvina Com
er, all of near Union, and John Ed
ward Grimes, who resides in St.
The funeral services will be held
on Tuesday and conducted by the
Rev. W. A. Taylor and the interment
made at the Union cemetery beside
that of the husband, who preceded
the deceased in death a number of
From Monday's ra!ly.
The message was received yester
day at Union announcing the death
of W. N. Cheney, father of G. W.t
Cheney, one of the prominent resi-
dents of that place. The death of Mr. I
Cheney occurred at Minneapolis,
Kansas, where he has made his home
since removing from Ulysses, Neb., J
where he was on early settler. He:
was at the time of hi. death seventy-j
five years of age and leaves six child-i
ren to mourn his death. The funeral j
services will be held at the old home;
at Ulysses and to that city. Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Cheney and family de
parted today to attend the last sad
At the drawing Y.Ai at the K. S.
hall Saturday night to determine
who was the lucky person to draw
the Ford touring car of the late A.
Bezdek, and which had been raffled
off for the benefit of the family.
Charles Tilton, the taxi driver, was
the lucky man. There were 500
numbers sold and the drawing took
some time as there were 4 99 blanks
and one prize slip placed in the hat
and these were called alternately
with the numbers sold, requiring a
good deal of work on the part of the
committee in charge. It is needless
to say that Mr. Tilton is well pleas
ed over the result of the drawing.
Reports from the Immanuel hospi
tal this morning state that W. IL
Freese of this city, who has been,
there for the past week suffering!
from a serious attack of stomach.
trouble, is in very serious condition
and the children were all called to
his bedside this afternoon. The case
is such as to give but little hopes
of the recovery of the aged gentle
Miss Mable F. White of this city
has made the local American Legion
post a very acceptable gift in the
shape of an L. C. Smith typewriter
that the members of the post will
find most acceptable in their corres
pondence work and will add much to
the completeness of the club room
furnishings. '
Elmwood Filled With Members and
Democrats From Over County
to Hear C. W. Bryan.
The meeting of the democratic
county central committee at Elm
wood last Saturday afternoon was
one that was attended by a repre
sentation from all parts of the coun
ty of the members of the committee
as well as democrats in general to
indulge in the preparation of the
plans of the forthcoming campaign.
The mivting of the committee was
presided over by L. F. Langhorst,
coui.ty chairman, and the remainder
of the officers of the committee con
sisting of Mrs. E. II. Boyles, Elm
wnod. as secretary and J. A. Cap
well of Elmwood as treasurer, and
these will constitute the guiding
force c: the county organization for
the ensuing campaign.
The members were rather disap
pointed in the fact that John H.
Morehead. candidate for congress,
was unable to bo present, owing to
prior engagements in the southern
part of the district, but Charles W.
I'.ryan. candidate for governor, was
rt the meeting and gave a ringing
speech in opening the campaign in
the county and in which he attacked
the wasteful methods and the dupli
cation cf officers over the state un
der the code bill and which has caus-
d the loss of a great deal of the tax
payers' money in the last two years.
Mr. Bryan was given a great recep
tion by all who heard him and his
r.ilrlress was one that made a deep
impression on the audience.
All of the county candidates were
present at the meeting to partici
pate in the deliberations.
Prom Tuesday's Pany.
About half past twelve last night
the residents of the city were star
tled to see the southern skies illumi
nated by a lurid glare that portend
ed a fire and from the appearance it
seemed a very large one, but while
serious enough for the owner, proved
to be a. small garage at the home of
Pilas Green near the Columbian
The fire alarm was not given In
tin;3 to do much good as the build
ing was all ablaze when discovered
nnd the fire spread very rapidly, as
the structure was of frame construc
tion, covered with galvanized iron,
!:inl proved easy to burn.
The Ford sedan of Mr. Green that
was in the garage at the time was
destroyed in the rush of the flames,
::nd rs the car was not quite a year
old Mr. Green's lo?s will be quite a
heavy one.
How the fire started is unknown,
nlthough the family are of the opin
ion that it may have started from
the ensine of the car' in some man
ner. The loss will be keenly felt by
Mr. Green and will be quite costly.
Prom Tuesday's Dally.
The employes around the Burling
ton station have been decidedly un
lu ky today or else there has been
some slick fingered person operat
ing there as two of the men employ
ed there today lost their wallets and
money. Lester Burrows, the express
driver, had just received 550 from
R. W. Clement, the agent, consisting
of three $10 bills and four $5 bills
and placing a rubber around the
money he put it in a pocket in his
overalls until he could complete his
work and the next time he looked
the roll was not among fhoee pres
ent. He made a thorough search of
the platform in hopes that he might
have dropped the money but with
out avail. The second loss was dis
covered this noon when Cecil Tarks,
one of the switchmen, reached Into
his pocket to secure his wallet and
found that it had vanished as mys
teriously as the money of Mr. Bur
row's. Two cases in one day look
rather suspicious.
At the Immanuel hospital in Om
aha this morning Miss Helen, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Far
ley, was operated on for an afflic
tion of one of her knee3 and which
will necessitate her remaining at
the hospital for the coming ten days.
The operation is not of a serious na
ture however and the many friends
are hopeful for her speedy recovery.
We desire to express our appreci
ation for the excellent services that
the Plattsmouth fire department
gave in responding' to the call at our
home and for their efforts to check
the fire that caused the destruction
of the garage at our home. Mr. and
Mrs. Silas Green.
Your ad will carry punch if you
write it as a plain "seUing talk" in
stead of trying to fuss it up with
frills and ezageratiosj.
From Tuesday s Daily.
This morning an action entitled
Ralph E. Douci vs. Iva May Doud,
was filed in the office of the clerk
of th district court. In the petition
of the plaintiff it is stated that the
parties were married at Battle Creek,
Michigan. November 15. 1918, but
that in May 1919, the defendant left
the home of the plaintiff and has
since absented herself. The residence
of the defendant is given as Eaid,
Oklahoma, while the plaintiff is a
resident of Cass county, living south
of Plattsmouth.
Mrs. R. P. Westover Named Presi
dent and Miss Mae Murphy as
Treasurer for the Year.
Prom Tuesday's Dally.
Last evenins:. the members of the
Flattsmouth Woman's club held a
called meeting at the public librarj'
auditorium to take up the matter of
filling the vacancies in the office of
president and treasurer. Mrs. E. A.
Stanfield. who has been president,
has left the city for an extended visit
and made necessary the naming of a
successor and for this office Mrs. R.
P. Westover was named by the ladies
and Miss Mae Murphy for treasurer
was selected.
The first regular meeting of the
club will be held early in Septem
ber and at which a social gathering
will be held at the home of Mrs. P.
J. Flynn, being in the nature of a
club tea and general get-together
meeting for the commencemnt of the
year's work.
A great deal of interest was shown
by the large number of ladies in at
tendance and the prospects were for
a very delightful time at the first
meeting of the year.
From Tuesdays Ds.ur.
The train crew of 164, fast north
bound freight over the Missouri Pa
cific, last night reported that a
strange negro had been beaten up
by two companions along the line
between this city and La Platte and
the two men who did the work, it is
claimed, beat their way on into Om
aha and one of them is now lodged
in the jail there. The task now is to
discover the negro, as he has disap
peared and so far no trace has been
found of him. The negro was re
Xorted to have headed toward Platts
mouth, but no trace was found of
him here.
The old settlers' picnic and re
union was not as arid as might have
been expected, judging from the re
sult of the visitation of the state
agents there on Saturday afternoon.
William Kasper end Edgar Hikes,
who claim Nebraska City as their
residence, were nabbed by the state
men and found to have a small
amount of the cheerful drink that
has been tabooed by the Volstead
act and the gentlemen will be given
an opportunity of explaining to the
court the how and wherefore of the
The Nation's
Tbe Federal Reserve System is re
cognized today as conservatively repre
senting the banking strength of our na
tion. The total resources of member banks
which have already joined or been ad
mitted to the system comprise about 70f,c
of our country's total banking strength.
As a member of the Federal Reserve,
this bank offers your account here the
stability and prestige of the strongest fi
nancial organization in the world.
The First national Bank
Member Federal Reserve
Boxing; Matches as Well as Wrest
ling Match Draw Large Crowd
at Recreation Tent.
From Tuesday's Dblty.
Last evening the first athletic
show of the national guard eiuainp
meiir was held at the recreation t'nt
and a large crowd of the soldi'-rs as
well as a sprinkling of the residents
of the city were on hand to see the
fights and the mat artists work out.
In the wrestling match. O'Brien
and Williamson, both cf the Service
company of York, were the contend
ers and the first and only fall of the
match was secured by O'Brien.
Two of the Service company hus
kies, Goeble and Guilinger, weigh
ing 175, fought a three round draw
that was much enjoyed and showed
In the 140 pound boxing match
Weller of Co. M of Seward made Ran
dall Co G, Hastings, hear the birds
sing in the first round with a knock
out. Pvt. Perry. Service company, ami
Sgt. McCord Co. G, fought a very in
teresting three round draw with both
boys going good.
Pvt. rarnham of Co. M, scored a
technical knockout in the second
round over James H. Bear, local man.
being a 145 pound bout. The goinc
was fast and "Red" decided that two
rounds was enough.
The next athletic program will be
held on Thursday night at the tent.
Froit Tuesday's Dally.
Rev. H. G. McCluky, wife nnd
daughter, Catherine, who have been
enjoying a visit for some time in
Minnesota at Lake Minnetonka. re
turned home Saturday after a very
delightful outing. The family were
with relatives and enjoyed a cottar
on the. lake during their Btay that
gavf them the opportunity of being
right at the report all the time. They
are" all ' feeling gTeatly refreshed as
the result" of the outing.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Anson of Nor
folk are visiting here at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith and Mr.
Anson is taken to Omaha each morn
ing by auto to receive treatment
there of a specialist for his paralytic
stroke that lie recently suffered from.
Mr. Anson is in very serious condi
tion and it will require some long
course of treatment to give hira re
Yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Bates and Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bates
were at Florence where they visited
at the J. J. Smith home, the parents
of Mrs. T. B. Bates, and in the eve
ning Mrs. Bates departed for Minne
apolis where she will enjoy a few
weeks' visit there at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Guy French and family
and enjoy as well the e-oolness of the
Minnesota lake region.
The most exquisite line of birth
day and gift cards to be found any
where! At Journal office.
Banking Strength!