PAGE SEE PLATTSMOUTH SESH-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1922. oHars Vois Save Are as Important as the Dollars You Earn This Bargain Wednesday, August 16, 1922, is the Climax of Savings events. Farewell the blues Heres cheerful news! i - . ..i 1 1 , - .r . i." Ct3k KW: J? jj yrl f -r- Vll '-"y ffi,T j i. - m A 1 i sis) H Ml u ore for Your Effloney! You get more for your money when you buy a Copper-Clad. You get a range lined with pure sheet copper a range that will serve you long and well. You get a beautiful range one easy to keep clean. Come in Bargain Wednesday and see the Copper Clad. No obligation whatever to buy. Sestoi z Swate h i t; When You Euy Your Range Buy a Copper-Clad 9 eciais: a sack Sunkist flour $1.38 J5-!b R. N. M. scap, 1 i bars for. 50 Goblin toilet soap, 3 bars for. . .. .25 Sweet Heart toilet sonp, 3 bars for 25 Golden Age macaroni, 3 pkgs. for 25 Advo jell, per pkg 10 Crescent mapcline 30 Powcered surer, per lb 10 Baker's fresh grated cocoanut, per can 15 Pen Jell (makes jelly jell) 2 for .25 Oil sardines, per can C5 Mustard sardines, per can 10 Camel cigarettes, per pkg 15 And Pants! And Pants! and PANTS! Men's PALM KKACII PANTS, tans, browns, grays and white. Size 29 to 44. Bar- $095 gain -'day price J Men's wool mix CLOTH PANTS in assorted styles $095 and sizes,, at t'mm Men's fine DRESS PANTS In worsteds and serges. $95 Aborted " Men's kiki and gray WORK PANTS at $J70 Men's dress STRAW HATS in soft or stiff brim style. Asstd. sizes. Very' special at Asstd. $1 it X Men's fine all horsehide LEATHER GLOVES. Full back seam. Wrist or gauntlet style J Poys' WASH - KNICKERS in tan. brown and linen. Very well made. Sizes 0 to 16 Men's DARNPROOF SOX 6 pair in a box. Guaranteed to March 1, 1923. Colors black, brown, gray and blue. Per box. Fix Up the Boy for School! Hoys' wool mix KNICKER SUITS in latest models and fabrics. Ages 6 to 18. GO Wednesday at Boys' all wool KNICKER SUITS Very newest shades brown, gray and blue. All sizes. One day only One lot small sizes, ? to 5 years, in dark wool mix suits. Nobby styles. Choice Wednesday for $503 $7.95 $2.95 mm 3 W f 1 Men's fine lisle web DRESS SUSPENDERS Men's and Boys' BATHING SUITS. Latest style. Colors black, blue, ma roon and brown. Special QQ price Wednesday IO Men's white muslin NIGHT GOWNS. Mostly Brighton make. Sizes 15 and 16. . 37 HT GOWNS. make. Jjjj Ladies' slip-on RAIN COATS. Brok en sizes of lines to $10. $95 it at To close them out I Boys' dark blue BIB OVERALLS Fast color. Double suspenders. Full cut. Sizes 4 to li. I'rice vQtf Bartrain Wednesday I f Child's nainsook UNDERTOGS ad justable shoulder; buttons for out side pant and garter hold. CC Sizes 2 to 10 OD Men's black DRIVING GLOVES. Soft and pliable. Wednesday's $100 price, per pair A"-" Men's and Ladies' black AUTOMO BILE GLOVES. Gauntlets $195 to protect forearms A One lot Boys' fine dress BLOUSE WAISTS Light colors. Only two sizes, 11 and 12. Very M 0 snecial at BOYS' CAPS Assorted mixtures of brown, gray, blue and M r0 green. New style Boys' cotton SLEEPING SUITS in white madras. Neatly trimmed. Ages 15 and 16. Bargain QO0 Wednesday price j I Men's knit UNION SUITS in bal- briggan or rib. All sizes. ACtf Special at 49 95 Boys' WORK SHIRTS heavy cheviot material. All sizes at in good 73' Boys' knlcker SCHOOL PANTS. Neat mixtures. Ages 8 to 18. $145 Two lots, 91.95 and 1 " Boys' summer UNION SUITS Short sleeve, knee length. Ages OQi' 4 to 12. Price LaU Men's fine black and white stripe percale DRESS SHIRTS, with or without collar. All sizes. All brand new LITTLE MAJOR SUITS Made of best twill kiki. Indestructo buttons. Sizes 2 to 7. Bargain Wednesday price Best cabinet COAT HANGERS suit able for Men's or Women's garments. Each 98s Children's white WASH HATS at, each One lot Men's DRESS SHIRTS As sorted fancy stripes. Sizes V" to 17 Leatherette SUIT CASES Full size. 24-inch, steel frame. Color, dark brown n As- 951' size. $J39 Entire stock of KAYNEE WASH SUITS All kinds and sizes, in two lots to GO at J?1.9S QQ and fO Infants' fine black Milan STRAW TURBANS at 10" 35' 69 Men's black sateen SHOP CAPS at .9' Good, close twill COTTON NEL GLOVES. Knit wrist. Per pair FLAN- ...9" Men's fine gauge DRESS LISLE SOX. All shades. Bar gain day price 23 31 n MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS - One lot specially selected for Bargain Wednesday, compris ing plain and novelty fabrics. Most all sizes. $175 Specially priced at Afx One lot fine suits Blue serges and brown or gray mixtures. High grade tailoring. Nearly all sizes. A big $975 value Wednesday at ff" Men's black ribbed UNION SUITS. Fast dye. Sizes up to 40. QQ Bargain Wednesday price 0 A few Porosknit UNDER SHIRTS. Sizes 34 and 36. Bargain OC Wednesday price only 3 Children's ROMPERS In blue, gray, kiki or stripe. Ages from 77 2 to S. Price I Men's silk stripe WASH TIES Four-in-hand style. Special OOvi price, each Ladies' lisle and fibre STOCKINGS. No black or white. Price, M 0 ner nair " MEN'S BLUE BIB OVERALLS Clean-up from HEADLIGHT. FINCK, BUMPER, OSHKOSH, WABASH and SWEET ORR lines. Wonderful bargains that it will pay you to take advantage of. Sizes 31 to 44, inclusive. $149 Think of it. Bargain day price is only X 3fS Men's Fedora peanut STRAW HATS for dress wear. Note this fiQ special low price O J Men's slip-on RAIN COATS. Double surfaced. All sizes. Our $035 Bargain day price Boys' slip-on RAIN COATS. Double surfaced. Sizes 6 to 12. $195 Price, each A A BIG HAT SPECIAL ORK hats $45 AS 50 Men's WORK hats at, eacli 50 Men's DRESS 095 hats at, each f.O Men's FINE HATS 095 at, each J About 25 BOYS' HATS A rd to close at sssai STORE OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENING SHOP EARLY We scott s Soos No Approvals NO Refunds EVERYBODY'S STORE1 Lien's Genuine Palm Beach Suits Choice of Sfcro 0no Day, $10 THE FfifSOUS Vasssr Athletic-- Union Suiis Size? 34 to 50 Bargain Wednesday SPECIALS There are still two months of good old summer time, and many of the bargains listed below will just fit in. Every one is a real bargain and wearables always come in handy this summer or the next. Philip Oti aimers and Elders Lightweight rib Union Suits! Short sleeves, an kle length. Colors white and ecru. A rare bargain at 85 We have a few ioo.l shirts loft over from the "Let's Go" k;i1c, in siea from 14 to 17. Neck band and collar attachtd styles. French cuffs. To clean up Uarain Wednesday, TOtf they go at 31.49, 1)3 and V Broken sizes in Men'3 starch cuff shirts in ma terials that would make prices prohibitive were we to buy them today. Thoso are going- at 91.-1J), t3 and " Our complete stock of Paini Ueach pants, your choice at Choice of 35 styles of soft collars (Excepting webbing collars.) Some selling at OA 50c. Bargain Wednesday knockout CAJ Men's and Boys' knit and Bilk ties, them selling to $1.25. Very special at 19? and Many of ... 35" Your choice of wash ties. Quito special at 10" ?J93 Any Palm Beach suit in the house Many of them tailored by Kuppenheimer and selling as high as $24 thi: spring. These are p genuine bargains at XO n A few nice ones in tho darker shades are offered at A good fast blue, extra full cut work shirt on sale the one day only at ?l2so .,75c Two lots of broken sizes in Men's overalls. Good husky 2:20 denims. Full cut Si 20 and union made. $1.C5 and JL-" A real good work sock, light weight and no teams across the toe. Seven pair Bargain Wednesday for The nest of enps is getting smaller, but we still have some and they are bargains, OA0 too. Better buy an arm load. Each CAJ A genuine clean up of all Ladies' hose, except ing Holeproof. Note theso unusual prices: Full fashioned $3.50 values ?2.45 $3 values at l.5 $2 values at 1.30 All others at .95 These are not shopworn. All good new stock this spring. Do not pass up this opportunity. Any dress straw hat in stock at l2 Price, which means $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. School is but a month away. If your boy hasn't a year's supply of shirts and blouses you should take advantage' of these reductions. Tom Sawyer blouses are the best to be had. They are guaranteed fade proof and must give satisfaction. $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Today.. 85c l! 0 i 0 3C Bargain Wednesday Specials! Bungalow Aprons Light and dark patterns All sizes. Special price for the one day only, each 79c This Bargain Day more than ever you will be able to purchase merchandise at this store at very at tractive prices. Space forbids listing but a few here. Large white CUPS AND SAUCERS, fiirst quality. Our special price Wednesday, per set of six (C cups and six saucers Men's, Boys' Caps Suitable for Summer and Fall wear. Values to $2. Bargain Wednesday price 39c 0 0 Iry Goods! Ladies' union suits, all sizes. Special price Wednesday Ladies' mercerized lisle hose. Col ors, black and brown, at 36-inch percales. Choice of our entire stock at per yard Zephyr dress ginghams. Special price, per yard French tissue ginghams. Beau tiful patterns. Per yard, Men's Wear! rocenss: All our fancy voiles and batistes at, per yard Ladies' sun bonnets. Our special price for Wednesday Ladies' pure silk hose. Colors, nude, white and brown. Pair .49 .30 .19 .21 .59 .29 .39 J9 Men's 2:20 weight blue overalls on sale at, per pair Men's work shoes, good ones, at, per pair Men's dress sox, brown, .at, per pair. Men's kiki pants -Priced at 92.25 to. black and all sizes. 1.19 2.95 .19 1.65 .49 .20 Boys' School Suits and Extra Knee Pants on Sale at Very Attractive Prices Bring us your eggs. We pay the highest market prices at all times. Boys' unionsuits specially priced for Bargain Wednesday at Men's soft collars, union made. Special price for Wednesday Carnation brand milk. The tall cans. Price, each Butter Nut coffee. Price per lb., Bargain Wednesday Large glass mustard on sale Wednesday for Certo, regular size bottle. Spec ial price Wednesday P. & G. soap. Special, four bars for Bulk cocoa Rich and pure. Our special price, per lb Sweet corn. Regular 15c can on sale for only Early June peas. Special price, per can Blue Rose rice. Special price, per pound .39 .10 .29 .25 .10 .10 .15 .05 We Sell for Cash and Sell for Less! Phone 206 FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor Plattsmouth, Neb. DC C DC DC :3a