The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 03, 1922, Image 5

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Murray Department
5 Prepared it. the Inter-st of the People
BuiicSing Your Wealth!
A bank worhs for you night and day, week after week, adding
cents to your dollars. "Little by little the amounts grow till each
addition is a respectable sum.
Where does the tcain come from? Not from your pocket. Nor
from ours. It is the result cf production. Money placed in a bank
is given an opportunity to work and to produce.
Thus a bank BUILDS your wealth.
Start with a small deposit if you will. Add to it when you
cn regularly if you can do so. It will not be long till you can
fairly see it grow.
Murray State Bank
Open an Account with us today NOW!
Jchn Tigner of Union was a visi
tor in Murray for a lew days dur
ing the week.
C. F. Vallery of Plattsmouth was
looking after some business matters
in Murray last. Tuesday.
v. O. Hinkle was looking after
some- business matters in the auto
mobile line last Tuesday.
K. J. Ar.stin of Union was looking
aituT some buiutrss matters in llur
Xi.y l-st Tuesday afternoon.
Station Agent Joseph Staska with
the family "were visiting in Auburn
lao? Monday driving down in their
Messrs. J. P. Hall and Frank Baily
of Nebraska City were looking after
some business matters in Murray last
Mis. John Camp be-11 was a visitor
with her neice, Miss Elsie Taylor,
a 3
3 tm m
IS ii UC4j
11 SSBBep
There will he an Old Time Dance given at
Peterson's IMU Murray, Keb.
Saturday Kight, August 5th
A good time assured and excellent music furnished.
Cordial invitation to all to come and enjoy themselves.
Sosnnichssn'e Saturday Specials
The thrift of a truly good merchant is evidenced
by his c&iliiy to turn his stock of merchandise. To do
this, he must he able to give his customers quality mer
chandise at an honest margin of profit. Your dollars
will receive full value when spent over our counter.
4S-lb. sack Little Hatchet flour $1.93
A good four tie broom for 39
Labor Saver soap, 6 bars for -25
3 bars Palm Olive or.Creme Oil toilet soap 25
1 -lb. pkg. Ryzon bak. powder and $1 cook book. .39
Honest John black ground pepper, 4-oz. pkg 10
Three 1-Ib. pkgs. best corn starch 25
Three pkgs. Good Luck jar rubbers 25
10 lbs. Butternut coffee and cream pail 3.S5
Tvlonteco white sliced peaches, 3 cans for 1.00
Jack Spratt fancy apricots, 3 cans for 1.00
Jiffy Jell, all Havers, 3 pkgs 25
Assorted frosted and plain cookies, per lb 19
Two loaves GcJden Crust bread for 25
il'Jj" Fresh Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Cabbage, Apples, etc.
Everfast Suiting All colors of this popular cloth
offered Saturday at per yard, 38c.
Choice Ginghams We have placed in one big lot
some of our choicest ginghams for Saturday sale" at,
per yard, 19c.
Light Ground Percales 36-inch width. Checks,
plaids and? stripes. A real buy Saturday, per yard, 13c.
35 -inch Percale Shirtings priced much below their
replacement value. Saturday, per yard, 13c.
3S-inch Dimity Dot and floral designs. Big value
at our special Saturday price, per yd., 42c -
9-4 Sheeting Very good grade. Special price- per
yard for Saturday, 49c.
No. 12
m :t n n
pf Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
and .Mrs. E. W. Keedy last Monday
for the day.
Dr. G. II. Gilmore was looking af
ter some professional business at Un
ion last Monday, making the trip
with his auto.
J. E. Lancaster of near Mynard
was called to Murray last Tuesday
to lojk after some business matters
for a short time.
J. E. G ruber who has been assist
ing in the threshing with the ma
chine of P. A. Ilild concluded his
work on Wednesday.
Edmund Peterson sold and deliver
ed a rfding plow to Mr. J. J. Toman
last Tuesday which the latter will
use in his fall plowing.
R?y Howard, Frank Marler and
Andersen Lloyd were enjoying the
festivities at the Ak-Sar-Ben at Om
aha, last Monday evening.
& Ulli
Murray Nebraska
Geo. Reynolds from west of Platts
mouth was looking after some bus
iness matters in Murray for a short
time last Tuesday morning.
John Fitch of near Nehawka was
a visitor in Murray last Tuesday and
was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Lewis for a short time.
i Oscar Shrader and Lester Dill
! were attending the initiation of the
I Otoe and Cass county delegates at
I the Den at Omaha last Monday eve
! ning.
1 J. E. Hatchett was a visitor in
j Omaha last Sunday going to bring
I home with him a car for Mrs. W. L.
Kelly, who is stopping for the time
with Mrs. Hatchett.
Font I Wilson and W. II. Puis
were enjoying the festivities at Om
aha last Monday evening when
Otoe and Cass counties had their
evening at the "Den."
Frank Vallery, who has been in
the West for some weeks past, re
turned home last week and reports
cro; in the West looking fine and
everything looking properous.
. C. II. Boedeker and Ralph Ken
nedy are in the mornings putting a
roof on the west side of the barn of
Mr. Boedeker, it being so warm in
the afternoon that it is difficult to
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott who
have recently returned to Murray
ere pleased with the excellent bus
iness which is coming to their store
i.::d s!y they have no reason to be
AlDert Fgsxrs and wife and Leon
Egg ts and family all of Sprague,
were visiting for a few days at the
home of Grandma"Si hafer and A. J.
Schafer west of Murray and had an
excellent time while there.
Richard Well was a visitor in Om
aha last Sunday and visited with
Mrs. Wells who is getting along very
nicely and who the attending physi
cians say will be able to return home
by the latter portion of this week.
Or. last Saturday the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto P'. ha for was gladden
ed by the arrival of one of tin- sweet
est little baby girls that ever graced
a Nebraska home. All art' getting
along nicely and joy rcigr)5 supreme.
Mr. Doddi cf Onvzhr. who is a
lumberman of n:u h repute and also
a church Dil-'e scho 1 worker, was
in charge of the srrvi ;s at the Pres
byterian church in Isiuray lest Sun
day and delivered a very a!-l ad
dress. Mr. Shradcr. little son of
Mr. and Mrs. II. If. Shrader, has been
very tick at their hone with a very
persistent L:cr but. is reported as
being som- better just recently and
it is hoped he will soon be well
Worth Click was a visitor in Om
aha last TuesJcy milking the trip in
his auto, i;r.u going look over the
market who:- trc : idea of making
purchase of u carload of cattle ta be
fed on his farm a few miles from
W. G. Boedeker of the Murray
State Dank. Louis Halas, Walker
Gilmore ar.i Charles Sans made a
merry load o:" Murray young men
who were intending the initiations
at the "Den" at Omaha last Mon
day evening.
Mrs. Wm. Groat who has been at
the Clarkson hospital for some time
past where she h::s been receiving
treatment iin l a thorough clinic, re
turned home last Sunday and is rest
ing since her return and feeling
much improved.
Rev. Lee, Misses Helen Todd. Mar
garet Springier and Grace Lintner
were all attending the Young Peoples
convention of the Presbyterian
church which was held at Monmouth.
111., lor the past week and returned
home last Tuesday.
Marian, little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. I'crr Young, suffered a severe
cut on her knee when she foil, strik
ing a sharp piece of glass. The wound
was dressed and is doing very nice
ly now and is expected to be well
Egain in a short time.
Mrs. J. F. Brendel departed last
Tu-day aiternoon for Lincoln where
shf will visi for some time at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. Jamison of that place. Dr. J. F.
lireudel took her and their son Ric-h-?r.l
to Weeping Water to meet the
train last Tuesday afternoon.
Dr. J. W. Brendel who has been
at Rochester, Minn., where he has
beer taking a post graduate course
in surgery and also visitina: the old
home in Indiana for the past two
months, returned home and stopped
for a vfcit at the home of his par
ents in Murray last Thursday.
Mr. Joe Mrasek who was employ
ed to drive the car of Mrs. T. S.
Barrows to Dakota, returned with
thf car and was acc-ompaniod by Mrs.
Barrows, it being decided not to the car there after having got
ten there. They arrived home last
Wednesday and found some very
muddy roads on the return trip.
There was considerable joy at the
home or Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Ahrens
near Weeping Water last Sunday
night when the stork arrived and
prespnted the happy couple with one
of the finest little boys ever. The
son and the mother are doing nicely
while the father, well, you know
how it is with fathers. They think
they are walking on air. However, all
should be happy.
Henry C. Long who has been in
the West for some time returned home
last Tuesday and tells of good crops
in that portion but not as good as
good as those in Cass county. There
was a hail storm doing much dam
age only a few miles from his farm
'in the West and only a day before
his arrival. He was unable to get hi3
grain threshed but hopes to do so
eoon. He reports the grain is in good
shape and thinks he will get a mod-;
crate yield.
It WW of the readers of the
Journal kcoT- of any social
event or item of i uteres In
this Tlclnity. a.nd will mail
itme to this ofiw. it will ap
pear tmder thts tiadinp. We
want U newnl-a.s F.uitoh
Girls and Married Girls Meet
The band of girls and married
girts of Plattsmouth of which Mrs.
G. H. Gilmore and Miss Margie Walk
er are members were in convention
at Murray last Tuesday and were the
guests of Miss Maigie Walker, as
sisted by Mrs. Gilmore. Six o'clock
dinner was served und a delightful
time at cards was hr;l. Those pres
ent from out of t-wn being Mes
liumes Henry F. Goos, E. J. Richey,
Cko. O. Dovey, Hazel Dovey,
Mr.e Murphy, Anna Hassler, Minnie
Guthmanc, Amelia Martens of
Plalii. mouth. Mrs. Jay Brown of
Cleveland. Mrs. lone Belts and Mrs.
(',. H. Gilmore ami Miss Margie
Walker of Murray.
Pleased "with Settlement i
The adjuster':' o: the policies that'
were he'd ia the Mutual Insur
ance company were in town on last
Tuesday and ad jr..-led the loss of
Mrs. C. C. Carroll, v ho was insured
for S1.C00.00. allowing ber $S0O.O0
and saying that tiure was some al
ow;, nee for the fo.i.ier which was
rowin. ; on the gr-md. After hav
ing deducted the premium, which
w3t-. f:.Q, this lei.ves Jirs. Carroll
ome .."f'70 and she fcefT that it is a
.'oe.l settlement. j
Will Attend Funeral
I-'rs. G. W. Mc.'racken departed
nr Orient. Iowa, last Wednesday,
A-Li-re f-h.e was enllc d to at-end the of s-fcrotiier-in-law, who died
suddenly at Los Aarcles. Mrs. Chas.
-1. Meyers had bier, in poor health
.or Lome time, but it was not known
the end war so r.f r r. The remains
..ere skipped to Cr,r.t
arriving on
Wfcdutsdsy cf this v. eek.
Ladies Aid Will Meet
The Indies of the Christian church
v :i I meet at the Lome of Mr. William
Sporer at the farm home northeast of
he i'y on Wcdr.-.-day, August i.
.i; whic htime they will look after
the business matt-. :s of the society
r.nd also Lave an excellent time as
veil. They will present a worth
v.hii" program of which Mrs. A. A.
You: g wiii be the h-cder. Mrs. Snor-.-r
will b assited i:i the receiving
und entertaining of the members bv
Mrs. jankiiu
d Mrs. Ada
Farris who will assistant fcost
sser. A eordial invitation is exLend-
. (1 to all to come and enjoy the day.
Ave Visiting" in the West
La.-t. Tfiesdey morning Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Puis ami their daughter,
Laura, departed in the auto of
the latter, for tle Wet having in
mind a trip to Denver and will stop
for a visit with Mr. L. II. Puis and
.amiiy of Grant on the way. They
cxve--".i to he away for some time and
.viil enjoy th-;' outing and visit with
The School Onestion in Mnrray !
The matter of be'ter school facil-'
ities in Murray and its vicinity is
one whrh is causing much thought
at this time. There are abouty twenty
row who wish tj attend high school
nd as the fee i S3 per student this
will mk" some ?C0 per week or
i'2-4: per mouth and would figure
:ir ?2.ttG0 for the year. This not
our.ting the fact that the students ;
have to go elsewhere to stay to '
hoard and bo away from their homes. '
Tt. is thought thr.t probably a high
.-ihool comprising the Murray dis
trict and three cither adjacent misrht
h." a solution to the vexed question. '
The ppenses would care for the con-
Struct ion of an added necesary build-
ir.g r;id provide the teachers while,
the lower grades -could be taught
ir. the present buildings in Mhrray
and the other districts.
r a 'mT a -T-
The program for the Community,
neetirg at Murray, Neb., Aug. 5 at!
S:no . m:
Richrrd Frederick Violin Solo '
Ros M3i-y Frederick Sol i :
Kelcr.e perry Reading
Dorothy Todd Solo j
Gretcher Warner Piano Solo'
Creed Harris Address'
Miss Alt her. Stratten Solo
Miles Altmrn Violin Solo
Mr." Edna Marshall Eaton Solo
V B. Banning Address
May Wetenkamp Solo
Rev. .Tas. Lee. Mrs. Clifton Smith
Mrs. Sandin Reading
Mrs. Edna Mirshal) Eaton. Ray
mond Cnok Duet
Everybody cordially invited. Pro
gram to begin promptly at 8:30 p.
Setrrn From ?iisEcnri
Mr. and Mrs. George Ray returned
home from Missouri a few days ago,
where they had been attending the
funeral of Mrs. Montgomery, the
mother of Joe and Tom Montgom
ery, who were in this locality a num
ber of years ago, Joe having work
ed on the farm for Mr. Ray for three
ye-ars. and made many friends dur
ing bis stay here. The Montgomerys
reside near Quitman, Mo., and Mr.
and Mrs. Ray have made annual
trips to their horn? for a number of
years, and had grown to be very
warm friends, and the death of Mrs.
Montgomery was a severe shock to
Anples For Sale
Good cooking apples for sale, $1
Bushel. Sihert Young, Murray. Neb.
ron SALE
The Connolly farm, located just
east of Murray. Just the place for a
dairy and heg farm. There are 26
acres of good land, 3 acres in alfal
fa, 4 acres in sudan grass and re
mainder in good blue grass pasture,
with plenty of shade and running
water. Nearly all fence hog tight.
Good seven room house; barn ar
ranged for both horses and cows;
a new chicken house and a new hog
house. This is priced much below
what adjoining land has sold for
and is a snap for someone Posses
sion September 1st if desired. For
prices and terms see
We can furnish good pasture for
from thirty to forty he-ad of stock,
good for the the 'next sixty days.
J. B. Seyboldt, Murray, Nebraska.
League of Women Voters Ure De
feat of Hou:e Boll 62, Act
Amending; Primary Law.
Defeat of house roll C2, the act
passed by the J521 legislature
emending the state primary law, is
urged in a statement filed by the
League of Women Voters for Ne
braska in the secretary of state's of
oe. which will be printed at the ex-pem-o
of that organization as one
page in the reference pamphlet mail
ed out to 323. 000 voters.
The argument is signed by the
folhiwing officers of the league: Mrs..
C. G. Ryan, Grand Island, president;
Mrs. E. M. Barkley Lincoln. chair
man special toinaiittw on direct pri
mary; Mrs. C. II. Dietrich, Hastings,
regional director; Miss M. Gund,
The League's Argrument
.After quoting from an utterance
by Charles E. Hughes defending the
primary principles, the wemitn's pro
nouncement says:
"Women voter are opposed to this
att-.-mpt to cripple the primary be-'iiu.-.e
voting will Lc-OTe a meaning
less ceremony if the control of the
parties pases from the voters to the
parp' bosses.
"The Nebraska League of Women
Voters heartily endorse.; the position
of ike nntiorsl league, which opposes
any attempt to repeal state primary
laws and supports all efforts to make
nomination more representative of
:u?S;.os of the people.
"The outstanding features of this
bill, house roll No. 62, are:
"1, It abolishes the direct election
by voters of the delegates to their
county party conventions and re
stores the old caucus system.
"2. It abolishes the direct election
by the voters of the national com
mitteeman of each party and places
that power in the hands of the state
party conventions.
"3. It abolishes the direct election
by voters of the delegates to the na
tional party conventions which nom
inate the candidates for president
and vice president, and places that
power in the hands of the state par
ty conventions.
"4. It opens the way to the en
i ir-"r.ion: by the state party con
ventions of candidates in the pri
::uiries by providing that the state
party conventions shall be held be
ioiv the primpries and by repealing
that part cf the primary law which
prohibits the endorsement or con
demnation of candidates by the party
co-ivc- ntions.
"5. It deprives the women of Ne
braska of tiie legal right while they
now have cf equal representation
with, meu in party organfzation.
"Vote- 'no' on house roll No. 62."
Grandma Caygill is on the sick
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris spent
Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Hard way.
Harold Haith and Rula Jackman
were visitors in Weeping Water a
few dajs last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and family
spent Sunday at the home of John
and Myrtle Woods.
John and Mj'rtle Woods autoed to
Lincoln Sunday evening and brought
Mr. M. V. Woods home.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Gibson in Weeping Water.
Mrs. R. H. Lawton and three
grandchildren spent part of last
week visiting with relatives in Lin
coln. Theodore, Jr., and Pauline Miller
spent Sunday and Monday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mil
ler. Sr.
Mrs. A. M. Van Every returned
home Saturday evening where she
has been visiting with her daughter
and family.
Hannah, Jeanette and Lillian
Schrocder of University Place are
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. II. Gerbeling.
Mrs. A. M. Van Every left Tues
day morning for Dawson. Neb., where
she w ill visit with her daughter and
family, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jacobson.
Mrs. J. W. Jone.? and two sons of
Eagle, Mrs. Guy Capp and daughter
cf Lincoln spent Wednesday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bosworth.
A ball game was played in Avoca
Sunday afternoon. Wabash won, the
score being IS to 0. Come and see the
game at Cedar Creek Sunday, Aug.
6 th.
The Gerdcs boys enjoyed a visit
with their mother, sister and little
brother, Tuesday. They came on the
morning train and left on the eve
ning. Mrs. Theo. Miller was a passen
ger to Lincoln Thursday evening.
Mr. Miller went up Saturday eve
sing. They both returned Sunday
lilrs. S. A. Jackman left Wednes
-Both are Goodyear Cords-
Just as the All-Weather Tread Cord has come to be recog
nized as the cord tire of the hiphest quality, so the new Cross
Rib Cord pffers the greatest valne in its price class.
For prices as low as have been asked for cord tires of un
known quality we can furnish you iith the Goodyear Cross
Rib Cord which embodies these features
The exclusive Goodyear "Group-Ply Construction."
Long Staple Cotton.
Full 10 oversize.
LoDg-wcaring Cross-Rib semi-fiat tread.
Tread rubber extending from bead to bead.
vxv.v-y.. :
; vv
iu: a.
-4 v y
1 A. '
gjlTA- number of good
day evening for Rising City. Mr.'
Jackman left Sumh.y morning.. They
both returned Monday afternoon. ;
Mrs. Jaekman's brother, Harold, j
came back with them.
A fast game of ball was played i
here Sunday afternoon. The gnm-
was beween Sunnyside and Wa
bash. Wabash won by the score of
S to 7. A boy on each side got hurt.
It was the last half of the ninth in
ning when the boys ran together.
They boih were laid out.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bartyit and
family, Dr. and Mrs. Warfert and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith
and family of Lincoln, Leona and
Florence Meyer of Weeping Water,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Denning and
family, J. D. Gerbeling, Edd Kreck
low and Emil Bavers spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis and Mrs.
Ed S. Tutt of Murray were here to
tlay for a few hours attending to
some business.
Elank Books at tbe Journal Office.
W h
PR i
H I H I I i
Make Your uloney
in Cream!
Pasture and forage will furnish good feed for the
cows, and you can turn the same into profits by get
ting the best there is in the milk and cream. We
have the Lilly, Primrose and DeLaval Separtors, which
is a good paying proposition for any farmer with more
than two cows. See us for prices, and we will guar
antee to make you money with this machine.
Peterson H
E. L. PETERSON, Manager
li Surely Ippeosafe
The excellent business which hay-come to us, and arc
assured that it has been because of the very close prices
at which we have sold our merchandise and the cour
teous treatment which we have extended to the public.
Remember we are here to serve you to the best,
and are willing to do our best in this line.
The service store that serves the best.
ss Fistula-Pay Wben Cnrrf
ff r A mild mrfm f tratnBt that nrmm Flta
VlL Ftmul aa4 Utr iUcvaJ It '"
Chloroform. Etbar or other geoarai uiHihtM
X cur nirutMt In rry cut accaptad for treatment, ejul no xnooay ta aa
nUl cured. Write for bock on Rett&l Diatuxa. witn ut ana teeumieei
i Atn Tirnnm.Tir nnn w,n
B. TAJULT. Banavtecisra, Peter
" J. JC 4. JQtWUMi.
In -a hat ot'.r tire can
you expect to pet quality
Hke this for the prices
listed below?
Paricesof the New
Cro&s-Rib Cord
32xn u
'i m. A. A
C2x4 s.
-. r
u e) A O
St. Sit.e 19.
" '-T,. 15
" - " 2J.SO
" 31.45
" 39. lO
Muiray Gsrsge,
Murray, Nebraska
used Fords at Right Prices.
Mrs. A. M. Whiteford of Mauch
Chunk, Pe nil., who has been here
a guest of Mrs. William Schmidt
maun, departed this afternoon Tor
Omaha from where she will return
Lome. She was accompanied to the
metropolis by Mrs. Sohmidtmann.
We appreciate your co-operation
in helt'ag; us to publish all the live
news of the community. Call Ho. 6,
a ring.
Specialist on Swine and
Cattle Diseases
Will receive calls at resi
dence, Murray. PUone No. f0
-- m rir'
ardware Co
hB been truta neit ur CTirec
Treat Bide. tuAO. OMAHA,
MQml Bar. "