THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1922. PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL A New Tread a Lower Price Reliable Goodyear Quality Here is a new Goodyear Cord Tire a big, sturdy, long wearing tire that sells at a price lower than you are asked to pay for many "long discount" tires of unknown value. It has a different tread from the famous Goodyear All Weather Tread Cord a new tread with a deep, clean-cut, cog-like pattern and it sells for from 20 to 25 less. It has in it the same high-grade long-staple cotton, the same Goodyear patented group-ply construction, the same liber ally oversize dimensions. When you buy the 412-inch sire, for example, you get a tire whose actual measurement is nenrly 5 inches. Don't confuse this Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord with other popular-price cords which sell at the same price or for slightly mere. In many cases, these other cords are made of inferior mate rials, with short-staple cotton as a foundation. Get the tire that is good enough to carry the Goodyear name, that is built to safeguard the world-wide Goodyear reputation. Compare these prices wi:h NET prices yen are asked to pay for "long discount" tires 30 x 3S Clincher $13.50 32 x 4 Straight SiJe . .$25.45 33 x 1Z Straight Side . .$32.15 30 x Strht Side . . . 15.S5 33 x 4 Straight Side . . 26.80 34 x Straight Side 32.95 32 x 3 Straight Side . . 19.75 34 x 4 Straight Side . . 27.35 33x5 Straight Side . . 39.10 31x4 Straight Side . . 23.50 32 x Mi Straight Side . . 3 1.45 35 x 5 Straight Side . . 41.05 Thtse prices include manufacturer s excise tax Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord Tires are also made in 6, 7 and 8 inch sizes for trucks FOR SALE BY PLATTSMOUTH MOTOR CO Plattsmouth, Neb. MURRAY GARAGE Murray UNION AUTO CO Union PLANS FOR THE NATIONAL GUARD CAMP'AT RANGE SPECIAL TRAINS WILL CONVEY MEMBERS OF GUARD HERE ON AUGUST 14TH. TWO WEEKS' ENCAMPMENT Will be One of the Most Interesting Features of Summer With the Nebraska Soldiers Here. I ! ! 'I M 111 In Plattsmouth otor Co, Distributor of WILL CELEBRATE 86TH BIRTHDAY George W. Schrader Will Observe Passing of Another Milestone 7th, 1922. On August Goodyear Tires E. II. Wesrott was a visitor in Onialia today fur a f-v hours accom panying his son, I-Mgnr. and Lin ville Wile that far on their journey to Camp Sheldon. n'-;;r Columbus, where they will visit for a short time at the Y. M. C. A. camp now in operation there. I berod as Miss Eda Marquartlt, former ! county superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cod ic of Om aha were here yesterday for a few hours visiting with their friends in this city. Mrs. Cockle will he reinem- Edward Gradoville departed this morning for' Friend, Neb., where he will catch for the baseball team of that place today and tomorrow and will then return to Weeping Water for the game Friday. L. D. Ifiatt of Murray was in the city for a few hours today attending j to some business matters. Lower .interest Farm Loans! 51 ! on j The children relatives and friends of the venerable Geo. W. Schrader, living south of Plattsmouth where he has made his home for more than a half century, will celebrate with the pioneer of more than four score and a quarter years on August 6th, Sunday, his birthday anniversary be ing on August 7th, he having been born in 1S36. The celebration will be at the home of his daughter, Georgia, Mrs. Charles Creamer, and invitations are extended to Mr. J. D. Schrader of Maine, Robert Schrader of Murray, Alma Yardley, Mrs. Chas. Wolfe. Jennie Kllmm and Homer Schrader of Plattsmouth and Mrs. A. Rhoden of Murray and their fam ilies, Messrs. Z. W. Schrader, Joseph Schrader and their families of Xc hawka and their families, all neigh bors and friend3 of this man who Those who come please bring a sufficient lunch for the members of your party with a plate, cup, fork, spoon. The dinner will be served cafeteria style and a general picnic will be the event of the day. A worth while program will be had with a number of addresses by more or less prominent speakers, with music to enliven the occasion. If you did not get the opportunity to enjoy a Fourth of July celebra tion, come and participate with the excellent bunch of neighbors and friends. A cool shady lawn and plen ty of fresh water to drink and a gen eral good time. Remember the date and be here well in time for the din ner, August 6th, Sunday. The pres ence of all neighbors and friends and especially the members of the Masonic lodge are desired. If you are a Mason you are a neighbor and a friend. Perhaps you have a mortgage against your place. Maybe it is not due yet, but probably have an option or right to pay the loan in full when you pay the next interest. If you are paying more than 5Y2co now, don't wait for the loan to become due, but see me about a new loan before the next interest paying date. GEO. O. DOVEY Wo 54 ANOTHER NEW WAGON The New York bakery of C. L. Ilerger is installing another new wagon for the use of the growing business of this busy baking com pany and which will be known as service wagon No. 2. The wagon is of the Ford type and is very attrac tive in appearance, the lettering on the wagon having been placed by Frank Gobclman, the sign artist of the city, and the old buzz cart made all ready to start out on its work. The second wagon, it is understood. will be used in making deliveries of bread, cake, pies and other bake goods out in the different parts of the city. The first wagon is used in the country trade out over the county. The final details of the encamp ment of the Nebraska national guard have been completed and the troops that comprise the 134th infantry and the auxiliary units will begin to entrain at their home stations on August 14th for the two weeks' stay at the Plattsmouth rifle range. Agent R. W. Clement of the Bur lington has received the announce ment of the troop movements start ing on August. 14th and which will bring the whole of the national guard troops here for the two weeks. Companies from Mitchell, Scotts bluff. Seward, Fairmont, Beatrice, Lincoln, Gering, Hartington, Grand Island and York as well as the bat talion from Omaha will come over the Burlington while the Nebraska City and Auburn will be brought here over the Missouri Pacific. The water pipe lines are being laid to the range and the grounds made so that the troops will lind a proper camping place and with all the facilities of bathing and plenty of water for camp purposes. The camp will be one of the greatest of interest to those not familiar with army life and to the ones who did their bit in the army in the World war will be a renewal of other days. Camp rollirrg kitchens and all the usual trimmings of a temporary camp will be used in the., camp. During tluir stay here the young soldiers of the guard will be given a thorough working out in the drills and work on the range with rifles and machine guns to keep them in practice for any emergency that might call them to the colors. The city should arrange to see that all possible aid .nnd courtesy is extended the members of the guard while here and their stay in Platts mouth made as pleasant as possible. During the encampment there will be hundreds of visitors here to view the camp and to visit with the mem bers of the guard and witness their working out of the various military problems that are a part of the year ly encampment. RETURNS FROM NAVY AARV 6RAHAA BONNER. CiJf.bCH! I VttltU rV tAJTI UNION Tom Deitz, who has for the past three years been in the United States navy, returned home to thi3 city yes terday for a visit here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dietz, hav ing completed his term of service and was discharged at San Diego, Cal., on July 15th. Tom has been a greater part of the time on the tend er "Melville," vhich is a part of the Pacific fleet and looks after the care of the destroyers of the fleet. lie has put in a number of voyages to the , Canal Zone as well as to the west coast of South America while in the i service. BIRDS OF FREEDOM "As we know," commenced Daddy, "the Bald Eagles are the Birds of Freedom. They are the American na tional birds. "They live mostly along our Eastern coasts, though they fly over lakes and rivers, as well as coastlines. "It Is because they live everywhere, for one reason, that they are chosen as the American birds. "For if they were birds of just one little section or one kind of land it would not be nearly so suitable as it Is to have birds whose families are -willing to have their homes in more than one part of the land. "The head and neck and tail of the full-grown Bald Eagle is white. And it Is not until a Bald Eagle becomes of age that he ha,s these touches. "The rest of his plumage is brown and black, while liis bill and legs are yellow and the iris of his eye is yel low. "Then, too, there are occasional touches of white to the grown-up Eagle. "The young Eagles wear brownish black fuits, with spots for decorations. "Their beaks are black and their legs are yellow, and the iris of the young Eagle's eye Is brown. "During the second and third year they begin to show more white on the under parts of the tail, but still the tall Is of a blackish color. "It Is not until they are three years old that they're really grownup Bald Eagles, with all the fineries of the Bald Eagles. "Eagles are mostly to be seen in the spring and summer, but they have no very special time of the year for being around, which makes them nice birds to be chosen for American birds. "For it would not be so well to have birds that are around one time of the year and not another as our National Bird. "They can see great distances, and they watch the water iu the summer time for dead lish. This is their fa vorite kind of food, though they will always go for sheep or calves which huve been killed. 'They are very, very famous for their sight and, though I have told you this before, I like to tell It to you again. "For It is so nice to think that the American Bird of Freedom is the bird with the fine eyesight, who can see from afar end not simply the thing nearest his nose, or beak. "They can see fish three miles away, and when they haven't had good luck with their marketing they will wait to see what Mr. Fishhawk has been get ting for his dinner and will take It STATE CLU3 LEADER TO VISIT COUNTY IN AUGUST On August 8th and Oth. Miss Jes sie Greene, state club leader. Exten sion Service. College of Agriculture, will be in Cass county to help club leaders work up team demonstra tions, all over the state of Nebraska and will be able to give us some good assistance. Clubs wishing help in team demonstration wijite the Farm Bureau office at Weeping Water, and arrangements will be made for Miss Greene to visit your club. r3 V1 q SHOOTING ON RANGE There will be shooting on the rifle range commencing Friday morning and all parties are warned to keep, off the range and government prop- J erty as ir. is uangerous lor ire-spas sers. Daily Journal want-ads bring the buyers and sellers together. inn by the C. B. & Q. R. R. MECHANICS AND HELPERS FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS Machinists, boilermakers, blacksmiths, sheet metal and electrical workers, TO per hour. Helpers for these crafts, -17 per hour. Passenger car repairers and inspectors, 70 per hour. Freight car repairers and inspectors, G3' per hour. To replace men on strike against de cision of the United States Railroad Labor Eoard. Special attention given to training young men with or withouT experi ence in mechanical work. I Transportation, board and lodging free. Call on or write to Master Mechanic, C. B. & Q. R. R., Plattsmouth, Neb. "They Sit Up High." a way for him, for they are not very polite In that way. "They have never been taught any better. "Sometimes they will take live fish from the water, but not like the Os prey or Red-Shouldered Hawk or Barred Owl do, at any time at all. "The Eagles cannot capture diving fish as easily as these other birds. "Ducks can get away from them by diving, especially during the winter time. "Eagles screim, like seagulls, and they sit up in high pine trees. It is said that people seek out their nests, which they do not think is nice unless the people merely want to see their homes without doing any harm. "Sometimes they make noises which sound like little toy dogs barking. "Mr. Eagle has a high and clear voice, while Mrs. Eagle's voice Is nois ier and harsher, and sometimes she cau make such strange sounds that if you didn't kuow jou'd say: "'Is Mrs. Eagle crazy?' She had never been taught to lower her voice, I suppose. "But I think it is nice for us to know all we can about our own birds, and so I try to gather every bit of Eagle In formation I can," ended Daddy. DAY'S STRIKE DEVELOPMENTS The administration announc ed that it would support the United States railroad labor board in any emergency meas ure erected by law for handling the rail strike. The labor board adhered to its announced hands off policy in connection with the strike and members said no action was contemplated. Baltimore & Ohio railroad of ficials and representatives of shopmen in its employ met in an attempt to form a separate agreement. Executives of southwestern railways announced that these roads would not restore senior ity rights to striking shopmen. Martial law was declared at Denison, Tex., where infantry companies are asembling. Interstate commerce commis sion says emergency exists east of the Mississippi river on rail ways as first step by the gov ernment toward control of coal distribution. .John L. Lewis, head of the striking miners, declares that the "government's fantastic schemes" to reopen the coal mines had contributed toward a pending coal famine and re news invitations to operators to settle the strike by joint con ference. Kentucky troops are ordered out following alleged threats against non-union men at Fonda. 'LATTSMOUTH PICNIC 13 HELD IN OMAHA TUESDAY Former Residents of this City, Now Living in Omaha, Gather for a Day of Enjoyment. Yesterday at the Fontenelle park in Omaha was held the picnic of the former Plattsmouth people residing in Omaha and also a number of the friends from this city who gathered to enjoy the occasion. The beautiful park was an ideal spot for the gath ering and some seventy-live of those who once knew Plattsmouth as home, observed the day. It was ideal for the picnic from every standpoint and the event will long be remembered by those in attendance as the time was spent in relating the stories of the bygone years in the old town by the rivtr, and the inquiry after the friends of former days, some of whom have roamed to other parts of the world and others who have gone to come no more at the bid of old times sake. The picnic had been originat ed and planned by Mrs. C. A. Rich ey and Mrs. A. J. Jackson, at their homes in Omaha and getting in touch with the other former Plattsmouth people soon had the picnic proposi tion well under way. Among the former Plattsmouth people in at tendance were: C. D. Cummins and family, T. F. Wiles and family. Dr. W. B. Elster and wife, J. W. Gam ble and wife, G. W. Noble, Arthur Sturgis, wife and family; A. B. Zim merman and wife, Clyde and Gerald Drew and families. Milton Griffith nnd wife. Russell and wife, Herman Cline and wife. T. L.. Murphy, wife and family; Miss Lillian Murphy, Mrs. Charles Olson, II. R. Gering, A. .1. Jackson, wife nnd Mrs. A. J. istrcight, Carl Humphrey and fam ily, lion. u. 1J. unite anu wiie, j. II. Donnelly and wife, Samuel Pat terson and wife. Will Murdock and wife, Mrs. C. D. Eades, Ben Davis and wife, C. A. Richey and family. Mrs. Jesse L. Root. Mr. and Mrs. Kuppinger, Mrs. Peter Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Warwick Sanders, Mrs. Ed na Shildeler and family, C. E. Metz irer nntl fa mi I v. Mrs. Leslie Reed and dausrhter. Miss Irma Hunt. J. S. Hall land family. Among those attending j from Plattsmouth were: Mrs. W. J. Istreight and daughter, Mariel, Mrs. rT. C. Morgan, Misses Olive Gass and ' Lucy Arnold. Lose anything? Find anything! Try a Journal want-ad. "LET'S GO" IS SLOGAN FOR SALES EVENT TWENTY BUSINESS MEN OF CITY UNITE IN STAGING A COM MUNITY CLEARANCE. BIGGEST THING EVER OFFERED Full Details in Friday Night's Jour nal Saturday Opening Day of Feast of Bargains. RIDDLES What is the greatest of all riddles? Life ; because we must all give it up. Why can venison never be cheap? Because it is always deer (dear). When is a regiment like a painter? When it shows its colors. What letter of the alphabet is neces sary to a bootmaker? Z: because it is the last, Why is a boy with a sore throat like a pony? Because he is a little hoarse. Liberty Bond? ai Par Mean Lctvcr Interest Rates. Ycu Can Obtain 7 Mortgages for your money now. In vestors who delay will later accept 5 and 6 on their money otherwise invested. Buy Now 7 First Mortgage Bonds $1G0 SSCO $1,000 $2,000 AmtikdJi Security Company 13th and Dodge Sis. Omaha. Neb. E. P. LUTZ,S Agent Plattsmouth, - Nebraska The community clearance sale that eighteen of the progressive mer chants of the city are arranging for the week of July 29th to August 5th, promises to be one of the big gest events of its kind ever held in this part of the state and one that should be taken advantage of to the fullest extent. This event is to be known as the "Let's Go" sales, although from the merchant's standpoint it might more properly be termed "LET GO," for that it what they propose to do. It is equipped with self-starters of the rarest bargains in the line of sea sonable merchandise. The merchants are having their bills prepared for the sale and in the center of these bills will be. found the self starters that will open the eyes of the pros pective buyers. Among the starters are brooms for 29c, 20c hose for Sc, 15c handkerchiefs for a nickel. In gersoll watches for 98c, and on Wed nesday, August 2nd, there will be a special fresh meat offer that will prove a boon to the farmers who are buying supplies for the threshing days. On this day also there will be a band concert in the evening and the stores will be open until 9 p. m. Other self-starters to be featured are . Winchester screwdrivers, 10c, win ' dow and wall brushes, 4 9c, ice cream sundaes and sodas, 10c and many ' other bargains that will make the eyes of the purchasers open with surprise. It is not alone the "self-starters" that will give the people their full money's worth, but each of the stores will have all of their summer mer rhandise on the block at prices that cannot fail to move them at once. This clearance sale is to be a semi annual event, in July and January, and at which times the merchants of the city will make a real sacrifice of the goods that they have on hand and which will give the public the fullest advantage of the saving in price. There will be no entertain ment features aside from the band concert, and every penny saved in this way will go Into the bargains s that will be offered the public and enable them to buy what they need at prices within the reach of every one. Special features will be the offers on farm produce and here it might be remarked that this city has be come one of the best chicken mar kets in the state, as the prices offered each Thursday are 2c higher than the Omaha market and the chickens brought here have come from as far south as Auburn. Saturday, August 5th, will be Ford day when prizes will be offered to all Ford owners, the prizes being given for the largest number in a car coming the greatest distance, the largest number of ladies in a car, the greatest size of occupants jof one car, the largest family, con sisting of father, mother and child ren from out of the city, and the largest family in Plattsmouth. This sale it may be stated does not conflict in any way with the regu lar monthly Bargain Wednesday sales, which are events of selling merchandise especially purchased for the occasion, but this is the regular lines of merchandise placed on sale. Watch for the bills of the big "Let's Go" sale and get ready to be a winner by taking advantages of the offers made. M