The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 26, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, JUHE 26, 1922.
Am Hore to Soruo Vou!
Notwithstanding the interference by the fire fiend,
I am still here to give service to the farmer in supplying
their wants and needs in the line of farming machinery
and repairs. We have the agency for the International
line, including McCormick and Deering harvesting ma
chinery and the tillage machinery, including plows,
discs, cultivators and in fact anything in the farming
machinery line I can furnish you. Repairs for all and
any kind of farm utensils. I would1 like to give you
Phone 14-J.
Henry A. Guthman was a visitor
in riattsmouth last Sunday, driving
over in his auto.
Henry A. Tool, president of the
Hank of Murdock was a business vis
itor in Omaha last Thursday.
E. W. Thlmgan. the garage man,
was looking after some business mat
ters in Omaha last Thursday.
W. O. Gillespie was a visitor in
Omaha iast Saturday where he was
looking after some business for tlje
Messrs Matt and Victor Thimgahn
are now just finishing a new hollow
tile hog house for Mr. V. A. Mocken
haupt. Messrs Thimgahn have just com
pleted a large hollow tile hog house
at the home of Mr. Fred Tonack,
which is indeed a convenience and a
Last Thursday A. D. Zaar began
cutting his wheat, the first harvest
ing we "Lave heard of in the county
this year.
Anyone desiring a tile hog house
constructed will do well to see Matt
Thimgahn, who with his son Victor
are doing a larfige amount of work in
thst line.
Mr. H. W. Tool of the firm of Tool,
Naurcan & Murtey, was looking af
ter some business matters in Lincoln
last week.
Henry Heineman has just com
pleted the painting of the house of
Lawrence Rikli and will now go to
H. A. Guthman was a visitor in
Weeping Water last Wednesday at
tending a meeting of the bankers of
the county.
J. E. Mcllugh and family drove
over to Plattsmouth last Sunday,
where they visited for the day with
relatives and friends.
Charles Andrus of Lincoln and
wife were visiting at the home of
their sister, Mrs. E. K. Norton la3t
Saturday for a short time.
The Rev. I. Laipply was a visitor
in Omaha last week, where he was
both visiting with friends as well as
looking after some business.
Mrs. W. O. Schewe, who is in the
west on account of the illness of her
mother, writes that the mother is
showing some improvement.
( E. K. Norton and family were vis
iting for a short time last Monday
rence Wiseman of near Avoca.
Carl Schneider, who has been at
tending school at Concordia, Kansas,
for the past year, returned home on
last Monday and will spend the va
cation here.
Mrs. W. T. Weddell writes from
LeSeuer, Minn., that the weather Is
very delightful up there and she
with the children are 'enjoying It .as
well as the visit with relatives.
Walter Cole and wife of Weeping
Water" was a visitor in Murdock and
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. K. Norton last Thursday, and
were accompanied by Richard Cole.
Miss Naomi Coglizer, who has
been taking a vacation before going
to Omaha to work in a store, was
over last week and assisted in taking
stock at the Murdock Mercantile com
pany. Last Wednesday Messrs. L. Neitzel
and August Panska were visiting in
Omaha for the day, where Mr. Neitzel
purchased two fans for his store, one
of which he will have installed im
mediately. Mr. Paul Schewe has just com
pleted his corn cultivation and is
beginning the harvesting of some
fifty acres of wheat, which looks
nice and no doubt will produce a
good yield.
Mrs. Catherine Earhart was look
ing after some business matters in
Murdock last Thursday, making
preparations for vthe harvesting of
the wheat crop, which is ripening
very rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drake, of Om-
conversation and a most appetising
luncheon was served at the close of
a most pleasant evening.
Men Bound Together and Dragged
by Auto Over Rock Road Lie
x in Sun at Roadside.
Undergoes an Operation
Mrs. Wm. Knaupe, who has been
feeling far from the best for some Herrin, 111., June 22. Out in the
time past, under the advice of her road near the mine, six men tied
physician, went to Lincoln and en-. together and terribly mangled by
tered the St. Elizabeth hospital, bullets and clubs were lying in a
where she underwent an operation scorching sun while hundreds of men
for the removal of some gall stones, and women laughed at their pleas
which has been causing this lady for water, made in the name of God.
much rufferlng. Since the operation, ; One of the men, his face bloody
Mrs. Knaupe has been resting and and one shoulder shot away appar
fcopes are entertained that she may ently was within a few minutes of
rapidly recover. Her many friends death.
will be pleased to know of her rapid ; "Please, boys, give me a drink,"
he moaned.
. A laugh from the hundreds of spec
tators was the only reply.
The correspondent rushed to a
house for water and when he re
turned he was faced by a sword.
Entertain Their Friends
The Misses Esther ana Marie
Schmidt entertained their friends of .
V. "V mi n er ffT fl'c O Ol-noi o i n loot
Thursday at their home with a most U1Ckly draWD piSt!s aDd t0ld l
pleasant evening. The Misses Schmidt , fH.awaf," v
are members of the young peoples When the man begged again for
society and the young people surely Jfh Gf k- IJT
enjoyed the opportunity of meeUng!oma,,witfh a ba in h,er. rms
with these. two accomplished enter-! Pla.cecd .e.r foot on the wangled body
tainers. Amusements of a very(an,T.?aia- . . .. . , .
1,m. v,i hpfnPd thP ms. 1 see you in bell before you get
u f v v . - i r , ,,
riol fill 1l,T1Sl- )
i ne iua.ii aiiydrtuuy
ant evening and a
eon with ioe cream and cake added to
the delight of the gathering.
Sure Harvest is Here
A glance at the fields over the
aha, where Mr. Drake is employed in mitrv ..- te.n vou this bu, mor
!the Millard hotel., were visUing in ! convincing evidence is at h.nd in
in is iici.mi uuruoutf lasi Diiuuav auu
had been
dragged down a rock road behind an
automobile. Their clothes were torn
and pieces of gravel were imbedded
in their mangled flesh.
They Joke About the Killing
The correspondent accosted one of
the striking miners, and the folloy-
ms neisuBuriioua mm ouuuaj " the sales of the popular implement Ing conversation followed:
,ere guests ai me uome 01 jur. duu,man William Gehrts, who last week . "How man
Mrs. Paul Schewe.
Mrs. George Dalrymple was a visi
tor at Fairbury and points south of
there in Kansas and on her return,
was accompanied by the children,
who have been vi?iting at the grand-
, parents' for some time
many were killed?" the cor-
rold and delivered nine binders to respondent asked.
care for the magnificent crop of. "No one killed at all."
wheat, which will have to be rushed "Why, the dead are all over," the
along to get in ahead of the oats, i correspondent countered.
j which are making rapid strides to-; "We didn't kill them; they Just
iward3 maturity. -Among those who dropped dead from fright when we
'have thus far gotten binders are surrounded their camp."
jars, ioinb ocuniiui ueyirteu a iC , varren Richards. Wabash; William: The striker then asked whether
days ago for Ithica, where she is as-,Ilier Sr f Fred Lau Albert streich. the militia was coming here, adding:
J elating In caring for her father Mr .; Wm Knappe Gust Hempke and Emil . "if the militia comes down here that
! Herman Kraft, who is very "iiimrcs. Mr. Gehrts has been on the will mean just so many more guns
uis noma anu uu u urcu in nust:e many hours per day to get for us."
Condition for SOmetime. Itho maphinprv rendv fnr thf Plistn-I Tlio fip-ViHtio- fcaa noacort nnrt Ihn
Rumloy Oil Pull Tractors!
Trucks and Thrashing Machices and Grandtrue Plows
Our Tractors pull up to ten bottom plows with ease An
abundance of power for any work and can handle easily any
thrashing machine and have power left.
Women's Clubs Take Stand Concern
ing Varriance of Statutes in
the Different States.
Case Farming Machinery!
I have the agency for the full line of Case farming machin
ery. Such as Plows, Tractors, Threshing Machinery, Haying
Machinery and fn fact a full and complete line. We can fur
nish all kinds of repairs. See us, we will make it well worth
your, while,,., , .V
Phone No. 7-W Murdock, Neb.
H. A. Guthman and Henry Meier-,
He has -A. J.
Bauer, J. W. , only signs of the fight at the strip
piles of spent
jurgen maae an auio in? 10 uouz- KraKer and w. O. Gillespie assisting , mine are occasional
las ana wrKium, near uci e jui. cnttlno- the imn omonts nn ATr V niui? r-m,m ctriboro o to nn
Meierjurgen harsome land interests , Gehrt3 is keeping at the work as aii corners of Johnson City. Marion,
and was desinous of seeing how his manv hours as possible, and not-. West Frankfort and Herrin.
crops were getting along. 'withstanding the fact that he wasi in attacking the strip mine, this
There is some talk that there "'l" I much troubled with rheumatism all jmorning, the strikers surrounded it,
be a moving picture show inaugural-. the Ume , - w .over the of the h, h CQal
ed as a permanent fixture of the : v,-,,!, crmnn c,fQr.
I colliery in unison, and took the mine
amusement supply of Murdock. As
yet it is in consideration only, but
i CrOonirl A'Mif PrftwraTn
with some prospecof being given a Tlrt American Legion post over at .tnen .ere aiVlded 'among groups of
tn?,L v ,f Plattsmouth has arranged a splendid :striters and taken in different di-
H. A. Gutbman and wife with the 'boxing and wrestling show for Tues-
iboys. Joe. F. R. and daughter Jean-'dav evening of this week, bills of. 1
! nette went out to the home of W. O.j -which are on
Hlssnlav in Murdock. I
Schewe, the Pawnee stock farm, last Andy Schmader, the popular Louis-j
Wednesday evening for a swim in , vllle boxer will meet Jack McCarthy,
To the People of burdock and Vicinity:
When you buy Petroleum Products from us you are patro
nizing a strictly HOME CONCERN, not an eastern corporation.
We pay our taxes and spend our money in Cass county. Our
Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oils are a pure Pennsylva
nia product - every drop made from Pennsylvania crude and
shipped direct from Pennsylvania. We buy in car load lots,
thereby getting the rock bottom price. Remember Pennsyl
vania oils will not carbon your motor, will stand up under ter
rific heat and will wear longer. See our Mr. Schafer for sam
ples and prices.
tha lolra on1 on 1nvw1 1 mnct DTrpl. ' T Ion1 ArDtrnn ir n 4ftn.rnnnH
lent time. ibout while Andy's younger brother, Cn RY llRY Til
Ed-ward Guilstorff last week went George, a comer in-the welterweight UObU U I UI1 J O I U
to Omaha and brought home with class will meet'Cydone Woclsey of:
cylinder, for Henry Meierjurgen, ' windup. Joseph Smetana and Frank
which he has now ready for the har-piotzer, both of Plattsmouth, will
vect onrt throliinp- coasnn -u:hfh is fitrVit o real fi.rnn n A p-riirtfe fiirht for
just now knocking at our doors. JthV county seat championship in the Wet Congressman Charges Violation
Chautauqua, N. Y., June 21.
The runaway flapper marriages are
marked for death by representatives
of two million American women as
sembled here at the convention of
the federation of women's clubs.
Launching a drive for reform of
divorce and marriage laws, the con
vention leaders advocate:
1 Repeal of all 6tate marriage
and divorce statutes.
2 Passing of a federal law, gen
eral in its application.
This movement was started after
futile efforts to induce various states
to pass uniform laws were made.
Mrs. Genevieve Parkhurst, writer
on women's subjects, is here repre
senting supporters of the movement.
The proposed law which will be
presented to congress for action con
tains the following provisions:
No girl under eighteen or boy
under twenty-one can marry without
their parent's consent or that of
their guardian. Banns announcing
the intended marriage must be pub
lished two weeks before the cere
mony. Physicians' certificates as to
the mental and physical fitness of
both parties to the marriage must
be shown when the license is issued.
Divorces are to be allowed for
proved physical or mental cruelty,
desertion for a period of, one year or
more, proved infidelity and habitual
Only interlocutory decrees made
final after lapse of one year, are to
be granted.
Divorce cases would be heard be
hind closed doors and the testimony
never made public.
The mother would always be given
the custody of the children unless
proved unfit to take care of them.
The Home of the Soul
In olden tlms. it was believed
that the eeat of the soul was the
stomach, most likely for the reason
that a man is never so completely
used up as when his stomach Is out
of order. For the cure of ordinary
stomach troubles, there is nothing
quite so prompt and satisfactory it
Chamberlain's Tablets. They streng
then the 'stomach and enable It to
perform Its functions naturally. They
only cost a quarter. Weytich &. Had-
Washington. June 23. President
Harding, It became known today,
has issued invitations for another
dinner conference at the White house
next Thursday when it was believed
that the administration merchant
marine bill would be the uajor In
terest of the executive and his guests.
Invitations received today by the
president's guests were said to have
stated that those at the dinner would
include senators and representatives
having interests in merchant marine
and agricultural subjects.
Friends and neighbors have receiv
ed cards and letters from Mrs. J. C.
Peterson, who Is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Allie Berger, at Rochester,
N. Y., and all are- pleased to larn
that this genial old lady is well and
enjoying the time of her life while In
the east.
of Corrapt Practices Act by
Anti-Saloon League.
Washington, June 22. Declaring
that Wayne B. .Wheeler, general
out that way though rather badly inimanlv snort than this one promises
'need of rain. ! to be. With favorable weather, Mur-
Herman Thieman purchased a new ! dock will be well represented at the
big doings.
Harvest Time
Our dish stock is most complete and includes all
the correct dishes to be had. Deep bowls, plates, cups
and saucers. Glassware at unheard of prices.
Special Items in Fruit!
Gallon peaches, per gallon ........$ .75
Gallon plums .79
Galon pineapple 1.25
Gallon apricots 1.00
Gallon apples 79
Murdock Mercantile Co,
Murdock, Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. Rodenberg, of Enid, welterweight class. The second half
Oklahoma, parents of Mrs. William 'cf the double main event bill will be
Knaupe, arrived here last week for , the best-two-ouf-of-three falls wrest
an extended viBit at the home of lin; match between Frank Schmard
their daughter and many other rela-:er, tnother brother of Andy's, and
tives and friends of former years, ! Fred Moormeier the fast Cortland,
who reside in and near Murdock. j Nebraska, wresieJTi Choice seats to counsel for the anti-saloon league
John Gakeineier, who has been at the show, which. will be held in the "and the interests he controls" had
IDunning for some time where he is hig open sir arena at the Airdome expended from $100,000,000 to
j interested in the stock business with j theatre in Plattsmouth. are selling at 5150-000,000 to secure adoption of
iMrs. Charles Lau. returned for althe unusually low price of $2 which J the prohibition amendment, Repre
i short time to Murdock last week and (Is much less than fans pay In Omaha j sentative Tinkham, republican, of
reports things looking pretty nice; to witness a poorer exhibition of the ! Massachusetts, attacked the depart
ment or justice today in tne nouse
for failing to act against the league
under the corrupt practices act. j -
Mr. Tinkham's attack brought
from Representative Gallivan, demo
crat, Massachusetts, criticism of
Prohibition Commissioner Haynes for
the latter's stand regarding sale of
liquor on American ships at sea. In
refusing to act against such ships,
Mr. Gallivan declared, Mr. Haynes
made himself "particep criminis." j
Referring to the published reports
that representatives from eleven
states attending an anti-saloon
league meeting at Milwaukee had
promised their aid to Representative
Volstead of the Seventh Minnesota
district, and characterizing it as
"legislative bribery," Mr. Tinkham
"Here again we have the outrage-;
about which I have
nrotested. Here we have the anti-
saloon league, dependent upon the
power washer last Thursday evening
which he will use for the family
wash. Mr. Thieman has had a .power
machine for a number of years and
which has subserved its usefulness
and will be supplanted by the new
one just purchased.
During the past week, a movie
show has been giving exhibitions at
Murdock on the vacant lot between
Two Couples Married This Week
! During the week there were two
weddings of young people near Mur
dock, which was celebrated with
much pleasure by their friends and
acquaintances. The occasion was one
which was evidence of the great
tha ctnrp nt rtanei- j& Tv'mft onri h Q ; popularity of the young people as
of L. Neitzel. where they have had 1 evidenced by tile large number of
a good patronage and with the ex--friends in attendance. Mr. Hornett
cellent music furnished by the Boy I Schliefert. son of Mr. and Mrs. An
Scouts band, they have presented adrew Schliefert, was joined in mar
very nice attraction. Jriage with Miss Madgaline Reicke,
Last Surday Mr. and Mrs. E. K. and make tneir home near Ash"
Norton and the children went to I lan1' vhere Mr. Schliefert is en
uvenin"' Wator uhcro ti.. -,.i;tH gaged in farming. Their many
for the day. going to visit with i friend are extending congratulations ; ous situation
Grandma (Mrs. S. A.) Norton. moth-inna Dest wisnes,
! narer also loins.
turned from a six months' stav in 1 lMr- "wnaro- m:uoi, tv representative of the Seventh Min-
California, where she has been stay-' and Mrs- Wm - "vTendt. was also unit ed nesota district for its intended lur
ing with a brother and sister. Iln marriage-with-Miss Dora Jardine, ther restrictions of the personal lib
Max Dusterhoff and his workmen the accomplished daughter of Mr. ertjes of our people, proposing to pur
who have just completed workat the! and Mrs- Davld Jardine o4 iouis-; cnase ttat preferential treatment It
home of Messrs E. W. Thimgahn and.viue- ine groom is a yuunb jhas received heretofore by support-
Jess Thimgahn, are now working at!Iuanr sterling quaimes u
the homes of W. F. Rosenow and ; farmer who will make his ay in
Henry Deickman. They have a'the orld. This, young couple will
, number of other places to go ts soon.m?ke ir .m " in
'a thpv r,n t av f f,10. where Mr.'Wendt is engaged in
Color Harmony
at Home
o o o
with our new Wall Fea
tures; the soft richness
and depth of color in
our Mottles, Stipples,
Blends, only obtainable
through our system.
Ask us about it!
"Dmsterhoff Shops"
ing with money a campaign for the
re-election of Mr. Volstead."
Describing Uncle Sam as "the big
gest bootlegger of them all," Rep
resentative Gallivan asserted that
i places where they are working now. I farming:. The Journal joins withiUnder the Volstead act prohibition
- j thoir nunv friends in wishing for
days since for Seibert. Colorado, I his couple much joy. prosperity and
where Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hess have ' ueii,-u
recently moved from Burns. Kansas,
and where Mr. Hess is the agent for
i the Rock Island at this time. Mr.
Sewing Club to Meet Tuesday
r-i. fn Bhnrt PViita in Rpwine will
Moomey will visit with her daughter be hejd at the Murdock high school
and family' for some time, while building Tuesday. June 27th, at 1:30
"Dad" will look after the house-' m -
All ladies desirious of receiving in-
, keeping and work on the road.
Initiate New Member
officers were required to seize all
ships on which liquor is transported
or sold and arrest those in charge.
The jury in the case of Quin vs.
Olson disagreed Friday afternoon af
ter a day's deliberation, and was dis-
r,:i V 'V.'wtJ barged. Charles Quin of Twin. Falls.
"u"Z?:-- is suing Andrew Olaon of
A W K 1 LI K -
At the last meeting of the Royal invited to attend. Bring with you
j Neighbors, which occurred a few
aays since, among the other thing3
coming before them was the in
struction of Mrs. J. W. Kruger Into
the mysteries of the order.
the attachments that you have.
All parties indebted to the firm of
E. G. Dovey & Son are requested to
settle accounts immediately with W.
Kieck, in Coates block.
Surprise Their Friends
A large, number of thcyoung peo
ple, friends of Miss Meta Reickman ," G
gathered at her home last week and
gave this young 'lady a surnrise on I
her eighteenth birthdav. makintr the' 7kn v Trroi 7r'.m rfen mn nf ortisti t-tin.w TWin't nevl
; evening most pleasant for the sur-' fa d f job mvtiSg of anviyonr advtrtisin& or compose it hxa
'friends who gathered. . The evening kind. - Best equipped, ahop in south- Hedly if yon would get tne greatest
, was 'spent in games, music and social eastern Nebraska. value for the money yon. expend.
Weeping Water for J 10,000 damages
he suffered when Olson failed to car
ry out a contract of Bale with him.
Subsequent shrinkage of land values
in Cass county caused Quin a heavy
loss, he claims, and this he is trying
to recover from Olson. Lincoln
State Journal.
The best results are obtained from
the carefully written ad placed U
the printer's hands in time to permit
,of artistic st-up.w Don't neglect
Ul7e Are Headquarters
Harvester Oil Axle Grease Hard Oils
All Kinds of Motor Oil
Buick Prices
22-Four-34 Two passenger roadster $ 895
22-Four-35 Five passenger touring 935
22-Six -44 Three passenger roadster 1365
22-Four-36 Three passenger coupe 1295
22-Six -45 Five passenger touring 1395
22-Four-37 Five passenger sedan 1395
22-Six --49 Seven passenger touring 1585
22-Six -46 Three passenger coupe.. 1885
22-Six -48 Four passenger coupe. 2075
22-Six -47 Five passenger sedan 2165
22-Six -50 Seven passenger sedan..'... 2375
All Buidu F. 0. B. Flint, Michigan