Kebmka State Hlrttfi. cal Society VOL. NO. XXXV1IL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1922. NO. 93 LOCAL BALL TOSS ERS GRAB OFF ONE Merchants Win From Ramblers by Score of 6 to 2 in a Long Baseball Session. From Monday's Dany. Yesterday afternoon the Mer chants of this city copped the hon ors in a two hour struggle on the local lot from the Ramblers, reput ed as one of the fastest young teams of Omaha, by the score of 6 to 2. f The attendance at the game was j only fair as the good roads and the lures of the summer had evidently j proved too great tor tne ians ana drew them away from the exhibi tion of the national pastime. For the locals William Harvey Ma son was the selection for the box and was in the best of form with ten strike outs to his credit and was touched for only three hits, one of which was for a century, Shanahan, the sturdy young lad who was ramb ling around first sack for the Ramb lers, touched one of Eill's slow ones in the third inning for a drive over the right field fence but the hit did little damage as there was no one on base and only one run registered. Simpson, who did the tossing for the visitors has a reputation for his ovH c o iQ, irtkt Y.Mf TL-hirh excellence as a slab artist but which was badly dented after the close of the fray yesterday and while allow ing only three hits, he allowed a number of passes and a so added to iiitr iuuiumuu wiiii x .luujj. ui a grounder of Newman in the fifth. For the visitors Goggemoss, in the Tn n.horu-ir.iroh bright spot in their otherwise drab and listless playing, as this boy was able to snag eight long drives out in his locality that seemed certain for hits for the locals. The scoring in the game opened as soon as the locals took up the stick in the opening round and Pete Simpson and took his station at the initial bag and sacrificed by O'Don nell to second and was on his way to third when Harry Newman hit to shortstop with a hot grounder that the fielder attempted to throw out Herold with at the third sack but Lang and Pete regi reached second safely and was fol lowed by Shepherd who was "robbed of a good hit by Goggemoss in cen t" Vrrtrw ,Tt " T.f, and the ball was dropped by Nogard and "Hons- scored; Grometer closed the inning with a pop up to the catcher. Again in the fourth the Wolff eg-j gregation got busy in the run get- ting line and registered two more scores; Shepherd hit one so hard to center that the alert fielder could not handle it and roosted safe on first when the Emoke rolled away; Mc Carthy sacrificed him to second and was followed by Grometer, who was safe on an infield ball and on which QinHr ci-rr cil (1 rr mttpr crnrpd vhpn Connors rapped a safe one to left garden. During thi3 inning the visi tors pulled oS a number of wild throvrs that practically threw away the game for their team and added to the general confusion. Herold and O'Donnell were able to register in the fifth frame, Pete get ting on through the error of Kra lieck at second and O'Donnell walk ed; Newman rapped a hot to Simp son that he failed to handle and in the resultant mixup Pete registered and when Connors hit to left, Wil liam Patrick scored. With the home run of Shanahan In the third the visitors put one over In the sixth when Newman failed to handle the grounder of Vogel and allowing the runner first and on the hit of Goggemoss he scored. The box score: Plattsmonth A 6 H TO A E Herold. 2b 3 0 13 0 O'Donnell, lb 2 0 11 0 1 Newman. 3b 4 0 0 3 1 Shepherd, c 2 1 12 2 0 McCarthy. If 2 0 10 0 Grometer, ss 4 0 111 Connors, rf 4 110 0 Sprecker. cf 3 0 10 0 Mason, p 3 10 10 Totals 27 3 27 10 3 Ramblers AB H PO A Nick, ss 5 0 0 Lan, 3b 5 0 0 Shanahan. lb 4 19 Vogel. c 4 0 7 Goggemoss. cf 4 18 Kralieck, 2b 4 0 0 Nogard, If 4 11 Snyder, c 4 0 0 Simpson. P 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 Totals 37 3 24 9 DO GOOD WORK Following are the names of one pupil from each grade room who did the greatest number of hours of dnan up work from May 1 to May 22 in the Clean Up Campaign: Raymond Smith. Ona Craig. Ruth Finder, Fred Steger. Henry Donat. Thomas Svoboda, Earl Newton. Al vla Linhan. Robert Lee. Hubert Pi per. Dora Elecge. oeorge Kalasek, Gilbert Meisinger. Raphael Janda, Glenn McBride, Ernest Harris. Eu gene Snodgrass, Steffie Kostka, Rose Horsak, Russel Payne. Lost anything Ioulq anything Try a Journal ad. "They satisfy." GIVEN A REAL TRIMMING Prom Monday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon a base bail team composed of a number of the young men residing in the west por tion of the city, journeyed down to our neighboring suburb of Rock Bluffs and there did proceed to clean up on the unwary followers of the national sport by the decisive score of 21 to 1. Frank -Gradoville did the tossing for the Plattsmouth boys and was able to hold their hits few and far between, while the local bats men were able to land at will on their opponents. Frank Krejci did the receiving for the Plattsmouth team. PETITION FILED URGING SHERIFF QUINTON TO RUN Fifty-One Weeping Water Citizens File Petition Asking That Qninton Make Race. Prom Monday's Dally. This morning County Clerk Geo. R. Sayles received a petition signed "" i - V I dents of keeping Water asking that the name of Carrol D. Quinton, pres ent sheriff, be placed on the primary ballot as a candidate for the repub lican nomination to the office that hj? hfls fmed Bince 105 Tfae Hgt of signers comprises the leading busi i cess men and citizens of Weeping county there are several other local- ... o t nT.a ovniT,tr n i , ities that are expecting to file peti tions urging the sheriff to get Into figM for re-election tntJL??i Ar, 'If - " Sheriff Quinton has not as yet sig nified his intention of making the race but has five days in which to think over the matter that his friends out in the county have put up to him JJL P ' Sn"! Vll then make known whether or not he feels that he will make the race. Owing to the general expression from the political and personal friends over all sections of the coun ty it is quite probable that Sheriff will wionvirl 4 t k n(w and place the result up to the wishes of the voters. The only filing for the office so far has been that of Rex Young, the well le Pponent ,f .TJil1, 1L heS -lu" lu fcrL 1""uo" paign- flCATLI CIIMMflNQ ULF I 11 OUfflltlUllO MIKE STILES, AN OLD RESIDENT Passed Away Yesterday at Home in This City After Illness of Some Duration. Prom Monday s Daily Mike Stiles, one of the well known residents of the south portion of the city, passed away yesterday at his home following an illness of some duration and from which Mr. Stiles has been suffering for the last year altho it was not until last March that he was compelled to cease his activities and remain confined to his home the greater part of the time. Mr. Stiles was born in Chicago, 111.. October 8, 1860, and spent his early boyhood In that city and later came to Nebraska where he was mar ried in 1884 at Central City. The family came here twenty years ago when Mr. Stiles took up his work with the Burlington as bridge watch man and continued in that position until March 17th, last, when his failing health compelled him to lay aside his active duties. To mourn his death there remains the wife and three children, Orville M. Stiles of St. Joseph. Mo.. Marvin Stiles and Mrs. Orville Johnson, both of this city. PARMELE CASE TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT The preliminary hearing in the Parmele case was completed Satur day afternoon when the last of the evidence was offered by the State of Nebraska, and the case submitted without argument to Judge William Deles Dernier. - The defense offered a motion to strike out two of the counts in the complaint, one for the sum of $8,000 'and one for $4,000 for which the de i fendant was not responsible, under the testimony offered, the defendant's attorney contended, and which they asked the court to dismiss. The matter was taken under ad visement by the court and a decision promised by Wednesday or Thursday of this week. In the event of the court holding for the etate, the mat ter will be appealed to the district court as Mr. Parmele had entered a plea of not guilty to the charges of illegal borrowing of the bank funds, which were preferred against him. Although Journal want-ads coat out little the results they bring are ircvderfuL Try them. SPEEDERS GET INTO HANDS OF THE LAW South Omaha Joy Riders Draw Down Wrath of the Law Early San- day Morning for Racing. At a very early hour Sunday morn ing when the residents of the city were full in the enjoj-ment of their slumbers and resting nicely, a party of speeders from the south portion r: ' J, S . . visited the city and proceeded to at- tempt to turn the rough and rocky paving of Main street into a resemb- lance to the Ak-Sar-Ben race track, and with the result that Chief of; Police Barclay proceeded to visit on the two cars of the young men the wrath of the law and caused them to part with numerous dollars of the coin of the realm for their violation of the driving ordinances of the city. The young men made a settlement that would cover their fine and costs for the offense and after spending a short time in custody proceeded on their way rejoicing that their pen alty had been no more severe. The good weather and the in creasing improvement of the roads has led to the tourists coming out in increasing numbers and the bright moonlight nights an inducement to speed along the streets and highways, but the wise driver is one who jcuts down to regulation speed when in the city limits as it will save them the price of many gallons of the fluid that has made John D. famous. PAY TRIBUTE TO DE PARTED OF ORDER I. 0. 0. F. and Rebekahs Tender Tri bute to Their Great Order and Its Departed Members. From Monday's Da!l Yesterday was observed by the members of the I. O. O. F. and Re bekahs of this city as Memorial Sun day and the occasion fittingly car- rled out by the members of the or der gathering at the Christian church for worship and to join in the tribute, to the broth ers-ajid sis ters who come no more. The Rebekahs held a short ritu alistic service at the lodge room in the morning and following which the members of the two orders un der the escort of the Patriarchs Mil itant of Omaha, under command of General James H. Short, department commander, marched to the Chris tian church at Elm and Eighth streets where the Rev. A. G. Hollo well, the pastor, and also a member of the order gave the sermon of the day. In his remarks the pastor paid a tribute to the members of the or der, living and dead, and the foun dation principles of the great organ ization that has been brought to ex istence In this country. The' services were very beautiful and tbe impressive appearance oi the uniformed escort added much to lie beauty of the occasion. FRANK LIBERSHAL FILES FOR CO. CLERK Former Occupant of the Office Will! Seek Democratic Nomination at July Primary. One of the latest entries for the political Marathon on July 18th is that of Frank J. Libershal. former county clerk, who will submit his name to the wishes of the demo cratic voters at the primary as a candidate for the nomination for the office of county clerk. Mr. Libershal served as deputy county clerk in the office under D. C. Morgan and in 1913 was appointed as clerk and elected to the office in 1914 and 1916. At the election in 1918 Mr. Libershal was defeated by George R. Sayles, the present incumbent, and will once more try issues with Mr. Sayles, as there is no opponent so far against either gentleman for the party nomination Mr. Lihershal was one of the hard- est working of the county officials during his tenure in office and par- ticularly in the period of the war as the government of the United States! added much to their local work to this office. IN SERIOUS SHAPE From Monday's Dally Word was received last night from Crt Ker h2SP ? 2maha that it had been decided that an- hrniOPTr aRhn 2t nfnA?f,?ravy on Col. J. B. Seyboldt, of Murray, who has been at the hospital for the past few weeks and who is in yery serious condition. This is the third operation that Mr. Seyboldt has underwent and the result of the case is one that the family regard with much apprehension as the pa tient is etill quite weak and suffer- In? from th offerta of turn nri.vir.iia operations and the outcome of the Dr- H- c- Leopold of this city to . case is ree-arded as verv doubtful. day performed operations for the re- Mr a n int-r nf fhia oitv n do. iter, is at Omaha to remain with the Miss Joy Murdoch and Master John ; family until after the operation. Pje Murdoch. Jr.. of Kehawka, and Mrs. Omar Hoffman of Weeping Wa- I , , , , j Blank books at the Journal Office. VISITS MASONIC HOME From Monday's Daily. Yesterday a delegation of some fifty members of the Past Masters club of Lancaster lodge, No. 5, A. F. & A. M. of Lincoln, of which Wil Ham Baird of this city is one cf the leading members, visited this city and spent the day at the Nebraska Masonic Home. The delegation came with their lunches and enjoyed one of the most pleasant times of their lives in the viewing of the Home and visiting with the aged residents there. Each member of the Home re- present of a box of candy I from the visiting Jiasons ana tneir wag enjoyed by everyone at the , home from superintendent Evers Ljown " . THOMAS S, G. DABB ANSWERS LAST SUMMONS From Tuesday's tariy. . Passed Away Last Evening Follow ing Severe Fall Last Thursday and Stroke of Paralysis. Last evening at 9:30 Thomas C. Dabb, one of the old residents of the city, passed to his final reward fol lowing an illness of several days and which was preceded by a severe fall on last Thursday at the home in the west portion pf the city. On this occasion Mr. Dabb had been out in the yard and while walking around fell and suffered a concussion of the head and which was followed by a paralytic stroke that was so severe that little hopes of tbe recovery of the aged gentleman was entertained. He gradually grew worse until the death that occurred last evening. Thus, another of the men who have had an Important part in the early life of the city is called away and leaves the fast thining ranks of the pioneer - residents of the com munity. Mr. Dabb was a native of Cornwall. England, where he was born August 3. 183G, and when four teen years of age he came to Amer ica and on reaching his majority was admitted to citizenship in the j T-nitort stat and h?s since in his daily actions been vorthy of the splendid opportunities vuit this citi zenship brought and a firm and loy al supporter of his adopted country. While residing in the east he was married to Miss Ann Idwin at Eliza beth. New Jersey, and shortly after their wedding the young people started west to find a home, locat ing first at Mineral Point. Wiscon sin, and later moving to Parkers burg, Virginia, and then to Zaliski, Ohio, where they made their home for some time. It was while living in Ohio that Mr. Dabb met C. G. Green, now re siding in Lincoln, and who has been a lifelong friend, their families be ing neighbors in aliski. On May 4, 1874, Mr. Dabb. with Mr. Green, and a number of other residents xf their home town departed westward in search of a greater opportunity and a short time later arrived at Platts mouth where the two friends locat ed and brought their families here later to make their home. The Dabb family have since made their home here and for the last forty years have occupied the home at 13th and Main street where Mr. Dabb had erected a cozy and comfortable home and on which he has lavished his spare time in making an ideal home in every way. Several years ago Mr. Dabb parted with his old friend, Mr. Green, who has since removed to Lincoln and now resides there. To bless the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Dabb, eight children were born six of whom have preceded the fath er in death and the two surviving children are Mrs. Guy C. Moore of Seattle, Washington, and Mrs. Emily Morrison, who is at home and has assisted in the care of the aged fath er and mother in their declining years of life. There are also seven grandchildren as well as four great grandchildren to share in the sorrow that the passing of this good man has occasioned. Mr. Dabb has been a member of the Masonic order for the past forty five years and he will be laid to rest by this order in which he has been ; such a devout member. Religiously Mr. Dabb has been affiliated with the Methodist church for his lifetime and passed away firm in this faith. While a resident nere jur. uudu spent the greater period as an em- ploye of the Burlington in tne coacn shop and also had a large part in the construction of many of the fine residents here, erected in the period from 1880 on to the last few years. "IP a mba n -rt r crVT 1 1 A rl icTtrtC if inn Mr. Dabb was a gentleman held in the deepest affection by those who k P d in hig passing tbese old friends will feel keenly the . . . -ha w-o f a kind and loving husband and father is one in which they will receive the deepest sympathy Gf a large circle of waiTm friVnria arm Inenus- PERFORMS OPERATIONS From Monday's Da2T. moval of tonsils and adenoids from ,ter. all of the operations were very J successful. SEVERE STORM MUCH DAMAGE HERE LAST NIGHT Wind Driving at High Velocity Tears Limbs From Trees and En dangers Property. From Tuesdays Dairy. One of the most severe storms in the past two years broke over the city last evening following a day of the most intense humidity when the temperature rose to 106 in the shade and the storm while bringing a tem porary relief from the heat, did much damage over the city, none of which was severe, however. The clouds began to roll up in the northwest shortly after 5 o'clock and bj 9 o'clock the gathering storm sent the residents of the city scurry ing to their homes to avoid the threatening danger and there were few, other than the business men, on the strect when the storm reached its severest stage from 10 to 11:30. The greatest damage reported was in the destruction of the trees and there was not a section of the city that did not have a large array of broken down trees and limbs torn up by the storm and hurled over the streets and a menace to the safety of the persons who were on their way home when the storm broke. In the main portion of the city the driv ing wind threatened to break in the windows of the business houses on the south side of Main street and on the R. A. Eates building at Fifth and Main street, a large section of the tiling on the root" of the build ing was blown-off and onto tbe side walk on Fifth street, just missing striking Frank Dunbar who had left his home in the building, just a few reconds before and barely escaped the force of the heavy tiling. In the west portion of the city the storm seems to have been the most severe and large trees were snapped off and at the residence of Joseph Iladraba, the druggist, a limb from a large cottonwood tree narrowly missed crashing through the roof of the house and as it was. fell on the garden plot completely covering it. The limb was very large and heavy and a few feet fartner would have sent it " crashing through the roof. Fruit trees suffered severely from the hail that followed the wind and for a few moments the hail stones large as hens eggs pelted the trees and stripped them of their fruit and did a great deal of damage to all kinds of fruit, and peaches that were just forming were battered from the trees and there will be very few that will survive to tell the tale. South of the city the storm was not severe except for the wind and at Union a large plate glass store front in the M. WT. A. building was blown in and the wind laid low a large part of the wheat and other crops "in that localitj and the roads strewn with the remnants or tne trees and branches that had been blown down. One of the severest trials of the storm was the fact that the electric light lines were out of commission for. quite a time and made the travel on the streets dangerous and very uncomfortable and in the homes there was a frantic rush for candles. lamps or any other lighting device that might be found. The telephone lines were also af fected by the storm all over the coun ty and south of the city the electric light lines were blown down near the Ed Spangler farm. GIVE SHOWER IN HONOR OF MISS NOBLE LAST NITE I&esdames E. H. and C. C. Wescott and Daughters Helen and Alice Louise, Are Hostesses. ' From Tuesday's Dallv. Last evening "Sunnyside," the beautiful home of the Wescott fam ily, was the scene of a very pleasant gathering when Mrs. E. H. Wescott and daughter, Miss Helen and Mrs. C. C. Wescott and daughter, Miss Alice Louise, entertained in honor of Miss Golda Noble, whose marriage to Mr. Clarence L. Beal will be one of the social events the latter part of thi3 month. The occasion was in the nature of a miscellaneous shower and the time was spent very delightfully in visit ing with the bride-to-be and show ering her with the remembrances from her friends and associates. At a suitable hour very tempting refreshments added to the thorough ness of the enjoyable gathering. Those, attending were Misses Amelia Martens, Clara Weyrich, Helen Egenberger, Margaret Scotten, Mary Clark, Florence Balser, Math ilde Soennichsen, Sylvia and Fern Noble, Mesdames William Bell, Louis W. Ebinger, Robert Will, Ray Ful ler, R. P. Westover, Harry Beal, Ed ward Roman, James G. Mauzy, Will Heinrich, Christine Coughlin. E. C. Noble, A. R. Noble and E. J. Noble. Books! Books! Books! We have them till you cant lest, at the Jour- j nal Office. VERY BUSY TIME From Tuesday's Ualiy. The marriage license department of the office of the county judge has been doing overtime work in turning out the permits that would give the young seeking nuptial happiness an opportunity to realize their ambi tion. Yesterday Irvin L. Markland and Miss Milthilde Hetbner of Ne hawka. were granted a license. The bride to be is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Heebner, one of the well known residents of that portion of the county. Paul C. Sundell of Red Oak la., and Edna Zimmerman of this city, were also granted a license and married later in the day by the Rev. John Calvert at the Methodist parsonage. This morning a license was granted to Carl G. Bender of Madison, Nebraska, and Miss Mary Carr, Eagle. Miss Carr is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed, -Carr, one of the well known families of near Eagle. DOVEY ESTATE MATTER DRAWS TO A CLOSE State Supreme Court Affirms District Court in Action of Frank E. Schlater vs. E. G. Dovey. Krom Tuesdays Daily. One of the pieces of litigation that has been before the district and state supreme court a great deal in the last few years in that of the issues arising out of the claims of the heirs of the estate of Jane A. Dovey, de ceased, and against the estate of the late Edward G. Dovey, as represent ed by the firm of E. G. Dovey & Son. The state supreme court yesterday passed on the case of Frank E. Schla ter, administrator of the estate of Jane A. Dovey, deceased and repre senting the heirs, Edward Grosvenor Dovey and George O. Dovey, against the firm of E. G. Dovey & Son, and affirmed the judgment of the district court of Cass county and found for the heirs of the estate of Jane A. Dovey. The case dates back to the death of Mrs. Jane A. Dovey in this city in 1913, and at which time there was filed in the county court a will of fered as the last will and testament of the deceased lady and in which she willed her interest In the estate of her late husband, Edward G. Do vey, to her two grandsons, Edward Grosvenor Dovey and George O. Do vey, sons of H. N. Dovey, frer son. The case was fought in the lower court by the administrator of the estate of E. G. Dovey and the county court found judgment in the sum of $76,000 for the heirs of Jane A. Dovey and admitted the will and fix ing the share in the estate. On appeal to the district court the case was affirmed and appealed to the state supreme court and since that time the action has been fol lowed by a number of actions that have overshadowed the original cause of action and the original de cree and judgment modified. Frank E. Schlater, who was appointed as the administrator of th estate of Jane A. Dovey, has appeared in the case representing the heirs. After the long period of litigation the final decision of the state court seems to settle the matter and re moves from that tribunal one of the most noted legal battles that has been staged in this portion of the state. 111 vS vj; ! I Horc Farmers Should Use tl ! ,U - Mil I ore Farmers Should Use Safe Deposit Boxes! Any farmer who keeps money, in surance policies, notes, contracts, receipts or other valuable papers about the house is risking' the destruction of these valu able documents by fire or loss by theft. For $ 1 per year, you can rent a Safe Deposit box in our vault, where you know that your valuables are safe day and night year in and year out. Several good boxes for rent right now! First National Bank Member Federal Reserve TENDER SURPRISE RE GEPTIONTO RECTOR Congregation of St. John's Church K. of C. and C. D. of A. Greet Rev. H. F. Haukap. from Tuesday's Daily. Last evening at the Knights of Co- lumbus hall was held a most de lightful surprise- and reception in honor of the first anniversary of the ordination of the nev. H. F. Haukap. rector of St. John's Catholic church. The affair had been carefully plan ned by the members of the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Daugh ters of America, as a fitting observ ance of the anniversary of the en try of their rector into the priest hood and the completion of the course of study that entitled him to take up the work of the ministry of the church. Very quietly the plans had been matured and it was not for some time after the rector had been at the hall that he discoven-d the na ture of the pleasant event and the deep feeling of affection that had prompted the gathering. During the evening a very pleas ing program was given consisting of a piano solo by Clement Janda, a piano and violin duet by August Knoflicek and Mary Krooflicek. a vo cal number by Miss Genevieve Fin ney of Omaha, one of the most de lightful numbers on the program, and a piano number by Teresa Weber a3 well as a vocal solo by Frances Finney of Omaha and the formal pro gram closed with a piano number by Miss Knoflicek. At an appropriate time Rev. Ferdi nand Suesser, rector of the Holy Rosary church, arose and in a short and well chosen speech presented the guest of honor, Rev. Haukap, with a purse donated by the mem bers of the parish as a token of their gratitude for his zeal and earnes-t work in their behalf during his Mh in the city. It was with the greatest of emotion that Rev. Haukap re sponded at this touching tribute from his flock and expressing his feeling at the display of kindly re gard given. The ladies served very dainty re freshments at a suitable hour that a-dded much to the delights of the occasion and the members departed wishing that they might have many more pleasant opportunities of visit ing with Father Haukap. WORK ON MAM STREET STARTED THIS MORNING Vram Monday's Daily This afternoon the first work wan started on the project that will give Plattsmouth a real, modern and up-to-date Main street and one that will be a pride to the city, as well as much more cleanly than the present thoroughfare. A portion of the granite block pav ing on the lower portion of the street was taken up and the water company started in to place their old mains with new piping, and tbe whole system of the company on Main street will be replaced as rap idly as the work can be carried out and so that the water company will not have occasion to dig up the pav ing. As the Mater company pro gresses with its work, Mr. Coleman will follow up with the excavating for the new sewer. Journal want ads pay. Try them. m Mi