The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 27, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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i i
j Murray
reared io the Interest of the People of Murray aad Surrounding; Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If my of the r3frs or tee
Journal kuoy of any coci&l
event or item of interest, la
thla Ticiclty. end win mall
lime to toi" office, tt will air
pear under thin beading. w
want all newgltem Ekitob
week by the American Legion were
absorbed by the Murray people, be
ing S3 in number and besides many
j others were accommodated in other
! portions of the house. This is very
j nice of the Murray people and is al-
so appeciated by those giving the
! entertainment.
Gets Bash Payment $2,237.60
A check for $2,287.60 was handed George W.
Snyder last Tuesday, April 25th, by V. G. Boedeker,
agent for the
of Lincoln, Nebraska
The policy matured on April 24th, 1922, and he
received this as extra payment on the following day. He
also has paid up a policy of $5,000.00 on which he does
not have to pay, but on which he will receive a cash
dividend besides each year. The policy had the pay
ments which he made extended over twenty years and
were easy to carry.
This cash has come at a time in life when he can
have the use of the money to excellent advantage and
also has his policy for the full amount also paid up.
This is only one of the many excellent settlements which
this company offers on their policies.
The policy matured April 24th. Mr. Snyder was
handed his check in settlement by Mr. Boedeker the
following day.
See V. G. Boedeker regarding the many liberal
policies which the Bankers Life Insurance Company of
Lincoln writes.
was a visitor in Murray last Tues- i Young
i day looking after some business
mattprs for a shnrt time
I Messrs D. A Yrnine-. V R. Ynunz
and Guy White have been busy dur
ing the first portion of the week
building a fence at the home of Col.
; W. R. Young.
Charles M. Chriswisser passed
thru Murray last Tuesday morning
Son, constructed one of
the most modern of hog houses
which is built of hollow tile and has
concrete floors and with nineteen
compartments for sows and young
pigs and also storage for grain. The
place will be made more complete
by the installing of water piped to
every pen for the convenience of
the feeder and comfort of the stock.
!;with a load of sheep for the South ( The building was constructed by Mr
i Omaha market which he was truck-
El B
The Bank of Service
i . i
I rag io uraana.
i Henry Heebner who conducts the
j elevator at Cedar Creek for the Duff
; Grain company, was a visitor for
' over Sunday at Murray and a guest
at the Murray hotel,
j Mrs. Edward Gansemer of north
j west of Murray was a visitor in Om-
! ahn for th rlnv List Rnturrinv- where
Li ' she was a guest of friends and was
also doing some shopping.
Mr. Edmund Peterson was a busi
ness visitor at Gretna where he took
some goods and also visited at the
home of his brother, Mr. Paul Pet
erson, Jr., for a short time last Tues
day afternoon.
Mesws. Eusrene Roddy and A. W.
h Murray last Tuesday where they
; were looKing alter some Dusiness
j matters, they later going to Platts
: mouth where they had some busi
j nes as well.
j Because of a notice staying in this
! psper too long and being read by
some of the fun loving young peo
i pie of Murray they went to Nehaw-
ka last Friday evening and while
j they did not find a dance, they re
I port they had a good ride, anyway.
Dr. C. L. Taylor and wife were J
looking after some matters of busi
ness and also visiting with friends ;
ha for a few days last week. !
lor reports business in his
ng very good, he being busy
iightful place in which to live as j
well as a good business place. i
Mr.and Mrs. Carl Linge of Spring
field and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Dietz
of Omaha were called to Murray last
Tuesday for a short time, Mr. Dietz
having business here while the re
mainder of the party were visiting J
with friends. Mrs. Linge formerly!
being employed at the Murray hotel. j
Dr. D. F. Brendel accompanied j
Mrs. P. F. Brenner of Union to Om
aha where she was operated on at
the hospital for the removal of an
abcess. Reports from her bedside fol
lowing the operation tell of her hav
ing stood the ordeal nicely and was
feeling very well considering thej
seriousness of the operation.
It is reported that one of the bus- '
iness men of Murray who is said to j
be thinking pretty strong on weigh- j
ty subjects, . planted . bis. garden to;
potatoes one day last week and then ;
Time, 6 to 8:30 p. m. Place, Pres- forgetting it planted the same plot
byterian church. Murray, Neb. Come the following day. This is very good j
Come to the Presbyterian church land bring your friends. land considered a joke on him, but;
Saturday, April 29th. for supper! Jarvas Lancaster of near Mynard ! not so bad as the fellow who for-,
! got to plant ins at all.
I. ai. Davis ana wite ana ineir .
J. A. Scotten and his crew of work
men which is a guarantee of its ex
cellent construction that is worth
while. Go see this modern hog ho
tel. Later in the season Mr. Young
expects to rebuild his home also,
-vhich will also r.dd much to the
value and appearance as well as
comfort to the home.
Gave Mother a Surprise
Mrs. D. C. Rhoden whose birthday
happened on last Sunday went to
l Sunday school as is her wont and on
her return found that the children
i from the farm had come and taken
j possession of her home and prepared
j an excellent dinner in commemora
j tion of her birthday. The family en
! joyed the occasion and Mrs. Rhoden
while surprised also enjoyed the
dinner which she did not have to
prepare. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. D. C. Rhoden, Mr. and Mrs. A.
D. Rhoden and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Kelly Rhoden and their children.
Will Meet Slay 3rd
The Ladies Aid" society of the
Christian church will meet at the
home of Mrs. Charles Creamer on
May Crd at which time Mrs. Cream
er will be assisted by Mesdames
Walter jSans and Charles Reed as
hostesses. The ladies are expecting
to do some very good work at this
meeting and are inviting all the
members to be present and assist in
the work which shall come before
the meeting.
Murray Gives Loyal Support
One entire section of the seats at
the show which is being given this
The new May Red Bocks are now
on sale at the Journal office. Call
and secure your copy at once. The
new Hearst's, Motion Picture, Pho
toplay and Classics are also here.
Specialist on Swine and
Cattle Diseases
Will receive calls at resi
dence, Murray. Phone No. 50
1 1 in Omal
3 Dr. Tay
i line beii
Will Berger of Nebraska City was
ents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Berger of
Murray last Sunday.
Mr. W. G. Boedeker was looking
after some business matters at
Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon.
W. H. Puis and family were vis
iting and looking after some busi
ness matters at Omaha last Friday.
The W. M. S. will serve supper at
Murray Presbyterian church Satur
day, April 29th, from 6 to S:30 p.
served from 6 to 8:30 p. m. Price,
Wanted to buy: A "Mandy Lee"
incubator. I will come for it. Mrs.
F. E. Scott, Plattsmouth R. F. D.,
No. 1. a27-2sw
John Vantine and wife of Wyom
ing were visiting with friends and
relatives in Murray for a portion of
the week.
Don't forget the date, April 29th.
Big Offerings in Groceries
for Saturday!
Money Savers for the Careful Buyer
15 lbs. pure granulated sugar $1.00
7 lbs. 60-70 size prunes 1.03
16-oz. jars pure fruit strawberry preserves, 3 for. . 1.00
Shelby pork and beans, 18-oz. cans, 2 for 25
6 cans hominy for 53
3 cans J. M. sliced pineapple 1.00
6 cans 28-oz. tomatoes 1.00
A full quart jar sliced sweet pickles 35
2 pkgs- dates for 25
5-lb. cloth bag oatmeal for 25
Fancy Santos Peaberry coffee, reg. 35c value, lb.. .25
Ladies union suits, the Munsingwear brand. Cut
on lines to fit and give comfort to the wearer.
Sizes 34 to 40 buct-i $1.00
Ladies Valora brand union suits. A perfect fitting
garment necely made and a big value. Comes
in tight or loose knee. Sizes up to 40 75
Ladiss extra quality vests, 25c and .35
Men's Sealpack athletic unions, knee length, no
sleeve, made from fine count dimity check ma
terial, sizes 34 to 46 1.25
Men's "athletic style unions, full cut, perfect fit
ting. All the late features of this style garment
are contained in this suit. Sizes 34 to 46.' . . . 1.00
Men's Valora brand unions, closed crotch, elastic
ribbed; short sleeve, ankle length. A real
quality suit at a low price. Per suit 1.00
Boys' mesh union suits- Short sleeve, knee length.
A wonderful buy at this price. Per suit 50
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Garden Seeds
Seed Potatoes
oennichsen & Go,,
Telephone No. 12.
Murray, Nebraska.
daughter. Miss Lena, and Dr. T. V. j
i Davis of Lincoln were visiting at the
! home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Milbern
for a few days this week. Mr. Davis, :
while pretty well satisfied with Lin
I coin, thinks there are many worse 1
f places than the vicinity of Murray.
; He may be compelled to build a home !
; in Lincoln but as yet is not certain
i that he shall.
: Porch
Scotten a'nd James Gruber built a,j
porch at the Jack West place, the '4
property belonging to Mr. Scott.
These gentlemen are hustlers for
they constructed the porch which
extends across the entire south end
of the building and painted it in the
day. This will be an added comfort
to the occupants of the building and
patrons of the place.
Ships Two Cars to Market
I Last Monday evening Dwyer Todd
arrived in Murray for a short visit
accompanied by Mrs. Todd and their
little daughter. They have been vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
II. G. Todd since. They also shipped
two cars of cattle from their ranch
home near Ainsworth to the South
Omaha market which were looked
after on their arrival by Mr. H. G.
Are Separate Institutions
While the Murray Library Asso
ciation and the Murray Community,
club are both working for the up
building of Murray and vicinity they'
are separate institutions, though
many of the members are common '
to both organizations. They both ,
have bc?en doing some very excellent j
things for Murray, the library asso- !
ciation has purchased a lot and ,
building and is endeavoring to pay 1
for the same and keep the library!
going and arc meeting with a con-;
siderable success though they have
much yet to pay on their building. ;
The Murray Community club which
has a considerable talent in its mem-
bershfp of a dramatic character has'
given an excellent play but recently
for obtaining funds for their use and
have met with good success. The be
lief has beent current that they were
the same but the entertainments
were given for the purpose of secur
ing funds for the, use of the Com- !
munity club and not the library as- j
sociation. Both organizations are
working for the benefit of Murray '
and community but separately and 1
along slightly different lines, and
both are making commendable sue- T
cess. i
Are Now Better Prepared
Mr. L. W. Young, who has made
his home near Murrav for a lnnir
, -
j number or years and has farmed and
1 raised stock with success during the
years, has just now in company with
his son under the firm of L. W.
Building increases Wealth!
Every useful permanent building is an added
wealth to the property which it improves- We are pre
pared to furnish estimates on any building you may
need, be it large or small. Work only the best in all
cases. See us for what you may need.
3 m
Contractor and Builder
Murray, Nebraska
The Hurray Mly takers
t-- 'V
Dancing club will give a dance at Peterson's Hall, Friday
right, April 28th. Music furnished by the "Black and
White Melody Boys" of Plattsmouth. This will be the
opening dance. Come and be a member and help us,
so we can have a social dance every two weeks- Our
intention is to organize and elect the officers at this
meeting. Do not fail to ccme and bring your friends.
The larger the membership the larger will be the at
tendance and the more enjoyable the times we will have.
Sa9e of $ horouhbred
- We are offering for sale THOROUGHBRED LUMBER any day
and every day of the year. Everyone knows that THOROUGHBRED
LIVE STOCK is superior to common grade or scrub stock. The
THOROUGHBRED fattens more quickly, eats less and sells for more
money than the scrub stock. Eut did you ever stop to
Think of the Difference
between THOROUBHBRED LUMBER and scrub lumber? THOR
OUGHBRED lumber is well manufactured from the best logs, ut
from the largest, best matured, most majestic trees of the forest.
On the other hand scrub lumber is manufactured in any kind of a
one-horse mill from any kind of a log cut from any kind of a tree
or sapling that grows. The THOROUGHBRED LUMBER is well
seasoned, lays straight and answers the purpose for which it is in
tended, while the scrub may be seasoned and it may not, it may
lav straight and it may not, it may twist and warp, it may rot years
before the thoroughbred piece does. YOU CAN NEVER DEPEND
Occasionally we find a man to whom a board is a board and
nothing more. With him price is the only consideration and he
always buys at the bottom dollar. Because ne cannot see or think
very far ahead he never realizes that the scrub piece of lumber
bought for a few cents 1 piece less than the THOROUGHBRED piece
is really the moat expensive piece he could buy. Such men are of
course very few. If it was not for a few such men we would have
a hard time getting rid of our culls.
We buy only THOROUGHBRED LUMBER and we cull out of
that any pieces that do not measure up to our own idea of THOR
OUGHBRED LUMBER. It costs us more money to buy this class of
lumber than if we handled the scrub grades. But we continue to
buy THOROUGHBRED LUMBER because the big majority of our
customers appreciate TRUE VALUES and know that THE BEST IS
ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. And whenever some WISE GUY begins
to bark about how much cheaper he can buy lumber, they only
smile in a knowing way as much as, to say, "There is another one
of those cheap-guys who keeps himself always poor buying cheap
The next time you Imy lnmber be sure that you get THOR
OUGHBRED LUMBER. It gives satisfaction and lasts long after
price is forgotten.
arming & ftickles
fVSutray, Nebraska
You Will Sure Cct Thoroughbred Lumber.
Sera Urs the issoisl Prise
Just at the time when thy will do you the most
good, we are making a list cf special prices cn farming
implements. These will lart during the coming si::
weeks and will give all an opportunity to tcke advant
age of them. They are all reliable and firrt class goods.
Ccme examine and be convinced that they arc as we
International side delivery $ 75.00
?!cCorm:ck, 5-foot mower 70.00
Hcosier grain clril 1 120.00
John Deere stag plow 79.00
John Deere disc harrow 55.00
International disc harrow 55.00
John Deere 4-wheel lister 60.00
John Deere walking cultivator 2S.00
New Departure cultivators 20.00
Jenny Lind culti'atcrs 27 00
Case high lift gang plow DO. 00
John Deere truck wagon 55.00
Triumph wagon box 35.50
70 bushel John Deere spreader 13S.C0
International hay loader 80.00
P. and O. riding cultivator 43.00
P. and O. wide tread lister 85.00
P. and O. tractor plows 130.00
John Deere two row machine 72.00
Case two row machine 72.00
New Century cultivator 40.00
Overland cultivator 34.00
Van Brunt grain drill complete with grass seed
attachment 135 00
E. U. PETERSON, Manager
Rforray Cream Station
pays highest cash prices for Cream, Produce and
Poultry. Also sell Flour, Bran, Chop Feed, Calfmeal,
Tankage. Chick and Stock Feeds.
Murray, Nebraska
Worthwhile Specials!
2 cans corn $ .25
2 cans Early June peas 35
2 cans kraut 39
2 cans sliced peaches 25
2 cans apricots 25
2 cans hominy 20
2 cans pumpkin 35
2 cans pears .' 65
2 pkgs. post toasties 35
15-oz. jar jelly, 2 for 48
Pure strawberry jam, 2 jars for 29
Large sized cans tomatoes, 2 for 39
Smaller sized cans tomatoes, 2 for 25
Gallon peaches, per gallon 65
Salmon, 2 cans for -32
2 lbs. dry peaches for 65
Loganberries, per gallon 90
Bulk raisins, 2 lbs. for. . . 43
2 lbs. dry apricots -. 65
2 lbs. dry apples 55
2 lbs. dry peaches 50
C. W. soap, 21 bars for 1.00
Bulk pickles, 2 dozen for : 35
Bulk cocoanut, per lb 35
Best grade potatoes, per bushel $1.65
15 lbs. pure granulated sugar 1.00
Men's dress shirts with or without collars. .$1 to $1-45
Also full line of work shirts, size !4 to 19 1.00
We have a nice lot of ginghams and dress goods to
pick from. Come in and take a peek.
We have just received a shipment of children's
hose, sizes 5 to 9'2, at 15c and 20c a pair. Come in
and let us show them to you.
A Full Line of Straw HaU for Men, Women,
Boys, Girls and Little Folks
Wilson & Puis,
The Service Store
Murray, Nebra&ka
- if