The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 20, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
r-rxiared io the IntereM, f the People of Murray nd 8arroundinp Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
IT ut of relern of tfcr
Jouritii.1 Wnov Ot cy hocU.1
vent or iuwn -of lctervt in
tbiM TtoluJty. and will rnklJ
lune to tblit oftoe. It will d-pr-oiider
tills heittr.
wajrrt l) nwlwia-ifMroH
That is just what we are .making for our clients,
and we are watching with great care the times, as they
tell of the business which is being done and indicate the
Keep a deposit and you will have something for
the time and opportunity when you can profit by it.
ray Sfste linEx
The Bank of Service
J. L.. Smith was a visitor in Platts
mouth for a short time last week go
ing there on last Tuesday afternoon.
Edward Slocumb of near Mynard
was looking after some "business mat
ters In Murray last Tuesday morn
ing. Adolph Steinkamp of Manley was
looking after some business motters
in Hurray for a short time last Tues
day. John Sans -who purchased a cou
ple of lots in north Murray was busy
putting them to potatoes last Tues-daj-.
Jack Roddy of Omaha was looking
after some business, matters in Mur
ray last Tuesday having driven down
in his auto.
Mrs. LeRoy Jarvis of Plattsmouth
was a. -visitor at the home of ber par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Churchill
last Monday.
Grandpa Puis has not been feel
ing very well of late and while not
kept to the house was far from feel
ing the best.
Teter Meisinger of near Cedar
Creek was a visitor in Murray and
at the "home of his son Bals Meising
er last Tuesday.
Jack West, wa in Nebraska
City last Tuesday going to take a
load cf hogs to the live stock mar
ket at that place.
II. J. Kaufman of Plattsmouth and
representing the J. F. Wolff garage
TVs looking aftfr prune matters in
Murray last Tuesday.
While Mr. B. A. Root was looking
after the drug store, Mr. G. W. Mc
Cracken put in the time last Tues
day planting some strawberries.
W. C. Soennichsen of Plattrmouth
was locking after some matters of
business in Murray last Tuesday,
baving driven down in his car.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McCracken
were visiting and lolking after some
business in Plattsmouth last Satur
day making the trip via the bus.
S. II. Manners was a visitor in
Murray for a short time last Tues
day and was looking after some bus
iness matters foe a short time while
Col. W. E. Jenkins drove to Om
aha last Tuesday where he was both
looking after some business matters
and also visiting with friend3 for
the day.
Albert Cotner of Plattsmouth was
in Murray last Tuesday morning
locking aifter some business matters
for the Lincoln Telegraph and Tele
phone company.
Miss Dorothy Todd has been suf
fering quite severely from an attack
of pneumonia and during her illness
tas been nursed by Mrs. John Van
tino of Wyoming.
Wm. March and Joe Mrasek were
trimming some of the trees in the
yard where Mr. Mrasek lives as they
had grown so thick as to entirely
shade the ground.
J. H. Burton who has been spend
ing several -weeks at the home of his
son Vance Burton of Union, return
ed home last Friday and is now mak
ing his home here.
Mrs. Alma Yardley shelled and de
livered tho remainder of her last
year's corn crop to the Pitman ele
vator which brought the nice figure
of forty-seven cents per bushel.
W. J. Rau of Manley was a visi
tor in Murray for a short time and
a guest of W. G. Baedeker while on
his way to Plattsmouth where be
was looking after some business mat
ters. Iart Tuesday Font F. Wilson and
Jasper Queen planted a patch of po-
Specially Priced Bargains
for Saturday!
Which you cannot afford to pass up:
48-lb. Sack Pillsbury Best Flour, Saturday only $1.98
3 cans good hominy 29
2 cans extra good sweet corn 25
2 cans sifted June peas 35
2 large size cans kraut 39
Salmon, 8 cans tall pink for 1.C0
6 cans oil sardines 25
3 cans mustard sardines . . . .' 29
Bulk raisins, per pound 25
Balk macaroni, 3 pounds for 25
Bulk cocoa. 2 pounds for 25
Bulk oatmeal, per pound 05
3 packages corn flakes 25
A good four tie broom each 39
Dustless mop and one large 50c size bottle polish, all for 1.00
2 cans Velvet smoking tobacco '.. .25
3-lbs, Monarch Fancy Blend Coffee 1.00
3 bars Palm Olive soap . 25
20 bars Palm Olive Co.'s' Galvanic Soap 1.00
3 large rolls crepe toilet paper . .. .25
Gallon cans solid pack Loganberries 90
Gallon cans Pears, special Saturday only 65
Seeds and Seed Potatoes!
The Top Price Paid for Produce 4
Fresh Vegetables Fh Fruits
L i. Soennichsen & Co.,
Telephone No. 12.
Murray, Nebraska.
tatoes at the Missouri Pacific rigbt
of way between tthe two elevators
and will ndeavor to raise spuds this
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Bartlett and
their daughter Miss Florence were
guests at the home of the parents
cf Mr. Bartlett at Imogene, Iowa, last
Sunday driving over in their auto
for the day.
Wilbur Olson of the Plattsmouth
Produce company, was s, business
visitor in Murray last Tuesday com
ing down for a truck load of eggs
wtich he received from the firm of
Wilson & Puis.
Mrs. Robert Shrader- and daugh
ter. Miss Eleanor, of Omaha, were
guests at the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Long and with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Niekles last Sunday, all enjoy
ing the day finely.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mrasek were vis
iting in Omaha last Wednesday, they
driving up in a truck and on their
return brought home -with them a
number of repairs and some new
goods for the store.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore and W. G. Boe
deker were in attendance at the Ma
sonic lodge at Xehawka last Wed
cesday -when the two first degrees
in the Blue lodr were givn and had
a most enjoya'ble time.
, Earnest Buttery and Ray Herr
ing of Plattsmouth. who were tak
ir; a load of goods from the coun
ty ccat to Lincoln, stopped In Mur
ray for a short time to look after
souio busices last Friday.
Misr. Neva L.tta was a visitor in
Murray last Sunday coming on ac
count of the illness of her uncle, S.
G. Latta who was not feeling very
well. Uncle Latta is. however feel
ing much better than a short time
II. K. Tyree, who has been with
the Missouri Pacific as section work- i
er, has resigned "his position with
the company and last Tuesday mov
ed to the farm of Frank Vallery
where he will farm for the coming
- C. R. Hillyer and wife and Mr.
end Mrs. S. W. Fender al of Ogalalla J
were in Murray for a few days dur- j
ing the first part of the week look- j
ing after some business matters in i
this city havriig in mi-nd the pur-
chace of a business here. j
Nathan Watkins of Waterloo. Ia, :
and Joel Saunders of Nebraska City j
while passing near here in their car
suffered an injury by burning out
one of their connecting rods, which ;
earned them to have to lay up here
until they had the necessary repairs '
made. '
On -aecount-of the very nice busi- '
ness at the hardware store which, has 1
kept both the men folks busy out of
doors selling and delivering farm
machinery, Mrs. Joe Mrasel: had to
come down and look after the busi
ness at the store a portion of the
M. G. Churchill the harness and
slioemaker dealer, was a visitor in
Omaha last Tuesday and has just
completed two large pictures as per
order of his customers which aTe
very fine and are mountain scenery
and make a very beautiful tanging
for the walls which they are to dec
orate. Last Monday Dr. J. F. Brendel.
accompanied by Troy Shrader and J.
G. Wunderlich went to Omaha where
the former entered a hospital there
and on Tuesday underwent an op
eration for hernia, which proved
successful. Reports from the bedside
of Mr. Troy Shrader tell of his get
ting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wasson and
their little son Edward. Jr., cf Have
lock were the guests at the home of
Mrs. Wassonls parents' J. If. Hatch
ett and wife last Sunday and the;
genial host and hostess also enter- !
tained Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins
and children of Nebraska City, they
all ihaving an excellent time.
Miss Frances Moore, who is at
tending school at Lincoln was a
guest borne for over Sunday she :
coming to Murdock where she was j
met by her sister Miss Margaret
Moore, and her mother Mrs. W. F.
Moore in their auto. Miss Frances
was accompanied by her friend 1
Mrs. Frank Young of Lincoln, and ;
all spent the day at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Art Hanson a most enjoy
able time being had.
gain currency that the proceeds from
the show which was given at Union
is to go to the library for the Com
munity club -is retaining this tor
cuca cases as they deem best s they
earned theraoney ther feel that they
chould be allowed to say how it is
to be used.
fce the leader .on ttie program wMch
is to be & feature of the meetinc.
All membexs of the acoiety are urg
ed to be in attendance.
It Feeling Well Satisfied
Last Monday W. G. Boedeker re
ceived the papers incident to the ful
filling of a policy whicb. Dr. G. H.
Gilmore has been carrying in the Old
Line Backers' Life insurance com
pany of Lincoln which Mr. Gilmore
has been carrying for 13ie past twen
ty years, and which h has received
in payment back 1379.36. making
the insurance cost only 304.34 and
has a paid up "policy fox one thou
sand dollars for the remainder of his
life with dividends to be paid extra
as they fall due. The doctor thinks
l this as pretty good.
Ship a Car cf Cattle
Last Tuesday Geo. Ray and F. A.
Campbell brought a car of their feed
ing of cattle to Murray to ship to
Omaha and after having arrived here
Mr. Ray sold bis "portion, seventeen
head, to Robert Troop, who with Mr.
Campbell shipped them to the South
Omaha market they also going along
to see them sold on Ytlnesday.
Find a Good Market
Last Sunday evening Messrs. C. R.
Troop and W. O. Troop shipped four
car loads of catUe to the South Om
aha market which brought them a
very . nice price and as the cattle
were good and large animals they did
very well in their shipping and feeding.
Will Meet at Chas. Creamer's
The Ladies Aid society of the
Christian church will meet at their
nest regular session at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Creamer on
Wednesday May 3, at which time
thfy wil be jentertained by Mesdames
Charles Creamer and Walter Sans
r.s hostesses. Mrs. Perry Niekles will
Will Give Supper Saturday
The ladies of the Murray library
association will give a supper at the
Peterson ball on Saturday evening of
this week' for the benefit of the Mur
ray library association. There will
be plenty to eat and a most cordial
welcome is extended to all who care
to attend. Be sure and do not miss
lb is supper for you will be assisting
in a worthy cause as well as having
a most excellent time and getting a
good supper for less than it would
cost you at home.
J. Specialist on Swine and
Cattle Diseases
.f DR. 6. L. TAYLOR
s Veterinarian
J. Will receive calls at resi
. decce, Murray. Phone No. 50
Find Feeding Profitable
Messrs. Charles Chris wisser of Ne
hawka and T. J. Tilson living west
of Murray but a few miles, have
been feeding in partnership some
hogs and cattle and find the busi
ness has been very profitable. They
chipped two car loads of very fine
j steers to the South Omaha market
j last Tuesday which brougbt good
; prices and bave shipped a number
of cars before.
Gofd-Seal Congoleum
Tl "11 (Of S '
Congoleum Art Rugs possess so many desirable
features, aside from their economy, that every house
keeper is sure to find one or two places in her house
where this modern floor covering will demonstrate its
superiority over all other types of moderate priced floor
covering, t, .
Among the many exclusive patterns you are sure
to find justthe rug for any room- be it living room,
dining room, bedroom, kitchen or porch.
18 inches by 27 inches $ .30
24 inches b' 36 inches -50"
24 inches by 54 inches. 65
3 feet by 9 feet 2.50
6 feet by 9 feet 8.10
1V2 feet by 9 feet 10.10
9 feet by 9 feet . 12.15
9 feet by 102 feet 14.15
9 feet by 12 feet 16.20
9 feet by 15 feet 20.25
Other Gold Sea! Floor Covering!
Same material as our Art Rugs, but made in roll
form for use over the entire floor.
Per square yard 75c
Congoleum Gold Seal Bug Border!
A waterproof, flat-lying material for use around a
large center rug. Duplicates the effect of real hard
wood floors.
3 feet wide, per running yard 65c
2 feet wide, per running yard 50c
h Co.
Phone No. 12
Murray, Nebraska.
The Fcrd Car Kicked
Last Saturday while Mr. Noah
Parker was attempting to start his
Ford car the animal kicked with the
result that Noah had one of his arms
fractured making it necersary for
him to take an enforced leyoff from
his work until the injured member
Express Their Appreciation
The Murray Community club
which has given a number of times
the play "My Uncle From Japan." is
feeling very kindly towards Messrs.
Geo. Niekles for courtesies in the
use of lumber. -to Mr. Frank Vallery
for wiring and other courtesies re
garding aid in the show and also to
Mr. Edmund Peterson for very low
rates on the use of the hall and for
ether kindnesses which enabled them
to produce the excellent play at
lessened cost. The Community club
which gave the play at Murray for
the benefit of the library association
do not wish the understanding to
Spring Arrivals Here!
We have our spring goods here and are ready for
your demands. t is ever our aim to satisfy the trade,
and in our purchases of new Spring Ginghams, we have
endeavored to select the patterns and styles which the
customers are desiring.
In the Millinery line we also have made very choice
selections and have a line of very fine ladies hats.
In the line of gentlemen's head wear, we have a
wonderful array to select from.
Come and see us, we will endeavor to please you,
and do not forget the excellent line of leather gloves as
We have recently added to our stock at the store
Furniture and Rugs, with an excellent line of mattresses.
We can furnish you anything you need in this !rne.
& Puis,
The Service Store
Murray, Nebraska
Here Aro the Epssisl Prices!
Just -at the time when they will do ycu the most
good, we are making a list cf special prices on fcirming
jinplemcaUu These will last during tlvz coming six
weeks and wfd ?ive all an" opportunity to take advant
age of them. They are all reliab?e arid first class goods.
Ccme cscsiine -and be convinced that they are as we
side delivery rake $ 75.00
McCormick, 5-foot mower 70.00
Hoosier grain drill 120.00
John Deere tag plow 79.00
John Deere disc harrow 55.Q0
International disc h&rrow. 55.00
John Deere 4-wheel lister 60.00
John Deere walking cultivator 2S.00
New Departure cultivators 20.00
Jenny Lind cultivators 2700
Case high lift-gang plow 90.00
John Deere truck wagon 55.00
Triumph wagon box 25.50
70 bushel John Deere spreader 13S.C0
International hay loader ' 85.00
P. and O. riding cultivator 43.00
P. and O. wide tread lister 85.00
P. and O. tractor plows 130.00
John Deere two row machine 72.00
Case two row machine 72.00
New Century cultivator 40.00
Overland cultivator 34.00
Van Brunt grain drill complete with grass seed
attachment 13500
Peterson Hardware Co.
E. L. PETtRSON, Manager
Make Motoring Safe!
Weed chains insure safety, with wet and slippery
roads. We are offering some exceptional bargains in
weed chains.
Tires, in all sizes and styles, all good and prices
are much lower.
Some used cars and trucks, which we will swap,
all in good condition.
We can handle your repairs at this time, when you
are not needing the machines badly, so you can have it
when you do need it.
Accessories, Supplies, Gas and Oil.
The Murray Garage,
oes the Hog Pay
the Farmer?
Well yes they have been doing pretty well and as
one is raising hogs, why not get the most out of the
critter. When he has to fight lice and other vermin, he
cannot put on the amount of meat as when he is free
from these and mange.
Our hog oil, a sure preventative. Single 40 cents,
5 or more gallon lets, 30 cents per gal.
Hog dip, single gallon $1.25. Five or more gallon
lots, $1.00. Try our Hog Tonic and Regulator.
The Murray Drug Co.,
Murray, Nebraska
We have a large 2-ton G. M. C. truck
which is equipped for hauling Cattle,
Hogs, Sheep, Grain, Household Goods,
and in fact anything that can be hauled
by Truck..
Our prices are reasonable One trial will prove it!